The Hiraeth Institute: The Academy of Deities and Divinity.

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Original poster
Divinity in Process.png

" We are spinning our own fates, good or evil, never to be undone. " - William James

Special school attenders with the spirit/energy of mythological figures are summoned at a certain age to be raised/taught to properly inherit these powers and to shape their forms to be able a proper vessel for the mythological being they harbor. This lengthy period of education will also assign their place the grand scheme of everything, good or evil. Failing or passing the academy is choosing life or death. Is your temple fit for a god?


The godly kind have to go through reincarnation but the shells that they have chosen to come into have to be prepared for them to fully inherit these forms with their powerful energy. And the Hiareth Institute was spawned to shape these very forms. The participants of The Hiraeth Institute have no choice in the matter, they will live their lives in the mortal realm or if they have parents of divine descent- they roam with them, either way- at the age of 18 they will be admitted into the Hiraeth Institute for their series of trials and tribulations. Succeeding and passing this academy is dire for a fail at graduating, will cost them their lives. Because they have been deemed as unfit for the academy, therefore are unfit for the divinity energy that they harbor. Happy testing!


THE MAIN PREMISE: (Based off of some elements of a game called SMITE) This Institute is not only home to Greeks. It is home to a diverse set of Pantheons. And as it is the nurturing ground of future gods and goddesses coming into complete power again through the use of physical vessels, it captures the attention of those who wish to stop the growth of the new gods by any and all costs which brings danger in every corner. Along with that, not only do Pantheons clash- but the Institute is not actively against the evil side of Gods. In fact, as strong believers in the duality- evil is only another side of the coin just as needed as the good, so fighting in the academy is everything but a surprise.

Things that it features
- The use of Moral Alignments based off The DND Chart to classify characters.
- The characters signing up have the spirit of a mythological god
(Aphrodite, Zeus, Artemis, etc etc) or a deity figure (Scylla/Fenrir/other mythological icons.)
- There are roles that the characters choose that are game like (Support, Dps, Tank, etc, will go into more detail in the actual group ad! Keep in mind, the combat 'role' system is based off the game of Smite! If you know this game, you'll have an idea. If you don't, don't worry! I will explain them to the best I can!)
- Probably going to be a Discord Based RP!
- Genre: Fantasy/Slice of Life
- Goals/Conflict/Events will be featured to keep the rp interesting and flowing!

Let me know if you're interested or if you have any questions!