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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Should the traitor be announced or should the characters find out on their own?

  • The traitor should be announced. (explain why in thread)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other. (please explain)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Daughter of Hecate
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
My time zone is Mountain Standard Time. I work a very stressful job, and am usually busy.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
I don't have a favorite genre. I can role-play under any genre and I enjoy doing so. Though, I tend to stray more towards Fantasy, Modern, Scifi, Drama, Magical, Supernatural, and Romance (BL/Hetero/GL).

W E L C O M E - - - - Interest Check / OC / IC / Discord

The Verraad Estate is a dark mystery, survival, horror-esque kind of role-play that is heavily based off of the table top board game known as Betrayal at the House on the Hill. It's setting being a fictitious representation of modern day Oakridge, Oregon. Betrayal is one of my most cherished board games, and pretty much my favorite. It is always fun to play with friends, and has really creative game play. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a more tactical board game where the decisions you make matter, and team work is absolutely vital. What I love most about Betrayal is that each game is different, because the "board" is actually made up of tiles that players draw through out the game. The house will always look different, and the stories involved with the game are typically always new. Unless you're a veteran Betrayal player, you probably haven't seen all the "haunts" yet (for those of you who know what I am talking about). Now, even though my role-play is based on the board game, you don't need to know how to play the game, or even really know anything about the game to participate in this roleplay. I will try my best to cover everything that you will need to know, and I will even take suggestions and ideas from my players. Thanks for taking the time to check this out, and keep on reading to get a better idea of how I will be running the rp, as well as anything else that might answer some of the questions you had. If you have any questions or concerns that currently have not been addressed yet, feel free to ask them below!
P R E M I S E - - - -

In the small town of Oakridge, Oregan, nestled snugly upon the valley town's scenic mountains, lies the Verraad Estate. A large property hidden away behind the ever expansive coniferous trees of the north. Left alone and untouched for many decades, maybe even hundreds of years. Yet, despite its age, the townsfolk of Oakridge are much familiar with the manor that looms over them all. Not much of them have anything good to say about the estate for one reason or another, but despite this it had been won out by a contractor and real estate team. With in no time, what once was a dark, musty, outdated, mansion turned into a beautiful home now listed for sale. Now newly renovated, and with most of the construction work completed, the old home is finally suitable enough for an open house. Flyers created by the Chantel Reyes Real Estate Company have been strung up all over town, and even sent in the mail for the very first open house. Many people have made reservations to tour the large estate, and have even flown in to attend. Although, will the house's sinister past cause a challenge for the event? Nothing is ever as it seems, and this estate is no exception. There is always something lurking underneath the floor boards, and it might just be deadly.

    • Posting Speed: Flexible. Try once a week though if you can help it.
    • Posting Expectations: Adept. Please try to keep mistakes to a minimum.
    • Six players= One character per person. Three players= Two characters per person.
    • Expect character death. The pawns in the board game die in all sorts of nefarious ways.
    • Standard Iwaku rules apply.
    • Don't be an asshole.
    • I think that's it.
  • @Vio - GM
    @Empress Wen
    @Daydream Heroine
    @Phi Chisym

  • Overview:
    "Players will create characters that will attend the open house, as they investigate their supposed dream home the players will discover new rooms. Each time they enter the room, either as an individual or a group, characters might find something....or something may find them. Our little explorers will change as time progresses for better or for worse, depending on how they deal with the house's surprises.

    At a certain point in the game, a character will trigger a scenario called The Haunt. When a haunt is revealed, one of the characters will become a Traitor hell bent on defeating his or her former friends and companions. The rest of the characters will become Heros struggling to survive the chaos that unfolds before them. From then on the game becomes a fight for survival between the traitor and the heros....often to the death. Only one side will win."

    The betrayal book has around fifty different haunts, however, we can create our own.

    Object of the Game

    "Explore the house and make your character stronger until the haunt begins. After that, your goal is to complete your side's victory condition first, either as a traitor or a hero"

  • Traits:
    Each character will have traits such as speed, might, knowledge, and sanity. Might and speed are physical traits, while sanity and knowledge are mental traits. Many cards tiles and other game effects will adjust your characters traits by increasing or decreasing specific traits. Most characters will have a starting trait point, such as a three for example, and each person will have starting points specific to their character. One character's might trait may start at a three, while another may start at a four. Each trait will have a maximum value, which is the highest number the trait can reach. The reason for this, is because traits may affects dice rolls, and everyone being able to have ten dice rolls wouldn't be very fun. However, if certain items found through out the game causes a trait to exceed it's limit, the additional points are considered "saves" and can be used to minimize damage, however, they will not add to your dice rolls. Each trait will always be able to reach zero, and when this happens your character will die. To be clear, your character will die if ANY of the traits reach zero so be very careful.

    Many cards, tiles, and other game effects can deal damage to your character. When one takes physical damage it can be divided up between might and speed. For example, if a charcter gets six points of damage, you the player can choose to split six between the two. This means each of the two traits will decrease by three. Mental damage affects sanity and knowledge, and you can also divide damage between the two.

    On your turn you may:
    • Move
    • Discover a new room
    • Use an item and omen cards
    • Attempt die rolls
    • Make an attack
    • Pass items (if another character is present in the room, or companion animal.)

    Ending your turn:
    Every time you end your turn with your character you must attempt a haunt roll, however, you only have to do this roll if your character found an omen while exploring.

    Movement will be limited in this roleplay for the sake of the game play. Movement will be heavily controlled by my character Chantel for an extensive amount of time. She will not let your character leave the group during the tour. At certain points I will allow freedom to one or two players, whose character's may explore the house freely before having to return to the group. Movement is determined by a character's speed trait, however, everyone's speed will be capped until the haunt begins. Every time your character enters a new room, counts as a movement point. Once your character reaches their last movement point your turn, also meaning your post, should come to an end. For example, at the start of the roleplay each person will have a movement speed of three to four. Speed will not be increased prior to the haunt unless a certain card or room purposely increases the trait. Once the haunt begins, I will assign new speed limits.

    Discovering rooms:
    The house has four floors, a basement, a ground floor, an upper floor, and the attic space. Sometimes a character may find secret rooms that have been bricked up by the contractors, or locked rooms. These rooms may shed light on some of the estates more insidious nature. These rooms typically have a negative event or omen in store for the character, so tread carefully! Some rooms will cause certain events to occur, that will affect your characters traits. Some rooms will even hold items that may prove useful later on in the story. Some rooms require certain trait rolls to cross. All of these rooms will be revealed in time.

    Random Chance Cards:
    While the roleplay is progressing, I will be drawing cards which I will be calling "Random Chance Cards" or RCC for short. These cards include events, items, and omens and each one will be drawn at random depending on the room your character has discovered. I will let you know ahead of time whether or not the rooms your character explores have any RCCs, so that way you will be able to include it in your post. Or we could do a collaboration post, where I will include Environment Responses as the GM with each room your character enters. For example; You will write out a post where your character enters one room, if it has an RCC I will trigger an Environment response and respond with my own post, or let you know to keep going. We will keep doing this until you've exhausted all of your movement points. Read on to learn just what exactly each card type is, and how it may affect your character.

    • Event Cards: If a room summons an event card, an event card will be drawn from my deck. As I have stated I will reply to your post with an Environment Response which will include the card's description of the event, and how it will affect your character. Some may require a die roll. Once the card is played, I will discard it immediately unless it tells me other wise. Once our collab including the event is finished it will be posted in the IC.
    • Item Cards: Same premise as above. If you stumble upon this RCC type it means your character has found an item, and will be able to carry it around with them for the rest of the game until it is stolen or given away. Some items may only be used once and must be discarded after, and some only once per turn unless stated otherwise.
    • Omen Cards: If by chance your character stumbles across this type of RCC, it acts similar to picking up an item. You might have to do something immediately when this card is drawn, and at the end of your turn you must make a haunt roll.
    If your character discovers a new room through the use of an event card and that room also has an RCC, then it will be played as well. Even though you've drawn a card, which ends your turn/post automatically, you may still use an item.

    Using Cards: All characters can use items and their omens. Sometimes monsters and traitors will be allowed to use items as well if the haunt rules deem so, or I as the GM deem so. You can use an item once at any point during your turn, same with omens. There is no limit to the number of items that characters can carry. In regards to items and omens, ONCE per turn characters will be able to do each of the following;

    • Trade an item to another explorer in the same room if agreed upon. In instances where the character has a companion card, this rule changes. If a character were to "play" a companion card prior to their movement phase, the companion can transport the item for them at the cost of their movement phase. If the card is played after their movement phase, the player and their character will be SKIPPED on their next turn to post. Companions will not be affected by monsters or the traitor during this process.
    • Drop any number of items. Another player, or you, can later pick up some or all of the items in the pile.
    • Pick up one or more items from a pile of items.
    • Use THE item. The rule book does not say that characters can use multiple items at the same time. Choose carefully before using them.
    • Steal THE item. This isn't a plural statement, so that means character's can only steal one item per turn/post.
    Some items cannot be traded or stolen, but they can be dropped or picked up. The RCC will specify what actions can be taken with the card or cards pulled, and this will include whether or not the can be used only once, traded, or stolen. Some of these cards include; The Bite, Dog, Girl, Cat, and the Madman. The Bite is a special item that will become a physical mark on your character, hence why it cannot be removed from their person. The Dog, Girl, Cat, and Madman are companion cards, and once found by a character, will be loyal to your character ONLY. This is why they cannot be stolen or traded. However they are not loyal to a fault, and will not sustain damage for your character unless the card specifies so, or I say it is okay.

  • Chantel Reyes - The Real Estate Agent
    Erica Arterberry - The Heiress
    Hugh MacDonald - The Huntsman
    Hana Kang - The Professor

***Side note: I just wanted to give credit to the Betrayal Creators, and let everyone know that I did take quotes out from the board games rule book to explain how the roleplay will work, mostly because it'd probably be hard to understand if I tried explaining everything in my own words.
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C H A R A C T E R - S K E L E T O N - C O D E

1. Please use ARTWORK as your face claim. Anime, Semi-Realistic, Realistic, Traditional. Whatever you like the most, so long as it is not real people. :)

2. Do not fill out your character's stats. I will be creating the stats for your character and they will be based off of the character's capabilities. For example, a character with mostly physical strengths will have a higher maximum number for the stats strength and speed. To be more specific, if a character is a track medalist, they will have a higher speed limit.

3. There is a deadline for character sheet completions. Everyone who joins will have one week to make their character sheet. If you wish for an extension, please ask me three days prior to the deadline. Those who express interest past this day (8/15/17), will have a week to submit a character sheet from the day they joined. For example, if you are reading this on the date (8/17/17) then you will have until (8/24/17) to submit a character sheet.

4. In regards to anime images, I would like to clarify that we are not using anime themes or tropes in this roleplay. Please do not use outlandish hair colors for your character unless they specifically dye their hair. If you have a character that dyes their hair, please specify their original hair color too. Thanks!

5. For the sake of my sanity, please use images that are made to look like portraits! Examples of what that looks like are shown in the first three character sheets that have been submitted. The reason for this is because I edit the images to certain dimensions, and portrait images are easier to edit.

6. If you need help finding images please let me know! I have A TON.

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Reserved for future use!


[fieldbox=" THE REAL ESTATE AGENT , #a0a0a0, solid, 1, Tahoma"]

    Chantel Valentina Reyes

    Ms. Reyes, Reyes


    May 2nd

    Oakridge, Oregon

    (African American - Latin American)

    Afro-Latin American



    132 lb

    Chantel has a distinct face in the shape of a tear drop, and her features are quite proportionate. She's been blessed with soft almond shaped eyes with warm brown irises. Chantel also has deviated nose with a broad tip (also known as a button nose), small pierced ears with a free lobe, thick even lips (rubina) that's a tad bit larger on the bottom. Chantel has never needed the aid of make up due to her very smooth and blemish free skin; however, she will accent her eyes with eye liner, mascara, and eye shadow. She will also wear mats, lipstick, or lip gloss that compliments her dress and skin color. The most she'll accessorize her head with is earrings or hair accessories depending on the state of her locks or the weather. Chantel's dark brown hair is evenly parted with long bangs. She tends to wear her hair down in formal events, and have one side tucked behind the ear. It is thick, and has a very soft and smooth texture. Chantel

    ESTJ Personality ("The Executive") | 16Personalities











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[fieldbox=" THE HEIRESS , #a0a0a0, solid, 1, Tahoma"]

  • FULL NAME_ Erica Arterberry

    NICKNAME & ALIAS_ The Heiress

    AGE_ 31

    DATE OF BIRTH_ May 21st

    PLACE OF BIRTH_ London, UK

    RACE_ Caucasian

    ETHNICITY_ British

    GENDER_ Female

    HEIGHT_ 173cm

    WEIGHT_ 63kg

    PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS_ It's undeniable that Erica is an attractive woman, though she has a certain haughty atmosphere, as if she thinks she's better than everyone else--based on no real merit. She seems as if she belongs in another century, and her curvy figure, accentuated by the corsette she wears under her dark dresses, enhances the impression. She's not particularly strong or athletic.

  • DESCRIPTION_ Erica is clever, outgoing, and capable, but she does tend to brag about how her family helped defeat the nazis in the second world war a little too often. Especially considering how it's the 21st century. It seems she can't let go off a past she never experienced. In reality, her family were actually traitors to England, and made a fortune trading with the nazis. Due to how influential they'd managed to make themselves, they avoided any real consequences when the war ended, and they quickly burnt all evidence connecting them to the third reich.

    Erica claims to adhere to a strict moral code, passed down through the generations in her family, but she can barely remember what it's supposed to be from week to week. It's difficult when she has to look down on so many people at once. If only those other humans wouldn't be so... human, she could respect them more. Yes, it's their problem, not hers!

    She has a penchant for singing, and she's recently started writing her own lyrics. It's something she doesn't bring up often, but she may mention it to someone if they become close, or if they seem trustworthy. She isn't all bad. She's just a scared little girl who does her best so people won't notice her weaknesses.


    The Colonies
    Bruce Springsteen

    People who are different
    Flirty homosexuals

    Writing lyrics


    Gets drunk easily

    Great memory


  • DESCRIPTION_ Erica was the second daughter of the previous generation of Arterberry's, and she wasn't intended to inherit the estate originally. She would be well-off, of course, but not as rich as her older sister. Unfortunately, her sister died in a tragic accident when she fell from a horse, and went tumbling off a cliff. Erica hasn't been the same since.

    She became obsessed with her family and history. She'd realized that it was up to her carry on the family line, and it was a frightening prospect. Her father always talked about their history as if it was worth more than anything else in the world. She was instilled with the notion that she could not die nor fail, or the consequences would be dire.

    Now that she's in her thirties her parents are old and decrepit, and they may not live much longer. She's come to America to get away from them for a while, and she's kind of interested in houses. Erica claims that she's just looking, with no intention to purchase, but the thought of getting a second home where she can forget the scars of the past is starting to appear more and more appealing to her.

    Maybe she could continue the family line in America instead of the ancient family mansion where she'll never be able to forget her sister's warm smile and comforting hugs.


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@Daydream Heroine
@Phi Chisym

So I was conversing with Wen earlier today, and she made a point about leaving the sign ups open. She told me that people who wish to participate in the game, should apply for their spot rather than call dibs. Mostly because people tend to disappear after expressing interest. Due to this, all of you have until a deadline to submit a MOSTLY completed application to this thread. Completed character sheets are more likely to be accepted over incomplete ones.

Character sheets are due August 22nd. If you wish for an extension please ask three days prior to due date.


[fieldbox=" THE HUNTSMAN , #a0a0a0, solid, 1, Tahoma"]

  • FULL NAME_Hugh Macdonald

    NICKNAME & ALIAS_The Huntsman


    DATE OF BIRTH_November 2nd

    PLACE OF BIRTH_Macdonald Estate, Alaska

    - Caucasian

    - Scottish

    - Male

    - 6' 2"

    - 200 Lb

    A tall and fit, if slightly thin man, Hugh dresses in a dark, knee length coat. Wearing a set of black gloves and leather boots, his overall look is classy, if somewhat outdated. While he works diligently to keep his hair and beard tidy and groomed, it's constant scruffiness makes him look like you simply stuffed a wolf into a suit. And his eyes, while lighthearted and quick to match his smile, occasionally reveal a flicker of something more feral lurking beneath. . .

    Hugh was born into a wealthy family in Alaska. The Macdonalds immigrated to the Americas in the 1800's, and were one of the first to move to Alaska after the United Stated bought it from Russia. Having struck it rich with several oil wells, his family has been wealthy for generations.

    Hugh himself has always lived a privileged life. Rather than go to school like most children, he was taught by a series of tutors, not only in scholarly pursuits, but also in etiquette, manners, ballroom dancing, and other, "gentlemanly" traits. Yet despite his borderline-noble upbringing, he has never minded roughing it out (such as on his outdoor exertions). As a grown man, Hugh never had need to work a regular job. As such, he took to pursuing his interests, mainly involving hunting, and studying the wild and the animals that reside in it.

    While eclectic in hobbies and dress, Hugh is in every manner a gentleman. Owing to his mother and his tutor's efforts, he firmly believes in the importance of manners and courtesy. His only problem is his general lack of interaction with people, as his constant pursuit of hunting and nature watching makes him somewhat of a recluse. As far as his hunting goes, he has hunted wolves, bears, lions, and more, all with the aid of hunting hound, falcon, or his trusty long rifle. If you were to ask others, his hunting "hobby" is more of an obsession.

    - Polite
    - Friendly
    - Traditional
    - Withdrawn
    - Intellectual

    - Hunting
    - Classic Literature
    - Jack London Novels
    - Courage
    - Falconry
    - Dogs ("the noble hound", as he likes to refer to them)

    - Liars
    - Cowards
    - Vegans
    - Rudeness
    - People who refuse to think for themselves ("Sheeple", as he calls them)

    - Riflery
    - Falconry
    - Tracking
    - Dancing

    - Light on his feet
    - A good aim

    - Back injury makes him slightly weaker

    - Patient
    - Thinks objectively
    - Good with animals (especially dogs)

    - Not very social
    - At times can struggle to control a darker part of his mind



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[fieldbox=" THE PROFESSOR , #a0a0a0, solid, 1, Tahoma"]

  • FULL NAME_Hana Kang

    NICKNAME & ALIAS_Dr. Kang, Professor Hana, Dr. Hana


    DATE OF BIRTH_August 17th

    PLACE OF BIRTH_Seoul, Korea


    ETHNICITY_Mixed (Korean and Japanese)



    WEIGHT_132 lbs

    PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS_ Elegant, but dignified, Hana looks more like a model than a professor in terms of body type. She keeps her brown hair short, so it doesn't get in her face, or her grey eyes. Often, she wears long dresses or pants, because she doesn't want anyone to see the many scars on her legs. Said scars are from cutting herself while shaving. She wears a very gaudy watch on her right hand, and rarely wears makeup.


    To many people, Hana is a stoic teacher who knows what she's talking about. However, she's not the stern professor everyone perceives her to be. She wants to help as many of her students as she can. Despite what people may assume, she isn't too polite and is not afraid to chew others out if she feels she needs to.

    While Hana doesn't have many friends, the friends she does have appreciate her willingness to listen to them and give her honest advice. (Unfinished)


    Board Games
    People who aren't afraid to speak their mind
    Silence / Peacefulness

    People who don't take their education seriously
    Soda (She swears that soda tastes like horse dung, and nobody wants to ask how she knows that.)
    Bright lights
    Feuding Based On Race Or Ethnicity (She had to deal with enough of that with her grandparents.)

    Trilingual (Knows English, Japanese, and Korean)
    Playing the Piano

    Beautiful Looks
    Really Good Hearing

    Tires Out Easily
    Weak Stomach

    Being Patient
    Concentrating Under Stress
    Thinks Things Through

    Holds Grudges Easily
    A Slightly One-Track Mind
    Prideful / "I can do it myself!"


    Hana grew up in Seoul, raised by a Japanese mother and Korean father. Since "Hana" is a girl's name in both languages, her parents decided to go with that. Her mother was quite into hana kotoba, or the language of flowers, and Ikebana, or flower arranging, and passed these loves onto her daughter. While Hana didn't like how strict the rules of Ikebana were, she did still love the flowers, so she ended up growing flowers for her mom to use in Ikebana. Hana's father, on the other hand, enjoyed mathematics and reading, and read to Hana a lot as a child. Hana thinks that her father's love of those two things is why she was inspired to become a teacher.

    Due to her parents being from Japan and Korea, respectively, there were some issues. Her grandparents on her father's side didn't like that their son had married a Japanese woman, and her mother's grandparents thought that a "mere Korean man" wasn't good enough for their daughter. Hana hated family reunions because of this; both sides would bicker and argue, and Hana couldn't just hide in her room, because that'd be considered rude, and reflect poorly on her parents, whom she loved dearly.

    After graduating high school, Hana decided to study in Japan for college. (Unfinished)


    At one point, she lived and worked on a horse farm in order to save money for tuition. She has many a story from that year...

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[fieldbox=" THE BUSINESSMAN , #a0a0a0, solid, 1, Tahoma"]

    Michael Yamashita

    Mikey (by his brother)


    19 June

    Hawaii, USA




    170 cm

    50 kg



    Keen for details

    his brother
    his brother's cooking
    classy suits

    his poor health
    showing weakness
    people he can't understand
    situations he can't understand

    Japanese archery

    deft and agile hands

    poor health (low stamina)

    quick witted

    easily distracted



Hey guys! I just want to say thanks so much for getting your character profiles up. @Banana-senpai @Daydream Heroine

I would like to see more PHYSICAL attributes in the next characters. It will be very bad if we don't have characters with high physical stats.
Hey guys! I just want to say thanks so much for getting your character profiles up. @Banana-senpai @Daydream Heroine

I would like to see more PHYSICAL attributes in the next characters. It will be very bad if we don't have characters with high physical stats.
I panicked because I only just came back in today so I chucked in a ready made character. But I have a different idea now. Should I switch?
I still need to finish some of the description parts, but I'm glad I could get most of it done! I'll try to get some more done tonight.
  • Like
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I panicked because I only just came back in today so I chucked in a ready made character. But I have a different idea now. Should I switch?

Hey! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I've been very busy with work and didn't really have the best week. If you would like to change your character that is perfectly fine with me.
Unfortunately we are down one person, but if you guys are okay with there being an uneven amount of characters then we can go ahead and start. ^^
I still need to finish some of the description parts, but I'm glad I could get most of it done! I'll try to get some more done tonight.

That's fine, I still have a lot tp type up myself. Just be sure to get her capabilities done before anything else. Those will determine her stats.


[fieldbox=" The Recluse , #a0a0a0, solid, 1, Tahoma"]

  • FULL NAME_ Timothy Brunswick

    NICKNAME & ALIAS_ Prefers to go by Tula.

    AGE_ 36

    DATE OF BIRTH_ Jan 17

    PLACE OF BIRTH_ Some small town in Alaska

    RACE_ white

    ETHNICITY_ Russian

    GENDER_ Male

    HEIGHT_ 6'3"

    WEIGHT_ 220

    PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS_ He has untrimmed, unkempt hair the color of ash, and a beard he keeps short and neat. He has brown eyes, down-turned eyebrows and a small birthmark on his right cheek. His face isn't otherwise remarkable; he is neither handsome nor ugly. He has one expression: mildly concerned. His brows are always knit, his head tilted down, and his mouth in a tight line. He very rarely smiles. When he does, it's with closed lips and it never reaches his eyes.

    Tall and muscular, Timothy manages to stay in shape without ever working out. He has large hands covered with small scars from a lifetime of manual labor. He stares into space a lot

    He usually wears button-down shirts (especially flannel), jeans, and steel-toed boots. Occasionally he wears suspenders to look extra outdoorsy.

  • DESCRIPTION_ While affectionate with friends and family, Timothy doesn't talk much to strangers. Which means he rarely talks at all, unless spoken to. He has exactly one friend, and his mother, both of whom are still in Alaska. Timothy isn't interested in making new friends, either. He gives off a reserved and unwelcoming air, masking the shyness and anxiety that really keep him from socializing. He is interested in the Verraad Estate because he hopes it's reputation will keep people away.

    Underneath his gruff exterior, he is extremely loyal and family oriented. He's a mama's boy despite his mother's questionable life choices, and still thinks about his sister daily. Once he grows fond of you, he will stay loyal to you forever and do literally anything to make you happy. Unless you're a man. Tula doesn't trust men, and he hates most of them. He tries to avoid them, since he easily loses his cool when they piss him off.

    Kind and helpful (around women)
    Short-tempered and suspicious (around men)

    cold weather
    his beard
    his mom
    board games/card games
    anywhere rural


    hot weather
    any food that's not bland
    his dad
    being called Tim

    Making shelters and starting fires
    Identifying wild plants

    .... Strength.
    Quick reflexes
    Good night-vision
    Lifting heavy things
    Very quiet

    Not many. His physical strength is basically all he's got going for him.

    Very picky eater and tends to not eat enough.


    Loving (around family)


    Tends to get lost in thought
    High-school dropout


    Timothy grew up in Alaska, and seemed to have the wilderness in his DNA. He almost instinctively knew how to survive in the woods, and would often camp out by himself. He lived in a tiny house on a huge property with his mother and his alcoholic father. His father, even when sober, doled out beatings for the slightest offence. He'd hit the horse, he'd hit the dogs, he killed the cat, and he terrorized Timothy. But most of the beatings were reserved for his wife. Timothy watched his mother get hit almost daily. Most of his childhood was spent in the forest, hiding from the turmoil in his house.

    When he was 17, his father died in a freak accident: he had cut leg with his own ax while chopping wood in the middle of the night, and bled to death. His wife and child didn't grieve. Timothy worked for a logging company until his mother remarried and he followed her to Anchorage, where he got his own apartment.

    Years later a social worker came to his door, along with a little girl. The girl was Timothy's half-sister, from an affair his father had had shortly before he died. Her mother had disappeared and she had nowhere to go. Timothy intended to only let her stay temporarily, but he grew to love her deeply. They were the best of friends, and while she was living with him Timothy became a much more relaxed and friendly person.

    Then, when she was 16, his sister disappeared. She had been in contact with her mother again, which Timothy didn't like but allowed. The police assumed her to be a runaway, but Timothy knew better. She would never leave without saying anything to him; he knew that her mother had kidnapped her. He hasn't seen her since and after almost 5 years of searching for her, he left Anchorage; he couldn't bear to be reminded of her so constantly.

    Now he is looking for a new place to avoid people and feel guilty about not protecting his sister.


    Timothy called his sister Kitty, and she called him Tula.

    Everyone totally knew that Timothy's father's death was no 'freak accident', but the police didn't investigate the matter because they knew how he had treated his family.

Art by @hisahkidraws on tumblr. Sorry I stole your art lol
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Sorry Vio, I might as well pull from this. My internet is out again. I'm at the library right now. So, I won't have my CS in any time soon. You guys have a great RP!
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