The Immortal Song (P)

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Original poster
@Hopes~Wings Here we go. It is a sad day but at least we get to continue our bbs story!!
EDIT: A fresh start for our bbs ^_^


name | Xander Menkure
gender | Male
human age | 17
vampire age | 80
species | Vampire
family | Father_ Salazar | Mother_ Korrin | Sister_Allison (Twin)

Faceclaim: Matthew Daddario
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Very true! I'm going to miss feralfront, but I am coming at this new site with an open-mind! I'll work on getting my reply up in a bit.


Name| Tasha Lucian
Gender| Female
Age| 16 years old
Species| Werewolf
Family| Father: Udolph Lucian ~ Mother: Carlotta Wayfield-Lucian ~ Younger Brother: Bermon "Rudy" Lucian~ Younger Sister: Renena Lucian

Faceclaim| India Eisley
The Roughchilds
Brian~Father~Beta Male
Lily~Mother~Beta Female
Alex~Son(18)~Rebecca's mate~Beta in Training
The Moons
Rebecca~Daughter(16)~Alex's mate~Hunter/Beta in Training
Josh and Jane~Cousins(14)~Apprentices
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She felt as though she was suffocating. She felt as though she could not breathe. How could this be happening to her? How could this fate be forced upon her? What had she done wrong to earn such a horrible fate? She released a heavy sigh that mingled in with the echoing footsteps. The tunnel, dark, cold, and damp, felt like it was falling in on her. It was silent besides the sound of walking, and it only added to her anxiety. She was used to noise. She was used to the forest. This tunnel felt like a cage. In fact, she felt as though she had been put into a cage. She knew each step was taking her closer to a fate she only wanted to escape from. She did not want to meet with the vampires, their sworn enemies. She did not want to be forced to marry the vampire prince. In fact, she wanted nothing to do with any of it. Vampires had nearly killed her once before, they had killed numerous members of her pack, and they continued to haunt the pack from the shadows. How could her parents have agreed to this? How could they have ever agreed to this horrible nightmare? She did not know, and that was the part that scared her the most.

"Tasha," a gruff voice said. The girl's head jerked up to the taller, older man standing beside her. "Keep your head up," he reminded her. Tasha sighed softly as she glanced away. She felt completely out of her element. She did not belong in tunnels. She belonged in the forest. She did not belong in the redicilous red dress she wore. Yes, it was beautiful, and she loved it. But the reason she wore it made her hate it. It made her hate her entire appearance. The stunning dress, the wonderful way her mother had done her hair, and even the very, very light make-up that brushed her face, was all done to show her off to these bloodsuckers. She hated it. And she was angry. She was angry at the bloodsucker for reaching out to make this treaty, she was angry at her parents for agreeing, and she was even angry at her pack. Why did it have to be her? Why did she have to be the heir to be sacrificed in this treaty? And just below the surface, Tasha was barely able to hide her pure, sheer terror.

No one said anything else as the group walked into the large opening. The stone cealing streatched up until it disappeared in a point at the very top. The floor was a very light gray, and numerous benches were scattered about the place. In the center of the floor was a blue design nearly fadded over the centerius this place had been here. Tasha had been told this place was chosen as the meeting place because it once belong to an ancient cult. It was a "peaceful" place where violence was not allowed. The girl could almost scoff. If this place was meant for peace, it would only cause bloodshed today. There was simply no way werewolves and vampires could co-exist together...was there? Tasha bit her lip as the troubled thought crossed her mind. She would have no choice but to learn how to co-exist with these vampires. She was to be wed to one, rather she liked it or not.

"You're shaking," a soft female's voice said. Tasha looked up at her mother as she came to her side. She took her hands in hers, and gave them a gentle squeeze. "You are strong, Tasha, and you will be fine. Just keep your head up, and do not let them see your fear," she whispered to her. Tasha forced a smile that she did not feel and nodded in response. Her mother smiled and kissed her forehead before stepping back. Udolph did not say a word. He would not offer his daughter comfort in front of others, and Tasha knew better than to expect it. She swallowed hard and forced herself to stand up straight as the sound of footsteps reached her ears. The vampires were approaching. Their blood-coated stench filled the air, and the girl nearly choked on it. How could she ever learn to live with, much less love, one of these horrible creatures?
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He disliked this situation just as much as his father did. If there was any other alternative, his father would jump on if especially if it meant they didn't have to form an alliance with their motral enemies, right? Many who lived with Xander's family at their estate openly voiced their displeasure, some even going so far as to try and stop this meeting with violence. Those perpetrators would be dealt with upon their return. Many loved-ones had perished at the claws of the werewolves and it went against every instinct in Xanders being to openly walk into a meeting with the wolves. Meetings like this had happened before, in their long, war-tainted history though almost unheard of. Each time both sides had good intentions but each time the peace never held. Would it work this time? Worry gnawed at Xander. He was the guinea pig, the test to see if such a truce were even possible. As proud as the vampires were, Xander knew this time would have to be different. If they couldn't hold onto some kind of peace with the wolves, there would be hope for their future. The human threat grew worse each passing day and if they didn't make this work, he could expect neither species would last to live much longer.

The young male blinked away the thoughts. It was time to focus because he knew one wrong move, one slip up could have the bones of this treaty crumbling to dust before it even begun. It was his duty as Salazar's only living son. He always knew his life would be used in some way to get his father more power. He just never expected it to be used as a bargaining chip for peace with the wolves. It wouldn't be easy but he had decades to come to terms with this and was willing to put his own happiness aside to keep his sister safe. He always had. A female prescence appeared beside him, sensing the nerves rolling off him in waves and Allison took his hand with a gentle squeeze. He smiled at her, staring into the pale smooth face that resembled his so much and the green eyes that mirrored his own. Xander could see the relief cracking through the concern she had for her twin brother, glad she wasn't the one being offered up. She was lucky the wolves didn't have an older male heir or their positions would have been swapped. Xander turned to his twin quickly, "Whatever she's like, play nice, little sister. This goes beyond our own happiness." The dark-haired female forced a frown and Xander knew it was fake. "Of course, big brother, but I've got your back if she's too mean for you." A smile cracked Xander's serious composure and he faced forward again. They were getting close.

He could smell the unmistakable scent of wet dog as they neared the opening to the ancient cavern ahead. No matter the circumstance the wolves could never mask their scent, especially in this horrid weather. The same could be said for vampires. They could never hide the scent of fresh blood, no matter the perfumes they covered themselves in. Nevertheless, Xander made an effort to present a clean, proessional look. His father was dressed in formal bussiness-like attire and his mother wore a dress of purple so deep, it looked near black and shimmered like the night sky. The whole formal thing was too much for the prince, so he settled for something a bit more casual but still befitting vampire royalty.

The dark-haired vampire dropped his sisters hand and straightened himself as they stepped intot he soft light of the chamber before them. He could not show any signs of weakness here. The wolves would be able to sniff it out in a heartbeat. His gaze immediately fell on the young woman who was to become his wife and the corner of his lips tugged up at the sight of the flowing, red dress hugging her small frame. A carefully selected dress, no doubt. His gaze took her in for a moment. The soft beautifuly features; the dar hair that cascaded sun-kissed shoulders and her wild blue eyes.

Xander's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his fathers voice. "Udolph, old friend," though his words were friendly, the was a stiffness to the way the older vampire spoke. "And beautiful Carlotta, welcome. I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long." Salazar, tall and dark with a frozen aged beauty about him, gave a dip of his chin. A small sign of respect to the alphas. Xander blinked, he'd never seen his father bow his head to anyone. Salazar cleared his throat. "Let's not drag this out any longer than it needs to be, I'm sure we all have other places we'd rather be." His dark gaze swept over Tasha once and the red dress she wore before he turned and gestured beside him. "My son and heir, Xander." The young vampire, leaving the comfort of his mother and sister as he stepped up beside his father.

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Tasha felt like she could not breathe as the vampires entered the chamber. She thought she had been ready; now, she realized she was anything but. She wanted to bolt, but her muscles would not obey her. She could only stand there as the vampires advanced ever closer. Finally, they stopped. Relief washed over the girl in a cruel way. Just because they were standing still did not mean they were safe. No, a bloodsucker could never be trusted. Feeling eyes on her, Tasha found herself looking at the prince. He was not what she had been expecting. She wasn't sure what she had been looking for, but it was not someone who looked so....normal. If it was not for his scent, she could have mistaken him for a fellow wolf. A handsome one at that. Swallowing hard, she flickered her gaze over to Salazar as he spoke, addressing her parents. Her body froze when his gaze ever so briefly washed over her. She felt like a mouse under the eyes of a lion. A very, very tiny and weak mouse under the eyes of a very large, very powerful lion.

"Salazar," Udolph returned the greeting. His voice was neutral, neither warm nor cold. Carlotta only nodded in response but did not speak. She would not speak here. "And yes, I have other places to be just as I am sure you do." The alpha's stern gaze then landed on Xander as the boy stepped up beside his father. He looked him up and down with emotionless eyes. Whatever the male thought, he kept it well hidden behind his mask. He then gestured to the girl standing beside her mother behind him, and obediently, if relucantly, stepped up beside him. "My daughter and heir, Tasha," he introduced them. Tasha dipped her head in respect to both Salazar and Xander. Her gaze briefly found Xander's, but she looked away just as quickly. She could not bring herself to meet those green eyes.

"I do not agree to this treaty lightly, Salazar," Udolph said matter-of-factly. He was a businessman at heart, as all leaders should be. "And I won't deny I could not understand why you reached out in the first place. You have never shown interest in peace before." The man paused to let his words sink in. He had wanted to deny this meeting, this treaty. He had not wanted to agree. "But your letter convinced me this could work." Salazar's letter had described the problem with the humans, and his desire to present a united front against them. Udolph had not given him a direct response; he had only agreed to the meeting. Whatever the male truly thought, he was keeping it hidden.

Udolph glanced down at Tasha. She had not uttered a sound; her body was still as a board. He glanced back at Salazar. "Why don't we let Tasha and Xander get to know one another while we discuss business?" he said, although the look in his gaze meet he was not taking any answer but yes. He understood that it would be up to Xander and Tasha to make this work, not them. Tasha's gaze snapped to her father as disbelief wash over her face before disappearing. She too could wear a mask. Carlotta stepped forward and rested her hand on Udolph's arm. It was her silent sign; she agreed with her husband. Tasha did not dare to make a sound or move. She was too concerned about what was to come.
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// Oh wow, being all the way back here is weird but also super exciting at the same time :D

Xander felt eyes on him as he stepped up beside his father and his eyes shifted over as the girl stepped forward, introduced by her father in a manner similar to how his father introduced him. Though he didn't really need it. The vampire prince had seen Udolph only once before and very briefly. He noticed the way Tasha couldn't hold his gaze, her eyes shooting away as quickly as they found his but he studied the blue depths of her eyes, the windows to her soul. She seemed skittish, like she was readying to bolt at a moments notice but there was something else laying hidden underneath that nervous demeanour. But he knew better. The dress and sweetness of her human form did little to hide the prowling beast under her skin. Xander knew she wouldn't simply bow down to him like he was used to so many of his brethren.

The sound of Salazar's reply caused Xander to look away from her and focus once again on the two powerhouses in the chamber. Both groups were flanked by a few advisors and guards but it was Salazar and Udolph that commanded everyone's attention. Those two alone to decimate this ancient place if they came to blows. "Trust me, Udolph, I wouldn't have written to you if I thought there was any other way around this... predicament." The vampire lord spoke slowly, as if he were testing the words as he spoke them, his dark eyes now focused solely on the biggest threat to his immortal life.

Behind them, Allison and Korrin stood shoulder to shoulder, showing a united front in the face of their enemies. The vampire matron holding a particular grudge against the werewolves over certain past events and it showed in the hate-filled glimmer of her green eyes. Xander didn't need to see his mother to know she did not agree with this proposed treaty. She had reacted poorly when her husband broke the news too her and it was Xander who had to calm her down before she killed one of their servants.

His father agreed to Udolph's suggestion. "We have much to discuss and I highly doubt we will settle on any terms today." The vampire lord gave Xander a stern look before stepping away to join the werewolf alphas in the adjoining room. Korrin approached Xander from behind and placed her delicate, pale hand on the prince's check, leaning in to whisper in his ear. He had no doubt's everyone could still hear her words, the room was filled with supernatural beings with superhearing and his mother was no fool. "Do not fail your father, Xander. You know what he risks by even attending this meeting. Make me proud." She placed a soft kiss on his cheek, the power radiating from her was overwhelming even for him. The blonde vampire pulled back and turned on her heel without another word, striding after her husband. Xander shared a look withhis sister. Her grin encouraging as she follwoed behind, eager to attend the peace talks with the adults.

The green-eyed vampire waited for the room to empty of all but a few guards from both sides before he finally acknowledged Tasha again. He took as step toward her, paused and dipped at the waist in a small bow. A sign of respect within his cultuer. The only people he ever bowed to were hs parents. Everyone else bowed to him but for the sake of this attempt at peace with the wolves, he was willing to make an exception. She was werewolf royalty, afterall. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tasha." He said, clearing his throat softly and glanced around, gesturing to one of the stone benches lining the walls of this ancient place. "Care to take a seat?" He wasn't sure if she would accept his offer. Being this close to her was enough to set his blood boiling with a rage he constantly fought to settle. He wasn't sure how easy it would be to get her to warm up too him but Xander would give her the time and space she needed. She was the heir to a very powerful pack, just as he was heir to powerful vampire bloodline.
//I agree. It is different for sure!
Udolph only dipped his head slightly in acknowledge of Salazar's statement. He glanced back at Tasha and Xander once before entering the room after the vampire king. Carlotta remained on his arm, and she did not glance back at all. They left their daughter to face the prince alone without so much as a word or gesture of comfort. But it was the werewolf way, and the girl forced herself not to think anything of it. She could handle this, couldn't she?

Each step her parents took away from her caused Tasha's fear to spike anew. However, she did not let this fear cross her face. She couldn't. She would not dare to show fear and make herself and her pack seem weak. She continued to watch until both her parents and Xander's family had disappeared behind a closed door. She released a soft breath she had not realized she had been holding. The stench of blood burned her nose, and not even the distance between her and Xander could lessen that burn. She had not realized he had taken a step towards her until he bowed. The movement caused her to look quickly at him, and she could not hide the disbelief she felt at seeing him bow to her. She knew the level of respect it held. She knew what it meant. And she could not fathom why this vampire prince would ever bow to her. Nevertheless, she returned the gesture, although she did not take her eyes off of him like he took his eyes off of her.

"The pleasure is mine," Tasha said politely. Her voice was soft and light. Although it did match the image of the girl that stood before him, it did not match the image of the beast beneath her skin. They both knew it would only take her a half-second to shift at the moment she chose to. When he gestured towards the bench, she glanced over at it. She did not care to sit, but it seemed like the only logically thing to do in that moment. She nodded only briefly to his question, and she followed him over to the sit. She, however, allowed him to sit first. It was her own gesture of respect. She sat down after he did, but she put as much space between them as she could. She knew she had to be civil; she did not have to be friendly. She did not want to be friendly.

A few tense moments of silence passed. Tasha did not know how the two of them were supposed to "get to know one another". They were natural born enemies. They were destined to hate each other before they were ever born. Yet, here they were. And she wanted to at least try. Her pack needed this peace. They had too many other troubles to continue fighting the vampires. They needed a break from one side, or else they were going to loose from all sides. Swallowing hard, and swallowing back her pride, she finally found her voice. It did not come without effort. "I just found out about this....arrangement yesterday," she explained to him softly. "I am still wrapping my mind around this entire thing, and it has not been easy." She finally forced herself to look at Xander. She looked very young in that moment. And lost.

"I am not sure what to expect out of this whole thing, but I will do my best to ensure the peace both of our people deserve. This war has gone on long enough." Tasha finally looked away again. It took more courage than she had to maintain eye-contact with this man. She could feel his power and sense his strength. It was making her wolf crazed. It wanted out. It wanted control. And it wanted to fight. It was taking far more energy and focus to keep it under control than it should have. It was exhausting. Tasha wanted nothing more than to distance herself from this vampire. Truthfully, she wanted to flee this place, these tunnels, and get away. She wanted to get away from the nightmare her life was handing her. "It needs to end."
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Green eyes watched the two opposing families leave the main chamber, flicking over Tasha and watched her every move with care. He did notice they way her gaze never stray from him and though it was a relief she knew better than to turn away from, it was unnerving the way she stared. His skin tingled under his clothing like he was being watched from the shadows and he averted his gaze for a moment, scanning the room before turning back to the werewolf on the bench next to him. Already she displayed a calculating and observant mind. Traits she would need if this meeting and the treaty succeeded in the coming weeks. He wasn't knowledgable on the day-to-day live of the wolves and their customs; those were kept as closely guarded secrets, but he did know they valued pack bonds above all else. But where the wolves commanded respect, the vampires ruled with fear and that alone could make anyone take dangerous risks.

She glanced his way after a long silence and the lost look in her eyes had Xander wanting to comfort her in some way, if they weren't enemies but the dark hunger always present, forced him to remain still and silent as he listened. He could hear the faintest heartbeat pounding within her chest, giving away how unsettled she was by this encounter and he admired the brave face she put on. "I won't lie to you, I knew of this well in advance of my father reaching out to your pack. I've had more time to come to terms with it." He paused for a moment, sucking in a deep breath in an attempt to seem somewhat normal. Vampires didn't need to breathe as often as humans or werewolves but he didn't want to frighten her any more than she may be. "But I do apologise for making you feel uncomfortable." He forced out the words, his gaze falling to her throat and the strong pulse there for a few long, drawn out moments.

This was just as painful for him as it must be for Tasha. He was fighting every instinct he had to attack her. Every fibre of his being was begging for it. How could he let this creature sit next too him? A familiar pain in his gums began to bloom and for a moment, he wanted to let the fangs slip free. He wanted to show her the true side of him. If they were going to be forced into a marriage neither of them wanted she would need to get used to it. But now was not the time for such revelations. He was uncertain how many vampires hse'd come across in her young life, if any at all and he refused to give her a reason to make this difficult.

He thought back to his fathers words with him earlier that day. His mother was right. The vampire lord was taking a major risk leaving the safety of their estate. Salazar had not stepped foot outside their home territory in decades. The old vampire would not risk his rule unless absolutely necessary; today being a prime example of that. The threat from the humans and constant skirmishes with the werewolves began to make him a recluse.

Xander drew his gaze from Tasha's throat finally, swallowing a hard lumb forming in his own. "You don't have to be careful with your words, Tasha. I want to know your honest opinion about this, we will end up married if they come to an agreement and I'd like to know what my future... wife, thinks of me, of this." He continued to watch her even as she looked away from him again.
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Tasha swallowed hard. Everything Xander said only made her more nervous. It was like his very voice was taunting her with the reality of the situation. She was being offered up against her will. She was being sacrificed. There was no regard for her feelings or thoughts on the matter. All she could do was obey, and to obey in such a situation, in such a reality, was nearly impossible. It was unfair...but she knew she would do it. She would sacrifice everything for her pack, her family. Her happiness, even her life, she would freely give to protect even the lowest of her packmates. Even if she had been given the choice in this matter, she knew she would have made the same decision as her parents. She would have chosen to willingly fall to the enemy rather than see her pack get hurt again. Such was the way of the wolf, and such was the destiny of an alpha.

"If you want honesty," Tasha said slowly, softly, "then I will do my best to always be honest with you. But there will be things I will not tell you. There will be things I will not discuss with you." She glanced back at him. She watched him for a silent moment. She was clearly thinking about something, but she did not voice it. "But everything else, I will tell you the truth." She sighed deeply, the feel of her chest expanding sending a sense of calm through her. Perhaps this bloodsucker wasn't as bad as she thought. Then again, what did she know? "I do want to know one thing. What makes you think you are making me uncomfortable?" She raised an eyebrow. "Because I do not recall ever saying such a thing." Where this bravo came from, she had no idea. Yet, she knew it would not last. She was not her father; she was not as brave.

Tasha glanced up to the ceiling as the sound of thunder echoed through the chamber. "Late summer rain," she murmured to herself. It was the time of year between summer and fall, the season when one day it was hot and the next day freezing. Sudden rainstorms and thunderstorms were common. For a moment, Tasha forgot where she was. She forgot about everything happening to her and around her and just listened to the rain. It calmed her some. It reminded her of home. A home she knew she may never see again. The thought brought her back to reality. She lowered her head and remained still for a moment. Then she forced to meet Xander's gaze again. She was waiting for his response. She truly was curious.
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Xander blinked slowly as she spoke, remaining silent until he heard all she had to offer on the matter. The vampire braces his palms on the hard, cool stone bench on either side of him. He leaned forward a little, gaze drifting to study the patterns etched into the stone floor of the chamber. It was a fair answer. Of course, there were things he would never tell her either, things she had no right to know. They were just too different and he wouldn't expect her to care for information concerning vampires. The way she spoke too him, it was almost like she the eighty-year-old creature with the experience to back up her maturity but from what he knew of her, she was only sixteen. He didn't have any doubts she was a force to be reckoned with, he could feel the power humming within her. The blood of alphas. He might still be a baby in the eyes of most vampires but compared to Tasha, he was older, more powerful and had experience under his belt.

He could see it in the way she held herself, hear it in her voice as she spoke too him. She was young and serious, ready to do whatever duty her father asked of her mostly likely. Something he'd always admired about the werewolf packs; their loyalty to each other. Xander yearned for that kind of connection with someone. He had his sister but she was just as cunning and selfish as the next vampire.

Her quick retort to his observation and question in reply cause the corners of his lips to twitch the beginnings of a smile. Xander sat back up, glancing over at her out of the corner of his eye. "You didn't have to say anything, it's not that hard to guess because you make me uncomfortable." They were cut from a different cloth. It wasn't necessarily her but rather what she was and the fact that he had been around long enough to experience the ugliness between their two species and he was supposed to just forget about the last sixty years of war and death to marry a werewolf? How would they ever get past this feeling of wanting to tear each other to pieces? He never killed a werewolf but he'd come close, seriously wounding countless of them over the years.
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Xander's response surprised her. Tasha knew she was at the disadvantage here. He was older than her, stronger than her, and he had experience where she had none. Her father had never allowed her to join in the war against the vampires. He had kept her far away from those battlefields. She had been his only heir for several years, and she was still his named heir. And there was the attack she had barely survived when she was still too young to fight back. She had been so young then, so blind to the cruelty of the world. She knew better now. She knew the truth of her reality, of her world, and she would not make the same mistake again. She had been innocent, but that had changed nothing. She wasn't so innocent anymore.

Tasha was silent for a moment as she thought of how to respond to such a bold statement. She hated herself for what she asked next, but she knew she needed to. She needed to know. "How can I possibly make you uncomfortable?" She looked at him, her gaze nothing but serious. She had for the moment managed to push her fears and nervousness aside. It was still there, but she could swallow it done for now. The mystery before her was enough to focus on. She swallowed hard before continuing. Why was this so difficult?

"I am not blind to what I am walking into. I know you are older than me, stronger than me, and that you have fought my kind before. You have defeated wolves far more experienced and stronger than me. So how could I possibly make you feel anything?" Tasha was completely baffled by this bloodsucker. He was not what she was expecting. He was not anything like she thought he would be. Perhaps that was what unnerved her most. She had come into this with a mindset that did not match the situation. It was not something she had encountered before. She had always been very well prepared when entering various different situations. But for this one, she had been wrong. That did not happen.
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Xander knew she was feeling it just as strongly as he was. The want and need to kill her kind was hardwired into the creature he was. Just as she urged too. He glanced away from her, his gaze falling on the hallway opposite them and the room beyond. What he would give to be in there, listening to the bickering, tense words. As formal as this meeting seemed there was a lot of history between both leaders and Xander knew better than anyone how stubborn and difficult his father could be to work with. Although the idea behind this proposal was Salazar's, the vampire lord wouldn't simply agree to the first thing Udolph laid out on the table. If he listened carefully, Xander could make out their raised voices. Unfortunately not even he could make out their words as the rain began to fall outside, cascading down upon the stone ceiling above them.

He glanced back over at her question, considering how to answer as he observed the serious expression taking over her features. "Because having so many of your kind this close...puts me on edge. It brings back memories I'd rather forget." But no matter how he tried to focus on the here and now, he saw flashes of fangs and claws tearing at his flesh in his minds eye. Forcing the memories back down, the vampire held her gaze, his chin rising slightly; unwavering, unflinching. "Despite what you might have heard about me, Tasha. I don't find pleasure fighting wolves."

But her words only proved she was wise beyond her years. That, or she was simply putting on a brave face. Either way, she did a great job of hiding her true emotions. "I don't expect you to ever trust a vampire. In fact, I would highly advise against that. But if our fathers can come to some kind of agreement in there, then I'll make you some assurances. I'll try my hardest not to put you in a situation where you have to choose between honouring this treaty and protecting your pack." Xander paused for a moment but did not look away from her. He wanted to Tasha to see he was being honest. He wasn't trying to trick her or give her a false sense of security. "As much as out fathers are putting aside their differences to make this work, I don't know how long it would last. If history has taught me anything, peace has never worked between our kinds before."

He tried not to worry about how much longer this meeting would take. It's not like they were deciding eveything now. Today was about putting all their cards on the table and laying the foundation for this treaty to grow. He wouldn't mind sitting here with Tasha for as long as it took to 'get to know her' but the humming in his veins, the urge to turn around and deal with her like every other werewolf he'd ever come face to face with was making this difficult. He couldn't deny she intrigued him. He knew the stakes were hight and he would do everything in his power to ensure this peace didn't break down before it was even agreed upon. He meant what he said about fighting wolves. He didn't enjoy it. He never had.
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Tasha forced herself to maintain Xander's eye contact as she listened to everything he said. It was the last thing she would have ever expected from him. She sensed he was being honest. She sensed he was not holding anything back. It was this she could not understand. She had always believed that all bloodsuckers were liers and that they would tell you anything to maintain the upper hand in a situation. This was not what Xander was doing. If anything, he was putting himself at a disadvantage. He had admitted he was nervous around her and her family. He had admitted to not enjoying a fight. And he had told her not to trust him instead of trying to convince her to. She could not make sense of this baffling situation, of this bloodsucker. He was different. Somehow, someway, he was different. She was not sure how, but she knew it without a doubt. A soft sigh escaped her slightly parted lips. This entire thing was so strange and unexpected. The princess had not expected this meeting to ever happen, and she had not expected Xander to be the way he was. It was confusing, and it scared her.

"Being around you and your kind brings back memories I would rather forget too," Tasha admitted to him softly. She wanted him to at least get the sense she understood his predicament. She supposed in several ways she did. They may be very, very different, but they were in the same situation. They were both being forced into this arrangement against their wills and desires. "And while I do not enjoy a fight, I will not shy away from one either. If it ever comes between this treaty and protecting my pack, I will choose my pack every time." Perhaps that was dangerous to admit. Perhaps it was stupid and foolish of her, but it was honesty. It was truth. She would always put her pack above anything else. She swallowed hard as she thought about her next words. It would make her sound naive, but she did not care. She would rather be naive than hopeless.

"As for peace, I don't think we have a choice anymore. The humans are getting bolder, and they will kill us all in the dark while we are too busy trying to destroy each other to even notice them until it is too late." Tasha found herself looking away from those green eyes as pain gripped her heart. She had already seen her pack suffer so much from both the humans and vampires. She was young, much younger than many of the others in her pack, but she had witnessed the damage that came with war. She only wished for it to end. She never wanted to see it again if she could help it. "I would lay my life down for my pack, and it is for that reason I will do everything in my power to make this treaty work. I do not want to see any more suffering because we are too prideful to put aside past grievous and face a common enemy together." Tasha did not dare to meet Xander's gaze to see his expression. She did not want to know what he thought about her declaration. It did not matter. She meant every word she said.

Outside, thunder boomed, and a gust of wind shot through the chamber. Tasha shivered as the icy wind tipped her skin. A chill clung to the air with fierce claws, and she knew it would not be long before winter claimed the land. Winter was one of the harder times for the pack. It caused her concern. Would her pack be ready in the face of this treaty? And was this even the right time to be attempting something so alternating? Her troubled thoughts caused her to bit her lower lip. It was a nervous habit, one she had never managed to break. It annoyed her parents to no end. It gave her away. However, Tasha was too consumed to even realize what she was doing right then. Her mind was elsewhere. "I know this will not be easy by any means," Tasha whispered softly, but she knew Xander could hear her, "but for the sake of my people, I will fight with every ounce of strength and courage I have to make this peace work and last."
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{{ We are still having them spend a week with each other's families, right? Also, how much did are you interested in keeping the same or do we want to just see if things end up differently this time around? }}

The look in her eyes when she admitted to similar memories caused the vampire to tilt his head a little in curiosity. She was young and Xander had never seen or heard of her joining wolves from her pack on the battlefield. She also didn't bare any visible scars. So he wasn't sure why he got the sense she understood his discomfort about being stuck in a room with his enemies. Xander held his tongue. He could recognise better than most the desire to keep certain things private and he would not appreciate her prying too closely into his past.

He tried to smile at her optimism of not backing down from a fight but it came off as more of a grimace. He leaned back, his hands moving to rest on his thighs, holding him up and his green eyes searched her face for any hint that maybe she knew what she was talking about. He couldn't find one. He decided then she was as green as they came. While she had a determined look in her eyes, he wasn't so sure she wouldn't freeze up if she was faced with an enraged, bloodlusting vampire. "Have you ever seen a battlefield, been a part of a real life and death fight? Because I have and while I have never killed a werewolf, taking someone's life destroys a small part of you each time." Xander wasn't sure where that came from, he only knew deep down he had to fight his own nature each time he stepped onto a battlefield against the wolves and risked becoming the monster they believed him to be.

Humans. They were different. Xander had no qualms killing humans. Though he tried not too, fighting against the bloodlust that took over at the sight and smell of a human was a fool's hope. They were a food source, afterall. She looked away from him again, reminding Xander they weren't supposed to get along. Choice or not, it was extremely difficult to get vampires to work together at the best of times. Adding a peace agreement with the werewolves was only adding dangerous amounts of fuel to the fire that had been burning since the beginning of time. Xander grunted unable to bring himself to agree with her declaration. "Unfortunately, only time will tell about whether or not peace will hold. Even with the threat from all sides, you'll come to learn how bullheaded and nasty the majority of my kind are." Already his family had received threats from families who'd sworn fealty to his father. So much for loyalty.

The chilled wind did not affect the vampire as much as it did Tasha, in fact, Xander welcomed it. It helped him focus on anything else but the near unbearable desire to kill every last werewolf within this ancient meeting place. This time it was Xander who glanced away even as her whispered words reached his ears. "I'll give you a free piece of advice: hold onto that courage because living in my world won't be easy for you." He stood then, hearing the faint footfalls over the crashing rain, sound from the hall everyone disappeared down. The meeting had taken longer that he expected and Xander would be lying to himself if he wasn't ready to leave this place. In fact, he would be happy to never see another werewolf again. It was no fault of Tasha's, he was sure she's a nice enough person if she didn't have such a beast living inside her.
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[Yeah, I still want them to spend time with the other's family. And I say we just see what happens. If it is the same, it's the same. If it's different, it's different. I wouldn't want us to limit ourselves by trying to make it the same or by trying to make it different. I say we just go with the flow and see what happens]
"Yes," Tasha answered Xander softly. She was not looking at him; she was staring into nothingness as memories flashed before her eyes. "Yes, I have been on a battlefield before, and yes, I have killed before. I do not make the decision to kill lightly. Truth be told, I would never kill if I had a choice. But the world I live in...only the strongest survive." A heavy sigh escaped her then. She had killed more than once, and each of those kills haunted her. She knew she had destroyed more than one life with those deaths. She would have to live with that bloodshed on her hands for the rest of her life. It was never an easy thing to bear.

Tasha then considered his next words. She had already figured that out about vampires. Bullheaded was not the word for it. As stubborn as wolves were, vampires were three times as bad. She did not have a chance to respond to that statement before his next one. She could not stop her scoff. She already knew it would be difficult. She was expected to live in the world of the enemy. Of course, it would be difficult. She wouldn't expect it any other way. "Yes," was all she said. She too had heard the adults approaching. She stood up slowly after Xander, but she remained beside the bench. She did not like the look upon her father's face.

Udolph had entered the chamber frowning. Carlotta did not look happy either, but she was better able to hide it. The man glanced at Salazar with a dark, murderous look in his gaze. "I am trusting you on this, Salazar. Do not make me regret it." He did not wait for a response as he walked over to Tasha. The girl was giving him a very concerned look. The man was quiet for a moment before saying in a neutral tone, "You will be going with Salazar and his family back to their estate for the week." Tasha stared at him in disbelief. "Father," she began softly, but Udolph's dark growl cut her off. She actually flinched some. "It's been decided, Tasha. You will go with them for the week, until the next meeting. Do I make myself clear?"

Tasha dipped her head. She was trying hard not to let her fear get the best of her. "Yes, Father." She muttered softly. Carlotta stepped forward then. She placed a hand on her shoulder, and mother and daughter looked at each other. They did not say a word, but something passed between them. Carlotta smiled some. She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Tasha's forehead before stepping away. Tasha was left feeling cold. Udolph looked over at Salazar. The look in his gaze was clear; if anything happened to his daughter, he was coming for him. He then turned away and moved back to where his men stood waiting. Carlotta trailed after him. Neither parent looked back at their daughter, and she did not expect them to.

Tasha finally forced herself to turn away from her family and towards the enemy. For some reason unknown to her, her gaze landed on Xander first. Could he see how truly terrified she was? Could he see that she felt overwhelmed and way beyond her ability to cope? She did not know. And she did not want to find out. She swallowed hard as she looked away once more. It was taking everything in her not to tremble. It was taking everything in her not to bolt. She had no idea how she was going to do this. Nothing in her life had ever prepared her for walking willingly into the den of the enemy.
Hey there Hopes, sorry I've been so absent, been working through some unexpected difficulties in my personal life the last few weeks, I'll hopefully be able to jump back into this on the weekend ^^
It's alright! You do what you need to do! I hope everything gets better, and I will be looking forward to your post whenever you can get to it.