The Iron Crusades.

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I'm probably doing this backwards, but this is to gauge interest and if it's worth me putting time into the mechanics instead of just the world. Alternate universe stuff with tanks but not really. I'll explain it don't worry.
"This is a war unlike any we've ever fought before. The enemy isn't human, and they aren't fighting us for any other reason then to fight us. If we don't do something, we will all die or become slaves. But the more we resist the more they want to fight. But you know what? I don't give a damn. If those alien son's of bitches want me so bad, then they can come and get what ever's left of me." A quote from General Aldova during an interview about the war.

It all started 2XXX, the invasion. At the time we didn't know what they were, but we did know they were killing us. And we also knew that they could bleed just like us, albeit a different color. But what we had wasn't enough, it was outdated compared to what they had. Our tanks? Slow and made of paper compared to theirs. But our guns tore through their armor just as easily as they tore through ours. So we made plans. The enemy had trouble with infantry. The closest thing we can compare it to is trying to stomp out a bunch of ants. A few will die, but others won't and they'll be more pissed then before. But we didn't want to rely on a bunch of ants biting one thing for it to die, we wanted just the one to have to bite. And that's what led us to our Iron Crusaders.

Our technology was funneled into this project, everything we knew used, and our first prototype looked like a mess. A chimeric combination of tank and infantry that could barely keep up with normal infantry, didn't have the durability of a tank, but had the fire power of one. It was a beginning, but it was one that could be improved upon. This lead to many other prototypes, each one improving on the last. But we were never able to cross that coveted hybridization thresh hold. That is, until the Cores came along.

Cores, contained nuclear fusion that you could hold in your hands. The power of stars compressed down into a five pound sphere that was half a foot in diameter. And it was able to produce massive amounts of power, more then enough to power any type of frame. But why just install it in a frame? Why not go one further and install it in the soldier?

And so, after the operation, the first Iron Crusader was made. With the power flowing through them, they could react faster then any solder, run further, hit and get hit harder, they were the super soldiers. And it didn't stop there, with the hybridization thresh hold smashed, the Iron Crusader became our hope. As quick as any tank, more durable and even able to use cover, and with a gun big enough to take down the enemy, these men and women would be humanities saviors. That is, if they can push off the invasion and persuade the enemy to never come back.
So there it is, I still have to give it a little polish and figure out mechanics but it'll do for now. Anyways, if you're interested say so and give a couple ideas if you want. Oh, and ask questions.

Appearance: (I anime or other I don't really care.)
Background: (Include why you were chosen to become an Iron Crusader)
Tank: (Light, medium, heavy, tank destroyer, and self propelled gun. Come on over to the Discord channel to talk about this in detail. Add a picture)
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I find the idea to sound interesting
Hey, just going to drop a note of interest. This sounds quite interesting for sure. After all, who could deny the opportunity to write the violence filled story of war? Certainly not myself.
I set up a discord server so things can be discussed without cluttering up the interest check.
You'll have to repost the invite link friend. Or contact me on Discord at Bismarck#9205
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