The Ladies of Black Forest (Mystery/Horror/Supernatural)

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Should I open this up to more characters with open ideas for why they show up to Faille Hall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No the RP is fundamentally flawed and needs a complete rework

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Original poster


A newly graduated doctor of mental health takes a job at a remote special mental health institute for troubled children. A private investigator is hired to find a missing staff member at the same place. Things go very wrong as the doctor and PI discover the crazy supernatural happenings and the purpose of the institute that holds the children hostage. Need a person to play the doctor and one to play the P.I.

Ahem. For you readers out there or those interested in the premise please continue to scroll down to read the detailed original post...

Greetings. I have had this idea in my head for awhile now and am finally deciding to throw it out there for a small group setting. So let me start this off by prefacing this isn't really intended to be a combat heavy murder spree of a RP. It is more meant to be a horror/mystery story with supernatural elements and wonders within the narrative.

As such I am looking for just TWO people who are interested in the following setting and plot

First an important disclaimer:
Must have little issue with not being immensely detailed in terms of historical or geographic accuracy. I just don't have the patience to research every little nuance of the general area and timeline where the RP is taking place... Also proper spelling and some amount of grammar is important for all involved. Nothing very serious just make sure the other person and I can understand what you post.

Era: early 1900s (loosely based on this time period)

Faille Hall - Black Forest mountain range, Germany (and surrounding areas)

Faille Hall.jpg

The story begins with the arrival of a new doctor at the government founded and funded institutional villa for estranged youth. The villa contains only female youth who have displayed behavior that has warranted their separation from society for safety and order. The young girls who call Faille Hall their home are all labeled as lunatics, feeble-minded, insane, or even just strange. Yet there is something else unique about them that requires their complete separation from society and the lack of in depth medical studies conducted on them in comparison with lunatics all around the world... This new doctor is met with the mystery of Faille Hall and its inhabitants as she tries to make sense of the ladies and what horrors have unfolded here. What horrors they are all capable of.

At the same time a lone detective arrives shortly after the doctor, seeking answers to a missing persons case opened from an anonymous client within the institution. The detective seeks to find out the whereabouts of a missing doctor whom apparently resigned shortly before the new doctor was hired according to the director. Yet with all the staff being literally dead or erased according to government records, the letter containing hints at a hostile work environment among peers, and the client stating in writing that the patients may have had something to do with the disappearance, there is much left unanswered. Answers that the client seeks to know and answers that a financially desperate private investigator needs to uncover to acquire the rest of his payment for the case


Dr Hans Nuschwitt:
Hans Nuschwitt.jpg

Director of Faille Hall. He is the final approving authority for all activities that take place in the institution, including medical procedures, provisions, maintenance, security, etc. He reports in person to the highest government officials once a week leaving the place in the capable hands of his trusted subordinate Dr Frieda. Dr Nuschwitt is a harsh man with a strict iron fist style of managing Faille Hall. Things will be done how he specifically ordains it to be done, there is no compromise

Dr Frieda Wilheim


A much more lax doctor than her supervisor and long standing peer Dr Nuschwitt. Frieda prefers to make things as relaxed as possible around Faille Hall. To make the staff and patients comfortable enough to let their guard down and allow her treatments to work. She has studied many different avenues of treating mental disorders and lunacy. Yet through all her years the methods she and other colleagues have tried have ended in utter failure and sometimes the death of the patients. Dr Wilheim's recorded studies shows that she believes that Faille Hall and Black Forest are crucial to curing the young ladies who have been corralled here. That the mountains and the forest itself contains something that can potentially end mental illness

Alice and Sarah Hathren:
Alice and Sarah.jpg

Sisters hired at the request of Dr Hans. With his past experiences with these two he knew that they would be willing and able to be professional and able to obey any order given. They are loyal, discrete, and above all they have a long history of experience working with mental patients and the doctors that treat them. With such comfort and expertise they were easily Hans' first choice when asked to pick out his staff

Vigo Vasiliev:

A man appointed over Dr Hans' request to deny his employment at Faille Hall. Something that the rather cold and smug man tends to enjoy reminding the director of. Vigo's job is primarily to ensure that no one enters or leaves Faille Hall without director Nuschwitt's explicit permission. His secondary tasking is to ensure that everyone is as safe as can be from any dangers that may come from the patients, the forest, or even themselves. He seems to know quite a bit about Black Forest and the strange occurences around Faille Hall

Rowena Craw:
Rowena Craw.jpg

The former owner and resident of Faille Hall who gave up her home to take in the girls and help the German government in their attempts to treat the ladies. She is a wise and kind old woman who works nearly day and night cleaning, cooking, and helping Vigo take care of the old villa. She too seems to demonstrate a unique understanding and acceptance of the oddities that occur in the area. The old woman is also incredibly protective of the patients and her words are highly regarded despite her officially no longer having any legal ownership of the property or land


To be introduced in the RP itself however they generally follow the same rules. Female, aged between 7-16, some form of mental illness or disability, some form of supernatural effect via power, curse, or very existence. If i do post these characters they will mostly just be names and pictures to preserve the mystery behind their details

Required Characters:

Doctor of Mental Health:

Mental health at this point in time is still pretty early, or at least asylums are still a thing. Generally most lunatics are institutionalized and experimental treatments are still commonplace. This character would be one newly trained in the field of mental health though with less emphasis on medication and more on understanding the complexities of the mind and subconscious. The newest take on solving mental illness through counseling and studying rather than medicating. In short the docter character should be more interested in getting to know the patients and trying to figure out the probable cause for their disorders so that they can be treated specifically and possibly without medication through personal guidance and mediation.

The doctor is offered and accepts a lucrative government contract to work in a remote institution where the German government is interested in applying such an approach. However things seem out of place when they arrive to what looks more like a manor than an institution and has only 6 registered patients and 6 other staff members. This combined with the fact that the doctor is forced to sign a contract that forbids any outside contact for the duration of employment and that constitutes absolute secrecy about the facility's location, staff, patients, and very existence even after employment is terminated

This character is likely to be the one who gathers secret information from patients and through medical means. They are also likely to be key in figuring out the reality of Faille Hall when things become distorted

Private Investigator:
A private investigator hired anonymously via letter. Paid a considerable sum in cash with the promise of 3x more upon solving the case. The letter spoke of a small institution located in the heart of the Black Forest mountain range in Germany where a member of the staff named Dr. Frieda Wilheim recently went missing. The letter alludes to witnessing a violent confrontation between Frieda and the director of Faille Hall, Dr Hans Nuschwitt. Yet whomever wrote the letter seems to believe that one of the patients is responsible for Frieda's disappearance. The part that made the entire thing intriguing is that the investigator can find no trace of any such institution existing in that area, on top of that the name Frieda Wilheim and Hans Nuschwitt both belong to people who died less than 5 years ago. The same fact is true of the nurses, Alice and Sarah Hathren... The groundskeeper and security guard Vigo Vasiliev, and even the old maid who works there... Rowena Crawford

With no other work to help sustain food, shelter, and other necessities the investigator heads out to find this reclusive place. Luckily getting some direction from an old friend in the government under the conditions that the investigation not hinder any activities there nor reveal the fact that it was he who gave the location to the investigator.

Let me know if you are interested by posting here. Once I have 2 people who can agree on a role then I can create an OOC thread and an IC thread for the RP and post the link here.
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  • Like
Reactions: Snowflake
This seems pretty interesting.
Now this is interesting, I'm getting a very Lovecraft vibe from it. I'd be up to play the aforementioned Doctor. From what I understand they're more of a psychologist than a psychiatrist.
However if otherwise needed I wouldn't be opposed to playing the PI. I am curious as to how this is gonna unfold and I am anything if not dedicated (if I may say so myself).
I'm interested.
Excellent. I am glad to see some interest in my idea. As soon as we work out the details I can create the threads for the actual RP. Details as in who is playing what and then of course creating the characters. The only restrictions are the chosen profession and nothing immersion breaking. (No futuristic cyborg ninja wizard who also happens to be a detective in the 1900s... :banghead:)

@Snowflake you mentioned that you would prefer playing the doctor, however you wouldn't mind being the P.I. so i suppose that leaves the choice up to whomever answers me from the other two posters. Also yes you are correct in what you said about the doctor and maaaybe the RP vibe in general :stirthepot:

@Karo @iiSaralaxyii
Thanks for showing your interest in this story. Did you have a preference for what character you wanted to RP?
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I'm mostly interested in playing a patient.
Excellent. I am glad to see some interest in my idea. As soon as we work out the details I can create the threads for the actual RP. Details as in who is playing what and then of course creating the characters. The only restrictions are the chosen profession and nothing immersion breaking. (No futuristic cyborg ninja wizard who also happens to be a detective in the 1900s... :banghead:)

@Snowflake you mentioned that you would prefer playing the doctor, however you wouldn't mind being the P.I. so i suppose that leaves the choice up to whomever answers me from the other two posters. Also yes you are correct in what you said about the doctor and maaaybe the RP vibe in general :stirthepot:

@Karo @iiSaralaxyii
Thanks for showing your interest in this story. Did you have a preference for what character you wanted to RP?
Seeing as Snowflake is interested in being the Doctor and Karo would like to be a patient, I'd be more than happy to play as the detective. That is, if you weren't originally hoping to do so. If that's the case then I'll play a patient along with Karo.
@iiSaralaxyii You are perfectly fine playing as the detective while @Snowflake takes the role of the doctor

@Karo I am sorry, but I am not currently seeking any members to play patients or staff. There is a voting poll above where you can record your vote for such a role to become available in a larger version of the RP at a later date. If all goes well with this one I will be doing one that is far more open in that regard

@iiSaralaxyii and @Snowflake I will be posting a link to the OOC thread momentarily so that you can post your characters there and it will remain as a form of out of character communication once the RP starts. Good luck!
Ah, alright then. I wish you luck!
Hey guys, I'm sorry to say this but I'm gonna have to drop out. Things have gotten pretty busy lately and I need to focus on that. I hope all goes well.
@iiSaralaxyii That is unfortunate... I wish you the best of luck though

@Snowflake I have a solution though if you are willing to continue the RP solo until I find a replacement detective... I will simply have to have this detective meet an unfortunate end in Faille Hall and a second detective will show up responding to a similar letter from the same client. A second cry for help sent out at the same time as the first letter in case one didn't respond to the case
I'm fine with that. If yoi wanna put it on hold until you acctaly have someone I could wait, it's still early on.
I'll ask around with some buddies of mine, see if they're interested but no promises.
Please do. In the meantime I will work on creating an ad banner to get this some publicity for faster results.
@Aethelred Just a thought but nothing needs to happen to the american PI, his fake ID could be poorly made and result in him getting busted right away and never being able to get access forcing him to drop the case. Seems less conspicuous.
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@Snowflake Sounds fair enough. Shame to portray the man in such poor light, but that's certainly a more reasonable and less extreme method to handle this situation. I like it
True, but he is a former FBI and this IS Germany so... It kinda would make sense that he is out of his element. And besides it show that the institute really is somewhat careful about who they let in rather than any fake ID working out.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

@Aethelred I can poke Solar over the multiple webways of the internets when he decides to slack off. He can't hide from me I know too much. >:3c
It's sad but true. This boy can heckle me from multitudes of angles!