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Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Action, Adventure.
GM: @AceSorcerer
Co-GM: @Jageroux

Long ago, the Creator existed with His Children.
They forged our world and the Planes.
They crafted us, blessed us, and gave us our gifts.
And then, one of Them turned against us.


Long ago, there was only the Creator. In His infinite wisdom, He saw that the universe was empty and not in balance, and as such began to create the Seven Realms:

GosvernHeaven | AusulHell | Ma'atJudgement | ZiiSpirit | LeinCosmos |

Each of the Seven Realms had a purpose.
The Seven Realms
Gevoth, the Nexus from which all came.
Gosvern, the realm from which He would govern His creations
Ausul, where those that threatened his creations would be imprisoned
Ma'at, where His creations would be judged to determine which realm they would be sent to upon death.
Zii, the realm which He would craft the souls of the first creations and where He would allow them to prove themselves.
Lein, the realm wherein creation would one day grow and expand.
Nahlaas, the final Realm which would house all of His mortal creations.​

But, nevertheless, the realm of Gosvern was a lonely one. And, as such, the Creator made seven children.
The Old Gods
Prothos – The God of Foresight, Skies, Moon, Fires.
Althea – The Goddess of Wilds and Earth.
Ophelia – The Goddess of Sun, Muse and Medicine.
Pophis – The God of Seas and Storms.
Milatia – The Goddess of Love, Beauty, Marriage and Childbirth.
Lyra – The Goddess of Magic, Wisdom and Knowledge and twin of Crassius.
Crassius - The God of War, Valor and Great Beasts and twin of Lyra.
[/hr]The Creator gave His children authority in all powers allotted to them as well in some universal categories, such as making deals with mortals and coming to their aid. And it was in this time that He had His children began to craft a world filled with life.

They started taking it slow, using up time to create the Realms and eventually focusing their time solely on Nahlaas. They began by forming the world from rock and bisecting the Realm with Lein, having the two Realms lie within one another. The first life forms they made were the microbial lifeforms, which in turn were followed by plants. From there, they created beasts and animals of the sea, land, and sky, which were shortly followed by sentient beings, namely humans. However, monsters soon emerged as results of the First Sins, wherein some humans allied with sealed, forbidden powers and were punished for their crimes.

Regardless, the Twins took a particular interest in the of humans, at times competing amongst one another and Their siblings to determine the fate of certain mortals. As a result, the Twins became the utmost worshipped gods in the pantheon. And the more They were worshipped, the stronger Their influence and power became.

But, in recent years, Crassius has become hungry and seeks to spread his influence to all of mankind, corrupting himself in the process as he bargained with monsters and beings from the Third Realm to follow him, but their combined presences allowed for the god to corrupt his purpose from merely expanding His influence to subjugating the Creator, forcing his father into a seal within Zii that could only be undone by living human hands.

Everything that followed has been lost to time, and the land of Tyr is now ruled by The High Command, the acolytes of The Dark God. Having spread his teaching across the land, the names of the Old Gods have been forgotten by most, but some still cling to old teachings. And those that do fight against the oppression of The High Command, knowing that one day the prophecy would come true and The Last Mage would return.

"How long has it been? Since We spoke? Since you listened? We know you have broken - your faith shattered and your hopes dashed. But, We know you have persevered. The Prophecy of One has come to pass as foretold, and The Last Mage now walks Nahlaas. But, The Dark God will not sit idly - this land is one of strife and suffering, and if you hope to defy his tyranny, you must fight. We are weak, but We created you. And amidst the darkness, the fire of your Soul, forged in the Aether of Zii, burns brights. Now rise, and defy."



"The High Command" - Led by The Acolytes of the Dark God, they posses the largest and most organized force on the face of Tyr. Each high ranking member of the The High Command, the Council of Six, oversee a region of Tyr, allowing The High Command as a whole to maintain a steady presence across all of the Tyr.

"The Wardens of Prothos"- Led by Grandmaster Oros, the Wardens began as rangers who were originally commissioned as mercenaries to defend faithful who were making pilgrimages. As such, the Wardens as most commonly found in forests and mountains and are well-known for their guerrilla tactics and skilled archers.

"The Stormraiders"- Led by Commodore Norris, the Stormraiders are seafaring vigilantes often mistaken for pirates. The Stormraiders do not have a set series of tenets or laws, but instead adhere to a mutual code that allows vessels to operate independently while under the command of the Commodore. This causes for distrust and conflict between the Stormraiders and the Templars.

"The Templars" - Led by Grand Commander Elias, the Templars are the remnants of the organized temple guardians and priests before the rise of Crassius. They live a fairly secluded and cloistered life, although they are often visibly present in regions that are not completely under the Dark God's thumb.

"The Ashen Legion" - Led by Grand Master Valerius, the Ashen Legion are the remnants of the Holy City of Typry. Currently encamped in Chistone Tower, they're a small group that operates under the banner of the Creator himself, worshiping all 'True' Gods equally while communing with Lyra through their Oracle.

"The Black Rose"- Led by High Elder Soliras, the Black Rose is a coalition of the last remaining free elves and halflings living in a series of hidden communities centered around the concealed Sepulcher of Ashes, which is the mass series of catacombs and shrines belonging to the victims of the first great elvish genocide during the early years of the Dark
God's conquest.

Humans - Being the first of the races to be created by The Old Gods, they are the most populous. Being somewhat of the 'standard' race, there doesn't seem to be much special about them. But when the soul of the first human was forged in Zii, they were given the Gift of 'Talent'. And while each individual human has a talent, accessing that talent is not always simple.

Dwarves - Forged in Zii alongside the Elves, Dwarves are a short and stocky race whose bodies some believe to be forged out of iron. They're a hearty lot, with a knack for building massive structures and forging the deadliest yet most beautiful of weapons. When the first Dwarf was forged, they were given the Gift of Iron - attributing to their naturally sturdy and resilient frames as well as their expert craftsmanship.

Elves - Forged in Zii alongside the Dwarves, Elves are a mythical race. Being hunted down and suffering a near extinction-level genocide at the hand of The High Command, as ordered by The Dark God, Elves are few and far between, with very few 'pure blood' Elves still living while most tend to be half-bloods. When the first Elf was forged, they were given the Gift of Arcane Knowledge, allowing them to utilize magic and other strange abilities.

Druids - Druids are the result of the Great Beasts, who rebelled against the Dark God only to be cursed down to Human form, mating with other races. Be it a Human, Dwarf or Elf, a Druid can come in any shape or form. What separates a Druid from their natural counterparts is their ability to, at least for a brief period of time, change shape into either humanoid or completely feral monsters. While Druids may be far more common to see than an Elf, they are not exactly a populous race. Most 'modern' Druids are solely the result of the 'curse', or Gift as some see it, being hereditary.

  • Leader: Grand Master Valerius.
    Helena, Oracle of the Gods.
    Aeron, Oathbreaker.
    Brom, The Last Mage.
  • The Council of Six.
  • Leader: Grandmaster Oros.
  • Leader: Commodore Norris.
  • Leader: Grand Commander Elias.
    Alexis Corgath
  • Leader: High Elder Soliras.

Appearance: (Images encouraged)
Preferred Weaponry:
Talent: (Example: Human A: A rogue whose talent allows him to almost perfectly blend in with his surroundings, almost creating the illusion of invisibility.

Human B: An archer with a keen eye, whose skill with a bow and neigh-perfect eyesight allows her to down a sparrow from half a mile away with ease.)
Personality: (Optional)
History: (Brief)
Appearance: (Images encouraged)
Preferred Weaponry:
Beast Form: (Werewolf; Werebear; etc)
Personality: (Optional)
History: (Brief)
Appearance: (Images encouraged)
Preferred Weaponry:
Personality: (Optional)
History: (Brief)
Appearance: (Images encouraged)
Preferred Weaponry:
Personality: (Optional)
History: (Brief)

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Supplementary Information will be filled in here.
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Aeron Cross

Age: 22
Race: Human
Height: 6'2
Faction: The Ashen Legion
Weapons: A long sword and dagger combo.
Talent: Trespasser - Growing up, Aeron frequently found himself in over his head. And over time, his talent eventually manifested in the fact that the more outnumbered he is, the stronger he becomes.
Personality: Going to RP it out.
History: Growing up in what would later become known as 'the Citadel of the Wraith King', Aeron grew up under the thumb of The High Command. While most children his age would be sent into the mines to work until death, he caught the eye of one of the captains who served beneath that region's lord. Being trained as a soldier until he was a captain of The High Command at the bright age of 16, his future looked to be bright. Yet, that would not be the case. After a series of somewhat dreadful events, Aeron found himself amongst The Ashen Legion. Whether it be out of duty, regret or vengeance, Aeron's sole goal is the destruction of The Dark God and his acolytes.
Other: Aeron's mount of choice is a tiger he named 'Snowball'.
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Name: Brom
Age: 23
Race: Halfling
Height: 5' 10"

Unlike in the image, Brom's ears are elongated and come to a round point, betraying his elvish ancestry. His body is thin but well-built from years of hard labor as a slave.
Faction: N/A for now, later Ashen Legion
Preferred Weaponry: Longsword and Staff
Magic: Varies, but will prefer astramancy in combat.
History: Born into slavery, Brom suffered hard labor with a lesser education until he was sent to work in the temples of Crassius, wherein he was permitted to learn to read certain scripts and receive a slightly more extensive education. After a well-planned and lucky escape succeeds, he is widely unaware of his current destiny.
Other: Brom is ambidextrous.
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hmm....From the look of this perhaps you would not wish the Oracle to be a played character, but maybe an NPC? Still It looks like a well thought out world and history, and has a good threat to overcome and unite many diverse characters together against it. Let me know if you need the oracle, otherwise I'll create someone different. Thank you!
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I think it'd be possible to have the Oracle be a player-controlled character. But, the final say belongs to Ace.
hmm....From the look of this perhaps you would not wish the Oracle to be a played character, but maybe an NPC? Still It looks like a well thought out world and history, and has a good threat to overcome and unite many diverse characters together against it. Let me know if you need the oracle, otherwise I'll create someone different. Thank you!
I would believe it would be interesting to have the Oracle as a player character. After all, one who can commune with the Divine but be a mage is a base threat to the Dark God. She would probably serve as a priestess/cleric if she joins the wandering party. If you want to give the Oracle flesh or make two characters with the Oracle taking a backseat, you have my blessing.
Smiles a very wide beautiful smile~ Thank you so very much! I'd LOVE to give her flesh! AND I think I might also enjoy having a more adventurous female, either human or elf part of your Black Rose, or Templars (Which could make them easy to type together if the oracle was from that group).

One other question, do you have an image preference? realistic? actual face claim?
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Smiles a very wide beautiful smile~ Thank you so very much! I'd LOVE to give her flesh! AND I think I might also enjoy having a more adventurous female, either human or elf part of your Black Rose, or Templars (Which could make them easy to type together if the oracle was from that group).

One other question, do you have an image preference? realistic? actual face claim?
I personally prefer realistic and tend to stay away from face claims, but it's whatever suites you best. I'm not too picky of a GM when it comes to character creation
Smiles a very wide beautiful smile~ Thank you so very much! I'd LOVE to give her flesh! AND I think I might also enjoy having a more adventurous female, either human or elf part of your Black Rose, or Templars (Which could make them easy to type together if the oracle was from that group).

One other question, do you have an image preference? realistic? actual face claim?
Other than that, the Oracle is likely part of the Ashen Legion, although the Templars may recognize her authenticity and send a Templar to help protect her.
Perfect!! Did you have anything in mind for her. I think I want to play her as blind, but able to walk unassisted thought her 'other' sight.

So the Templar and the Oracle. Thank you so much!! I'll have my CS up as soon as I can.
Perfect!! Did you have anything in mind for her. I think I want to play her as blind, but able to walk unassisted thought her 'other' sight.

So the Templar and the Oracle. Thank you so much!! I'll have my CS up as soon as I can.
Nothing in particular, save the fact that she's not a mage herself. Other than that, creative freedom is yours.
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Aeron officially exists. It's lit.

Name: Hellena Oracle of the Ashen Legion
Age: No one knows for sure (Appears to be in her 20's)
Race: Human
Height: 5'7"
Faction: Ashen Legion
Preferred Weaponry: None, but her second sight is a good defensive weapon
Talent: She has been gifted with second sight, enabling her to 'see' without eyes. She walks unaided though she can be at times a bit slower moving than most. This is not because she cannot move faster but because she chooses to be alert to any promptings of the gods she might receive.
Peronsality: She is calm, nearly unflappable actually. (Other attributes will be seen as the story unfolds)
History: Hellena grew up in the Ashen Legion. She had been left at the temple doors, wrapped in a bright blue blanket without a note or any identification. It was obvious very quickly that the babe was blind, but the priests kept her and watched her grow. She was three years old when they began to notice that she could 'see' without physical sight. No one had ever been gifted so young and the priests spent many years guiding her into the proper use of the talent with which she had been favored. She soon became more adept than her teachers and has long been recognized as a oracle with special messages from the gods themselves to deliver to specific people and groups.
Templar 3.jpg

Alexis Corgarth
The Templars

Weaponry: Prefers the sword but is adept with a bow and a sling shot.

Talent: she was in her teenage years when she discovered her ability to track even without physical tracks to follow. Her sense of smell could follow animals and even people through the various other scents of the forest with ease. Though she has no additional ability with her bow, extensive practice and determination have given her a very keen eye and strength.

Personality: dedicated and serious minded, humor is often lost on her

History: Alexis was born to a family of farmers. She was a sweet and even tempered child, always a delight for her parents. She worked hard at her studies and was helpful in any way she could find to be helpful. When the dark Lord came into power her parents were among those who defied him. They were put to death as she watched from the treetops high above where she'd been told to hide. She made her way to the temple and prayed for guidance. The Templars, the temple guardians had fled the temple and had been forced into hiding, so there was no one there to help her. She stayed inside until she heard people outside and hid herself once again. She stayed hidden until the Templar uniform came into full view and she revealed herself and explained her plight and the sad tidings of her parents. The man before her had been sent to the temple to seek the who had been praying, but surely it couldn't be that slip of a girl, could it? He returned with her though and she began to train and was soon recognized as the best tracker among them. Her dedication and fervency won the groups respect and admiration. She had heard of an oracle among the Ashen Legion and requested to be her proctor, and was granted to right to travel and request that position.
Sorry about the size of those pictures...I haven't quite got the hang of resizing yet, but at least you can get a good look...lol.
The size is fine. I've seen pictures a lot larger than that.

Also, since the RP will stay as an open sign-up, I'd imagine we'd be able to start as early as today - at least once a few more people have joined.
I'll get something out later today, hopefully. I just got soo much work to do this week so adjusting a character and writing him up is going to probably be low on my priority list. I'll try to be around and post something.. A hello at least! If I can keep up in-character in another rp I should atleast be inclined to shoot some words thisaway
I'll get something out later today, hopefully. I just got soo much work to do this week so adjusting a character and writing him up is going to probably be low on my priority list. I'll try to be around and post something.. A hello at least! If I can keep up in-character in another rp I should atleast be inclined to shoot some words thisaway
Feel free to take your time.
Is the IC thread up? If not, can you flag me?
Not yet; was waiting for Ace's call on that one. Not sure if he wants to wait til we have a few more people to start.
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