The Legend of Zelda: Hylia's Request

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
My life has been super hectic and incredibly stressful..especially with the after effects of Irma making me so stressed out..
I'm considering maybe...suspending the RP? I dont seem to be able to keep up with my real life and what I wanted to do here on Iwaku. I'll see how I feel later. But today's been rough and I noticed how much this threads been ignored. Thoughts?
My life has been super hectic and incredibly stressful..especially with the after effects of Irma making me so stressed out..
I'm considering maybe...suspending the RP? I dont seem to be able to keep up with my real life and what I wanted to do here on Iwaku. I'll see how I feel later. But today's been rough and I noticed how much this threads been ignored. Thoughts?

Real life comes first, so take all the time you need.
If we're suspending, I'll keep writing my first post (it's a long one, gonna have to trim the fat as it's 4 pages on google docs so far) and I can keep it for when we start over if we want. Unless you want me to post it when I'm done, I'm cool with either.
Gotta tend to RL first.
@Solar Just wanted to make sure you were doing okay! Hope you come back soon!