The Lost Soul

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"You have plants…everywhere," he said in astonishment. "How are they all still alive?" He went and made himself comfortable in a chair. "Do you cook them? Why do you have so many?"
Raine snorted a little. "It's not that hard to take care of them if you know how to." Once the teapot was done she poured the hot water into a cup, adding a few herbs from a glass bottle. She walked over to him with the cup. "Drink this, it'll help restore your energy." She paused. "Obviously, I'm a witch. I make potions with these plants." She shrugged a little. "Not that you would have known with being human and your memories gone."
"Here, let me rephrase my question, doll. How do you find the motivation to deal with them all?" He took the cup and sipped out of it before she said she was a witch. Then, he spit it right back out, and it sprayed everywhere. "You're a witch?" He eyed her skeptically. "Then why would you tell me that?" That would explain the vial she had been holding after he had woken up.
Raine cringed at the word 'doll' and turned. "They're part of my work, too." She sighed a little, turning back to him and crossed her arms, shrugging a little, "Even if you were a hunter, you have no memories of being one. And besides, it's not like I can hide it if you're going to be staying here. Now drink up."
He directly defied her orders, placing the cup on the floor. "Your work? Do you get paid to grow plants?" He asked. "And since when are witch hunters still a thing? Since when are witches still a thing?"
Raine huffed and went to pick up the cup. "You're going to make it go to waste." She sighed a little, "I get paid to brew potions and teas for people." She raised an eyebrow. "Right, I'm guessing your confusion isn't entirely from the memory loss. Witches and witch hunters never disappeared, they've always existed. Just hidden."
He crossed his arms over his chest. "It's water and plant dust. I'm sure it doesn't go to waste. And how do you know if the people you brew potions and teas for aren't hunters?" Once again, he didn't respond to the memory loss and confusion part.
Raine narrowed her eyes at him and turned to the kitchen, putting the cup on the counter. "Hunters have a certain... thing to them. Coal or Ebony can usually pick them out."
He raised his eyebrows. "Coal or ebony? What are you talking about?" He asked, standing and moving into the kitchen.
Raine nodded to a window. It was open, and two black shapes sat on the seal. One was a black cat, with piercing yellow eyes. The other was a raven, slightly small for a raven. "Coal is the bird. Ebony is the cat. They see everything."
He nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm definitely getting the witch vibes now." He didn't pretend not to be creeped out by the black companions of hers. "Do they sound the alarm when a hunter is nearby, or what's the deal?"
Raine chuckled, turning towards him and leaning against the counter. "I figured you would." She nodded a little, looking at the cat who jumped down from the window and sauntered over, rubbing itself against her legs, "They do. Any human, really. They're here because they sensed your presence entering their home."
"Hold up." He held his hand up in her direction. "You're telling me that the bad luck cat and the crow don't usually hang around? Where do they usually stay?" He asked. "A different dimension?" He was being sarcastic. While he didn't remember anything, he did not believe in the existence of other worlds similar to this one or other dimensions.
Raine laughed and the cat, it's eyes sparkling with amusement as if it could understand words, the raven also letting out a caw that sounded like a chuckle. "They're free to come and go as they please. And no, they don't go to a different dimension."
His eyebrows furrowed as he noticed their…sentience. "They're not like…humans turned animals, are they?" After thinking about it, he wasn't that worried. This lady probably would've turned him into a frog by now if she could've. Or a toad. Either way, he was still human.
Raine snorted, crossing her arms. "I'm not that kind of witch. Those are rare nowadays."

Ebony let out a purr and rubbed against his legs. "I can promise I am not human."
He yelped and hopped onto the closest chair. "What. The. Hell." He looked up at Raine. "So you don't turn people into amin-animals but they can talk?!" He was so startled he almost said animals wrong.
Another round of laughter from the three of them. Raine wiped at an eye with a finger. "Of course they aren't an ordinary cat and bird."

Ebony snorted and jumped onto the table. "I personally find it offensive to be called 'ordinary'."
"Okay. That is not natural," He said, sounding seriously concerned. "Am I in a coma or something? In what world do animals talk?" He would've just walked out, if he had had anywhere else to go. Instead, he just stayed on his chair.
Raine laughed again and stepped towards him, motioning for him to come down. "It's not like they're going to hurt you. Calm down. It's just a special charm."