CLOSED SIGNUPS The Lovers Club IC (Reboot)

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Solaris Kousei

He wasn't sure how everything escalated so quickly. He was used to getting hurt. After all, the vice-president had been in this business for awhile. Once, Sol leapt from a balcony sophomore year to try and stop a potential couple from looking where one of the club members was setting up the next trap (he broke his arm), or the time where he completely wiped out on the snow to prevent a potential couple from leaving a designated spot during a skiing trip (a fever that lasted a week). It was safe to say Haruhi wasn't happy about any of this which confused Solaris to no end. It was only occasional and only in the most dire of situations (no one liked to set off an enraged little firecracker). It wasn't like Solaris thought about it before he did it either... There was no use doing calculations when he knew for sure he could stall.

So everyone fussing over his health was more than perplexing to him. Well, perhaps they were more worried about Ren, or Haruhi's rage then they were about him. He wouldn't be surprised about that. Perhaps freshmen were just overly emotional this year, or Ren was just trying to get an excuse to stir up drama. This wouldn't be the first time he used Solaris as an excuse for something. The brief touch to his bangs made him think-- no, Ren was simply mad at the lax apology which was surprising to the upperclassmen considering the freshman was usually much more level headed.

Then Daichi had grabbed Ren's wrist-- now the warning bells were going off in his mind. If that wasn't enough, there was Ruby bursting into the scene, claiming he had a concussion? This entire situation was going to give him a concussion. Where had everyone just burst from? One minute he was nursing his wound and the other-- Well, to be fair this was the Lover's Club. He shouldn't be surprised over anything anymore.

Then she mentioned no sweets. Now, Solaris had never been fond of Ruby. Sweet stealer, quick to utilize violence to get what she wanted, and in Solaris's eyes she was much too overbearing for his liking. The final straw was shy, introverted Mariko entering the room doting on him. As lovely as being fawned over was, the looming threat of no sweets was inconceivable.


The special notification sound of Haruhi's text from his phone made him blink twice, giving his screen a brief look-over during this mess. Mess or not, he took pride in his title as vice-president. Perfect. An hour to waft around... He'd take advantage of this.

Deep breaths, Solaris. "Tanaka-san, everything is alright. Don't worry yourself more than you have to, though certainly if you want to help, I'll let you do me a favor." A weighted sense of authority was firm in his tone before he took her hand with a polite smile. His attention towards Daichi and Ren primarily but this applied to the whole group. "Fight if you'd like, but Tanaka-san is right. We have our president to answer to. Remember you're stranded out in the woods with nothing but the consequences of your actions. Believe me when I say that this summer camp can turn into a boot camp in a blink of an eye." He averted his gaze while suppressing a shiver. He'd rather not think about the possible fallout if they actually begun swinging their arms.

Then his piercing arsenic gaze narrowed down towards Ren. "You didn't have to start a fight. I'm fine, aren't I? You're more upset about the apathetic response than my current health." He genuinely believed this-- after all, no matter how close they were, their relationship was primarily contractional. One gave, the other took and vice-versa. There was no logical reason for Ren to be this upset. "Moreover, if you were injured..." What would Solaris do? Dropping that train of thought, his foot shifted to pivot his attention to the offender.

The upperclassmen furrowed his brows before turning his attention then to Daichi. "I understand you're upset about the hostility towards your direction, but you don't have to make it worse by threatening him. That gets you nowhere. Your threats don't hold any weight here where there's authority figures just outside so don't pretend to puff yourself up. Respect each other in this club or nothing will get done. I hope you'll keep my words in mind as you really can make an impact in this club. I believe that, but if you're quick to threaten other members you might be tied into a buddy-buddy activity like having to sit in an isolated room for an hour waiting for a client with our very considerate Fujiwara-kun." A sickeningly sweet smile tugged on his lips, "Even my patience has limits." Now that the lecture was done...

"Now, Nakamura-chan has given us an hour to explore before we return to this spot. You can waste your time bickering, or you can do more productive tasks like actually enjoying yourself before time is up. There's a waterfall which pools into a lake somewhere around here, trails, you can see about finding souvenirs to take home, or you can find other things to do. For me... I'm out of here to find something sweet to do." An emphasis on the word before he shot a particularly irritated look Ruby's way though he quickly masked the expression once again with his polite smile. He snagged his backpack with one hand before beginning to tug Mariko away from the scene.

Once they had gotten far enough that the cabin was out of sight, and they would be out of the vicinity of being heard, Solaris swiveled around. His expression was completely blank as he stared at Mariko wondering why he had brought her this far. If he had gone on his own, he would've had a moment to rest by himself. Turns out that a big drawback of being on a school field-trip was being surrounded constantly. He'd need time to recharge sometime... Just not now, he supposed.

Accommodating. Responsible. Mature. A Leader.

[ Tell her thanks for the help but you can head back now ] + 5 aloof points
> [ Have her help with your schemes plans ] +5 leadership points

"Still interested in doing me a favor? I mean after all that drama I don't think I can do all this workload by myself..." He trailed off before beginning to unzip his bag. "I needed someone to help me test out some Lover's Club material anyways." He mentioned with a slight shrug. "You're also welcome to head back. I just figured if I stormed off by myself... Well, it wouldn't be as superb as getting this task done along with another member. Sort of like... Training. Ah, do me a favor and don't mention what happened to Nakamura-chan. I think at this rate she'll wrap me in bubble-wrap... Or something. I never know what's going through her mind sometimes." Solaris slowly requested, more of a polite smile spreading across his lips as he gently took her hand in his own. Perhaps the physical touch was supposed to be a coax of some sort--

He wondered if it was irresponsible of him to pull her out this far when he supposed her goal might have been to make as many friends as possible... Or perhaps while he wasn't looking, she'd already made a few. Maybe Solaris needed to pay more attention to those types of things. He probably wouldn't.

"Know how to swim?" He asked, giving no indication whether that skill-set was necessary or not before holding out a folder stuffed to the brim with paper. It had a few cliché scenarios he wanted to test the plausibility of... he had a few more traps in his bag but he figured he'd rather Mariko not... Set them off. Solaris pushed his bangs up, his hands settling on his forehead for a moment as he thought about how colder his hands were compared to...

Blinking twice he looked towards Mariko before gently tapping on the folder, "So what'll it be? If you want to help, you can just pick a date scenario and we'll try and follow the script. Some of them are based off of interviews from couples." Solaris figured this was a good use of his time. It was either this or something... Atypical. He never imagined himself as one to attend summer camp, really. He wasn't too great at the whole partake in fun summer camp activities like summer songs, swimming, or making friendship bracelets... From what he researched.

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Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Cabin: Boys Dorm >> Out on a trail somewhere. || Interactions: Solaris @xLarius , Daichi @The_Queer_Alien , Mari @ScarletNova , Joe @SolsticeArcanum , Ruby @Rads || Mood: 🤬 ||
Daichi assumed he didn't want trouble but was that ever the case? If no matter what he did, someone would disapprove then he'd do it tenfold. Trouble was never something he shied away from. Rather than try and escape from the other's hold, Ren was just about to jerk Daichi toward him, wanting to use the fact the other was holding onto him to his advantage to headbutt him.

However fate had other plans. A not so charming redhead strolled into the room like she owned the place. Ruby, he believed she was called, came in claiming Sol had a concussion and began bossing everyone around. Perplexed by her diagnosis when Sol seemed fine, Ren was about to go make sure Sol wasn't about to kneel over and die but when he pulled away, Daichi gripped him harder.

"Will you let go of me already? I'm not going to hit you." He growled, not at all fond of the other first year's interference. "All I asked is for you to apologize properly. I don't even disrespect our senpai like that. Who do you think you are?" Though he claimed this, it was well known he'd have Sol to do things for him. But it was Sol who was happily willing at the end of the day for a price. To Ren, it wasn't pushing his upperclassman around if the other consented. Solaris could reject the tasks at any time.

It was while he was trying to escape the others' hold that the behemoth that was Joe approached them, telling them to break it off and placing his hands on them in warning. "Why is everyone butting into this? It's literally none of your business. In what world is Ruby nice?! Did you just not hear her motive for coming or are you fucking deaf? If you're going to stop someone, stop the person that is actually here to be a problem." Ren rolled his eyes at the hypocrisy. He hated people who pretended to be nice but only used that kindness to make everyone bend to their wills and follow their rules. Frankly he was sick of it.

Patience already pushed to the limit YET ANOTHER PERSON joined in. This one, a little more forgivable than the last. It was the cute girl he'd seen around Haruhi. As she was just his type, he took a breath to calm himself and let her say her piece too. Cute girls were allowed extra room to do whatever they wanted. Seeing her being all chummy with Sol had him feeling some type of way towards both of them. Should he have let Daichi punch him once to get that same treatment? At the same time, it felt like she was taking Sol away from him. The feeling was sour and unsettling like he'd just drunk an entire jug of vinegar.

Unable to make heads or tails out of either feeling, he ignored both and released Daichi's sleeve from his hold. "I already said I wasn't going to hit him. Everyone would know this if they actually knew what was going on. Who do you think hurt your precious senpai?" The latter half of the sentence was harsher than he had intended it to be but words couldn't be taken back. "We were just exchanging words, not fists so don't worry about it." Calmer but bitter, Ren held back and waited for Daichi to do the same.

Then Sol blamed him for the entire thing.

Anyone else could've said it and he'd have brushed it off but hearing it from Sol stunned him to the point where he couldn't even feel relieved to hear that he was actually okay. Those watery eyes from earlier were long gone and in front of him was only that bastard's ice cold front. He knew that persona better than most. It was what made him gravitate to the upperclassman in the first place.

To most, Solaris was the very definition of perfection. He had looks, he had tact, he was intelligent and cordial but to Ren that all seemed fake. Beneath that perfect mask was a cold interior and a playful spark perfectly contradicting one another. He'd never expected, however, for that cold side to be directed at him.

Was this what it felt like to be bitten by your own dog?

Truthfully, he was a little hurt by the other's icy temper but there wasn't a chance in hell he was going to admit it. When Sol dropped off that last sentence to leave him to fill in the blanks, Ren couldn't help but wonder whether standing up for this dog of a bastard was the right move. Truthfully, he made a valid point. If the roles were reversed, the other would likely leave him to die if he didn't carry anything on him to motivate the other to make a move. The nature of their relationship was simple, he bribed, the other listened.

He wasn't sure when he started expecting more. When he started giving more. It seemed at some point Ren had gotten much too comfortable with Solaris. Feeling a mixture of regret and hurt he remained silent, unwilling to meet the other's gaze as he mulled their entire relationship over.

Ren stopped listening to anything past the scolding, unable to clear the turbulent thoughts in his head, much less make any sense of them. The moment everyone said their piece and went their own ways, Ren pulled himself free and left as well with no particular direction in mind. He exited the cabin with no preparation and ventured down a random trail, needing to sort out the thoughts making his head ache.​
Akari Morita
Music Club Member | Location: Boys room --> Outside Cabin
Interactions: Kio (@Rads), Sayuri (@Monbon) | Mentions: Ruby
The realization that Akari was instantly found out by the red-head drove her crazy. Was she that obvious...when there were others in the room too? Granted, Akari wasn't really known for being...subtle. Just as she was about to reach out toward him to give a piece of her mind, her anger toward him completely vanished away when Kio revealed he was straight and didn't really understand romance. He was even giving her advice to talk with Sayuri? Maybe the guy wasn't so bad after all.

Her eyes began to sparkle and she grinned, until the masterpiece himself came over to them and asked if she was Kio's type. It was like multiple arrows at been shot into her. She didn't want to be Kio's type! She wanted to be Sayuri's!! Just when she was on the verge of tears a flicker of hope appeared.

"Not bad, Kio-kun." Those words echoed in her mind. Not bad? Not bad?! Didn't that mean Sayuri thought of Akari as attractive and a decent choice?! Mori had to hold in the squeal she was about to make.

Then Sayuri offered her some candy. Candy? From the Sayuri Satou! She took it without thinking twice, unwrapped it, and popped it into her mouth instantly as she listened to him. He was talking to her. He was talking to her. He was...

And he wanted to come with her?! Akari's heart was burning with passion. "Of course you can come!" She blurted out, ignoring the fact that she hadn't planned to go out anywhere with Kio at all. But if Sayuri wanted to, then Sayuri was going to get what Sayuri wanted. And it was the perfect time to get closer with him. If he thought she wasn't bad now, imagine what could happen if he started to get to know her.

Pictures of their dates started to run through Akari's mind. A smiling Sayuri pulling Akari along places. Taking the same college classes. Getting married. Having 3 kids. Getting old together. A large smirk graced Mori's lips as she thought about it. Until her delusions were ripped away when she heard Sayuri's name leaving someone else's lips. And it was that red-head girl from earlier. Didn't that Kio guy say her name was Ruby? And she was hear to take away Sayuri's sweets? But he loved sweets. He'd be upset if that happened.

Akari's body burst into angry flames. "Oh, no you will not!" Akari suddenly shouted. "I'll save you and your sweets, Satou-san!"

Without any warning what so ever, Akari suddenly lifted Sayuri up into her arms, carrying him princess style. "Meet you outside, Kio-whatever-your-name-is!" With Sayuri in her arms, Akari ran out of the room and outside the cabin to get away. Of course, all this meant that Akari hadn't even payed attention to the rest of the commotion going on in the boys room. She didn't care about that. The only thing that mattered was Sayuri.

Once she was outside, she looked down at Sayuri. "Where would you like to check out first?" She apparently was forgetting he was still in her arms.
Daichi Sato

Location: Trail opposite to the one that Ren in walking​

Shit, Daichi thought to himself as everyone was suddenly getting involved in what was meant to be a matter between them. He defeatedly let go of the other guy's wrist, "I'm sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't looking where I was going" he responded halfheartedly. Daichi's blood boiled as the guy tried to claim that he was 'the problem', but he didn't say anything in response knowing it would escalate the situation. It's times like these he remembers this school is mostly made up of rich kids. Great, now he's gonna have it out for me, so much for keeping my head down, He thought to himself before he started going over different clubs he could join. Hopefully, the gossip won't spread past the club or else he may have to consider moving schools again.

He checked his phone and noticed he got a notification from the club's group chat, he saw the message from the club leader to meet in the living room in one hour. He figured a walk in the woods would help him cool off, as long as he tried not to run into the asshole. When he left the cabin he had his phone set on a one-hour timer, and he went in the opposite direction as the white-haired asshole.

As Daichi walked he felt frustration rise through him, he knew how things go, and now everyone in the club is gonna stereotype him as a hothead just because he defended himself from some entitled prick. Admittedly he does struggle with controlling his emotions sometimes, and maybe this was one of those times, but all he did was bump into them, the blonde is the one who started the fight. Daichi let out a deep sigh at least now they knew not to mess with him, but the threat of being outed has now become more dangerous. He knew he had to keep an eye on the blonde guy, if he ever found out about Daichi being trans, he'd no doubt use it as leverage to 'expose' the tough guy'. Wouldn't put it beneath him, He thought, God, if I ever see him it'll be too soon. He wondered if it was too late to call his parents to come pick him up. Maybe if he pretended to be sick, faked an injury, or a snake bite he'd be sent back home. He knew that either way, he'd have to wait till tomorrow to enact the plan cause it would look oddly suspicious that he'd get into an accident right after getting in a confrontation with a very popular student. He saw a large rock on his path he heavily considered his options before picking it up and carrying it with him.

Interaction: Ren Fujiwara (@Monbon )​
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Sayuri Satou

|| Location: Cabin:Boys Dorm >> Outside the Cabin || Interactions: Kio & Ruby @Rads , Akari @ScarletNova || Mood: Shaken, not stirred. Worried. 🥺 ||
As the fight in the room had nothing to do with him, Sayuri also tuned it out, focused more on Kio and Akari. At the mention that they weren't an item, Sayuri's interest waned some. "Oh? Then what is she here for?" He asked, casting a curious glance at the girl in question. It looked like she had something she wanted to say but the fact she wasn't saying it was perplexing. Tilting his head, Sayuri tapped his cheek in thought, wondering why her face looked so familiar. Was there someone else she had a crush on?

Looking back in the room, there were only a load of meat heads. His first thought was Ren and Sol. The two had huge fanbases. Some that made content not fit for the eyes of children. Then there was the giant. Girls liked tall guys. Definitely can't get any taller than Joe. Not in Japan anyway. The rest either hadn't arrived or weren't approachable. Then again... taking a second look at Daichi, Sayuri realized girls liked the brooding type too.

Giving up on guessing, Sayuri left it be and focused on a more pressing issue; Ruby wanting his candy. The bag on the dresser was probably a lost cause. If she took it, there was no way he was getting it back without crying about it to a teacher. However something in her gaze felt particularly threatening. Clutching anxiously at the candy in his pockets, Sayuri wondered how far he'd be able to run with his little legs before Ruby caught him.

To his surprise, Akari quickly jumped to his defense. Not only that, she hoisted him up into a princess carry like he weighed nothing!

"Uwaa?!" Shocked and utterly defenseless to the other's whims, Sayuri held onto her for his dear life. He'd been swept off his feet many times, forever at the mercy of those taller and stronger than him but this was the first time he'd been carried with such care. His cheeks burned with embarrassment, eyes watering with unshed tears of shame. Sayu sincerely hoped the others in the room were more focused on the drama than his own plight. His face was so warm, he worried he'd melt if this went on any longer. Hiding his startled expression in the other girl's shoulder, he let her take him away.

As if oblivious to his reaction, the girl carried him right out, pausing only to wait for his request. The cabin was in the middle of all the sights one could see on the mountain. There were plenty to choose from. As long as they didn't stray from it, they wouldn't get lost. Still confused as all hell, he picked a random one. A sign beside it said something about a mountain shrine. Now they were free from the gazes of others, Sayuri gradually calmed down and managed to focus on the task at hand. Maybe he'd be able to save his sweets if he prayed to the god that protected the mountain. "T-the shrine sounds interesting. Let's go make a wish." He smiled politely, male's never ending bubbly energy gradually returning bit by bit.

"Oh uhm but could you let me down first. I think I can walk. I don't think Ruby will chase us down. We'll have to see her again in an hour when we return to the cabin anyway." What worried him the most was that there was no escape. For better or worse the whole group was stuck with one another for the remainder of the trip.
Joseph(Joe) Tsuyo-sa
Location: Boy's Room
Mentions: Solaris Kousei @xLarius Mariko Tanako & Haruhi Nakamura @ScarletNova, Ruby Anet & Kio Greenwood @Rads
Interactions: None​

Another new person entered the room, a girl with black hair and glasses, and she did something that no one else has done before; she complimented him by calling him a gentleman. Well, not no one, Joe has had his fighting complimented by the coaches of the people he fought and the people who'd bet on him, but none of those held any true meaning to Joe. His eyes widened as a little blush appeared on his face. Joe's mind snapped back to what was happening after he saw the guy with black hair and glasses grab the girl with similar attributes, the one who complimented him. Then he looked around the room as almost everyone else had started to make their leave after them.

Joe would walk back over to his bunk and bag, disappointed he didn't get to talk to anyone. He checked his bag for his phone, which wasn't new but it also wasn't extremely old. (Jigoku couldn't be bothered to buy Joe any of the latest phones.) Once he found his phone he would check his messages, he'd press a button and the phone would read out the messages that had been sent to him. The only one of immediate concern was the one from a "Haruhi." Joe only knows her as the Lover's Club leader, he isn't even sure on what she looks like. Joe would grab his journal of insect illustrations and his voice recorder for taking notes. He walks past the remaining two people near the boy's room and heads to the living room where he sees the girl who was unpacking things from the bus earlier.
Location: boys dorm Ruby and Kio
Interaction: Akari ren and say kun
Mentions: sol diachi haru

Ruby deeply sighs as she is looking over Say-kun's bunk, then says, "The reason I'm taking most of the sweet away from Say-kun is not to flaunt my power like many might think, it's because I'm planning to help Say-kun rebalance his diet. After all, he is like a little brother to me. I plan to make him some healthy and tasty snacks and such."

"As for Sol, I know I'm in the wrong for assuming, but I'm honestly worried about him, and then he gets all but hurt. I didn't want him to choke on the sweets. As far as the personality of Sol goes, I really hate that fake ass smile of his, not to mention the way he switches from mode to another way too quick; it's really creepy, and I'll leave there for now."

"Oh, Akari, if you do plan to date my brother, i'm cool with it. Please keep in mind i don't mind a little bit of a rebel for a protean sister-in-law". " But at the same time there has to be give and take between us".

"I'm not going to chase, and bro, I almost forgot my big brother Rain and Bob left me rare ingredients, so feel free to join in the cooking if you like."

"Oh, just putting this out there, but the reason I can be a right bitch at times is because I have a lot on my plate, keeping things on track. Lastly, I'm not taking sides; I just hate pointless fights. Also, who knows, as camp goes on, you might have fun, and besides, it would be nice to have a cooking assistant?" She stops what she's doing, turns around, and gives Ren a playful and flirty smile to see how he will react.

Kio gently laughs, then says, "I try to stay neutral; too much hassle comes with picking a side, but I got to admit that so far the vibes Sol is giving are less than ideal. I just hope this doesn't happen too often once we get back to school. I imagine Ruby and Co. are bound to have their work cut for them. Who knows, maybe Sol was a mad scientist in his last life and would explain at this point some of the things about his personality." He pauses for a few moments, then says, "I want to see if this place has a sauna. Haru looks loaded."
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  • Love
Reactions: ScarletNova
Location: Unknown, somewhere in the woods, probably up a mountain or something. Lost, very, very lost.
Interaction: Aya and Shin respectively. It's possible they stumble into Ren


"I swear to god, if I don't get to lay in a tScreenshot (31).pngree like some sort of jaguar why are we even out here?" Aya's nails dug into her wrists, teeth sinking into her lower lip as she shot Shin the most annoyed glare she could. "We've been walking uphill for hours. Hours Shin! I'm so tired, can't we just rest?" Tired was an understatement. Tired meant a few moments sitting would make things fine. Exhausted was a better word for it.

Her feet hurt worse with every step. Each shift of her weight felt like she was stepping on a million needles. Fire danced in her nerves, her arms sore from their earlier escapade in the river. Curse Shin, why did he have to have suggested that of all things? He knew she was a sucker for water. A preference that could possibly change by the end of the day. The water on her leggings had rubbed her calves raw at this point. Her shirt, though dry, felt old and wrinkly. Nothing like the silky smooth it had been before it'd gotten dripping wet. If only he hadn't been so rude as to splash so much water on her.

'Then again, seeing him startle like that had been hilarious.' Her mind cooed, tugging an unabashed smile from her chewed lips. He truly hadn't expected her to shove him into the creek. A rare moment for the ever on guard Shin Fukushima. It was with these thoughts she watched in complete pride as Shin walked forward.


2d blonde anime 26257bdb-c6b0-414f-a45f-cf206f0ec45b.png"We're out here because we're lost Aya." Some branches were broken in the brush to their left. Either an animal had accidentally found themselves entangled with a bush, or someone had been here. He hoped it was the later. His steps grew slightly shorter as Aya's pace continued to slow. An unconscious move, he knew from the furrow of her brow and the way her head dipped to stare in frustration at her feet. Undoubtedly regretting the logic of their earlier play in the river.

Had he known they were going to walk for endless hours after, he would have rethought the idea. Yet even now he knew it had been necessary. The stalker they'd been trying to shake off before all this had clearly stuck a dagger in Aya's mood. She'd been tense almost the entire walk. Jumping at the slightest sounds of the forest, mumbling to herself, and occasionally smacking an aggravated fist against her thigh in vexation. Few things calmed her down better than a distraction, and it would have been clear to anyone she had needed a distraction.

He rubbed his chest, wincing as the feeling of the cotton felt more like sandpaper than fabric. A part of him wanted to ask her about the follower. She'd been so instant they run rather than fight. Not too much of an oddity for the girl who was so bent on saving as many lives as she could. But the pale in her features as they had ran into the forest was not something he was used to seeing in a girl who only ever wore masks.

A flash of a clearing pulled at his peripherals. Turning his gaze completely to their right. Aya took a few more steps before noting his lack of follow. Her attention falling to him as he approached the possible sight of a trail. He passed more than a few trees, the canvas of green almost completely shielding him from the small sight he'd thought he'd imagined. Shoving back the brush, his eyes blinked in disbelief as the sight of a very prominent trail curved around his feet.

Leaning back he waved a hand at Aya, beckoning her to come look. Relief was an understatement, he'd just began negotiating to himself on the odds of them really having to sleep in a tree like Aya had suggested. The excitement of their luck heightened when the sound of footsteps sounded from ahead before the curve of the bend. Even better, they'd found a trail and someone to ask directions.
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Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Lost in the Woods on a trail opposite to Daichi || Interactions: Ayame and Shin @YetieBetie || Mood: Scared but trying to look threatening 😱😠 ||
After some time had passed, Ren took a deep breath and finally forced Solaris and Daichi out of his mind. Being out in nature's welcoming embrace had a calming effect on one's soul. Though he didn't like camping, Ren did find some charm in the outdoors and in being alone. It was quiet leaving plenty of room for his thoughts to move towards whatever could be making the few sounds that pierced through the silence. From the singing of birds to the wind rustling the leaves to the occasional small critters dashing off to safety at the sight of a human disturbing their home. Every sound had a source. Some sources were just harder to make out than others.

It was when he was unable to find a source that he paused and waited, his hand in his jacket pocket.

As a child he wanted to be found and adopted by a pack of wolves but as a teen, Ren could not help but keep a large stick on him and a few rocks in his pockets. Mountain lions, bears, wolves, exes; there was a lot to be wary about when one was out alone in the forest with the closest signs of civilization several hundreds of miles away.

He could probably survive an encounter with a lion and they say that wolves are more wary of you than you are of them but bears were absolute tanks and his rock wasn't going to do anything. As for his exes, hell hath no fury like a woman's wrath. He didn't see a scenario of him making it off the mountain in anything but a body bag.

When the sound of something rustling in the brush around an area where the trail curved caught his attention, Ren paused in his steps to listen for the sound again. For a moment he thought he could hear voices but as hard as he listened, there were none. However the rustling seemed to be getting closer until whatever was there seemed to take notice of him and stopped just outside his field of vision.

On guard Ren grabbed some of the smaller rocks from his pocket and launched them in the direction of the sound. His throw showed no mercy to whatever was there, hoping whatever was hiding would take the hint and leave.​
Location: Somewhere with trees and a path (rumor says it's opposite of where Daichi
Interactions: Ren @Monbon
if we're doing moods: Ayame - scared for a bit but slowly losing patience. Shin: Terrified but trying to appear calm in the face of inevitable doom (He did walk himself into it)


Screenshot (32).pngIn contrast to her close friend's opinion, Aya had never been particularly interested in the area of physical violence. Mostly due to the fact that is was messy. If not downright dirty. Not that she minded a mess here and there, but the problem with violence messy, was that she was often expected to clean it. A chore she had never been fond of doing in the first place. Mental warfare was more up her alley. At least with that she didn't have to have that horrifying task of trying to rinse blood from her nice clothes. Those stains had always been stupid hard.

It was with this terror of a task in mind that made her cringe when Shin went into his 'hunting cat' mode. A mode internally named by herself due to his nature of dipping his head and narrowing his eyes like a cat would if they saw a mouse. It only ever came out when he honed in on something that had caught his attention. Typically some sort of kidnapper or something.

She stood completely still as her eyes followed him to a thick of greenery, some of the knots in her stomach tightening when he poked his head through it. All of the tension left, when he turned back with a beaming smile. His hand raising as he gestured her to move closer.

Her feet groaned in protest as she fought the limp in her steps. Blisters aching as she made her way over. Despite it all, she found herself battling the urge to return Shin's smile. He looked like a schoolboy who'd just gotten his first kiss. Excitement practically bounding off his face as he twisted back to look at whatever he'd found. It wasn't the first time she'd inwardly vowed to find him the perfect match, but it was good motivation, and it did add a slight spring to her step as she approached. She was nearly to him when a rock flew out of nowhere.


Screenshot (59).pngShin's smile pulled to a frown as the sound of something flying came whistling towards him. Instincts told him to cock his head to the side, his hand reaching to grab the blunt streak of grey before it streaked inches past his ear. A rock. His eyes blinked down at it for a breath before rubbing the stone between his fingers. It felt semi-warm. As if someone had been carrying it around for a while. Not too large, probably something someone would use to scare away a bunny. With two or three more like this, maybe even a wolf.

For a split second he thought about hiding a bit longer. At least till he could see the person trying to stone them before- oh. Heh. Turning back to Aya, Shin's eyebrows rose. Lips moving silently as he mouthed the words, 'Look Aya, I just got stoned.' He held the stone up for emphasis.

The girl looked absolutely terrified. Her eyes glued to the rock like he was holding a bomb. Poor girl seriously needed a break. Probably a nap, or some food. Typically it was both. Maybe the stoner would prove to have some hospitality in them.

With this thought, Shin vetoed his previous idea to hide a bit longer. Instead waving at her to stay hidden before turning and stepping through the brush onto the trail. His hands went into the air like a good little hostage, though he knew he looked a sight. The stone fit snug in between his pointer and thumb, easy to roll into his palm in case he needed to return the throw. His eyes scoured the person in front of him, knowing they'd probably be doing the same. The sad thing was, he probably looked terrible. Hair a bit damp and crazed from the river, clothes disheveled, boots muddied, not to mention how tired he must look from the day itself.

All his relaxed stance wavered when he realized that he now had to talk to the person. Not his strongest front in all honesty. As if to prove this, he felt heat immediately run to his face. Releasing a cough to ease the sudden scratch in his throat, he gave a small swallow in an effort to give himself enough time to remember how to socialize.

"Um... hey. What's up?"
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Hiroki Niwa and Mirai Ueno
Location: Outside → Boy's Room (Hiroki), Girl's Room (Mirai) → Living Room (Mirai)
Interactions: Haruhi (@ScarletNova), Joe (@SolsticeArcanum)
Mentioned: Haruhi (@ScarletNova), Sayuri (@Monbon) and Akari (@ScarletNova), technically everyone

Spending most of the ride to the cabin with Hiroki leaning against her shoulder and sleeping didn't bother Mirai, honestly he mostly slept due to a headache and she just didn't want him to drool on her. Trying to doodle in a notebook she brought with her to entertain herself for most of the trip until she could dig out the portable charger she had in her luggage to charge her phone later was honestly relaxing.

She had to text Haruhi before leaving that her and Hiroki would meet the club at the campsite; as something on her end had come up and knowing Hiroki he'd likely forget to pack something so in the end it would probably be better for both childhood friends to ride together. Besides, they were practically neighbors.

Her uncle was staying with her family for a while, and he had offered to drive the two to the mountains and drop them off with the promise of checking in with either the Niwa or Ueno adults.

As they pulled up to the log cabin where a few fellow students were milling about outside (one of them being very pink and small which meant it was Sayuri, right?), Mirai's uncle Akie couldn't help but whistle at it's size while Mirai shot off a text to Haruhi that they had arrived, her gaze landing on the text she received from the club group chat.

"Well, when you two said it was a camping trip I expected something less…this." He chuckled, earning an amused snort from his niece as she nudged Hiroki awake so they could get their things. Uncle Akie even offered to help them carry their luggage to the door after he popped the trunk, but Mirai waved him off and thanked him for even driving them all the way here.

A suitcase full of clothes for each teen, and a backpack full of games (no more than 3), a handheld console and a few chargers along with a single Pokémon plush that Hiroki brought sitting at the top of the clutter inside the backpack. His so-called 'good luck buddy', Taro.

Taro technically was a gift to Mirai, and he partially named it after Shintaro on top of that, but she knew he had a soft spot for the derpy thing and let him keep it.

"See ya uncle Akie!" Hiroki waved as the other drove back towards the city. With a yawn, Hiroki adjusted his grip on his luggage and began to drag it inside, making sure not to bump into any club members loitering about, but giving a wave in passing as Mirai followed while giving her own brief nod in greeting.

"Hewwo~." He greeted almost automatically upon entering (earning a fond eye roll from Mirai behind him), and would repeat the greeting once again when entering the boy's room.

After putting her luggage near the bunk she claimed as her own, Mirai had made her way back to the living room to relax for a moment, where she saw Haruhi by herself without any veteran club members nearby. She at least assumed the giant of a student also in the room wasn't a veteran memeber.

"Hey," She greeted both with a wave before tilting her head and asking Haruhi a little awkwardly, "are you planning activities right now?" she couldn't think of anything else to talk about, besides she doubted Haruhi would just be hanging out alone for an hour, she didn't seem the type to when she had things to do later at least. "Do you...need any help?" She offered to the club leader.


Meanwhile, Hiroki had set his stuff on the nearest available bottom bunk, before opening his backpack and digging Taro out and setting him on the pillow before zipping the bag back up and setting it under his bunk. He'd unpack later, for now he'd explore. Maybe ine of the trails he saw a sign or two for on the way in.
Location: Girls dorm later the wood
char ruby: will fix the pics later on.
Location Boys dorm:
Interaction: say kun akari

Ruby was lucky enough to find huge storage. She puts the huge bag in, then triple locks it. She then quickly gets some women's joggers and top since she's in the bottom bunk, then quickly changes her clothes. She grabs a medium-sized foraging basket and then exits the room.
Because she's a fast walker, she quickly moves about, and it's not long before she's out of the building. She heads down the area that smells of pine and such. As she's walking, she can't help but smile and humming. As she kept walking, she thought she heard voices, so she headed towards them.

Kio deeply sighs as he follows, then says, " I'm not trying to be mean and all, people's names are key; it's like me potentially calling you stalker girl, oh being to flippant will make more foes than friends Just some advice because I used to be like you and it made me a lot of foes."
He pauses for a few moments, then says, "You get flustered too easily; you should relax more."
As he exits the room, he's humming the song from the Lion King's Hakuna Matata.
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  • Love
Reactions: ScarletNova
Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Lost in the Woods on a trail opposite to Daichi || Interactions: Shin @YetieBetie || Mood: Relieved but confused🤨||
Carefully listening, Ren heard some light shuffling but it was still otherwise. Whatever was hidden in the greenery wasn't scared off, but it wasn't angry either. Mind scrambling, he failed to find a logical explanation for it. Curiosity overcoming his fear—though not entirely, he stuffed the remaining stones in his palm back into his pocket and held out his stick with both hands in chūdan. Defensive but prepared to strike. For the first time he was glad his father had forced him to learn kendo. Though he had no talent in it, he knew the basics well enough to give the average person a challenge at best.

Slowly, he approached, noticing the shuffling was also approaching him at the same time. This time he was able to tell for certain that the other had two legs by the sound of the steps. That could only mean one thing...

In the middle of the woods far from any kind of civilization, another human being was the last thing he expected to pop out of those bushes but that was the only explanation coming to mind. Convinced they were either an ex or someone sent to capture one of the many wealthy heirs that came on the trip, Ren raised his stick and prepared to strike the figure, pausing only when he saw hands in the air.

A surrender.

Though he was wary, Ren lowered the stick and let the other expose themselves. He took the moment to look him over. It didn't look like anyone he dated. Nor did they look like a hired goon. There was a touch of familiarity, however, but not enough to be certain he'd met them before.

"-what's up?"

At the lack of confidence in their tone, Ren tossed the stick aside. "Camping. Isn't that what the average person does out here in the middle of nowhere...?" He answered as if it was obvious, trailing off as he
casually approached the other male. Hands now free, he reached for the others chin and got a good look at his face. "We really haven't dated. Those lips don't look familiar at all." His thumb brushed against them as the comment left his own before promptly releasing the other from his light caress.

"Thought you looked familiar. I was wrong. Anyway, you look like shit." Ren asked absentmindedly, gaze focused on his hands looking as if he touched something dirty. It was shame that upperclassmen wasn't there. Sol was always prepared for these things. The thought of him only made him grimace at the thought. "Who needs that cold bastard? I did fine without him before..." Ren grumbled to himself before turning back to the other blonde. "So who are you and what are you doing out here?"​
Haruhi Nakamura
Club President | Location: Living Room
Interactions: Joe (@SolsticeArcanum) and Mirai (@Takumi)
Mentions: Ren, Sayuri (@Monbon), Daichi (@The_Queer_Alien), Kio, (@Rads), Akari
As Haruhi was about to get started on her work, she watched as Solaris walked out of the cabin while holding Mariko's hand, Ren and Daichi storm off, and Akari carrying Sayuri outside with Kio tagging along behind them. "Well, there's something you don't see everyday," Haru muttered to herself. What could have caused all of those happenings to occur? This was something that would need further investigation.

Just as she was in thought, Joe entered the room with Mirai joining them soon after. Once the club president heard Mirai offer her help, a smirk came over Haru's face. "Perfect timing, I could definitely use some help," Haruhi replied. She then glanced over at Joe. "I could use your help too, if you're willing to help out."

She knew he wasn't part of the club, and probably felt a bit strange being around others he didn't really know well, but that was all the more reason to work with him. He clearly needed some help, just like the club members.

"But first...Joe, may I ask about what happened in the boys room? After all, I am club president and it's important that I know of any situations that might occur that could affect the club as a whole," she said. "If by chance there is any friction between the members then when it's time for us to help out someone with their love life, we could end up causing more problems than fix. And this camping trip is supposed to be about strengthing our bond and ability to perform our duties as a club."

She had a feeling if she asked the sources themselves of the strange things she witnessed earlier, she wouldn't get an answer. Plus, Joe was kind and easily influenced. He was a much easier target source to get information from. As she waited for a response from him, she looked back over to Mirai.

"We have some skill-building activities to do this afternoon," Haruhi stated. "But they are going to take us out into the forest and surrounding areas. I need some help with getting the supplies for everyone ready. Some of it was already shipped here before we got here, so I'll need one of you to grab the backpacks from the storage room."

"Then we need to write everyone's name on strips of paper and place them into a bucket, hat, or whatever works to be able to pull names from. These activities are going to require groups."
Of course, if anyone thought those groups were truly going to be random, then they didn't know Haruhi. They might have just gotten there, but Haruhi was already ready to meddle in everyone's lives.
Akari Monita
Music Club Member | Location: Outside Cabin --> Walking to nearby shrine
Interactions: Sayuri (@Monbon), Kio (@Rads)
Mentions: None
Akari was already out the door, barely able to hear the response Kio had to her. Not that she really cared whether he called her stalker girl or not. What did his opinion of her matter to her? And she wasn't looking to make and friends anyway. The only one that mattered was the bundle of pink in her arms...

In her arms?

It took Sayuri asking her to put him down to she finally realize what she had done. With her cheeks a deep red, Akari carefully placed Sayuri back on his feet. Would he dislike her for her actions? "Sorry about that," she replied. "I guess I got a bit carried away and just acted in the moment. I just...wanted to protect your candy. I know you like it a lot. But, uh, I can always get you some more later too, you know, in case you need some."

She looked away for a moment then cleared her throat. She took in a deep breath of fresh air to cool herself down a bit. There was one thing that Kio was right about, she couldn't keep being flustered in front of Sayuri. It would get her nowhere. Finally looking back towards the pinkette, she gave him a smile. "So, you wanted to go to the shrine, right?"

"Kio, we're goin' to the shrine. Feel free to follow us. Or not. Whatever. Do whatever you want,"
Akari shouted. She didn't even know if he had followed them out to begin with. He was free to go off and do something else if he wanted to. In fact, if he did then that would just give Akari more time to be alone with Sayuri. Maybe she'd be able to improve their relationship.

"Come on, let's go."
Akari took a step down the path to the shrine. At least the trail was easily laid out, which made Akari assume the path had been traveled by others not too long ago. The walk seemed kind of nice too. Hopefully it wouldn't be too far though. She didn't want Sayuri to get tired out. She guessed she could carry him again if he needed it. Only this time, it would probably be best to ask him about it first.

"So, what do you want to wish for?" She glanced over at him, hoping they could start a nice conversation between them.
Location: Outside Cabin: Walking to nearby shrine
Interactions: Sayuri (@Monbon),
Location: Woods
Interactions: Sayuri aka say kun (@Monbon), @ScarletNova Akari @YetieBetie Shin and aya

Kio gently sighs, then says, "The shrine is fine with me, but later we should try and enjoy the hot springs; they say there's loads of health benefits to soaking in one.". He pauses for a few moments and then says, "It's also a good way to socialize; even while you relax and build bonds, we both need more friends, that's for sure.". "My lack of friends isn't from not trying; it's just that I've been unlucky so far". "You, on other hand, seem like the type that scares them off.". " You might be thinking, ugh, nag fest but i was like you once so i don't say it just because"

Ruby finds the others like a hunter and playfully ambushes Ren with a playful headlock and nuggies, and after a few seconds, lets go. She then says, "Oh, by the looks of things, it seems we have some lost sheep. I was going to go foraging, but it seems the two new faces need help getting back."
"I'm Ruby, the treasurer of the lovers club, It's a pleasure to meet you both, and I'm sure you have plenty of questions, but let's deal with one matter at a time. Too much on one's plate can lead to utter confusion.". "Ren, will you be okay finding your way back, or do you want to come back with me as well"?
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Mariko Tanaka
New Member | Location: Outside Cabin
Interactions: Solaris (@xLarius)
Mentions: N/A​

Mariko was glad to hear from Solaris that he was alright, but she wasn't expecting to have him take her hand. A shade of red came over her cheeks. She never held the hand of a boy before, other than her little brother's or her own father's when she was young. His hand was much larger than hers and his grasp was confident and firm. So distract from it, she almost didn't even hear Solaris' monologue, but the contents of it forced her attention.

As soon as he was finished, Mariko found herself being pulled along as Solaris left the boys room then went outside of the cabin to be alone. And despite everything, Solaris seemed calm and ready to continue on with Lovers club activities. His dedication and leadership was commendable. Though, she was still rather worried.

"Are you sure it's okay to leave like that though,"
Mari replied. "What if they just get more angry?" As she thought about it though, Solaris was the vice president of the club. So, technically, he was allowed to be firm with the members like that. She just hoped everyone that was involved would work it out between each other though. Then she felt his hand in hers again.

"Ah! Yes. I mean, o-of course I can still help you,"
Mariko finally said as she pulled herself out of her own thoughts. "A-and I do know how to swim..." Although she didn't quite know what they were planning on doing that would require her to swim. If so, she would have to put on a bathing suit.

He then explained that he wanted to follow a dating script. She didn't know how well she would do with something like that, but she would try her best. "I-I'm not really familiar with date scenarios much," she replied. Other than those seen in written stories. "But, uh, I've often read about dates that couples take at the park."

She thought about the manga she had read recently. "Ah! Yes, they go for a walk around the park," she then stated. "But some crises happen and the boy has to help the girl through them. But that just brings the two love interest closer together. Like, tripping and him heroically catching her before she falls. Or someone's dog gets loose and ends up chasing them around, which is a it scary at first, but then they laugh about it afterwards. Helping her cross a stream or getting over some large rocks that are stuck in their path. Or they fall into a fountain or a small pond together..."

A light pink blush came over Mariko's face once she realized what she was saying. Plus, this might reveal some of the types of manga and books she read in her spare time. Would he find her choice of reading material odd? She played with the tips of her hair at the end of her braids.

"O-or we can do whatever you want to do," she finally added. Dropping her braid, she then adjusted her glasses on her face.
  • Love
Reactions: Takumi and Monbon
Sayuri Satou

|| Location: Shrine in the woods || Interactions: Kio @Rads , Akari @ScarletNova || Mood: Shaken, Scared, Betrayed by the brute that is Reality 🥺 ||
Sayuri wasn't sure how she knew he liked candy more than life itself or why she seemed so flustered but he wasn't about to question it. She seemed like a pretty forward girl. If she wanted to tell him, she would have by now.

Though the bride's carry caught him off guard, there was something about Akari that had him feeling safe and her considerate feelings toward him left him feeling all warm and fuzzy. It was a good feeling that drew out a giggle from the pinkette. So it seemed he made another friend!

In his delight, he hugged Akari's arm, returning gratitude in his own way. "Thanks! When we get back I can repay you however you want." He promised carelessly, shoving the matter aside for now. "Does this make us friends now? I heard you were scary but it's nice to know the rumors aren't true." Sayuri continued to chat until Kio joined them. "-If I tell you my wish, it won't come true. We need to keep those secret okay?" Sayu tied off the conversation by placing his finger to his lips. "That goes for you too, Kio. We can make a wish then we can go hang out in the hot springs."

Sayuri's wish was a simple one. It was a request to the mountain god to keep his candy safe. If anyone could keep Ruby from taking the rest of his candy, it would be the god protecting this mountain, right?

In a better mood now that he'd acquired another friend, Sayuri grabbed Akari's hand and Kio's, swinging them fondly. "We'll hold hands so we don't get lost." It was more for his own sake than their own. Anyone familiar with him would know that it didn't take much for him to get distracted. Holding hands would keep him from chasing a rabbit or eating suspicious looking berries. It was his first time camping and he wanted nothing more than to experience every little bit.

"Hey, Siri, Play my camping playlist on spotify!" Sayuri called out to the phone in his pocket. Soon after, the song SHINY DAYS started playing at his command. Taking an enthusiastic lead, Sayuri brought them to their destination with a pep in his step and a hum on his lips.

The walk wasn't a long one but Sayuri's happy hums lasted the entire way up until a sign at a curve ahead got his attention telling them it was right around the corner.

Unable to hold back his excitement, Sayuri released the two in his hold and grabbed his cellphone, shutting off the music that'd kept them company the entire trip there. "Wanna take a selfie together?" He asked briefly before bounding off around the corner to take a good look at it and find the best spot to take the picture to add it to his camping memories.

The high dropped at the sight of the run down shack that greeted him. It was semi sheltered by overgrown vegetation that casted a shady over the whole thing. Whenever the wind blew, the rotten doors at the entrance would slowly move, every creak sending shivers down his spine. Confused and feeling betrayed by his expectations, he looked left and right searching for a sign that told him there was an actual shrine somewhere further ahead.

But there were none.

The small smile on his lips trembled a little as if trying to hang on to whatever hope there was. "Uhh… anyone ask for a haunted house?" Sayuri's voice shook as he tried to tell a joke to make light of the situation. He was one scare away from laughing out of sheer fear.
Location: Somewhere deep in the hundred acre woods
Interactions: Ren @Monbon
Mood: Confused af

Screenshot (78).pngWhen stoner's stance eased off from his slightly admirable pose with the stick, Shin felt his shoulders relax just a smidge. His cheeks blowing out pent up air as he considered the possibility of potentially meeting a friend rather than foe for once. Hands falling to his sides as the rock he held slipped into his pocket for safekeeping in case anything went south... okay, maybe Aya wasn't the only one on edge from the day's walk.
As if hearing this and wanting to test the theory, the stoner suddenly started approaching him more directly. Hand reaching up and grabbing his chin-

A side note:
due to a lifetime spent in an occupation of which could best be described as a glorified bodyguard, Shin had experienced his fair share of physical contact. In no way was he deprived of the sensation of touch. HOWEVER, let it be known that most of said touching was presented in the form of... more simplistic natures. Roughhousing, for example, was a tell-tell sign he was in the midst of his closest, and dearest friends (Aya being an exception of course). A smack on the back was code for brotherhood, as was chokeholds, slug bugs, a polite smack on the back of the head in form of greeting, and his all-time favorite: the body flip when caught in a wrestling match.

It is also worthy of note that his circle of friends, apart from Aya (the only one he knew to actually hug and cuddle), consisted mostly of veterans who took his training under their wing, soldiers who'd enlisted due to Shin's encouragement, and street fighters who deemed Shin as a 'lost puppy in severe need of help'. So when it came time to be greeted by a stranger in the form of said stranger stroking his lips... well... you get the point.

Shin was caught off-guard. Unsure of what to do with this new situation and far too shocked to properly react, Shin could do nothing but let his lips part into the shape of an 'o' as the stoner squished a bit of his cheeks together. His face twitched seconds before the stranger released his face. Though his mind was blank as he watched the stoner get that look Aya often had when she was trying to piece something together.

'You look familiar..'

Far too whiplashed to hear the rest of their words, Shin instead found himself studying that first phrase. He looked familiar? If anything this person looked familiar. He had the oddest sense of déjà vu around them. As if he'd had this conversation with this very person before... come to think of it, he looked very, very, very, familiar...

Nah, that was definitely the dehydration talking.

Speaking of crazy, stoner had all but turned from Shin. Mumbling phrases Shin couldn't quite catch, judging by the kissing phrases, Shin wasn't so sure he particularly wanted to anyways. All that paused when his icy gaze snapped back to Shin. His next question a rather valid question. One that made Shin squirm a little. The first part was easy, "My name's Shin..." The second part? Not so much. He swallowed once more, scratching his chin where the stranger's hand had left a ticking sensation. How did he explain what they were doing out here without looking like a total idiot? 'Ah yes, me and my friend were playing hooky to a club activity because we both decided we wanted to meet all the members in a club meeting setting rather than the woods. But then we got stalked by someone and Aya didn't want me doing anything drastic so we clearly kept cool heads and ran into the forest like two emu's being chased by a cheetah and after that we were too stubborn to go back so we wandered around and skipping lots of small and rather unimportant details- though one must mention the terrorizing stick mutiny- we wound up here.'

... Yeah that probably wouldn't fly. Though the reminder of the mutiny of those sticks still made him shudder. Never had a foot-long stick stuck inside the ground been so intimidating.

Back to the question at hand. How had they gotten here? "..well... you see-"
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Location: Frozen's lost in the woods
Interactions: Ren @Monbon, and Ruby @Rads
Mood: Cookie monster level hunger

Screenshot (69).png Patience was definitely not Aya's strong suit. While she'd been considerably nervous at first, the obvious lack of scuffling on the other side of the bushes had quickly turned her nerves to annoyance. Feeling a tad bit forgotten and well past worn, Aya stepped towards the bushes. Shoving the greenery to the side so she could lean forward and pop her head out on the other side of it. Her gaze narrowed as she caught sight of Shin talking to a near exact replica of himself. Albeit slightly smaller… a bit cuter, and standing with much more confidence.

Unimpressed at the scene before her, she hardly batted an eye before addressing Shin. "Are you done flirting with your twin yet? Or do I need to bribe them myself?" Her eyes slid back towards his counterpart. Sniffing in permissive indulgence before stepping out from her hiding place. She spent the next bit running her fingers through her hair, trying to comb out some of the shrubbery now clinging to her stubborn locks. After several seconds of this, she noted Shin's tense cat mode had returned, her gaze following him to a tall redhead. Both jumped as the second stranger all but jumped on Shin's twin. Shin gave her a reassuring smile for a brief moment before returning his attention back to the new faces.

Aya relaxed her hands on her hips. Lifting her chin and puffing out her chest in an attempt to look as dignified as one could while in damp clothes and pieces of grass clinging to her. There was also the fact that all these people were so damn tall. It was a tad hard not to feel like a mouse staring up at a bunch of cats. Even the redhead towered above Aya by at least a foot.

All annoyance left however, when the redhead, Ruby as she had introduced herself, mentioned the Lovers Club. "Ah! What luck!" Aya grinned, her eyes meeting Shin's surprise. "Didn't we join a club like that the other day? What're the odds we run into you guys out here?" Especially since they had already decided to skip out on the camping trip. Perhaps it was fate they were here now. "I don't suppose you have a warm hot bath available right? I look absolutely atrocious right now. Oh! Some food and a nap would be divine!"
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