CLOSED SIGNUPS The Lovers Club IC (Reboot)

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Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Lost in the Woods on a trail opposite to Daichi || Interactions: Shin and Ayame @YetieBetie Ruby @Rads || Mood: Ooo cute girl. 😘||
Though Ren was considerably more relaxed than he was before he saw the other was not a threat, it did not mean his guard was entirely down. Grabbing the stick he'd discarded, he was about to thwack the person coming up behind him when the sight of bright red locks came into view.

Stopping short of smacking Ruby in the head, he let her grab hold of him and do her thing. They were about the same height give or take so it wasn't particularly difficult for her to grab him in a headlock and ruffle his hair adding more mess to his already tousled look. Shooting her a glare of annoyance when she was done, he righted himself and rearranged his hair, not wanting to look too much of a mess in front of a stranger. "Nice to see you too Ruby." He grumbled. Other than Koharu and Haruhi, there was only one female in the club that he didn't have an interest in. And that was Ruby. She was just too forward and aggressive. Just the opposite of the sweet bashful Mariko Sol took away…


The stick in his hand broke at the mental image of the two going off on their own. For all he knew, they were probably out holding hands in the woods somewhere whispering sweet nothings and talking about dumb books or secrets he should've been the first to hear.

At the same time, another figure emerged from the bushes, this time a girl. Though she didn't seem as disheveled as Shin did, she didn't look like she was having a good time either. At the mention of twins, Ren finally realized why the other looked so familiar. They seemed to share a fair amount of good features. "Shin Nii-san." He repeated, cementing the name before the other could protest.

Taking a deep breath, he kept himself from telling Ruby to leave them alone and instead accepted that she had inserted herself right into the situation. Nosy. Another trait he found annoying. The two strangers could be murderers for all they knew. Would the treasurer be able to take responsibility if they were murdered in their sleep?

Shoving the unlikely scenario aside, he turned to the new face. Unlike Shin, she actually didn't look familiar at all. Watching her straighten up her stance and look like she was here to do business, Ren couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. Though he wasn't a fan of the overly proud, he knew his 'kind' when he saw one.

She had to be another rich kid.

It was rare to find a prominent figure he'd never met but perhaps that was just because she looked like she'd just gone through hell and back. Done finding it amusing, he unzipped his hoodie and offered it over to her. "I don't know what your boyfriend dragged you out here for but you should put this on if you don't want to catch a cold."

Turning back to Shin. Ren raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "You really let her walk all the way here in that state? Gotta do better, Shin Nii-san." Ren disapproved of harm befalling the fairer sex. Shin was lucky she didn't manage to twist her ankle after scaling the mountain the way they did. As unprepared as they seemed. Taking note of the lack of water and poor clothing choices, it seemed like the two had a death wish. Any longer and it could've gotten dangerous for them both.

Caring little for whether the other wanted to be confused for his brother or not, Ren focused his attention back to the girl realizing who she was after she said they were new recruits. "You must be Ayame-chan. I think I recall our club's Vice president mention you the other day. We've got a cabin down the trail with everything you need." As he spoke, he bent down to one knee and offered his back to her as well. "Care for a lift? The cabin isn't far but it looks like you've walked far enough."​
Solaris Kousei
"I can at least give Fujiwara-kun a little more credit than that. The moment the argument lost any signs of gain was the moment the fight was over." He spoke in a leveled-manner. A calm expression on his face before releasing her hand to intertwine his own fingertips together. His palms faced outwards as they outstretched towards the sky, stretching his back before his hands dropped back down.

"The worst case scenario of course being that our devoted president handles it herself. After all, I gave them a fair warning." A polite smile tugged at his lips before keeping a note of the other's swimming ability in his head.

"Oh. It sounds familiar. What was it... 'The Summer My Heart Blossomed'?" He mused. He picked it up because of the artstyle, as of any of the protagonists could become nothing but smeared ink stains in moments. Gentle, yet like many of the scenes within the series, each one was powerful.

"I'm glad some of Nakamura-chan's friends have taste." A slight tease though his face showed no indication of malice. Especially considering that he too, was considered one of her friends. "One of my favorite scenes was when he spun her around after he won the soccer tournament... That at his highest moment, the only person he could think of was her." First pick. His next few words stalled, but they came out nevertheless. "Oh, but we should definitely discuss other romance novels... Such as 'My Cold Winter with You' and 'Falling Through Space, and For Her.' if you've heard of those." A slight sparkle in his eye emerged before he tapped on the palm of his own hand.

"I love the themes of thawing out the love interest's heart... Or even when isolated for so long the protagonist's affections never wavers for their first love on Earth. Well, that's all hypothetical if you haven't read the books. No spoilers from me." He nodded firmly-- even Solaris abided by some moral rules... Which almost meant that if he spoiled the ending for something he was in fact being purposefully malicious.

"It's not exactly summer, but I'm sure with your assistance you'll help me figure out a scenario entertaining enough to make even the steadfast of souls, quiver." Many seasons have passed since Solaris had been searching for that heart-racing feeling and each time he felt it just graze across his fingertips. A love that made even the most romantic fairytale pale in comparison... Just even the tiniest sample would be enough... For now.

"This process won't be too complicated. Just take in mind the energy from that story as we try this out. Please be a bit patient with me. Though it's a little embarrassing to say, this will be the first time trying this kind of experimentation out. Humor me and play along?" He requested, a perfectly mimicked nervous laugh slipping out from his lips before Solaris took a deep breath. To Solaris, Gatorp-kun was confident, happy-go-lucky in every way-- urging Enioreh to explore freedom with him so the way he should act would be...

Confident, R0m4nt1c, 3rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

> [@#$@#$] +???​

Solaris moved to tuck a strand of hair behind Mariko's ear though his face was absolutely blank.

"Make sure to stick close, Enioreh-chan. Without me you'll get lost." His voice flat, and his movements were jagged. This didn't feel natural in the slightest. Was this just the wrong action?


His palm made a painful impact with the tree beside Mariko's head as Solaris furrowed his brows. "Ah, though maybe it's because it's our first date-- but my heart is pounding." The words were exactly from the manga and yet-- His aura was more intimidating than nervous, his tone had an edge to it, as if someone was forcing him to say the lines, and arsenic eyes once again glinting in the light.


Was it just him or was the atmosphere off?

Location: From the ground to Ren's back
Interactions: with Ren @Monbon and Ruby @Rads
Mood: Sooo tired and ooo a flirty boy's kindness

Screenshot_20231224-135219_Discord.jpgAya watched the two in their scuffle, pursing her lips in an attempt to block the amused smile threatening to break across her face. Either the two were entrapped in a one sided friendship or, more likely, they were comparable to siblings. Thank goodness Shin's twin had taken to chuckling at her, else her amusement might have seemed unkind. It was under his cover of laughter that she allowed her smile to show, the action wrinkling her nose as she shared a silent laugh with him.

What was he even laughing about? Possibly her, she'd seen his gaze slid over her as she'd shifted her stance. More likely than not, he had also taken note of her glaring lack of height in this group.

Not that she minded, he was far prettier compared to Shin. Less defined, though like his height, the difference compared to Shin was visibly small. Being born with a lean body had always been a frustration of Shin's, something about the intimidation of being a bit bulkier or whatever. Truthfully, Aya hadn't ever listened long enough to really see the logic behind it.

She was mentally counting all the differences when Shin's not-so-clone-like copy offered up his hoodie. It was of decent material, she supposed. He might have even attended some of the parties she'd gone to. Though if he had she'd probably never seen him. The openly kind were not the type of kids she typically hung out with at those meetings. Not unless she was sure their father's business was swindling money from somewhere. In other words, not unless they actually had something of interest.

A snort came up in the form of a cough as he mentioned Shin as a boyfriend. Her hand reaching for the hoodie and pressing it against her face to cover the laughter she was desperately holding back. Beside her, Shin stiffened, his eyes burning into her side as she forced her eyes to stay purposefully on his fake clone. To her utter delight the stranger continued to berate Shin. Her grip on the gentleman's hoodie turning deathly as she bit into it to keep herself from busting out laughing. Tears swam in her eyes as she shook from the effort. Taking a large swallow before she could manage to scold her features into that of a downcast tone. Only after her eyes dipped to the floor, a tear from her suppressed laughter slipping down as she frowned.

"He truly is the worst of boyfriends don't you think? We've come so far and he hasn't been the least bit of help. I even had to brave a tree to see if I could figure out where we were."

Without another word, she slipped on the hoodie. As expected, the thing was far to big for her. It's sleeves going past her hands and the bottom falling closer to her thigh than it should. It was warm though, and surprisingly soft for something that wasn't her preferred brand.

She swiped at her eyes before giving... oh, what was his name? Ben? Ken? Len? Ruby had said it earlier... ah! Ren! She gave Ren the beaming look of utter adoration that any rich kid knew well. "Would you really? A ride would be absolutely wonderful! Much better than my boyfriend over here." For emphasis, she shot Shin a squinted glare, flicking her hair with a 'humph' before straddling herself to Ren's back. To her content, he was as warm as his jacket. And like Shin, far stronger than she would have anticipated.

In truth, she'd taken his offer mostly for the fact that she found grovelers a good form of entertainment. Hence the lack of most rich kid's desire to be kind towards her, however, the hoodie's fabric was comfortable. And his back was firm enough for her to get reasonably cozy. Her arms wound loosely around him, cheek pressing against his dulcet hair. Her chin rested on his shoulder, and for the sake of enjoying herself, she made certain her rested head angled her breath against his skin. "Thank you." She stated, making certain her words were a kind volume to his ear.
Location: Lost in the woods somewhere
Interactions: Ruby @Rads
Mood: Eh, I'll just go with it

Screenshot (85).pngShin watched Aya and her dandified mask at work, first with slight annoyance at her lie, and then with bored acceptance as she went to straddle the guy who'd just chewed him out for nothing. It wasn't uncommon for Aya to be overly comfortable with strangers. A flaw that had come with frequent consequences. Already he was taking a mental note to keep an eye on the two should Ren or Aya try anything untoward. If they were going to be in a club, Shin would rather be friends with the bunch rather than immediate enemies. And Aya had a startlingly great knack for making enemies.

He watched the two with folded arms before his gaze slid over to Ruby. A tough looking person, the kind he often enjoyed keeping company with. A possible friend, if his tongue would work. "So... how's being the treasurer for the club?" He winced, hating the question as soon as it came out. Money had never been his favorite topic. A fact he'd had to remind Aya many times on the daily. Clearing his throat, he tried his best to backpedal away from the topic. "Um... I suppose we should keep up with them. I- Is there anything you think I ought to know about the club?" He asked. Curse his stupid social awkwardness. How was it he could scale a mountain without batting an eye and still cower when someone looked at him for more than a few seconds? Pathetic was what it was. Forcing a nervous grin, he eyed Ruby for a few seconds before turning his gaze back to the scenery, "Any information might help."
Location: woods
Interactions: with Ren @Monbon and aya and shin @YetieBetie
Mood: sympathetic

Ruby presses the bridge of her noise before taking a deep breath and then saying, "It's clear you two have been out here a while, so I'll pretend I didn't see the crazy act not long ago, but I'd advise not doing that to often because people might think your crazy for real.".
She puts her hand in her pocket and takes out two purple hydration tablets and then says, "Aya and Shin, please take the tablets so you regain some of your salt, electrolytes, and such.".

She pauses for a few moments, then says, "Yes, you signed up for the lovers club, and I'm sure there's baths in the girls dorm.". "As for being the treasurer, it's not easy keeping Sol and Haru in check sometimes, but they are reliable in a number of areas, so it's not so bad.". "Ren, do you mind not creating more work for me and bring Aya over here, please?"
  • Love
Reactions: ScarletNova
Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Lost in the Woods ~>Cabin || Interactions: Shin and Ayame @YetieBetie Ruby @Rads || Mood: Business mode ||
Catching sight of the tears trickling down the girl's face and falling for her 'frustration' over having such a heartless boyfriend, Ren's eyes widened at the imagery Ayame painted of Shin forcing her to climb a tree. This brought a frown to his previously relaxed face. His gaze hardened as he turned to stare at his newfound twin incredulously. "Really? You made her climb a tree?"

It was hard to believe someone that looked so much like him didn't share the same fondness for women. Even his bastard of a father had the decency to buy his mother flowers multiple times throughout the year. "Why?" He couldn't help but ask, not wanting to believe what he'd just been told.

As he awaited the answer, he felt Ayame pressing herself against his back. Her cool body against his was surprisingly refreshing. Ren hadn't even noticed how worked up he'd gotten until she unintentionally cooled him off. At the same time, the cold radiating from her hands was alarming. "If he pulls this often, you should probably break up. You could've gotten hurt out there Ayame-san." After hearing they were a couple, his interest in the girl on his back waned resulting in a change in honorifics.

With all his restraint he fought back the blush trying to build every time her breath tickled his ears. "It's the least I can do. We're club members. We're supposed to look out for each other." Hands, previously placed under her thighs, slid respectfully down to the inner part of her knees as he hoisted her up and got back to a standing position with relative ease. She was tiny and didn't weigh a lot to the athletic blond. It would be pathetic if he struggled to carry someone so small. "Anyway, lets get going.."

After the two got their hydration tablets from Ruby, Ren led the way back to the cabin, listening to the other two talk along the way. Noting that Ruby did not answer all of Shin's questions, he took it upon himself to help her out. "There isn't really much to know about the club. The president makes the plans and we do as they say. The targets fall in love and then we find new targets. The members are… weird but I'm sure you'll see enough of that for yourself. It's annoying sometimes, fun other times, rewarding every time."

Once they arrived at the cabin, Ren used one hand to hold Aya steady and the other to open the sliding door. Ren realized only then that he had not taken the time to take note of where anything was in the cabin. But he wasn't about to ask Ruby where the kitchen was either. Although hydration tablets were good, fluids were even better.

"Hey, Ruby. Wanna cook something up for them and get our babysitters and Haruhi on the same page? I'll bring them to the dorm rooms to get washed up. We only have less than an hour of free time." He reminded her, wanting to kill two birds with one stone but needing her cooperation to do it. It wasn't as if he could cook anyway.

"I'll give Ayame some of Sayuri's clothes. You already stole his candy. A set of clothes going missing isn't going to kill him." He shrugged. Knowing his ex, he probably wouldn't even recognize his own outfit on a different person. "It's not like your clothes will fit her anyway." He stated the obvious before pointing to Shin. "You can look through mine…" Trailing off, Ren took another good look at the state the other male was in before continuing. "I didn't bring much but you don't have to return it. In fact, don't bother. If you don't want it, just burn it."

Once the plan was made, he put it in motion, carrying Ayame upstairs and setting her down in front of the girls room. After clarifying where the bathrooms were, Ren brought them extra sets of clothes and let them take care of themselves before returning to the sounds of movement in what he assumed was the kitchen, wanting to avoid the living room as much as possible after having caught a glimpse of Haruhi ordering Joe around. He wasn't about to be roped into something boring.​

Mirai Ueno
Location: Living Room →Girl's Room→ Living Room
Interactions: Haruhi (@ScarletNova), Joe (@SolsticeArcanum)
Mentioned: Ayame and Shin (@YetieBetie), Ren (@Monbon), Ruby (@Rads)

"Perfect timing, I could definitely use some help," Haruhi replied.

"We have some skill-building activities to do this afternoon," Haruhi stated. "But they are going to take us out into the forest and surrounding areas. I need some help with getting the supplies for everyone ready. Some of it was already shipped here before we got here, so I'll need one of you to grab the backpacks from the storage room."

"Then we need to write everyone's name on strips of paper and place them into a bucket, hat, or whatever works to be able to pull names from. These activities are going to require groups."

"I can help get some of the backpacks; it may even be faster if we both went to grab them, and if we can't find a hat there may be a bucket in the storage room too," Mirai replied thoughtfully, before adding "I have a notebook with the rest of my stuff, we can use some of the paper from that to write names." she suggested, before going back towards the girl's room to grab it.

She rose her brow as she heard some movement and commotion on her way out of the room, such as a shorter girl standing outside of said room with a handful of clothes. She debated asking if she was alright as she passed, but decided to let that wait. Once back in the living room, catching a glimpse of a few other club members heading towards what was likely the kitchen, she opened the notebook to a blank page and handed it and a pen to Haruhi.

"Here you go."



Hiroki Niwa
Location: Boy's Room→Outside to a random trail
Interactions: Open
Mentioned: Ren (@Monbon), Shin (@YetieBetie)

After making sure his bunk was ready for when he came back later for sleep, he made his way out humming a soft random tune to himself, catching a glimpse of Ren and Shin for a moment (and almost doing a double take, unaware that Ren had a...twin?) before making his way downstairs and out the door. They only had an hour, so a bit of a walk shouldn't be too bad.

Maybe they'd get to eat before doing whatever Haruhi had planned? She totally wasn't cruel enough to let them be hungry at a meeting. Letting the thought of yummy snacks to the forefront he went down a random path, hands in his jacket pockets as he did so.

They usually had great snacks during meetings after all. After a few minutes he took out his phone and booted it up to check Pokémon Go momentarily.
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Location: Woods to Cabins
Interactions: Ruby @Rads and Ren @Monbon
Mood: Yay showers

Screenshot (87).png Flustered by his counterpart's disapproval, Shin stumbled over a few words before settling on giving a resolute shrug, his eyes sliding over to Aya. The girl was already half asleep on the stranger's back. Her eyes closed with a faint smile tracing her lips. At least she was enjoying herself.

The thought was sarcastic, but the meaning blew off what little miffed feelings he had. Deceitful or not, she was enjoying herself. She could have a good laugh now, he'd be certain to figure out a wonderful way to return this predicament she'd put him in.

"Why?" Ren seemed utterly baffled. Clearly unimpressed with Shin's so-called lack of sympathy for Aya.

Looking Ren dead in the eye, he gave his look-alike a deadpan stare. "Because I'm allergic to sweat." From his peripheral, he noticed Aya's eyes widen as she straightened up. Biting back a smile, Shin relished in his retort before turning back to Ruby.

It wasn't uncommon for Shin to get lost in a conversation. So when he didn't understand what exactly Ruby meant by 'crazy act', he didn't say anything. Not that he really needed to think too hard as to what she was referring to. There were a great many pickles Aya and him managed to find themselves in that could easily make the most sane person question their minds. Frankly, Shin had gone somewhat numb to that aspect of things. Sometimes explanations were simply unhelpful. Scratch that, with Aya most of the time the actual story was unhelpful. Therefore, it was best to just let people think what they will. Besides, a part of it was true. They were a bit odd in the head, though in very different parts of the brain.

He perked as Ruby offered some pills. Swiftly taking the two and reaching over to hand one to Aya after popping one into his mouth. The taste wasn't his favorite. As most medication wasn't. The flavor pulled a cringe across his face as he swallowed it. The look of discomfort easing as the medicine began to kick in immediately. He was used to feeling rather awful, but the boost gave him at least a small amount of relief from his aching... everything.

Walking alongside them, it took more than a bit of willpower to keep his stride from moving stiffly compared to the others. Matching his steps and movements along with them. He listened to Ruby, then Ren intently. Eager to learn even the smallest bit of the new situation they found themselves in. Cocking his head when Ren mentioned everyone's personalities. Weird? What did he mean by that? Like... sketchy weird? Or just rich-kid petty weird? Stoner was quite an interesting character himself. Noting with slight approval the shift in his hands on Aya's thighs. Perhaps not nearly as interesting as the characters Aya was typically chasing. In anything with Aya, less interesting was a good thing.

Shin was in the middle of grasping at what to try asking next when they arrived at the cabins. It wasn't a bad setup. Certainly homely enough. His gaze drew towards Ren as he began spouting off instructions. More of Shin's hope at Aya's tastes in interests improving grew as the guy gave directions. Not an airhead, yet another difference. A huge one compared to her last escapade. He nodded at Ren's slight disproval of Shin's appearance. Not unaccustomed to a wealthy boy's request to burn all that touched Shin. Rich were an odd sort of breed. Maybe this one was just terrible enough Aya would chase after him, at least then she'd have a taste of a real relationship with at least some sort of decency.

What he hadn't, and should have expected, was Ren walking off with Aya down some corridor. It made sense they split up, they couldn't very well bathe and change together. Still... they had only just met two of many club members. Who was to say there wasn't someone waiting for her in one of the rooms... he watched until they turned out of sight. A knot forming in his stomach as it usually did every time Aya left his sight in the arms of a stranger. Not for jealousy, no, mostly concern.

Aya was a big girl though. She could take care of herself. As she'd proven countless times before, she knew better than anyone how to get out of self-made sticky situations. With this in mind, he turned towards one of the bathrooms. His stomach threatened to grumble out of him at the echo of promised food. Surely Aya would be excited about that. Shin found he was far more excited for a warm shower. The work of the day had long since worn through his clothes. And he was ready to feel less an animal and more human again. The set of extra clothes fell to his side as he went to the washrooms. A soft whistle coming from his teeth as he made to set himself to something decently presentable.
Location: Woods to the girls cabin room things
Interactions: Ruby @Rads and Ren @Monbon
Mood: everywhere but mostly 'damn I didn't realize I was this tired'

Screenshot (65).png It didn't take long for Aya to find herself falling asleep on Ren's back. How could she help it? He was relaxing, and being off her feet for a few minutes was more than enough to make her lids heavy. Eye's half closed, she felt herself being lulled deeper as his words vibrated nicely against her when he spoke. It took more than a few minutes to translate his words from hazy lines of nothing. A soft smile playing across her lips as she realized he was still going on about Shin's relationship skills. She was moments from drifting off completely when Shin's retort caught her off guard. She jolted backwards, heat rising as she realized that yes, while most of the damp from her clothes was from the creek, a bit had to be her sweat. Curse that boy and his smart remarks.

The small voice in the far back reaches of her brain, a voice that had been telling her she might need to cut Shin some slack after all the things he'd done for her today, suddenly fell silent. Her conscience falling away as she realized his navigating skills had been lacking as of late. After all, when she'd said she hadn't wanted to confront the stalking guy she hadn't meant that they run into the woods for-

"Stupid boy." She muttered under her breath, noting in frustration her hold on Ren had started to tighten. It wasn't much of a change, at least she didn't think it was enough for him to think it anything. But the slight shift and Shin's jab had woken her back to her senses. Shoving thoughts of the strange face she'd seen this morning, she leaned back into her place and watched her fingers in boredom as they slowly eased back to a comfortable spot. She was in the middle of blinking herself out of the clouds when Ren's reassurances about the club sounded through the murk of that stupidly familiar face she was in the process of trying to forget. It wasn't like it was anything big anyways. Just an old ex. It was almost ironic to hear Ren speaking about having each other's back. A funny joke to be perfectly honest.

He hoisted her up, the subtle change of position almost dismissive enough she nearly didn't catch it. Nearly. The switch in her honorifics, mixed with his hold a little more spaced, it was almost as if he didn't want to deal with the thought of cheating with her. A very, very odd thought. Hmm... he must be one of those rich peers who were the slow burners. The kind who acted all nice and caring until you felt obligated to do whatever they wanted. That had to be it.

The thought was boring, but kind of checked out. She sunk further into him, nuzzling into his neck as she fought the urge to blow out a sigh of disappointment. No, she wouldn't have ever crossed paths with this one unless she'd found some sort of dirt on his business or such. Slow burners were so bland. They went about as if they actually wanted to have real romantic relationships. Friends as long as their family's business flourished and then exes as soon as someone did something stupid. Was it really that hard for some people to accept?

'He's not cheating with you because he's hiding something.' Her mind surmised. The thought toying her interest more than anything else. Yes, surely this stranger was hiding something. No one could be that much of a gentleman without having at least some ulterior motive. If he'd truly had any honorable intentions with her, he would have openly taking advantage of the fact that she was spending time embracing him rather than who he thought to be her boyfriend.

She couldn't blame him for the tactic, anyone would want what she had. She was practically the face of money. Her life was far too fabulous to not be coveted. Ruby spoke up next, saying some warning about acting crazy. A sentiment which warmed Aya to her toes. If the treasurer of the club already found her to be a little on the whacko side, convincing the rest of them wouldn't be too hard. With luck, some of them may even recognize her from some of the bad publicity articles. Those things really did come in clutch for these sort of things. A great weapon to warn most people to keep a safe distance.

A purple pill was pressed into her hands and she realized she was missing more of Ruby's words. "Ah! Yes Ruby-san, thank you." She lifted her head to nod her thanks. Steadying herself by spreading one arm across Ren's chest as her other free one popped the pill into her mouth.

After that, dozing seemed the perfect thing to do next. And she was all too happy to do so. Her eyes closed as she pressed her nose against Ren's neck. Rubbing her cheek on his shoulder for a good measure in an attempt to get more comfy than she already was. The world was dark under her closed eyes, and she could hear the sweet sounds of Shin and Ruby talking, with Ren's voice occasionally chiming in.

It wasn't until Ren was setting her down did she realize she probably ought to be paying attention to things. She blinked herself awake. Rubbing at her tired eyes and her heart dropping when she realized Shin was nowhere to be found. In seconds she was alert. Eyeing Ren's movements as he brought her a change of clothes. Not her usual style, but she supposed one had to do the heroic thing once in a while and make due.

She watched Ren leave with a blank stare, jolting ever so slight as a girl rushed past her into the room she stood outside of. In seconds the girl was back out, leaving her behind like she was no one. Huh. Standing there for a few moments longer, Aya opened the door and began tending to her most basic wants. A quick doze, followed by a rush to the showers in hopes she could go hunting for some much needed food.
Location: Trail opposite of Ren, heading towards the cabin​

Eventually, Daichi managed to cool off enough to return to the cabin, on top of things, he was looking grim for his phone's battery life and he had to go back to charge it so it didn't die and he didn't miss the message telling him to meet the other club members. Though that wouldn't be so bad, maybe missing this meeting would be the straw that got me kicked out, he thought, he shook the thought, if he got himself kicked out of the club there would SURELY talk the next day instead he was gonna go back to the bunk grab his switch, find somewhere to hide from the blonde asshole and FINALLY get through Sedomairi, never in his life has he ever been more humbled by A VIDEO GAME. A horror video game, aka his strangest suit, no less.

His train of thought was cut short when he bumped into yet another person. This time he saved himself the drama and said "I'm sorry I didn't watch where I was going" he looked up thankful it wasn't the blonde dick but rather a pink-haired boy that was a little shorter than him.

Interactions: Hiroki (@Takumi )​
Location kitchen
Interaction: Ren

Ruby is almost done with the chocolate sauce for the pineapple; she then says, "In the future, don't put the person down, even if it's true.". "I didn't have to help, and I don't see where you get off telling me off about the sweets considering your an idiot who takes people's words at face value, among other factors.". She continues to swiftly finish the chocolate, then gets some various fruits for them and starts to make swift work of the fruit. She then says, " I know I said she was acting crazy, but my gut tells me there's a number of things wrong or she's hiding something; I just don't know what yet.".

"You are welcome to ignore my warning, but if you get burned, don't come crying to me.". "As for Shin, I wonder just how well he really knows her.". "Lastly, I've seen and dealt with better-looking and smarter guys, so you would do well to remember that you're not at the top of the food chain just because you have a pretty face.". "Honestly, it's pathetic how your acting so far; I'd feel sorry for you if it wasn't for the events so far."
She starts to dip the fruits in the chocolate, thinking' I know that was brutal but it needed to said because it will help him in the long run even if he hates me for it now'.
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Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Cabin: Kitchen || Interactions: Ruby @Rads || Mood: Amused ||
Upon entering the kitchen, Ren rolled his shoulders feeling a lot lighter without Ayame back there. At the same time, she'd been on his back long enough for their heat to combine. Now that she was off, it felt… cold and empty as if there was something missing.

It was just a shame she was taken. He'd have taken the time to know her better otherwise.

Expecting to find Ruby ready with the snacks. Ren entered to find her still working on them. There was a bowl filled with some kind of chocolate spread off to her side and she was diligently at work preparing some pineapple. Moving on towards the sink, he prepared to wash his hands to give her some help only to have her start berating him.

'Why is everyone picking fights with me today?' He wondered to himself and listened patiently, taking the time to wash any tools she had discarded as she ranted about him putting her down and her paranoia over Ayame and Shin. When she brought up the idea of him crying to her, he couldn't help but laugh out loud, nearly dropping the pot in his hands. "Hah, What? What would I come crying to you for? Do you think I'd fall for someone who's taken? I don't cheat. I can't get burned if I don't play with the fire." The thought of him crying at all in front of others was so foreign to him. In fact he couldn't remember the last time he cried in front of anyone.

Pursing his lips, he took a moment to properly take in her complaints and let her finish before responding. "First things first, if you don't want to be called out, don't go around doing things that'd get you called out. Whatever is going on between you and Sayuri is between you guys but to me, he didn't seem all too happy about you taking his candy."

"Do you know what they call it when you take something without consent?" He asked, drying his hands off after finishing the dishes. "It's called stealing. I'm not judging you for stealing from some defenseless little cream puff. They will forgive you either way… " Ren of all people would know. He had put Sayuri through a lot of stress during their time together yet the poor fellow was just as sweet to him as the day they'd first met. The fact that someone so small and defenseless like that wasn't scared to get hurt over and over again and accept him despite that was truly mind boggling.

Closing the distance between himself and Ruby, he rested his hand against the counter and leaned in towards her, wanting to drive the point home. "I'm judging you for feeling bad about it when you knew your actions were going to hurt him to begin with. If you're going to go around doing bad things, you need to do them wholeheartedly." He lowered his voice, wary that Haruhi would somehow be able to hear them from the living room. That girl had super hearing at the worst of times. If she heard about what happened that morning, there was no doubt she'd hatch up a scheme to make everyone get along by the end of the day.

Backing away from her after stating his morally questionable point, he shrugged and moved on to the next point. "Second, it was your idea to bring them here. I found them but you were the one who wanted to bring them to the cabin and care for their every need. What? Did you not like me following your plan? Or was everything all for show? Were you planning on letting them starve?" "If you think something is wrong with Ayame, that is something you need to discuss with Haruhi and Kousei Senpai. Or… I don't know… Ayame herself? Not me." Grabbing a few strawberries from the fridge, he took a bite and munched away, finding that he had gotten hungry after walking the trail and cooling off his previously hot head.

"None of that has anything to do with me." He pointed out after swallowing his mouthful. "Is it really professional of you to be talking shit about another club member like this to me anyway? Did you expect me to do something about it? Do I need to tell Haruhi you're bad mouthing one of her members like this? Oh I do wonder what her reaction would be." His voice went up a pitch as he played with the interesting idea, the biggest grin on his face. The best and worst thing about Haruhi is that she cared for each and every one of them. There was no way she'd let Ruby go around calling another member crazy.

"Luckily for you, I'm not a snitch." He stated, disarming the threat he'd just thrown out for Ruby to worry about. "It's one of my finer qualities. You're quite paranoid, aren't you? Assuming all these things about everyone but not taking the time to really get to know them." He mused, pointing out the likely reason she had few friends to begin with. "This must be why you have no friends. Just poor little Sayuri. A sweet soul that makes themselves so easy to take advantage of. Like the story about the foolish traveler who gives everything he owns away to those with ill intent."

"Sure, there are better looking guys, there are smarter and richer guys out there. But that's all they are. Their stats are all in one bracket. I'm a lot more balanced, wouldn't you say? Intelligence, Class, Visuals, Athleticism, Charm… " He listed off his positive traits, counting them off on his fingers one by one as he continued to boast. "I'm the whole package whether you like it or not."

After finishing his strawberry, he grabbed another, dipped it in the bowl of chocolate and offered it up to Ruby's lips as a peace offering. "It's up to you just how well you want to get to know others." He advised gently. "I'll apologize for putting you down, okay? The rest is what it is. I'm not about to change who I am for you."​
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Location: kitchen later girls down
Interaction: Ren
mentions: Aya

Ruby finishes up the various fruits, turning each piece to let the chocolate evenly spread. She then let out a deep sigh and said, "I'm sorry for lashing out, and thanks for the help back in the woods. I know I took responsibility, so a good part of it is on me.". She pauses for a few moments, then says, "Just putting it out there, it's great to be confident, but not all women want a showboat, just as not all guys want a woman like me who can be very bossy and such." "I know my words probably don't hold much weight to you, but you might find my advice helpful in some situations.".

She pauses for several moments, then says, "Also, thanks for cleaning the dishes; I'll take care of the rest.". She splits the fruit on two different plates so ren can take one up to Shin. She then hands him the dish and smiles ever so slightly, giving off a gentle, warm energy now that she's not stressed.

Once she hands him the plate, she gently turns him around and gently pushes him out of the kitchen. Once he's out, she starts to put the bowl and dishes away where they belong. It doesn't take her long to put the dishes away. She then grabs the other plate and starts to head up to the girl's dorm. She doesn't see aya so she leaves the fruit plate on the side and then exits the room thinking' she's probably in the girls bathroom, well for now i'll leave it'.
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Location: Bathrooms then Girls bedroom
Interactions: None, she's talking to herself like a madwoman but she does mention Ruby and Ren briefly
Mood: Huh. I don't remember the last time I've actually sorted out my thoughts today

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The water was almost as nice as the mattresses in the girls room. Rinsing off the layers of dirt and combing out the leaves in her hair felt soothing. She nearly fell asleep twice in the shower before dragging herself out. Though the moment the water turned off she regretted it.

Drying herself as fast as possible and dressing herself faster with the t-shirt and sweatpants Ren had given her. Both of which were too big, but she made do with it. Sadly, the t-shirt wasn't near enough to stop goosebumps from racing up her arm. In a panic to escape the impending doom of cold unheated air, Aya made for Ren's hoodie. Slipping the thing on and spending a full five minutes trying to figure out where the arm holes were. A very hard task for someone putting on a hoodie that nearly reached her knees. Thank goodness she was gorgeous. Else these clothes would have made her look like five pound potato in a ten pound sack. Luckily, her looks made her look like a cute five pound potato. A major blessing for all she was certain.

A quick look through the drawers she stole borrowed the best looking brush she could find. Grumbling a bit under her breath as she yanked out the hair already in it and gave it the best washing she could under the circumstances. No way was she going to risk getting rabies from these strangers. Who knew where they'd been. After doing her best at cleaning the thing, she finally took the risk and began brushing the snares from her cursed long locks. Beauty was pain, the proof was there as soon as her eyes lifted to watch herself in the mirror. Oh yeah no, she was definitely owning this look.

Laying aside her 'borrowed' brush, her fingers wove through her hair, shaking out as much of the excess water as she could. Occasionally brushing it through once again whenever she uncovered a newfound set of tangles. When reasonably workable, she set to braiding. Her hands moving more in memory than anything else.

Her lips pulled into a flat line as she began ticking off the events of the day: First, a creepy stalker dude. Not an uncommon problem for someone as wonderful as herself, but still concerning when said stalker was someone you recognized... eh, she didn't like that thought.

'Banished from thinking about it until you cross paths with them again.' Her heart petitioned.

'Deal, but lets be stressed about this for at least a bit longer because then Shin'll feel bad enough to make or buy some food for me. And I deserve food.' Her mind returned.

'Snacks are wonderful... and we do always deserve them.'

'it's decided then. Let's move on.'

... Second, the eternal hike with Shin. For crying out loud, they'd literally scaled a mountain! Which had been exhausting. She had to remind herself later to let Shin know to cross that out on their Things-To-Do-When-That-Feeling-Hits list. The getting hopelessly lost and trying to survive sounded fun on paper, but turned to be extremely opposite in real life. Maybe, maybe they could try it again with more food supplies and then it'd be more fun, however, as of right now, she would need at least a few free shakes before she thought on it again.

A whiff of Ren's hoodie hit her at that moment. Derailing her thoughts and bringing a faint smile to her lips. A cute guy? Yes, but far too polite to be considered a worthwhile pursuit. She supposed he'd be a fun distraction. It would have been nice to have talked to him a bit more, but he'd left her so quickly, her tired self had hardly been able to peep a word before he'd left.

Odd that he'd switched his tune after her little fib about her and Shin. Maybe he was more poorer than she realized? Perhaps that was what he was trying to hide. He hadn't seemed like he recognized her. Neither had Ruby. It wasn't like she hung out with a lot of middleclass people. Maybe he was in that department? But then even some of those in the slums had come across the few articles about her. People liked hearing about rich people failing. So most had seen, if not sought out the stories of her 'accidentally' riding the chandelier in the palace of a crown princess of some foreign country. Or that one time she'd stolen a high end celebrity's sports car and drove it off a cliff. Surely they'd heard of the hundreds of boy's she'd dated during her summer of 'one actor a day' during her musical phase. Her family, while rich could try and suppress those things, but it was all everyone could ever talk about back home.

Hmm... or maybe those news was so high end Ren's poor middleclass couldn't afford that type of news. If so, how many others in this club wouldn't recognize her? The odds were slim. Which was a pity, she liked seeing the reactions of people when they heard about her wonderous tales of fun and excitement. And it did the wonderous trick of scaring off at least some people. And the less she had to put up with the better.

She closed her eyes, humming a soft tune to herself. Reminding herself first and foremost of the never-ending task at hand: knowing anything and everything about the new school her and Shin had just transferred to. Starting with this club.

What did she know of the club anyways? She'd have to write that down later, being around so many people right now was too risky.

She finished her braid, letting her hands adjust the bits and pieces as her eyes opened to examine her work. After tugging looser a few tendrils, she made her way back to the bedrooms where she could figure out her next step. She was alone in the room, and quickly found herself torn between two thoughts: sleep and food. While food would always be the number one priority, Aya was tired. The dozing had almost killed her to walk away from, and she wasn't sure she could make a trip of exploring without falling asleep in some random hallway.

Hiroki Niwa
Location: Outside on a random trail
Interactions: Daichi (@The_Queer_Alien)
Mentioned: None

His train of thought was cut short when he bumped into yet another person. This time he saved himself the drama and said "I'm sorry I didn't watch where I was going" he looked up thankful it wasn't the blonde dick but rather a pink-haired boy that was a little shorter than him.

Hiroki yelped when he got so distracted by his phone (from playing a bit of Pokémon Go to going into a time skinking game of solitaire) that he bumped into someone, nearly dropping his phone but catching it. Blinking up at the person he walked into he opened his mouth to apologize but the stranger immediately beat him to it.

"I'm sorry I didn't watch where I was going"

"Oh, no I wasn't watching where I was going, so I'm sorry! Are you part of the Lover's Club too? I'm Hiroki." He greeted, holding out his free hand for a shake. He could only assume the other was a newer club memeber, since he didn't quite recognize the other. Unless there were other campers out with their families near the area, but given the size of this place and Haruhi's wealth he assumed the place was technically private property or whatever rich people did with so much land.

"Were you on your way back to the cabin?" He asked then with a tilt of his head. Was it close to the meeting time already? He hadn't even checked the time since he started walking. He didn't even know how long he'd been walking for at this point.
Location: Showers to bed
Interactions: Also himself, like a crazy person, mentions Ruby
Mood: But, hear me out, e x p l o r i n g

Screenshot (92).pngShin finished his shower and changed, the clothes were a bit smug. But only by a bit. Just enough to make him slightly uncomfortable. He tugged at the fabric as he walked out of the bathrooms. More eager to explore the area rather than bunker down in one of the beds.

Perhaps he ought to go find Ruby and ask if there was a place with service. That way he could call Aya's parents and see if they could send some of their stuff up. The thought of Aya's parents, as always, brought a smile to Shin's face. Imagining what the doting guardian's would say when they found out about the little stunt they'd both pulled was easy.

Aya's mom would berate them for days on end. Ranting about things like preparation and how they could have handled it differently. She'd probably be filling out the stalker reports as she spoke to them. Though the smile in her voice would take all her credibility to the punishments she'd be hanging over their heads.

Her father would be speaking along his wife. Just as panicked about it all, if not more. He'd demand Shin inform him of every slight detail. He'd not lay off until Shin assured him every inch of their body was unharmed. Not only that, but that they were now well rested, fed, clothed, comfortable, and beyond content with where they were. Shin could almost hear the man's words. Low and threatening as he growled out one of his 'If-Someone-So-Much-As-Looks-At-You-Wrong-I-Will-Intervene' threats.

With a sigh, Shin plopped down on the edge of the bed. Rubbing his eyes in an attempt to rid himself of the daydreaming. Today had been one of their longer excursions. Far from the longest, but long. Still, it had been good. He liked the days when they stretched their physique more than the more subdued games. His muscles sore, an ache in his head, and more than a few good sores on his feet. The pill had helped with the headache, but the dull pound was still bothersome. Maybe he should eat before sleeping...

It was in this moment that Shin realized his mistake. As soon as he went to stand up from his spot on the bed, his body stumbled right back onto it. As if his body had said 'nope, not anymore satan', and had promptly given up trying to function.

... ooor maybe sleep was good?

He frowned squirming in the bed for a moment before going limp. He could call for help, but then how did one explain that he was being held prisoner by his own body?
Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Cabin: Boy's Room || Interactions: Shin @YetieBetie , Haruhi @ScarletNova, Ruby @Rads || Mentions: Mirai @Takumi and Joe @SolsticeArcanum || Mood: Impatient ||
Ruby's apology was unexpected but Ren wasn't one to take things to heart to begin with. With a nod, he accepted it until she brought up not all women wanting a "showboat"? Whatever that meant. "If a girl has bad taste, what does it have to do with me?" Ren didn't lack self awareness but he did lack the ability to see himself in an objective light.

Taking the plate, he allowed himself to be pushed out of the kitchen after grabbing a cup of water on his way out and headed to the living room. Seeing as how Ruby was still busy, he doubted she told Haruhi they had another two in their party. Leaning on the doorway, he searched the room and found the Red head among two others; the hypocritical giant from before and another cute girl, Mirai.

"Hey, Haru-chan we found two of those new members you mentioned a while back out in the woods. Ruby and I are taking care of them right now. I don't suppose you have extra supplies lying around the cabin? Combs, soap, lotion, whatever girls need." It was a dumb question. Haruhi was always prepared. "Anyway, they can ask our chaperones for anything extra. Just thought I'd clue you in first."

All that said, he turned away, gesturing to the plate to let her know he was working on getting their new members taken care of and left her group to do their own thing. With Haruhi checked off the list, Ren made his way upstairs plate in hand.

Not even bothering to knock, Ren barged right in. A quick scan of the room and he found the other lying in bed, possibly from exhaustion. At this point most would probably let them sleep but Ren wasn't most people. After setting the plate and drink on a nearby nightstand, he grabbed his long lost twin's shoulder and began to shake him. "Hey, I brought you food. If you don't get up, I'm taking my clothes back and stealing your girlfriend."​
Location: Boy's room
Interactions: Ren @Monbon
Mood: Ugh, Aya's boy toy

Screenshot (93).pngShin jerked awake as a sudden pressure shook his shoulder. The room spun in light, twisting circles. Not enough to truly make him dizzy, but enough to find himself mildly disoriented. Grimacing at first as he recognized Stoner's voice, he mentally prepared himself for what he was certain would be an onslaught of verbal shots from the rich kid. A classic reaction from most of Aya's little band of simps. He blinked as Stoner's words processed in his mind. Lip curling into a small smile as he ciphered the threat in the other's words.

Food would be good right now.

Though he'd only laid down for a few minutes, already his entire body had gone stiff. His muscles groaning in aching protest as his pride forced himself to move into an upright position. As much as he would have liked to share his current bed-ridden predicament, he'd rather wait until he was certain this stranger taking interest in Aya wasn't another one of the two faced gallantries that was so common. He settled to doing small stretches from where he was at. Rolling his shoulders and neck, clasping his fingers together and pushing out. It hurt like none other, but he found if he clenched his jaw tight enough, any groans or grunts were cut off.

"We can't have that," He muttered in response to Ren's threats, "I was really looking forward to burning them after this. But you can take Aya-sama for all I care. She's not interested in me..." His eyes flicked to Stoner as his arms fell back onto the sheets. "Yet."

His tone was dead serious, not an ounce of shame in his eye. One might have thought he'd just related an account of someone's dying wish with how solemn he sat.

While Shin didn't want to ruin a possible scratch in Aya's tally of 'People She Might Possibly Consider', he couldn't say he'd welcome this new stranger into their friendship with open arms. Most of Aya's interests weren't exactly the most stand up people anyways.

It was this moment he realized the plate and drink on the nightstand. A physical correction to his last thoughts. His movements remained stiff as he reached towards the cup. His previous stretches only slightly easing some of the sore. With drink in hand, he gave a slow look over Ren, mimicking the very gaze Stoner had given him during their last encounter. "As close as she and I are, we aren't dating. Though I will say I have gotten to the point to have taken her last name."

Taking a long swallow, he bit back a moan of delight. The cool taste of water felt good on his parched throat. And he found himself downing the rest quickly after that.
Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Cabin: Boy's Dorm|| Interactions: Shin @YetieBetie || Mood: Mischievous ||
The joke about burning the clothes was unexpected, drawing a laugh out of Ren. Perhaps this person wasn't as bad as he originally thought? Now that Shin was all clean, Ren could see the resemblance. How was he supposed to hate such a face? The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. It couldn't be helped. Spitting on Shin would be like spitting on himself.

Feeling lighter than when he entered, he mulled over his 'twin's' words. By the sounds of it Shin and Aya were apparently not dating. But was that true? Was it one sided? The male before him seemed to have a knack for saying just enough to keep others interested but not enough to make heads or tails out of what his intentions were.

At the same time, it brought into question Ayame's intentions. What was with that act before? Was she just protecting herself or was she playing a game? A game of cat and mouse had its own appeal. At the very least it'd give him something to pass the time with.

Regardless, there was only one way to know for sure.

"Is that so?" He wondered out loud with a grin. Taking a seat beside the other on the bunk bed, Ren cozied right up to him closing the distance between them as he drew closer. Shoulder to shoulder, he leaned in, close enough to count every single eyelash if he wanted to. "Does this mean you're available, senpai?" He questioned, his blue eyes locked on the other's green ones.

"You may share her surname but you're wearing my clothes." He pointed out, tugging at the collar and drawing him closer so that they were forehead to forehead. Strangely enough both of them had dressed in his clothing that day. Aya with his hoodie, Shin taking everything else. "We're already like this and you're telling me you don't want me to take responsibility?"​
Location: kitchen
Interaction: open
Mentions: say kun ren @Monbon @YetieBetie

Ruby is in the kitchen making trail mix for say kun, humming away and says open" ugh I know I said sorry to him but how could I forgot that it could be a show to hide his insecurerity's". " He would have a lot of potential if he matures, but then again I was inmature as well which normally isn't me". She let's out a disappointed sigh in how she behaved. She continues to make the trail mix and starts preparing the spices to season some of the mix. She continues to work it looks as though her hands are dancing as she gets fully into making the snacks.
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