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I'm just making these NPCs to pass the time XD
Name: Morguul
Age: 548
Race: Demon
Class: N/A
Faction: Darkness
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Characteristics: Unknown
History: Unknown
Abilities/ Magic:
Give me your soul: Morguul can consume a man's soul if he has corruption in his heart, and corruption can be anything from adultery, rape, murder, etc.
Appeal: In order to lure men and women alike, Morguul can change his gender and appearance at will. Once alone, Morguul takes their souls, growing stronger.
Items: N/A
I'm still here, but I fear there won't be much interest. It just doesn't look like it...hopefully there will be though.
Hopefully... I posted another thread that might stir up interest, but I doubt it because of the thread location.

If this RP doesn't take off as planned, do you want to do this in a private post?
I just found this and would like to join also, but I am going to need some time to read through it and think of a character and all.
@Necropolis How exactly does magic work? Is there any theme to it / can anybody get it? Just trying to figure this out while I make a dude.
yeah it's coming along, sorry I'll get it up soonish, can't give a direct answer as my weekend away was fun but not fruitful for writing, and getting back to work I was instantly thrown into training new hires my entire week.
@Necropolis How exactly does magic work? Is there any theme to it / can anybody get it? Just trying to figure this out while I make a dude.
Anybody can have any magic, as long as you don't go too overboard. It's not limited to magic though. The only example that I can think of that you might know is Final Fantasy. There's Holy, or White magic; Dark Magic, or Black magic; Anti-Magic, or Green magic. Then of course there's abilities, which in FF mean things like Steal and Libra. The magics in this game are only different because they can be used in all manner of ways, and there are items and abilities tied to the magic as well.
yeah it's coming along, sorry I'll get it up soonish, can't give a direct answer as my weekend away was fun but not fruitful for writing, and getting back to work I was instantly thrown into training new hires my entire week.
"Soonish." I find that hilarious, I need to use that.
Dad: Dude, when are you going to start the dishes
Me: Soonish...
*5 weeks later*
Dad: WHY HAVEN'T YOU DONE THE DISHES YET?! I thought you said you would do them soon!
Me: I said soon-ISH...
Dad: >:(
Me: >:) *Eyebrow wiggles*
It's ready, go ahead and see this exert from this story in a previous life. Have fun!
Ah, so no killing the dark lord for one... And then your character has to take care of a kid eh? Could be interesting
No no no, you misunderstand. This was from me and my sister's story. It's just a spoiler for what could happen if things go a certain way, but with three different people and completely different characters, I doubt that it'll happen again. Besides, in the older story, Tyrael eventually finds the truth about who his real father is, and he slowly turns to the Darkness and gives in to lust and hate and most things considered unholy.
Ohh, I'll be honest, I thought you were giving away the ending for some reason. I'll be honest here, my character probably would've just tried to kill the guy as soon as he saw him ._.
Ohh, I'll be honest, I thought you were giving away the ending for some reason. I'll be honest here, my character probably would've just tried to kill the guy as soon as he saw him ._.
Lol, nah, I'm not like that. The ending is way more strange, but it fits perfectly into the second part/book/episode/series.
I want to create a member of royalty who has access to an ancient kind of magic. Is that allowed?
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