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Crown Prince of Dalgotro

Dav crashed through the tree-line, trying to shake his shadowed predator. The fiery red eyes gave away it's true nature--a demon. And it was a hulking one too, chasing after the smell of meat both dead and living. The neighboring wood-elves had warned Dav of the increasing darkness and monsters that followed, but he figured he would be stealthy enough to get by. He thought wrong. The hunter jump-spun backward to shoot an arrow into the place its heart should have been. A loud "thunk" was heard, with no avail to slowing down the creature.

"You already have arrows in your eye, throat, and heart!" Dav griped as he fell back into a run, "Where in the Hells did they make you?!"

The bushes and other greenery gradually became sparse, giving way to light. Campfire light. The young halfling pushed himself harder, well past his enhanced stamina limits. The demon clobbered town several trees, swiping closer and closer to Dav each time. A red tint flooded his eyesight and Dav suddenly felt himself propel faster and faster until he was out of the greenery and bathed in the light of several fires. His body braced itself to attack, already wielding his long and ornate daggers. They gleamed a purplish black while his honey colored eyes raged a storm. The demon came out of the clearing...and immediately began to hiss and blister angrily. The monster wasted no time in retreating, the ground shaking as it ran back to whence it came.

Dav stood there for a couple of minutes, partially in shock of what happened and waiting for the demon to return. When it didn't he let himself collapse, falling on his back. His belt hung heavy with the rabbits and foxes he'd trapped earlier. Panting heavily, he looked up without moving his head to see a group of armored men at the edge of his eyesight. He sniffed and figured out what caused the demon to turn tail--the earth was salted.

"Hello..." he said coyly, wondering just what the hells he'd gotten himself into this time.
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Everyone walked off and left Luke in the dust.

"Don't get too excited there fellas" He muttered to himself watching them walk off.

Well he guessed it was time to meet Makarov, he heard this guy was important so he dusted himself off, made sure his pants had no holes in them, and he was ready to meet the boss of this place.

Or he would be if someone else didn't just crash into the party. His response was immediate, he ran over to the stranger standing next to him crouching down.

"[BCOLOR=#333300]You alright there friendo, can you stand?[/BCOLOR]" He didn't wait for a response before moving the ground beneath him and letting the new guy float on a slab of rock before running to the tent and trying to get Karma's attention, the slab of rock floated behind him standing next to Makarov's tent.

"[BCOLOR=#333300]Oy! Ya'll got any doctors! I got a man out here hurtin![/BCOLOR]" He busted in not caring how he looked for the Boss, new guy's life was first and foremost.
Karma turns on a dime to look at Luke, then the newcomer, then back at Luke, before shrugging.
He doesn't look too bad, but just in case.
Karma turns toward the tent with lots of noise and booze.
There is a moment's pause before a man staggers out of the tent. There's something wrong with him at first glance.
James stands at about 6 and a half feet tall, and he's unusually pale. His eyes are a dull green, and all of his clothes match it with different hues of green. He is holding a ceramic pot, which is covered in a metal cage, probably meant to protect the jug from breaking.
James leans in and takes a look for a moment before backing off without a word. He pours some water out of the jug, enough to fill a cup, and the water immediately heats up to body temperature before doing a once over on Dav's body, healing any outside wounds.
Umm... Thanks James...

James turns and stumbles back to the food tent.
Well... Uh, that takes care of that I guess. He should be fine in a moment.
While Karma was yelling for James, Makarov had come out of his tent to watch. He looks between the three of them with a stoic expression.
[BCOLOR=#999999]I want all three of you in my tent, I don't care where the other one has gone, he has his orders.[/BCOLOR]

Crown Prince of Dalgotro

Dav felt a radiant glow pour over his body as he lay on the stone slab. The murmuring voices around him were cut in half by a tone that was hushed yet sharp. He sat up quickly, his wild red hair billowing around him like streaks of candlelight. He looked at the surrounding party of people, taking in the details. Two of them were adorned in armor that was unmistakably created by those part of the Holy Alliance.

"Great." he coughed, healed but still a bit sore. He put on a fierce face like he did when he was still the Prince of something. "Thank you for the healing, but I feel like I just intruded on something I want no part of." He kept a hand on one of his daggers, which gleamed wickedly just waiting to be used. "My loyalties lie no where but with my people. If you'll excuse me..." he said, pushing himself off the stone surface in a fluid motion.

((don't let him leave, guys...if you want that is.))
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One of the armored men (guards) holds out his spear, not pointing at Dav, but barring his way.
"Halt, stranger. You have trespassed, you must obey our current leader, or else."
Lay off Gerald, you saw how he got here, I'm sure that we can all respect his decision if he wants to leave.
Karma turns to Dav after Gerald lowers his spear.
I'm sure you don't want to leave right now though, right? I mean, we've salted the ground here, so it's safe; but even so, the demon looked like a beast of some sort, so wouldn't it be better to wait? At least come see what Lord Makarov has to say, I'm sure he'll be fine with you staying for the night if need be.
Karma looks over to Makarov's tent to confirm this, but he was already back inside of it.

Crown Prince of Dalgotro

Dav weighed the few options he did have at the moment. The angelic man had a point. The night had risen high, and so did the Darkness. The young prince hadn't been able to draw that nullifying power he wielded against the Darkness when it descended upon Idris. The closest form of protection lay beneath his feet. Reluctantly, Dav took a seat upon a nearby stump. He bent down and pulled a skinning knife from his boot. He began to strip one of the rabbits of its hide.

"I'll stay the night, your Holiness," he replied to the angelic denizen. "Thank you for your hospitality. My name is Eriqus, but you may call me Dav. It suits me better." he said solemnly, wiping some dirt from his face.

He wondered just what had these men in this place--if the Holy Alliance was here then how far away was the darkness?
"[BCOLOR=#333300]Well that's good to hear Friendo, glad to have ya aboard[/BCOLOR]"

Luke was happy that his overreaction got a new ally. Now he had to gauge what kinda man this fella was.

"[BCOLOR=#333300]So Dav what brings ya to this part of the world?[/BCOLOR]"

Reynard already had Cyil being all grim, having Dav be similar meant entertainment would have to be doubled.

"[BCOLOR=#333300]And do you like Black Jack or Poker?[/BCOLOR]" He pulled out a deck of cards from his pocket ready to play if this Makarov took any longer to get here.

He was always observant, knowing how to understand someone based on how they act would be the difference between getting a friend or a backstabber, that is the good of being a bit odd, no one ever knows if it's an act or how he is but either way, he would know how on the level Dav was depending on his answer.
Cyll quickly looked up as a man crashed through the trees with a fairly large demon at his heels. It seemed Luke had already got him on a rock platform and was taking him to Makarov's tent. Cyll dropped what was left of the broken spearhead he had been eating. A ball of red-hot molten steel appeared in Cyll's palm and stretched itself into a rod shape, before shaping itself more and cooling, creating a large spear. Cyll stood up and sprinted towards the treeline, his mechanical joints propelling him forward much quicker than what a normal muscle perhaps would have. Once he was in the woods, he kept running, though he wasn't trying to get anywhere exactly, but instead he was trying to hunt down the demon. It was his purpose after all, to destroy evil without reserve.

((Cyll's newly created spear)) ((like this, but steel instead of gold))
Karma smiles at his success to convince Dav to stay, since there was something about this place that still creeped him out. When Luke asks what card game Dav likes, Karma starts flipping out (not literally, but he can if he wants to, 'cuz of wings.)
No Wait, now's not the time for that! Makarov wants us to meet him in his tent!
Karma pushes onLuke's back to try and push him in the direction of Makarov's tent.

Crown Prince of Dalgotro

"My kingdom was destroyed and I'm a Prince in disguise." Dav said flatly, being totally honest. He wasn't too sure that his new ally would take him seriously. The idea was a little too far-fetched even for him to believe. "And I'm more of a blackjack sort of man. I suck at bluffs." The hunter cut the head off his rabbit and rustled through his bag for a rub of spices. When his meat was properly seasoned, he impaled it on a wooden stick and set it on the fire to cook. He then turned to his interrogator.

"Why? Do you wanna play?" he asked, eyebrow cocked and his eyes mischievously ablaze. Out of nowhere, the angel returned claiming that they were all needed in another tent. "Perhaps next time," Dav chuckled, standing up and heading toward Makarov's tent.

A guy on the straight and narrow, even if he didn't seem like it, Luke grinned wildly. Dav's little story amused him to no end, former kings, old and jaded heroes, and kingdom-less princes, a lot of things go on in this crazy world and he had seen most of it in his travels, he merely shrugged and his enthusiasm almost made him forget that he was meeting Makarov.

"[BCOLOR=#333300]Okay ya highness, lets see if royalty makes you a lucky man[/BCOLOR]" Then he felt the push at his back and once again he realized that someone was pushing on his back. Karma probably wanted to get this little introduction done with.

"[BCOLOR=#333300]Alright, alright, don't ruffle your feathers there boyo[/BCOLOR]" He merely let himself be pushed by Karma towards the tent, amused by it, he couldn't help but laugh.

Though he did turn his head towards Dav.

"[BCOLOR=#333300]Looks like you're off the hook good sir, but I thankee kindly to playing a game later[/BCOLOR]" Well he had a job to do after all.
The three of them enter the tent and Makarov is polishing his armor, since he wouldn't let a squire touch it even if the world were at stake. Makarov doesn't even turn around to acknowledge them properly, looking at them through the reflection his armor made.
[BCOLOR=#999999]So, there are two newcomers. Your reputation precedes you, Luke Reynard, I was wondering when a wanderer like yourself would show up. Also, greetings to you, Prince Eriqus. Forgive me for not standing and bowing in respect, but I don't think a kingdom-less prince gets much respect either way. So what do you three want, I have a village to take back, men to flog, and a very full day of interrogating demons, all in the same morning.[/BCOLOR]
Karma speaks up first, being the one who brought them here.
Um, Luke has come to join us, Sir. Dav is just here to stay until day breaks... not like he'd want to stay much longer after an introduction like that though...
Makarov turns to them, the area around his eyes look slightly less tired than normal. This is probably the reason he's on edge... probably.
[BCOLOR=#999999]Oh, of course, more mouths to feed. Very well, he can stay, it seems that we have no kind of security anyways, with most of the men being drunk or incapable. As for you Luke... You can join Karma in the insertion squad, we're going to clear them out by surprise, so try not to let your ego blow your cover. That'll be all, we all have a lot to do tomorrow.[/BCOLOR]

((Here's Makarov's armor))
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Crown Prince of Dalgotro

Dav scowled rather hard at the words that came from the mouth of the High Lord. Usually he would be able to hold his tongue toward such open arrogance but, then again, Marakov made the mistake of saying his title in vain and refering to him as just a mouth that needed to be fed. He stood up tall, his well toned body glimmering in the light of the tent.

"I don't need your help now, High Lord. Your faithless faction failed my people once. I know just how capable you are and let me tell you, it does you no good to burn the very few bridges you have in this world." Dav turned his scarred back to the noble officer. "That will be all," he repeated mockingly before exiting the tent and returning to his roasting meal.

Karma looks back an forth between Makarov and Dav in shock. As Dav leaves, Makarov turns back to his armor, seeming to not care about his opinion.
[bcolor=#999999]Karma, when you leave, take note to remind our prince who is in charge of this operation.[/bcolor]
Karma dared not disagree, being very small in this form. Karma had sparred with Makarov once in his adult form when they were both in armor so as to avoid harm. Even with Karma having wings, Makarov had beaten him three out of three times. Makarov was not one to be trifled with, but he was also very tempered, so not much irritated him except for three things; Disrespect on his family, disobeying orders, and when an enemy escapes.
Y-Yes, Makarov...
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He flinched at the notion of having a "reputation", he hated having it, he was just an explorer, a traveler, he didn't really want to have this notion that he was some sort of hero, it usually meant that when people see him, they think he was the answer to their problems when he really was just a tourist at best. Still he had a job to do and let it slide.

Then came out Dav's outburst, a single snarky sentence that made the room a bit tense. He tried to speak to the half elf but the guy walked past him, he decided just to leave it alone for the moment. He wondered how the big boss would take it, but it seemed Makarov took it well.

Maybe Luke should just leave...aw the hell with it. He put a hand through his hair, and like a switch his amusement was gone and he was suddenly quite solemn.

"[bcolor=#333300]I don't know about the other fella, but I owe Bruin one, and if helping you guys out means saving his village, then by all means I'll be a team player[/bcolor]" He started to walk out of the tent but had one question for Karma.

"[bcolor=#333300]Hey my fine feathered friend, before we head out you mind if I get cleaned up and get some grub in me? it took me a few days to get here and I ain't had much cept Jerky, which trust me ain't filling me[/bcolor]" He wasn't really asking, more like rambling, but he mostly did it to try and defuse the tension before they set off on the road. Not wanting it to cloud over their travels.

"[bcolor=#333300]Oh and do any of ya fellas want something to eat, I could probably whip up some nice stew with the meat our highness is making out there[/bcolor]" He turned to both men asking them before walking back out the tent before tripping on his feet and landing outside next to where Drav was sitting.

He looked up at the prince.

"[bcolor=#333300]Hey ya there royalyness, you like stew?[/bcolor]" Hopefully this would be enough to lighten the mood, but for real, he was actually quite hungry.

Crown Prince of Dalgotro

The half elf sat next to the fire, scowling at the embers as they glowed brightly. His meat was surely done by that time, but he wasn't too focused on it. When he looked to the fire he thought of his people. They were great once, the Elves. Even with the inclusion of outsiders there was peace in the once neutral land. And they burned bright with the promise of the future.

Luke's words brought him out of his daze. The mentioning of stew made the prince's belly rumble. He hadn't eaten since breakfast and the thought of his meat being added to a hearty stew was more appealing than the thought of eating the meat alone.

"Of course, friend," he said, pulling the spit from the fire and handing it over to Luke on its cool side. "And, as for that outburst...I apologize. There are tender feelings still linked to the thoughts of my Kingdom. But, at least I wasn't lying when I told you I was royalty, hm?" he said, a half-smile lightening his face up ever so slightly.

Cyll took another step and was batted into a tree. He pointed his spear at the direction the blow had come from to see a pair of red eyes. Cyll stood and bolted toward it, though it dodged behind a tree. Cyll wasn't used to fighting in cramped areas like this, coming from deep in the desert of Farsnik. The demon lunged at him, swinging for his legs. Though perhaps that wasn't quite the best area to aim for at the moment, because Cyll had already jumped upward and the demon had ended up striking too low to hit and was now in a very disadvantageous position. Cyll hurtled downward, pointing his spear directly at the demons neck. When it hit, a loud crack could be heard as a vertebrae in the neck was shattered from the impact, killing the beast. Cyll lifted his spear out of the wound and brought it down sideways upon the dead demon's neck, cleaving its head off. Cyll understood that enemy heads were sometimes taken as tokens as victory, a piece of information he received from a fellow ME member. Of course, he could've been misinformed.

Walking back through the treeline and onto the salted ground of camp carrying his spear and the decapitated head of the demon, Cyll looked around trying to find the others, which he soon did. He walked over to them, stuck his spear in the ground, and put the head by the spear. "Cyll has returned, Luke, Karma, ...[unidentified]..."

[Cyll has rejoined the party]
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Karma was about to answer Luke's question when he fell out of the tent. Karma stares for a moment before turning to look at Makarov. He had not aknowledged anything, and he had begun to work his way down on the armor. Karma steps out of the tent and looks to the fire where Luke and Dav were. He walks over and sits nearby, taking a white shard and taking a bite off of that. After a moment, Karma looks up to see Cyll coming... out of the woods?... WITH A HEAD?!
Uwah! What happened?! I didn't even know you had left! I thought that you were still in the tent... Man I need to pay better attention to my surroundings...
Karma finishes the shard with a second bite before yawning and stretching.
I'm pooped... I'll see you guys in the morning, I'm gonna let my other side take over...
Karma covers himself with his wings again. When he pulls them back behind his back, he's in his adult form. He looks around and acknowledges the two newcomers before folding his arms. It was not a sign of disrespect, but more like boredom.
Of course he fell asleep again... Damn that child, what am I supposed to do until dawn breaks and we march towards the town to free this land? You there......... Sirs... You seem like an honorable lot, what deeds do you perform while you wait to feel the glory of battle?
((Hey guys, bad news... I won't be on for... well, probably a long time... Me and my family are getting evicted unless we can scrounge up 7,000 U.S dollars in three days... I just wanted to thank you guys, for all of this! It was an amazing experience, and definitely one of the best while it lasted... I don't know how long it's going to be until you read this, but I got a long ways to go until Iwaku is on my list of things to do again, so... I guess this is goodbye... *melancholy wave goodbye*))
((...hey. Um...sorry to hear the news. This was one of my favorite rps going on and I had some big plans for my character. So sorry for your situation, I know from experience how you must be feeling right now. I'm just gonna say that is anyone wants to carry on the story or your characters in a different way, just let me know. And, @Necropolis is welcome to join any kind of rp that happens when you are able.))
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