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Elliot just grinned, then quickly dashed towards Shizuo. his movement was far to fast for most, if any, to see. As he dashed Elliot threw the large key towards Marie, if the keyblade was to hit her, it would cause broken bones at the least. All though the blade wasn't sharp enough to pierce her skin. As Elliot made it behind Shizuo, Elliot's fist flew towards his spin with incredible speed and strength, trying to bring the man to his knees.

Shizuo seemed unfazed by the sudden boost in speed his opponent had gained, even grinning wider at the sight. "He, you actually think that little speed boost will help you?" At least Izaya makes the chase interesting! Without warning, he simply caught the punch, easily keeping his footing with not an inch given, "YOU'RE NOWHERE NEAR AS FAST AS IZAYA!" His knee shot up, aimed to slam into Elliot's stomach or chest and cause a bit of internal bleeding in the process.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @TheColourlessRainbow
It seemed that the tress were unaffected by the fire. There seems to be a sap leaking from the trees that prevent them from catching flame.
No fire?!



Alright, challenge accepted. Axe in hand and with a muffled war cry, Pyro rushed at the nearest tree, seeking to chop it to bits and even more bits. With all the fury of an offended pyromaniac. Or a fanbase told that Micheal Bay would be directing their LA movie.

Whatever metaphor you wanted, Pyro savaged that tree with all the restraint of a starving man confronted by a Christmas ham.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Whoever Else Is Watching

Shizuo seemed unfazed by the sudden boost in speed his opponent had gained, even grinning wider at the sight. "He, you actually think that little speed boost will help you?" At least Izaya makes the chase interesting! Without warning, he simply caught the punch, easily keeping his footing with not an inch given, "YOU'RE NOWHERE NEAR AS FAST AS IZAYA!" His knee shot up, aimed to slam into Elliot's stomach or chest and cause a bit of internal bleeding in the process.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @TheColourlessRainbow
The knee shot managed to slam into Elliot's stomach, causing the man to spot blood into Shizuo's eyes, temporally blinding him. Elliot's internal bleeding wasn't lasting, for his healing factor caused the damage to be gone within mere 10 seconds. Aiming his firtfist forward, Elliot aimed for a face first punch, one that had incredible strength and would knock back Shizuo.

Elliot just grinned, then quickly dashed towards Shizuo. his movement was far to fast for most, if any, to see. As he dashed Elliot threw the large key towards Marie, if the keyblade was to hit her, it would cause broken bones at the least. All though the blade wasn't sharp enough to pierce her skin. As Elliot made it behind Shizuo, Elliot's fist flew towards his spin with incredible speed and strength, trying to bring the man to his knees.
Marie Korbel

Marie's expression didn't change, but, it was clear she was irritated... She lifted herself into the air, allowing her to move quickly out of the way, raising her vacuum cleaner as she tried to knock the key-blade headed towards her out of the way. "You dare to challenge ME?" She cried out, the red skull outline inher eyes became a little more prominent... Perhaps from the Skullheart's power now surging through her as she prepared to fight.​
No fire?!



Alright, challenge accepted. Axe in hand and with a muffled war cry, Pyro rushed at the nearest tree, seeking to chop it to bits and even more bits. With all the fury of an offended pyromaniac. Or a fanbase told that Micheal Bay would be directing their LA movie.

Whatever metaphor you wanted, Pyro savaged that tree with all the restraint of a starving man confronted by a Christmas ham.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Whoever Else Is Watching
Well, it seemed this guy really wanted the tree! However, this would not happen. With a sudden lift from the ground, then a hard, and even long toss, Pyro was flung from the tree. It seemed a protective force field was in place of all the tress, in order to protect the only oxygen source on this station.
Well, it seemed this guy really wanted the tree! However, this would not happen. With a sudden lift from the ground, then a hard, and even long toss, Pyro was flung from the tree. It seemed a protective force field was in place of all the tress, in order to protect the only oxygen source on this station.

*Muffled screaming followed by a splat*

He sprung to his feet, her gaze staring at the trees with a look approaching hatred.

Or at least as close to hatred as you could get with a mask like his. Regardless, she would not forget this affront.

There would be a reckoning.

And it will involve fire.

He sat down cross-legged, sulky before taking out a lighter and immediately brightening up at the flame.

Ahhh, much better!

@Whoever wants to interact.
The knee shot managed to slam into Elliot's stomach, causing the man to spot blood into Shizuo's eyes, temporally blinding him. Elliot's internal bleeding wasn't lasting, for his healing factor caused the damage to be gone within mere 10 seconds. Aiming his firtfist forward, Elliot aimed for a face first punch, one that had incredible strength and would knock back Shizuo.


Elliot must have cough up a lot of blood, didn't he? While Shizuo did keep his feet planted, it seemed the punch was hard enough to send him sliding back several feet. While this would seem an advantage for Elliot, it also gave Shizuo the time he needed to get through the short daze and smirk at Elliot.

"Oh, you think you're real funny hitting me like that, don'tcha?" He stomped forward as he began to roll up his sleeves, "Well, I guess I'm going to have to return the favor, starting with making you eat your fucking teeth!" He finally charged forward once again, aiming an uppercut straight for Elliot's jaw. Get ready for the pain train, boy, you're going to have trouble talking about Reapers after this.

@york @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @TheColourlessRainbow
Marie Korbel

Marie's expression didn't change, but, it was clear she was irritated... She lifted herself into the air, allowing her to move quickly out of the way, raising her vacuum cleaner as she tried to knock the key-blade headed towards her out of the way. "You dare to challenge ME?" She cried out, the red skull outline inher eyes became a little more prominent... Perhaps from the Skullheart's power now surging through her as she prepared to fight.​
The women, now stepping forward looked to Marie.

"A skull girl, you must have a interesting future, we find your kind quite pathetic and weak." stated the Women as she tried to provoke Marie.
-Diabolic Esper Prologue-
"The Hunt Continues"


In a closed area of time and space, a single figure could be seen, who happened to be busy looking over a set of data displayed from a holographic screen in front of him. Despite the fact that he didn't have to worry about not having enough time to do this due to being in a closed time space, he still sped through all sets of data at impossible speeds, this was highly important to him and many others.

"Pfft... like whatever that demon's servant is going to do would actually lead him to the main target... Too bad for him, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy taking down the threat myself. Heheh..." Add grinned at that thought, remembering that the demon's servant, Ciel, had an alternative method of getting to their target. Well, that was probably a wrong move, considering that Add did have the abilities of time and space to get the job down quicker.

Their target was no other than Elliot. They couldn't let him wander around for any longer... especially what occurred with the distant group called the "Grandchasers" being taken over by this individual... Add didn't really seem to care of his friends that are a part of the El Search Party, but he might as well do a good for them if he wasn't able to use his powers to find his family in the past... In addition to that, he didn't want a certain individual of the Search Party being influenced by someone other than him.

"Like hell I'm going to let him get to the Nasod Queen before I do... I claimed her first," Add grumbled to himself when that thought came to him. Most would mistaken this to be a love interest of Add's, but no, he only wished for her safety so he could experiment on her for his own ideals. Nothing more. Nothing less.


"About time that I finally snuff out his possible location. I can surely narrow it down once I'm there..." the Diabolic Esper spoke as soon as he was given that notice, beginning to prepare the time warp to the location where Elliot could be found. This was going to make up the last time he failed to finish off the threat, and that was with the help of Ciel...


"Elliot, you're going to be dead the very moment you're sighted in my area of vision..."

A purple flash consumed his entire body, and once it died down, Add was nowhere to be found in this closed off space.

His hunt continues...


Nearby Elliot's location, an eerie purple glow appeared behind him. It was finally time, or that was what the predator thought...

"Mind Break!"

Two mechanical drones were sent out, targetting the male as they shocked him with a high voltage electrical shock that was focused for the head. It wasn't a strong active skill, but it would literally shock their opponent by surprise. Revealing his presence here, Add was currently in Dynamo Configuration Mode, the white of his eyes becoming pitch black while his pupils remained with that purple glow.


"Kyehehehehh... forget about me, Elliot?" the Diabolic Esper grinned maliciously, his Dynamo drones returned to their master's side. He didn't care if there were others that were around, they were against the male as it seemed to be, and Add would actually accept the help this time around.

@york @The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @TheColourlessRainbow
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Reactions: CrunchyCHEEZIT
Anna was surprised when a small child ran into her, what was a kid doing here? Even so, she didn't know for sure if she liked children, she always found baby's adorable, but with her life locked away inside a castle, she never spent much time with them. smiling at Riley, Anna spoke in a soft but sweet tone,

"Its okay." Anna replied. When she noticed the girl's eyes tearing up, that's when the princess keeled, taking Riley's hand in hers.

"I mean, its not okay. but I didn't get hurt, so it's fine." explained Princess Anna. She however had a feeling that her reply was not the problem.

"Unless you got hurt!? realized Anna,

"Are you okay?!" she quickly asked.

Riley attempted to speak, only to be cut off by Anna's words at first. When Anna gave her a chance to reply, the girl opened and closed her mouth--struggling to even say anything when Anna's soft touches made it difficult for Riley to stay strong. "I-I, that is, um," she stammered, her eyes tearing up more. "I wanna go home," she whimpered, dropping her head. She pulled one of her hands away from Anna's reaching up to rub at her eyes. "I-I walk to school the same way every day. So... I don't understand why I ended up somewhere different today. I don't like this."

[fieldbox="Riley's Mind, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]

Mood Meter: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Prognosis: Distressed

"Don't worry, Sadness, I think this is a nice stranger," Joy commented, watching Princess Anna closely.

"Who cares!" Sadness suddenly called out. "This is awful, just awful. Riley isn't at school right now, she's lost, and she's probably going to get into big trouble!" she exclaimed, entirely leaning her body on the Riley's emotional console, accidentally hitting a few buttons.

Gasping in unison, Joy and Fear quickly attempted to pull Sadness off of the controls. "Sadness, stop! This situation is hard enough for Riley already! Don't make it worse!"
The women, now stepping forward looked to Marie.

"A skull girl, you must have a interesting future, we find your kind quite pathetic and weak." stated the Women as she tried to provoke Marie.
Marie Korbel

"You can't stop my wish." Marie said simply, she seemed angered sure, but, not to the point where she'd want to fight; her attention was actually more focused on Elliot, who had thrown his key-blade her way... It appeared though, that the skull-heart had other plans, glowing brightly as the ground started to shake a little; it was gathering power, in preparation for a fight... Though, Marie had yet to make a single move.​
The hunter continues through the tree's, narrowly avoiding contact with the human with the flame weapon. It continued to stalk each and every human within the area, formulating a plan to isolate some and claim a trophy from them. The Predator halts when he comes across two humans; an adult female and a juvenile female. It watches closely on their conversation, remaining cloaked within the brush of colorful tree's

However, Anna could hear the rustling of the tree's behind her, followed by an unnatural clicking sound.

If she were turn around, she would see a strangle outline of a tall, translucent figure standing there.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Elliot must have cough up a lot of blood, didn't he? While Shizuo did keep his feet planted, it seemed the punch was hard enough to send him sliding back several feet. While this would seem an advantage for Elliot, it also gave Shizuo the time he needed to get through the short daze and smirk at Elliot.

"Oh, you think you're real funny hitting me like that, don'tcha?" He stomped forward as he began to roll up his sleeves, "Well, I guess I'm going to have to return the favor, starting with making you eat your fucking teeth!" He finally charged forward once again, aiming an uppercut straight for Elliot's jaw. Get ready for the pain train, boy, you're going to have trouble talking about Reapers after this.

@york @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @TheColourlessRainbow
Elliot was hit with the uppercut, it was a painful experience for the man, but none the less after a step back, or 4 steps backwards, Elliot relocated his jaw. The jaw healed within moments.

"That was painful."admitted Elliot. With a grab of Shizuo elbow, Elliot tossed Shizuo across the room, hoping he'd slam into the wall.
~Prologue: Claire Stanfield Voraciously Devours His Prey~



"Mm. Okay, so where was I?"

It was a beautiful, sunny day in the Big Apple. The birds were singing, the cab drivers were honking in the rush hour traffic, and the sky was in that state where the sun's just startin' to set and makes everything glow that orange color! The balcony he and his date sat on had a heckuva view, too, overlooking the Bronx and giving the two of them a birds-eye look at the world from up high. He had to remember to thank Luck for hooking 'em up with this joint later; they made the best pasta in anywhere not named Italy, and that was a fact. He couldn'ta asked for a nicer setting, or a nicer meal.

Or a nicer gal to share it with.


"Oh, that's right. So I'm chasin' this guy from the rooftops, okay? He's actually a pretty fast runner, but that's obviously not an issue for me. He's panickin', too-- it's late out, and I think he's got a feelin' there's someone after him, though I'm not exactly sure how. The guy was all dressed up in his best suit, too, so I can't imagine he was havin' the easiest time running, ya know? He even ditches his briefcase so he can kick up the pace a notch! He was real eager to get home, lemme tell ya."


"Now, you might fault me for sayin' this, but I'm takin' my time closing in on this guy. I'm havin' a blast watching him scurry, y'know what I mean? Next to readin' the funnies in the Post, this is some of the best entertainment around! You should try it sometime. Anyways, this nut runs right across the road, doesn't even look left or right before that. He finally reached his apartment, but his hands're shakin' so he's havin' trouble unlocking the door, capiche? It's cold, but he's sweatin' so he pulls out a hanky..."


"...'Least, I think it was a hanky..."


"...Come to think about it, it mighta been one of those little towelettes they give ya at fancy restaurants... either way, he stops tryn'na unlock the door to wipe his face for a sec, right? So that's when I drop down from above, right behind him. Guy doesn't hear a thing, so I lean right up ta his ear and say in my deepest, scariest voice..."



He paused to let his punchline sink in for effect.


The woman seated across from him didn't laugh. Not because she didn't find her husband's joke funny, but simply because she was unable to. She did, however, give him a small, gentle smirk of appreciation, taking a sip from her wine glass as the man's chest swelled up in pride.


"Awwww, now there's that smile I love ta see. Say, Chane, know what it is I love most about you? Not that there's any one thing that sticks out as the best-- after all, I could write a whole book about why you and I fell in love! But one thing I really, really love is the way ya always listen to my nonsensical stories all the way through. Most gals wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise 'fore they started talking about perfume or some junk, know what I mean? But not you! You're different, and special, and beautiful. Just like this pasta. This gorgeous, gorgeous pasta."


Before he could take another bite, however, his vision swirled and blackened. For perhaps the first time ever, Claire Stanfield had no idea where the heck he was.


"Ey, who turned the lights out? Chane? You there?"

*one hour of fruitless walking later~*

"Man... what'd they put in that pasta?"

(Dedicated to @Verite with love~)


Later still...
The hunter continues through the tree's, narrowly avoiding contact with the human with the flame weapon. It continued to stalk each and every human within the area, formulating a plan to isolate some and claim a trophy from them. The Predator halts when he comes across two humans; an adult female and a juvenile female. It watches closely on their conversation, remaining cloaked within the brush of colorful tree's

However, Anna could hear the rustling of the tree's behind her, followed by an unnatural clicking sound.

If she were turn around, she would see a strangle outline of a tall, translucent figure standing there.​

The Yautja was unquestionably the apex predator of its home dimension; the king of the jungle, as it were. No creature dared hunt it, and all creatures were its prey. In the Predator's home universe, there were few things more fearsome; few things that could call themselves "hunters" of its caliber.

This was not that universe.

The Predator's infrared vision suddenly registered a new presence, descending to a level tree branch from up much higher across the clearing, perched with perfect balance. From the shadows, a pair of glowing, blood-red eyes stared directly at the creature that fancied itself a hunter... and were accompanied by massive, hungry grin, one borne of sadism and malicious intent.


And as quickly as it appeared, with the faintest of rustles heralding his departure, the shadowy figure was gone... retreating into the trees with breathtaking speed, a deliberate, taunting gesture as if to say "come and get me".

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @TheColourlessRainbow
Elliot was hit with the uppercut, it was a painful experience for the man, but none the less after a step back, or 4 steps backwards, Elliot relocated his jaw. The jaw healed within moments.

"That was painful."admitted Elliot. With a grab of Shizuo elbow, Elliot tossed Shizuo across the room, hoping he'd slam into the wall.

Shizuo growled as he slammed into the wall, a few slabs falling off from the shock. Dammit, this little nonchalant shit is starting to piss me off! Landing on his feet once again, he glared Elliot down as he cracked his knuckles, "That's it... I'm going to rip your head off!" He charged forward again, but jumped once he reached kicking range and sent a kick straight for the side of Elliot's head.​

Riley attempted to speak, only to be cut off by Anna's words at first. When Anna gave her a chance to reply, the girl opened and closed her mouth--struggling to even say anything when Anna's soft touches made it difficult for Riley to stay strong. "I-I, that is, um," she stammered, her eyes tearing up more. "I wanna go home," she whimpered, dropping her head. She pulled one of her hands away from Anna's reaching up to rub at her eyes. "I-I walk to school the same way every day. So... I don't understand why I ended up somewhere different today. I don't like this."

[fieldbox="Riley's Mind, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]

Mood Meter: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Prognosis: Distressed

"Don't worry, Sadness, I think this is a nice stranger," Joy commented, watching Princess Anna closely.

"Who cares!" Sadness suddenly called out. "This is awful, just awful. Riley isn't at school right now, she's lost, and she's probably going to get into big trouble!" she exclaimed, entirely leaning her body on the Riley's emotional console, accidentally hitting a few buttons.

Gasping in unison, Joy and Fear quickly attempted to pull Sadness off of the controls. "Sadness, stop! This situation is hard enough for Riley already! Don't make it worse!"
Anna frowned as she heard the sadness in Riley's voice,

"Home is where you heart is." stated Anna with a frown.

"I mean, home is wherever you want home to be, and with the people who love you, but where ever your heart is will be home too." mentioned Anna. When Riley mentioned how she was walking to school, Well, Anna was unsure of what to say.

"We all ended up here, like you walking to school, and me sword training," started Anna,

"and most of us want to go home." mentioned Anna before she contiued,

"Well, maybe not most of us, so far I only know two people who want to get home, but that's besides the point." Anna stopped for a moment so she could breath. Looking to Riley, she held out her hand,

"You can stay with me till we find a way home." offered Anna.

The hunter continues through the tree's, narrowly avoiding contact with the human with the flame weapon. It continued to stalk each and every human within the area, formulating a plan to isolate some and claim a trophy from them. The Predator halts when he comes across two humans; an adult female and a juvenile female. It watches closely on their conversation, remaining cloaked within the brush of colorful tree's

However, Anna could hear the rustling of the tree's behind her, followed by an unnatural clicking sound.

If she were turn around, she would see a strangle outline of a tall, translucent figure standing there.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
When Anna turned, she saw a outline of what looked to be....something. With a worried look, Anna quickly turned back to Riley, her hand yet again extended, still waiting for a response. Anna was hoping it would come soon.
-Diabolic Esper Prologue-
"The Hunt Continues"


In a closed area of time and space, a single figure could be seen, who happened to be busy looking over a set of data displayed from a holographic screen in front of him. Despite the fact that he didn't have to worry about not having enough time to do this due to being in a closed time space, he still sped through all sets of data at impossible speeds, this was highly important to him and many others.

"Pfft... like whatever that demon's servant is going to do would actually lead him to the main target... Too bad for him, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy taking down the threat myself. Heheh..." Add grinned at that thought, remembering that the demon's servant, Ciel, had an alternative method of getting to their target. Well, that was probably a wrong move, considering that Add did have the abilities of time and space to get the job down quicker.

Their target was no other than Elliot. They couldn't let him wander around for any longer... especially what occurred with the distant group called the "Grandchasers" being taken over by this individual... Add didn't really seem to care of his friends that are a part of the El Search Party, but he might as well do a good for them if he wasn't able to use his powers to find his family in the past... In addition to that, he didn't want a certain individual of the Search Party being influenced by someone other than him.

"Like hell I'm going to let him get to the Nasod Queen before I do... I claimed her first," Add grumbled to himself when that thought came to him. Most would mistaken this to be a love interest of Add's, but no, he only wished for her safety so he could experiment on her for his own ideals. Nothing more. Nothing less.


"About time that I finally snuff out his possible location. I can surely narrow it down once I'm there..." the Diabolic Esper spoke as soon as he was given that notice, beginning to prepare the time warp to the location where Elliot could be found. This was going to make up the last time he failed to finish off the threat, and that was with the help of Ciel...


"Elliot, you're going to be dead the very moment you're sighted in my area of vision..."

A purple flash consumed his entire body, and once it died down, Add was nowhere to be found in this closed off space.

His hunt continues...


Nearby Elliot's location, an eerie purple glow appeared behind him. It was finally time, or that was what the predator thought...

"Mind Break!"

Two mechanical drones were sent out, targetting the male as they shocked him with a high voltage electrical shock that was focused for the head. It wasn't a strong active skill, but it would literally shock their opponent by surprise. Revealing his presence here, Add was currently in Dynamo Configuration Mode, the white of his eyes becoming pitch black while his pupils remained with that purple glow.


"Kyehehehehh... forget about me, Elliot?" the Diabolic Esper grinned maliciously, his Dynamo drones returned to their master's side. He didn't care if there were others that were around, they were against the male as it seemed to be, and Add would actually accept the help this time around.

@york @The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty@TheColourlessRainbow
Elliot was fazed by the electrical shock, it was painful, but it was far less then what he could take. It disparaged as quickly as it came, causing Elliot to wave his hand, a new peron standing between Elliot and Add. Ronan dropped from the ceiling, as if he was just waiting for a cue to come.


"You will not have this man today." stated Ronan as he stood between Elliot and Add.

Danger Rating: High
Death Rating: Medium
Injury Rating: High​

Shizuo growled as he slammed into the wall, a few slabs falling off from the shock. Dammit, this little nonchalant shit is starting to piss me off! Landing on his feet once again, he glared Elliot down as he cracked his knuckles, "That's it... I'm going to rip your head off!" He charged forward again, but jumped once he reached kicking range and sent a kick straight for the side of Elliot's head.​
Elliot, being distracted by Add, had his back facing Shizuo. As the kick impacted his skull, Elliot was flung from his spot, causing his body to hit the ground and slide 5 feet. Quickly recovering, Elliot grinned with blood stained teeth, then dashed in front of Shizuo, then dashed behind him, then in front of him, Elliot managed to this just enough to confuse the man, and get a kick to his knee cap. Elliot managed to give Shizuo a fractured knee cap.
Anna frowned as she heard the sadness in Riley's voice,

"Home is where you heart is." stated Anna with a frown.

"I mean, home is wherever you want home to be, and with the people who love you, but where ever your heart is will be home too." mentioned Anna. When Riley mentioned how she was walking to school, Well, Anna was unsure of what to say.

"We all ended up here, like you walking to school, and me sword training," started Anna,

"and most of us want to go home." mentioned Anna before she contiued,

"Well, maybe not most of us, so far I only know two people who want to get home, but that's besides the point." Anna stopped for a moment so she could breath. Looking to Riley, she held out her hand,

"You can stay with me till we find a way home." offered Anna.

When Anna turned, she saw a outline of what looked to be....something. With a worried look, Anna quickly turned back to Riley, her hand yet again extended, still waiting for a response. Anna was hoping it would come soon.

Elliot was fazed by the electrical shock, it was painful, but it was far less then what he could take. It disparaged as quickly as it came, causing Elliot to wave his hand, a new peron standing between Elliot and Add. Ronan dropped from the ceiling, as if he was just waiting for a cue to come.


"You will not have this man today." stated Ronan as he stood between Elliot and Add.

Danger Rating: High
Death Rating: Medium
Injury Rating: High​

Elliot, being distracted by Add, had his back facing Shizuo. As the kick impacted his skull, Elliot was flung from his spot, causing his body to hit the ground and slide 5 feet. Quickly recovering, Elliot grinned with blood stained teeth, then dashed in front of Shizuo, then dashed behind him, then in front of him, Elliot managed to this just enough to confuse the man, and get a kick to his knee cap. Elliot managed to give Shizuo a fractured knee cap.

"You think a little pain in my kneecap is going to stop me? Hell no!" Shizuo, seemingly undeterred by the pain, latched onto the leg that Elliot had kicked him with and yanked hard before he could pull away, sending the man crashing to the ground. Keeping the hold, he planted his foot into the weirdo's groin and... Well, imagine the joint where Elliot's leg met his hip as a rope, and this as a game tug-of-war. With his foot pushing the majority of his opponent's body away while his hands pulled hard on the leg, it seemed he really did aim to rip or at least dislocate the boy's leg.​
Anna frowned as she heard the sadness in Riley's voice,

"Home is where you heart is." stated Anna with a frown.

"I mean, home is wherever you want home to be, and with the people who love you, but where ever your heart is will be home too." mentioned Anna. When Riley mentioned how she was walking to school, Well, Anna was unsure of what to say.

"We all ended up here, like you walking to school, and me sword training," started Anna,

"and most of us want to go home." mentioned Anna before she contiued,

"Well, maybe not most of us, so far I only know two people who want to get home, but that's besides the point." Anna stopped for a moment so she could breath. Looking to Riley, she held out her hand,

"You can stay with me till we find a way home." offered Anna.

When Anna turned, she saw a outline of what looked to be....something. With a worried look, Anna quickly turned back to Riley, her hand yet again extended, still waiting for a response. Anna was hoping it would come soon.

Elliot was fazed by the electrical shock, it was painful, but it was far less then what he could take. It disparaged as quickly as it came, causing Elliot to wave his hand, a new peron standing between Elliot and Add. Ronan dropped from the ceiling, as if he was just waiting for a cue to come.


"You will not have this man today." stated Ronan as he stood between Elliot and Add.

Danger Rating: High
Death Rating: Medium
Injury Rating: High​

Elliot, being distracted by Add, had his back facing Shizuo. As the kick impacted his skull, Elliot was flung from his spot, causing his body to hit the ground and slide 5 feet. Quickly recovering, Elliot grinned with blood stained teeth, then dashed in front of Shizuo, then dashed behind him, then in front of him, Elliot managed to this just enough to confuse the man, and get a kick to his knee cap. Elliot managed to give Shizuo a fractured knee cap.
Add clicked his tongue in annoyance. He had no time to waste from this, even if he could manipulate time and space with some of his skills.

"I simply don't have the time to waste with a runt like you. Particle Prism!" the Esper backed away a bit, but signalled six of his Dynamos to surround Ronan. A purple flash of electricity occurred, and an electrical field trapped the swordwielder inside. Well, that would be like so for a bit. Just to 'soften' up the threat, another one of his Dynamos that wasn't being used for the skill "Particle Prism" sent a blast of electricity towards Ronan, all the while Add settled his sights toward Elliot again. Well, it did seem like Shizuo had it covered, but he was sure that he wanted the killing blow on the little bastard.

@TheColourlessRainbow @The Tactician @others​
Marie Korbel

"You can't stop my wish." Marie said simply, she seemed angered sure, but, not to the point where she'd want to fight; her attention was actually more focused on Elliot, who had thrown his key-blade her way... It appeared though, that the skull-heart had other plans, glowing brightly as the ground started to shake a little; it was gathering power, in preparation for a fight... Though, Marie had yet to make a single move.​
The women had a blank expression as Marie stated that her wish would not be changed, sighing, the women pulled a red covered book from her hoodie pocket.


"Zaker." she mumbled. As she did so, a small child who was able to sneak up behind Marie shot lighting from his mouth.


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"You think a little pain in my kneecap is going to stop me? Hell no!" Shizuo, seemingly undeterred by the pain, latched onto the leg that Elliot had kicked him with and yanked hard before he could pull away, sending the man crashing to the ground. Keeping the hold, he planted his foot into the weirdo's groin and... Well, imagine the joint where Elliot's leg met his hip as a rope, and this as a game tug-of-war. With his foot pushing the majority of his opponent's body away while his hands pulled hard on the leg, it seemed he really did aim to rip or at least dislocate the boy's leg.​
Elliot struggled to get out of the grip of Shizuo, the pain shooting from his groin to the joint in his leg, and everywhere in between. Elliot quickly smashed his fist into the side of Schizo's face multiple times, attempting to get him off of him. If this didn't work, it wouldn't be long before his leg dislocated, then ripped.
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