The Mudblood Games

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Quincey's body tensed as she took in her surroundings. The cornucopia was so close she could see everything in it, but she knew it would be stupid to risk her life so early in the games.

As the voice rang out through the great hall, Quincey turned away from the goods and ran the oppositee way, coming across a staircase. She climbed as many stairs as she could Until she reached a dead end, slipping into a long hallway and catching her breath.
Valentina ran forward, climbing on top of one of the tables to avoid the other tributes as she sped to the cornucopia. She needed supplies, that much was certain, because without them she knew she would perish. The other tributes began to grapple with one another, fighting with whatever weapon they could grab but Vana focussed on dodging and heading towards her goal. She leaped down off of the table into the middle of the cornucopia and plucked up a pack knowing it wasn't the time to sort through it, before reaching out and grabbing a sword. It was the closest weapon to her, but unfortunately someone else had seen her going for it and tried to stop her. He thrust his own weapon forward, the blade skimming over Valentina's skin. He'd missed. Mostly. Blood trickled out of the wound, soaking the sliced fabric and her eyes hardened. Taking the weapon in her hand, she grabbed hold of the other tributes wrist and thrust her own weapon up and into his stomach. Her movements were fast and precise and she quickly pulled the sword out of him, causing him to stumble back. And just like that, she had two weapons. She moved around the edge of the room, clutching her side as blood as she ran sticking close to the Slytherin table. Other tributes tried to follow her, but she refused to let them slow her down fighting for her life as she'd insisted to herself that she would.

She sped up as she saw the double doors and exited through them, turning and running towards the spiral staircase. She ran up two flights, before turning off to the right and heading for the girls bathroom. There were dozens of rooms here, but she felt that bathrooms were the least threatening. The dorms would be a hot zone, because while there were a lot of hiding places but bathrooms would be quiet. At least for a little while. She headed into the tiled room and waited for a moment, sliding one of the swords through the back of the door to block others from entering. Sitting on the floor, she checked the room, but it was empty much to her relief and she ended up taking some time to sort through the pack. A large sheet of fabric, matches, and several loaves of bread were inside, much to her joy. She'd worried about food and water, but now it only seemed that she needed water. But being in a bathroom, it seemed that she had what she needed. She walked over to the sink and turned on the tap, watching the water stream gratefully from it for a moment before testing it on her hand. It seemed to just be water.

So she tentatively began to wash her arms and hair, washing away the dirt and grime from all that time in the cell. In the reflection of the mirror she could see her hair turn back from the dull murky colour to the vibrant red she was used to seeing when she looked at her reflection. She washed the black smudges from her face and then stared at her reflection. She didn't look great, that much was certain as she pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and tried to extract as much water as she could, but she looked and felt better than she had in the cell.
((Idk i was waiting for joe to post or noah))
(Sorry Ive been busy with coursework and then family and friends and whatnot. I'll get a post up this evening)
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(It's fine, take your time! I'm glad you're back! Hope ya'll have had Happy Holidays!)
The creaking sounds of the stairs constantly moving echoed through the otherwise silent halls of Hogwarts school. The paintings on the walls, usually buzzing with the lives of their inhabitants were deathly silent. The flickering lights of the candles strapped onto the walls left large, ominous shadows splayed across the walls. This was the backdrop to the Mudblood Games.

7 cannons would fire that evening, produced by the magic of the Death Eaters who had been given control over the annual games. 4 of those cannons represented tributes who had been killed in the initial bloodbath at the cornucopia. The self appointed career tributes had killed one boy whilst he attempted to clamber his way up the ladder that led to potential safety in the Divination classroom.

Another boy had been thrown from the roof of the owlery after a tussle with another tribute, whilst a young girl had perished during an escape attempt. She had tried to make her camp in the Forbidden Forest, but unfortunately the creatures that lived there had other ideas. The corpses were collected, well, apart from the last one, who's body couldn't be found.

Devan had left the Trophy Room shortly after the cannons sounded, deciding he could make his escape whilst the careers were away hunting on the upper floors. Right now he was wandering on the third floor corridor, trying to think of a strategy to winning this games

The school was set up in almost exactly the same style as it had been when he had been in attendance. The corridors and classrooms were exactly the same with, as far as he could see, only one difference. The secret passages that would usually lead out of the school had been sealed off. It didn't take a genius to work out why that would be.

A list of potential hiding places rushed through his mind. The Divination classroom was defensible, but he had heard a career say that was where they were headed, plus the upper floors were likely to be the most dangerous. The Astrology tower was a good shout, but the place had always made him feel uncomfortable and it was certain death if he fell. The common rooms would be comfortable, but again were likely to be hotspots for action.

Ideally he needed somewhere he could defend but gave him multiple escape routes. It was a tricky conundrum and it was getting late. He probably wouldn't sleep tonight but getting some rest sounded like a good idea. He walked up to the girl's bathroom on the third floor, drawing a knife as he opened the door. He relaxed when he couldn't see anyone else present in the room. He hiked his rucksack up and entered one of the cubicles, balancing his stuff in such a way that it was hidden from the view of anyone who looked under the door. He then entered the cubicle opposite, armed with a knife and some food, to wait the long night out.

(Let's try and get a string of posts going to restart activity :) )
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Quincey, after hearing the cannons, stood up. She had wasted the first day roaming around the floor she was on, which had only one classroom open. Thankfully, she hadn't run into anyone yet, but she knew it was inevitable and she had been too stupid to find any weapons. It was late, now, and she peered out the door from the hallway to the Grand Staircase.

Unlike most of these tributes, she had not been enrolled fully in Hogwarts. She had lasted four months before an incident occurred that she had been trying to forget ever since. Because of this, she was a self-taught witch, devouring book after book about anything remotely about wizardry or the world she had been shut out of. She was a talented witch, she knew that, but it wouldn't matter if she had no wand and only a distant memory of her setting. Quincey's hope was diminishing fast, but she bit her lip and pushed back her fear, creeping out into the open.

It was dark, illuminated only by a few candles along the landings. The paintings glared down at her as she tried to make as little noise as possible, hoping to get outside. Quincey's father had been an avid adventurist and she spent most of her short childhood surrounded by the wilderness. Of course, the grounds at Hogwarts would not be exactly like the Adirondack Mountains or the Grand Canyon, but she was fairly certain her chance at survival would be greater outside than in.

She began to descend into the darkness, keeping as quiet as a dead mouse, until she heard a noise. She was perhaps two flights above the ground floor when the spark of a torch appeared above her. Quincey's heart was in her throat. She had not been spotted yet, but she knew she wouldn't be able to make it outside now. Slowly she opened the door to the floor she was on and slipped in, shutting the door behind her. She took a deep breath and moved down the corridor as quickly as was possible, stopping at a door that said the girl's lavatory. It was bound to be quiet here, she thought to herself. No one will use the restroom in an actual restroom. With hope she opened the door, turned and closed it behind her, falling onto the ground, leaning against the door and letting her fear wash away for an instant.
(I'm not sure how to reply to either of those posts.... 1. My character isn't hidden in the girls bathroom. She's in the open and making a lot of noise so she SHOULD have been seen. 2. It's a little weird how all three of our characters are in the same place.... So I'm just going to wing it and let your two characters interact first.)

Valentina sipped mouthfuls of water from the tap before abandoning the bathroom. She was lucky that no one had come in thus far, but she didn't expect it to continue so she quickly packed her things and snuck out of the bathroom. And just in time, because as she rounded the corner Devan rushed down the corridor from the other direction and entered the bathroom. She could hear his footsteps echoing off of the floor, holding her breath for some unknown reason until she heard the door click behind him. It was odd how one encounter, if you could call it that, with another tribute had left her heart pounding in her chest and she knew she had to get out of the open. Clutching her bag tightly, she ran a hand through her wet auburn hair and headed off down the hall, completely missing Quincey as she too entered the bathroom.

She ran down the halls to the staircase where another tribute began to fire arrows in her direction, but he wasn't a very good shot and she easily missed them as she ran down towards the dungeons. The dark, dank smell was the first to hit her but she continued on anyway into the dimly lit hall knowing it would be far easier to hide somewhere dark than somewhere light. Not only that, but over her time imprisoned she'd grown accostum to the cold feel of bricks and cobblestone floors. It was oddly comforting. Rushing into the potions storeroom, she found vials and vials of all kinds of things and she quickly grabbed a whole bunch and stuffed them into her bag. She didn't have time to look through what she was gathering but she had no doubt that some of them combined in a cauldron could cause a lot of damage.
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