The Mystery Of Bitter Root (Mystery / Supernatural )

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So the affably named "Bitter Root" footage is a real life internet mystery that started back in 2012. If anybody is un familiar with this anomaly, basically it deals with a five minute segment of extremely creepy and mysterious 8mm film that looks like it might've been shot in the 40's or 50's. A lot of controversy and speculation has swirled around the film ever since it was made public. I won't go into detail about the actual footage, as I've included a link to the film and you can watch it for yourself. But I thought this would make a great subject for a mystery RP revolving around a group of rag tag investigators who are trying to get to the bottom of the mystery behind the "Bitter Root" footage. Due to the nature of the film, I would imagine it would have some degree of supernatural aspects to it, as well as conspiracy and even a bit if horror. I am totally open to plot ideas and universe if anyone is interested, we can strap in and prepare for a journey of mystery, intrigue and conspiracy as we delve into a nightmarish rabbit hole.

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