The Never War

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Mundane Monster

The most uninspiring of monsters
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Animal based, Scifi, Modern, Horror, Comedy, Slice of life.
Peter Pan has become obsessed with finding a companion. He's ignored his Lost Boys, brushed off Tinkerbell and devoted all of his time to trying to find a new Wendy. He visits London nearly every night trying to locate the perfect girl, but so far his attempts have failed. While he's gone his Lost Boys have become annoyed, and they constantly wonder what happened to the great leader they chose to follow so long ago.

One night though, a raid on Pan's hideout while he was searching for a new Wendy changed everything.

The pirates charged into the camp with the intent of destroying Pan and all of his followers, but found frustrated boys who were eager to find a new calling and leader. And so the Lost Boys went with the pirates and swore their allegiance to Hook. Much worse, Tinkerbell left to live in Mermaid Cove, turning into a creature filled with rage, as fairies are too small to feel more than one feeling at a time and when she had left, Tinkerbell had felt betrayed.

When Peter returned to find his hideout empty and his guardian and first friend gone, he was devastated. And alone.
He was so terribly alone, he couldn't stand it. He traveled to Tiger Lily's village in hopes of being cheered up by her company, but found that the Natives were upset with him for indirectly increasing the ranks of the pirates. This shocked Peter as he knew his Lost Boys had gone but to where he wasn't aware.

Peter traveled to Hook's ship with the intention of 'rescuing' his boys, but was shocked to find out that the boys had joined the pirates of their own accord, and even more than that, the Lost Boys were now Lost Young Men and not eager to return to their former leader.
With Peter consumed with sadness, Hook launched an attack, injuring Pan badly. Peter fled to his hideout and just managed to his bind his wounds. After a day of rest, Peter decided to fill his hideout once again with laughter and happiness, but this time he would do it differently.

He decided to not only recruit Lost Boys but Lost Girls as well (and maybe he secretly hoped one of those Lost Girls would be a New Wendy, but that was a secret!). He decided that after recruiting his new Lost Ones, he would get Tinkerbell back as well, get revenge against his treacherous lost boys and fix things with the Natives.

However Peter isn't the only one who's life is changing drastically. With the new additions to their ranks the Pirates are expanding into Mermaid territory with the intent of slaughtering the territories inhabitants. The mermaids and Tinkerbell must take up arms, but because the pirates are moving inward, the O'Dile is on the move with the Neverland Natives as its fierce allies.

Put 'Kill the Wendy Bird!' in your CS
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Captain James Hook and Quartermaster William Smee
Two of the most ruthless men in Neverland. While they both lead the pirates, Captain Hook started the crew and Quartermaster Smee keeps the peace. Don't underestimate Smee though, because at times he can be just as bloodthirsty as his Captain.
Pirate Crew

(From left to right) Sam (Slightly), Nicholas (Nibs), Julius and Jacob (The twins), Cecil (Cubby) and Prentice (Tootles)
The former lost boys and now crew of Captain Hook's ship. These boys each have their own talent and are extremely loyal to their new leader. However due to the fact that they were just children recently, sometimes they can be quite childish which irks their other crew mates and captain. Also due to the fact that they used to be children for such a long time, these new pirates have a tendency to go over board with punishments and when fighting as they often cannot determine when enough is enough.

The Nae'Vas

(From descending order) Chief Swift Panther, his son Hard to Hit and his daughter Tiger Lily
The original inhabitants of Neverland. These people used to be quite peaceful until the Pirates came to stay on the island. The Nae'Vas are fierce warriors, and are led by their Chief, Swift Panther and his son Hard to Hit. Chief Swift Panther's daughter Tiger Lily is being trained to assume her brother secondary role, when their father passes on and Hard to Hit assumes the Chieftain role. The Nae'Vas have a strong connection to the magical creatures of the island as well as the island itself. The Nevermore Mountains and the Whispering Lake are the Natives home, and the weapon of choice for the natives are spears, bows/arrows and illusions created by their Shaman.

Vicious creatures who lure humans to their death by weaving songs of nostalgia to lure their victims close enough to pull into the water and devour. Mermaids are mostly female but in rare cases, there are males. The males however are not able to weave songs and can only strengthen their female counterparts by singing with them.
The most dangerous creatures in Neverland. These tiny beings can only embody one emotion at a time and said emotions are usually negative. If you make a fairy angry enough it will gather its brethren to place a curse on you. Curses can range from harmless discolored physical features to deadly Everslumber spells. Everslumber is exactly as it describes, an endless sleep where the victim is plagued by nightmares for eternity unless another band of fairies embodying all positive emotions wakes them up.

Once the loyal companion and guardian of Peter Pan, Tinkerbell has become a being emodied by hatred alone. Her fury is so great that she cannot live with her own fairy people and thus lives with the mermaids. Tinkerbell helps the mermaids prolong their songs and keeps their waters safe from the O'Dile.
The O'Dile
A fearsome beast older than Neverland itself. Some believe that the creature created the island by tearing it off of a large continent. The O'Dile treats everyone except for the Nae'Vas, as enemies. It especially hates Captain Hook and his pirates because when they first came to Neverland their ship struck the O'Diles nest, killing it's young. The O'Dile has the ability to teleport via water and can appear in any large body of water even if it isn't directly connected with the oceans of Neverland. However while Tinkerbell resides in the Lagoon, it is unable to appear there.

Put 'You silly ass!' in your CS
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Nevermore Mountains

The home of the Nae'Va people. The Nae'Va people live in elaborate and hollowed out caves on the walls of the mountains. The moutains overlook and encircle the Whispering Lake, the source of fresh water for all of Neverland, and sometimes the home of the O'Dile. Multiple rivers and streams distribute water across the island. The Nae'Va people often come down to the lake to relax and interact with the O'Dile. It is a common site to see young Nae'Va children playing on the creature's back.

Mermaid Lagoon

The home of all mermaids and Tinkerbell. Careful, for the waters may look shallow, but that is an illusion created by the fairy to dissaude the O'Dile less her spell weakens.
Skull Rock

Where the Jolly Roger and it's crew reside. The 'body' depicted is made purely of rock and coincidentally resembles a dead giant. This used to be the home of the O'Dile, and no one is sure if it always looked like this.
Jolly Roger

Cpt. Hook's ship and home to all pirates. Unless they are going to war, the ship remains anchored on the shores of Skull Rock.
Fairy Tree

Contrary to the name, the fairy tree is actually a small accumulation of trees that the fairies call home. The trees have no set location, as the fairies like to move it all over Neverland to confuse people. The only are the tree will most likely never be found is Skull Rock.
Peter Pan's Hideout

Made by Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and the Lost Boys, the hideout is a plethora of tree houses.

Put 'I'll give you a thimble' in your CS
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Reactions: Rin Mico

@Thingtastic is the GM and @T E R R O R is the Co-Gm​
  1. The max amount of characters a player can have is 4.
  2. Real images only.
  3. NPCs are Tinkerbell, the O'Dile, the fairies, Peter Pan, Cpt. Hook and Smee.
  4. The year in London is 1917 (so thirteen years after Peter first met Wendy)
  5. The majority of the Lost Ones should be orphans/lower class/working class.
  6. The age range for Lost Ones is 5-14. Not everyone should be a preteen.
  7. Mermaids resemble young adults/older teens but they are ageless.
  8. If you read the rules put 'I CAN CROW!'
  9. I will allow 3 Wendy Darling descendants, but realize that none of those kids should be over 8 years old. And no single user can play all 3 descendants.
  10. I will allow 1 relation of Hook, however they must be a niece/nephew. They must also have the last name 'Hook'.
  11. Jane Darling does not exist in this version of Peter Pan.
  12. For the purpose of this rp, the only requirement to fly will be 'thinking happy thoughts' not 'pixie dust'.
  13. All posts should be at least five complete sentences and in third person past tense.
  14. DO NOT and I repeat, DO NOT take a specific character spot if you can't or won't be active.
Pirate Crew (0/10)
Lost Ones (9/10)
The Nae'Vas (0/10)
Mermaids (5/7) - 1 males open

Specific Characters
Chief Swift Panther - OPEN
Hard to Hit - Me
Tiger Lily - OPEN
Sam/Slightly - OPEN
Nicholas/Nibs - OPEN
Julius and Jacob/The twins - OPEN
Cecil/Cubby - OPEN
Prentice/Tootles - OPEN
Darling Descendant - Happily
Darling Descendant - OPEN
Darling Descendant - OPEN
Hook Relation - PENDING

Mermaid - Emi
Lost Girl - Me
Nae'Va - Me
Mermaid - Shayla
Lost Boy - Happily
Lost Girl - Happily
Lost Boy - Charlie
Lost Girl - Charlie
Lost Boy - Andrew
Mermaid Male - Andrew
Lost Girl - Hyanna
Mermaid - Hyanna
TBD - Rin Mico
Mermaid - Dark Disney

Gwendolyn "Gwen" Belrose - Emi (Lost Girl)
Jandelyn - Pasi (Mermaid)
Luna Ivory Llewellyn - Princess Poisoned Rose (Lost Girl)

Character Sheet
(Answer all questions to the full extent of your character's ability.
Make your answers a different visual style than the answers.
Don't remove anything from the CS but feel free to include more pictures/gifs)


Image of Character
What is your name?
How old are you?
Who do you belong to?
What are you like? Do people like you? Would they be your friend?
Where is your family? Do you miss them?
What do you like? Sweets? Fancy clothing? Dogs?
Can you fight? Can you run fast? Can you sing? Can you dance? Well what CAN you do?
What scares you?
Who are your friends?
Who are your enemies?
What is your happiest thought?
What is your saddest thought?

Mermaid Variation
Image of Character
What is your name?
Who do you belong to?
What are you like? Do people like you? Would they be your friend?
What do you like?
Aside from singing what can you do?
What scares you?
Who are your friends?
Who are your enemies?
What is your happiest thought?
What is your saddest thought?

Nae'Va Variation
Image of Character
What is your name?
How old are you?
Who do you belong to?
What are you like? Do people like you? Would they be your friend?
Who is your family?
What do you like? Sweets? Fighting? Playing?
Can you fight? Can you run fast? Can you sing? Can you dance? Well what CAN you do?
What scares you?
Who are your friends?
Who are your enemies?
What is your happiest thought?
What is your saddest thought?

Pirate Variation
Image of Character
What is your name?
How old are you?
Who do you belong to?
What are you like? Do people like you? Would they be your friend?
Where is your family? Do you miss them?
What do you like? Fighting? Swimming? Games?
Can you fight? Can you run fast? Can you sing? Can you dance? Well what CAN you do?
What scares you?
Who are your friends?
Who are your enemies?
What is your happiest thought?
What is your saddest thought?

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What is your name?

Gwendolyn "Gwen" Belrose

How old are you?

Who do you belong to?
Lost Children

What are you like? Do people like you? Would they be your friend?

Gwen is very motherly as she helps feed and bath the younger children in her foster home. Mostly, she is quiet, shy, and somewhat timid around new people. She is adventurous though, and easily gets along with most people. The only downside is she can be considered bossy and stubborn.

Where is your family? Do you miss them?
Gwen comes from a foster home, and while it's not a bad foster home, want's a real family.

What do you like? Sweets? Fancy clothing? Dogs?
She loves animals and fruit.


Can you fight? Can you run fast? Can you sing? Can you dance? Well what CAN you do?

She cannot fight very well, but she can run really quickly, hide really well. She can also sing and likes to sing lullabies. Also, she can do basic ballet.

What scares you?
Complete darkness
Loud sounds
Being alone

Who are your friends?

Who are your enemies?


What is your happiest thought?

~ Dancing; she loves dancing and always feel happy in her ballet outfit and shoes
~ Dinner; eating around the dinner table with family

What is your saddest thought?
~ Alone; being left alone
~ Unloved; no one loving her for who she is

'Kill the Wendy bird! You silly ass! I will give you a thimble! I CAN CROW!'
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Though, question, you can play mermaids? What would be the activities of the mermaids?
Poly, put a key word in the plot so that people will have to read first before asking for a spot.
Though, question, you can play mermaids? What would be the activities of the mermaids?
Dang I knew I forgot something. >.<

I forgot to include that the Pirates are expanding into Mermaid territory now that there ranks have increased. So the mermaids must fight them. And because the Pirates are moving inward, the O'Dile is on the move with the Nae'Va as it's allies. I shall add that detail post haste! Thanks for asking the question cause I totes forgot! :D

Poly, put a key word in the plot so that people will have to read first before asking for a spot.
What do you mean? :0
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Dang I knew I forgot something. >.<

I forgot to include that the Pirates are expanding into Mermaid territory now that there ranks have increased. So the mermaids must fight them. And because the Pirates are moving inward, the O'Dile is on the move with the Nae'Va as it's allies. I shall add that detail post haste! Thanks for asking the question cause I totes forgot! :D

What do you mean? :0
I feel like sometimes people grab at spots before reading the plot xD It was just to be sure people didn't just grab a spot first then read later.
I feel like sometimes people grab at spots before reading the plot xD It was just to be sure people didn't just grab a spot first then read later.
OHHH okay, I thought you meant tagging! That's a good idea, I shall do that.
um..put me down as a maybe for a lost boy..I need to think about it for a bit while I'm trying to finish up posts and characters for the other rps i'm in
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Question! Tiger Lily would be older correct as time has passed and would be similar to the age seen in the Pan movie? Also age for the Mermaid?
Question! Tiger Lily would be older correct as time has passed and would be similar to the age seen in the Pan movie? Also age for the Mermaid?
No, Tiger Lily would be the age that she appears in the picture I posted. So 11-14 years old.

Mermaids are ageless and they look like young adults/older teens.
No, Tiger Lily would be the age that she appears in the picture I posted. So 11-14 years old.

Mermaids are ageless and they look like young adults/older teens.
I will take a mermaid than as I truly do not like being children characters.
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I'm most definitely in... definitely doing a lost boy and lost girl! (and if it's not too much could I do a descendant of Wendy?)
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What is your name?

Who do you belong to?
The Sea

What are you like? Do people like you? Would they be your friend?
Well I am a lovely mermaid, who wouldn't like me? I hope people would be my friend.

What do you like?
I like to collect things, swim in the moonlight,swim along side the dolphins

Aside from singing what can you do?
There is other things to do besides singing? I mean I swim does that count?




What scares you?
Being caught in a fish net Or the Pirates taking over our sea area.

Who are your friends?

Who are your enemies?



What is your happiest thought?
Finding a sunken ship on the bottom of the ocean, I found a pearl necklace that I wear all the time. So yea I suppose that was my happiest moment.

What is your saddest thought?
Thinking my sea family could be destroyed and having no where to go.

'Kill the Wendy Bird!'
'You silly ass!'
'I'll give you a thimble'
'I can crow'

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