THE OCCULT: Welcome to Haven (Supernatural/Noir)

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To many, death is the end. But for a few it can be the gateway to a new beginning. Moments after a heart stops beating, a person can still be resuscitated. Those who manage to turn away while standing at death's door come back drastically changed.

These individuals wake up able to see beyond The Grey: the previously hidden boundary between the normal world and the supernatural society hiding in its shadows.

These 'Watchers' can see the vampires, witches, werewolves and more for what they truly are; men and women who they once thought were normal turn out to be monsters and nightmares, living out their lives in secret. Three days after these Watchers awaken, they are approached by The Occult.

The early 20th century of the United States was rife with fantastic change: from the rise of industry giants, to the great experiment of Prohibition, to the tragedy of the Great Depression, onto the dawn of the Atomic Age.

The RP is set in the early 1940s and so will have heavy noir themes alongside its supernatural elements. I'm not the most picky in terms of historical accuracy but I would advise doing some research into the time period if you are unfamiliar with noir settings!

At the roleplay's core there's going be bad men who have hearts of gold, buyable men, women who are even more dangerous than the men they associate themselves with, etc. Sex, betrayal, money, drugs, smuggling, theft, affairs, are all important elements and expect a lot of moral compromise!
Physically, it'll be characterized by smokey bars, shadowy corners and contrasting bright neon lights. Rain never seems to stop pouring in this highly-stylized version of New York City and crime is rampant. The underground crime scene of the city is as profitable as ever and where a lot of the RP will be taking place. Think: trenchcoats, red-light districts, cigarettes, neon strip clubs, relentless rain, dim bars, femme fatales, alcohol.

Haven is the name of large apartment building in NYC that houses The Occult. as well as the Watchers they protect. Supernatural beings are not required to live in Haven but many end up there anyways. To many supernatural beings, Haven is the base of their society's government. Plenty wish to see it and the Occult thrive, while just as many wish it burned to the ground.

♡ THE WATCHERS - The human men and women who have been kissed by death and miraculously survived the ordeal. Normal people, who shortly after their experience, begin to see abnormalities in the world around them. The hooded person in the subway's eyes glow, the gorgeous dancer at the bar's canines are inhumanly sharp. The first three days of an awakened Watcher are mentally taxing, stressful and many think they are going insane until they approached by agents of the Occult.

♡ THE SUPERNATURAL - Entails all the races and monsters that Watchers begin to see. These including things like vampires, werewolves, witches and warlocks, etc. Every race has their own set of culture, tradition, and of course - prejudices . Human like Supernaturals also tend to be more successful and well-off, the more prominent beings working as figures in businesses and crime/mob bosses. The more beastly races, while appearing as gruffer and larger humans to the Unawakened, usually function as laborers and criminals.

With that said not all Supernatural beings live within those archetypes, as most are free to do whatever they want with their lives. They can be strippers, butchers, whatever job that humans can do in NYC, so can the Supernaturals. Very few are involved with human politics and/or law enforcement however.

♡ THE OCCULT - The Occult is the title given to the groups of Supernaturals who serve as the closest thing their secret society has to a government. Headed by the richest and oldest witches, warlocks and vampires, they aim to keep the Grey intact and do what's best for supernatural beings as a whole.

That is not to say they are without corruption however, many members of the Occult's leadership live frivolously and use their money and power to bypass the very laws they look to enforce. The Occult's sense of being a well-meaning group in truth, comes from its Sheriff and his deputies, who are perhaps the only individuals aiming to do some good in a world that's entirely bad. They are the ones who investigate heinous crimes committed by their non-human kin and they are the ones who approach the 'Watchers' and educate them on the morally bankrupt world they now live in.

  • "Welcome to Haven" is the official title of the RP.
  • "The Occult" is the name of what I hope will become a series of roleplays set in this gritty supernatural/noir universe.
  • WtH will primarily be focused on the supernatural society reacting to a new generation of Watchers after having close to none for the past three decades. These Watchers will be objects of interest of both the government and the criminals of the Supernatural society for varying reasons.
  • This RP is a noir-fantasy story so there will be mature content. Violence, cussing, and all that will be included so be prepared to see it if you are interested in joining.
    • With that said, things will be moderated as this will be a mixed-age roleplay.
  • This will likely be an "advanced" roleplay with requirements/expectations on posts.
  • To be honest, there's still a lot of information to be laid out for this universe. I've drafted a decent bit out but I wanted to make sure there's enough interest to warrant the amount of effort!
  • If your like holy shit this is my shit levels of hype and are willing, I am also looking for co-gms! :p

Lover, I've seen your avatar change at least 3 times during the last 15 minutes xD

I know you love changing, but slow down :X <3
XD. I was just looking for stuff, then I went on snapchat and found this filter and boom XD.
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XD. I was just looking for stuff, then I went on snapchat and found this filter and boom XD.
It's cute, so I'll let you get away with it~ <3 Yes, I'm going back to the whole "you are adorable" thing, because you cannot tell me that avatar is badass :X
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It's cute, so I'll let you get away with it~ <3 Yes, I'm going back to the whole "you are adorable" thing, because you cannot tell me that avatar is badass :X
I mean it's not.. and I just called it "A Severe Case of Cuteness" XD so yeah I can't deny it lol.
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Glad to see there's a lot of interest and more than enough to justify me writing up some more info and prettying it up. Expect something akin to an info dump some time soon. ♡♡

Seeing as it might take me a day or two to officially write/format everything (how magic works, who are the three crime families are in business and what's running them, etc) I'll be posting a basic character sheet here so people can go ahead and get started on their characters. The format is likely to change come the actual OOC but not the required information.

Playable characters will either be Watchers, Criminals, or Members of the Occult. But if you think of something out of the box feel free to share it anyways. Basically if your character makes sense and fits the theme of the rp well, they'll be accepted. I'll be looking to fill some important character spots such as deputies/heads of crime families so if that's something you're interested in go ahead and post here or pm me.

@mango Ayy alright! Why don't we start with a PM of questions you have about the universe so far? That's a good way to jump right into the thick of things. :p
Glad to see there's a lot of interest and more than enough to justify me writing up some more info and prettying it up. Expect something akin to an info dump some time soon. ♡♡

Seeing as it might take me a day or two to officially write/format everything (how magic works, who are the three crime families are in business and what's running them, etc) I'll be posting a basic character sheet here so people can go ahead and get started on their characters. The format is likely to change come the actual OOC but not the required information.

Playable characters will either be Watchers, Criminals, or Members of the Occult. But if you think of something out of the box feel free to share it anyways. Basically if your character makes sense and fits the theme of the rp well, they'll be accepted. I'll be looking to fill some important character spots such as deputies/heads of crime families so if that's something you're interested in go ahead and post here or pm me.

@mango Ayy alright! Why don't we start with a PM of questions you have about the universe so far? That's a good way to jump right into the thick of things. :p
Perhaps a special unit within The Occult tasked specifically to hunt down rogue members of the supernatural to stop them from causing to much chaos to the balance. Call them something like the Harbingers or The Acolytes etc...Just a thought.
Perhaps a special unit within The Occult tasked specifically to hunt down rogue members of the supernatural to stop them from causing to much chaos to the balance. Call them something like the Harbingers or The Acolytes etc...Just a thought.
This is going to be within the duties of the Sheriff and his deputies. I do aim for some deputies to be better for certain jobs than others though. I appreciate the thought and will gladly hear more from everyone should they come! :]

While on the topic of the Sheriff however, I'll say now that he and his deputies are the only thing the supernatural population has that can be compared to law enforcement. While they might resemble a company of private investigators rather than an actual police force, they seek to protect those who cannot protect themselves and generally mean well. They are responsible for protecting "Watchers", investigating crimes related to Supernatural beings, and dealing with those who intend chaos for society which means they will always be in conflict with the crime families.

Oh and here's the bare character skeleton everyone. I purposely left out a background section as that should be written after the info dump is posted.

Role: / The Occult / Watcher / Criminal / Deputy (1/5) /
Age: Obviously there's more info to come but Supernaturals live a long time. Most alive now currently hover around 270-300 years old.
Appearance: Realistic Artwork/Digital Painting preferred. Will accept IRL claims if I must.
Written Description:

I'm in!
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Name: Jericho Addicus
Role: Deputy
Age: 150
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Race: Supernatural
Appearance: jeri.jpg

Written Description: 6;2 in height, olive tanned, black hair, brown eyes...has several glyphs and magical runes tattooed on his face.
Personality: Pessimistic to a fault, analytical and brooding. Has a very mistrusting nature and is always suspicious of just about everyone. In his eyes, one is guilty till proven innocent.
Hey guys, I'm about to head to class so I'll be going radio silent for a bit. I do not mind if you post your WIP here in this thread but I just want everyone to know that it will be some time before this RP officially begins so feel free to really take your time when creating your character. When the time comes for me to review everything that's submitted I will be accepting based off of quality rather than the a first-come-first-serve basis.

If you post your WIP like @Chris_Reaper has, I will be sending you a PM about your character and some initial thoughts I have. :-)

If there are any questions, I will answer them when I return in a few hours.
Hey guys, I'm about to head to class so I'll be going radio silent for a bit. I do not mind if you post your WIP here in this thread but I just want everyone to know that it will be some time before this RP officially begins so feel free to really take your time when creating your character. When the time comes for me to review everything that's submitted I will be accepting based off of quality rather than the a first-come-first-serve basis.

If you post your WIP like @Chris_Reaper has, I will be sending you a PM about your character and some initial thoughts I have. :-)

If there are any questions, I will answer them when I return in a few hours.
Are we allowed to choose a set species for Supernatural's?
I'm sorry but I think I'll have to pull out. Good luck.
Abraham Blacklaw
Polyamorous Bisexual
Abraham stands at 6'5". His complexion is a light tawny color, and his hair is a chestnut brown. Around his temples and throughout his beard are streaks of gray. He has strong lines across his brow and around his eyes. His irises are an unnatural pale blue that shines even in the darkest of lights. He has a full beard that he keeps neatly trimmed. He has obvious chest hair that pops up underneath his shirt, and hair along his arms. He is broad shouldered, muscular in his arms and chest, causing his shirt and jackets to become distressed underneath his movement. His midsection is soft, belying a bit of vulnerability in his form. He always wears a three-piece suit and tie. He is always well-kept.
Surprisingly, Abraham has stayed with the times. Yet, that doesn't mean he's nice about it. He's a severe man that enjoys barking orders at his deputies, sarcastically responding to a request from them, and yet sympathetically protecting them. He's prone to heavily smoking and drinking in the presence of others. He'll treat his deputies like family, a stern family, but anyone else is viewed judgementally underneath his gaze. He wants to uphold balance in the supernatural world, and so he acts like the hardass he should be. Yet, to those that know him, he's far kinder and far more open to letting things go. Yet, that number is few and far between.
Are we allowed to choose a set species for Supernatural's?
A full list of races will be included in the info dump to come but for now I'm leaving what supernatural races people play up to them. Like I said, so long as a character makes sense and fits the theme I will likely accept them. Any ideas you might be unsure of just run them by me in a PM. :-)
I'm sorry but I think I'll have to pull out. Good luck.
Aww alright. I wish you luck in your next endeavors~
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Just a quick lil' update for everybody. The info dump is about halfway done and will be up in the next day or so. When it does go up it will be covering the culture of beings living behind the Grey, the various groups/families of importance in the universe, a (flexible) list of playable supernatural races, and the way magic will work. :-)

Oh and also @mango will be helping me make sure that the story is bangin and noir as hell. ♡
[fieldbox="THE HIDDEN HEIRESS, #57276E, solid"]


Name: Constance 'Connie' Ambrose
Role: Watcher
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Questioning
Race: Human
Appearance Written Description:
Connie is a gorgeous young woman with an imposing appearance to some. She has glossy black hair that she always fixes into a swooping band secured by a lace headband and secured in the back by an array of pins. She only lets her hair down when she's feeling lost, and she makes sure to only allow a select group of people to witness that. She has unblemished pearly white skin that seems to glow in the moonlight. She is a lover of make up but doesn't slather her face with such and simply uses black eyeliner, and a touch of eye shadow simulate a 'smoky' eye. Oddly enough, she does not use lipstick as she fears that it will stain her lips, so she only wears a light coating of colorless lip balm. She was inherited a set of stunning dark eyebrows from her father and she thinks of them as her most defining feature.

When Connie hosted her parties or was attending the family's social gatherings, she was often seen wearing sleek black dresses with bronze jewelry and shiny black heels. However currently she can usually be seen wearing an variety of colorfully printed frocks complete with more practical heels. Sometimes when the day calls for swiftness, she will wear slacks with a comfortably fitted blouse or t-shirt, which she would usually pear with a dark colored weskit.
Connie is a shrewd young woman who holds no tolerance for those she thinks are beneath her. She was born from privilege and she expects the best and brightest in her life. She is highly prejudiced against poor people and she has no tolerance for them. However she has room for improvement and she isn't a complete stone cold bitch. She has a soft spot for children although she doesn't like being exposed to the unfortunate dirty ones. She isn't a patient woman and she knows how to get what she wants. Unless she is frazzled, everything she does is calculated and planned out.

In addition to liking children, Connie loves her friends. She will do anything she can for them and can sometimes be blinded by how she thinks they are, as opposed to their true selves. On many an occasion, her family members have had to 'persuade' one of her friends to hit the bricks because they were using her and taking advantage of her love for them. On that note, Connie hates when things are done for her that she didn't explicitly ask to be done. If it's possible, she'll 'fight' her own battles and she hates interference. Of course, sometimes, she'll need others to step in and most of the time, it'll physically pain her to ask for assistance.
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