ALWAYS OPEN The Only Way To Go Is Up ~ Story Proper~

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

  • "Uh-huh. Ignore me, will ya?"

    Blitz turned and, with a sour expression, approached the tree everyone was talking to, and on closer inspection noticed they were actually talking to fairies. He had overheard something about a task to kill a monster that was plaguing the land and guarding a key.

    "Alright, where in f@!#'s name is this manaspawn thing? I could sure use some action, can't wait to shoot some more s#@%! Also, does this mushroom cave town have any good coffee anywhere? I'm f@!#in' dying over here!"

    @ThePotatoGod @Kirie98 @Topless @shinku

  • Terezi crouched, smelling the battle unfold as the other team members took care of the skull monster. She was confident that they would defeat it, but what happened towards the end was a unique occurrence. She'd never seen anything like it - a monster turning into some kind of cherry red liquid and then getting trapped in some little ball. Very interesting. Could this work for other monsters too?

    Terezi jumped down from the mushroom to congratulate her team.

    "All right! That was some great ass kicking everyone! Not sure exactly what that thing was that captured the monster but it was great!"

    Terezi was about to ask, but her question about the mysterious ball would soon be answered as Flora attempted to release the captured beast...

    @ThePotatoGod as Ben Tennyson(Pink)
    @Crow as Ben Tennyson(Green)
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben Tennyson(Grass)
    @NyxieRina as Flora Escarlate
    @Kirie98 as Misaka Mikoto
    @Ori as Terezi

"Oooo! Master?" the eyeless demon asked, almost conversationally. "What kinda master? Is it cool? Is it like the Demon Lord?" they barraged him with questions. When they went unanswered for half a second, they spun around, their tail swinging excitedly. "Maybe he's fun! I do like the Demon Lord...except he always beat me at chess, yanno? But the only person I could ever beat was Ray-" they went still.

"Wait...Ray..." they mumbled, looking down for a second as their grin dropped and they seemed almost...sad? Before they shook it off, of course, and started asking more questions.

"Wait! What's the Manaspawn thing like?? I wonder if it's huge! I met Cerberus once, and-" they continued rattling on. Although, perceptive people could notice they were a little less...animated, and there was a slight shake to their voice now as they spoke.

"Ough..." the boy hunched over, coughing as his head pounded. 'Why is this happening? This didn't happen before- I was able to Reverse so many people-!' he thought frantically. 'Maybe Hawkmoth's powers are dulled here? But usually...hmm...' he groaned again as another wave of pain came over his head before he just sat down on his hoverboard.

He flew over to the others, keeping out of sight as best he could. He hoped they beat it...and it looked like they did. At least, he couldn't see it anymore...
...Until the weird Trainer lady said 'Come on out,' and held up a ball. What?

  • --Ruby Rose--
    Interaction: @Topless @dark @Midle1998 @SorryTM @Kirie98 @NyxieRina @Crow @Sun_Lord @FactionParadox

    "GRRAAAAAAAAAGGGHH!!" The Red Lantern's roar echoed all throughout the forest labyrinth as he hit what appeared to be a watery surface. The heat radiating from the Lantern's palms sizzling as the cold met the hot; it's as if touching fire–in reverse. He briefly turned around and glared at the red huntress, along with several people. With but a thought and a glare, his ring glowed and manifested visual constructs that resembled buzzsaws that surrounded him, letting them loose at those charging at him as he lunged towards Childe with open palms and pointed thumbs, intending on gouging his eyes!

    Whatever Yuri's planning better work!

  • --Aijo Kiirome--
    Interaction: @Topless @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Foxes81_of_Anime @Gotham Knight Todd

    "Yes. Though, we ourselves, are not sure how many layers there are overall, but we're at the bottommost layer of it all." The Fairy explained to Rudeus when asked, with the others asking about what the Manaspawn looked like. "It varies on the element it takes on, but the creature bears a goat skull as its main body. The rest of its limbs spawning around the element it takes; mostly only one kind"

    "Is it like an Octopus?" Aijo raised, "I'm sorry if that's not the image you're going for."

    "I'm not sure what an octopus is, but if it helps visualize it, then yes." The Fairy answered, though seeing as there's no possible water source where there could be an Octopus around, it's understandable why they wouldn't know about it. "Just know that this 'Octopus' is attracted to magical energy and artifacts and is extremely violent."

    "If you find a clearing anywhere, you should see a larger tree with a colorful stream of light orbiting it; that's where the exit should be–and where the seal is. As I said before, defeat the Manaspawn and we'll show you how to get in." The Fairy said, "Make sure that you bring us its skull. It's instrumental in opening the gate to the Next Floor." The Fairy explained, "It's a ferocious beast, so be careful in dealing with it…"

    "With all due respect, ma'am, I don't think we'll have any trouble dealing with ferocious beasts." Aijo commented with a soft giggle, taking note of the party's sporadic violence.

    "We're aware of that. And we're willing to pardon your rampage in our village if you complete our quests."

    You hear a roar in the distance, coming southwest from here–relatively near. It sounds both human and beast-like; a distorted mixture of both.

  • --Ben Tennyson--
    Interaction: @NyxieRina @Crow @Goonfire @Kirie98 @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ori @Foxes81_of_Anime

    "High Ten." Ben slung his new bow on his shoulder, reciprocating the Green Ben's High Ten with a High Ten of his own, smacking both of Green Ben's hands with his own. "You too, Merpup. Firefur. Whatever Ultra-T names you later when you get back." Ben changed the name of his Vaporeon, seeing as it's now a Fire based creature instead. It let out a proud 'ye!' before letting out a giggle. Looks like there's a little more time before she clocks out, just in time for Flora to release what was once the Manaspawn.


    CHI YU
    -A Special Variant of the Chi-Yu found only in The Tower Region. It's created out of raw magical energy given form through a core, from which the Manaspawn can create constructs out of its molten flames. This Chi-Yu is a tamed variant of the Manaspawn, it's innate mana now stabilized and contained in its fish-like form-

    What came out was exactly what Flora had thought it was; a Chi-Yu. Except its flames are more of a gradient of red and blue, orange and white. Its beads are now a singular goat skull, much like the Manaspawn the gant had fought before. It's now listed as a subspecies of said Mythical Pokemon, the Pokedex now synchronized with this new region, allowing it to obtain an entry of its own, separated from the Paldean Dex. Its Entry makes it seem as though this species is a lot more common within this 'Tower' Region.

    "Huh, it looks different now. I wonder if it adapted to its ball…" Ben took note, letting the Chaqueitrix jot down its initial observations on the Manaspawn. Surprisingly, Azmuth doesn't have any data regarding this place's species either. For someone called the first thinker, you'd think he'd figure out how to find this place first. Then again, it sounds like it's a place outside his universe, so the fault's not with him.

    The Chi-Yu stared quietly at its new master, swimming in the air as it got closer to Flora. It doesn't look hostile, its intent now docile and peaceful, though it lacks the mewing to communicate. It simply lets out soft growls, with a sound similar to blowing one's lips underwater, though echoed and distorted.

    • Interaction: @LuckycoolHawk9 @noob13241

      Going westward, the dog boy and the pink puffball came across the first clearing in a long while. A wide open space with a path going north just as they are emerging. Further into the clearing, a path that leads deeper west, and one going south. One could hear something pulsing in the distance, deeper in the western path. The sound snarling can be softly heard, like a beast waiting to be let loose onto its prey. It's obvious for the Doog that whatever's over there is dangerous.

      What shall they do?

    • --Hayato Ichimonji--
      Interaction: @Goonfire @Mr_Meekins

      "...Ignore the fact that we're chasing him, we're attempting to bring him to safety. This place ain't exactly safe." Hayato groaned after being asked why they're chasing the child. "I was also looking for an excuse to explore more of this crazy forest. The others are still talking back there. Nabbing the kid was just an optional gig." He explained, glancing back, seeing as the kid had already gotten away at this point. "I'm guessing the same goes for you too, Missy." He raised a brow, concealed by that green bug helmet of his. Unlike the others, this one feels like a reasonable one. Reminds him of the Missy that rid him of Shocker's Influence.

    • Interaction: @Signupname

      As he went about the path that landed him in between the crops of crystals, the Inquisitor would find the path would curve westward, as in front of him was a quaint little box that's gilded from the outside. It's not exactly a chest since there's no keyhole to lock it with–it's simply a box of heretic's goods. Whoever left them there. The Inquisitor would find the box unable to be scanned, its contents well concealed…

      What do you do?

    • @Sun_Lord

      Here's a warning to you, good sir: you have until next week before I move Rex to progress the conversation.

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Reactions: Signupname

  • Kyle was now going after Childe. Yuri put their foot out and dragged a curve in the ground as they reeled their hand back. Their hand was straight and their body began to emit a golden aura. "Behold, the hand that brought forth peace and tranquility. Let it be known that the light of dharma will find a way to vanish the darkness of men and women. Now, feel before the touch of the Enlightened One!" They spoke and the floating prayer beads surrounding their hands began to spin at a faster rate.


    Yuri threw their hand out to unleash a gigantic palm-shaped blast onto the Red Lantern. If it hits, he will not get hurt by it, rather it takes away any negative emotion that could hopefully pacify him and come to his senses. Indeed, it may look like it could cause wanton destruction, but it is an attack designed to make the aggressor calm and tranquil, at least temporarily. However, it costs a huge amount of mana to perform, so much so that afterwards, Yuri would feel weakened and will fall on one knee.


  • "So this Manaspawn is attracted to magic then? Luring it is easier said than done however." Shujinko spoke "But Aijo's right, this shouldn't be a problem. Not that I care about really." Just then, a roar was heard and Retsujo, for some reason, immediately jumped onto her brother's arms. "Seriously?" He asked, obviously dismayed.

    "Hey, I was surprised, alright?" Retsujo answered as she got off Shujinko, whom he sighed. "Whatever. Find a clearing with a huge tree? Got it. Oh, and I hope you don't mind if the skull we bring might have a bit of scratched and such. Just so you might know. Now come on, let's kill this beast so we get out of here. We can talk strategy while on foot." He said and then he and Retsujo went ahead to the direction of the roar, expecting others to follow and not give a damn about holding up or anything that might slow them down.

    @Gotham Knight Todd
As he went about the path that landed him in between the crops of crystals, the Inquisitor would find the path would curve westward, as in front of him was a quaint little box that's gilded from the outside. It's not exactly a chest since there's no keyhole to lock it with–it's simply a box of heretic's goods. Whoever left them there. The Inquisitor would find the box unable to be scanned, its contents well concealed…

What do you do?

He kept his walk, the path cutting through the fallow fields of glistening crystal . The morning-sun reflected from the 'crops' gives a slightly irritating glare. The air is bristly, chilled , as like a temperate autunm. As if everything is a parody of some agri-world near its harvest season, crystal-crops awaitng landcrawlers. Above him, the flock followed, the sounds of their fluttering wings harmonised with the slightly clankering sounds of its metallic component and the slight humm of its machines.

He walks, the fields seems unending, even as the road start to curve Westward

And before him, there it is.

In the middle of the road, lies a rather unassuming box. Gilded decorations over the clapsed metal. As if left behind by whoever before. The first sign of sentient civilization since he step foot into this realm

The Inquisitor scowled. It is a rather...unwise measure for a man who have seen what he had to be recklessly open unknown container of unknown origin, especially as the material seems to have an unusual effect on his psychic sight. But, nontheless, it and its potential contents are the only clue to him knowing what is this place

For cautious sake , he attempt to lift the boxed from a distance with his psychic power, while direct a single cherub from his flock to attempt opening it. As it happens, he placed a hand on his hand cannon
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  • It's with time passing and the lingering sight of the kids running off, that eventually Touma's patience runs thin.
    "I do apologize given the suddenness of everything right now, but I gotta get going."

    With that, he starts running north to catch up with everything else.
    @ everybody Southeast in Jason's gang

  • Ken is not dumb. That is important to know as he stops on a dime when he feels something is ahead.
    Not just existing, but actively threatened by its presence. The sense that approaching would inevitably have to be fight or flight.

    Ken is not dumb and would choose to leave if he was going on his lonesome. He isn't though.
    So, he turns to the round fellow by him with one glance before following what agreement the two come to in that look.
    @LuckycoolHawk9 @ThePotatoGod

  • "Woah... is that the monster..?" Misaka leaned in to take a closer, better look at it. To think that just moments ago they were duking it out with a monster that was shaking the earth and burning everything around it. Now it had been reduced to such a smaller form, and far far less aggressive than it just was moments ago.

    "What's the move now? Should we try and see if anyone even lived here?" Misaka suggests. "Although, I'm not sure if anyone is even still here after the rampage the monster just went through here."

    Misaka - #54ACD2

    @ThePotatoGod as Ben Tennyson(Pink)
    @Crow as Ben Tennyson(Green)
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben Tennyson(Grass)
    @NyxieRina as Flora Escarlate
    @Kirie98 as Misaka Mikoto
    @Ori as Teruzi

  • "A goat skull, with an element for a body.. sounds like some kind of demonic creature." Rudeus commented. From how it was described, he assumed that it absorbed elements to incorporate into its body. It being attracted to magical energy was just a cherry on top. Fact is, this thing was probably some kind of Anti-Magic killing monster. It's going to be quite a difficult fight, for sure.

    "Thanks for the help. We can get the skull of the monster. I think.." Looking back at the group, Rudeus's exasperated smile seemed to be on the bit of cracking with how his 'party' was mostly treating this. The two demons were rather too eager to engage and fight the thing and the two siblings had already set off to search for it. He still didn't know just how well capable they all were.

    "Oh, and when we get back, I'll show you a cool magic trick like I said before. Sorry for stomping all around your village. Some of us are rather rowdy and loud."

    Rudeus - #E25041

    @ThePotatoGod as Aijo
    @Gotham Knight Todd as Josuke Higashikata
    @Foxes81_of_Anime as Jin
    @Ori as Blitzo
    @Topless as Shujinko and Resujou Kanou
    @Kirie98 as Rudeus Greyrat
    @shinku as Burt Vaughn, 'The White Devil'

  • Jeanne could just feel the vicious blood-thirsty rage from the man. It was impossible to ignore. That man was going to be in trouble if he closed the distance. The woman was prepared to charge forward and try to intercept the blow. It might do some damage to her, but she was prepared for it.

    Before such actions had to be taken, one of the members among them struck forward against the enraged man, projecting the image of a giant palm against him, a blow that didn't seem to incapacitate or wound. From what Jeanne could feel rather, it resonated with calming, soothing energy. However, it seemed to be quite the taxing motion as the girl who casted it swayed before collapsing. Coming over, Jeanne set her banner down as she checked on her, offering an arm if she needed support.

    "Are you fine?" She asked, "Let me lend you some support."

    Jeanne - #F7DA64

    @ThePotatoGod as Ruby Rose
    @Midle1998 as Jaune Arc
    @SorryTM as Tartaglia
    @NyxieRina as Poco
    @Kirie98 as Jeanne D'Arc
    @Topless as Yuri Yaoi
    @FactionParadox as Saburo Katagiri
    @Crow as Nobeta
    @Sun_Lord as Kyle Rayner
    @dark as Leonidas


  • Jax walked back to the item vendor, looking back at Nahida and smiling with a smug, kind of knowing look, as if acknowledging the idea that she might be getting pissed at his antics, at the same time letting her know that he probably wasn't going to stop there.

    "Whaaaat, that wasn't funny? Sure it was! Come on, don't you wanna get your card thingies?"

    He reached into the box and grabbed the golden capture cards for Nahida, thinking it would allow for two items to be taken regardless of who took them. Since he already got what he wanted, the bombs, he was satisfied, but for the sake of playing around he also went to take the pal balls.

    With items in tow he returned to Nahida and showed her everything. "Check it out! Can't wait to find out what these babies can do! Either way, we gotta get movin', or something else might come outta nowhere like those things from before!"


  • Blitz perked up when he heard the roaring of the monster in the distance, pumping up and down moments later to hype himself up for the battle.

    "Ooooh $#@&. Guuuuys, I think I just pissed my pants a little. I gotta get out there! Don't wait up, losers!"

    Without any hesitation he ran ahead of Shujinko, bouncing gleefully as he took out his sniper rifle. "Last one there's a rotten #### stain!!" he yelled behind him.

    @ThePotatoGod @Kirie98 @Topless @shinku

  • Terezi pressed her hands against her cheeks with astonishment as the formerly ferocious monster was revealed to have transformed into an adorable little skull beast! She ran to it, going in for a pet and a cheek rub.

    "Omgomgomg what a cute little skull beast! Holy $#@& what should we name it!" she squeaked. "I can just taste the adorableness! Who's a good little agent of destruction! You are! Yes you are!" she gushed. Her transformation from a skilled tactician to a shameless love bomb came as a surprise to everyone and it was totally snortworthy.

    She gasped. "What about lil' Vogdrinoth, or Dargrukuuth!"

    @ThePotatoGod as Ben Tennyson(Pink)
    @Crow as Ben Tennyson(Green)
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben Tennyson(Grass)
    @NyxieRina as Flora Escarlate
    @Kirie98 as Misaka Mikoto
    @Ori as Terezi
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Ben, The Prometheus

Ben would just stare for a few moments, uncertain what to make of the whole situation, taking in a deep breath as he would see that the barricades were set up in the exact same way as the ones that were in the village. It would take him another moment to decide that he needed to know the answer to his question. "I know I shouldn't, but I'm going too," he replied, punching the area to make a path back to the area where it would turn south.

Benji would take several deep breaths, as the time on the Omnitrix would finally wear out and he would go back to normal. "Well, at least none of us were hurt during that encounter and we are able to say that we defeated the enemy. Do you think the lot of us could head back the way that we came or is that out of the question?"
He would hear his stomach grumble and he remembered something from that. "Miss Flora, do you still have the ingredients to make the picnic that we mentioned earlier? I think I worked up an appetite now to have some food now."
@NyxieRina @Crow @Goonfire @Kirie98 @Crow @Ori @ThePotatoGod


Kirby would offer a smile, as he would find the answer to his question. " Oh, Scarf is fun to play with," he replied, continuing to run as the two of them would come up to an intersection. It seemed that one way would lead the two of them to danger. " Want to see if there is treasure in other direction and then we go and fight scary monster?" he asked, hoping to get some more food before he would use some more of his trees to fight a tree monster in this strange place.

@noob13241 @ThePotatoGod
  • Interactions: @Topless @dark @Midle1998 @SorryTM @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod @Crow @Sun_Lord @FactionParadox

    Uh oh. That red guy is really aggressive. It didn't look like any amount of distraction or talking would get him to calm down. Looks like the only option left for them was to fight.

    "Time for another show!" Poco tried to psych himself up. Spotting the person from earlier launch an attack to the red guy he decided to support them.

    Playing a heavenly chord (or as heavenly as you can get when it sounds like an electric guitar), he summoned more notes around him. But they looked a tad different than before. Instead of being red and angry, they were green with just a few slightly grumpy faces on it; notes that were meant to heal allies, but still could hurt, just not as well as the ones from before. He sent them towards Yuri and the Red Lantern, hoping to help alleviate any fatigue his teammate felt while also hurting and distracting the red attacker.
  • Interaction: @Crow @Goonfire @Kirie98 @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ori @Foxes81_of_Anime @ThePotatoGod

    Flora was in awe at the new form that the Manaspawn took. Was this really a Chi-Yu? Her internal monologue was all stuff she just heard from her history teacher and she hadn't seen the Beads of Ruin yet, so this was a completely new experience.

    Even more so as she looked to her Pokedex app to gain more information on it. Despite never even registering the actual Chi-Yu, the Pokedex already recognized it and gave it all the information that she'd need too train both variants to their best potential. And wasn't that a surprise? This thing was a VARIANT, it was a regional form! There was a whole new Dex added to her app (somehow) and it teased of possible creatures that could become Pokemon. This place was a region unto itself, it was incredible! She was already completing the dex back home when she got transported, maybe she can do the same here?

    But she had to put a pause on that thought. There were more important things to do, specifically regarding her newest capture. She put away her Rotom Phone and addressed her newly caught Chi Yu. "Hey there. How are you feeling?"

    "Sploo... Loosh?" [I'm... fine. Just, confused?] The newly created Chi Yu said. Flora didn't understand what it said, but based on its movements and tone, it was probably safe to be around.

    "Di? Dirrgge," [New teammate? Welcome to the team." Cayanne said as she and Meatball made their way over to their trainer.

    "Peep!" [Happy to meet you!] The little bird on Cayanne's snout chirped, revealing it's sentience. As the Skeledirge drew near the Chi Yu, it hopped off the crocodile's snout and onto the fire-fish's skull. The reincarnated manaspawn looked at its new passenger, going a little cross-eyed in the process.

    "Agia." [New teammate huh?] Koraidon remarked, looking a little uneasy at the situation. He was always like this every time Flora caught a dangerous Pokemon and added it to their team. Even the ones who turned out to be much friendlier after the fact like Terapagos acted like this, though he usually gets over it quick.

    "I've never heard of any Pokemon adapting to whatever ball captured it. Maybe this is just another form?" Flora remarked, on hearing Pink Ben's question. "I'll need some time picking at the Pokedex entry to see. It's really nice of the tower to fill up everything for me."

    "Uh, I think you should step away from them first." Flora said to Terezi as the troll got into the Chi Yu's space. The firey mon backed away from the troll slowly, with both the fire bird and Meatball chuckling and Cayenne putting herself in between the Chi Yu and her. "I name all of my Pokemon after food. I need to find another fire name that I haven't used on someone else,"

    It was at that exact moment that Benji brought up the need for food! "Of course! I almost forgot!" She searched her bag before pulling out a large capsule like object with a picture of a picnic basket on it. "Uh, make way everyone! This is going to be big!"

    Once the others moved out of the way (escorted by either Cayanne or Meatball), Flora set the capsule on the ground. In an instant a whole picnic table appeared where it spawned, complete with three picnic baskets, several cups and chairs fitting 6 people, and an adorable Pokemon tablecloth. After that, she unclipped the remaining Pokeballs from her belt. "It's not a picnic if everyones not here. Let me introduce you to my team. Come on out everyone!" She explained before tossing her Pokeballs into the air.

    In a flash the rest of her team came out. Pretzel was there, along with Sashimi who was out briefly during the fight, but there were three other faces that the others hadn't seen. The first was a tall brown and white stone golem, with shoulders that looked like a blocky pyramid. Next was a small and slender plant person, with long leafy arms and three massive brown olives on each arm. The last was almost disguised on the table, looking like a particularly big piece of orange sushi on rice.

    "Everyone," She called out to her fellow trapped part members, "meet my team! This here is Smore, Fruit, and Ebi. And you've seen Pretzel, Sashimi, and Cayenne in the battle earlier." She gave the nicknames of her Garganacl, Arboliva, Tatsugiri, Dachsbun, Dondozo, and Skeledirge; with each of them doing their own little greeting in awknowledgement. "And guys, these are our companions for this new... adventure! And we have our new teammate Chi Yu over there!" She pointed out the legendary fish, who seemed a bit surprised at all the attention put on them. "Meatball can probably give more details."

    "Gi?! Kora-Gi!" [What?! But I want sandwiches!] Meatball protested, not wanting to be the exposition-raidon again.]

    "Don't worry, I'll make you a biiiig sandwich for it." Flora assured her ride, which seemed to tide the paradox for now. "The breads, plates, and picks are all in the plain basket. Savory condiments and ingredients are in the orange basket. Sweet condiments and ingredients are in the violet basket. Dont touch the sparkly herbs, but otherwise get whatever you want! I stocked up a lot of ingredients before I got here." She explained to her none Pokemon teammates.

    What else did she have to do? Oh yeah. "Hey Ben?" She called to the Pink Ben. "Can I ask you about your... aliens?" Now that shes seen them in action, she had a lot of questions. And since they were going to stay a while to eat, she had more than enough time to ask him.

    "Garga!" [Picnic time!] Smore the Garganacl clapped his massive hands as he approached the table. "Nacl-Nac!" [Time to make ALL the sandwiches!]

    "Gia!" [Yes!] Meatball cheered, briefly stopping in his recap of everything in the face of his favorite food.

    "Garnac." [What would you like to eat new teammate?] Smore rumbled boisterously, pointing a finger at the newest capture.

    "Chi?" [I don't know?] It said hesitantly.

    "Gargar!" [One of everything then!] Smore clapped again

    "Bolii?" [Won't that be too much for them?] Fruit asked worriedly, looking at Ci Yu's small frame.

    "Taita." [It will be fine. We've got lots of stuff.] Ebi commented, finding his way inside the space warping basket to look at the ingredients. "Taitan giri." [We can just feed the trash to Meatball and Sashimi later.]

    "Ar." [Ebi.] Fruit chided. "Doon." "Ragi!" [Would.] Sashimi and Meatball said at the exact time.

    "Ganac!" [Well, lets start!] Smore pulled out an absurdly long piece of bread from the bread basket, to prepare some meals.

    Smore and Fruit got to work trying to make sandwiches for the crew. It wasnt the best, but much better than what you would expect for Pokemon to make. They were listening to Meatball's tale, while Ebi (after escaping the basket), Sashimi, Cayanne, and Chi-Yu were all just siting around and listening to the raidon. Pretzel was running about, trying to sniff and greet the other people he didn't get a chance to last time.

The demon would tense up, tail sticking out straight like a cat as they were snapped out of their thoughts. "Huh! Is that the weird mana-whatever thingie that they're talking about?" they mused to themselves.
"We should go play with that thing! C'mon! C'mon!" they bounced on their heels, waiting for the others to make their next move.

"I meaaan...I'd hate it if someone else went and stole our kill, right? Right??" they said before realising.

"Hey! Wait! I know! What if...what if one of you guys just wishes for it to happen!!?"

The man would continue breathing in and out slowly as he watched the people. "Huh...thingie turned into...another thingie?" he muttered. He knew that they hadn't noticed him yet and he had no intention of changing that.

He noticed Pretzel sniffing around and he dropped into a crouch.
"Hey buddy..."
Jaune arc, The Rusted Knight

(Magical Forest>>>Northwest)
As Jaune rushed towards the chaotic scene, his focus was solely on Ruby's safety. The roar of the Red Lantern sent a shiver down his spine, and he braced himself for the impending confrontation.

As the Red Lantern unleashed his constructs and charged towards Childe with deadly intent, Jaune's instincts kicked in. With a swift motion, he positioned himself between Childe and the attacker, raising his shield defensively to intercept the incoming threat.

"Get back!" Jaune shouted, his voice firm and commanding. His eyes locked onto the Red Lantern, determination burning brightly within them. He stood his ground, ready to defend his companions with everything he had.

As the buzzsaws closed in, Jaune angled his shield to deflect them away, his muscles tensed with the effort. He gritted his teeth, feeling the impact reverberate through his arm, but he refused to yield.

As the chaos unfolded before him, Jaune's mind raced with the urgency of the situation. The Red Lantern's aggressive demeanor posed a significant threat to their group, and it was clear that decisive action was needed to quell the violence.

With a mix of concern and determination, Jaune watched as Yuri unleashed their powerful attack, the Bliss Bearing Palm, in an attempt to pacify the Red Lantern. The sight of the calming energy resonating from the attack filled Jaune with a glimmer of hope, but he remained vigilant, ready to act if necessary.

As Yuri collapsed from the exertion of their formidable maneuver, Jaune's instincts kicked in. Without hesitation, he moved to assist Jeanne in supporting their fallen comrade, offering a steadying arm to help her rise.

"Are you alright?" Jaune asked Yuri, his voice filled with genuine concern. He knew that Yuri's sacrifice had been necessary to diffuse the tense situation, and he admired their bravery in the face of danger.

Flora (Pretzel)
Interaction: @Foxes81_of_Anime (Reverser)

The Dachsbun noticed the odd black and white human hanging around awkwardly near the group. He seemed a little lonely, he should go and greet him! The fairy bread dog lopped over to his side, wagging his tail all the while.

"Boof!" [Hello!] He greeted "Bwarf!" [You smell funny. Like a Library!] It reminded him somewhat of the academy's entrance, which was both a massive library and a labyrinth. "Bawrf? Boof?" [Do you like reading? Why are you black and white? Are you a shiny?] Even if Reverser couldn't understand him, he kept asking his questions.

He would have licked the boy's hand. But hes licked books before, it wasn't very nice. So he'll just stick to looking up at him and wagging his tail.

  • Exploration

    Interaction: @Ori @SorryTM
    As soon as Jax took the second item, the entire stall shut down; large metal shutters slid over the available items and slammed it shut, a holographic screen flickering right afterwards. The text read "Customer Cooldown: 4 Hours. To speed up Cooldown, please Deposit 2 Kinds of Items.". An Anti-Theft mechanism, it seems, locks itself right after the prior customer has taken 2 items in total, the space below the now barred shelf extending to become a hatch to deposit items. Curiously, it seems to have recognized Jax to have taken one earlier; despite there being no cameras or any magical recording mechanisms present in front of the shop. Curious. As soon as Jax walked back towards Nahida, the shutters and said notices disappeared as if nothing happened. For all intents and purposes, it's just an honor system based shop with an automated protection system; without the money box.

    It's pretty cool.

    • Exploration

      "As long as it's intact, it's fine." The Fairy responded to Shujinko, "As long as the core isn't broken, the magical energy inside shouldn't be lost. That energy is what we need to undo the seal we did." She said, right before Retsujo and her Sister began to move south

      Eventually, the group would discover a blockade set up on the path they took, which they could break to reveal a crossroads that leads west and east; though the roar came to the west, so we all know where y'all are going. Looking to the west, the path curves south as multiple western paths are presented to the pair, with the furthest one being a turning point where Ada is.

      If the pair proceed to Ada's location, they'd find her confronting what appears to be a man on a trenchcoat wearing a curious green helmet, a gun pointed at the man's back. Walking in on the pair coming from the southern path was another man, this one wearing a black fedora atop his casual outfit. His attire screams 'casual journalist' at best.

    • Exploration

      Interaction: @LuckycoolHawk9
      It's important to note that the path that curves south is already there; all Ben was doing is just breaking the wall that leads north; which, in actuality, is nothing more than a small clearing with a box in it. The box had chains wrapped around it. He could feel magic at work, reinforcing the chains as if attempting to keep it hardened and sealed.

      Though, for an Anti-Magic Demi-God like Prometheus, this shouldn't be a problem. Just what could be so important in this thing anyway...?

    • Exploration

      The pair would venture northward...Only to find that it's just a deadend. The trees have become dense to the point of being walls again, and there's nothing out of the ordinary; just a path with no way forward. Guess that answers Kirbo's query for treasure.

  • Exploration

    "Careful, it might--erm..." Ben was about to block Terezi's path with his pimp cane, but quickly realized that he didn't have it in his hand anymore, seeing as it's now slung on his shoulder like a sash because it's a bow. "You know what, carry on." He shrugged, rubbing his arm a bit. "This thing's gonna take some getting used to." He groaned, poking the Omnitrix Emblem of his newly shifted bow, his other hand motioned as if he's leaning on his cane. Though in its place, his Flareon slid her head into place, doggy sit and all. To all witnesses, it's like the dog slid on ice majestically on land, barely kicking up dirt as her head magnetic as it bumped onto Ben's palm. "Oh." Ben chuckled, "And you too, Pup."

    "Fla." It purred, nuzzling for her well deserved Headpap.

    The Grass colored Ben--well, he refers to himself as 'Benji' if he overheard correctly, asked if they can go back the way they came or not.

    "Probably. Probably not. I'm no smart guy, but the block of ice it formed after it shifted elements probably caused it to get harder than the rest of these." Ben replied, right before Benji asked Flora for lunch. "Let's try smacking a few after some snacks, hm?" He says, as Flora lets out her entire menagerie; a lot of strange creatures, most of which took more animalistic and feral features than others.

    There's one that's just a straight up crocodile with some sick face paint.

    "Great timing. I've got some questions of my own, too." Ben nodded, seeing as his Vaporeon; now a Flareon due to an unknown perpetrator, was nuzzling under his cane palm. "But since you asked first, what's up? Nice fighting, by the way." He asked, though he knew what's about to come; she's probably wondering why Flareon looks like a humanoid supermodel if they usually aren't, but just in case, he's gonna wait for the question. As he does this, he went ahead and grabs what's essentially a large slice of ham meant for a sandwich and directly feeds it to Flareon. She ate it with what sounds like a chirping purr. Strange creatures, these are.

  • Exploration

    Interaction: @Signupname

    SEES Armband
    -Raises Psychic Ability by 20%-

    The box seems safe, thanks to his Cherubs not immediately being pelted with bullets, teeth and or tendrils the moment they lifted the box's lid. The tiny baby mech angels dug into the box and pulled out what seems to be a red armband with the letters SEES printed on it. The Inquisitor would feel a magical energy emanating from the cloth, one that serves to amplify one's psychic abilities.

    >The Inquisitor obtains [SEES Armband]!
    Item acquired. Item acquired. Item acquired. Item acquired. Item acquired.

    Item acquired. Item acquired. Item acquired. Item acquired. Item acquired.

  • Like
Reactions: Signupname
Interaction: @ThePotatoGod

"Thanks," Flora smiled at the compliment, before steeling herself for all the questions she was going to ask. "I'm just... really confused."

"Earlier, you said you didn't know anything about Pokemon. But earlier I saw you use a Vaporeon and now a Flareon,"
She gestured in Flareon's direction. "It also seemed like... she... transformed in battle to another Eeveelution! Thats not possible! No Pokemon can reverse their evolution, and they certainly can't switch from one species to another." Unless it was a Ditto but that was something else entirely.

"And shes humanoid too! Pokemon come in many shapes and sizes, but I've never seen a humanoid Vaporeon or Flareon. Thats just not possible!" As she spoke, she pulled out her Rotom Phone and scrolled through her gallery. "Here. Here's a picture of some of my other team members." She said, turning the phone around so he could see. The photo looked similar to what was happening now, a full set inside of a large cave with glowing blue rocks. But except Meatball, everyone else in the photo would be unfamiliar to Ben.

There was a large fluffy moth creature that seemed to be arguing with Meatball over a sandwich. A slender humanoid figure with a large collar of white flowers stood between the two, looking like it was trying to stop the two from fighting. A large yellow and black bird seemed to be talking with a tiny green creature with a brilliant teal mask on. But what was important was the two that were closest to the picture; a quadruped version of Merpup and Firefur playing with a ball.

"That is a Vaporeon and a Flareon," Flora explained, ignoring the sting in her heart on seeing her other Pokemon in the picture. "Why does yours look so... different?"

(PS. Everyone elss is allowed to make some sandwiches and interact wiyth the Pokemon. Go ham!)
@Crow @Goonfire @Kirie98 @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ori @Foxes81_of_Anime

  • Once they've got out of the village, the group would find themselves in front of a blocked path. "Let me handle this." Shujinko said, but as he was about to draw his sword, Retsujo placed her hand onto his shoulder and said "Nah, I got this one." She reached her hand into her pocket and pulled out an ofuda. She dragged her hand onto to it as if she is drawing. She poured her mana through her finger to create a text. When she's done, she threw the ofuda onto the blockade and upon contact, it would immediately explode, destroying it.

    (Bakuhatsu lit. Explode)​

    "I have more those where that came from." Retsujo said proudly, much to Shujinko's dismay. They would continue to move forward, then go west down to the branched paths. They could choose to move forward or go down south. And speaking of south, there is a suspicious looking man approaching them. Something told the siblings that he might not be trustworthy. "Retsujo, hold your gun, but don't draw it out. I have a bad feeling about this guy." Shujinko told his sister, but unfortunately for him, she would drew out her gun and start shooting at the suspicious looking man without hesitation.


    @Gotham Knight Todd
  • Arriving to the odd scene of the person who tried chasing the kids at gunpoint and said kids nowhere in sight, Touma goes to ask what's going on-

    Before he's promptly open fired upon. While he might not consider himself the most friendly-looking person, the facts add up that that's not the likely issue here. Points to the siblings likely teamed with the other gun person and missing people...

    Regardless of the suddenness of the situation and his casual attire, Touma was still a swordsman in his prime and his reaction wasn't any worse for his age. And he is putting it to show, as he promptly reacts and begins dodging the shots fired. Not all of them, but the ones that would hit for some reason hit something and deflect away. Something that looks like a haze in the moment.

    He doubts he's getting answers from them, so he only has one person here to ask/yell out loud. "Rider, did they kidnap the kids?!"
    Even as he talks, that haze grows slightly larger as the fire continues.

    @ThePotatoGod @Ori @shinku @Gotham Knight Todd @Topless
  • Ken's face would scrunch up at the dead end. "Hate mazes."
    Always have fake options until you see everything.

    Regardless, that sets their destination as inevitably to head south and try to cross without provoking the thing westward.
The box seems safe, thanks to his Cherubs not immediately being pelted with bullets, teeth and or tendrils the moment they lifted the box's lid. The tiny baby mech angels dug into the box and pulled out what seems to be a red armband with the letters SEES printed on it. The Inquisitor would feel a magical energy emanating from the cloth, one that serves to amplify one's psychic abilities.

'What is memory but the fashioning of a deep and personal fiction? In memory, we shape the world around ourselves, as if to prove our own existence, to demonstrate the mark we have left upon the universe. We become heralds of something better; the guiding light by which we believe all others might navigate. This, then, is the comfort we award ourselves for the act of living, for to comprehend the truth – that the universe is cold and ambivalent at best, and at worst despises our very existence – is to contemplate madness. So it is that we grow to love the lie.'

– Paracles Ghent, excerpted from The Deathbed Confessions of Sister Superior Kellora, Escher VI

The town were famous of its bakeries. A dozen of ovens produced the kind of confectionary that makes this quaint settlement a rather well known place in this region of backwater agri-world.
It says one steps foot on its cobblestone road, they can smells the baked goods faint through the cool air.
And that morning it was no different.

"Yes Mom, I know I know, but I got to go".
Said the boy
, his mind think only of how it is going to be late for the transit car.
The boy quickly finished his breakfast,. He rushes for the door, but not before his mother gave him a last hug, or the father bristled his hair

The streets smells of baked goods that morning. Before everything. Before the world aflame.

Before it start raining ashes.


He discard that memories to the side, as he looked at the content of that box.

An armband. Smooth fabric or wool. The color is a rather striking red, emphasis the black letterings. S. E. E. S. Some acronym, but for what, he does not know. No taint as far as he could tell, but it does not inert either.

It reacts dramatically on his touch.

The Inquisitor immediately realizes this is a relic of sort. Without no other description, he feels a notable touch of power to his mind. A test of his telekinesis shows his control of the knives to be even more adept, already, tactics formed inside his mind

A relic with psychic amplifying properties. It will be useful, he thought.

A rather welcome help now that he does not have a force staff on hand, the Inquisitor ties it up his upper left arm .

And forward he went.

And he once again tries to ignore the memories of ash and bone

  • Ada caught a glimpse of the kid ducking off the road and disappearing. Resourceful little shit, he was... "He'll be fine. I've seen many like him," she assured the stranger, holstering her pistol.

    Though her sunglasses obscured her eyes, Ada's brief pause was telling; her new acquaintance had hit the nail on the head. "It's Ada. Ada Wong," she corrected him before pulling out her smartphone. "You said you branched off from another group? You have any way of contacting them?"

    Just then, she spied her so-called teammates arriving... Or their muzzle flashes. Diving away from the automatic gunfire, she took off her sunglasses and threw them towards the Kanou siblings. Upon hitting the ground, they began to beep, a holographic display on the lenses reading "WARNING!" They exploded in a blinding flash a mere second later. "Any chance you could smile and wave, for once? I can handle interrogations at gunpoint myself."

    @ThePotatoGod @Mr_Meekins @Topless @noob13241
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