ALWAYS OPEN The Only Way To Go Is Up ~ Story Proper~

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  • Exploration

    Fortunately for Jaune, the buzzsaw that was meant for him was intercepted by Ruby hooking one of the Buzzsaws with her scythe and redirecting it onto the other, causing an explosion that released smoke, veiling the arrival of the Red Lantern which Jaune had initially intercepted with. The shield managed to withstand the force of the Red Lantern's strike, kicking up the rust on the shield as Jaune was pushed back ever so slightly as Ruby rolled to Yuri's side.

    But before Kyle could even retaliate with yet another strike, the ring glowing in red fury, the maid at the back of the first group had finished her chant, unleashing a light that rivals his own. Seeing this as a challenge to the Red Lantern's Light, Kyle Todd attempted to bar its path by creating a barrier construct, reinforced by Rage and anger; but yet, it simply negated the light whilst phasing through it, flickering as though his rage is being pacified as the construct struck him, wrapping him in its palm as he let out one, anguished scream. His light flashed a bloody red as his suit disintegrated, revealing a normal civilian underneath; one with black hair, clad in simple garbs. Gently, he fell to the ground, landing face first onto the dirt.

    "Is...Is he dead?" Ruby asked, approaching the now unconscious man as if to check on him. Worried if Yuri actually killed him or not. Though fortunately for Ruby, the man's vitals are stable, at best. Made better by Poco's little song, where signs of battle were cleaned up; the blood dripping down his face now fading light the red light that engulfed him.

  • Exploration

    Interaction: @Birb-With-Gun
    The lone inquisitor of N Corp would find himself in a strange environment after the Limbus Company stormed the area he's been guarding for who knows how long. One second, he's dealing with the 12 Sinners and their Heretic leader, and the next, a pulse of light washed over his vision with a rainbow of colors. Colors he once comprehended in his youth, and colors he never thought he could comprehend once more. These colors accompanied the man until he awoke once more, trapped in a forest of glass and crystal, translucent and sparkling. Its leaves were like stained glass, coming in one color at a time, but together make a rather scenic and colorful atmosphere to the area. It's like the Dungeon he's been guarding, except this time, he doesn't recognize its halls.

    Two paths can be assessed by the Inquisitor. The North and the South. Attempting to contact the other N-Corp members would only result in the howling of the wind--or the static of his comms(if he had one).

  • Exploration

    "So that's what they actually look like." Ben scanned the photo, observing the original versions of Vaporeon and Flareon. They were small, cute, and most importantly; quadrupedal. They're like small Wildmutts. There was also this weird pear shaped thing behind them, but that's hardly the focus. "Hmm...Before I get into why I have one all of a sudden, I'll have to explain why she's humanoid to begin with." Ben began, pushing up his shades, "It's got everything to do with the Chaquetrix." He explained, showing the pink watch to Flora. "It's initial purpose is repopulation and reproduction; it takes the DNA of the User and mixes them with the Sample and summons a Hybrid capable of producing offspring." He pats the Flareon a bit more, bringing attention to her. "Hence, why she looks like that. This thing wasn't meant for combat, but a 10 year old me decided it's a Hero Watch." He chuckles, "And I decided to be their manager and help them train with me."

    How nostalgic. Hard to believe it's been nearly half a decade since he got the thing. It's scary what someone could get used to.

    "Well, this baby used to have over a million alien DNA samples, but after inspecting it a bit earlier, it looks like I'm stuck with just 10 again. What I think happened is that it recalibrated when I woke up here--picking 10 random samples and sticking them in a playlist; the Vaporeon just happened to be one of them. The watch's intro sheet for Merpup mentioned something about them not being native to my home universe, so it's got to be something about this place that caused it to gain the sample." He gave a guess at most. Without Azmuth to give a concrete answer, Ben's guess is as good as theirs. "As for how Vaporeon changed into Flareon..." He shrugged, "If it's not meant to change forms mid-battle, then it makes things all the more mysterious. All I could say is that someone must've made it change forms. This isn't Kansas anymore, Flora, so it's not outside the realm of possibility that someone could just invert a Pokemon's species, down to the element." He rubbed his chin, glancing about. "I'm guessing that someone has been following us for a while now, given the timing. It changed right after the Manaspawn changed elements, too."

  • Interaction: @noob13241 @Goonfire @Mr_Meekins @Topless

    "...!" Hearing the clicking of a second gun coming behind him and definitely not at him, The man wearing the helmet immediately leapt in its path as he turned around, marking the Rider as a target in place of Touma and taking a few of the bullets meant for him. The bullets mostly bounce off of his mechanical chestplate. His prana infused suit taking most of the lethality out of them, thankfully. Though the sporadic nature of the shots makes the bullet quantity equal for both of them.

    "Nope! I didn't even catch up to the kids we're after." Hayato cracked his fists. "He's got teleporting powers and I'm just not fast enough. He doesn't wanna get caught, too. Can't exactly explain what we're all about when we're like, 100 meters apart." He explained, "Point is, he's probably safe. So don't worry about that." He said, his helmet's crimson eyes bearing on both the Shujinko twins. "Now why don't you put down the gun. Last I recall, shooting someone under arrest is not good." The man quipped, right before the lady who pointing her gun first, fired warning shots at the pair.

    "Call me Kamen Rider. You'll get my real name once I know you lot can be trusted." He introduced himself to the defacto leader of the twin marksmen. Come to think of it, he didn't really have a means to contact the Hood and the others, now did he? Not that he had a phone since Shocker took it. He glanced over at Touma, seeing if he could take over negotiations.

    • Exploration

      The doggo and the puffball trek back to the clearing they were before as they headed south, this time, finding a clearing that curves east and a cracked wall of trees right in front of them. Breaking it could lead to treasure, but then again, so can the path to the east; ignoring everyone who's chasing after Ken, of course.

    • Exploration

      Interaction: @Signupname
      As the Inquisitor proceeds westward upon obtaining the armband, he'd stumble upon a curious looking stone platform; circular in shape with indecipherable writing encircling what appears to be a heretical magic circle. At the nexus of which was the number 0. Beside it was a pedestal, reaching about torso height. It appears to have groove meant for a large card of some kind; it's almost like a primitive transporter.

      Where it leads, however, is still unknown. Nor is there a way to power it at the moment.

      Still, apart from the curious find, there's only the path south, which could potentially bring him back where he started, or he could proceed further westward instead.


  • The suspicious-looking person had dodged, weaved and even deflected the bullets as he was pelted on. "Hold still!" Retsujo yelled and then a pair of sunglasses was thrown right in front of her and Shujinko, which popped up some sort of holographic warning followed by some beeps. That's where their realization kicked in. "GET DOWN!" Shujinko yelled as he grabbed Retsujo and jumped down onto the floor as the sunglasses exploded. When the smoke clears out, Retsujo opened her eyes to see Shujinko on top of her. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Did you just saved my life? How can I repay you?" Retsujo asked with a bit of a smug smile on her face, much to his dismay. "You can repay me by being not stupid." He coldly answered as he and Retsujo get up and dusted their clothes off.

    When all is clear as day, the siblings would look at three people, one of which they're familiar of. "Hey, it's you!" Retsujo said pointing at Ada "Whatever your name that is I forgot. " Shujinko coughed and said "Let me apologize on behalf of my idiotic sister. She thought you were an enemy and started shooting at you. You can kick her ass if you wished to." Retsujo was taken aback from what her brother said. "Shujinko, what the hell?!" She yelled.

    @Gotham Knight Todd

  • The attack worked, and it seemed to have knocked the Red Lantern off his suit. Jeanne and Jaune held them up before they could hit the floor. "Th-Thank you. It seemed that what I just did could have been too much of me. I'm gonna need a mana transfer once if we know he's not angry. Speaking of which, I need to get to him." Yuri said as they get back on their feet and went over to Kyle. He looked okay, just knocked out.

    "Oh thank the Lord he's okay." They said in relief "But we need to make sure he doesn't go into a pointless rampage again. My spell only pacified him temporarily, so there may be a good chance to do it again when he wakes up. Perhaps a bit of a lecture on the Lord's grace may suffice."

  • Touma would give a brief sigh of relief that this isn't a kidnapping case, but that's cut short by a few bullets slipping past. A flash and clang of shots hitting metal would ring before the man returns to reality.

    "Then can we cut the interrogation short, because this place certainly isn't safe to go alone or even with just one person. Especially for a kid..."
    It's about now that Touma picks up a few loose thoughts. And looks to the paths. One where Aya and her group would've probably blocked the kids from moving by...

    The other heads straight to the tree that they know is guarded by a monster that could've/would've burned the glass forest down.
    A forest that they're struggling to get around.

    "-going straight to the stairs."

    He turns to Ada and the siblings. "If you're not enemies, then no time to explain, we've gotta move."
    Touma doesn't have the time to explain himself further, but the scrunched wide-eyed look on his face does that for him. And if not that, then the fact he's running straight there like lives are on the line, being much faster than he looks.
    @ThePotatoGod @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless

  • Unaware of the issues he caused elsewhere, the kid takes one look at the path probably heading back to familiar territory (derogatory), and proceeds to pull out a card without hesitation.

    And smashes the wall down with one Hitto card to lead south. Given willing company, he does stand taller (tiptoes) for a bit before moving onward.
As the Inquisitor proceeds westward upon obtaining the armband, he'd stumble upon a curious looking stone platform; circular in shape with indecipherable writing encircling what appears to be a heretical magic circle. At the nexus of which was the number 0. Beside it was a pedestal, reaching about torso height. It appears to have groove meant for a large card of some kind; it's almost like a primitive transporter.

Where it leads, however, is still unknown. Nor is there a way to power it at the moment.

Still, apart from the curious find, there's only the path south, which could potentially bring him back where he started, or he could proceed further westward instead.
'All transformation is, at heart, born of conflict, and in turn, all wars are naught but the violent death throes of one state as it gives itself over another.'
– Garrok the Elder, Treatise on Warfare, Vol. IV

The Inquisitor furthers frowns looking at what he came across ahead.

Intelligible writings and signs across stone platofrms. All surround a pedestal.

A ritual circle.

Atleast there's the lack of signs of blood sacrifice and eye-searing symbolism , remove some possibilities of malefic sorcery, it still cause him unease connsidering where he is at the moment - possible trap of the Architect of Lies. The thing is inert, there's no sign of magic at the moment, as if it requires some energy that is not there.

The Inquisitor moved closer to investigates. What draws his attention is something curious indeed:

On the pedestal there's a slot for what appears to be a keycard, awaiting insertion to activate whatever circle here are meant to. The way it's arrange gives him an impression of a teleportarium array, if exceedingly primitive.

He looks around for any clue, but it appears nothing else he spotted for the moment. He considered destroying the platform with krak grenades he carries, but ultimately decided not to.

He step away from the platform. Drawing out a lho stick from his pocket, he lit it up and took a drag, savoring the brief calming sensasion as he considered the next step.

There appears to be 2 paths open off the crystal crop-maze. One back South, and one further West.

Taking note of the location of the stone circle within his mind, he headed further West
Abelgard Müller - The Lone Kleinhammer

Current location: ???

Eternal brightness, that was all that he could see through the silts of his helmet. Or at least, he could assume that he was even still wearing his helmet… he couldn't even feel any sensation coming from his body nor could he sense anything else other than what his eyes were perceiving at the moment. And it was an endless… 'hell' that was filled with nothing but color. It is not what the Inquisitor had expected ever since he was stationed within the estate of that… wretched… 'heretical family's'… could he even call them heretical anymore? Such a term began to lose it's meaning to him ever since he had stopped taking that white porridge slop they call 'canned experiences', having put off his rituals due to the constant flow tasks he was given when it came to the torturing of the… prosthetic users within the dungeon. Of course, he still felt sickened by the very presence of those that dared to replace their sacred flesh with the dull and lifeless steel and circuitry known as prosthetics, but the once sane murderous glee that he had whenever he saw such individuals suffer was now lost upon him, and… he couldn't help but get heretical thoughts of his own, those of… pity and guilt.

And yet, when duty called to apprehend a group of 12 followers and their heretical leader inside of the dungeon, the Kleinhammer of course attempted to try and give chase. And yet, he always seemed to be one step behind, only reaching the aftermath of their complete genocide of his brothers and sisters throughout the dungeon, even the high ranking Inquisitor, Guido the Großhammer, once thought of an invincible and relentless inquisitor whenever he found his targets, was nothing more but a corpse when he reached them. Despite the part of his mind that screamed to try and make him leave the dungeon in order to survive, he carried on, grabbing Guldo's nail-sword and a Mittelhammer's hammer And carried forth with faltering faith and fearful reluctance to hold true to his duty. Of course, some of the creatures they had been keeping caged in the dungeon had gotten lose, which were the reason why his armor was tattered and scorched in the first place, but he thankfully made it forth to continue chase, even picking up a helmet that seemed to… hiss from the inside.

But all had changed when he was still giving chase to the sinners, a bright and colorful light had filled his vision and even while being knocked out by the light, his body couldn't get the color out of his eyes. So many different colors, ones that even he struggled to comprehend… and yet, it was all he could see. Nothing more, nothing less. And he thought that it would remain true even now… a hell where there was nothing but his own thoughts and the unbearable colors that he could barely make sense of. At least, until darkness enveloped his vision, senses starting to return to his body as his jolted and convulsed, trying to force itself awake. Of course, Abel's initial hope of being able to move again was interrupted by the wave of nausea, likely caused from the light, as the Kleinhammer's eyes shot open and immediately went to push himself up from the ground, giving a few hrks… thankful that he didn't have much to eat for the last two days or so in the dungeon. But once he was finished hacking and coughing, the man tilted his armored head just up enough to witness his newfound environment, and he couldn't help but feel… mesmerized by its sight.

No longer there were torture devices or brown and dull walls stained with blood like that of his own home, but instead, beautiful glass stain like walls. Dare he say, even more beautiful than the whistles of the One Who Shall G-. Immediately, Abel placed a hand on the side of his head, as if the mere thought alone was heretical enough for his brain to start aching, but as soon as the pain arrived, it had disappeared, allowing the N. Corp Inquisitor to finally get up to his feet and begin assessing his situation. All his weapons seem to be accounted for, the oversized knife-like nails that he had as a Kleinhammer were still tightly bundled up at his side, the Mittelhammer's oversized hammer was close enough to pick up and rest right at his right shoulder. And he could feel Guido's oversized and heavy nail-sword even without having to check, the red cloth wrapped around his shoulder to hold it up and the heavy weight on his back was enough to affirm things. Even the strange helmet he had at hand was still attached to his belt, no noises can be heard just yet from the strange 'E.G.O. Gift'. Now knowing that he wouldn't be walking in unarmed to any confrontation, the Kleinhammer gave a sigh as he began to look at the two directions the halls seem to lead.

Hmph… well, seems like he would have to start moving on his own if he were to get any clues as to where he was. Was this a sort of task to prove his worth by the Gripper herself? Or was it a punishment for his wading faith in the cause of N. Corp? Nonetheless, punishment or not, he needed to find out just what was going on, and so, the Kleinhammer had chosen to go down SOUTH, slowly shifting down the hall as his body was seemingly still getting used to actually being able to move again… so he mainly had to rely on leaning on the wall slightly until he better got his bearings. Hopefully, whatever lies ahead did not prove too hard of an task for him to handle. For with Nail and Hammer, he shall purge all that attempts to get in his way.

The boy crept over, poking the body. didn't seem too twist-y features, no nothing. It kind of...reminded him of the tall monster from before. He shuddered at the thought. Different clothes, though... and he seemed more like a Viewer than anything- but his face was normal! And his clothes were different too!

These facts made the boy's head hurt as he whispered to himself, fidgeting, " No no..." he muttered over and over again. This was so confusing....

The demon, who had snuck after the twins, jumped after the first two shots were fired, their height seemingly decreasing slightly as their tail stuck out straight like a cat's.

After they calmed down, they watched the others before hearing the noise and seeing them break into a run. Without hesitation, they dropped onto all fours and pursued them as quickly as they could.

The man would look up as the two began speaking, listening intently into their conversation as he stood back up.
Apparently the older male had some kind of magical watch...? The cha- Either that or Marc was really losing it. He rubbed his wrists nervously before looking back at the dog...bread thing.

So...they didn't know he had been there either? Damn. That explained why they hadn't responded to him at all...Hawk Moth wouldn't have put anything to make him invisible on him before he came there, would he? No...

Looking back down at the dog-like thing, he whispered down to it, crouching to get on its level, "Heeyy...buddy...could you maybe get a snack for me?"

Sure as hell wasn't a sanitary option but hey, what other options did he have to begin with?
  • Ada sighed, dismayed that she had to expend the hidden flash bomb so soon. With the rather volatile situation defused, she thought it was a good time to compare notes... but the man who was just under fire had other ideas. "What is he—" she started before glancing around to the others. "Whatever he's doing, it looks urgent. We'll chat while we follow him. Come on!" As the last syllable left her mouth, she bounded after him with impressive speed for someone wearing high heels.

    @ThePotatoGod @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @noob13241
  • Veso furrowed his brow. A massive genetic repository to rival—nay, trump that of the Grineer may be the ultimate bargaining chip in his universe. He pursed his lips at the revelation that only ten samples remained out of roughly one million. "The Void can make truly awesome alterations to people and their equipment—transformations, powers, and more... but it can also strip people of such blessings. As the great Prophet says, 'The Void giveth, and the Void taketh away.'" The quote sounded more like the ramblings of a money-hungry cult leader with a monthly payment donation plan... "The Void could bless your equipment or, um... Pokemon... if you donate at a Corpus temple. The Void rewards such displays of faith."

    @ThePotatoGod @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @NyxieRina

  • Josuke had been shocked by everything they had learned. This place had a master, one with enough sufficient power to create and seemingly control it, the faeries had been trying to harnesss the power to stay alive. That was interesting, he took a few deep breaths to try and think on what was happening. He followed after the group as was appropriate for him to do. He took some more deep breaths as he walked behind them away from the settlement. It was good to know that they had a chance to finally adapt, defeat and overcome the crisis that was before them. Though, he was sure that it would be easier said than done to get the bell out of here after overcoming whatever odds they were up against.

    He sighed as they saw someone seemingly held up by their friend from earlier in the exploration. He looked around a bit at everyone. Maybe there was a good reason for this. There probably was a good reason for this and he was just missing it, yeah that had to be it. He looked to their friend and waited a few seconds, as if trying to will an explanation into existence before he started trying to talk.

    "What exactly is happening here?"

    Interactions @ThePotatoGod @Goonfire @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @noob13241

  • Okay, that was it. Jason was sick and tired of waiting for this guy to answer and talk. He picked Richie up, flipped the guy the bird, then walked around him without as much as a word. He decided it was time to leave. He headed off in the direction he seemed to see some familiar people in.

    Interactions @ThePotatoGod
Jaune arc, The Rusted Knight

(Magical Forest>>>Northwest)
Relief flooded Jaune as he witnessed the Red Lantern's transformation and subsequent pacification. The intense battle had ended, and the once ferocious adversary now lay unconscious before them, revealed to be a regular civilian underneath the intimidating facade.

As Yuri expressed concern for the man's well-being and the need for a mana transfer, Jaune nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of ensuring the Red Lantern's stability once he regained consciousness. "You did what was necessary to protect us all," Jaune reassured Yuri, his voice filled with gratitude. "And we'll make sure he receives the care he needs when he wakes up."

Listening to Yuri's plan to deliver a lecture on the Lord's grace, Jaune offered a supportive nod. "That sounds like a good approach," he agreed. "Perhaps it will help him find some peace."

With the immediate threat neutralized, Jaune's focus shifted to ensuring the safety and well-being of their group, "Does everyone still have their heads attached?"

Child(e) and a Child (Nahida)

As soon as Jax took the second item, the entire stall shut down; large metal shutters slid over the available items and slammed it shut, a holographic screen flickering right afterwards. The text read "Customer Cooldown: 4 Hours. To speed up Cooldown, please Deposit 2 Kinds of Items.". An Anti-Theft mechanism, it seems, locks itself right after the prior customer has taken 2 items in total, the space below the now barred shelf extending to become a hatch to deposit items. Curiously, it seems to have recognized Jax to have taken one earlier; despite there being no cameras or any magical recording mechanisms present in front of the shop. Curious. As soon as Jax walked back towards Nahida, the shutters and said notices disappeared as if nothing happened. For all intents and purposes, it's just an honor system based shop with an automated protection system; without the money box.

It's pretty cool.
@ThePotatoGod @Ori

The radish archon looked briefly disappointed at the anti-thief mechanism... before suddenly perking up. You could practically see the lightbulb hanging over her head.

"Mister Jax, can you please see if you have any other items of interest on you? Even one will do." The message had never specified that "only items from the shop" could be deposited within to speed up the cooldown. Additionally, the man who looked like a children's book character had shown the ability to manifest random items at will in need of the situation. Perhaps there was a chance they could acquire all the useful items from this shop while bypassing the waiting mechanism!

Walking over to the box, she closed her eyes before placing both hands on the ground. Lifting them both up to reveal a darker green energy swirling about, coalescing into two different items with the same green hue- a book, and a lantern.

"First, let's try these two Dendro constructs." Lifting her hand upward, she deposited both of them inward, waiting for a reaction. If it worked, it would be an easy matter of creating copies, enabling them to perpetually take whatever items laid within! The owner of this stall really needed a better security system.​

Kirby would be very disappointed that the other path would lead to a dead end and would frown as they headed back. It seemed that somehow since they had left it had changed. "It different this time?" Kirby asked, clearly confused by this development and would throw his new exploding toy at the wall to follow Ken's attack in case that didn't work. "Treasure must be behind the wall that has to be broken, right?" he asked, no one but the air.

@noob13241 @ThePotatoGod

Ben, The Prometheus

Ben would take a deep breath and would look over at the different paths that existed in front of him. He would head up into the area and noticed that there was a strange chained box. It seemed to be full of magical chains.... not that was a problem for the demigod. "I know that this is probably is a bad idea, but I'm going to do it anyway," he replied, punching the chains and once they were destroyed, opening the strange box.


Benji Tennyson

Benji would take a deep breath. "Well, this is going to be a fun way to make a sandwich," he replied, stacking as many things as possible and would close the sandwich and somehow eating the whole things with a few bits. It was unclear how Ben was thin as he was after seeing how he ate, but he just listened to everyone for now, waiting to see if anyone directed questions his way.

@ThePotatoGod @NyxieRina @Picnic crew
  • Interaction: @Topless @dark @Midle1998 @SorryTM @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod @Crow @FactionParadox

    Poco breathes a sign of relief. It seemed like things were handled well, and his song healed any injuries the red guy might have after he detransformed. He walked over to where the others were. "Hey guys, long time no see!" He looked down at the man. "I wonder who this guy is. He doesnt look related to the monsters we fought."
  • Interaction: @Crow @Goonfire @Kirie98 @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ori @Foxes81_of_Anime @ThePotatoGod

    She closed her gaping mouth. "Thats..." The thing he said was... weird but still "At least you're doing good with it." She said, shaking off any other odd thoughts she might have on the nature of Ben's powers. Different universes, she reminded herself. "If you want, I can help you train with any other Pokemon you get there. I think I'm pretty good with Pokemon myself." She offered kindly, jabbing a thumb at herself.

    "Huh? Oh, uh, maybe? I don't think I need my Pokemon to get stronger." She said to Veso's comment. Her Pokemonwere plenty strong and she did have two Champion titles under her belt. She didn't think there was anything they would struggle with, even the Manaspawns battle wasnt too hard with the other people around. "I'll think about it." She said, just to be polite.

    It was at this point Meatball got tired of waiting as he went over to her and dragged her to the picnic table. "Alright, I'll go make you your sandwich." She laughed as she followed him, getting greeted to the sight of Smore and Fruit making a tofu tower in a sandwich, likely for Sashimi to eat.

    Meanwhile, Pretzel was sneaking around the plate, looking for a sandwich for him to grab for Reverser. He got an Avocado Sandwich (avocados, smoked fillets, and salt) and brought it to the monochrome boy, careful not to bite too hard or slobber on the sandwich. "Bork!" [Here you go!] He offered the boy to take it from his muzzle.
  • The king picked up one of the metal things Kirby hadn't eaten and took a closer look at them "Hold up, is that a bomb on there?" He questioned out loud. "Dang, what'd that give? Bomb Ninja? Oof, wouldn't wanna be in front o dat." He tried to ignore Rex who had just been in front of that.

    Deciding to pocket the thing (might be fun to put on a Gordo), he soon followed Red Hood away from the other guy. Nothin interesting was happening so he might as well keep exploring. At least Red Hood wasn't always trying to run away like Kirby did!

  • Rudeus had heard gunshots the moment he had left to rejoin the group. At this point, he somewhat doubted their prospects of defeating this beast altogether if they were going to be attacking every little thing that they came across. Some shots had been fired, but at the very least no fighting had completely broken out. Yet. Why is it that whenever something happens, it's always a trigger-happy gun person?

    In the center of it all was a guy donning a familiar-looking mask though.

    "Kamen Rider? Or are you some kind of cosplayer who got yanked here?" Rudeus asks.

    Rudeus - #E25041

    @ThePotatoGod as Aijo, Hayato Ichimonji
    @Gotham Knight Todd as Josuke Higashikata
    @Foxes81_of_Anime as Jin
    @Ori as Blitzo
    @Topless as Shujinko and Resujou Kanou
    @Kirie98 as Rudeus Greyrat
    @shinku as Burt Vaughn, 'The White Devil'

  • The man had calmed down. It seemed that the spiritual technique she had used to calm him down had worked quite well. Thankfully, nobody was too wounded or hurt, and the fight had ended relatively harmlessly for everyone involved, save for the few who had taken some damage, and for Yuri who at the end of it had become a bit fatigued. "It's good that you were around. If it had turned into a brawl, losses would have been taken."

    Taking a glance around, she could see that in the short time they had parted, everyone was still quite fine. Moreso, it seems like they haven't traveled that far from their starting point. Her head turns back though, as she hears the girl speak about requiring a transfer of mana. "A mana transfer?" Jeanne quizzedly asks. "How.. how do you suppose you'll be receiving mana?" It's possible that the girl had her own means of recovering it.

    Jeanne - #F7DA64

    @ThePotatoGod as Ruby Rose
    @Midle1998 as Jaune Arc
    @SorryTM as Tartaglia
    @NyxieRina as Poco
    @Kirie98 as Jeanne D'Arc
    @Topless as Yuri Yaoi
    @FactionParadox as Saburo Katagiri
    @Crow as Nobeta
    @Sun_Lord as Kyle Rayner
    @dark as Leonidas


  • "Watch out!" Rex shouted as the man with anger issues in the red helmet didn't seem to notice the bat-themed bomb flying back right towards him and his son. Being filled with too much concern and anxiety to care about Sr. Casco Rudo (Mr. Rude Helmet) being angry with him, or even fully remember everything this inaccurately named Red Hood had yelled at him. All that the half-human, half-EVO cared about in that moment was saving the life of the man who just insulted him, and protecting the angry jerk's son from any harm to show this so-called Red Hood that he would never harm his son or any child for that matter. He quickly tackled the angry man and his son to the ground covering them both both up in a makeshift dome with his giant mechanical arms and smack hands as the flying Bat-bomb hit the Latino man straight on bouncing off his forehead and exploding right in front of the hero's face. Thanks to the EVOs in the Mexican world saviors 'blood Rex's body was able to heal from any injury at a speed far faster and his body was able to endure far greater amounts of physical abuse m trauma, and injury than any normal human could. Which explains how Rex Salazar could have a bomb with an explosive of 20 sticks of dynamite blow up right in front of his face and have his entire face disfigured with third-degree burns. Instead the only part of Rex's body that was burned were his eyebrows, which burned completely off his face that no one would be able to tell happened just yet because the young man's face was entirely covered in soot. Other than loosing every hair of his eyebrows in the explosion the only other damage the Bat-a-bomb inflicted on Rex physically was a small bump and ugly bruise on his forehead, and both the Mexican-Latino men's hair and jacket being slightly singed.

    "¿Están bien los dos?" (Are you both alright?) The EVO-powered man asked in a panic his voice overflowing with genuine concern.

    "By the way, spare me anymore insults or threats at this moment Red Hood. Right now I don't care what you think of me or how mad I just made you tackling you and your son to the ground without warning. All I care about right now protecting that Precioso Angelito (precious little angel) from any harm that could come to him in this lugar peligrosamente antinatural (dangerously unnatural place). I may have some serious concerns about your anger issues and feel slightly offended Rojo (Red) that you would insult me and mis padres (my parents) without even asking me if they were alive first. However I too deeply insulted and harmed you by being far too forward with the way I acted around tu y tu hijo (you and your son). So if you can find it in yourself to perdoname mi grave culpa (forgive me my grievous fault). Then I believe we are even from now on moving forward." Rex did his best to reason with this hostile and easy to anger strange and violent man who was more than willing to draw guns on and almost certainly shoot to kill other people.

    "Let's start over. ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Rex Salazar. (Hello! My name is Rex Salazar.) I am half-man and half-EVO meaning I can turn any part of my body into almost any machine or weapon I can think of. Let me promise you Señor Caperucita Roja y su hijo (Mr. Red Hood and son) that I will do everything in my power to help you both stay alive and unharmed as we mark our through whatever lugar extraño y peligroso (weird and dangerous place) this is. Further if you truly have lost all contact with tu marido y su madre (your husband and his mother) then I am duly honor bound to travel with you two until I have reunited both of you with whoever thus Kyle person is. I just hope I can help him heal from whatever terrible dolor (terrible pain) he must be suffering in from the sounds of his howls once I meet him. That is if me aceptará como su compañero de viaje, Sr. Caperucita Roja." (you will take me on as your traveling companion Mr. Red Hood.)

    Rex removed himself from Red Hood and child's physical presence by letting the impatient, armed, violent, and ill-tempered man and his son stand up and get out from under the makeshift dome of Rex's mechanical arms and giant smack hands.

    When Red Hood didn't respond to him right away Rex assumed that his offer had been silently rejected so he quietly turned away from the other man dejected as he started making his own way in the opposite direction the angry husband and terrified child were going to look to reunite with their missing spouse and parent. When all of a sudden a pair of small, thin, and delicate toddler arms wrapped themselves around Rex's leg. Much to the Mexican-Latino hero's complex and total shock and confusion.

    He turned around and looked back only to notice a child holding his leg and the enojado y volátil (angry and volatile) man in the red helmet looking just as socked and not to pleased by or comfortable with this sudden and uncharacteristic behavior from his son.

    Red Hood @Gotham Knight Todd
    Ritchie Todd @Gotham Knight Todd

  • Kyle Todd awoke once more with a start for the second time in this unfamiliar and unsettling feeling forest. Just being in this prison and death trap of this unknown and synthetic world instantly put Kyle on edge and made him feel scared. Especially when his beloved husband and Master and their precious and beloved child together were nowhere to be found within Kyle's line of sight and field of vision.

    Ordinarily waking up without his Master and their child near him and having not even the slightest clue about the knowledge to where either of them were would enrage Kyle straight back into mindless and rabid Red Lantern mode. However now that his rage had been mystically, magically, and spiritually healed, cooled down, and repressed Kyle quickly found that he could no longer feel or even access any of his anger and built up rage. Which left him permanently locked out of Red Lantern mode. This led Kyle Todd to be overcome with the emotion he despised feeling most of all fear. He began to run around frantically in circles shouting at the top of his lungs for his Master and husband and their precious son. Eventually just deteriorating into begging for someone hopefully anyone to help him, reunite him with his Master and their child, stop making him feel this debilitating panic, explain to him what was going on, and tell him what this terrifyingly fake prison was supposed to be and why they were here? What had happened in that agonizing light storm?

    "Master, Little One? Someone? Anyone? Help me?" Kyle begged and pleaded at a shouting volume as he ran around in circles arms flailing around before he finally taking notice of everyone around him.

    "You all help me?! Who are all of you? Where are we? What is this terrible place? Why do I feel so horrible and helpless? Why am I pain? Who put us in a synthetic forest? Why is everything burned? If I rampaged here why can't I remember doing that? What happened in that light storm? Where are my Master and child? What is up with the creepy moving skeleton? Who would put such a random group of beings together? Are we on another planet? Someone help me!" Kyle pleaded with everyone around him for assistance and answers as he seemingly exhausted his sudden burst of panic energy, fell to his knees and began to tremble.

    Turin Yaoi
    Poco @NyxieRina
    The Rusted Knight @Midle1998
    Tartaglia @SorryTM
    Leonidas @dark
    Saburo Karagiri @FactionParadox
    Nobeta @Crow

Last edited:

  • "What are you talking about- HEY! Get back here!" Retsujo was going to ask what Touma was saying before he ran off to where the beast lies. She sighed out of disbelief. "Seriously, can't we just have a few seconds to chat?" She muttered. "Maybe you should've paid attention to what he said and do what he said than standing here like a complete dork." Shujinko coldly replied.

    "Whatever, let's go help the guy before he gets his organs ripped off or something. He ain't no Leroy Jenkins that's for sure." Retsujo said and she and Shujinko went after Touma.

    @Gotham Knight Todd

  • Jeanne wanted to know how to perform a mana transfer. Yuri isn't comfortable explaining in full detail of how the process works, considering the kind of homunculus they are. "To put it in simple terms, it involves exchanging of certain bodily fluids in ways you do not wish to know how." They answered her inquiry nonchalantly, just in time for Kyle to wake up and started to panic, frantically calling out his loved ones and begging anyone in the group to help him.

    "Mister, please calm down." Yuri calmly spoke as they approached him slowly while opening up their arms. "I know you're very much confused as to where you're loved ones are. Believe me, we too don't know where our loved ones are as well. However, I want you to know that God, in His infinite and unconditional love, will find a way to reunite with your beloved. God will never leave anyone left for death. All you needed to do is to have faith, heads up and straight, look forward and believe that you will find them. Going on a frenzy will never lead you to them as it will lead you to nowhere. God has a plan in all of us and I believe that in His trust, we can and definitely will be reunited with those that we thought have lost." They preached and once they got to them, they would give him a warm embrace of assurance.

    "Please, calm down and try to stay positive. You will, or we will, find your loved ones as much as ours. Understand?"

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  • Exploration

    Interaction: @SorryTM @Ori
    With Jax acting as the means to keep the Customer Lock in place, Nahida began to experiment with bypassing the lock to get all that she can from this stall. It thusly began with a simple elemental construct, one that initially registered as such in the depository. However, it was quickly revealed that both constructs registered as one item.

    "2x Mutou Spellcards, registered. Please input 1 more kind of item."

    The text from the holographic screen now shifted. From the looks of it, it appears capable of taking in elemental energy in itself in the form of these Spellcards. Though now she knows that simply trying to cheese it with constructs just wouldn't be enough.

    Womp womp.

    • Exploration

      "That's good." Ruby sighed in relief, hearing from the Maid herself that the man is fine in spite of his murderous rampage-like semblance. At least, that's what it looked like to Ruby; the red aura and suit being an extension of the man's own soul. She could wonder what he experienced holding such...Rage in him. Ruby nodded when The Rusted Knight asked about everyone else's safety, she wasn't hurt, thankfully. In fact, when she was flung to the hedges earlier, it felt as though he wasn't trying to hurt her that bad--like he's been subconsciously holding back his strength.

      Ruby took note of the bag boy's whisper like ramblings, sounding rather anxious. The young Huntress crouched to meet--well, attempted to meet his 3 inch gaze--maybe less. "Are you alright?" She asked Mono, extending a hand to him in an attempt to calm him down.

      In the same vein, the man in front of them woke up in a panic--the once Berserker In Red now reduced to a sorry sight, looking for his loved ones. It's almost like the ring was in control earlier. Hearing the panicked pleas, Ruby flinched for a moment, surprised by the sudden outburst.

      "H-hey, calm down, sir!" Ruby pleated back, clearly inexperienced in this field of communication as of yet. Though fortunately, Yuri was there to calm him down once more with her religion. Somehow, she seemed more equipped to handle this sort of thing than Ruby was--which was a good thing. "If it helps, we're all in the same situation here." Ruby answered the man, "No one knows why we're here, but we're looking for a way back home. Worst of all, worrying if our loved ones are safe..." She told the man, who was in dire need of some answers himself. "I mean, isn't it more important to stick together now than ever?" She asked, sensing how much pain he's in at the moment...

      Ruby may not be a people person, but even she knows that he needs some people to talk to.

    • Interaction: @Gotham Knight Todd

      Interaction: @Gotham Knight Todd

      It was a few months after Cell was defeated. Gohan had returned to his usual studying routine with a few bursts of training if he feels like it, though as the sole remaining son of the family, it feels as though it's his duty to try and support his family other than simply fighting.

      Out of the blue, one day, the sky torn asunder in a million colors. Before Gohan was an abnormal aurora, yet not even a second after seeing it, everything faded to white and darkened all the same--caught in an undodgeable assault by an unknown assailant. Or so it seemed.

      Gohan would 'wake up', finding himself in a bed of red rose petals--though they're as hard as stones, and as shiny as crystals. In fact, the glare of the midday sun were reflected among the greenery, glistening as if they're jewels. One could assume that he's been put in some rich man's manor, evident by the green hedges that surround him, with ruby red roses in static bloom. Two paths lay before him; east and north.

  • Exploration

    "Yeah. I am. Don't mean to brag, but I did save my universe a couple of times already." He chuckled, recalling all of the times he risked not only his life, but the lives of everyone inside the watch throughout the years. Vilgax and everyone else didn't make things easy, that's for sure. The Pokemon Trainer would offer to help train any other Pokemon he's got in the watch at the moment. "I'll see if there's any more." He said, though right before Veso-R attempted to swindle Flora of her Pokemon, though thankfully, she's not gullible enough to fall for such a trick.

    Ben decided to make a single sandwich himself, handing them over to Flareon; most of which are pretty basic ham sandwiches with a LOT of meat. It was around this time that the emblem on Flareon's collar began to blink red--a sign of her brief summoning coming to an end. As she was handed the sandwich, the Flareon was engulfed in a pink light--and much like a pokemon returning to its ball, the light streaked over to Ben's watch, its covers shutting tight as the pink cover turned red, blinking to signal its timeout phase.

    "...Least she got the others some snacks." Ben chuckled, glad that the function to transport physical items to the Chaquetrix's Codon Stream still works as intended.

    • Exploration

      Interaction: @Birb-With-Gun
      The Kleinhammer moves south, company to nothing but the crunching sounds of his heavy boots crushing the twigs and branches that lay upon his feet. It's quite lonely, in spite of the breathtaking atmosphere. Though it didn't take long until The Kleinhammer finds something interesting. To his left--east if he were to face north, were some fortified walls around the crystal woods. Man made, though the size is a tad concerning; as they were smaller than the average man. The fortifications were heavy for their size, but for a hulking chad like Kleinhammer, this could be easily be destroyed with a swing of a hammer.

      The One Who Grips would probably have fun with such a sight and destroy it for a cheap thrill.

    • Exploration

      Interaction: @Prometheus
      Prometheus didn't really get the chance to open the lid for as soon as he broke the chains, the box suddenly flew open; as if whatever's inside suddenly thrashed around wildly and discarded the box, breaking it into pieces as a goat skull came flying out. On its forehead has a distinct emerald embedded on it, which has the shape of a lock glowing from inside. Its eye glowing blue as green gusts of mist like wind began to gather around it like an eye of the storm, as debris began to be picked up. Mostly rock and dirt lined with this magical green wind began to form around the core, creating dirt like tendrils for it to cut up the surrounding area in a frenzy.

      It let out a distorted roar, sounding like a man and beast at the same time.


      - -{[MAGICIAN'S MANASPAWN]} - -
      HP: 10
      Enemy Count: 1

      The creature's eyes were fixated on Prometheus, and right as he was about to move, the skull was suddenly in collision with his stomach, a loud bang to follow; it was like thunder; the only visual cue was the gust briefly disappearing before shooting itself at near lightning speed. Despite the creature's magical aura, it appears to have a preference on physical maneuvers; like say, Tackling.

      One could hear the grinding of bones before a gust of wind was fired off of its gem, unleashing a force that should push them both away from each other--though thanks to Prometheus' magic resistance, he wouldn't be flung as far.

  • Exploration

    Jason and his followers would catch up to the group at roughly the same time as Josuke would.

    "Stairs, you say? Sounds like you found something worth sharing." Hayato would ask as he would turn to follow Touma, seeing as he had gained some insight as to where an exit might be and to the true nature of this place. Despite being a journalist, Hayato's more invested in doing whatever he deems interesting. Still, it doesn't help that unlike the Rider, Touma was the first to figure out that the floating pink spheres weren't just weirdly colored fireflies.

    Heading westward, the group would find themselves in a small clearing where the trees recede a little bit. In the distance, further west, is a larger tree; unlike those they've seen thus far, this one is DEFINITELY olden oak, grown to an abnormal size. Its leaves were that of light, an aurora that blanketed the entire forest and acted as its skies. A trail of light twirled upwards--most likely the stairs that should lead them to the next layer.

    There are two more paths apart from the obvious; going north and south respectively.

  • Exploration

    Pouring the slightest bit of mana into the card allows Ken to unleash an energy construct that resembles a large fist, which launches itself towards the cracked wall and practically shatters it in a comical dust cloud. From there, he finds that the path branches westward and continues south. The area becoming resembling the farmland he found himself in initially.

  • Exploration

    Interaction: @Signupname
    Delving deeper into the woods, the Inquisitor finds himself leaving the farmlands and instead entering an old ruins type area. Dark colored bricks with burnt colorations can be seen engraved onto the ground bit by bit, as if it was an old abandoned city road of some kind. From here, the Inquisitor finds a literal brick wall blocking his way, like cattle, leading him to turn south. Though the wall nearby, which blocks the path northward, appears to be cracked; fragile. It could potentially be broken with a single whack.

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Jaune arc, The Rusted Knight

(Magical Forest>>>Northwest)
As Ruby extended her hand to Mono, Jaune couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her empathy and willingness to reach out to others, even in the midst of uncertainty and danger. He observed the interaction between Ruby and Mono, noticing how she tried her best to comfort the anxious boy despite the stark differences in their sizes.

When the man in front of them woke up in a panic, Jaune's instincts kicked in, and he moved closer to offer his support as well. Despite his lack of experience in dealing with such situations, he felt compelled to lend a reassuring presence to their newfound acquaintance.

Listening to Ruby's attempt to calm the man down and offer him some understanding, Jaune nodded in agreement. "She's right," he chimed in, his voice calm and steady. "We're all in this together, trying to find our way back home and ensure the safety of our loved ones."

Though Jaune couldn't fully grasp the extent of the man's distress, he could empathize with the overwhelming feeling of uncertainty and fear. "You're not alone in this," he added, hoping to convey a sense of solidarity and support. "None of us are. We all need to lean on one another if we're going to find our way home."

Despite the chaotic circumstances they found themselves in, Jaune remained determined to uphold their unity as a group and provide whatever assistance he could to those in need.

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  • Josuke looked around at all the new comers. His eyes widened when he saw a child with one of them. Scratch that, he saw another one out of the corner of his eye. This was definitely not something he had counted on or expected. He took a few deep breaths. This place had a cruel sense of humor for sure. Bringing in those so young to this hellish nightmare. For what purpose? For its own sick game? He shook his head with a sad look on his face. He could see that they now had a giant group. He looked around as much as he could.

    Not much of these people were ones he recognized in all honesty. He found no comfort in that. He hoped Saburo was okay….and he hoped they could somehow and get the heck out of there soon. This place was starting to take a toll on him. He looked at everyone who seemed to have gathered in this area. Most of them seems formidable enough. It was interesting to see what types of people they had. It seemed all sorts of humans and creatures were here. He wondered if there were any other stand users in this area.

    "Stairs out of here? Interesting to say the least. Maybe it has some answers to what the hell is happening here." He rolled his eyes feeling a few pairs of angry eyes on him. The kid could hear this word. It wasn't too bad, and it wasn't like sheltering the little one in this situation doing him any favors. This place was dangerous. And he knew that. He was sure they did too. At least he hoped they would not be stupid enough to think that it would be good for the kid. It was the worst thing they could do.

    "Based on how this place has been so far, I suspect that we'll likely have to fight something that is guarding those things. Be careful. Whatever the monster is, it could be very terrifying and strong." He doubted it would be as strong as Wonder of U was, but he had a feeling it would be a hellacious fight. He suspected it was likely responsible for creating at least this floor. He had to be on guard. He peeked over his shoulder at the other group behind them. He really didn't trust anything that was going on. And these people he would be a little mistrustful of them.

    He blinked as he looked at the paths before them, as well as the tree. "That tree, I have a feeling it is important. We should investigate it. I really do think we should investigate it." Josuke started to walk towards it. He was curious about it. He wanted to investigate it so badly. Whatever it was, somehow it was drawing his attention to the center of the clearing. Besides, he didn't trust any of the roads they had before them in all honesty.

    Interactions @ThePotatoGod @noob13241 @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @NyxieRina @Sun_Lord

  • Jason blinked as suddenly he and Richie were pushed to the ground. He squeezed his eyes shut as the explosion happened. He was surprised that the man had the gall to do it initially, he was angry at first, the explosion told him that this man was not a threat at all. He took a few deep breaths as he was looking up at the man with a look of surprise. But he offered a sad smile. He realized just how badly this would affect him. He was a bit shocked by the way this had turned out, but he was thankful for this young man making sure that Richie had not been harmed in the process of that bomb going off. He guessed the batarangs Kirby threw were more powerful than the ones Bruce had. That was super annoying, but good to know. He was definitely about to apologize for everything he said. Because he knew that he had crossed several lines and knew he was not supposed to take his anger out on the innocent like this man. Yet he had.

    "Sí estamos bien." (Yes we are okay). He hoped this would show that he wasn't all bad. He could see the concern. He felt guilty for having been so rude before now.

    "You are forgiven. And thank you for being concerned for my son. Not many in this situation fully understand the danger he was unwittingly dragged into, not even him." Jason rolled his eyes when Richie protested at what was being said to him. "And my apologies. Insulting your parents was completely out of line for me. As were the threats I made at you. Just please don't tackle me again. It could set my guns off and someone could be hurt. I would hate to have that happen." He shook his head thinking just about this and everything that was actually happening going on here. "My anger, it only goes to those who deserve it, rest assured, I would never harm my precious angle. I would never let anyone else harm my son." He looked to the boy.

    "Yeah! Daddy and mommy make sure I am safe. Only bad people have to worry about daddy or mommy hurting them." He the small boy offered as he looked at the man in awe.

    "Very well." Jason nodded as they walked together. "¡Hola! Mi nombre es Jason, este es mi hijo, se llama Richard, pero tiene un abrado Richie." (Hello, my name is Jason, this is my son Richard, his nickname is Richie). "Half man and half machine in all essence. Interesting, I have met some people like that. But never one quite like you." Jason admitted as he looked over Rex. "Mucho gusto." (Nice to meet you). He listened very closely to the offer that Rex made. It would help him out greatly to have someone else dedicated to keeping Richie safe. He couldn't ask that of Dedede, nor of most others. But someone offering out of the goodness of their heart, also offering to help his husband. This was excellent. Oh shit, he was walking away already after standing up and starting to walk.

    Richie already decided he liked the man and tried to chase after him. Jason grabbed his hand and gently held him back, walking at a slower pace to make himself not seem to threatening to Rex. He approached him slowly, offering an attempt at a friendly smile. He wasn't used to those anymore, he hadn't been for several years at this point.

    "My apologies for not answering you sooner. I think I will take you up on the offer. I could use the back up, and lord only knows what will happen if we don't find a way to get to my husband Kyle." He looked down at his son. "He should calm down once we get Richie to him. The boy has an effect on him. I think Kyle feels the need to not let his anger control him when he has our son near him. It kind of scares Richie." Jason explained.

    That is when Richie and Jason heard Kyle again.

    "Mommy!" Richie started trying to pull away from Jason to try and get to Kyle. "M-Mommy!" The boy stamped his foot in anger as Jason held his hand just a little bit tighter.

    "I know you want to see your mother. We'll get to him soon. I can't have you running off on your own. It's too dangerous." He looked behind them and motioned for Deedeedee to follow before he looked to Rex. "Follow us okay? And don't get to far back. Or ahead. There are monsters in this tower."

    Jason then started to lead the group again. Until they caught up to the main group. His eyes fell with scorn on the sailor that just cussed in front of Richie. "No repeating his words Richie." Jason instructed the boy who nodded as he looked up at him while they walked.

    "Stairs out of here. Awesome." He grinned. "Perhaps we'll run into Kyle there. Worth heading to them. Which way are they?" He asked as they continued to walk down the path.

    "Oh no. Not more split paths!" Jason groaned looking at the clearing, ignoring the tree entirely.

  • Defeating cell, losing his dad, learning his mom was pregnant. Having to find ways to support them. Studying, training, and trying to have his own leisure time away from everything his mom wanted during some afternoons. Not that he ever really liked how his mom got when he wanted time to himself. But oh well, she at least allowed it, if only begrudgingly.

    It was one such day when suddenly the sky seemed to split open and lights were descending. He had no clue what was happening, but he turned and started running home as fast as his legs could carry him. He was so nervous about what was going on here. Whatever evil did this, he had to save his mother and unborn sibling. He was sweating buckets as he got closer. He saw Chi Chi one last time before everything went white.

    He remembered screaming in agony as the lights engulfed him. He didn't know for how long that the lights damn near killed him, but eventually he lost consciousness.

    His eyes slowly opened, at first it seemed like he had simply passed out in a flower field and had a nightmare. Likely from the stress. At least he hoped. Then, he realized it did not seem to be natural petals, they were made of crystal. He was amazed. He looked at the petals for a few moments before he stood up, scanning the area. Even the sky above him seemed to be artificial. He wondered how he had enough oxygen to breathe. Then again, best not to over think it, there seemed to be two paths here. He wouldn't get anywhere just standing here. That was for sure.

    "I wonder what sort of man had this place made. East or North huh? Well I am definitely not on Mount Pazou anymore. I wonder if mom or anyone else is near by." He put his finger in his mouth and tested for wind. Nothing, darn it. He had no way to truly pick.

    "I guess I pick whichever way. Literally. Not even wind." He sighed and shook his head. He looked back and forth a few times thinking about how this would help him.

    "Well, East it is. Time to get moving and hoping I learn something about this place. And maybe find a way home to save my mom." With that, the boy started to walk down the eastern path.

    Interactions @ThePotatoGod
  • Love
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  • He would lead the charge forward as he reaches the crossroads right before the stairs...and inevitably the danger they were told about. While he has little doubt kids are not even just relatively, but very acute to his surroundings, judging by how he managed to escape pursuit so far. However, that is a different story when excitement is thrown into the mix.

    As a father who's told stories to kids, there may be many things amazing, but only a few can match up with 'Very tall object' like the tree they can see.
    And it would be that experience that draws him to go down the obvious path west, not even managing to glance down the alternatives.

  • The dog would see the even more split path and promptly stick his tongue out and blow. That just made the choice even more annoying.
    Regardless he would take one look at the additional split path before them aaaand promptly chooses to head down the westward path.

    To avoid repeating things, both in path and chase.
Mono {N.W.}

The boy would stop his wild mutterings, looking up at Ruby again in confusion, the crude holes poked out of his paper bag meeting her eyes as he audibly breathed. He was about to reply to her when the man they had been previously fighting seemingly spasmed, talking rapidly.

He jumped, backing up a few paces. Was he mad? Was he corrupted? Or...did the Tower...
He watched the scene unfold in front of him, but to any bystander it was obvious how static particles were seemingly forming around his hands, turning the tips of his fingers grey as he unconsciously charged his abilities.

Adults were not to be trusted. Adults were NOT TO BE TRUSTED! He had forgotten that rule in the huge rush-y mess of everything that had happened by far.
Jin {East(?)}

"Woohoo!" the demon ran ahead of them on all fours then laughed as they switched to two and spun around, letting their tail swing as they landed in the grass with a soft, 'ooumph.' They laid there for a moment before springing up again like a rabbit and going over to the group, trailing around the other demon (Blitzo), then the two twins respectively, looking them up and down again. Or...well, nobody would really tell where they were looking considering the fact they didn't really appear to have eyes.

"Soooo...if this the magical place-thingy-whatchamacalit that the faeries told us about, does this mean this's where Mister Boss Man-Guy-Dude is??" they asked casually to nobody in particular, height fluctuating more and more rapidly as they got more and more excited.

Although, doubtful they'd actually go up those stairs. Who knew what'd meet them up there? Or, hell, what if it was even a trap? Despite their casual demeanour and happy-go-lucky attitude, they weren't completely stupid by any means at all.
Reverser {S.W.}

He stayed mostly in the shadows of the trees, watching the others converse. He zoned out momentarily, mind swirling with irrelevant thoughts that the author doesn't need to describe for plot relevancy, before he got snapped out of it by Pretzel's hushed bark.
He knelt down and carefully took the sandwich from the breadog's snout carefully, patting the pup on the head once he got it.

"Thanks." he took a bite out of the side he was eighty-five percent sure the dog hadn't taken in his muzzle before noticing how hungry he had really been. "Damn...guess I really didn't eat too much before I left, huh? Shame...I'd love Mari's macarons about now, too..." he mumbled, mouth full as he quickly finished it, thanking the dog again before patiently waiting to see if Ben and Flora would notice him.

After a few moments of waiting, he sighed, finally bored as he summoned another plane. This plane had a few multicoloured dots on it, signifying how he hadn't put any real power into it. If it did actually end up hitting, it would probably only change whatever it hit by an iota if at all.

"Reversion..." he yawned, only muttering out the word due to instinct as he tossed it with no real effort, letting it naturally float down to Flora instead of putting power into it. Once it was near her, he stepped behind the tree out of sight, waiting for their reactions.