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it’s better then they’re a little bit of a loser.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
The land of Takamagahara has always been populated with numerous youkai, sealed away from the prying eyes of humans. The beautiful, picturesque land has been closed off by a ring of cherry blossom trees, all ever in bloom and unyielding to weather and damage, for a long time. Only youkai may pass through the trees without harm, humans would find themselves unable to take even one step into the perimeter.

It's another lovely spring. the sky is a bright blue, dotted with lazy clouds. The youkai are dancing, and the cherry blossoms are... not blooming? For some odd reason, despite it being the season where the barrier would be at its strongest, the trees that have stood against time are slowly starting to die, but for what reason?

Rumor has it, a youkai that had once disappeared from Takamagahara centuries ago going by the name Shuten-douji, is trying to find a way to reopen the seal that blocks the entrance to the abandoned Hell...

Welcome to Takamagahara.
Hidden in the countryside away from human cities, this sacred land has been home to youkai and gods since times unknown. Populated by youkai, each unique in their own abilities and personalities, they all live in harmony inside the cherry blossom trees that act as a protective perimeter to their world.

There are several notable landmarks.
Beyond the Boundary - through the seemingly endless forest of cherry blossom, whose scent seems a little too 'magical', is the misty gateway between the Human World and Takamagahara. Miles away from the country mountains is a busy and bustling 21st century Japan, where technology is rife and business is booming. Slowly, they seem to be caring less and less about preserving nature - and that is slowly causing a lot of problems.

Okanyama - a three peak mountain on the north side of Takamagahara. The eastern peak is home to tengu clans, who are currently fighting the oni clans on the western peak for more territory. The middle peak is home to a shrine worshipping the deity of the mountain, and is sometimes considered a safety point among the tengu and the oni.

Ryugukawa - a lake running from north to south on the east side of Takamagahara. It houses the Palace of the Dragon King, and is home and birthplace to many water-dwelling youkai.

Kinmokusei - a small town situated on the south side of Takamagahara. It is home to humans that have strange, magical abilities of their own, and live together with youkai in this land. It is unknown how humans first came to be here, they may have been here before the creation of Takamagahara, or humans who have been accepted by the cherry trees.

Abandoned Hell - location currently unknown. It was once a place where vengeful spirits were sent to until the death gods found it too crowded for it to be used well. Although they have since relocated, few tightly sealed evil youkai were left within its depths, hoping that nobody would be able to undo the magic that binds them in the darkness.

  • Please click on these tabs.
  • 1. To follow all of Iwaku's rules and policies, and also to treat all other players with respect. If you have any issues with each other, please sort it out through PMs or message me about it.

    2. That you are a INTERMEDIATE to ADVANCED writer. I would prefer a paragraph at the minimum, but quality over quantity. Nevertheless, everyone likes someone who puts in effort into their writing.

    3. That you post AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK. I myself am a senior student, so I understand if life gets in the way of things. If you cannot meet this, please leave a note in the OOC or send me a message if you need a bit of an extension.

    4. That you will contribute to worldbuilding and plot development. I love it when people throw their own ideas into the pot, it makes the story more interesting. If worldbuilding is not your thing, I would appreciate it if you could be a participant in discussing the plot

    5. Take the initiative. There will be no posting order, so please feel free to communicate and collaborate with each other if you would like to branch off or create a subplot.

    6. No SMUT. Violence, gore and all that bloody goodness is alright here, no sexual content allowed. Romance is fine.
  • I will not be limiting what youkai species you can choose. However, you are not allowed to play as named, famous youkai such as 'Yamato-no-Orochi' or 'Tamamo-no-mae'. Abilities are also very open, providing they are not extremely overpowered, I will notify you if there is a problem. Right now, you can have two characters maximum. You may be allowed to create more in the future if necessary.

    NOTE: feel free to create NEW LOCATIONS not listed as a significant landmark if needed for your character's backstory and or current location.

    Name: (self explanatory. You may also provide kanji characters, but keep in mind you don't have to use an Asian name at all!)
    Age: (estimated is fine)
    Occupation: (if applicable)
    Alligiance: (may be self, may be unknown, may be to a god)
    Appearance: (please provide a faceclaim, I would personally prefer anime-style ones. You may also have a worded description, you may also include any alternate forms)
    History: (as detailed as you want. Honestly, it can be anything. They were a princess, they were an exile. They fell from the sky, they came out of the ground. Possibilities are endless!)
  • Shuten-doji - Mysterious youkai who had disappeared from Takamagahara many, many years ago, only to return now with the deadly goal to unseal the barrier.

    Ibaraki-douji - Shuten-doji's right hand. Seems way too interested in Okanyama.

    Yamata-no-Orochi (Ryu) - A legendary and malicious youkai sealed away from the Yamas of the Underworld when it was slain by the god Susano-o.

    Doggugo (Inugami) - A inugami who is unable to take on the form of a human. He loves money above all else, and is known as the banker of Takamagahara. No matter who you are allied with, or what your motives are (even if you're a criminal), Doggugo will guard your money with his life. He also has human money on hand for exchanges.

  • WDih2nr.png

    Beyond the Boundary (境界を越えて) - cherry blossom forest perimeter surrounding Takamagahara on all sides in a circle.

    Ama-no-uki Hashi (天浮橋) - a long road reaching from the west of the border to Sakuraboshi, named after the bridge that was said to be the connector between earth and the Shinto heaven.

    Sakuraboshi (桜房市) - "sakura cluster city", the central location where youkai live and thrive together. It is known as the location of Miya's entertainment hub - Oodoburu (大都振る), and is a hotspot for big youkai festivals and events.
    • Ping's Shop (和平の店) - He Ping's special shop is located down a little path surrounded by trees just east of Sakuraboshi. His home is nearby.
    • Kuraokami's Temple (闇龗神社) - a temple located up a small hill east of Sakuraboshi, is home to many youkai priestesses who worship the god of rain and snow. It is perpeptually cold there.
    • Koizumi's House - located a small walk south-west of Sakuraboshi.
    • Dancing Lotus (舞蓮) - tea shop and theatre. Owned by Botan.
    • Doggugo's Store (ドッグゴの店) - The most loyal banker and money exchanger you'll ever meet.

    Okanyama (王冠山) - northern mountain ranges.
    • Akatsunoshi (赤ツノ市) - the home of oni-kind on the western peak. Is on top of running lava, has plenty of forges in which they make their signature iron clubs.
    • Tenchishi (天地市) - the home of the tengu on the eastern peak. It is a place full of natural hot springs, which the tengu are very proud of.
    • Gajettomēkā (ガジェットメカ) - technology reclamation and home of the Eisei twins. Found under Tenchishi on a cliff face.
    • Okanyama Shrine (王冠山神社) - the home of the mountain deity of Okanyama. It sits on the very top of the middle peak and should not be disturbed.
    • Norikai's Hut - home of Norikai the hermit. Found on the central peak of Okanyama, below the shrine near the middle of the ascent.

    The Whispering Woods (囁く森) - a big forest surrounding the base of Okanyama.
    • Kodama Tree (木霊の木) - a large tree that is the home of Arakashi's kodama friends. Protected and surrounded by magical charms. Although unique, surprisingly does not stand out in the forest.
    • Arakashi's Home - nicknamed 'A Leap Away', sits alone on the south-western border of the woods.
    • Fukuda Household - sits on the north-eastern outskirts of the woods

    Ryugukawa (龍宮川) - eastern river that seperates the east from the rest of Takamagahara.
    • Palace of the Dragon King (龍宮城) - found at the bottom of Ryugukawa.
    • Kicho (貴著村) - a small underwater village near the top of the river, is popular for youkai who like to swim. There are a few businesses on top to trade with.
    • Botan's House - a mansion surrounded by a beautiful garden on the east side of the northern lip of the lake.

    The Cursed Forest (呪われ森) - Although the Cursed Forest only accounts for the center area of the forest, it is collectively named so. A home for malicious and chaotic youkai.
    • Garden of Venus (ヴィーナスの庭) - a ring of maneating but beautiful looking plants that surround the more 'peaceful' outer perimeter of the forest. The only safe spot is by entering from the forest's east.
    • Fist of Fear, Touch of Death (恐怖の拳, 死の接触) - Aku's dojo, located at the heart of the Cursed Forest. Teaches martial arts and a special style of hand to hand combat known as the 'Death Touch'.

    Hayasaka Hill (早坂) - A hill found on the east of Takamagahara across Ryugukawa. It is completely surrounded by gravestones and acts as a burial place for youkai and humans.
    • Hayasakabochi (早坂墓地) - The Hayasaka Cemetery.
    • Hayasakamura (早坂村) - A village set on top of Hayasaka Hill and is home to many undead youkai.

    Rinkorashi (鈴湖らしい) - A huge field full of bright green valleys and meadows. It is home to a rural community and vibrant flora and fauna, as well as fresh water lakes and waterfalls.

    Shinkuro (芯畔) - a large upscale town, home to wealthy people, birthplace of entertainment and trend setting town. The highlight of this town is a well known inn and bathhouse, and is also the tallest building in the town.

    Kinmokusei (金木犀村) - southern village mostly populated by humans.

    Hyogo (標業) - a village home to the Mochizuki clan of the Gyokutou. Found in between Sakuraboshi and Kinmokusei.

    Abandoned Hell (旧地獄)- the old location of Hell, has been mostly emptied of its residents.

  • The following are the allegiance and factions of Tamakagahara. This is a work in progress, more will be added as the plot progresses.
  • Youkai are separated into three main clans or types. In general, they get along well and do not have problems with each other. These are:
    • The Daichi - all youkai that live on land. This includes animals that have grown old and developed mystical powers. This also includes the departed. All souls, ghosts and inanimate objects that have gained life belong in this clan, and are considered Daichi because of their ties to the earth.
    • The Oafu - the 'oarfish', a name used for all sea-dweller youkai or those who originate from the sea, considered to be messengers of the Dragon God. May or may not be true.
    • The Kyuten - the youkai of the wind. Any youkai that may fly can be classified as a Kyuten. Mostly populated by tengu.

    From this point onward they are sorted into clans by species. Tengu are part of the tengu clan. Oni are part of the oni clan. And within those clans, they may be smaller clans that are similar to families.
  • An allegiance. Includes youkai who are for the unsealing for their own personal reasons. There is no de facto leader, although Shuten-doji was believed to be the instigator and formed the idea and the belief that the seal could be undone in the first place. There may be a race to see who is the one who free Orochi first, and infighting among youkai who are for the unsealing.
  • A faction and also allegiance. Populated with gyokutou and Tsukihito (moon people), it is sacred and 'holy' place where mortal emotions are discouraged, and where this purity must be maintained. Those who inhabit it were descendants of the Jade Rabbit and the moon goddess Chang'e. As the Jade Rabbit was her subject, it is the Tsukihito who are considered royalty on the moon, though there are few of them.

    One of the largest gyokutou clans is the Mochizuki, who have since relocated to Takamagahara.

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General Information

"I would appreciate it if you called me, Arakashi."

Kashi, Ao, Gate
"I don't mind most of the nicknames."


"I-I honestly can barely manage to count to ten."

Traditional Artist
"I adore painting fans, although I've never understood how to use that... Rodent thing."


'Garden Keeper' // This is more established in 'History'

"The other Kodama count on me, it's my pleasure to work with them."

"I apologize for the secrecy."

Soft, a pitch higher than average



~ His human form is a form used when around other humans, or in a public area

~ His Half-and-Half form is used around other youkai, or in the day in his home

~ His spirit form is used when in highly comfortable areas, or when dealing with other Kodama

"When around company it's always important to be appropriately dressed."

Hair Style:

Human - Neck length, maybe a little bit of a bang on the side

Half-and-Half - Still having a 'messy' sort of style, his hair is longer and tied with a ribbon made to
match his clothes.

Spirit: N/A

"It's important not to get my hair caught in the trees."

Hair Color:
Pure white in all forms

"I suppose I simply prefer this color, although among humans this color is uncommon unless you're old of age.
Which I suppose is a true statement, human age wise."

Eye Color:

"Like the sky, many youkai and human-kind alike tell me that my eyes reflect
the ocean like the sky does. I think that's very kind of them."

Human - 5'3
Half Spirit Half Human - 5'3
Spirit - 8in // Average

"I could be considered, 'short'. It could be worse."

Fashion style:
Arakashi tends to dress in kimono's, and is more old school then anything.
He prefers shades of blue along with light, warm colors.

"P-People seem to notice my style when I head out, it's awfully peculiar."

On his tongue is a heart, on the lower part​

Personality/Daily Life


- Calm
- Patient
- Good Listener
- Loyal
- Dedicated
- Polite

- Hard worker
- Quiet

- Stubborn
- Dense
- A Bit Timid
- Gets Tired Easily
- Zones Out
- Fussy
- 'Snaps' although rarely
- A Bit Clingy


- Kittens
- Milk
- Sunlight
- Blue
- Traditional Things
- Flowers
- Greenery
- Fireflies
- Calligraphy
- Art
- Pastels


- Vulgar Terms
- Flames
- Saws
- Cold Days
- Coffee
- Insects // With the Exception of Butterflies and Bees
- Being called 'Short' or 'Cute'
- Liars
- Shouting


- Gardening
- Painting
- Wandering Around his Garden
- Watching Theater Performances



Short Version of His History:
Warning, May Mention The Term 'Blood'.

Arakashi, like the rest of his Kodama kin, was created by -Classified-
As his life force depends on his tree, like the rest he wrapped his tree for the past years, surrounding it with charms and such so intruders don't trespass on the forest grounds. Although as more and more years progressed, humans consumed more and more forests causing Arakashi to branch out and protect the forest from the outside. He currently has focused most of his strength to setting up 'alerts' around the forest which sometimes saps most of his strength.


As a smaller youkai, Arakashi was still a polite soul, but a curious one at that. He tended to as one may put it, 'stray from the path'. On the other hand it wasn't like he could leave the boundaries of his tree too much at the time. He'd flash lights enchanting little boys and girls into the forest, he didn't know that they could get lost in the place he called home. Eventually the adults sent out a search party looking for these children, torches flaring as Arakashi could do nothing but stand and watch as the village grew bigger, and wider. Of course if they got too close, 'strange accidents' would haunt them.


One day a little boy crept into the forest, lured by Arakashi's white, light, glow. He looked at the small tree with a smile as Arakashi peered out of the side, kimono being too big for him, and Sakura-tree branches were seen poking out of his hair, barely stubs. Arakashi could manage a small disguise. From there he had been curious of these mortals. He had been planted further into the forest so he didn't see many humans. Often he'd make a light path for the little boy to come back so he'd have company. Sure he had the Kodama to play with, but they weren't much fun most days. Also at this time, most youkai were rough and yelled too much. As time progressed, the boy grew older and yet Arakashi remained the same.

"Arakashi why is this tree so important to you?"

"It's... Apart of my life."

"That's something really strange to say, you know."

"I know."

"Don't come early this time! I'll show you something cool! Promise?"

"I Promise."

And so Arakashi didn't show up until he started bleeding from the tongue. When Arakashi ran into the scene, the teenage boy was on the ground, his eyes widened, his hands were shaking, a carving knife in his hand. The tree was bleeding as Arakashi held his mouth, blood dripping. Arakashi's eyes glowed a purple hue as the teenage boy had a purple half heart on the back of his hand. Arakashi blacked out, his tongue had a half heart, and the teenaged boy never came back. When Arakashi ventured out to the village, the teenage male passed him without a second thought, the purple half of a heart on the back of his hand, and many avoided him like the plague.

It wasn't that the male wanted revenge, he simply didn't remember the day.
Nowadays Arakashi doesn't hold any grudges to humans...
He just doesn't let them near his home, or any of his neighbors.

Resident of:

Arakashi lives in a traditional Japanese house next to the forest.It isn't the biggest home but he would get lost otherwise. He has the normalparts of a house despite him not being human. He's nicknamed the place, "A Leap Away"

"I-I know it's sort of cheesy. I apologize."
Youkai Attributes


"I belong to the land, I couldn't imagine drowning in the water or having to imagine a flying tree."

Youkai He Is:

"A tree-spirit in simple terms."


☆ Trail of Lights - A Barrier ☆

☆ Flowing of Flowers - The earth beneath pulls the physical, or spiritual being
downwards into the earth. // More of a surprise attack ☆

☆ Blades of Harmony - With a blade of grass, he whistles and if in a forest,
leaves shoot out of the thicket of the trees, the question is.. From where? ☆

☆ Flicker - How he converts between forms ☆

☆ Rooting for You - Roots shoot out of the ground // Like extra hands // Controlled by Flicks of the Wrist ☆

☆ Skidding Grip - Where Arakashi increases in speed, foes can only see a blur, although when going to attack, Arakashi slows down ☆

'Youkai Weapon'

A 'blade' of grass, used to whistle, and 'cut'


The tree-spirit seems to be a bit wary of Karasu, despite the Raven being a charmer, Arakashi can't help the feeling of being unsteady. He ends up shrugging the feeling in the end though, that's just how the extremely and overly tall male was, flirtatious, with a tongue that gets him out of situations.
"He tends to be... Dramatic at times. I may not trust him entirely, but he does deliver a majority of messages to and fro, how many of them arrive? I'll never know."


While Arakashi would probably be fond of the girl if it weren't for the fact that being a tree-spirit, he dreaded the cold. The winter breeze told the leaves it was time to leave the tree, and the tree became bare. Despite of this fact, Arakashi still finds a way to say hello to the warm-hearted girl. He understood why she was so frustrated with the mix-up, it wasn't often but sometimes other youkai would get him confused with a tree-youkai that developed from war zones and sucked the blood of humans from the battle-fields.
"She's very sensitive, but I don't blame her. She's adorable in an innocent sort of way."


Arakashi being a frequent visitor to the tea shop, encounters the owner Botan more than a lot. He's a regular but he tends to act like a wallflower, drinking his tea in peace while Botan ostentatiously catches the eye of all. Arakashi also lets Botan get first picks of the fans he constructed over the month. He enjoys the company of Botan and having a cup of tea over discussing how their plants in the gardens are doing, and how beautiful they've grown.
"Aah. She's very... Vibrant. I know she owns the Dancing Lotus, she brings joy to most of the shop, I normally show up during the nights. The tea is exquisite along with the performances. We often have in-depth conversations about the beautiful herbs."


When Koizumi appears in the room, Arakashi tends to give her a warm smile. The over-protective sister role she seemed to give, seemed sweet in a way. They also had their tea tastes in common, although compared to Koizumi, his tastes weren't as specific. She tended to be rumored to strike fear into humans but she's calmed down a bit since the olden days. Arakashi didn't mind, even though in the myths he was a more gentle spirit, he had times where he'd blank out... For better but more for the worse. Besides, for a majority she was quite calm.
"A tea buddy of some sorts, whenever she provides me with her company, it's quite entertaining. She tends to speak about her 'brother' Shin frequently. Although sometimes it comes out like a rant of some sort."


One of the twins, sometimes even he'd get them mixed up and they'd just laugh. Sometimes they'd even confuse him with strange technical terms, like what on earth is a computer? Was it like one of those strange vibrating possessed things that sucked your soul into the screen? Although it brought a whole different view to his life, he somewhat found amusement in the change of pace when he met the twins. Specifically Ruru, she tended to be more quiet, it was sort of peculiar to him how she would go around studying youkai. He guessed it was a new generation sort of thing.
"Mmn, she's the quieter of the two it seems. Although she sort of confuses me more than Ahru does, I appreciate she at least tries to explain the terms to me."


The other piece of the 'puzzle', the second twin. She appreciate his height apparently, which he found sort of irritating. She also seemed to be the more 'rambunctious' of the two. Although she didn't spit out terms like her sister, she could equally express as much of energy. In general, these twins confused Arakashi.
"She always has an opinion of matters and such, although she's more of the type to try at least to sound logical. She can be a bit silly at times but I suppose she has much to learn."


Arakashi frowns at the acts of this male, handsome as this individual may seem, that doesn't qualify for all his actions. Arakashi would appreciate this individuals silence if he didn't suspect that this male was planning something. Although he does appreciate that Kurota values peace.... Or does he?
"Ah. It may seem that Kurota... Has extreme ideas of peace. I tend not to interact with him or get caught in any of his 'ideals'. Although I do appreciate that he has a sense of peace, and has a sense of peace."


Arakashi could relate to Norikai in many ways, although he has a hard time getting the time to visit the male, after all Norikai tended to shut himself in. Although when Arakashi tended to encounter Norikai, he would give him a warm gentle smile, although he wasn't sure if that was equivalent to looking like a serial killer.
"He's sort of clever in a way, I wonder what the inside of his hut looks like, after all he spends so much time in there. Although he has a kind heart, sometimes I can't help but imagine what he'd be like if he could adapt quickly to what's noted as the, 'Modern' world."

While some would be offended by her honesty, Arakashi appreciates it. He himself couldn't bring himself to tell people off, that was unless they were straying too far off the path, but Yun didn't seem to mind. Being a tree-spirit he could also understand being caught between adoring the humans, and being angry at them for cutting down so many of his kind, in general he simply appreciated her from afar. He didn't need to turn into a stump so soon.
"A fellow forest youkai who likes getting to the point, although maybe if I get the nerve I'll discuss the topic of humans. She didn't seem to be the kind to massacre willy-nilly, although everything has to eat sometime. Like it or not, it's the food-chain."


Honestly the tree-spirit tended to stray away from those siblings. They were quite rowdy and seemed like the 'I SCREAM ALL THE TIME' sort of people. He preferred Kaori over Ryuu though, after all she didn't drink. It wasn't her, it was just his tendency to avoid people who would most likely cause a brawl.
"I honestly don't know much about her, she seems like the brave courageous hero type that humans idolize in fairy-tales.


Arakashi seems to drift away from Ryuu whenever the other male is in the room. Although the tree-spirit barely has to be wary, while Ryuu was more of a tavern soul, Arakashi was more of a 'I'm going to chill out in a corner', sort of soul. Besides, Ryuu's height intimidated Arakashi quite a bit.
"I'd prefer not to admit how much the presence of Ryuu radiates around the room, it's too... Loud."


Another sketchy youkai who Arakashi tends to avoid. Although Nobuhiko seemed to have an extreme interest in taking over the world, or something like that. Arakashi doesn't really care about those sort of things, although it'd be rare that they'd get involved with one another, Arakashi doesn't mind that Nobuhiko has grand ideas for the future world, just if it doesn't include himself.
"He's very... Blunt. It's a bit amusing how he presents his goals to the world and for that I wouldn't mind his company for a few... Although after awhile I'd honestly, and subconsciously, tune him out."


For once, Arakashi doesn't mind this youkai. The tree-spirit must admit that he was a bit intimidated at first, but they agree in one thing. Between politics it didn't really matter to them it seemed, although Arakashi preferred not to be around when this youkai drank, he appreciated Kazeha's dark humor.
"There are many wonders surrounding this neutral youkai, but his relaxed nature is quite nice for when you just want a moment of quiet.. Although when he drinks it's a whole different story."


Arakashi is sometimes seen hanging around Matsukawa, the tree-spirit appreciates the friendly, full of heart nature that Matsukawa gives. Besides, Matsukawa's food is way too good to pass up.
"Although the restaurant tends to be lively, it's nice to have some noise, sometimes. Besides, the food is great and Matsukawa is quite the sunshine in their own restaurant."




Although Naiyo tended to seem to be on the more, 'radiant', the male seemed to confused the tree-spirit into a confusing whirl-wind of emotions. Although it seemed that Naiyo owned a Magic Shop of some sorts, Arakashi tended to pop-in once in awhile... When it was a last resort.
"Oh, Naiyo? Ahahahhh.... I mean. He can be very heroic at times but it tends to be too much for me..."

Arakashi enjoys Masahiro's sense of humor, and Masahiro's sense of confidence amuses him. Being honest, the amount of eyes Masahiro had, intimidated the tree-spirit just a bit. That doesn't stop Arakashi from enjoying the time around Masahiro, although he tends not to hang around the youkai when he's feeling guilty about something.
"I must admit that his jokes are grand. I always have a good laugh around him, although...
He seems to notice a lot, makes me wonder what 'right' really is, though."

Arakashi 'worships' the shop Ping has created. Arakashi enjoys eyeing the trinkets in the shop and the gentle nature Ping presents to him. The tree-spirit would willingly admit that Ping is probably the youkai Arakashi would get along with the most... Well except for...
"I enjoy browsing the store, in which Ping welcomes me with 'open arms' as one may say. Maybe for the money but I'd assume that Ping isn't like that. I'd assume."

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  • Thank You
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I added two new abilities to Karasu, because I felt he needed a bit more defense then just illusions and running away ; w ;"
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Kaori Fukuda



Kaori Fukuda
"You can't really shorten it."


436 years old

"I don't look a day over 23!"


Guardian | Performer

"My brother and I help keep Takamagahara safe from humans and prying eyes, but I also perform on the side."

Hobbies | Talents

Fencing and Sword Play | Singing | Dancing

"Singing and Dancing are fine and all but nothing beats a deadly dance between a Youkai and her blade."


First and foremost to her brother.
Then to her home and Youkai friends.
Pray you never bring harm to them. Immortal or not, I will end you."





Height: 5'5" | Weight: 135 lbs | Hair: Long, White | Eyes: Blue
Her body is built as a medium frame with a narrow waist and curvy hips and chest. She has hard, toned muscles and ivory skin.
I'm not fat, I'm toned, get it right!"


+Positives +

❧ Brave ❧ Determined ❧ Clever ❧ Creative ❧ Compassionate ❧ Devoted ❧ Loyal ❧ Strong Willed ❧ Noble ❧ Considerate ❧ Engaging ❧ Friendly ❧ Steadfast ❧ Confident ❧ Humorous ❧


❧ Hot Tempered ❧ Reckless ❧ Easily Flustered ❧ Overly Curious ❧ Stubborn ❧ Competitive ❧ Slight Perfectionist ❧ Hero Type ❧ Over Achiever ❧ Accepts Challenges/dares/bets all too Quickly ❧ Impatient


Supernatural Endurance, Speed, Flexibility, and Strength.

Simple Healing and Growing Magic.

Light Magic.

Sword Master.

Increased Intuition and Foresight.

Skilled Musician, Singer, and Dancer.


Once upon a time, there was a prince and a princess. They lived in a beautiful palace, surrounded by doting servants and loving parents. Raised among the wild flowers of their mountainous homeland, the two children grew with purity and peace woven into their hearts.
The princess was kind and innocent, never to hurt a living thing. She would roam about the gardens and talk to the animals and the flowers. Servants would often find her sprawled in the garden interlocked in a one sided conversation, laughing and giggling at some imaginary voice.
The next day, the flowers would bloom impossibly bright and beautiful.
The little princess would find animals on her roaming's and sometimes they were injured. The child would pick them up and hold them, caressing their bodies gently. A servant had swore that a bird with a broken wing had flown from her hands one day.
The Prince and Princess grew, blossoming into beautiful sovereigns to be.
But this story was never meant to have a happy ending.
Peace was never to remain.
And War grew likes a sickness across the land.
Plunged into chaos, the Emperor and Prince rose up to protect their kingdom and bloodshed rained down upon the their once peaceful home.
The Princess watched the battle in horror, helpless and in despair.
For fives days she stood witness to the carnage of war.
Five days she watched her people die.
Five days she prayed her brother would survive.
And on that fifth day she fled down the mountain.
She fled to the battle field, tears streaming down her face.
She stood before her brother, pleading for him to stop.
And met her end on the edge of a friendly blade...

And from her pure soul rose a pure white Kirin. Its sorrowful cry sang through the battle grounds, filling the hearts of men with regret and despair. They dropped their swords and fled in grief, leaving the Prince to scream his agony towards the heavens.
And with his blade he took his own life.

From his cries of anguish and hate rose a black serpent with a blood red face. He vanquished the blacken hearts of those who refused the Kirin's call and peace once more reigned.

But the Prince and the Princess were no more...


— Family —
Ryuu Fukuda | Brother

— Friends —

Koizumi - Tailors her clothes when she ruins them on her outings. Kaori respects her and admires her ability to make such beautiful clothing. When she (hopefully) get a job performing at Botan's Tea House she'll come to her for costumes and dressing advice.

Shin - Good friends with Shin since they both share a love for theater. Kaori finds her fabulous personality to be precious and even inspiring and would come to his aid in a heart beat. She admires his ability to act since she has no acting skills what so ever. Trying to sing or speak in front of an audience is terrifying, but somehow dance isn't. She hopes Shin becomes a famous actor one day and cheers him on.


— Enemies —

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Ryuu Fukuda



Ryuu Fukuda
Give my sis stupid nicknames, she loves them."


436 years old
Call my sis old, it makes her change colors."


Guardian | Blacksmith/Silversmith
"I beat up anything that doesn't belong in Takamagahara. When I'm not doing that I like to mess around with metal."

Hobbies | Talents

Fencing and Sword Play | Gambling | Bets | Smithing | Building
"After a long ass day, I like to have some spirits and watch my sis. I get a kick out of drawing the crowd to gloat her into singing. It's great. Her face gets so red!"


Despite his teasing ways, he's devoted to his Sis.
Then the bar and then everyone else.

"Threaten people, meh, threaten my liquor supplies or my sis... hehe... you're fucked."


Background picture

Height: 6'3" | Weight: 209 lbs | Hair: Semi-Long, Messy, Blond| Eyes: Amber-Red
Built like a fricken tank, Ryuu looks like he could snap a tree in half. Broad shoulders, slim waist and defined muscle toned limbs (hot damn). Despite his size and muscular build, he is freaky fast.
Hey! You! Wanna see something funny? Yo Sis, why ya thighs so big!?"


+Positives +

☣ Courageous ☣ Bold ☣ Clever ☣ Cunning ☣ Loyal ☣ Inventive ☣ Thinks Fast on his Feet☣ Certain ☣ Kind ☣ Friendly ☣ Witty ☣ Forgiving ☣ Open ☣ Confident ☣ Daring ☣ Calm, Cool, and Collected ☣


☣ Kinda Lazy ☣ Sometimes Apathetic ☣ Somber At Times ☣ Drinker ☣ Self-Sacrificial ☣ Teaser ☣ Gloater ☣ Prankster ☣ Distant ☣ Gambler ☣ Bored ☣


Supernatural Endurance, Speed, Flexibility, and Strength.

Affinity for Poisons and Venoms.

Dark Magic.

Sword Master.

Hypnotizing Eyes and Heat Sensitive Vision.

Experienced Metal Worker and Alchemist.


Once upon a time, there was a prince and a princess. They lived in a beautiful palace, surrounded by doting servants and loving parents. Raised among the wildflowers of their mountainous homeland, the two children grew with purity and peace woven into their hearts.
The Prince was just and bright, eager to learn. He poured over his books or could be found roaming the halls asking questions. He especially loved to watch his father engage his men in battle, swinging about a mighty blade with such grace and skill. When his teachers began to train him in the arts of a Prince they found with utter astonishment how quickly he could master the materials. A single glance was all he needed; he could recite passages by memory and mimic the practiced steps of his father in combat.
His mental prowl put experienced generals to test as he cleverly dissected his foe's attack and no one could hope to best the Prince in alchemy. It was as if the Prince were gifted with the skills of a god, servants would whisper as he walked past. Peasants would look on in awe and little boys would roam the streets eagerly enacting his many feats.
The praise and admiration were not unnoticed by the prince who's gentle smile slowly turned into a smirk as he soon thought of himself as a god among men.
When war threatened the land, the Prince saw it as a chance to demonstrate his might. When the King led his men to battle for their beloved empire, the Prince followed. But not for the people. He only wanted glory.
For five days he fought.
For five days he killed.
And five days he grew ever more frenzied.
And on that fifth day, an angel appeared upon the battlefield.
She begged him to stopped, she called out to his heart gripped by pride.
And was silenced by a single blow.
When the Princess fell before him, slain by his own hand, the Prince stood still.
He watched as her spirited cried out, watched as the most beautiful creature rose from her form.
And finally, he realized what he hand done.
His screams of agony ripped across the land as the white beast gifted its mercy to the world.
His blade rose for the final time and was sheathed within his heart.
His soul screamed and out climbed a snake as black as his sins. Whoever failed to flee the battlefield was devoured.
The war was over, peace had returned.
And the empire lost its beloved children.
The Prince was doomed to never forget what he had done but fate had spared the Princess. She does not remember her past life nor the moment she was murdered by her own kin.
The Prince vowed to amend his sins and to never let harm come to the Princess again.
Perhaps it was time he used his gifts for others instead of himself...


— Family —
Kaori Fukuda | Sister

— Friends —
Koizumi - One of the first people he met when Kaori and Ryuu came to Takamagahara. She mends the clothes he tends to ruin during his patrols. He doesn't mind her company and actually finds to soothing. She's a person he can let his guard down his, especially it comes to his past sins. He can relate to her, even if their intentions were different. It just nice having someone around to talk to about it.

Masahiro - Ryuu considers him a comrade and shares more than a few likes and dislikes. Ryuu likes Hiro's personality and finds him fun to be around. It makes his life a bit more interesting and gives him a partner in crime when he wants to indulge in less lawful hobbies.

Shin - Cute little guy. Kaori seems to like him and he's Koizumi's bro, so he's cool with Ryuu. In other words, mess with him and Ryuu will have a nice little chat with em.

— Enemies —

Anyone who plans on opening the gate. Just don't.

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  • Like
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Miyuki the Tsurara-onna is basically done! Just need to work out her history. Now onto the eye-guy.

"The one that shall save this world will be its King"​

  • Name:
    "Walking the path of Heaven, the one who will rule everything, Nobuhiko Zaizen"
    Nobuhiko Zaizen

    "A King or maybe a Fool, I will let you decide"
    The Great Leader, The Fool of Kicho, the King of the New Century, Emperor Z

    One thousand years old



    162 Lbs


    The Bake-kujira (化鯨, literally "ghost whale") is large ghostly skeleton whale and is said to be accompanied by strange birds and fish, it is said to bring a curse and general misfortune to the area where it is spotted

    "This world is mine, Why should I not see it for myself"
    Traveler, Self proclaimed King

    Himself most of the time, otherwise to people that amuse him​

  • Personality:
    "The World is so amusing, so is all the puppets in it, tell me, will you entertain me?"
    Above all else Zaizen only seeks to entertain himself first and foremost, this has led to him taking amusement in anything and from anyone, from threats to odd moments, Nobuhiko merely laughs at everything very frequently, and often for seemingly no reason, because he genuinely finds everything ever amusing and enjoys every moment. When a person has stopped being interesting to him, he will coldly dismiss people around him as "Boring" and will no longer indulge in speaking to them. He has done several things for no other reason than it amused him.

    He has delusions of being a king, some think he is insane, but in his mind he is the ruler of the world and has made many outrageous claims that he believes in no matter how outlandish it sounds. It is often pointed out to him that there is no record of his kingship in any part of the land, but he ignores them for being "foolish", the worst part about it is that some seem to believe him. He carries himself with the pride and dignity of being a ruler while trying to win others over with his charisma.

    Though when the mood strikes him, he can be very nonplussed about anything, not caring in the slightest and can be very sarcastic, reacting to news both good and bad with "Is that so?". This attitude has caused others to butt heads with him as he shows himself as a man above it all. It's only those that he is close to that he sheds this mask slightly to reveals that he cares, and will do anything to make them happy in many unexpected ways.

    Has in interest in the Onna Yokai, as he feels kinship with them somehow and will try to get close to one to see why they interest him so.

    All this is an act to hide bitter hate for hunters and fishermen, viewing them as poachers and greed filled idiots.

  • Abilities:
    "I have not taken to the battlefield in quite a while. You must do something... about my boredom"

    He has control over various strange and almost eldritch birds and fish that he can summon to fight for him on land or in the Sea, they vary in size with the birds reaching the size of harpies or fish the size of great white sharks. They serve him dutifully as loyal subjects.

    He can also summon parts of a shadow like version of his true self. A representation of his former life's hatred, It can often be seen moving around him "swimming" through walls and floors around him when he needs to show his strength or is really angry, it also protects him from harm and takes large attacks at his enemies.

    Due to his amusement with humans, he has adopted the use of firearms, like flintlock pistols, rifles and cannons to simply annoy his enemies.

    He has also taken to using a sword to fight, a glowing longsword that allows him to power his attacks with the strength of his rage, it makes his slashes larger and more devastating if given time to energize it with a long worded spell.

This is my character, the history is very WIP and I will make it better the more I write this character, for now this is all I got.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Remmy Rose
These two are still WIP, but I am posting what I have now so I do not lose it. Also, I will be using my own artwork for their images. Let me know if I have to change anything so far!


Kazeha Isamu
263 || Male || Kamaitachi
5'5" || 145 lb || Lean, muscular
Blade for Hire || Chaotic Neutral

Nicknames: None.
Personality: Isamu is a rather rough person. He gives an obvious air of danger, with his scars and sharp eyes clearly showing his lifestyle off to others. This, paired with his generally indifferent attitude, marks him as a "bad egg"- someone to avoid. The truth of the matter is, he just has a rather impartial view of the worlds, both human and youkai. He really couldn't care less about what goes on in politics or the lives of others, he just goes with the winds of change. His gruff outer appearance is not a mask, but it certainly is not all of him. He enjoys a round of sake just like anyone else, and a good brawl always raises his spirits. If one were to ignore the constant bruises, scars and rather cold expression, they would find he is a relaxed individual with a rather dark sense of humor.

Kaze no Ha- This is one of the abilities that all Kamaitachi have, as it embodies their presence in the world. With their control over vicious winds, a Kamaitachi can produce powerful gusts of air that cut like knives. These shallow wounds do not bleed much, if at all, but cause great pain.

Kama to Senko- A blindingly fast attack that can be made with either claws or iron sickles, depending upon which form he is in. Due to the speed of a Kamaitachi, multiple strikes are made within seconds. These wounds cause little to no pain, but bleed badly. If one is struck too many times, they can succumb to blood loss.

Senpu Norite- A mode of transportation, in which a Kamaitachi can literally ride whirlwinds.

Other general abilities include:
Extreme speed and agility
combat prowess, specifically with sickles
control over wind

History: Isamu hails from Okanyama, where his kind ride the bitterly cold winds that sweep through the mountain passes. He learned the tricks and tactics of his kind at an early age, and spent most of his years preying on unsuspecting humans. After some time, he became bored with the dull-witted mundane creatures and resigned to living primarily in the Youkai world. At first, he made a name for himself in the mountains as a brigand, but he now offers his talents for the protection of other Youkai, Yurei and Ayakashi. This job as proven to be more interesting than lying in wait for a passing target, and provides more money for his habitual drinking and smoking.

Miscellaneous Information:
Isamu is of the southern breed of Kamaitachi, which means he drinks the blood of those he cuts. This is not needed for his survival, but rather a species/clan trait.
Isamu is not overly concerned about the barrier either way, but could be persuaded to pick a side for the right price or motivation.

Matsukawa no Heikuro Aina
Around 1,070 || Ni Katachi || Uwabami/Daija
5' 3" || 130 lb || Soft, slightly plump
Chef || Neutral Good

Nicknames: Heiko, O-Aina, Hebi-san, Chourishi (chef)
Personality: O-Aina is a warm and genial individual, charming and generous. They are, in fact, so friendly that they sometimes seem out of touch with the realities of the world. Despite this appearance, O-Aina is actually quite knowledgeable of the on-goings of the youkai world, as many people talk once they have a good food and a few cups of sake in their bellies.

Shizuka Mizu, Hageshi Mizu-
A basic Uwabami ability, in which they can control the flow of fresh waters.

Odori no Ame- A rush of power that can call rains. Can be amplified by drawing energy given by lesser Youkai.

Oii no Katachi- Shape shifting. Uwabami can change their forms to mimic many creatures, as well as some inanimate objects. Useful for camouflage and evading pursuit. Uwabami do not gain any powers of the creatures they shift into.

Other general abilities include:
Venomous bite
Constriction when in full form
Heat/vibrational sensing
Eating and drinking large amounts

History: O-Aina is from an ancient, respected bloodline of Uwabami. For centuries, during the Heian and Kamakura periods, humans paid tribute to Uwabami, leaving many gifts of food and sake at shrines that dotted the Shiga Highlands. In return, the Uwabami kept the lakes and rivers clean and controlled the rains. The Uwabami lived like nobles, surrounded by finery and tended to by the lesser youkai of the region. It was a good life for the powerful serpents, until one day a foolish prince of the Uwabami got his heart broken.

As the story goes, a particularly powerful Uwabami fell in love with a human, but was forbidden from courting her by the Lord and father. In his rage and sorrow, he called upon all the spirits of the region and flooded the valleys, destroying countless villages. The destruction only stopped after the human woman cast herself into the raging waters. Shamed of their relative, and angry that there were few humans left now to give them tribute, many Uwabami left the human world. O-Aina is one of them, though they were only a few hundred years old when the ordeal occurred. They spent many centuries attending to the shrine of Uke Mochi, then moved on to worship in a new way. About one hundred years ago, O-Aina opened their stall, serving delicious foods to the masses ever since.

Miscellaneous Information:
Ni Katachi is a term that can very roughly be equated to either "hermaphrodite" or "transgender". It literally translates to "two forms". This term is used because O-Aina regards themselves as being both male and female, though they do tend to lean towards feminine.
O-Aina is the chef and owner of Nana no Yama, a open-front street-side restaurant that resides in the central city of the Youkai.
O-Aina worships the Goddess Uke Mochi, the deity of prosperity and food.
O-Aina does not support the opening of the barrier, but is not a fighter, thus chooses to remain out of the frontlines.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Remmy Rose
That maintenance thing happenend and I fell asleep before it was over.

Going to get Tanuki and Uwabami up today.

Let's hope when the IC comes up, it doesn't get spammed and then die off.
Let's make sure it doesn't lol
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Remmy Rose
Closed for now.
  • Love
Reactions: Justin



Died aged 21
Appears 18-19


Working in Ping's shop

Good ~ Ping/Ping's shop




Skin tone:

Eye colour:
Light purple

Hair colour:

Hair style:
Long (reaching her mid-thigh)
It curls towards the ends in large ringlets

Shion doesn't have anything against kimonos but she prefers dresses because they are less restrictive. In all clothing choices she tends to choose to wear items that bare her shoulders and collar bones to show her a thin silver choker style necklace that has small tear drop shaped lilac stones running completely around it. Another common feature of her style is to have long sleeves that often swamp her hands, hiding them. Colour wise she tends to always have on some shade of purple or some faint floral pattern or art upon the material.


Shion can be quite quiet when around others, especially those unknown to her, often hiding away or simply resorting to gestures or actions instead of words. Despite this she is quite sweet, often thinking about others even if it is not obvious in her usual state of absent mindedness. Shion does have a temper though it appears, in the beginning, as if she is sulking. Her anger is childish before it becomes violent. She gets easily lost in thoughts, often wondering about her human life, and looses focus upon tasks. When Shion begins to grow close to someone, she will become more vocal and this reveals her more blunt and straight forward nature. She will simply tell someone as it is without restraint, often something she notices after in situations where this causes problems. The most noticeable trait of Shion is the fact she is easily distracted and this also appears when she finds herself adoring nature or something around her. She has generally quite a optimistic view to everything and everyone around her. Shion can grow attached easily and finds loss hard, which is why she takes loosing her human memories so hard. She can also be considered quite daring, often willing to try anything new without complaint.

Being outdoors
Shades of purple
Brushing/styling her/others hair
Koto music/playing the Koto

Spicy foods
Being indoors to long
Cooking (She fails horribly at this)
The colour orange
Staying up late (She falls asleep early and wakes up early)

Hair styling
Playing the Koto
Ikebana (Flower arranging)



Hair Manipulation ~ Shion is able to full manipulate and control her hair in the sense of its movements. She is even able to grow it out longer, though to a limit and return back to its original length. With this she can also make her hair dangerously sharp, enough to cut even some of the strongest materials

Hair Strength/Defense ~ Shion's hair when 'activated', has enhanced strength. In this sense she can use it to attack or when using her hair as a prehensile limb. When this happens her hair's density increases massively in the process, allowing her to also use it in a defensive manner.


Ping ~ Ping is Shion's boss and she is fond of him like a brother figure. She met him a while after she became a Youkai and he helped her out when she was confused and lost. Around Ping and working in the shop, Shion feels comfortable and accepted especially as Ping doesn't seem to mind that she occasionally becomes easily side tracked. Shion's favourite thing about Ping would be his warm personality.

Miya ~ Shion knew Miya while a human though it wasn't for long. It confuses Shion a bit as she cannot remember that time well enough which makes her upset but at the same time happy because she never once expected to see someone from that period of her life.

Ya-Chan (Yato) ~ Another worker at Ping's shop. According to Shion, Ya-chan is her best friend and the fact that he is a rabbit just makes him awesome. Ya-chan occasionally helps her out when she works with the flowers and in the garden which is useful because it means she keeps focus longer. He also lets her try new sweets which she loves.

Botan ~ The tea shop owner. Shion doesn't know Botan to well as she only talks to the woman on the odd occasion about gardening or the theatre when she has the ability to go see a show. However, Shion thinks she is a nice person and would talk to her more if possible.


Like some Youkai, Shion was once a human before she became a Kejoro Youkai. As a human, Shion was much more talkative and open, though very much the same in terms of her ability to be distracted by small things from tasks. Her hair, which is now a soft purple or lilac colour was back then black which in the light seemed to have a purple tone to it. Her family was not the poorest where they lived but they were not rich in any way or fashion but simply were able to get by. Shion, from her parents, learnt many things and her mother taught her to play to the Koto, to sing and take care of some of the small plants around their home. Though she may not remember it in detail now as a Youkai, the first part of her human life was bliss.

Her life was fair and Shion was happy. When she was older, Shion went to visit her aunt who was a oiran. Before her birth, Shion's mother and her aunt had a falling out and so it was not often that she heard from her aunt. During her visit, her aunt suggested she take a job as an attendant to help her parents out who at the time were having some minor problems. Shion thought about it for a few days but eventually decided that she needed to help out her parents in any way, especially as she had only just gotten a younger brother which they needed to focus upon for a bit. This being a reason why she opted to visit her aunt for a while.

So Shion looked for work and eventually became an attendant to an courtesan named Miya. Shion was originally, before her employment, quite worried about the job as she feared being employed by someone selfish, negative and such. However, Miya was a friendly and someone Shion came to respect easily. Shion worked for Miya for four years and honestly loved to work as it let her be active and helpful. Towards the end of that time Miya became sick until it eventually killed her. Shion was upset at the loss of Miya, as she was not just a boss but she honestly respected and enjoyed Miya's company. Shion was there to witness some of the Oiran's decline, something that deepened her sadness at the loss of Miya, finding it to be a horrible way to die in such pain. (She was unaware of what was really going on with Miya and what happened after)

After Miya's death and a period of mourning for her previous boss, Shion was asked by her aunt to act as her attendant for a while. The girl was happy to help out her aunt in anyway and so agreed, also needing a job again. This lasted a year and a bit before a disaster struck her Aunt and in default, her as well. Shion's aunt had a 'favourite' client who was apart of a group that hung around the district a lot. While to everyone around it seemed innocent enough, they were often fighting with others, even getting away with the occasional murder. However, at one point they crossed people who were stronger and more connected than them...all the while the district and the town's inhabitants were unaware. Eventually, their opposition decided to have a little payback, going after the places frequented by the gang in revenge for the murder and its cover up of one of their friends. So, where her aunt worked was attacked once the moon was high. Her aunt and the other two attendants were awake at the time, Shion brushing her aunts hair when one of the security for the place entered and warned her aunt. Shion and the others were told to hide and they did, her aunt in the process explaining the situation.

However, it was of no use. The intruders quickly found them and killed the aunt who was their target all along. Shion was distraught at watching her aunt die before her eyes and for the first time in her life she was enraged and wanted nothing more than to inflict the same fate upon these people. Her aunt had cared for her for the past few years and now...she was gone. The intruders were only ordered to kill the oiran and other courtesans, of which Shion and the two other attendants were not. While they debated if not to kill her, Shion had taken a small blade hidden in the room for such circumstances and attempted to attack one of them, only to fail miserably. The then assumed she herself was a courtesan along with the other attendants and so, were to be killed. Shion was thrown aside as punishment for her attempt to kill them with the intentions for her to watch her friends death also, to add to her suffering. Shion used the lapse in attention of the two, to slip out and run.

Fear, anger and adrenaline fuelled her as she hurried back to her old home to inform her family of the events that had transpired. Sobbing quietly, she recalled the events vividly as they told them to her mother and father. Her mother was most responsive, bursting out in tears at the loss of her sister who she had not seen for years while her father angrily cursed. They told Shion to keep her head down and quiet, as not to be found by those who took her aunts life. Though, Shion despite her passive and normally kind nature, could not follow such words. She planned to somehow get back at them...she wanted to hurt them...just once in revenge.

So she conjured up a plan to lure out these men and take their life. She knew the district where her aunt worked well and so disguised herself as a courtesan one night after careful planning and went looking for the intruders. When she finally found the two of them, Shion quickly went over and began to chat with them, whispering sweet words softly till she could lure them away. When she did, Shion pulled out a blade and shoved it into the first one's neck as guilt and terror tore at her will to continue. This was not her...it didn't make her feel better or bring back her aunt...yet her feelings of wanting that revenge did not go. Her lapse and thoughts distracted her for a moment and the other was able to draw his always equipped weapon and strike her down till she crumpled to the floor, bleeding out. Even as she approached death, she was angry at herself and them...yet full of pain and remorse...a vortex of negative feelings that hadn't plagued her like this before.

What felt like a short while later, Shion strangely awoke within the depths of a forest at the peak of night. She knew her name, brief insights to who she was and a general and basic timeline of her life...well, her old life. Her hair now fell to her mid-thighs in lilac curled ringlets, her face was paler but a porcelain shade that seemed blemish free and her eyes had become a pretty shade of light, almost pastel purple. Shion was unaware of what she was...she looked and felt different and it was unexplainable in her own mind. So, she wandered back to town thinking all was normal, that this was a miracle of sorts. Shion was seriously wrong as she found her parents, family and friends mourning her death...news that her own killer had delivered to them, saying they had found and buried the body. This only added to her shock and confusion. For a few days she hid and watched life continue for everyone...slowly loosing herself in feelings of loss and loneliness.

When she did decide to move on from the town, Shion hunted down her killer and took his life, finding out her abilities in the process when her hair raised and moved in a serpentine like fashion before impaling him through the chest swiftly. With that completed, Shion left the town and begun to wander to work out what exactly happened...or at least to confirm her suspicions hat she was now a Youkai. Eventually, Shion ran into Ping who helped her out as she was still confused and lost about what was going with her and about her new life in general. In a result, he became like a big brother to her and she begun to work at his shop, happily so. From this she has met many new people which she is happy about.

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Five thousand years old
Five thousand is a little too old :o. I don't think even Takamagahara was around that long. It's around 2500 years old or so... considering he's a bake-kujira, a youkai born from whaling, which was first mentioned in Japanese text in the 7th century, he should be around 1500 instead.
Uwabami Reserve
Zashiki Warashi Reserve.
@Sen Done and done, anything else, I'm still quite new and would like to work on any other mistakes
I had not counted how many there were before joining. I do hope it will not be an issue.

On another note, I added O-Aina's abilities and made both sheets more colourful. Isamu's image is nearly finished, and I am about to clean up and color O-Aina.