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Trion Nixarn, Head Scientist


This was going from bad to worse, Trion was pretty sure they were going to have company any minute now, and people were running all over the place. He wasn't sure Perseus and Harli were the best choices to go into the ship, but they went anyways. 'Aurora, start stim feed, level 1.' There were advantages to being practically rebuilt from the ground up, but having to manually turn on the adrenaline rush wasn't one of them. 'Feed level 1 activated, supplies for higher levels remain limited' the VI replied after a moment. One less thing to worry about. "Zee, you still have that camo tarp? Find a spot you can see the tunnel and keep watch." He could at least count on her to do that, even if neither of them were front-line fighters. The other scientist moved off to do that as Trion looked at the others still outside the ship before the plasma beam cutting it's way out of the crashed ship caught his attention, quickly followed by the rush of people coming out of the newly opened hole. "Oh good, now we can get the hell out of here." He wasn't even really talking to anyone at this point, but he ran over to help. At least it looked like everyone was accounted for even if some of them looked like hell. The audio pick-up in his helmet caught Harli yelling something about doom as they all stumbled out supporting each other with the pilot driving them onwards, but he had no idea what she meant. Something looked off about them, but he couldn't put his finger on it. "I sure hope you found something useful in there because we've probably got company on the way." The scientist side of him wanted to stay for weeks picking this place apart one small square at a time, but there was no time for that and he knew it. "Ana, can the shuttle come to us?" There was at least one other that could come from the Cotopaxi to pick them up, but that was risky in other ways. It would be a really short trip if someone was up there and tracked the shuttle down only to shoot it on it's way back up. 'I'm in position, not much to take cover behind here, but the camo should keep them from seeing me right away. I'll keep you updated.' Zee radioed him as he was trying to figure out what to do. 'Don't take any risks you don't have to. I want you to get out of this alive.' Hopefully, the captain would take over again now, he didn't want to be in charge, but someone had to try and keep things organized and the first four people who would be in charge had all gone into the shipwreck.
The Good Doctor
Reginald stumbled out into the sunlight just in time to see the mechanical form of Aiko toss something to Trion before shooting off and over the hill and into the forest. The screeching noise was still tearing at his brain. Dulled by the relative physical silence, but he still couldn't…he could barely… The doctor vomited. His suit automatically worked to clean and drain the spittle and fluid from his suit. Wiping almost all memory of the incident from his mind. Wiping all memory… That was it!

Clinging to that one thought, he immediately set his fabricator in motion. The screeching continued to gnaw at him. Louder and more forceful as Reginald struggled to continue coherent thought. Benzodiazepines were formed from the chemical compounds stored within the device. Capable of producing numerous drugs to provide nigh on any medication known across the civilized galaxy. The tubes within the fabricator rushed the drug up into his suit which immediately activated its needles and shot the benzodiazepines straight into his neck. Reginald's pounding heart rushed the medication throughout his body. Dampening his senses as the hypnotic sedative and amnestic took over. The sounds of discord began to fade, bringing relief and touching towards bliss. However, the Doctor's duty was not done. Propelling himself forward, Reginald kept the fabricator on and prepped an injection to an exosuit's exterior port.

"Gabi…" he slurred. Blasted drug acted fast. How much had he injected into himself? He couldn't remember. Nothing lethal, that was certain. But a part of him definitely knew it was above the recommended dosage by a mile. "…needs meds."

Perhaps the entire ground team would need it, but he was rapidly plummeting from being fit to give any sort of command. Gabi wasn't going to be in any better shape soon. He really hoped that someone capable would be left to lead. The fact that this was a date-rape drug was a strange irony. Utilizing a drug that calmed anxiety and had been abused to assault others was now being used to purge the mental assaults of alien technology. Stepping in, he acquired Gabi's permission and then shot her full of the medication as well. With his draining strength and growing disorientation, he faced the general direction of Perseus and Dimitri.

"The drug will…make us forget…disorient obvious…if you hear the noise, inject yourself, or anyone else, with this," he verbally stumbled through as he held out his fabricator. Disconnecting it from his suit, he continued, "they're benzos. Primed for…for most species. Do not mix…don't mix it with anything. Take command. Get us…get us out."

Reginald sat down after someone took the fabricator. Mainly to make sure he didn't fall over. Trying to focus even as the world around him began to blur. The alien sound faded more and more. He could barely even remember entering the ship in the first place. Had something happened in there? Benzodiazepines were meant for anxiety. Why did he feel the need for them? Something must have happened but, like everything else, it was smearing away from him. Reginald knew he had a good reason for it though, that much was certain. And command had been transferred. He had transferred it. Yes. Reginald would just have to trust in the team to get everyone out alive from...whatever they were doing.

Ṫ̶̢̡̛̗̙̳̰̼̤͙̹͙͈͒̐̄̓̆̿͆͆̌͠ʜ̴̨̡͓̝̫̠̻͎̬̟̮̔̍́͛̍͆̓̉͊̈́͠͠ǝ̵̧̪͎̼͓͕̼̘̝̭͔͌̍̈́͑̔͂̓͗̿͋̓̌ͅ ̶̧̘͖̗̦̥̫͕͉͙̙̬̓͌̏͆͒͑̈̄̊͘͘Ә̴̮̞̤̳̳͉͎̻͈̙̭͑̊̿̇̓̓̍̈́̆̚͝ͅυ̷̨̪̬͕͈̯̳̹͖̳̙͋͛͋̾̓̍̀͛̈̚̕ɒ̷̯̥̳̯̙̞̪͔̤̝̘͗̓͛̅̉͌͆̍̄̚̚͜͝ɿ̵̨̨̡̛͚̘̮͕̠̝͕̭͇͗͗̊̐̈́̒̌̎̽̑͋ḅ̶̨̨̛͍͈͉͇̼̮̦͕͈̾͆̊̍̽̈́̇̒͌̚i̸̡̢̛̭͍̙͉̺̘̱͖̹̾̽̀͌͒̃͐͆͘̚͜ɒ̸̦̖̗͇͎̬̭̱̥̼̘̌͑́̓̒́̒͊̽̇͘͜͝n̴̳̫͔̘͕̬̣̩̰̺̱͔̳̤̩̗̑̈́̀̆̄̎̈́͐̓͛͘͠ͅ

Having successfully calmed herself down, Aiko watched with mild bemusement as pandemonium descended upon the party. You'd think they'd never heard deranged screaming before. It was shocking, and more than a little concerning, how quickly chaos took control and people reacted rather than responded. Rushing in might work. But there was a significant non-zero chance that whatever caused their command staff to start screaming or go silent was going to do the same to everyone charging in. Did no one take emergency response training? Reginald must be having a fit…if he was still alive to do so. He'd probably give everyone an earful when the time came. And Aiko knew that she was going to have a lovely conversation with the wannabe captain too. Assuming anyone hurtling face first into that wreck came out again.

Well, running in after them wasn't about to make the situation any better. In fact, she took advantage of it. While everyone was looking skyward or wreck-ward, Aiko snapped open a small portion of her armor. Allowing the nanites free to shear away a portion of the pillar she had stepped through the curve of space to reach. To the naked, normal eye it was a mere piece of stone. Painted in a brilliant blend of sky blue, fire orange, vibrant pink, and a hue of golden red. As if dawn, mid-day, and dusk were blended together and captured onto a piece of stone. One that, for some reason, covered the entire cut piece. As if the stone itself had been quarried in this unnatural coloring. An impossibility. To the psionic who was once a miner, however, the stone was much more. Aiko stored it away. Never touching it directly. She was a tad smarter than that. After all, interacting so brazenly with the melded diary of a Phoenix was never a venture to take lightly. Whether living or dead.

Best to make sure that everyone outside would survive the next oh, say, thirty minutes? Maybe an hour? However long it took for these Resistance fellows to pack up shop and get out. Aiko wasn't blind after all. Far from it. As she strode away from the pillar Aiko flipped open another port and formed what she knew to be a basic sensor. She chucked it through another curve of space. Then she made another and whipped it through a different curve. In short order, Aiko was spreading a sensor web as the balls reverted to real-space and stuck themselves into the foliage of trees across the region. Passive detection only but linked to her through the unique quantum computing that ensured her systems ran faster and more silently than anything similar in size. They wouldn't be able to intercept her commands to her sensor pods. There wasn't anything to intercept to begin with as she dictated the course of the entangled particles for instant communication. Her new eyes easily tracked the vessels dropping in from orbit. Zooming in, she examined the vessels and felt a memory echo across her. Aiko knew those ships…Imperials. They weren't quite the same but…

She shook her head, ridding herself of the phantoms of the Troubadour. Three shuttles and one fighter craft burning in hard. That was, what, three to seven squads? They had a home-ship up there in the black. They were coming in fast too. Such Imperial arrogance! They would learn, just as the Troubadour did, the price of boldness. Aiko could start teaching them that lesson. Right now if she wanted to. It would be so easy to form a rail-weapon capable of punching the shields and hull of a shuttle. To send one careening into a flaming meteor to smash into smithereens upon the planet. Her stomach growled as a feral smirk began curling across her face before, sternly, Aiko reigned herself in. The Guardian wasn't here to kill. Nonlethal weapons only. There was some part of her that still had a distant fondness for the soldiers of the Empire. No, it would be best to let them land and then bog down the ever-living hell out of them. Then there was the matter of getting the Resistance team back into space without having their shuttle blown up and without seeing the Cotopaxi sunk. This was going to either be incredibly fun or exceedingly annoying. But first thing first. She had to ensure that no one would be able to access this outpost for a very long time. And to do that, Aiko turned her mind inward. To the stone she had so recently picked up. Focusing out the ceaseless wails of the dead, Aiko cut through the layers of memories to get straight to the writer of them. She knew it as it knew her. Still, they both kept distant. This wasn't the time for proper formalities. Bargaining would be quick and to the point. Aiko revealed the situation and made her demands. She kept no secrets. The being could carve through her half-truths that would lead other beings around by the nose more easily than lava melted butter. This game was one she couldn't win…yet. The entity assented. For the moment.

Bleeding into her mind came knowledge of the lattice of passageways that crisscrossed the planet. Giving her an idea as to the purpose of this world. Aiko decidedly chose to not explore that train of possibility. Knowledge was as dangerous as ignorance. Along with the layout came the proper access codes for them and to one particular device. Aiko mused to the creature what the "blast" radius of it was. In the units that humans used, it was fifty-five kilometers with origin twenty kilometers directly underneath them. The woman grinned. She'd prime the timer later and then left the presence of the being. The first thing she did was shut down all the service way corridors. Nobody would be able to rush down them until she turned one online. In the back processes of her mind, Aiko tracked the deployment of Imperial troops. Set below the tree line, she couldn't see how many were spat out onto the ground before the shuttles lifted back into the sky and began patrolling with that fighter along with a couple of small units on weird arial boards. The magnetic waves would play havoc with most sensor suites. Visual and IR wouldn't be affected too much and nothing would touch the tremors of machine boots. As such, she was able to track the arial vessels with ease and felt confident that, when the marines came into range, she would feel them coming. Radio comms, however, would be difficult to maintain. Anything strong enough to cut through the waves would be able to be intercepted. Already, her sensors were picking up the garbled transmissions of Imperial encryption. Completely unintelligible to those without the keys. Aiko had no doubt that, even if she could remember her old keys, they had long been updated. Still, it told her several things. One, the Imperial commander or captain was focused on operational efficiency and dedicated towards bold, front-faced assault. Two, she could begin to triangulate the location of particular squads. What was disturbing was that their relative landing zone was concerningly close to where the Resistance touched down. Aiko had no idea how they figured that out.

Oh look, Resistance people streaming out of the wreck. How lucky of them. Then she heard the burst transmission from Trion. Only what he said, but she could detect the radio waves fly out and be buffeted by the magnetic field that, nonetheless, cut through. The shiver of worry coursed down her adrenaline filled body. Keeping everyone, everyone alive would become exponentially more difficult if the Imps figured out the locations of the crew and transport. With the Imperial grid up, she had no doubt they would be monitoring. The once miner, war-hardened marine didn't have time to deal with everyone and she had to nip problems in the bud while command what she could. Aiko peeled her lips back and spoke, wondering at how raspy her voice sounded. It hadn't been that long since she last talked but with all the rapid processing, dealing, wheeling, and monitoring, it felt far longer. "Trion, sweetheart, keep off the comms for the minute. Please. Because, if the Imperials figure out where we are until we have an exit fully ready, the chances of anyone getting off planet alive, let alone out of the system, plummets faster than someone tossing a stone across the event horizon of a black hole. They have the ground. They have the sky. That fighter will shred the ride we came in on with ease. They might have space if their commander decides its better to glass everyone than let us go. Our two biggest advantages at the moment is that they are being so stupidly bold and that they have absolutely no idea how many and where are the Resistance forces are on the planet. So, please, be a dear, and keep it down while I prime one hell of a distraction." She turned to go, scooping up and eating several rocks before, sighing, she flipped on her nano-production once more. Tossing its product to Trion, she said, "use this to keep in touch. Don't worry, it doesn't use radio waves. Don't plug it into anything either. Who knows what my programs will do! I'll want it back."

It looked like an ancient earpiece. But, if Trion put it into his ear, it molded to form against his ear. Covering it completely as the alien technology seamlessly processed external sounds as naturally has his own body would. The soft giggle Aiko gave as the silver flow of nanites raised her above the ground sounded just as if she were whispering right next to him. If not, he heard not a thing as Aiko flowed away. Whipping across the ground and through the trees, silent as a wraith. The wavelike action of her nanites ensuring that there were no vibrations in her movement. All the while, her brain whirred through the mechanical possibilities of a delaying, nonlethal, engagement as her psionic mind began opening to the flows of the world around her. The idea of convincing them an artillery company was on the planet percolated into her brain.

The Dreamer

Velshia raised her eyebrow in mild surprise. Two burst transmissions had sliced through the magnetic field that were not Imperial. She would need a significantly greater sample to even have a chance of making out the encrypted garble. Let alone cracking the Resistance code. But the comms officer and undercover Imperial agent could easily make out that these were actual radio traffic and not background static. The shuttles had sucked up a bit of the data. Not near enough to triangulate the locations of the comms, but enough for another ballpark.

"Captain," Velshia murmured as a small smile graced her face, "I have updated locations of possible Resistance forces."

She displayed the topographical information of the AO. Expanded to include the new information and with softly glowing layers to show the area she estimated where the psionic creature had been along with the two new areas of the transmissions. The former, fifty kilometer radius. The latter was twenty-five kilometers. Surprisingly, one of them was mostly outside of the original AO. The other was almost completely within. "Your orders?"
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Long and frayed // Static surrounds us // Break the free fall // Safely land
Perseus threw himself from the wreck, tumbling over the section of hull that had been cut free, into the open air.
"Y'know I think going in there may have been a bad idea!" Perseus drawled, clutching his forehead. There was something scratching at the edges of his perception, like maggots, writhing amongst his thoughts, spreading slowly from his memories of the-
"The drug will…make us forget…disorient obvious…if you hear the noise, inject yourself, or anyone else, with this," came Reginald's halting voice, the usual authority struck through by pain and bleariness. Reginald was in a bad way. Perseus opened his mouth to ask questions, but now wasn't the time. Ploughing onward, trying to race the passage of the mysterious illness, Perseus uttered out a diatribe whilst starting to tear things desperately from his suit. "Not just our minds. Our computers. It's in our computers. The plasma cutter, the microcontroller was infected, had to bypass it-" Perseus grapped a set of metal shears from his pack and reached up, cutting away the HUD computer from the bottom of his helmet, hurrying to remove all data-containing devices from his person. He destroyed the operating computer of the gravity tether system, and one by one carefully checked his drones; they had been deactivated, thankfully.
Perseus barely noticed as Reginald stuck him with the needle, simply nodding grimly, before turning to the doctor and starting to the doctor's suit's electronic data storage and text labels. "Gotta be done, doc."

It was a flurry of desperate activity, the infected technology and lettering was thrown unceremoniously back into the corpse of the ship "Get rid of... Of... Of the radios, too. The comms. They're sure to be a vector to infect the others. I..." Perseus lolled a little, drunkenly "Oh god it's kicking in..."

Before he stumbled and his speech turned to unintelligible slurring, Perseus looked at Harli, grimacing in pity "The diaries, Harli. They're, they've definitely... ugh" Perseus slumped down, his eyes half lidded. "Hope Aiko and Trion have a pl-" and face planted into the emerald grass.

When man can climb to see // His rejection // Spirit'll burn // Evaporate
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Captain Bernadette Angstrom
Ship time 1223 hrs, 12/01/5032
Location: Farsin system, unclaimed space

"I have updated locations of possible Resistance forces." Velshia reported crisply.
Angstrom's dim grey prosthetic eye focused on the sensor map, outlining the last known positions of her troop and the suspected locations of the resistance forces as they were updated by Velshia. Commander Gad's voice was thick with exertion as he reported back from his position amongst the heavy squads; "Squads 3 and 4 are running silent on standing orders. I'm keeping comms open with squads 1 and 2, but the radio interference is even worse than we initially suspected. That being said, we've had a runner from the stealth team, I-6 and Elazar are closing in on the location of the old heat signature."

Angstrom nodded to herself. "Commander, have your units move up at best speed, regrouping with the forward elements. By now the resistance dogs will have no doubt mobilised in reaction to our orbital drop, so concentrate our forces and switch to tightbeam line-of-sight laser transmissions for comms. I'm not seeing any bending of the visual spectrum, so the EM interference shouldn't affect that." Angstrom nodded her head for Velshia to move with her further into the forest. A scattered crackle of fire announced the presence of the first squad of heavy infantry off to Angstrom's left "Report." "Not the oppos. Local fauna. pack hunters, some kind of local wolf analogue. No casualties." Angstrom grimaced.

A transmission from I-6 came through, fizzing and popping with interference; "FZZT-plosion at heat source confirmed; irregul--------races dissimilar to recorded explosives found in Naval databank. Possible black market, scrap t--------ther. ssssssPOP-nable to determine without physical source. Lingering effects minimal; Appear to pose little threat to biological life, however caution is advised. Descending on target now."
Elazar's voice joined I-6's, adding; "Th-- found a tunnel. FZZ-n't have been long ago."

"Understood. All units, continue coalescing at the blast site. Line of sight transmissions from here on out, any radio strong enough to be coherent at range is going to give away our positions. I-6, Elazar, secure the site with the forward squads and await my arrival before proceeding further." Angstrom began moving through the thick jungle at a brisk jog, aiming to keep up with the mechanised heavy infantry as it thrummed its way through the undergrowth. Angstrom cast a glance to Velshia, hoping that the lithe computer expert wasn't having too much trouble with the physical exertion, but she was moving capably enough. "Tordren, when we reach this blast site I'd like you to scan, or whatever equivalent, for psionic activity. We're closing in on them, I'm certain."

There were a few tense minutes of quick march as the slower squads reached the site. tightbeam laser transmissions began coming in silently from the darkness as the mechanised infantry caught up with the stealth squad; the stealth squad reported of odd shapes flickering in the darkness of the forest, moving with hurried yet halting movements.

Angstrom arrived at the blast site, breaking through a treeline at the head of the second mechanised infantry squad, Gad jogging beside her in his command suit. At the same time the first mechanised squad swept around the site, taking up watch positions, the hulking mechanical figures giving nods and small salutes to the mobile infantry as they flittered between great hovering shards of stone the size of buildings, held aloft by the truly awe-inspiring magnetic forces at play in the alien jungle. Everyone present was aware of the feeling- being here was like standing near an electrical transformer, there was the sense of power on the air. It was thick with it.

"Alright, what have we got here."
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Aiko staired down at the Imperials far below her, taking steadying breaths. She had been pelting at full speed across the region. Whipping through the network of underground passages her…friend…had provided her. To her silent frustration, she had been unable to close any of them, let alone the one the Resistance had taken. Instead, she focused on devouring and forming portions of the land into tubes, shells, and adjusters. In other words, mortars. Capable of delivering payloads over the course of kilometers. Then the whisper came into her head that there was a craft, what humans would call an interceptor, wrecked and buried in the jungle. She had gritted her teeth at that. Time was short enough as it was. From the comm chatter she could track, the troops were beginning to group up right, if her internal map was correct, where the Cotopaxi crew had trekked through the tunnel to reach those darling stone pillars. Still, it couldn't be helped. That dust-ridden Imperial fighter was still whirling about. Not to mention the shuttles which, while not strictly combat craft, had enough fire power to get along with. So, she had driven herself, still silently running, to the location of the arial sentinel. It was in sorry shape, that was for certain. Apparently, it had activated its stealth systems before it went down. Blending into the environment before trees grew up around it. That certainly wouldn't help it if main power could be restored. Enough piping had been ripped open that, as soon as it kicked off the ground, it would be venting plasma. Still, nothing for it. Aiko jacked in and went through the diagnostics at light speed.

User Password Re…****** …Accepted. Fledgling, repair this….Override accepted. Integrating syste…Accepted. System integration canceled. Input comman…Accepted. Accepted. Combat Parameters: Accepted. Approach determined. Standby…standby…Power-up sequence started. Forming storm front. Fall upon them, Dust-Wing.

The miner popped free. The sky began to darken. Deep clouds rolled in at the command of the interceptor. Aiko smiled before rushing back. Hurtling at top speed until she whipped up a curve of space to the top of one of the monolithic stone structures floating in the air. Transparent to all sensors, she prepped her approach trajectory before whispering two words: "Trion, engaging," and kicked her suit into full, visible gear.

The images on pillar, covered in black pools of oily ink and clear blue sky, began to splash, flow, and ebb in response to the building power of its painter.

Sweeping her senses outward, Velshia sought after the psionic entity. Any entity, really, that wasn't a teammate. But mostly the psionic one. She just couldn't understand it. Where, in the name of Cassadrel, had that thing gone? It was quietly aggravating that the thing hid so effectively. The wind had kicked up as well. Dark clouds were beginning to blot out the sky. The already charged particles all around them were beginning to spark. The Captain was getting the initial report from the boys to prep their advance. Details about this odd little tunnel that led…somewhere. Everything seemed to be going to plan. Comms were up and as strong as they could be. Still, she felt worried. Keenly honed instincts from a career as an agent whispered to her that not all was as it appeared. For one, where had this front appeared from? Sure, they were on an alien planet with unknown weather patterns, but she could have sworn that nothing in the initial scans had indicated a storm was on its way. For another, where was the Resistance? They had been obvious enough that it should have baited some response or at least something more than a burst transmission. Even if they were planning an ambush, there should have been data. They would need absurd amounts of silent coordination to prepare anything of the sort. The last was, of course, that psionic entity. What side was it on? Where was it? With three, large unknowns, she felt very wary about advancing forward from their position. Then, at long last, she detected something. A building rumble of power.

"Captain," she called out, "psionic disturbance up high and…"

The roar of challenge was deafening. Assaulting the ears and the mind alike. Velshia gasped in pain before shunting the entity out enough to open her watering eyes and look up. There, standing upon one of the monoliths was a distant figure. Black armored, imperious, and imposing against the charged sky. It stared down at the Imperial taskforce with a will of adamant and obvious intent. Nobody wasted time in targeting it.

The roar of Imperial weapons leapt to answer the challenge of the beast. Assault rifles and heavy cannons barked and blared. Shredding against the rock and blowing chunks out of the floating stone. And all of them missed. The raw speed that the distant machine had suddenly accelerated to surpassed even the most generous marine's shots. Leaving a stream of bullet holes behind it as it tore down the face of the pillar. Tearing out chunks of stone as it ran. Before anyone could adjust their aim, it suddenly disappeared.

A collection of expletives and exclamations erupted from the squads as they all tried to pick up the target. But, in almost the exact same moment, a scream of pain erupted from their midst. Velshia whirled to see the black machine lithely twirling away from a collapsing armored trooper. She tried to track it, line up a shot, but it whipped into the mobile infantry. Spoiling her and her allies' aim and wreaking havoc. In the midst of it all, Velshia couldn't help but feel a touch of awe as the squads struggled to engage. It moved with the utmost precision. Dexterous as a thief but as powerful as a bullet train. With brutal efficiency, it jabbed its fingers, the size of Velshia's arm, into one soldier's chest. Launching him a meter back and sprawling in agony. A low kick snapped another marine's leg that was followed by a blow to her head. Knocking the trooper unconscious.

"Give space! Space!"

"I can't get a clear line…there! Shoot! It's running!"

The power-armor swept out, through another two infantry troopers. Hurtling in erratic patterns around the trees. Automatic fire barked from the Imperial forces. Blasting through the trees with tracers lighting up the shaded glades. Before, just as suddenly, it evaporated from the scopes.

"I tagged it! Tagged it solid! No effect!"

"Anti-armor you idiots!" barked the once Sergeant, now Commander, Gad.

Variable rifles shifted from automatic spray to heavier, single shot rifles. Shredding a more massive piece from their ammo to increase penetration power.

"It's gone back up into the towers!" Velshia shouted and pointed as she found the entity with her mind again.

"Tordren, can you track it?" Angstrom asked.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

"Good. Do so."

I-6 snapped its railgun into position, targeted, but just before it fired, billowing white smoke suddenly erupted around the enemy machine. It let loose anyway. The round plunged deep into the stone edifice while several dumb-fire missiles slammed in right after.

"Did we get it?"

"No," Velshia said, "it's still running up there!"

A mere moment after Velshia spoke, the unit suddenly appeared two meters above another mechanized unit. Dropping like a meteor, it slammed both feet into the machine's back. Crippling the unit before it sprung off again. Velshia kept her focus on it, but it couldn't understand how on earth it was seemingly teleporting through space at will!

Aiko was deep in it now. Whipping off the back of the crumbling enemy, she slipped in close to the next one. Slamming both her fists down onto the shoulder mounted grenade launchers before they could angle downward, her opponent attempted to grapple her into a bearhug while tucking its head low against her chest to prevent her from simply clapping her hands together against it.

"I have it!" the trooper called, "I have…"

Aiko dug her fingers into the joints of her enemy. Lancing out her nanites into weaker armor weave and connecting with the soldier's skin. A quick pulse of energy sent an arc of electricity into the trooper. Shocking him unconscious. Aiko whipped free. She couldn't afford to get bogged down. Launching herself to the next mobile infantry as one of her eyes saw that robot with a railgun try to lock on. In the nick of time, she hurled the trooper between herself and the bot who was forced to swerve its aim. A line of trees just in front of her exploded into splinters. Aiko, still flowing forward in the slowly passing seconds, dispatched the trooper. Then she turned back and faced the squads as she rushed forward. Slots opened on her wrists, firing a spray of flash-bangs at the enemy before she leapt for the next curve in space. Howls of pain from the ones who weren't able to get down fast enough reached her ears as the grenades detonated. Still, two of her enemies' rounds found their mark before she whipped up to one of the stone monoliths. They hadn't reached her body, this time, but had carved two-inch deep holes in her armor. Her nanites sealed the breaches and began rebuilding the armor. Slowly. Extremely slow to her hyper-processing eyes. Aiko was tired. She could feel it in her bones. Poor rest mashed against her mental strain of both keeping the memories of the colored pillars out and restraining her own mind had already gnawed at her will. The raw number of thoughts and computations it took to launch an attack sapped at her body's…her system's ability to rebuild itself. Yet she drove on with a will of stone and a body thoroughly flooded with artificial adrenaline. She would win this fight. Aiko couldn't afford to lose another.

So the miner stretched herself to the limit. Running, leaping, crawling, Aiko avoided anti-tank rounds and the explosive crack of now two railguns while the shrapnel rain of exploding stone and fragmented metal clamored against her armor from detonating grenades as she spewed out more smoke. Absorbing the occasional hit from the lighter weapons and pushing forward. All the while, she punched deep into the stone as she charged towards the next curve in space. Depositing payload after payload into the edifice. Her sensors saw where the infantry had set up the second rail gun. They were on the way to a third.

Great, just great, she drawled to herself as if she wasn't already pushing it, time to increase the tempo.

Whipping around another curve of the pillar, Aiko activated her first trap.

"Blasted thing is still moving," one of the marines muttered.

"How thick is that armor? Something should've snapped when you hit it square on!"

"Stow it!" Gad interjected, "our weapons are effective! Get that next rail set up and keep it suppressed! T-1, T-2! Sweep around and engage. T-3! Remain on stand-by. P-1! Provide overwatch and wait for a clean shot."

Angstrom had not directly engaged the machine. Not yet. She let Gad continue to command as she observed them carefully. Standing calmly next to the visibly strained Tordren as she continued to track it. There was something odd about the machine's actions. About this whole affair. For one thing, almost all local forces were immediately drawn into battle. Forgetting their core objective of taking out and capturing the Resistance forces. Even Angstrom had to focus to recall the objective. Surveying the havoc the enemy unit was wreaking, Angstrom was struck by something else: none of her soldiers had died. Disabled and possibly severely injured, certainly. The squad medics were rushing from trooper to trooper. Hard at work stabilizing them. But not one fatality. The unit certainly had more than enough firepower to do so, but it wasn't. Why?

"It's coming again!" Tordren called.

Angstrom quirked a smile, "good."

Her comms officer shot her a look.

"I'm onto its ploy," she explained, "one more pass will confirm it. Tell me, is it some…ability of yours to move through space as it can?"

"No, Captain. Not to my knowledge at least."

"Interesting…" but before she could say anything else another cry shot out.

"Mortars! Mortars incoming! Ten…twenty…forty shells!"

Gad let out a curse before shouting for two of the armored units to engage in point defense and for the mobile infantry to find cover as the battle reached its next pitch. Shells detonated like horrifically powerful fireworks as the PD intercepted them. Missed rounds rained down. Trees exploded and dirt flew. Angstrom grimaced as she flattened herself, still trying to keep an eye on the unit as it hurtled out of the forest and into the midst of her pinned troops. Slamming, as was her wont, straight into one of her armored troops at incredibly high speeds. It carved its rapid path of destruction through two infantries and a rail gun emplacement before hurtling towards into the trees. I-6's railgun roared to life a third time as half of the unit's shoulder exploded. Angstrom's eyes widened slightly as she saw, for a brief second, the armored suit begin to slowly stitch itself back together. Just like her own machine arm did when damaged.

"Bendar, Hashka, after it!" Angstrom bellowed as she wondered where the hell the Resistance had gotten all those mortars from. They had assumed the force on the planet would be small. Unless they had been wrong…no, impossible.

The soldiers she commanded charged forward without hesitation. Sprinting full-tilt into the woods until, "huh? The hell! Grab on to something!"

"What happened!" Angstrom yelled over the explosions of the mortars, noting that the troopers were now transmitting their call outs.

"We're on the stone structures! How the…oh shi!"

Cries of pain cracked through the comms before the vague outlines of two bodies plummeting from the heights. Angstrom had no fear for their lives. Marine suits all came with Emergency Decent Shoots, EDS, to save their wearers from such falls.

"Captain," Tordren chimed in, "I think…I know I sense something where the troops went. Something, odd or twisted about space there."

Angstrom nodded. So that was it. She didn't understand the mechanics of how it worked, but didn't need to. Whatever it was, these odd spatial distortions allowed the unit to jump across space in an instant. Allowing it to constantly ambush her forces from numerous angles.

"T-1!" Gad ordered, "get eyes on where those mortars are coming from and blast that position!"

It swung to obey as the dark clouds that had gathered burst forth with rain. Lightening erupted into the charged atmosphere. Arcing across the sky, from stone to stone, and striking against tree and earth. Further blinding the troopers against the ceaseless barrage of attacks. Then, as if born from the storm and unnoticed by anyone, came a ship. Small and lithe with sharp, sweeping wings that, despite being made of metal, beat against the air. Soaring through some unknown device and painted the same dark colors as the storm itself. Blue-green fire spewed forth from one of its wings, giving its graceful moves an off-beat limp. It dove upon T-1 as lighting connected to it and then arced off. Slamming into three of the four engines on the shuttle. Sending them into sparking ruin as the vehicle swerved off course.

"Hit! Hit! I'm going down! I have it! Controlled crash! Controlled crash!"

"Touch down at the evac point!" Gad ordered, "We'll pick you up on our way out! T-2, T-3, get the hell out of dodge!"

Phantom-1 whipped into the engagement as the other two shuttles hurtled out. Having been unable to find a good angle on the enemy power armor, it seemed almost gleeful for a target to shoot at. Forcing the alien fighter to whip away from its spray of shells. Entangling both into a whirlwind of a dogfight. Yet, even in that instant, thundering feedback blasted across open radio channels. The magnetic field began thrumming madly. The stone towers started shifting and swaying to this new, exotic beat. Angstrom narrowed her eyes, wondering what new madness the Resistance seemed to be conjuring up.

High above in space, the two ships in stealth mode watched on. Each trying to grasp an understanding as to what was going on below. But the cloud-cover blocked all visual sensors and the magnetic field ruining all the rest. Suddenly, each saw the field fluxing and pulsing. And the eyes aboard the Cotopaxi perceived a code taking shape in the madness. Understanding, the Resistance vessel followed its commands while the INS Ophelia silently puzzled in confusion over these changes.

Back down on the ground, the Imperials were faltering under the continued pressure. Unable to absolutely dispatch the power armor and having its forces continually picked off while suffering continual bombardment had placed immense strain on its forces. Gad snarled as a fresh rain of mortars fell in the continual sheets of water from the storm. The Resistance clearly had far more forces on planet than initially assumed. His own forces had lost any ability to contact the Ophelia and had no hope of regaining it. With all the shells and the commitment of only two units, the Commander believed that the enemy's objective was to try and capture as many of his troops as possible. He couldn't allow that to happen. And Gad knew that, unless the situation changed, it was going to push his troops past the breaking point. They would start surrendering and that would be the end. It was time to pull back and regroup. Get out of this thing's insane play structure.

"Troops, begin to fall back!" Gad shouted, "We need to get clear of this bombardment!"

"Belay that order!" Angstrom countermanded.

"Captain, we can't sustain…"

"Belay it! This thing is distracting us!" Angstrom had it. She knew it. Even now, as the enemy machine blasted through another sweep of strikes against her forces, not a one died. Flashbangs, crippling strikes, even the fighter and mortar were all only disabling. Delaying and playing for time. Their initial assumption was correct, she was sure of it. The Resistance just had a few fancy toys to allow the rest of them to run away like cowards. She would dismantle it. The might and unity of the Imperial Military would shatter their designs. "Squad 1, merge with Squad 2 and hold this position! Keep that thing distracted. Gad, keep command. Squad 3, push through that tunnel, now! Engage and capture or kill whatever is on the other side! Stealth squad, support them! Remnants of Squad 4, on me! Bring plasma throwers! We're taking that thing out! Tordren, show me one of these twists in space."

"Yes, Captain!" Sounded off all around her.

They could win this thing. Together. Battered and beleaguered, the Imperial forces rallied around the might of their Captain. They shot off at a low running crouch as the mortars continued to rain down as, one last time, the power armor tore through her forces. Despite its regenerative ability, there was an ever-growing number of punctures and cracks in the armor from the Imperial rounds. Its shoulder hadn't fully reformed from I-6's railgun and the machine, despite still boasting incredible speed, was flagging. Jittery, as its internal hardware was unable to perfectly operate all its joints. Angstrom nodded to herself. The machine was breaking down. Gradually under Imperial might. As a team, they would prevail. She just needed to overcome this one unit. This one, infernal, unit and they could pull out a win.

And with that simple thought, Angstrom fell for the trap.

Jlita hovered around the perimeter of the tunnel entrance as the Imperial troops closed in on it. Everyone was converging here, but she was keeping some distance while the more heavy troops scouted it out. It all happened so fast, that she barely knew what was going on before many of the troops were being thrown and flung by some machine. Jlita aimed her guns, large shoulder railcannons on her exosuit turning towards the enemy machine. Then the area was engulfed in smoke, Jlita and several other scout regiments outside the mess. But now there was no visibility in addition to the messed up magnetic fields screwing with their sensors.

"Sinder droppings." Jlita muttered as she circled the smoky area, all while the sounds of confused chaos erupted from it. It was only one enemy, but it had just the right mix of traits that it was causing issues even for such well armed and well formed teams. Vision obscuring smoke, quick movements yet heavy hits from what could be heard, high melee affinity which was rendering a lot of long range fire useless unless they wanted to gun down half their own troops. All Jlita could do was take potshots whenever the smoke thinned enough or the machine stuck out enough for her to get a clearer shot. "Are we getting any aerial support here?" She asked into the comms, despite part of her knowing if she was having a hard time aiming, she could guess who bad Sorrin was having it.

"I would, but it's too close to our own troops." Sorrin reported. His fighter had double backed above where the commotion was happening, but his guns had even higher chance of hitting one of their own with such a close quarters fighter. Sorrin soon had new worries as storm clouds nearby began to burst with lightning. And then a lithe fighter flew out of them, scoring strong hits of lightning onto one of their shuttles and causing it to go down. "Phantom Wing, engaging the new airborne enemy!" Sorrin shouted as his fighter raced towards the enemy ship. The lithe fighter flitted and skirted about, almost like a hummingbird more than a swooping hawk. It arced more lightning from the storm towards Sorrin, but the pilot was far enough he was able to pull up and away from the attacks, leaving them to fizzle in the air. The arm of his fighter came loose from its fixed position, grabbing the gunpod on his fighter and firing it at the enemy, even as Sorrin climbed, looped, and began to fly above the fighter. A few shots hit, and then the enemy fighter flew and zig-zagged out of the line of fire. "Come on and get me!" Sorrin yelled pretty much to no one and he slammed the thrusters, boosting away from the storm. He looked back, preparing for what the enemy may have been doing to catch up.

Except there was nothing, the enemy fighter ignored Sorrin flying away, starting to head back to where the shuttles had retreated. Sorrin cursed. There was no luring it away to clearer skies. Whether this thing was manned or automated with some AI, it knew it had a higher advantage in the storm and wasn't going to leave it for one bogey. Sorrin made a fast U-turn and shot back to the lithe aircraft, firing a barrage of missiles and gunpod barrage, drawing its attention back to Sorrin. If Sorrin couldn't lure it away, he could sure keep it occupied while the ground forces did their work.

Jlita was preparing to dive back into the fray and just act as a distraction for the distraction, but Angstrom's orders told her otherwise. She banked midair, her board swerving as she weaved before she shot straight into the tunnel, past the machine as the other troops hammered away at it. Jlita's exosuit hummed as it shot through the tunnel at high speed, handguns and cannons aimed right in front of her for whatever was on the other side.


Harli was still screeching about demons and infestations even as the resistance party fell out of the shuttle. She was ripping out the last of the infected pages and throwing them to the ground before firing enough laser rounds into them to turn them to cinders. "Purify the infection! This entire wreck is a blight upon the universe and our journey! It must be destroyed into naught a speck remains!!" She yelled. She didn't seem to notice the doctor or Perseus taking medication, but she didn't seem to be any crazier than usual…maybe. But she did assist them in a way by blasting Perseus's gear as he threw it to the ground. Harli grabbed her communicator and, still screeching, yelled. "Unleash the fires of purity on this land! This vile corrupted coffin must be wiped away from all senses!!"

"Ummm, Officer Harli? This isn't what the Cotopaxi is here for.." Her substitute back on the bridge communicated.

"Visions of hell have already incapacitated our holy command! Vengeance must be enacted to redeem us! We must leave the terrors of this planet!!!"

"Ohhhhhhkay….you mean you want an evac? Are you back at the shuttle? We haven't received a signal from it-"

"The time is nigh!! This unholy assailant may doom us if we do not engulf it in nonstop fire!!" It was becoming less and less clear if Harli was telling this to the Cotopaxi or to the various troops stationed outside the wrecked shuttle, who were now tending to Gabi, Perseus, and Reginald and helping to move them away from the wreck.

By this point, her substitute was really regretting to agreeing to getting bridge substitution assignments by drawing straws. "Ummm, alright. We'll begin preparations to pick you up. Please all board the shuttle and we'll try to arrange for a speedy pickup."

"Make all haste! We must leave at once!" Harli said before running over to Trion and grabbing his shoulders. "The shuttle!? Is it safe? Is it coming!?! Are more demons approaching!?" She said, nearly shaking him around.