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Thanks for getting back to me about it and clearing up some of the confusion, Alice.

Her chakra affinity is Fire.

In relation to the lion's mane tech making hair as strong as steel wire, I get how silly that sounds and I can make a note against it next to the technique, same goes for the hair binding one as well, hair shouldn't be that strong physically.

With the custom techs feel free to take your time on the PM with those, so long as it makes sense to a GM I'm happy to go along with it. I had a feeling the custom techniques might have trouble.

Also I didn't know there was a such difference with the chakra transfer technique.

Perhaps if there were some form of oil or some such thing that gave a chakra-conductive property to hair and the like, I thought it would come under chakra flow most likely.

Lastly, if it comes to it I can tweak or change Kyoi's rank down to chuunin or as an ANBU (Whichever seems best to you guys) as I didn't realise there was such a difference between ANBU and specialised jounin.

Alice covered most of the points that I wanted to speak about and, as expected, she covered them with extraordinary detail.

There are still a few things I would like to cover so I shall list them below:

Similar to what Alice said, I am against the hair being as strong as steel. Aside from that, I am also hesitant about the technique in general. Chakra is indeed used as an explanation for many of the phenomena surrounding things within the universe, but some things still seem a little out of reach. The technique itself states that it is good at all ranges, something I cannot accept as, quite frankly, that is just too much damned hair XD If there were limitations put in place to bring the 'range' to a more reasonable distance, along with the strength element, I would be more comfortable with accepting it.

I do not like comparing things to the canon, but it is a fine example of this technique being abused. I do not believe you would use it in such a way, but I would prefer for us to set guidelines before I can accept it.

As this technique has a fairly large potential to be abused and is significantly over powered (seeing as all it requires is a single touch in order to completely remap the target's nervous system permanently) I would like to see some limitations and precautions put in place. One thing I would need to see before being able to accept it would be for the effects to be temporary, rather than permanent. The other thing I would like to see is perhaps an emphasis on where the attack must hit. Rather than simply allowing any contact to rewrite the nervous system, I would prefer to see it be an attack that hits the spine directly. That allows for some room for failure, as well as still keeping it quite potent as a technique.

Custom Jutsu:

As for the custom techniques, Alice went over things quite well. As they are currently set up, I cannot accept either of them. The gentle fist being mixed with a secondary technique such as the wild lion's mane technique, is both too powerful as well as impractical. The chakra would already be moulded into the hair in order to allow it to grow and to control it. From there, you would have to somehow find a way to mould it again, but in a different way in order to make it work with the gentle fist.

Conceptually I find the idea to be quite interesting as well as creative. However, I do believe that, even if there were a way to make it work, it would be adding an extra level of power to a technique/ability that is already incredibly powerful.

Likewise, for the Triage technique, I do not see a way to make it work that would make sense. For the hair to be separated and moved out to several different targets while also sending out healing chakra to each one, we again encounter the same issue as the previous technique. Not to mention, the level of chakra control needed to manipulate several bunches of hair, while also ensuring the proper application of chakra to each wound/target, is unfathomable. The mystical palm is supposed to be an incredibly precise technique that requires a huge amount of concentration from the user. To split that up among multiple targets, especially with another added layer of controlling the hair at the same time, it is very difficult to see a way to properly balance this.

All of that being said, I will wait to see what Alice comes up with for the techniques to see if she has an idea for balancing them that makes more sense. I will also spend some time thinking of ways to make them work and will reach out through PM if I have more questions or want to discuss further.
Topic Time:

Weapons and Armour



No, no.

First let me start with this :

"This topic post isn't written to give one side more right to state that the RP's main focus of weapons and armour is Japanese, Norse, Roman or whatever you guys might feel like. This post is about the nation's military, explaining their style and influences as reasons that back up on why such material, gear and weaponry are beig used. It isn't to fuel any discussions on which clan(s) is better or not. So before you read further, I advise you to not take this as my personal opinion. It is too elaborate on the RP and I hate to break to you all but: the RP's rules on culture and such aren't that strict. No clan is forced to have a certain Japanese/Oriental or any kind of culture. I can go on about this and what not, but that isn't the point of this post. Just, don't start any hissy fit. This post will be read and reviewed by Gerontis, our Head GM. Disagree? That is fine, but know that you have no right to argue if you keep reading. I am open for discussion and you know where to find me on Skype. Once more, read further and you're prohibited from starting to shit or whine about anything. There is a difference between discussing and violating one of the rules, and being a jerk - seeing that more than just me pour effort and energy in making these posts possible. Capisce?"

Now, for those who aren't easily triggered or just enjoy my topic posts and wish to learn or read more, I bid you welcome. I will try to go on with a little introduction as I find that most appropriate. I have to, at least, make it clear why I picked this topic out of others. Right? I believe so, yes.
The thing is that there are many different clans with also different cultural inspirations or mixtures of cultures. This has led to characters, NPCs and clans using different weaponry and armour. The questions then stands on what each country's military uses as standardised gear. From what source did they gain influence and how is that justified? This post, hopefully, will shed some light on the questions and will make it easier to write for the military of the nations our characters are part of or will interact/visit etc.

Before I start, what will you be looking at and searching for?

That is quite simple. There is already information known about the military of the nations. They aren't that super detailed that they will inform you exactly on what each military of these nations prefers to use or wear. I am thus looking for what is known about their military without looking on what kind of influences prominent clans have caused, in the smallest of detail that is. Most of this information is taken from the opening page of the OOC as well asking Gero some questions. Kind of easy, after all, to ask the creator of the RP.

So, if my character uses a weapon or gear that doesn't follow the theme of a country, do I have to throw it away?

No, you silly! While there is a certain standard issue for soldiers, there isn't a real standard issue of gear and weaponry for the shinobi branch. There will be even differences between soldiers that serve in the same regiment of the same nation. This is due to all kind of factors that you don't have to break your pretty head for open.

But wait, Alice! The military of this country needs to be more Japanese/Norse etc!

I am going to make people shit teeth in the morning. That is my first initial reply. My serious answer on that is: Remember that even if a country's military has a preference for a particular kind of gear or weaponry that it doesn't force you to adapt to it. I can only think of very few situations where this will count. Besides, I am talking about the regular military. All of our characters are first part of the Shinobi corps and then part of the military branch to which soldiers belong to. They aren't thus (always) in the same line as the soldiers and other military personnel - as in what they are trained and equipped with.

The Lightning Country

"The military of Kumogakure consists mostly of medium infantry. This is infantry that is decently equipped to have moderate protection and yet remain mobile and fast. They don't really specialise in one type of unit, fielding decent infantry, skirmishers and some good cavalry. They value mobility and offensive tactics more than defensive ones. Their navy is decent, though their forte is siege equipment. Kumogakure has and still is researching new ways to bring devastation upon enemy fortifications. From their 'airships' to long range ballista, they both excel in defending a fortification location as laying siege to one."
- The short description about the military of the Lightning country.

Already we can conclude various facts about the weaponry and armoury from this small segment of information:

  • The preference is to be mobile and fast,
  • The majority is wearing 'medium ranked' protection,
  • There isn't a major specialisation other than the fact that they have access to good cavalry,
  • Mobility and offensive tactics are preferred over defensive ones.
It is thus safe to say that you won't encounter a lot of troops in the Lightning country's military that are geared with heavy armour. This means no such thing as plate armour or anything thoroughly expensive. At best you'll find probably chainmail with some reinforcements. Think of a person wearing padded armour, chainmail and some hard boiled leather over the mail (cuir bouill). The average soldier would wear padding armour, known as gamebeson, with perhaps some reinforced leather garments. While some like to think that padding is easy to cut through and just something the poorest wear, it isn't that easy. It protects the wearer pretty well against both the cold and attacks. With not weighing the user or making movement uncomfortable, it is a must with the forces of the Lightning country in battle.

A good (possible) visual representation would be thus:




Before you go on about that, let me allow to say this:
"I searched for a blank visual representation because there isn't a clear cultural influence with the Lightning's military. There are both oriental and western kind of armour that can have that kind of style as shown in the image. Also see me write: 'A good (possible) visual representation'. Those who aren't familiar with what a cuir bouill is or have the idea that leather armour or even padded armour is, will not have the same visual representation. Want to have an example? Fine. In both the western and the oriental world, the use of lamellar armour exists. And lamellar armour can be made from pieces of leather to steel."

That having said, I can already state that I can't talk too much about the weaponry of the Lightning's military. It is clear that they prefer offensive over defensive tactics. But it is safe to say that there will be a wide variety of weaponry present in the Lightning's military. Without much more information or settled information, there is little that I can work with.

B-But is that all for the Lightning?!

Fear so. The thing is that you have to take in that I don't just want to decide what the entire military uses. This post is about to clear out some points. If things are, however, not too clear to me either then I can't just write and claim it is the truth. Once I have perhaps more work and sources to deal with I will update it. Until then? Onwards to the next.


The Republic of the Water

"The military of Kirigakure is mainly consisted of light infantry. While some may make jokes, no one in particular, that it's because Kirigakure is poor and can't afford all the equipment that'd make a military heavy infantry…well, that's only part of the reason, so take that! But also because Kirigakure is maritime based, and adding heavy to water does not equate to good things. Therefore you can find most troops of Kirigakure wearing relatively light armor, enough to provide sufficient protection nonetheless, while remaining fast and mobile. In hand is usually weaponry with the intent of keeping the enemy at bay, or pushing them back, such as spears, though it isn't uncommon to see troops wielding swords as well. With the recent re-shaping of the military, value is being placed on defensive tactics rather than offensive, as it would be foolish to follow in past footsteps equaling to failure. The end goal now is survival, not conquest nor pride. The navy of Kirigakure is simply their best feature and continues to build each day. No other western nation seems to rival or even come close. Simply put, whatever they can do, one can expect Kirigakure to do it as well, and more efficiently."
- The short description about the military of the Republic of the Water country.

Now, what can we conclude from this? Other than the fact that the link expired - which was to show my name, I believe - is that the Republican military doesn't support much heavy infantry. They are focused on a maritime military. What that means is that their main focus is on their fleet. The Republic already has a fearsome reputation when it comes to warfare on the seas, boasting to have the best fleet in the known world.
Their warfare on the land is less ideal, though. While light infantry can be quite useful on the battlefield, they lack cavalry or heavy infantry. The Republic did, however, shift from an offensive stratagem to a more defensive one. Looking at the Akiyama clan, it is somewhat easier to deduce the components of the Republican military than that of the Lightning's military.

"So, what kind of weaponry would the Republic soldiers favour?"

Judging from what we can learn of the Akiyama clan, we can state that there are two situations that we have to take into account. The maritime warfare and land warfare. On land, the Republic troops will favour using polearms, such as pikes, to keep both enemy cavalry and infantry at bay. But there will be no disapproval of the use of shields and other weaponry, such as swords. This will be just less prominent among the Republic troops that fight on land.
When fighting on deck, the choice is different. Instead of pikes to fight and keep enemies at bay, the choice of the Republic troops will go towards short swords, hand axes and picks. Easier to fight on deck as it is quite hard to utilise battle formations when the enemy is boarding your vessel or vice versa.
In both situations, the use of bow and crossbows is the most common. Both on land, to support their infantry formations, as on the sea, to pepper the crew of enemy vessels.

"And what about armour?"

Armour is said to be light. The reasons were given that the Republic can't finance its military to be heavily equipped and that it isn't really suitable for their main way of warfare. Gambesons are the most common of armour found among the troops of the Republic. There are some cases where the troops are wearing something else or more. Such as the berserkers of the Akiyama clan, who don't wear a shirt when going into battle. Then there are those who are wealthy enough in the Republic who can afford more than just padding armour. Depending on their wealth, this can range from good quality chainmail vests to steel lamellar armour, such as the style of the samurai.


The Empire of Akino

"The military of the Akinian realm focus on a lot of variations. Their main focus is their heavy infantry, that is equipped with long oval shields, spears and side-arms. Wearing protective gear, their heavy infantry can form a formidable defensive or offensive unit. Capable of fielding several specialised units that hail from various clans and regions, that aid to the combat strength of an Akinian army, they are a force to reckon with on the battlefields. Their cavalry is often a mix of the hit and run cavalry, using several samurai traditions, as more lance and shock cavalry.
Though having a basic understanding of naval warfare, the Akinian Empire isn't even near on being par with the Kirigakure navy. The main purpose of the Akinian navy is to fend off pirates and securing trade routes as to escort transport ships. Their siege warfare is rather good, utilising siege equipment on battlefields, as well in sieges, in order to deliver devastating attacks."
- The short description about the military of the Imperial military of the Akinian Empire.

"Oh and here we go. Willing to bet that the Imperial military has more information and details about them."

Let me start to clear this out before I even go and conclude what we can grasp from the short description about the Imperial military: Stop that.
It isn't just childish and annoying, but it is also demotivating. Yes, the Akinian empire seems to sport more details and information. How is this the case? Favoritism? No. Luck? Not really, no. It is because people that have been put into the position to think and write for the empire have simply done more than the other nations and factions. So want to see a difference? Then stop wasting time and effort into whining about "the Empire has too much information", "the Empire has all the good stuff!", "Ugh, the Empire is so favoured!". Instead, try to give more lore and details to the Lightning country or Republic. Instead, try to do something productive instead of whining.

Now that is out of the way, we can start with the Imperial military. Already from the information, it is clear that the Akinian military is capable of bringing heavily equipped soldiers into the fray. But what one must not forget is that the Imperial forces aren't all geared with a lot of protective gear. Specialised troops are used to fill in the roles that the heavy infantry of Akino can't fulfil. This makes the Imperial military capable to field armies that are diverse and able to wield both offensives as defensive stratagems, depending on the enemy and the terrain.
Discipline and loyalty are the most important virtues in the Imperial military. Something vital for a military that has its units work in various formations or armies that have a diversity of units.
Another important fact is that the troops of the Akinian empire are provided by the state when it comes to arms and armour. This enables the forces of the Empire to have in general better-equipped soldiers, but also a sense of unity as it is rare to see soldiers in the same unit have different weaponry or equipment.

What kind of weapons do the Imperial military favour?"

In order to determine this, we have to look on what clan the Imperial military has focused or gained inspiration from. Which is mainly from the Hon clan. While it might not come off as a surprise for many, it isn't that the Hon clan is favoured the most and for that reason, the Imperial military has reformed in a fashion such as the Hon clan. The reasons can be listed as following:

  • The Hon clan is one of Akino's largest clan. Their renown of fierce fighters has led to both respect and dread among friends and foes.
  • The current Empress is from the clan, which further interest and respect towards the clan as the empire prospers.
  • The current military adviser and the highest official is the leader of this clan.
  • The Hon clan's military as advanced over the conflicts that they waged. Learning from both victories and defeats, the clan has managed to have a developed military which has caused the reforms of the Imperial force.

Okay, but what weaponry would the Empire then favour?"

That is hard to answer. We will have to divide the Imperial forces into three known sectors: Infantry, cavalry and skirmishers.
Let's start with infantry. The generic infantrymen of the Akinian are equipped with a large oval shield with the as main weapon a short sword, close to that of a gladius, or having a spear as an extra weapon.

"Wait, hold on. A gladius? But that is Roman. Not Nordic nor Japanese!"

I know. But one must realise that the Akinian military isn't focused on what looks best or sounds best, but what works best with influence from the Hon clan. Other weapons that are being used depends on the formation of the unit. There are such as units who utilise polearms to form pikewalls as well units who use two-handed weaponry to fill the role of shock troopers.

"And does the Imperial army sports fur with their armour and gear?"

Reading some work from Minoru no Kanazawa, huh? But no. The forces of the Imperial military don't sport any fur with their armour. The generic infantrymen of the empire have heavier gear than found among the average trooper of other nations. Dressed in a gambeson, they wear brigandine armour or chainmail vests over it. With the addition of shoulder plates, arm and shin guards as helmets the soldiers of the Empire are geared to be capable of fighting in prolonged fights. It, of course, depends on what kind of unit they are serving in. Not every unit is geared in the same fashion as the 'average imperial soldier'. Some are lighter while others have even better protective gear. Much like their weaponry, the Akinian Empire does sport a more European weaponry preference. In order to give a good visual idea, one can see the Akinian military to resemble a certain image of the Late Roman military.

Final word

With this topic being explained a bit, I know that there are still a lot of questions. I already addressed in the skype chat on why I haven't been able to fill more of the void and clear out matters. I still hope that this post will prove to be both fun as informative. My own personal opinion is that I am not entirely content with it. But that has more to do with the fact that I desired to write more about it. My next topic? Not sure. If you want me to write about a certain topic then just inform me on skype and I shall see what I can do about it.
"And does the Imperial army sports fur with their armour and gear?"

Reading some work from Minoru no Kanazawa, huh?


This just made my day x3
Topic Time:

Military ranks and units
Part I

Before I start, I will explain what this Topic's title means as well as why I am splitting it into three parts. I am going to do this because the topic will be divided over the military of the Akinian Empire, Lightning Country and Republic. I will try to bring out some information about the military, what kind of disciplines and norms are held in general in each respective military. The reason why isn't just to provide more information, but also to offer a guideline and make clear what is different besides the fact that each military has a different origin and etc.
Each of the three title's words will be explained and stand in the centre of the military, hopefully allowing those who read it to give a better image of what is expected of their character or what they are supposed to do in general.

Before we move past this short introduction I want to request a small favour. I know that some of you like and follow these Topic posts, one of the drives that keep me trying to post them from time to time. However, I have considered seeing what can be improved and what is considered 'great.' Thus if you have the time, please answer these polls as I will be checking them in a few days. Any questions or suggestions for me? Please then send me either a PM or approach me on skype. Thanks in advance.

The Akinian Military.


"Akino Victor."
- The battle cry of the First Imperial Division of the Akinian Empire.


"How will you start this time?"

Good question. Let us start with the 'global view'. What we must understand is that the Empire has an absolute monarchy. This means that the nation is ruled by one person with little to no restraint to her or his power. The Empress or Emperor of the Akinian empire thus has full control over the military, but that doesn't mean that the entire military force present in the empire is loyal or bound to his or her command. Clans reside in the Empire, with some holding on to land and a large population. While the clans are oath-bound to serve in the Empire and thus need to be loyal to the commands of the ruler, their own military force and resources aren't all given away. In order to not spend too much time or details on this factor, we can deduce that the Empire's military can be split into two parts:

That of the Imperial military and, depending on the clan, the regional clan forces.

If going by percentages, clans who train and maintain a military of their own are bound by their oath to give the Empire 75% of their entire military force, levies or warriors to serve as Imperial soldiers. The other 25% is to serve in the land that the clan consider home as well emergency forces to react on hostile events in places where the Imperial force isn't numerous to react or able to move in fast enough.

Already you can read that to answer the question of loyalty within the Imperial military is tough. When a character is from a clan that has their own military and land while also being part of the Imperial military, their loyalty can be split.
This can grow even more complicated, but we will come back to that later on.


"But our characters are shinobi. Where do they fit in the military?"

That is a good question. One that isn't easy to answer. This is because not everybody has the same skills, traits, ranks, capability or history. I will try to make it easy to know where specific ranks will be deployed along the way to this Topic post. I can start, however, by saying that genin is much like soldiers rank and file. This doesn't mean that soldiers are as weak as a genin. It is much the opposite in general. Soldiers are, in general, capable to face experienced chuunin in close combat, but we are sidetracking somewhat. In the Akinian military, most genin and inexperienced chuunin are quite often rank and file.


"Wait, so how is the Akinian military ranking then composed?"

We will tackle this question in the following manner. We will work from the bottom up and lowest unit of the Akinian military to the top. With each step we take, I will explain some information about the type of unit and such.


The smallest of the Akinian military unit. It is composed out of five soldiers. These five people share a tent, large enough for them, together. They will also be rewarded and punished together as sharing watches, rations and the like. Even in battle members of the same squad have the unwritten rule to watch each other's back. It is in essence not that much different from how a shinobi team operates on a mission. It is also considered nothing but normal that when a member of the squad dies, that the other members inform the family of the fallen member and provide some payment for the funeral service.

This is the unit where most characters start in together. The leading rank of a squad is called the sergeant. They are the most experienced members of a squad. It is interesting to note that sergeants aren't in most cases promoted or chosen by higher ranked of the Akinian military, but chosen by their peers in the squad. While not being paid more, they have a few tasks that go with being regarded as the most experienced member:
  • Holding order during marches,
  • Disciplining his/her squad when they go out of line,

But they don't hold any significant tactical or leading role in a battle. For that, we need to progress on.

Genin and inexperienced chuunin start in platoons.

Platoons are composed out of 25 troops, thus five squads together. It is the unit in which the soldiers and shinobi of the Akinian military train together. The basic drills and weapon training are in general done with the platoon.

A platoon is led by a lieutenant, who has the following tasks:
  • Overseeing the training of his/her platoon,
  • Ensuring that the squads of the platoon have tasks divided when setting camp,
  • Arranges which of the squads go on watch duty, as there must always be two squads of the same platoon set on watch, rotating through both night and day.
An extra task that a lieutenant can have is to carry the standard of the company that they belong to. Unlike the informal decision by peers who will carry the flag, it is the task of the captain to appoint one of the ten present lieutenants to bear the standard.
If in battle the lieutenant that carries the flag falls or becomes incapable of carrying on the flag, then the task falls to any lieutenant that is capable and nearby.
Only experienced chuunin are allowed to become lieutenants. They will have to undergo a few courses at one of the War Academies in the Empire before they will be considered eligible. Not to mention, they need to be able to read and write as well as having served for two years in the military. Sometimes exceptions are allowed.

A company exists out of 10 platoons. Making their size: 250 troops strong. Companies are the basic unit in which the Akinian troops move and act on the battlefield and sieges. Out of the ten lieutenants, a captain is chosen by the colonel of the respective brigade. These men and women are most often capable fighters, as captains are required to fight on the front rows of their units, leading their troops into the fray. Their tasks are thus as follows:
  • Lead their unit according, the plans and orders of their colonel,
  • Manage the company's morale with rewards or punishments,
  • Choose one of the lieutenants to serve as the company's banner carrier,
Captains are the first rank within the Imperial military that earns more than the average salary. They earn one and half times the amount of salary compared to a normal soldier.
Only experienced chuunin and specialised jounin are fit out of the shinobi forces to be appointed as captains. They will have to undergo various courses at one of the War Academies in the Empire before they will be considered eligible. Not to mention, they need to be able to read and write as well as having served for four years in the military, with at least a year of leadership experience - leading others into battle and such. Sometimes exceptions are allowed.

Five companies make one battalion. This means that a battalion is composed out of 1250 troops in total. Battalions are the units which are being used during marching, serving various roles. Such as vanguard of a brigade or rearguard. On the fields of battle and sieges, battalions are regarded as large key pieces. This makes the colonels - the leaders of a battalion - respective figures in their brigades. Their tasks consist out of:
  • Making certain that each company is following the stratagem during a battle,
  • During marches, colonels have to make certain that their battalion remains in order. This is done through ordering their captains.
  • Ensuring that the discipline of their battalion remains high at all times. This is accomplished by the colonel providing training and instructions during drills.
  • Punishment and rewarding lower ranked officers.
  • Giving counsel to their brigade general.
They are appointed by the brigadier general of their respective brigade. Colonels earn triple the wages compared to regular soldiers.
From the shinobi corps, only specialised jounin and higher ranked are eligible for the rank of colonel. They will have to undergo a lot of courses at one of the War Academies in the Empire before they will be considered eligible. Not to mention, they need to be able to read and write as well as having served for, at least, six years in the military, with at least two years of leadership experience - leading others into battle and such. Rare exceptions are allowed.
Another part of battalions is that they all have their own numbers and that a certain friendly competition runs between battalions. Specialised units from a clan or region are often at the size of a battalion.

Five battalions form a brigade - thus 6,250 troops. Brigades are considered the smallest forms of armies that the Empire deploys during times of conflict, where it is deemed necessary. Led by a Brigade general, who is appointed directly by the Major General of their respective division, the brigade general is a person great importance. Their tasks consist out of:
  • Planning stratagems for their brigade,
  • Leading as acting commander when no higher ranked officer is capable,
  • Ensuring that his brigade is properly equipped as well handling construction of all temporary/permanent structures for the brigade - this includes encampments and fortifications,
  • Organising the brigade,
  • Watching the income and expenditure both during and out of campaigns of the brigade.
If the situations arise when an Akinian force consists of more than one Brigade General, then the most respected - and often thus the most experienced - will be chosen. This is done by an elective voting of the present colonels. However, there are various factors that can weigh in and deem a voting void. Such as other ranks that a brigade general might have or experience, which will overrule a voting.
Brigade generals earn eight times more than a regular soldier. They will have to complete a large amount of course at one of the War Academies in the Empire before they will be considered eligible. Not to mention, they need to be able to read and write as well as having served for eight years in the military, with at least four years of leadership experience - leading others into battle and such. Never are there any exceptions allowed.

The largest known unit in the Akinian military. Divisions are composed of four brigades. This gives them a total of 25.000 troops. Divisions are, due to their size, often spread in camps, cities and fortified positions over a region. The leading officer of a division is called a 'Major General'. A major general's tasks are:
  • Looking over the income and expenditures of their division,
  • Strategically keeping his or her forces located in the region(s) that are appointed to them,
  • Reporting to the Empress/Emperor about the state of their division,
  • Appointing brigade generals,
  • Cooperating with governors of provinces in which the division is stationed,
  • Watching over recruitment for their division.
As one can notice the major generals have a bigger administrative task. They are directly appointed by either the Empress/Emperor or the First Major General. The first major general is considered the highest rank that one can hold in the Imperial military. They earn fifteen times as much as captains. Not to mention that they are allowed to demand a portion of loot and spoils from war when a part of their division participated.

The requirements to become a major general are, however, quite demanding:
  • Having served for at least ten years in the Imperial military,
  • Proven ability as a good leader, with at least eight years of experience,
  • Needing to be able to write and read,
  • Knowing a great deal of the province/regions in which their division is located.
  • Have gained either the favour of the First Major General or the ruler.



A light Akinian footman.

"So that is that. But what about specialised units in the Akinian military?"

Already we have concluded that there are the Imperial military and regional or somewhat independent clan forces. Seeing that clans have to make 3/4 of their entire military force serve in the Akinian military it isn't too surprising to see some units that are geared different or carrying different equipment. But before I can answer that question we need to clarify what the usual troops for the Imperial military are.

We have already covered the sizes of the units and ranking. To understand the generic idea of an Akinian force we have to look at how a normal battalion is formed. It is formed up by five companies. While this seems either just random or done by some weird coincidence, it is not. A regular Akinian battalion is formed by:

- Two heavy infantry companies,
- One light infantry company,
- One skirmisher company,
- One cavalry company.

With wearing standardised equipment, it is hard to distinguish battalions from even different divisions from each other. What makes it easier to recognise specialised units in the Akinian military as they usually equip themselves with a different kind of gear and weaponry. Another difference is the composition of the amount of different troops are in a specialised unit. Some are made up of more skirmishers, cavalry or infantry than a regular Akinian battalion. So far the specialised units in the Akinian military are:

  • The 1st Battalion - The 'Sworn Lances',
    • Heavy cavalry unit, the Sworn Lancers are one of the finest shock cavalries in the Empire. With some of the finest steeds that the realm can provide, the men and women of the unit are capable of delivering terrifying charges with their lances. They are other than that quite the same as the Sworn Sword unit in terms of armour and training.
    • Motto: - "Loyalty and Justice" -
    • Leading colonel: Hitori Minaro.
  • The 2nd Battalion - The 'Sworn Swords',
    • Heavy infantry unit, the Sworn Sword are the royal guard on foot. The 'uniform' of the elites of the Akinian royal bodyguard can be seen in this link. It features full body armour with protective shoulder, forearm and shin protectors and guards. The armour is made of good quality steel and the balance spreads the weight of the armour over the body, allowing the person wearing it to be less obstructed by the weight the armour can impose on the user. Most members of the Sworn Sword cover the lower part of their face with a dark blue scarf. The left armguard is made out of 'Dragon Steel', able to guard and protect the wearer slightly better against some forms of ninjutsu. As many members of the Sworn Swords use the shield. Three out of the five companies that form the field force of the Sworn Swords on foot are focused on melee while the remaining two out of five are focused on archery.
    • Motto: - "To be and to last" -
    • Leading colonel: Katashi Sarutobi
      • Other officers:
        Second in command, Iroh Hon.
  • The 2nd Battalion -The 'Tiger's Claws',
    • Heavy cavalry unit, the Tiger Claws are like any of the Agema brigade an elite unit. They are a heavy melee cavalry force that relies on their vicious charges into the enemy lines and hacking their way to victory or death. With being armoured as the traditional samurai, they dread fear among their enemies with their presence on the battlefield. Unlike the Sworn Lancers and Swords, the Tiger's Claw is a bit lighter when it comes to the armour. A detachment of the force does operate as skirmishing cavalry - wielding bows instead of lances.
    • Motto: - "Strong Alone, Stronger Together"-
    • Leading colonel: Hiroshi Hon
  • - The 13th Battalion - The Foot Companions,
    • Motto:
    • Leading colonel:
  • - The 12th Battalion - 'Hell's Raiders'
    • The Hell's Raiders are an infantry focused battalion with two companies of supportive infantry - mostly armed with longbows and crossbows. Focused on wielding the large oval shields that are standard among the infantry force in the Empire, the men and women in the ranks of the Hell's Raiders wield as the weapon of choice a long spear. Side-arms range from short swords, axes, maces and even picks. Wearing the standard armour of the Imperial military for each type of force, the Hell's Raiders are capable of launching offensive as well defensive operations.
    • Motto: - "Don't talk, but do."-
    • Leading colonel: Aiko Cho-Hon
      • Other officers:
        Aide, Kazumo Sarutobi
        Warhorn carrier, Tomiko Hyuuga
        Captain Eòin Cho - born 2 / 7 / 434, near the Keep of Dayi.
        Eóin was born in the southern part of the Fire Province, 42 years ago. Born as a Cho, he learned and was raised in the mannerism of his clan. Back then the clan wasn't as united as today, which made him decide to not pick up the trade of his parents - who both owned a diary farm, producing and selling cheese and leather. Instead, Eóin decided to head out to join the army at the age of fourteen. Trained for four rigorous years, he started as a soldier. During his career, he fought against the likes of bandits and insurgents as rebels. In the Great War, he mostly fought against the forces of the Earth country and was also assigned to join the invasion force in the Water country. After the Great War ended, Eóin was 30-year-olds. Deciding to take it a few years easier as he had gotten the promotion to Lieutenant, Eóin managed to get married and moved to Keishi. However with the rise of the Fire Union, Eóin became restless. While he was content with his life and managed to live on some of the savings of his career, he couldn't just sit still. With more development happening around him, he decided to take up the sword again. It was after all he knew in his life. And though humble, he is a master in wielding the spear and sword with a shield.

        Appearance :

        Personality :
        Eóin is a patient man, having learned the virtue quite well in his advanced age. Where he is quite confident in his capabilities to lead and train others into battle as well holding his own, even against experienced shinobi, Eóin isn't a man of bragging. Following the rule of saying only when he feels there is something he needs to say, many consider the man broody and grim. Which is further reinforced in the fact that the man's facial expression seems to be locked in a grim expression?
        Other information :
        - Favourite food includes onions
        - Doesn't like to speak about his family ( optional to try to discover this over the course of the IC)
        - Often curses softly in Chonobi. Seems to sound more proud when he is speaking the language.
        - Has like the majority of the civilians and military a (slight) dislike for ninjutsu use. Even while he has mastered some basics of chakra flow to defend himself against shinobi.
        - With his experience has managed to learn how to live off the land. His years of experience and training also have hardened him for the grim reality of the world and what war might bring upon people.
        Captain Tsuchida Iwane, born 3rd / 4th / 445
        Born in the western part of the Fire province of the now formed Empire of Akino, Tsuchida didn't have much of an easy life. Born in a large family on a farmstead, he didn't learn how to read or had much time to play. Like many of his peers on the countryside, it was working from a young age to help to farm and take care of the small herd of animals - mostly sheep, but with a few goats. Dreaming as many others of his age, Tsuchida wanted a life of adventure. To make his name big and earn glory. His 'lucky' chance came when he reached the age of fifteen. With the Great War boiling up, Tsuchida enlisted in the army with most of his brothers. Trained in becoming an archer, the excited teen, however, would survive the war with learning that war is a cruel mistress. Losing most of his siblings and his parents - due to a raid by forces of the Wind country - Tsuchida, however, remained in the army. Climbing to the ranks of Lieutenant, his men have learned him for how excited he carries himself over. Yet nobody that has served under his service dares to joke about it...

        Personality :
        Tsuchida is often heard speaking with many could describe as a cheerful and excited tone. He is quite the optimist, though his humour isn't likely going to be one everybody's likes. Even in the hour of the wolf, not many have seen him get rid of the small playful grin on his lips. While he doesn't look like it or seem to give that impression, Tsuchida is quite the patient and obedient person. Making sure that the orders and plans are followed, his cheerful attitude can quickly turn when there are people who don't value loyalty and discipline as much as he does.

        Other notes:
        - Scars: Has a few on his right arm, his right shoulder and a small one on his collarbone.
        - Seems to favour roasted pork and can't stop complaining about beans.
        - Is highly skilled in wielding polearms and seems to have an excellent stamina. Often mocking others when he spots them being exhausted or demoralised by long marches. His skill and strength in close quarters aren't the best, but he seems to be on par with most. His favourite secondary weapon is a long mace. Called Crash.
        - Is knowledgeable about how to live off on the land. Though he often has more anecdotes about sheep and dark humour about the population in the Wind country than really well constructed advise and tips.
  • - The 5th Battalion - The Soaring Blades,
    • Medium infantry unit, the Soaring Blades is a unit composed of heavy skirmishers capable of acting as medium infantry. These men can scout, screen and harass like other skirmishers but when required they can hold their ground through cunning and stubborn defiance. Their primary weapons are bows, although all of the men are very adept at handling their personal choice of sidearms, most often katana, axes or maces. Accompanying the main body of heavy skirmishers is a small group of naginata-wielding men in slightly heavier armour to form the frontline in a hand-to-hand.
    • Motto: - "Strive to excel." -
    • Leading colonel: Kensuke Nimatsu
  • - The 3rd Battalion - The 'Crimson Hunters'
    • The medium infantry battalion, the Crimson Hunters is a mixed force of skirmishers who perform scouting and screening operations while their flexible infantry either supports other units or able to hold and maintain for some time their ground against an enemy opposition. Like most infantry units, the infantry part of the Crimson Hunters has each member sport a large oval shield, spear and a side arm. The skirmishers are having often the longbow as the weapon of choice.
    • Motto: - "To protect and serve" -
    • Leading colonel: Harumi Uchiha

"First to come and last to leave."
Current Captain : Hayate Hyuzu
Lieutenants : Masami Hyuuga and Koike Hon.

The Guardians are a specialised unit within the Imperial military. They are however not part of the Divisions as the special unit has a maximum limit of a company, thus a maximum of 144 members. This company is also being used in peace times, unlike the Imperial Divisions who are mustered at times of war, conflict or when being summoned when the need is there. The members are often being picked out as the best or most reliable members of the Protectors.

In times of conflict, the Guardians are often being sent to reinforce a region. While they are free to act somewhat independent from the other Regular Forces, they follow the same regulations. This means that they aren't free to disturb the activities of the Imperial Divisions and ought to respect those of higher rank.

Current characters that serve in the special company, alongside NPC's :
- Saki Yamanaka
- Hideki Hyuuga


"Interesting. What if I want to have a specialised unit? Or gear, armour and weapons that don't follow the standard issue for the Akinian military?"

That is simple. To have your own specialised unit you need to approach the writer of the First Major General, a position that is also being held with the Jounin Commander in the Imperial Capital - Konohagakure. The character (and the person who writes for that character) will decide if the specialised unit will be accepted or not. At this moment that character is Zakito Hon.
To have different gear, you will need to request that to the person who controls the Brigade. This is thus the Brigade General. In case that there isn't a brigade general available, that means you have to ask the First Major General again.


"Wait, why do I have to ask the First Major General again? Wouldn't it make sense to ask the Major General of the division my character is in?"

Yes and no. The reason why I advise that is because the First Major General is the person who has the most influence and power within the Akinian military. If by some mistake or accident a major general approves of person A using a type of weapon or gear in his unit, that wasn't allowed in another division and brigade, we will be dealing with a situation nobody finds fun. I would even stress it is better to approach to ask whoever writes for the brigade general, of the brigade your character is in, to approach the First Major General together. Seems like it is more complicated this way, but it is just to prevent any silly hassling or people getting grumpy.


"Is every specialised unit within the Akinian military a battalion or is there an option for a bigger or smaller unit of specialised troops?"

Yes, that option most certainly exists. While the 2nd battalion is made up from Tiger Claws, it was revealed before that the Tiger Claws numbers might be a bit more than that. In the same case, the Guardian unit is not bigger than 144. So technically a specialised unit can be smaller or bigger than 1.250 troops. Best is to think of why that would be the case, but if you are interested in forming a specialised unit then you have to approach Gerontis for that. He can help you further with that.


"Wait, I read somewhere about aides, warhorn carriers and more? What about such ranks?"

Wow, somebody is on a roll with asking great questions! Okay, let us start it with the rank of an aide. It isn't really a rank, but more a position that can be granted by a colonel or higher ranked to a lower ranked - that isn't a leading officer. The tasks of an aide are the following:
  • Taking care of the gear of the ranked officer that they are appointed/chosen by.
  • Acting as a messenger in some situations. Both in and out of combat.
  • Being with their ranked officer during ceremonial services and events,
  • On both marches and battles, the aide is required to be with their ranked officer, unless being instructed to do something else.
It is clear that the Aide doesn't perhaps seem much as a beneficial position for a character. But it is quite the position to be desired as a low-ranked character. Not just because you are hanging with and around a high ranked officer, but because that respective officer has to teach you some of the ropes of his/her position. This is why aides are often promoted to a rank within five years, being trained by leading officers. This means that they might not have formal authority, but it is foolish to disregard an aide as a mere soldier.

Now, about the warhorn carrier. This seems quite ceremonial or a small task. The person who is designated as the carrier of battalion's warhorn isn't, however, a small task. The person who carries the warhorn is obligated to be at ceremonial events with their leading officer. This means that they are near the leading officer during the marching and battles. Most officers train their appointed warhorn carrier thus, making them almost a second aide. Some officers, however, keep the warhorn of their battalion to themselves.

That is it for now. I might add more in the future, but this should suffice for the first post. My next post will be Part II. Which will either be regarding the military of the Republic of the Water country or the Lightning country. Hope you found this topic post both informative and educational!
A special thanks to:
  • @Gerontis, who helped with setting up the information and providing some information.
  • @ChromeHound and @Fieryfly, for proofreading and making certain that the post would be in tip top shape!
I have created this sheet as one of my NPC is a member of this dynasty. It isn't a huge or prominent group in the Empire, but with the usage of the respective NPC, I found it necessary to make a sheet. More for my own comfort of looking back instead of trying to remember everything. In case somebody is interested in a Tamiyo, then feel free to approach me about it. Don't really think that the majority of the Tamiyo dynasty nor a militant theme interest or fits them, I am open for suggestions and ideas.

Name :
The Tamiyo dynasty.

Crest :


"Burning Bright."

The motto and 'house words' of the Tamiyo dynasty is a subtle direction of their ancient origin from the west, out of the desert. It eventually was a phrase used by the invasion force of the Wind country, mocking the Tamiyo and their subjects during the Great War.

The Tamiyo's origins are located in the River Province of the Akinian Empire.

The Empire of Akino.

Most of the current members have dark chocolate hair that tends to be curly at the end. If this is truly a natural trait is something that is left to speculations. Furthermore, the majority of the Tamiyo dynasty have been reputed to be cunning and clever diplomats. Only a very few of the Tamiyo line have been known warriors and generals. With the location of the Yakimara clans nearby and that attitude of the Tamiyo for this culture and the clans, the Tamiyo are raised with Yakimara as a second language.

The Tamiyo dynasty origin can be traced back before the start of the Warring Clan era. It is linked with the city of Hanaguro, present day's capital of the province. The story of Hanaguro's founding tells that the Tamiyo family led a group of refugees from past the desert, settling in more hospitable lands. Thriving in the temperate climate of the region and with fertile land, it wouldn't take much for the people under the leadership of the Tamiyo to expand their settlement. By the time of the Warring Clans era began, Hanaguro was already a thriving city. The trading centre of the region.
While the Tamiyo family didn't expand much in an aggressive military fashion, they used the art of diplomacy to keep their neighbours happy and gained protection by the promise of trade. It didn't always work, which resulted in a few short wars that saw to a rapid expansion and the boundaries of the current River province.
Having secured the land, the Tamiyo family began to focus more on themselves, turning inwards. With trade ongoing, the bounty of the land soon enough increased with the people starting to try out new methods for agriculture.

Eventually, the rise of the countries happened with the start of the 'Hidden Villages'. This provided an interesting scenario for the Tamiyo and their subjects. At the end of the Warring Clans Era, the region hadn't seen much military activity and compared to their newfound neighbours the small nation saw itself under threat. Noticing that they had to either pick the Fire or Wind country at the start of the 5th century, the Tamiyo family send out diplomats to weight their options. There was briefly an idea to form an alliance with the Rain country above them but this idea was quickly dismissed when it became apparent that even combined with the Rain, the River wouldn't be able to defend their sovereignty. Knowing that they had to make a decision, the Tamiyo dynasty sent forth diplomats to secure ties with the Fire country. Leading eventually in 415 that Kiyoshi Tamiyo, the Daimyo of the River province at the time, kneeling and pledging an oath. Effectively becoming a vassal of the Fire country ever since.

With becoming vassals the Tamiyo family did continue to rule their lands, being granted a lot of autonomy. While there were some members that weren't too content with surrender their nation's sovereignty, it didn't lead to any rise of unrest or protests. Many contributed this to the ruling dynasty as wealth continued to find its way into the coffers of the Tamiyo and their subjects as trade increased, extending to the Fire country more than before.
Becoming the vassals of the Fire country also saw more security becoming present as the Tamiyo hired retainers from various Fire country clans, attempting to make certain that they would be able to protect their lands better. Done with good intentions, it wouldn't be enough to save the region of the River to hold off the destruction and misery that flowed into the land in the year of 460.
Raids from the west started to come in, from the Wind country. Capable of holding and pushing back most advances, the military resources of the River paled in comparison of the Wind. Soon enough an invasion force set into the land, driving the first push into the defence. The Tamiyo called for aid, only resulting into that the Fire country's military stretching itself out under the leadership of the Second Hokage, Daisuke Uchiha. Using the many rivers and woodlands, the Tamiyo and their subjects began a grinding fight against the invading enemy. There are various people who theorise that they would have held off the invading armies for a longer time if it weren't for the raids on the coast by the Water country. Some in the River province even go as far to theorise that the Wind and Water country worked together to see to the destruction of the River country at the time.
With the war raging on, a deep hatred started to fester within the Tamiyo and their subjects for the invaders. Various cities in the region were sieged, sacked or occupied. Only lasting for a few years, the damage in the region is in some places still noticeable in the present. That and the distrust and hatred of the locals towards the Wind country. It is also theorised that because of this distrust and hatred that led to the rise of the Jashin cult in the region, lasting only around two decades before being wiped out.
The rise of the Akinian Empire, which saw the River country becoming a mere province was an interesting shift for the Tamiyo and their population. Being stark loyalists to the Fire country and the Fire Union, the majority of the Tamiyo dynasty were hesitant at first. This mainly was due to the succession of the region shifting and being at risk that they could lose it. Being assured, however, that they still could hold on to most of their autonomy as well being kept the governors of the River province.


None in any terms of ninjutsu. The Tamiyo dynasty is in no way a family that orientates or tries to gain prestige by a militant fashion.


Relations with other clans/organizations
The Tamiyo point of view on various clans within the Empire of Akino and some outside of the Empire:

  • The Homura Dynasty,
    • The Tamiyo dynasty is loyal to the Homura dynasty, viewing the other dynasty as capable protector and ruler of the Empire.
  • The Wind country,
    • Much as one can deduce from the history, the Tamiyo dynasty views with only negative emotions towards the people of the Wind country.
  • The Hon clan,
    • The Hon clan is viewed with some interest, but also caution. Their reputation of fierce warriors and raiders isn't what the Tamiyo line considers really attractive. Their place in the Empire and the fact it was a Hon who led to the destruction of the Jashin cult has earned the Chonobi clan to earn the interest and praise of the Tamiyo dynasty.
  • The Nimatsu clan,
    • The Tamiyo views the Nimatsu with distrust. While not a significant clan within the Empire, they have gained attention with Lady Masami Nimatsu affiliation (or as the Tamiyo put it: affliction) with a native from the Wind country. Something that is viewed with [silent] disgust from the Tamiyo.
  • The Cho clan,
    • The Cho clan has gained the interest of the Tamiyo clan, being reputed as traders and peaceful. The Tamiyo clan has already laid out various trades with the clan, hoping to maintain a friendly relation with the Cho clan.
  • The Sarutobi clan,
    • The Sarutobi clan has a similar respect and attitude that the Tamiyo have for the Hon clan. With the Sarutobi people rising in influence and power in the Empire, the Tamiyo are eager to establish friendly connections with the Sarutobi.
  • The Senju clan,
    • The viewpoint of the Tamiyo on the Senju clan is one mixed with admiration and pity. The admiration stems forth from that the Tamiyo considered the Senju a capable and yet peaceful people and the prestige that the name 'Senju' demands. The pity is of more recent times, with the decline of the clan and announcement that they are no longer a clan.
  • The Uchiha clan,
    • Admiration and respect is what the name 'Uchiha' demands from the Tamiyo family. The Tamiyo haven't yet forgotten the attempts of the Second Hokage in relieving the River of the invasion force of the Wind country.
  • The Hyuzu clan,
    • The Tamiyo have a growing interest in the Hyuzu clan. Not much is known about the Hyuzu and in the River, there is little to nothing really known about them. For their rise in the Empire and lack of information the Tamiyo are both curious as cautious in establish a connection to the clan.
  • The Yakimara clans,
    • The Yakimara clans are met with respect and a friendly attitude from the Tamiyo. This is because that they are quite close to the River and of their clans reputations. Various trade connections are to be established as the Tamiyo are still quite eager to become closer to the Yakimara culture and clans. It is also because of this that the Tamiyo find it necessary to learn on to understand and to use Yakimara as a second language.
  • The Tokugawa clans,
    • Some interest exists for the Tokugawa clan. While the Tamiyo have a respectful and polite attitude towards the Tokugawa, they are wary as the reputation of the Tokugawa are mixed.
  • The clans from the Rain province,
    • The clans from the Rain province are [usually] met with respect and interest from the Tamiyo.
I decided to flesh out the information about the allied forces present on the eastern continent. This makes it easier to get an idea of the armies that are present in the ongoing campaign in the east and I will try to update it if there are any heavy changes. I will try to also give a brief description of some certain parts, to make it easier to write for them.
I can't yet do the Republican forces as Zane does have his input in the army - other than their equipment.
But for now, this will have to suffice.

Imperial Force,
Under the leadership of Captain-Commander Hayate Hyuzu.​

Total numbers of,

Heavy infantry
: 7250
[spoili]Akinian heavy infantry sport a chainmail hauberk and steel helmet of good quality. Their main weapons of choice are a steel sword, of a gladius design, and large oval shield. Some companies are equipped with a long spear and a gladius as a weapon of the second choice. The Akinian heavy infantry that isn't equipped with a long spear has five darts that they utilise as ranged weaponry. The darts are clipped into the hollow side of the oval shield, easier for transport and during battle and sieges.
The present Chonobi heavy infantry is equipped in the way of the Hon. They are equipped with the same oval shields, but their weaponry differs. Some companies are equipped with pikes as main weapons while others sport swords, axes and maces. Their armour consists out of padding material, chainmail hauberks and steel lamellar vests over the hauberks. Some of the elite troops within the present Chonobi forces wear a steel segmented cuirass, consisting of metal strips ("girth hoops" fashioned into circular bands), fastened to internal leather straps.[/spoili]

Light Infantry: 4000 + 141 Guardians = 4141
[spoili]Akinian light infantry are lighter equipped, as their name suggests. They are equipped with padding material as well leather armour and a steel helmet. Their weaponry range over a broader selection. Most of them carry a small supply of around eight javelins while having swords, axes or maces as a sidearm.
The Guardians are considered light-medium infantry.[/spoili]

Skirmishers: 4250
[spoili]Most Akinian skirmishers are trained longbow archers. With a strong longbow, they are garbed in a similar style as the Akinian light infantry. Their sidearm varies from swords, gladii (plural form of gladius), axes and maces.[/spoili]

Cavalry: 3250 + 200 Tiger Claws = 3450
[spoili]Akinian cavalry are soldiers on horseback, garbed in a similar style as the heavy Akinian infantry. Some of the cavalry companies sport some heavier armoured riders, equipped with lances as primary weapons. Other weapons that are popular are axes and maces within the Akinian cavalry.
The Tiger Claws are an unique cavalry unit, where armoured horse archers pelt and weaken the enemy to open a gap for the other Imperial forces.[/spoili]

(Total numbers: 19.091)

The Akinian Force, composed out:

200 Tiger claws, under the command of Saki Yamanaka.
141 (Katsu, Koike and Saki elsewhere) Guardians, under command of Hayate Hyuzu.

Brigade of Erling Hon of the Tovi Lineage.
* Bloodwave Battalion of Gudmund Hon of the Agnarr Lineage.
- Skirmish company,
- Skirmish company,
- Heavy infantry company,
- Heavy infantry company,
- Heavy infantry company.

* Foot companions of Koike Hon of the Atsushi Lineage.
- Skirmish company under Torrad Sarutobi leadership.
- Skirmish company under Tardo Sarutobi leadership.
- Heavy infantry company under Skuli Hon leadership
- Heavy pike infantry company under Gardo Sarutobi leadership.
- Heavy pike infantry company under Hallr Hon leadership.

* Gwade's Finest of Torstig Sarutobi of the Gwade Lineage.
- Skirmish company
- Skirmish company
- Skirmish company
- Medium infantry company
- Medium infantry company

* Dreaded Blades of Gudbrand Hon of the Gunhild Lineage.
- Heavy cavalry company
- Heavy cavalry company
- Light infantry company
- Light infantry company
- Medium cavalry company

* Hallr's Shields of Hallbjörn Hon of the Noriko Lineage
- Heavy infantry company
- Heavy infantry company
- Heavy infantry company
- Light infantry company
- Light infantry company

(Forces in Sarutobi and Hon style)
Total heavy infantry: 2250
Total light infantry: 1500
Total skirmishers: 1750
Total cavalry: 750
(Total numbers: 6.250 )

Brigade of Fuijin Hatoshi from Keishi.
Heavy Akinian infantry: 2500
Light Akinian Infantry: 1250
Akinian skirmishers: 1250
Akinian cavalry: 1250

Brigade of Genki Ichito from Inori
Heavy Akinian infantry: 2500
Light Akinian Infantry: 1250
Akinian skirmishers: 1250
Akinian cavalry: 1250

Lightning country force,
Under the leadership of Commander Satoshi Jun.​

Heavy infantry: 2.000
[spoili]The Lightning country heavy infantry have a bigger variety of armour. Most wear chainmail hauberks with the additions of some leather or steel scale vests or more traditional ō-yoroi armour. The majority of the heavy infantry force of the Lightning country carries two-handed weaponry into battle, relying on their armour instead of shields. Two handed swords and axes are common as some even bring warhammers.[/spoili]

Light infantry: 2.500
[spoili]Light infantry wears armour that ranges from linen or wool clothing to some leather protection over it. Their first line of defence is a round shield, often made from wood and some iron rounding. Their weaponry can range from javelins to slings and some even have a light crossbow with them to pepper the enemy. Their sidearm varies from axes and maces as some do have swords, but it isn't that common.[/spoili]

Medium infantry: 3.000
[spoili]The medium infantry are heavier equipped. With padding armour as first base, they often have leather armour as extra addition, together with a steel helmet. Some have a vest of chainmail, but this is a minority. Their weapons depends on their formation. There are few units who field pikes as others have a combination of shields with axes, maces and swords.[/spoili]

Skirmishers: 2.000
[spoili]Skirmishers from the Lightning country have a small variety of weaponry. Some units have crossbows as others have bows. Their armour can vary as well, making some wear as much as a member of a light infantry unit and some of a medium infantry unit. Their sidearms are often axes and maces, but the veterans tend to have a sword as sidearm.[/spoili]

Cavalry: 5.500 (of which 1.500 are cavalry skirmishers).
[spoili]The Lightning country cavalry is considered quite good. With fast mounts, there are various units that are heavily armoured as the majority tends to have as much protection as the same amount of protection as the medium infantry. Their weapons are often lances, which are followed up as sidearms being the sword or axe.
Another component of the cavalry force are the cavalry skirmishers. Archers on horseback, who can direct their fast mount while peppering the enemy with recurve bows.[/spoili]

Total Lightning country forces: 15.000

Heavy Infantry:
Captain Jitarou (m) Otashi, leading 1.000 heavy infantry
Captain Isao (m) Jakobe, leading 1.000 heavy infantry

Medium Infantry:
Commander Satoshi (m) Jun, leading 1.500 Medium infantry.
Captain Genji (m) Hojo, leading 1.500 Medium infantry.

Light Infantry:
Captain Jen (f) Otashi, leading 1.500 light infantry.
Captain Kotoba (m) Jomei, leading 1.000 light infantry.

Captain Mahiru (m) Madama, leading 1.000 skirmishers.
Captain Nakiko (f) Rinji, leading 1.000 skirmishers.

Captain Takashi (m) Hishima, leading 1.500 cavalry skirmishers.
Captain Aiko (f) Hojo, leading 2.000 cavalry
Captain Kaede (f) Hojo, leading 2.000 cavalry

Captain Midori Sato, leading Team 13 only for now.
Last edited:
I am so joining this... after I read it all of course. Might take me a bit but I will do it.
Go nuts dude. I'm not a gm, but feel free to ask questions.
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I am so joining this... after I read it all of course. Might take me a bit but I will do it.
First, allow me to start with welcoming you as thanking you for your interest in the RP. As a GM, I can state that we always are happy to see people both curious and interest in our work. Much as @zane620 already said, feel free to ask questions and the GM team will try to reply as soon as possible back with an answer.

While I encourage to read most of the work, I think it is best to make it yourself it all a bit easier. You can do this by simply do the following steps:

  1. Decide in which nation you want to have your first character.
    The three current nations one can join with a character are:
    - The Akinian Empire, with Amegakure or Konohagakure - the Imperial capital as the place where your character will be starting.
    - The Lightning country, with Kumogakure and same way how the canon functions.
    - The Republic of the Water country, with Kirigakure as capital of the country.
  2. Once you have made a decision, I recommend reading this post. It will provide some insight on what the Academies train or teach their students. It isn't part of the Opening Post of this OOC, for we are still updating it with information to better guide newcomers and veterans of the RP alike.
  3. That done and you can try to work on a sheet. In the case of history, I can advise reading the timeline in this separate post.
  4. I also recommend reading various posts such as beliefs and religion found in the RP, information about some of the clans and politics in the RP, but do know that those posts aren't really necessary. It might help to get your character more immersed, though.
I decided to give it a try. There had been some good post of Alice regarding religions and after much thought, I decided to request if I was allowed to edit and expand the faith of Akemi. With the permission granted, I rolled up my sleeves and did the holy work to expand the lore and information of the Faith of Akemi. It isn't a complete version or work, yet. Anyways, hope you are either amused or interested by what I conjured.

The Bearded God wills it!​


"By the Beard of Akemi! He wills it!"

Short introduction:
Akemi was the founder of the religion that was about the worship of the storms and lightning. Finding these phenomenon fascinating the founder of the religion began to explain how the driving power of the world was not in the earth itself, but up above in the clouds. Several deities make up a pantheon for the storm religion where it is explained that one who has followed a life by the codes of the Storm shall be allowed to enter the paradise where his or her ancestors feast.

The deities:

God of justice, Lightning and the head of the pantheon.
The bearded god of Akemi is rumoured to be a stern deity. He favours those who follow the code of honour and keep themselves to the laws of their country and clan. Those who have earned his blessing are rumoured to be blessed with longevity and a strong will. He doesn't interact or intervenes much with the mortal plane. This is explained by his priests as that everybody who enters the afterlife will be judged by him. Those who are judged, to be honest, and good folk shall be permitted to enter his sky heaven. The people who are seen as vile and dishonourable are condemned to eternal suffering until the end of times in the cold Netherworld.

God of War, Strife and bad luck.
The younger brother of Akemi. There aren't many who worship or are fond of the younger god. This is because Buichirou was cast down to rule in Akemi's name over the cold Netherworld. The result of Buichirou attempting to overthrow Akemi and failing. Those who are sent to the Netherworld will be the prisoners of Buichirou, where he torments them to forget that he is a prisoner of the Netherworld as well. Those who worship the god, hope that he will have some mercy for them in the afterlife. Sacrifices and offers to Buichirou are condoned in secrecy. Leading to the rumour that the god demands human sacrifices from time to time from those who claim to be his loyal worshippers.

Goddess of fertility, mercy, fauna and wildlife,
The wife of Akemi, Emine is believed to be a kind deity. She is the chief adviser to Akemi, often pleading him to be merciful to certain souls - especially those who are considered to be her disciples. The goddess is most often the patron of farmers, hunters and mothers. Priests of Emine are educated in herbalism as some even in medical ninjutsu.

Goddess of wisdom, time and prophecies,
The daughter of Emine and Akimi, the goddess is both respected and feared by the believers of Akemi's faith. This is because of her abilities of foresight, being able to predict the future. Even her priests are capable of predicting the future, giving vague sentences - for fully understanding the future is only something that their deity can do. These oracles are considered to be sacred and anybody who dares to hurt one will suffer not only Tokiomi's wrath but that of Akemi as well. The moon is considered her home.

God of art, poetry, love and light,
The son of Akemi and Emine, the deity is a beloved figure within the pantheon and faith of Akemi. This is because he is considered the exact opposite of Buichirou, bringing joy into life. Those with grace and an amazing singing voice are considered to be blessed by Utaichi. It is prophesied that before the End of Times he will fall ill and vanish. Only to reappear after the world is destroyed. He will then rebuild it in a perfect image with those who have been allowed to enter Akemi's heaven.

Akemi's code of Honour:

The code used by militant minded worshippers. While Akemi isn't fond of those who take the lives of other people, there is a way to avoid his wrath. By following Akemi's code of honour, a person can still gain access to the promised heaven of the bearded god.
  • Don't stain your blade with the blood of the innocent and defenceless,
  • Respect and be loyal to your liege-lord or lady until the end,
  • Face evil and danger, not turning your back to it and allow it to continue harming the innocent and defenceless,
  • Keep faith and pray for forgiveness every evening or morning,
  • Guard the honour of fellow believers,
  • Despite any kind of pecuniary reward,
  • Don't refuse a challenge from an equal,
  • Don't steal or lie.
  • Avoid vanity, pride, greed and arrogance. Try to remain humble, diligent, kind and fair.
It is recognised that humans are flawed creatures. For this reason, there are various ways known to gain back the favour of Akemi and pay for most acts that are considered sinful.
  • Pray,
  • A pilgrimage to a holy site,
  • Requesting forgiveness from a priest,
  • Performing a labour for Akemi. One has to think of something as when a thief has stolen something that the thief pays or brings back what he or she has stolen to the original owner.
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OOC update.

The OP of the OOC has been updated and even some of the roster has been tweaked to fill in with the major change. As most who make frequent use of the information on the OP of the OOC, the majority of the information is gone. This isn't just because of my frequent annoyance that editing or even doing a small update for the OOC required a lot of time - the OP had a gigantic amount of coding that usually bugged and made an edit super slow. Not to forget that it took some time before it was up with the amount of coding and what not.

Where the lore and information went to? To our own wikia. With the waypoint more should be cleared out. It allows not only the GM team but also the members to write down lore or update matters. Of course, some pages and matters will be only added or edited by the GM team. Matters like clans and what not can be put there as well, next to making searching much easier. On the old OP, you had to manually search and try to find information about this or that subject. On the wikia, you can easily put a keyword up in the search and it should present pages that have either that keyword or subject on their page.


The Roleplay has been going on for almost half a decade. With a lot of events and lore, it can be hard to keep track and quite intimidating for newcomers to learn what all happened before they joined. In order to keep better track as well not overload the OOC, the GM team has worked to create a Wikia for the Roleplay. Currently, it is still somewhat under construction but most of the written lore has been put on the Wikia. To make navigation easier something the team has dubbed as the Waypoint has been made.


As most are aware or heard of before, Titanpad will stop to function next month. Which isn't really beneficial as the Roleplay use it as a tool to collaborate posts together. Already there has been a solution found on the site of Primary Pad.

Now, now. Before I see any tears or hear screams of agony for not being able to provide anything else as a solution than just another pad, so far the uses of Primary Pad have proven that it is more stable than Titanpad. Those with their own titanpad spaces you can also get a free area on Primary Pad. You only need to re-register yourself each three months. A small sacrifice I imagine over the gain of a more stable pad.
And yes, no worries. The link on the OP of the OOC has also been modified to direct you boys and girls to the Primary Pad and not reminding you that Titanpad is gone.
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  • Useful
Reactions: Aliceee


family name: Matsui
given name: Hisahiro
Nickname: Hiro
Gender: male
Age and date of birth: 15 years old May 1st
Age Appearance: a lanky teenager
Sexuality: mostly straight, might go gay for the right guy, but he thinks he is straight.

his dad Kataharu is a big bruiser of a chunin who can take on higher ranked people if they are stupid enough to get within reach of his sword.

his mom Kaneme is a medical nin first responder who extracts wounded people from dangerous places


he has a little sister Himeko in academy who he feels responsible for but finds super annoying and thinks she is whiny.

he has a little brother Mitsusada who absolutely idolizes him and is in junior academy. Mitsu's attitude bothers him, but Hiro thinks he is cute

his parents have another baby on the way.
Length and build: 175 cm or about 5'8" one day he will be a big tough guy, but for now he is a skinny guy who seems to not have enough meat on him yet.
Weight: 140 lbs
Favorite weather and season: he loves the rain in the summer and the sun in the winter. he is mostly a fan of the warmer seasons because heavy clothing feels like it is always getting in the way

Nation: republic of water
Birthplace: kirigakure
Organization: - Republican Military
- Side job, doing yard work in the city
Clan/Bloodline: none of note
Rank: genin
Chakra Nature: probably wind, but he doesnt know any wind jutsu yet

He has shaggy black hair down to his shoulders, and he uses his genin headband like a bandana to keep his hair out of his face. He has heavy, thick eyebrows above his plain black eyes (thats the color of his irisis) that are concealed by what appears to be a continuous squint. He has a flat-ish nose and a very square jaw.

His shoulders are broad, and there is space between his arms and his ribs normally. He has some muscle definition, but not much mass, because while he has grown up with a sword in his hands, he is still young and skinny.

If he can get away with it he doesn't wear a shirt.



Hiro is super intense. He gets kind of down whenever he breaks even the most casual agreements and will usually do what ever he can to not to break his word. He is also super loyal to his companions, and he often ascribes a level of connection beyond what other people feel toward him.


Matsui Kataharu and Matsui Kaneme are traditionalist ninja who believe that the strong should rule the weak, but they are willing to concede that children wont be strong if you don't train them. During the great war they were part of an ambulance team (Kataharu was the guard and orderly and Kaneme was the medic).

Following the war they grew frustrated with the ever weakening grip of the Kages and were hoping that the brutality that Nomonoto brought would also bring order, but they were disappointed at how chaotic things remained. When Nagano gained power they had no illusions about what he would bring. They had a great deal of respect for Rika Suzu, though, but were frustrated with how soft she made Kirigakure. If this seems confusing, that is because it was 3 kages died in 11 years.

As the eldest son in his family, there were great expectations placed upon him. Knowing this he spent as much time training with his parents as he did in academy. (mostly his mom because she was more often available.) His younger siblings mostly saw him training around the house and so they are always super excited when he takes time to hang out with them because it is so rare.

During his time as a student at academy he was often given as an example to struggling students of what they could achieve if they really try.(if even Hiro can do it, what's your excuse?)

When the Shoji occupation happened the entire Matsui family had to get working. Kataharu became a bodyguard, Kaneme became a doctor and Hisahiro became a grounds keeper.
This interruption set Hiro back quite far, but luckily after only one retake he was able to graduate. (he really struggled with bunshin no jutsu).

As for the latest events, the Matsui family is mostly annoyed that the current republic feels so weak.

Because so much of his training is provided by his family, his dad expects him to be able to make it to jounin.


Name of Weapon or Item: General Shinobi tools.
Description: Kunai, shuriken, tags and some smoke bombs. The general equipment of a shinobi operating in the field.

Name of Weapon or Item: first aid kit
Description: general supplies for treating wounds, splinting broken bones, and otherwise stabilizing wounded people. He is trained in its use and his mom made him pack it.

Name of Weapon or Item: big sword
Description: a 3.3 kg or about 7.5 pound two handed sword that is marginally bigger than he is

Name of Weapon or Item:



He is strong. He can over power people who aren't specifically physically strong.

he doesn't tire easily from physical labor.

He is actually talented at taijutsu and kenjutsu

The genjutsu and ninjutsu techniques that he has learned have required a lot of work, and so he only knows a few beyond the academy stuff

He is proficient with the basic medical ninjutsus and normally uses them on himself, but he can use them on others.

He is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has the motivation and exuberance to compensate.

He is Fast, but not particularly Agile. He doesn't have particularly good reflexes, for a ninja.

(What are the skills that make your character good at some points or bad. Chakra control, reflexes and such are needed to be placed here.)

Special Traits
(Place unique traits like "High Chakra levels" or "multiple limbs" here. If it isn't here it won't be counted, even if you come from the Uzumaki clan, high chakra won't be accepted unless here.)

Kekkei Genkai



Academy Jutsus: he isn't spectacular at them, but he is well practiced in them
Healing Technique


Custom Jutsu
Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:
Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Age: (If applicable)
Size: (Small, medium, large. The size and strength dictate the chakra cost.)
Unique Traits: (Just like the one for you character. This can mean flight for birds, or swimming for fish.)

Edited to meet Aliceee's approval conditions​
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I just read your character sheet. I would thus like to both welcome you as give you the first review of your character. I must state that it is a bit on the short side. Think that the history, in particular, could have been easily expanded with just reading and using some information of the Summarised History of Kirigakure, that is present in the Getting Started Page - which Gerontis most likely linked you to. Else, here you go.

I would like to see the information expanded over time, but for now, I will give my seal of approval. On the condition that you will try to expand and enrich the character's background.
I have seen that you expanded the history of your character to meet the request of Aliceee. The character is accepted, so you can post it in the Accepted Character Thread. I must say that I find it amusing that his name is Hiro, as I do remember another character in the Republic that had the same name. Anyhow, welcome to the RP. Would give you my skype so that you could add me and then I could drop you into the group chat but already was informed that you have no skype.

GlassTrinity is pretty dope if I say so.

"I may or may not be judging you. Except you. I'm judging you."


Name: Madoc Yamanaka
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 18 years old, October 1st
Age Appearance:Late teens
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Glyn Yamanaka (Mother 46)

Amren Yamanaka (Stepdad 58)

Eira Yamanaka (Older sister deceased)

Ynyr Yamana (Older step brother 26)


Length and build:1.8m tall, average toned build.
Weight: 68kg
Favorite weather and season:Snowy thus Winter


Nation:The Empire of Akino
Birthplace: Konohagakure
Organization: Yamanaka Clan

Clan/Bloodline: Yamanaka Clan

Rank: Experienced Chuunin

Chakra Nature: Wind(affinity)




The mood he portrays is always an uncertain one. You never know if the happiness he portrays is always the real one. That's not to say he's an edgy person, he has simply experienced betrayal from his friends before that and has grown to hide his true emotions from everyone to such a degree that he almost believes his own fake emotions. Now that's not to say he doesn't experience the actual emotions he pretending, even he can experience actual joy and laughter with the right circumstances. Having been bitten before, he does keep to himself on most things unless even he knows he can't keep it hidden. Yet for the most part he shall pretend. Having placed his trust in others and been forsaken has cause him to go down a bad path at one point. Opting to do things by himself, some of these things being illegal. Yet it's what made him who he is today.


A lot of things are uncertain about Madoc's life early on, what is certain is that it had it's fair share of hardships. His older sister was born when his father decided he wanted to stick around. He could never have known when his parents relationship started going south, only that the love they once shared was non-existent. Yet that didn't stop his arrival into the world. Yet when he was born he had no father to grow up beside. Just his mother and sister along with his grandparents who helped his mother out. Yet early on his life wasn't like most children his age which at the time was five. Where families would show their children equal attention, his sister got majority of it. Only it wasn't due to the fact she was the first born, she had contracted a disease which no matter what medicine they tried, nothing could cure it. The best they could have done was slow it's progress the best they could. When you are a child it's a bit difficult to understand this so he would end up trying to get attention through any means. Eventually his acting up got him scolded and the attention he wanted but also the harsh reality. His mom told him why they were giving his sister more attention than him, as it took that much to make sure she wasn't in any pain. She even apologized to him, a child no less, hoping he could forgive her and understand why she was doing this. Getting the gist of it he would bite his tongue and stopped causing problems for his mom and grandparents.

Yet when you aren't disciplined on what's right and wrong, you tend to get mixed in with a bad crowd. This would be how he meet his first ever friend and mentor, an older woman possibly in her late twenties and a criminal. This woman whom he came to know as Cai would get acquainted with him one day when she stole a bunch of goodies and hide them away in a little bag. Of course with guards on her tail, she had to dispose of any proof that she stole it and as such. She would hand it to Madoc as she saw him in the streets and tell him to wait by this clothing establishment for her to pick it up, stating he would be given a reward for doing this simple task. Thinking it to be a game he would play along and accept the bag which had a surprising weight to it. He would do as he was told and wait for an hour going on to two when she arrived and would smile at him, rubbing his head for doing such a good job. This would have been the first ever praise he truly received in his life, yet his reward was even better. She decided since he listened so well that she would take him under her tutelage. Which was a shaky start at first as she was basically his teacher for a lot of things his family couldn't provide. She was surprisingly very smart which made him wonder later on why she needed to do such crimes, when she could probably be whatever she set her mind too.

Yet this partnership was really his only true one. Over the years he would make friends, only for them to judge him based on the fact he was a Yamanaka with blue eyes. A Mind Seeker to put it plainly. Something from his clan that had good qualities with some rather bad rumors. So he never truly got to know other children his age for long before they would stab him in the back. The only one to show care for him was Cai who even gifted him his first two daggers. Thief and Twitch. Being around eleven at this time, he was taught even by her how to use these daggers properly. They weren't for show boating but to deliver a message. They weren't meant to be seen until the last second. Stealth was the best friend to a concealable weapon, yet it was around when he was eleven that things started going south for him. An operation with Cai went horribly wrong one day, attempting to break into a house turned sour as the house they broke into was a known weapon expert, who woke up and saw them in the act. Thing was he was going to defend his home which meant a fight broke out. The burly man targeted Madoc first being so young and with a strong firm kick to the chest sent him recoiling backwards bashing his body against a window shattering it. Cai would retaliate jumping on his back and being able to stab him in the side a couple of times, only for him to grab her arms and up and over his shoulders slam her into a table shattering it. Proceeding to put his weight on her so she couldn't escape, he wrapped his hands around her neck and started strangling the life out of her when the force he applied stopped as a red liquid sprayed from his neck. The man would fall over revealing Madoc with a shocked expression on his face and Thief in hand with blood dripping from it. Realizing what he did, she tried to get them to escape but all noise that was caused got the police waiting outside telling them to come out with their hands up. They could try to make a run for it but they would pursue, so she threw herself under the bus for Madoc and told him to sneak up through the chimney and escape on roof while she went out and took the blame for what happened. Which meant she would be charged with breaking and entering and murder. She gave him no choice either as she would push him towards the chimney and walk towards the door opening it. That would be the last day he saw Cai.

After that day he would end up lying low, having seen the sad look on his face. His sister would decide to try and cheer him up by having him play with her. Going through puberty caused him to find this playing with dolls rather childish but for some reason, seeing his sister's happy face made him happy. In fact it even brought some relief to his parents to know he was watching her, giving them some rest. For three years he would play these childish games with his older sister, these games being the only real entertainment she ever had so she never outgrew them. Then one day she passed away from her disease, in which the only thing to remember his sister by was her purple heart pendant. Leaving Madoc with once again nothing in his life, it was with this nothingness that he finally received his parents attention only far too late. With his sister's passing and having an aptitude for chakra, he opted to join the academy at fourteen and would study and begin to fully use the abilities that others called him a monster for. Having been taught by someone for a majority of his life, he knew most topics and had skill at close quarters. A majority of his time was the ninjutsu they made him learn. Yet he picked it up fast and even graduated on his fifteenth birthday. Which was lucky break as a year later Shoji's oppression would prevent the academy form continuing. Yet before then he was assigned to a team which meant he was stuck with them for as long as the team stuck around. It was to his surprise an alright team. They went on missions and he even became best friends with them. Within the year all three of them reached the rank of Chuunin, before they were forced to disband due to Shoji. Yet each of them were split on what to do. His sensei and teammates wanted to fight this new system, while Madoc simply wanted to wait for it to blow over. They argued over this before his team went one way and he went the other, instead he didn't just wait it out he actually went back to his criminal actions. Using his new skills for his own benefit. Even using his clan's techniques to his advantage, which was how he required both his Hatred's Bite and Drakestooth. Which happened to a Hyuzu who was delivering the smithed goods he had made. Getting some intel on this delivery, Madoc scoped the pathway out and waited for hours for this man to arrive. Eventually he came with some guards to do their job but that was fine. He waited and followed in pursuit until it was finally time for them to camp for the night before finishing the journey the next day. As he waited for all the guards and the Hyuzu to go to sleep besides one guard who took first watch. Madoc would perform the Mind Body Switch technique of his clan on the guard and use him to swipe the goods. Having him take the goods only Madoc wanted which happened to be the two daggers and some valuables he could sell. He would have the guard move and drop the goods off in a random location, which was where his intel would wait to take once he had the guard go back to the others. This went off without a hitch and he and his accomplishes got out with all the goods. Taking the daggers for himself, he let his thief comrades take a majority of the valuables for their work, making sure that they all knew they never saw each other if they got caught later on. While he was doing this and using his skills for the wrong reason, the situation of the Shoji oppression was coming to an end at Magnhild. Where Shoji's occupation would come to an end allowing the academy and the shinobi's to resume their duty. Which meant Madoc would be back to work with his team… or so he thought. His team that he was on would have found their death in the defense of Magnhild, causing him to be placed on another team which was far from the best. In fact on their first mission two of them ended up messing up and getting killed. Causing the team to be only himself and his sensei. This situation would repeat itself with him surviving and new teammates after teammates ending up dying before the team was just disbanded altogether. Yet now he finds himself being placed yet again on another team, just wondering if this one would break like the last.

Theme Song:


Name of Weapon or Item: Thief

Description: A curved dagger with a black hilt and even blacker blade. The first dagger he ever received. It's primary use being to slit throats quickly and easily. That's how it got the name Thief, the dagger that steals life.


Name of Weapon or Item: Hatred's Bite

Description: A crimson red hilt and steel bladed dagger, it is what's considered a sword breaker. His go to weapon when silently offing them isn't an option, also if they have a sword.


Name of Weapon or Item: Twitch

Description: The second dagger he received. A dagger to cause damage and plenty of it. With a black blade, it has jagged edges to cause ripping damage as he pierces in and pulls out.


Name of Weapon or Item: Drakestooth

Description: A dagger stolen off a wealthy noble trying to lord his money over people. He soon came to realize this dagger that had a green scale hilt had special properties, that his other daggers didn't have. The blade resembles that of a dragon's tooth and was made from Dragon steel, hence the name.


High Chakra Control

Has good reflexes

Agile and Fast

Rather good with short bladed weapons(Short swords, dagger, etc)

Average at Taijutsu

Rather not get hit too much

Decent aim at around twenty meters, everything after that becomes poor

Expert in Tracking

Knows multiple languages


Special Traits
Over time has grown to hide his emotions and true feelings rather well taking an expert to call him out on his lies.

Can be lazy and thus doesn't like trying his hardest, unless he is motivated enough.

Is rather smart but it also takes motivation for him to use it. Opting to use his intellect for his own benefit.

Knows Yakimara


Kekkei Genkai

Name of Kekkei Genkai:
Clan :


Mastered Academy jutsus

Yamanaka Techniques:

Mind Body Transmission

Mind Body Disturbance

Mind Body Switch

Mind Puppet Switch Cursed Seal

Eye Mind Reading

Sensory Techniques:

Sensory Jutsu(Due to his level of experience he can go up to about 450-500 meters)

Wind Techniques:

Vacuum Blade

Gale Palm


Custom Jutsu

Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Age: (If applicable)
Size: (Small, medium, large. The size and strength dictate the chakra cost.)
Unique Traits: (Just like the one for you character. This can mean flight for birds, or swimming for fish.)
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GlassTrinity is pretty dope if I say so.

"I may or may not be judging you. Except you. I'm judging you."


Name: Madoc Yamanaka
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 18 years old, October 1st
Age Appearance:Late teens
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Glyn Yamanaka (Mother 46)

Amren Yamanaka (Stepdad 58)

Eira Yamanaka (Older sister deceased)

Ynyr Yamana (Older step brother 26)


Length and build:1.8m tall, average toned build.
Weight: 68kg
Favorite weather and season:Snowy thus Winter


Nation:The Empire of Akino
Birthplace: Konohagakure
Organization: Yamanaka Clan

Clan/Bloodline: Yamanaka Clan

Rank: Experienced Chuunin

Chakra Nature: Wind(affinity)




The mood he portrays is always an uncertain one. You never know if the happiness he portrays is always the real one. That's not to say he's an edgy person, he has simply experienced betrayal from his friends before that and has grown to hide his true emotions from everyone to such a degree that he almost believes his own fake emotions. Now that's not to say he doesn't experience the actual emotions he pretending, even he can experience actual joy and laughter with the right circumstances. Having been bitten before, he does keep to himself on most things unless even he knows he can't keep it hidden. Yet for the most part he shall pretend. Having placed his trust in others and been forsaken has cause him to go down a bad path at one point. Opting to do things by himself, some of these things being illegal. Yet it's what made him who he is today.


A lot of things are uncertain about Madoc's life early on, what is certain is that it had it's fair share of hardships. His older sister was born when his father decided he wanted to stick around. He could never have known when his parents relationship started going south, only that the love they once shared was non-existent. Yet that didn't stop his arrival into the world. Yet when he was born he had no father to grow up beside. Just his mother and sister along with his grandparents who helped his mother out. Yet early on his life wasn't like most children his age which at the time was five. Where families would show their children equal attention, his sister got majority of it. Only it wasn't due to the fact she was the first born, she had contracted a disease which no matter what medicine they tried, nothing could cure it. The best they could have done was slow it's progress the best they could. When you are a child it's a bit difficult to understand this so he would end up trying to get attention through any means. Eventually his acting up got him scolded and the attention he wanted but also the harsh reality. His mom told him why they were giving his sister more attention than him, as it took that much to make sure she wasn't in any pain. She even apologized to him, a child no less, hoping he could forgive her and understand why she was doing this. Getting the gist of it he would bite his tongue and stopped causing problems for his mom and grandparents.

Yet when you aren't disciplined on what's right and wrong, you tend to get mixed in with a bad crowd. This would be how he meet his first ever friend and mentor, an older woman possibly in her late twenties and a criminal. This woman whom he came to know as Cai would get acquainted with him one day when she stole a bunch of goodies and hide them away in a little bag. Of course with guards on her tail, she had to dispose of any proof that she stole it and as such. She would hand it to Madoc as she saw him in the streets and tell him to wait by this clothing establishment for her to pick it up, stating he would be given a reward for doing this simple task. Thinking it to be a game he would play along and accept the bag which had a surprising weight to it. He would do as he was told and wait for an hour going on to two when she arrived and would smile at him, rubbing his head for doing such a good job. This would have been the first ever praise he truly received in his life, yet his reward was even better. She decided since he listened so well that she would take him under her tutelage. Which was a shaky start at first as she was basically his teacher for a lot of things his family couldn't provide. She was surprisingly very smart which made him wonder later on why she needed to do such crimes, when she could probably be whatever she set her mind too.

Yet this partnership was really his only true one. Over the years he would make friends, only for them to judge him based on the fact he was a Yamanaka with blue eyes. A Mind Seeker to put it plainly. Something from his clan that had good qualities with some rather bad rumors. So he never truly got to know other children his age for long before they would stab him in the back. The only one to show care for him was Cai who even gifted him his first two daggers. Thief and Twitch. Being around eleven at this time, he was taught even by her how to use these daggers properly. They weren't for show boating but to deliver a message. They weren't meant to be seen until the last second. Stealth was the best friend to a concealable weapon, yet it was around when he was eleven that things started going south for him. An operation with Cai went horribly wrong one day, attempting to break into a house turned sour as the house they broke into was a known weapon expert, who woke up and saw them in the act. Thing was he was going to defend his home which meant a fight broke out. The burly man targeted Madoc first being so young and with a strong firm kick to the chest sent him recoiling backwards bashing his body against a window shattering it. Cai would retaliate jumping on his back and being able to stab him in the side a couple of times, only for him to grab her arms and up and over his shoulders slam her into a table shattering it. Proceeding to put his weight on her so she couldn't escape, he wrapped his hands around her neck and started strangling the life out of her when the force he applied stopped as a red liquid sprayed from his neck. The man would fall over revealing Madoc with a shocked expression on his face and Thief in hand with blood dripping from it. Realizing what he did, she tried to get them to escape but all noise that was caused got the police waiting outside telling them to come out with their hands up. They could try to make a run for it but they would pursue, so she threw herself under the bus for Madoc and told him to sneak up through the chimney and escape on roof while she went out and took the blame for what happened. Which meant she would be charged with breaking and entering and murder. She gave him no choice either as she would push him towards the chimney and walk towards the door opening it. That would be the last day he saw Cai.

After that day he would end up lying low, having seen the sad look on his face. His sister would decide to try and cheer him up by having him play with her. Going through puberty caused him to find this playing with dolls rather childish but for some reason, seeing his sister's happy face made him happy. In fact it even brought some relief to his parents to know he was watching her, giving them some rest. For three years he would play these childish games with his older sister, these games being the only real entertainment she ever had so she never outgrew them. Then one day she passed away from her disease, in which the only thing to remember his sister by was her purple heart pendant. Leaving Madoc with once again nothing in his life, it was with this nothingness that he finally received his parents attention only far too late. With his sister's passing and having an aptitude for chakra, he opted to join the academy at fourteen and would study and begin to fully use the abilities that others called him a monster for. Having been taught by someone for a majority of his life, he knew most topics and had skill at close quarters. A majority of his time was the ninjutsu they made him learn. Yet he picked it up fast and even graduated on his fifteenth birthday. Which was lucky break as a year later Shoji's oppression would prevent the academy form continuing. Yet before then he was assigned to a team which meant he was stuck with them for as long as the team stuck around. It was to his surprise an alright team. They went on missions and he even became best friends with them. Within the year all three of them reached the rank of Chuunin, before they were forced to disband due to Shoji. Yet each of them were split on what to do. His sensei and teammates wanted to fight this new system, while Madoc simply wanted to wait for it to blow over. They argued over this before his team went one way and he went the other, instead he didn't just wait it out he actually went back to his criminal actions. Using his new skills for his own benefit. Even using his clan's techniques to his advantage, which was how he required both his Hatred's Bite and Drakestooth. Which happened to a Hyuzu who was delivering the smithed goods he had made. Getting some intel on this delivery, Madoc scoped the pathway out and waited for hours for this man to arrive. Eventually he came with some guards to do their job but that was fine. He waited and followed in pursuit until it was finally time for them to camp for the night before finishing the journey the next day. As he waited for all the guards and the Hyuzu to go to sleep besides one guard who took first watch. Madoc would perform the Mind Body Switch technique of his clan on the guard and use him to swipe the goods. Having him take the goods only Madoc wanted which happened to be the two daggers and some valuables he could sell. He would have the guard move and drop the goods off in a random location, which was where his intel would wait to take once he had the guard go back to the others. This went off without a hitch and he and his accomplishes got out with all the goods. Taking the daggers for himself, he let his thief comrades take a majority of the valuables for their work, making sure that they all knew they never saw each other if they got caught later on. While he was doing this and using his skills for the wrong reason, the situation of the Shoji oppression was coming to an end at Magnhild. Where Shoji's occupation would come to an end allowing the academy and the shinobi's to resume their duty. Which meant Madoc would be back to work with his team… or so he thought. His team that he was on would have found their death in the defense of Magnhild, causing him to be placed on another team which was far from the best. In fact on their first mission two of them ended up messing up and getting killed. Causing the team to be only himself and his sensei. This situation would repeat itself with him surviving and new teammates after teammates ending up dying before the team was just disbanded altogether. Yet now he finds himself being placed yet again on another team, just wondering if this one would break like the last.

Theme Song:


Name of Weapon or Item: Thief

Description: A curved dagger with a black hilt and even blacker blade. The first dagger he ever received. It's primary use being to slit throats quickly and easily. That's how it got the name Thief, the dagger that steals life.


Name of Weapon or Item: Hatred's Bite

Description: A crimson red hilt and steel bladed dagger, it is what's considered a sword breaker. His go to weapon when silently offing them isn't an option, also if they have a sword.


Name of Weapon or Item: Twitch

Description: The second dagger he received. A dagger to cause damage and plenty of it. With a black blade, it has jagged edges to cause ripping damage as he pierces in and pulls out.


Name of Weapon or Item: Drakestooth

Description: A dagger stolen off a wealthy noble trying to lord his money over people. He soon came to realize this dagger that had a green scale hilt had special properties, that his other daggers didn't have. The blade resembles that of a dragon's tooth and was made from Dragon steel, hence the name.


High Chakra Control

Has good reflexes

Agile and Fast

Rather good with short bladed weapons(Short swords, dagger, etc)

Average at Taijutsu

Rather not get hit too much

Decent aim at around twenty meters, everything after that becomes poor

Expert in Tracking

Knows multiple languages


Special Traits
Over time has grown to hide his emotions and true feelings rather well taking an expert to call him out on his lies.

Can be lazy and thus doesn't like trying his hardest, unless he is motivated enough.

Is rather smart but it also takes motivation for him to use it. Opting to use his intellect for his own benefit.

Knows Yakimara


Kekkei Genkai

Name of Kekkei Genkai:
Clan :


Mastered Academy jutsus

Yamanaka Techniques:

Mind Body Transmission

Mind Body Disturbance

Mind Body Switch

Mind Puppet Switch Cursed Seal

Eye Mind Reading

Sensory Techniques:

Sensory Jutsu(Due to his level of experience he can go up to about 450-500 meters)

Wind Techniques:

Vacuum Blade

Gale Palm


Custom Jutsu

Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Age: (If applicable)
Size: (Small, medium, large. The size and strength dictate the chakra cost.)
Unique Traits: (Just like the one for you character. This can mean flight for birds, or swimming for fish.)

I accept this Sheet. One more acceptance and you can toss him into the character bin.
I feel like I need to accept him before Alice can accept him to just spite her and blame her for the fact that she got food and I didn't.

So @zane620 Accepted by me.
Your wall of text in the latter part of the backstory is killing my phone though... but I'm sure it will survive somehow.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Aliceee
I feel like I need to accept him before Alice can accept him to just spite her and blame her for the fact that she got food and I didn't.
I even had my review almost up. I find this bullying and thus a violation of the rules!
  • Like
Reactions: FrostedCaramel
This post is to shed some OOC wise information and light on the enemy that is being faced. As we all notice, the first battle against this unfamiliar foe is going all out. Great collabs and posts are being made and I enjoy the cooperation of writing and work to see more of such great posts come into existence. The thing is that with only a very few having access or knowing a thing or two about the enemy, it is hard to get the same idea on how the enemy looks, fights and etc. To prevent some confusion as providing some information access, the GM team presents this posts for those who wish to read back or learn more about the enemy of this arc.

- Obviously, there is more information but right now this is merely a snippet to give an idea of what the enemy of the arc is about and is like -

The realm of Rong


"Saved by the Chant,
Blessed by the Maker."

[tabs][Tab | Introduction |]

Name :
(Chinese meaning of Glorious)
Demon, Key, Wood, Neck, Marsh, Forest, Vegetable and Bird.
The old capital of the Demon Country renamed: Zhao

[/tab][Tab | Leaders |]

The leaders.

Priest of Threads
The Priest of Threads is the one that was responsible for the majority of actions in the west. He had been the one that tried to make the daimyo of the Fire province start a revolt. And eventually the lead designer of the events that transpired at Nanporo. Though almost killed at the end of the battle of Nanporo, the Priest managed to escape with one its hearts.

More to come.

[/tab][Tab | History |]
- Was the old history. The remake is in progress, apologies for that. -
[/tab][Tab | Culture/Folklore|]
The culture of the Rong realm is technically a mixture between the cultures that were subdued and eventually became the dominant culture that can be found all over Rong. The dominant 'culture' has been the Followers of the Chant. The Chant itself is an ideology that started by the zealots that managed to grab the power in the Demon country years back and started to rule and expand the Rong realm as we know it today.

The Chant exist out of three parts. While it is the lifestyle that follows three main parts that together form the Chant.
* The Duty
The followers of the Chant believe in the Duty, claiming that it the duty of all to bend to the will of the need of others. Those born with a need are needed to be served by those with the ability to help. Those who would follow this without questioning would be given the promise of a place with the Maker, as this life is seen as a mere test and worth nothing. Anyone who dares to speak against the duty can find themselves to be called traitors to the heavenly duty and the Maker himself.

It is also seen as something vile for a person to live their own life as it is demanded by the holy duty to give their lives to others. This is why the followers of the Chant see the people of the western nations as ignorant, evil and thus needed to be shown the right way. With violence to prove the superior path of the Maker's Followers.

* The empathy
The Chant teaches its followers to follow a certain way of altruism, however, the followers of the Chant seem to ignore the empathy that their religions preach as they have oppressed and forced their religion and ways into their subjects.

*The Reward
Hard work is done without giving much back as the belief is that everybody needs to give most of what they have to support the need of others. This means that most of the population aren't that wealthy and creates an almost hatred towards the people in other nations where the population isn't as poor as them. The priest class, however, is filthy rich and yet nobody seems to be bothered by them as it is being said that they are divine and above corruption. Anybody who disagrees openly with that doesn't live longer than a week if they are lucky by not being betrayed by their family and friends.

The devoted will be allowed to bask in the holy light of the Maker and those who fail to follow the Chant will be sent to the horrible Oblivion, where they will be tortured by demons and other evil beings.

The Maker
The Maker is a benevolent god in the eyes of his followers. He is the light and good in the world and his followers thank by whenever they gain success as it is believed to be selfish to think that success is done by one's own hard labour. The preachers make sure that the population in Rong are reminded that the Maker is fond of those who die a violent death in his name, becoming heroes and martyrs.

It is believed that the Sage was once send by the Maker and thus for that reason the Chant believes that the bijuu are technically holy creatures that need to be used for spreading the Chant to all corners of the world.

[/tab][Tab | Factions |]
The nation of Rong supports several factions that serve the nation or fight against it.

The Brotherhood
The ruling class in the nation of Rong. The Brotherhood are the ones that do the administrative work and lead the most aspects of the nation. They oversee the civil and economic aspects. Only a very small part of the Brotherhood deals with the military of the nation.

The Divine Swords,

While most of the armies of the Rong are simple soldiers, wearing crude gear and weapons, the Divine Swords are the equivalent of the Shinobi Forces. The Divine Swords are in general at least officers of the normal soldier (scum) that are present in the legions of Rong.

The Shadow Rebels

Rebellious factions that are present in the realm of Rong have gathered together in an effort to break the grip that the Brotherhood and the Chant have of the countries. While the brave men and women try to break the chains and gain back their independence from the wretched Chant.

Though some factions are capable militant orders or groups, most of the rebels are in fact poor people who don't wish to follow the beliefs and rules of the Chant. They don't wish to follow a faith that will make their life miserable as they want to make their own decisions. Don't be mistaken though! Even while the rebels have one goal in mind, the desire to see their own kingdoms of old and clans reign over their ancestral homelands is still strong. Rong still uses to this day that desire to pit several rebelling factions against one another, weakening them further.
[/tab][Tab | Military|]
The armies of Rong are unlike those of the western nations. Due not having suffered a war at the scale of the Great War, the eastern countries hadn't seen a drawback in population and wealth. The rich and fertile lands provide food and resources that can fuel the nation's huge armies and the ambitions of the Chantry.


The main bulk of the military of the nation is made up of men that are just given a weapon and then send to do the Maker's duty. They are being told to protect the true followers and thus meaning that those who don't follow the Chant are heretics - those who believe in the Sage, but don't worship him or the Maker as divine deities- and heathens - those who don't believe in the Sage or worship him at all - , people who can be abused as they don't have the Maker watching over them. This makes the soldiers of the Rong nation nothing but scum, murderers and worse in the eyes of their opponents, but being approved and supported by their own people. They are, after all, the proud soldiers of the Maker himself, so why would somebody's need be bigger than theirs?

In general, these men are simply grunts with crude weapons and clothing. Though an experienced genin could deal with a soldier, as these men often get little to no training at all, their skills aren't what makes them dangerous. They overwhelm in numbers and give most of their enemies the idea that they are dealing with locusts. There are some groups of more veteran soldiers that are geared with better equipment and weapons, often the guards of prominent members of Rong or veterans of battles. These are harder to deal with as they have more experience and instead of the grunts and brutes, often drill and train to better themselves as well being more capable of posing a threat with decent equipment, skill and training.

The Divine Swords,

Though not a big part of the military, the Divine Swords are the 'shinobi' in service of Rong. They are a fearsome force as they follow the ideal of the Chant without questioning it, being thus quite feared and secretly hated by the others in Rong. In terms of skill an average member can equal an experienced chuunin, being relentless fighters that are devoted to making the Chant spread to all the corners of the world. Much like the shinobi of the western continent, the weapons and skills of each Divine Sword can differ greatly among each other.

A Vrykyl is a terrifying opponent. Most, if not all, Vrykyl has the ability to cloak their appearance with that of a victim of theirs. Their true form is that of what can be described as a walking, rotting corpse in armour. Their physical strength is stronger than that of an adult. In general, their strength is easily twice as that of a physically fit adult. Then there is the chilly aura that they have. It is a product of the chakra aura that a Vrykyl has. For they don't feed themselves with food or drink. They entirely are depending on chakra, needing to feed off others in order to stop themselves from breaking apart. Last, they have the ability to absorb chakra from just contact. Anything fueled or being formed by chakra will be absorbed in a rapid pace by a Vrykyl by mere touch.

Dreadful as they might be, Vrykyls have glaring weaknesses that can render them less strong as one might expect them to be. The first is weapons made from Dragonsteel. Dragonsteel is rare and rips as repulses chakra. For a Vrykyl, Dragonsteel is their biggest bane as their otherwise impregnable armour will not hold at all. Weapons of Dragonsteel can cut without any resistance through a Vrykyl.
Another weakness is fire. Fire conjured by chakra will not do but a fire that isn't fueled and or doesn't have'a chakra origin' will do damage to a Vrykyl. To elaborate this a bit further is that one needs to remember that Vrykyls absorb chakra. A fire technique directly thrown or aimed at them will become absorbed. When a fire technique is aimed at the surrounding and thus being fed by more than chakra, it will become more 'natural fire'. Thus becoming eligible to harm a Vrykyl.
Then there are chakra leechers. While shunned and distrusted in general, those who have the natural ability to leech chakra can be a big threat for a Vrykyl. Any ninjutsu or technique that can absorb chakra won't do, however.
The hardest way to kill a Vrykyl is by literally keep hitting it until it can't regenerate. The thing about the Vrykyl is, after all, that they appear to not receive any damage. The chakra that runs through them as the mantle is constantly keeping them intact as regenerating them from any sustained damage. The problem is that they don't gain any chakra from resting or over time like any living being would. Worse is that they will exhaust their chakra reserves with moving, fighting and being hit a lot. A thus viable tactic for the desperate might be to just keep attacking and attempt to not have the Vrykyl sap some chakra until it will literally start showing wounds - to then collapse at its breaking point.

There are three kinds of Vrykyls.
The Lesser Vrykyl isn't capable of bringing forth a lot of intelligence in their actions and executions of plans. They are able to cloak themselves but due to the lack of intelligence in their actions and way, they are considered the least dangerous for not being able to hide that well. They have shown that they have the basic traits and abilities.

The regular Vrykyls are a menace. Though they all have the basic abilities and traits, they also have a higher intelligence than the Lesser Vrykyls. How and why this is, has to be explored in the IC. It is, however, known that varies Vrykyls have shown a different range of skills, personalities and abilities. A few have the ability to even hide their presence as others shown dreadful abilities that truly test their adversaries in and out of battle. This is because unlike the Lesser Vrykyls, they have a more defined personality. Much as how people have different talents, so too is the same for the regular Vrykyl.

And the third? You will figure out in time.

'The Others',

The Others are people who can morph into 9 ft. tall, bipedal creatures sharing traits that are both lupine and primate such as claws, fangs and fur. They have shown that they have some natural resistance against ninjutsu - though it still hurts and damages them - as well an increased strength when shifting into their dreadful form. Their sense of scent as hearing increases as well. If that wasn't enough they have the ability to spit crimson liquid - often mistaken for blood - to confuse and terrify their opponent, either to land an attack or use the moment to flee. Another aspect of the spit is that they can use to follow and track the victim for quite some time as the chakra in the spit tends to attach itself to the victim for a duration of a week.

Something that has occurred is that there is a clear difference present among the Others. Some that morph into the beast form loses all sense of reasoning and intellect, becoming unpredictable beasts. Yet some others manage to either hold on to a sense of intellect or lose nothing at all.

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