OPEN SIGNUPS The Seven Dreaded: Nine Realms (IC)

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"I was hoping for something a little less noticeable," Vannara murmured, with a glance back at the crowd. She still didn't know why one of her brothers was in chains in the first place, but he was armed too, so obviously they trusted him with weapons at least. It made her wonder just who her brothers and sisters had become after separating.

"We're all right," she said, partly to make sure they were, partly as a reassurance. "We're all right." She wanted to talk to all of them, get to know them and find out what was happening in their lives, but she knew that their time was very limited. They had to prepare for the coming battle. At least most or all of them seemed to be warriors already, that gave them starting ground.

She looked over at the Oracle, approached a few steps.

"Is there any more that we should know?" She asked.
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@Spectre @Michelle the Editor @Beowulf @100 % Snek @SweetPrince @ChaosMage

As the masses loudly hailed the seven, Jericho looks on to his newfound siblings, his insides ache as he sees nothing but anguish wash over them like a flood. What shocked him most was Buras' reaction...the Wrath were even more stoic than his own tribe. The Wrath and The Blight considered each other blood brother tribes and he knew the Wrathian well. The two men had competed side by side during the Trials Of Xzaster and Jericho remembered the barbarian warrior fought gallantly in the race. Although he didn't make it to the end, he survived...which was more than almost any of the others who competed, save for Jericho himself. He remembered that the two were almost neck and neck as they raced through a mine field of deadly booby traps to reach the temple of the Celestials, were the final prize lay. Although Buras outmatched him in brute strength, Jericho's speed won the day...and he was able to claim the sword ahead of his Wrathian opponent. That very blade now swung at his side and the Blightsman once again unsheathes it, pangs of anger and shame hitting him in equal waves.

"Is there any more that we should know?" Vannara asked the Oracle.

Jericho's rage seethes over "What more is there to know...and stow your cries of liberation!" he shouts back at the crowd. He turns back to face his father "All I want vengeance!" he mutters in a low and sinister tone. He storms off in the direction of his mounted horse beyond the crowds.

"Where are you going?" yells Herron.

"To Argos, I swear I will rip Tragedis' beating heart from his chest, if it's the last thing I do!"

"Wait, you musn't go alone, the prophecy calls for all seven of you to confront the emperor. You need supplies, you need an army to storm Argos!" yells Herron.

"Stuff your prophecy, I need no one...I end this myself!" says Jericho.

"You'll be killed before you can even cross the gate boy!"

"You should know I'm more than capable of taking care of myself father!"

"You always were as hot headed as a desert cobra, you know that! For once think responsibly, Jeri!" says Herron.

At this Jericho stops and marches back in the opposite direction,where he gets right up in Herron's face "You dare speak to me about responsibility when you've lied to me my entire life!"

"What are you babbling about?" sneers Herron.

"You never told me the truth about my parentage!"

"You knew you were adopted almost from the very moment you entered my tents." says Herron.

"Yes but you never told me that my father was the slain King Darris or that I was a prince of Argos!"

Herron grins "Well that's never asked."

Jericho intakes a sharp breath as his eyes flash rage "You know exactly what I mean..." he says as he turns once again to his mounted horse.

"Blightsman, your chieftian speaks to you! Hold your ground!" yells Herron as he walks in front of his adoptive son with authority "I will not allow you to ride alone on this quest."

Jericho clenches his fist "I give you one warning old man, get out of my way."

Herron draws his large broad sword "You know the way of The Blight. You can only dis obey your cheiftian, if you can best him in draw your weapon."

"I don't have time for this father, now get out of my..."

Herron abruptly cuts him off "I said draw!!!" he says as he swings his blade towards his son.

Jericho gracefully bends his body back to avoid the blow and with lightning fast reflexes parries a second strike from his father with his own sword.

As the fight intensifies the crowd watches on in stunned silence. One of the Korinth tribesman whispers to Kadeese "Is Herron mad? Jericho is likely to kill him...what is he doing?"

"As a father myself, I know exactly what he's doing." says Kadeese as he continues to watch the battle.

With each passing minute, Jericho grows more enraged...causing him to become more cumbersome and sloppy in his fighting style. All the while Herron remains calm and seems to best his son with every blow traded between the two. Finally the older man manages to disarm Jericho and takes him down with an uppercut to the jaw and a knee to the stomach. Jericho topples over and Herron grabs him from behind in a choke hold.

As Jericho continues to struggle, Herron whispers into his ear "It's ok to be angry my son. The memory of that horrific night has festered inside you, buried for over twenty need not fight it anymore!"

Tears begin to pour down Jericho's face as he continues to struggle against his father's hold "I was weak! I couldn't protect them!"

"You were only a child..." says Herron solemnly.

"I was a coward! A quivering, frightened warrior am I!" Jericho shouts as his tears continue to flow.

"Listen to me, there's nothing you could have done to save Darris, nothing! It's not your fault my boy..." he says as he breaks his grip on Jericho and the young warrior gasps and falls to the ground.

"Your wrong, it is my fault! If I hadn't been so small and helpless...I could have saved my family!" Jericho yells as he hangs his head in shame.

Herron kneels beside his son, and lifts his chin so that their eyes lock "Look at me must let it go." he says as his own voice begins to crack as he himself is overcome with emotion.

Lavinia walks over and also kneels beside Jericho "When I was leading you away from the palace, you broke from my grasp and began to run back to the throne room screaming that you had to help your father. I snatched you back up and carried you out of the city. So you see, even back had a warrior's spirit."

"I promise will get your chance at vengeance. All of you will." booms Dendehra from her place in the sky.

Jericho gets up and dusts himself off, his resolve and composure restored. He walks over to his other siblings, his anger replaced with raw determination. He than looks back towards the floating Oracle "What's the plan...what must we do to avenge our father?"
Rubbing his wrists, he nodded to the large axeman in thanks, then quickly hoisted and tied his swordbelt around his waist.

Then the eldest of the group began a commotion-
"I am supposed to believe that man came from the same mother as I?" he muttered with disbelief. "I don't believe any of this." He ran a gloved hand over his head to push the hair from his face. Maybe it was denial, but he certainly wasn't buying it. He believed in the gods- as that was what he believed gave some folk magical capacities.

He looked to the ones closest to him, Vannara, Buras.. His brow furrowed, and he turned his body as to walk off and back into the crowd. "Do you all really believe this?" He raised his hands in gesture.

Maybe this was why he never made it to be a monk of the temple of purity. Skepticism. He didn't believe in the good work of the gods- but in the good work of people. Flesh and blood. The good they did with the miracles they were given. He felt manipulated- he'd rather if the seeress was full of lies, that she'd at least say that he was chosen at random to support a rebellion against the evil tyrant. That would make more sense to him. But the dramatics?

He looked to the faces of the others. Again- noting that at least two of them shared similar features. Though to him- this proved nothing. Though he was looking to see their reactions. How could this be real?

This would make him part of a legend - and this was never where he saw himself- his life- going...
Jeraul scoffed as Annette commented what he was thinking in his head. "I'm not for sure whether to be happy or disappointed." he complained, rolling his eyes as he looked at her by glancing sideways, not losing his composure to keep his appearance up. It wasn't too last though as his brain was ransacked with images of the past, of his origin, his father, where he came from. To start the emotions weren't coming from a sense of belonging, or from finding out who he was, he wasn't even emotional that he was reunited with his siblings. No, the emotions that forced him to stagger and grab at himself like he was in agony came from the fact that this was all hidden from him, that his identity was something that he had no clue about, that his grounded opinion of himself had been forever swayed. He felt like he was separate from himself, that he walked across the line from the living to the dead but somehow got stuck in the crossing.

When it was all over, Jeraul wasn't for sure where he was or how he should present himself, he just looked through the remnants of tears at what was going on around him, listened in apathetic disassociation and made it a point to take in all the information he could. He watched Jericho in order to ground himself back into reality, paying attention to everything his newfound brother did in order to ground himself back into reality, and it didn't take too long before he was angry with his siblings again.

Does anyone think before action? Is emotional bullshittery always going to trump the logical path? Anger has its uses, god Jeraul knew the uses of anger, but this was ridiculous, he had half a mind to make a display and chastise Jericho for trying to storm off, but Jeraul knew better than that. Jericho appeared to have a strength of will about him that would put him in the center stage of the siblings. Jeraul knew that if this was going to work they'd need to pull together and be unified, and bickering would not help that, no matter how much he wanted to burn the hides of their rear ends like the children they were acting like.

So when the question of whether all this was real was brought up, Jeraul saw the moment to snap reality into the situation. "Whether you believe it or not, we are here, the oracle has proclaimed in front of hundreds that we are Seven Dreaded, warriors meant to overthrow the strongest, vilest power in our world. There will be hordes of monstrosities gnashing their teeth at us and demanding our deaths." Jeraul straightened himself up and his face pulled tight into a look of grave seriousness. "I'll be damned if I let your self righteous skepticism get us all killed, because there is a very real chance that you're my brother. I have no clue what that means for me, personally, but I know we have to stick together if we hope to survive."
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Vannara started and looked around at Jericho in confusion. What was he yelling about now? Revenge? Part of her wanted to smack him upside the head, even though she knew that he probably wouldn't even feel it.

"End this yourself? Are you out of your mind?" She demanded, though it seemed like everyone was arguing now. The crowd didn't seem sure what to make of Jericho's declaration. The rest of Jericho's tribe confronted him, and Vannara watched as her elder brother started a fight with the man who had apparently raised him. First an argument, then a duel. Then again, everyone was having a bad night, Jericho just happened to be the one to react the most strongly. Maybe it was because he was older, remembered more of their family's overthrow.

Vannara was starting to wonder if this prophecy might bring about the opposite of its intended effect. Instead of becoming a united force to face Tragedis, everyone was starting to turn on each other. She looked up at the Oracle, still floating impassively above them. Couldn't she do something to stop this madness? Or was it now in their hands?

At Edric's question, she turned back to her siblings. "Believe what? That we're a long-lost family meant to overthrow the tyrant of Argos? I don't know. I'm not sure destiny works that way. It doesn't really matter to me; I've been fighting Tragedis's armies already and I intend to continue fighting, prophecy or no prophecy. At the very least," she nodded towards Jericho, now pinned down by Herron and quite possibly crying, "Many of us already know how to fight, even if we're . . . not using our skills appropriately."
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Trista had stopped crying by the time all of the boisterous wordplay had started to accumulate in the air. Jericho had started the flood of words, each one of them as venemous as the tempered desert cobra he was compared to. Those words turned to the ringing of steel.

That sound she knew all too well. From both her current life and the past. It made her kind of glad she never yielded a blade, at least a common type of blade. Hers were curved for climbing and skinning, among other less than ideal purposes.

Edric shoved his skeptical words into the fray as Trista watched his tie his weapon to his side securely. He seemed less than secure about all of this at once. Her other two female "sisters" were mildly vocal as well to make their points of view heard, especially now that she noticed the thunderous cheering of the crowd had dissipated.

The only voices shattering the silent air now were up on that stage, save for hers. She knew silence was golden and she gathered much just by staying silent. The names Buras and Jericho, the temper that Jericho could unleash, the annoyed temperment of Jeraul, that Vannara had history of conflict with Tragedis.

She would discover more now by staying silent than crowding the air with her own blunt vocabulary. Besides, they seemed to be coming up on the main common goal anyway.
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@Spectre @Beowulf @ChaosMage @Michelle the Editor @100 % Snek @SweetPrince

Lavinia looked over and addressed Edric "Believe what you will young Edric...we simply show you the hard facts. Let your own memories be testament to that."

Jericho walks over to Edric "I understand your doubt, but after all we've been shown...there is no other path. Like it or not, the seven of us are blood siblings. So take brother, our destinies seem to be intertwined. I am Jericho of The Blight, and apparent heir to King Darris, nice to meet you." he says as he places a hand on Edric's shoulder in assurance.

"Well said, young warrior. All of your destinies are indeed interwoven." says Dendehra.

"So where to from here Oracle? I think it's safe to speak for everyone have so generally brought us all together again. We will follow whatever guidance you deem to give us." says Jericho.

"Sadly it is not myself who will guide you through this undertaking. You shall all be tested by the likes of another." says Dendehra.

"What do you mean?" asks Jericho.

"Observe..." the Oracle says as her radiant form dissolves and the small child that serves as her avatar once again floats back down toward the ground, seemingly restored to normal. "It is time..." the little girl says.

Lavinia bows in respect and unsheathes a small knife from her belt. In a swift move she slashes her own palm, and squeezes until several drops of blood drip onto the desert sands.

Dendehra, as the small girl, closes her eyes "I call forth the countenance of the Lord of the First Realm of the Abyss. Hear the calls of the mortal realm and rise Karra-Thule...I BID YOU RISE KARRA-THULE...RISE!!!!"

The ground begins to shake and the spot where Lavinia had dropped her blood, swells. Red flames spew forth from the earth and a large opening forms in the black sand. Out from the pit rises a monstrous creature in black armor, long snout, serrated fangs and four ghastly arms. This is Karra-Thule...demon lord of the First Realm of the Abyss. He stands nearly seven feet tall, and the stench of sulfur emanates from his form. He is as frightening as he is commanding. The crowd gasps as they slowly back up.

"Behold, Karra-Thule, Lord of the First Realm." says Dendehra.

Karra-Thule narrows his yellow, pupiless eyes "High Mistress, I am honored to be in the presence of the spokesman of the Jaded Oracles. Why have you summoned me here?"

"I bid you salutations Karra-Thule. It is long been known that you have had a spite for your brother Nastor. The time of the convergence of the three moons is now upon us and the prophecy of The Jaded Oracles must now come to pass. The Seven Dreaded have come forward and they are eager to confront the emperor Tragedis, demigod son of your brother Nastor. Will you aid them in their quest?" says Dendehra.

"While it's true I hold nothing but contempt for that pitiless fool Nastor, Karra-Thule doesn't aid just anyone. These mortals you speak of...these Seven Dreaded. They must be worthy of my help." says Karra-Thule.

"Feel free to test them as you see fit, my lord." says Dendehra.

The demon lord draws his blade "By my sword, I will indeed test their mettle."

Jericho sneers in disgust "Judging by the shoddy workmanship of that weapon, I'd say it will probably be a light hearted trial." he says just loud enough to ensure the demon could hear.

Karra-Thule whirls around "Who dares to speak such obscenities!!!"

With a confidence that is only matched by his arrogance, Jericho speaks up "I dare speak, beast! I ask you what sense does it make to pit us against that monster in Argos...only to pair us with yet another of these underworld abominations? These maggots feed off the death and blood of the mortal realm, what help would they be to us? Untrustworthy, dis-loyal dogs...the whole lot of them!"

Herron rubs his temples in annoyance "Of all the stupid, impulsive things to..."

"He has a tongue as sharp as that sword of his. I don't know if it's ultra bravery or just sheer madness." says another tribesman to Herron.

"Oh this is nothing. You should've seen him on his eighteenth birthday...challenged an entire caravan of sand giants." says Herron as he shakes his head.

Karra-Thule steps closer to the convened seven as his snake like tongue whips around his dagger shaped teeth "Strong words mortal...but I wonder, are you prepared to back them up?"

Jericho slowly draws Ascendance from it's scabbard, making sure the metal unsheathing echoes through the night air "Do your worst animal...I fear you as much as I would a wounded camel."

"Or maybe I'll just rip your soul from your festering carcass this very moment!" the demon shouts.

"Karra-Thule, might I remind you that were called here to merely test them. Their souls are under the protection of the Jaded Oracles...for the moment anyway." says Dendehra solemnly.

"Such a pity than...your lucky mortal, but take note. The Oracles won't always be around to protect you, now will they?" says Karra-Thule snidely.

"Funny...I was thinking the same thing about you." says Jericho.

This prompts an irritated chuckle from the demon " You've got guts young one, I'll grant you that. Well, if I am to be your examiner, than so be it. I'll tell you what, since you seem to be so smitten with my blade...than it shall be the center of your evaluation." He forcefully implants his sword into the black sandy ground "Your task is simple, you must pull my blade from the sand in which it now rests. With one hitch of course..." he out stretches one of his four arms and a ring of red flames encircles the sword. The flames begin to morph into a small horde of demonic creatures, all of them roaring and snarling while brandishing massive weapons of their own. "You must get past them, in order to do it...good luck." Karra-Thule says as he belts out a string of maniacal laughter.

Jericho looks on at the barrier of bestial monsters guarding the sword "Interesting..."

Suddenly every single weapon carried on the seven siblings person, including Ascendance, Buras' axe, Edric's sword belt...are forcefully ripped away by a unseen presence and flung to the other side of the large encampment, leaving the siblings stunned and completely unarmed.

"...and you must do it without your weapons." says Dendehra.

"What say you now mortal...not so cocky anymore, are we?" says Karra-Thule as he roars forth more insane laughter.

Jericho breathes hard as he realizes this might be far tougher than he imagined. He turns to Buras "Well how about it my brother, are you up for a little sport?"

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Buras stood firm as the demon lord was summoned, his emotions once more wrestled under control. He wished he had more time to process what he had been shown. But Fate, literally, had other plans. So he stood there in silence, only wincing slightly when Jericho started talking and making fun of the demon lord's sword. A Demon Lord. Karra-Thule, no less. The Lord of the First Circle. A god in his own rights. But there stood Jericho, comparing him to a wounded camel. Which only served to anger him, as he planted his sword in the sand, summoned a small demon horde, tore Buras' axe from his hands, and told them that if they could take the sword then he'd help them.

As Jericho asked him if he is up for a little sport, Buras responds with a sigh and getting into a fighting stance. "I will stand by you. The others, however, might need some time getting used to this." Staring down one of the countless demons in the horde as the others figured out what they were going to do, he decides to make sure they know what they are going to be up against. Releasing a primal howl, or perhaps an animalistic shout, he shows them what they are about to fight. An animal in human form. A beast that will fight until either they are dead, or it is. An aura of command spreads from him as the howl goes on. Not strong enough for humans to care, but lesser demons such as this would surely notice.
The appearance of the demon lord had Jeraul wanting to sneeze, something about the smell of sulfur inflamed his nostrils as if 5 years of pollen had just shoved itself inside his face. "Gods, I'm allergic to the demon dog." He says to himself, laughing. He sniffled and watched closely as Jericho once again was far too valiant. Was there ever going to be a moment he could shut his brother up for five minutes? If they angered every supernatural being meant to help they'd get nowhere, and Jericho seemed to like that idea. Nevertheless, Jeraul was on his brother's side. Demons? They were to ally themselves with demons? With so many gods on their side why must they ally themselves with something as disgustingly low as demons? Some of his most beloved were killed by similar creatures the night he was chosen.

Jeraul went to pull out his magical instrument but it was flung out of his hand like some weed in the wind. "OH COME ON.... ACHOO!" he screamed, before sneezing the air out of his lungs. "Gods dammit, I had to be allergic to a demon god." He says, staring behind him where his weapon had went. Putting his hand on his forehead he turned around and stared at their situation, brow furrowing in anger. "Everyone! I can fight with my magic, I should be able to give us some cover while you guys figure out how to get to that sword. I'd suggest using my firepower to aid in wrestling away one of their weapons. If we can't have our weapons there's nothing saying we can't steal theirs." Jeraul said allowed in a commanding voice, wincing a little remembering he was the youngest and this probably should not have been his purpose in this group.

"God of Water, God of Wind, I Jerual of Sophia call upon your names once more, grant me the power of... a Thunderstorm!" Jeraul chanted, his two hands pressed together, fingers interlocked and palms facing upward. Without his instrument his magic was going to be less controllable, but invoking the gods that chose him would allow him a degree of direction. The gentle sparks that always seemed to float about him when he got emotional began moving faster until Jeraul was surrounded by electricity, the air began to heat up with the crackling of energy. "Sven la Aesir!" He commanded, the electricity surging force with a crack of thunder, striking at the demons in front of them, wherever the surge would touch the sand, it would turn the sand to glass, it spiking up like jagged splinters.
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Vannara was unable to protest as a demon lord was summoned, and to her utter disbelief, her older brother actually picked a fight with him. She was really starting to worry about what would happen to Argos if they did manage to overthrow Tragedis, only to put this impulsive, violent man in his place.

She threw up her hands. "He's out of his mind," she said in disbelief, looking around at the demons now surrounding them. "Jericho, if we survive this, I'm going to punch you in the face," she added, with a sideways glance in his direction.

Jeraul, however, seemed to be at least thinking in terms of teamwork. She watched him summon a storm, and began to feel a bit better about their chances. She sensed the familiar power of the God of Wind rising around her. Raising her voice to let the wind carry it to the others, she said, "Using their weapons against them is a good idea. Better if we can make the demons use them on each other."
There! She heard another name mentioned. Edric, he was the one who was bound before. Buras, Jericho, Edric. That left 3 others whose names were still unknown. Her focus was drawn to the cries of surprise and fear as the sand pulled forth Karra-Thule. The smell of sulfur reminded her of her flashback and she wanted to be sick, but composed herself as they spoke. That didn't stop the taste of bile in her throat though. Sulfur would never be a smell I will tolerate.

Still, it seemed the demon was to be a trial as to their skill of combating Tragedis. A trial she could probably do. She did have a little speed to her she could manage, even in this desert sand. She had her daggers and her bolas and all the others had their weapons and skills too. Perhaps this might even work out. Then, she felt her heart sink as she heard his sword was the intended target, moderately thanks to Jericho's loud boisterous attitude. Then there was the "guardians" around the blade and to top it all off, she watched and felt her weapons, along with all others, shoot through the air out of their reach. Far out of reach.

"Hopefully I get those back" she muttered before turning to face the demons. She listened to Jeraul summon magic forth to try and block them off. Jeraul...another name off the list. She also marveled at the use of magic, most magic she witnessed was street performers. A wisp of fire, miniature colorful explosions, medicinal and curative. Never like this. She was going to have to prove herself in this fight, otherwise...
Could they really just leave me behind if they think I'm useless?

She didn't want to think about that. Not here..not now. She dug her feet against the paved monument they all stood upon and tried to find a blind spot, a weakness in the ranks she could exploit. There had to be something. Once she found that, if there was one, the next step would be to manage the terrain. Running in the sand would not be easy and one fall out there might be her last.
Jericho looks over to Vannara and jeers at her comment of wanting to punch him in the face "That's the warrior's spirit I like to see..."

Than Jeraul conjures up a makeshift rainstorm which seemed to confuse the demonic guardians. Karra-Thule looks over to the seven and addresses Jerual in particular "Most impressive, little magician...but how long can you keep it up?"

Jericho glances at Buras "Well than, to battle aye?" The young Blightsman dashes forward with full force and executes a double somersault over the heads of the demon soldiers. One of the creatures launches upward with his sword and slashes Jeri across the chest, leaving a moderate cut across his shoulder. Jeri lands on his feet behind the barricade of demons, but clutches at his shoulder...a small amount of blood pouring from the wound. This prompts the demon horde to full on attack the other six and a melee ensues. Giving him no time to recover, a creature lunges at Jericho, but the young warrior monkey flips the monster and performs a spin kick to disable two others coming at him. A third tries to attack him from behind, but Jeri effortlessly weaves out of the way, catches the creature's arm...and breaks the appendage at the elbow. The demon roars in pain and Jericho snatches the monster's spear. He twirls the weapon in a dramatic flourish and calls out to Jeraul "Excellent plan my brother, everyone go for their weapons!" With a grin, Jeri attacks another demon...but as he goes to impale the creature with the spear, the weapon dissolves into ash on contact with the demon...leaving just a smear of black soot on Jericho's hands. He looks over in shock as Karra-Thule belts out a clap of insane cackling.

"No cheating mortal...I said no weapons, and I meant it!"

Jericho turns back toward the battle "Son of a bitch..."
He stood silently, not really wanting to continue the conversation. If they all believed, maybe some truth was there to it... regardless, it appeared someone had chosen him for something. Fluidity- he thought... Be more flexible, like the waters. Go with the ebb and flows of the current.

The summoning of the fiend was a sight to behold. He had read about things of this nature- the evils that lie below- or in another dimension...But seeing it for himself had his mouth agape again. Not afraid- but surely impressed. Then he immediately placed his gloved palm to his forehead as the brash one began speaking to the demon.

Sure, most of them appeared to be as warriors- and dealing with the dredges of the Demon Tyrant weren't unheard of in the least... But dealing directly with a demon lord seemed to him- unheard of. It was all very quick, and Edric was slow to accept this fate. He had his reality set in a nice little box, and this was rocking his boat. Within the same ten minutes, he was chosen at the monolith, told he was one of the fabled seven dreaded, and now he was thrust into some sort of trial by fire to prove themselves.

He then was stopped in shock and his only reaction was to slap his gloved palm against his forehead. "Why is this man allowed to speak?" he groaned helplessly as he felt a presence tug at his belt. Panic ensued inside him. He was normally calm, but this made him very uneasy.

Now his weapon was seized from him. This was like removing his already tiny comfort zone. Most problems Edric had solved with his sword. His sword or his mind- certainly not with his body. Edric was confident in himself, and his skills as a warrior- but this moment gave him pause. They were not allowed to use weapons.

He was trained with the sword- practiced and experienced with it- and was only decent -at best- in a fistfight, but only with mortal men. Because he was a mortal man- How was he to deal with these creatures pouring forth? The answer came to him quickly as one of the creatures lunged his way. Catching it by the throat, it toppled Edric, as it gnashed it's teeth at him and attempted to force it's short, jagged blade into his chest. One arm pushing away it's head, the other attempting to wrestle control over the fiend's bladearm. A short struggle ensued and Edric kicked the fiend away with both feet tucked in. Barrelling into a few others behind it, the fiend was struck by lightning from another one of the Seven's summoned elements. Edric exhaled in relief- and also allowed himself to breathe.

He scurried to his feet, and had to deflect the next coming beast- charging him with a spear. The creature was larger than he, so wasn't able to do much but slide by and attempt to force the spear's point into the ground... As he did so, he frantically looked to see if he could see the blade thrust into the black sands... Maybe a quick sprint for the objective would surely be smarter than trying to kill every last beast here?
Trista watched the magic in awe and almost forgot there was a trial until one of them rushed in to use his fists against the horde. Brave and foolish, but effective for calling attention to himself and taking a decent chunk of them away from a section close to her current location. That was when the horde rushed them as well. She was already prepped for movement and so, rushed them headlong. Being only 5'2 she had the advantage of being a smaller target, not like her larger manly trial goers. Weaving her head out of the way of a spear, she continued trying to dodge her way through towards the blade. She had the same idea as Edric. Take the blade, end the trial, live another day. Weapon after weapon came at her and each time her reflexes proved themselves true.

Whether through their leaders assistance or just out of simple tactics, the closer Trista got to the demonic blade, the thicker the crowds of red skinned beasts became. She would not be able to get through on her own and she knew that as four of the monstrosities bearing clubs and swords rushed her. Her feet slipped in the sand as she tried to halt and she instantly got an idea. Leaning down, she scooped the sand into two fistfuls and threw it into the demons eyes as they got close. They wailed and swung wildly, unfortunately not wildly enough to prevent her from taking one blunt strike to the side of the head.

She crumpled to the sand and landed with a rather audible "oomph!" as her vision went instantly sideways and blurry. The very air seemed to hum as more roars and battle cries filled the air. She remembered Buras' howl..where was he during this? Where were the others? She crawled quickly along through the scratchy and itchy sand, mainly hoping that another, sharper instrument would not find her till she recovered. She would need help getting past that wall of demons.
Vannara had decided to try and make her way over the horde rather than through it. Manipulating the winds around her, she leaped from the shoulders of one demon onto the back of another, landing hard enough to drive him to the ground. Her robes were already soaked and torn, and her hair blew into her face, but she just forced herself to keep moving, try to stay ahead of the attacks. She jumped again and barely avoided a stab from an ugly, hooked blade.

A hand clamped down on Vannara's ankle, yanking her backwards mid-leap. She hit the ground with a grunt, wind driven out of her. Flipping over, she kicked at the demon who'd grabbed her leg, managing to wrest herself free. She glimpsed a spear coming down and swerved aside, springing into the wind again. She was headed towards the sword, but there were still many, many demons ahead, and they were starting to figure out her strategy.
Buras waded into battle alongside Jericho. The first demon he got his hands on met a rather grim end, having it's back broken over Buras' knee. The next got a fist to the jaw. And the one after that got a clean blow to the gut followed by a chop to the back of the head. Where others carelessly flipped through the air, his feet remained on the ground, with each step being confidently made. And instead of completely trying to avoid his opponent's attacks, he diverted them, using their own momentum to bring them closer to him. And without his axe, his preferred fighting distance was almost right next to him.

A demon with a maul raised above it's head came screaming towards him. And as it lowered the two handed weapon towards the human's comparatively fragile skull, it's swing was moved ever so slightly to one side. This caused the demon to miss, if only by a hair, and put it in the perfect spot to be hurt, a lot. A fist buried into it's face, forcing it up and back. Then another fist caused it to careen to one side, before a hand steadied it for yet another solid blow, breaking it's nose, shattering several teeth, and knocking a few more loose as well.

Buras would have continued on like this had he not seen one of his sisters, Trista, being clubbed in the back of the head and drop. The demon that had done this didn't bother making sure she was dead, which was fine with him, and instead went off looking for another of the Seven to beat. And the first one it saw? Buras. A grin filled with jagged black teeth and malice spread across it's face as it lowered it's horned head and rushed the human. Yet surprisingly, for the demon, it's headlong charge was stopped dead in it's tracks. Buras had gripped the horns and stopped the beast. It's head lowered, it couldn't really do anything. And with a swift and sudden twist followed by a resounding crack, it's neck was snapped.

Taking advantage of the shock of the other demons, who were also quite surprised with how easily Buras dispatched their comrade, Buras hurried over to where Trista was now crawling. "I am here. You are safe." Simple words, but his face put weight behind them. He would protect her until she could stand on her own and then some. It'd be tough, but when wasn't a fight tough? Especially now that the majority of the demons that had previously been in shock at watching a human so easily kill a demon were now shaking themselves out of it.
Annette had been in shock since the memories had flooded her mind. Tears trailed down her face as she witnessed not only the death of her own father, but something she had blocked from her mind for so long. The scholars, who had taken her into the forest, were not killed by wolves, or bandits...but her. She had been in a rage, seeing her family die and disappear had caused her innate abilities to run wild. Black tendrils exploded outward from the small child, impaling some, ripping others in half. The vast amount of energy released caused he child to immediately go unconscious.

Annette regained her bearings only to smell sulfur and blood. She had been sitting there, useless. And she knew if she waited any longer her siblings would be in danger again.
She would not let that happen.

Without a word, she stood. Her arms outstretched, she released the dark energy, with the intent of bearing down not only pain from the shadowy tendrils that would erupt from the ground, but also to incite terror in all those who would see the form of the eldritch horror gathering behind her. Each would see somehing different, all influenced by their worst fears.
She knew this would expend much of her energy, but her roiling emotions would settle for nothing less.
As he pummels an endless barrage of oncoming monsters...Jericho starts to feel something he hasn't experienced in many years, frustration. No matter how many demons he manages to fell, their numbers seem almost infinite. He flashes back to his days as a boy growing up in the harsh confines and lifestyle of The Blight. Herron had made it a point to mold the young man into a fierce and capable fighter, and so decided to teach him the mysterious and deadly discipline of the Chakra...a warrior art so lethal, that even many of the gods themselves feared it's potential. The training was a grueling and brutal journey and it took Jeri almost a decade to master it's most basic of principals. Now under siege, he remembers what it was like in those early days of becoming a warrior. As he back flips to avoid a demon's sword, he crouches and sweeps the creature's feet out from underneath it with his leg. As it falls he grabs it's blade and thrusts downward, intending to stab it right through the chest...only for the weapon to crumble into ash as it makes contact.

Karra-Thule stands on the sideline "Just how thick is your skull mortal? When are you going to learn that, that will simply not work in this contest?"

"I grow tired of your trickery demon! There weren't this many of these abominations at the start of this!"

"You know something, you could be right." says Karra-Thule as he cackles to himself.

"Dis-honorable maggot..." says Jericho as he continues to advance towards the embedded sword. In the chaos he notices one of the others, Vannara, was also within reach of the sword...but was wading through a sea of armed demons herself. While she was fighting two at her front, a third had scurried behind her and was about to strike at her back. "Lookout!!" he yells as he leaps through the air and tackles the creature before it could deal a fatal blow to one of his long lost sisters. He stomps on the monster's throat, causing it to gurgle up a fountain of black ooze. He goes over and slightly grins "Perhaps that will earn me a reprieve from that punch in the face aye?"

Just than a swirl of black tendrils begins to engulf the battlefield. The inky constructs bathe the area in a eerie dark mist, almost reducing visibility to zero. Jeri looks over and manages to make out the source of the of his other sisters, Annette. Her body seems to be emanating a strange other worldly aura. "Oh now what!"

As the mist continues to surround them, Jeri starts to hear the faint echo of voices screaming in agony. Out of the darkness steps a tall figure, dressed in the regal robes of a king. The young warrior's eyes widen as he suddenly realizes who stands before him.

"You have failed me Jericho..." says the figure.

"Darris?" asks Jericho, his voice cracking.

"You failed to protect our family, to protect our kingdom!" shouts Darris.

"Impossible, your dead!" says Jericho.

"Because of you...coward!!!" yells Darris before he morphs into yet another of the countless demons who savagely back hands Jericho, sending him flying a few feet back.

Jeri looks up and sees as the monster seems to transform in and out of it's current form...back and forth between itself and the veneer of the slain King Darris "What manner of sorcery is this...what has she done!"
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Trista shook her head as Buras offered his encouragement. It was a relief, she would admit, to have someone there with her. Especially someone as burly and tough looking as he was. It might make the demons think twice before coming for her head. As she stood, the entire area went quiet. She whipped around, confused and uncertain of what happened. She was still in the desert but everyone else was gone! The civilians she traveled with, the oracle, her brothers and sisters....all vanished. "Where did they all go?"

"They abandoned you." Trista spun around, almost falling in the sand at hearing the new voice before feeling her heart sink. It was the handmaiden that helped her escape. "You...why are you here? I saw the vision, I heard the demons get you!" The spectral being shimmered. "I died because of you. I should have ran for it, left you behind. Your siblings realized this...they all left you!" She shook her head. "They wouldn't! They don't even know me enough to leave!" "They saw you fighting. You're no good without a tree around and they knew it. You'd only hold them back."
Trista felt the tears trickling again. Was she right? Was her being here, the oracle calling her, all of it....just a fluke? A mistake? The being floated closer. "Worthless child. Even now. You can't fight, can't help anyone, couldn't even get through demons to a pathetic sword. No wonder everyone here left you behind."

Trista screamed and the cry echoed through the nightmare into the real world around them. Her throat became raw and dry from the heat and the guttural resonance of her fear which only drew the demons in, like a dinner bell. One threw his fist into a gut twisting jab, another bashed some kind of club into her back and a third demon slammed her with a uppercut, catching her in the jaw and spiraling her through the air onto the platform where she rolled to a stop and spewed blood onto the stone monument. She hadn't realized the horror had been an illusion, blocking her sight from the reality around her. Even though the illusion lasted a few seconds, it felt to her like hours of torture. She had just stood there and taken the hits like a fool. She should have known though, she should have known better.
Vannara ducked under a strike from the two demons before her and seized the spear of one. It vanished in her hands, leaving the demon also unarmed. A kick to the face made it stagger back, black blood streaming from its nose. She leaped over the next and dropped on it like a stone, feeling bone crack beneath her extended feet. The shout from Jericho cut through the noise of battle, making her jump. Wheeling around, she was just in time to see Jericho fell a demon who'd been about to strike. She managed a brief grin.

"Fine, we're even."

The black tendrils made her look, but what arrested her gaze was the...thing behind Annette, growing. Just trying to understand it made Vannara's head start to ache, but its presence filled her with a deep, primal terror. She backed away, but the magic moved faster than she did and quickly enveloped her in inky darkness. She tried to find a fair wind, but the storm only whipped up the energy, rather than clearing it like it would smoke or fog. The sounds of battle faded away, leaving behind an eerie silence.

Vannara turned, looked around in bewilderment. She was entirely alone, in pitch darkness. If not for the sound of her own breathing, she might have thought she'd been struck deaf and blind. She reached out, towards the spot Jericho had been standing, and found nothing.

"Hello?" She called. Her voice echoed faintly. "Karra-Thule? This wasn't part of the test."

Nothing. Crouching down, she put a hand on the ground, the one solid in this emptiness. What had been uneven sand, sticky with demon blood, was now perfectly smooth and flat, as if she was standing on a mirror. A chill spread up her arm at the touch, and she stood up again, withdrawing her hand.

"Annette, what's happening?" She raised her voice. "Is anyone there?"

There was no response.
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