OPEN SIGNUPS The Seven Dreaded: Nine Realms (OOC)

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Jeri finally realizes the secret.

"That's it...the demon's weapons will not work in our hands, but if we get them to inadvertently kill each other, that will do it!"

Hmm, this sounds familiar...

Raising her voice to let the wind carry it to the others, she said, "Using their weapons against them is a good idea. Better if we can make the demons use them on each other."

Guess Jericho didn't hear Vannara the first time?
Hmm, this sounds familiar...

Guess Jericho didn't hear Vannara the first time?

Whoops, guess I did miss that, sorry. But Vannara can totally use that to reprimand Jericho with in the IC. You can say something like "What have I been saying this whole time!!! You don't need psychic powers to figure this stuff out!"
These two are going to bicker a lot, I imagine.
Nothing wrong with that, adds dynamic tension to the team...
Ooo~ this gets more intense with each post XD
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At this point...all I want Trista to do is chuck a fistful of sand in Karra-Thule's eyes. Dang demon lord....
Whoa, let's not be to harsh here. Even demon lords have feelings, lol.
Whoa, let's not be to harsh here. Even demon lords have feelings, lol.

Maybe so...but considering current position and recent events of said demon.......not valid! xD
Then I better make Annette do something XD
Still late. Ugh. I intend to get a post up as soon as able. Sorry all :(
It's all good, but I have noticed that the response rate has really dropped off in the last few weeks....which indicates that interest is dying. Kinda sucks, but that's just the nature of the beast with RP's. I'm more than happy to continue, but if everyone would rather not continue, that's fine to. I have a ton of other RP's I can focus on getting started. But just let me know.
I'll get a response when I'm able. Finals and all that good stuff.
I am skipping my post this round due to the hit my char. took....figure she would need a breather.

My interest is still high for this so no worries for me. :P
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Alright everyone, I ended the fight for the we can kinda move along with the story a little bit. Just post up a short response when you can and we can move right along from one fight to our next big battle!
Well, that was easier than anticipated. Never underestimate the power of pocket sand!
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