The Shrine of the Fire Throne (Lithël Aelfwine X mikeyymoo)

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A Blade in the Dark
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Fantasy, Magipunk, Steampunk, Science Fantasy, Scifi, Urban Fantasy, Ancient World Fantasy, Historical Fantasy, Samurai, Fandoms (ATLA, BNHA, GoT, etc)
The sun was high and it was hot. It was always hot in the capitol of the Fire Nation, but this summer was particularly hot, and that had been taken as a good omen, a happy one from the Celestial Skies: it wished the balance to be restored, the Fire Nation in harmony with the other three, and for that, with itself.

But Mi Lao knew it was just a summer, like any other else, like it had been the one before and the one before that, all of them particularly hot: the years near the Sozin's comet always were hot, and that was just basic knowledge. The innegalbe thing, though, was that he had to use his fan almost continually even by the shade of the Royal Palace's dungeons.

He was there getting princess Azula. The White Lotus had tasked him with the care and healing of the princess' mind after the breakout at the end of the war. It was a dificult task, but Mi Lao though himself strong enough to withstand his strange patient. So here he was, just in front of the cell door, asking the guard for her release. ...And that's why i need to take her. Here you will find the proper documentation from General Iroh's hand.
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It had been a year of Azula sitting in her cell. She was deep underground where the cool, moist temperatures affected her bending- Zuzu knew exactly where to put her. The sound and sight of water slowly dripping was driving Azula even more insane than she already was. Her hair grew out to her waist, her bangs still messy and uneven- though the look suited her, now she really looked like an insane monster. As the water dripped down from the ceiling of her cell, every single drip making her twitch even more, and more.

She got up, pulled her hair back out of her face then- with a strong jump, wiped the water off the ceiling that was dripping. She landed perfectly, proud of herself. Azula loved the word 'perfect', she was perfect.. was.. After she escaped this cell she was sure to take back the throne, it was hers after all- Zuzu didn't deserve it. He was nothing like her, he was a defect- yet he was sitting on the throne and she was all the way down here. But Azula loved a challenge, she'd kill everyone who has ever helped her brother. Her fat uncle, the avatar and all of his annoying followers. Azula sat with her legs crossed, her smile oddly wide as she thought of ways she would kill her brother and take the throne.. she would burn the other side of his face.. kill their uncle in front of him.. She would even go as far as finding their mother and killing her too. She wanted to see everyone suffer through what she did.

Azula kept daydreaming about ways of taking back the throne and imagining the hot weather up in the fire nation as she heard the guards outside start to move around. Azula got up, moving closer to the entrance of the cell- maybe today was her lucky day. She wondered who her visitor was.. maybe Mai or Ty Lee decided to visit. She didn't want to see them, but visitors were nice to play mind games with. They would come down and speak with her, leaving her with their minds jumbled... Azula was too busy imagining her visitor to realize that the footsteps of someone kept getting closer and closer...
Alright sir, everything seems to be in order. We'll arrange the transport. One of the guards said and left. The other, though, stood in place. Leave us, please. I'll call you for her transport. He said, facing the cell. The guard was confused, but at a not of the other man, he complied.

Mi Lao and Azula were finally face to face. It was curious, but Mi Lao thought her and all the royal familly to be taller. This surprised him a little, though not enough to make him have a response. I had thought you taller, my princess. Albeit his insolence, he greeted her with a warm smile and bowing properly. My name is Mi Lao Gohson
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Azula looked up at the man and studied him. She did not know him, nor did she recongize him- why was such an irrelevant person visiting her? Azula stood up and pushed her hair out of her face, stopping when he began to talk- staring straight into his eyes.

"I find being short comes with it's ups and downs." Azula's voice was harsh, and just like always- she always sounded demanding and stern. For a fourteen year old she was very mature. She was glad he called her princess, assuming he was a firebender. Azula grinned as he bowed, she hadn't been treated like this in awhile. "I've never heard of you, Mi Lao Gohson." Azula stayed standing up, crossing her arms. "What are you doing here?"
I come to serve you, my princess. In the best way a sage can. He said with a sly but warm smile, not like any she had seen before. There are matters the Nation needs you to attend to. Many of your servants are still loyal, and they humbly request your atention. He pased along as he talked, looking at her no longer.

But we can't have them see you like this. You need to recover first, out of the sights of the others. He said looking around. I will offer you, only if your Highness accepts, a spiritual retreat where you will be trained, healed and prepared for a new duty and for leading your people. Something not even the Dragon of the West has dominated, much less your brother Zuko. He stopped his pasing in front of the cell and looked at her in the eye. Are you up to that, FirePrincess Azula?
"Hmph.." Azula crossed her arms, his smile throwing her off. Though she looked unfazed she was confused by this man but intrigued, he wanted to get her out of this cell- so he couldn't be that bad. But did he really think she'd just leave the cell in peace? It was obvious she was going to hunt down her brother and the avatar.

Azula was taken aback from what he said, she knew there was going to be something else. There was no way she'd get out of this place so easily. "Well, I do need a haircut and a well-deserved bath," Azula's eyes stayed glued to him as he walked around. She paused, his offer did seem alright- but there was no way she could go after Zuko or the Avatar if this guy was watching her. "I think.. it doesn't seem bad." Azula sighed, "But I do need a haircut and to be cleaned up before anyone else sees me."
As per the current FireLord's order, you'll be transported after you're disabled by Dian Xue techniques, and in a steel palanquin. In the retreat, though, you'll be able to do so. He explained. I have all the time to waste, but the FireLord's orders are true until sundown and then i'd have to convince him again
Azula paused, thinking about it. But all she really wanted at this point was to get out of this dungeon. "Fine, I agree," Azula said, crossing her arms.
You won't regret it, milady. he said with the same calmed warm smile nd called the guards up.
The guards took Azula after Mi Lao left, blocking the Chi out of all her body and bringing her unconcious to a palanquin, as it has been agreed. Azula awoke later on, at the foot of a tall white mountain, with a backpack by her side.
Ahhh, hello there! Feel the sun, milady! Our destination is up there, in the peak, but i hope a hike will make you stretch the legs.
Azula decided that until she gets to the location and gets cleaned up he will go after Zuko. As her Chi was blocked she blanked out, which Azula liked better then having no control over any of her limbs while being locked in a crate traveling to where they need to go. When she blinked open her eyes she had to bring her hands up to cover them from the harsh, fire nation sun. It took awhile for her eyes to get adjusted before she looked at Mi Lao. "Well. Let's get going then. I would like a bath and a nice hair cut after we get up there." Azula said, as she tested her fire bending- snapping her fingers to create her blue flame. Azusa showed no emotion to seeing the flame but she was more then happy to be able to bend again. "Besides I've been locked up for so long that I deserve a massage too." Azula grabbed the backpack and slung it over her shoulder, backing up to let Mi Lao lead the way.
All of that can be acomodated. He answered after a good laugh. He liked the princes' spirit and her will: there was no hesitation, no fear, only the intent to go on and make things happen.

As they got up the mountain, Azula soon discovered it was not only a monastery but a fortress: a direct way took them to the top of the mountain on a rocky ladder, but it's steps were uneven, something one could not notice with the naked eye but that made the ones that were not ready for it trip and fall and loose footing constantly. In addition, many "natural" ramparts, broken steps and boulders by the way allowed the ladder to be defended by little people from an army. All around the ladder were thorny bushes that would fashion a natural protection.

In any case, the climb was uneventful, given that Mi Lao helped her all the way up. Once on top of the mountain they found the monastery surprisingly over the verge of the ladder, clearly to surprise anyone that got that far. The wall surrounding the facility give place for a beautiful Zen garden that, as beautiful as it was, offered concealment from the inside and out, but clear vision on the other way.
5 buildings could be seen from central garden: a dojo, a "house" (more like a bunch of rooms), a workshop/cellar and w others with a less definite purpose. There was also an external garden to meditate and a little farm at the bottom.

Welcome, lady Azula, to your new home
Azula didn't enjoy the help she was receiving climbing the mountain, pushing Mi Lao away whenever he tried helping her. She saw the broken steps and boulders and she could easily maneuver them- which made her slightly angry that he helped her.

Though the got a little tired since she was underground for a full year, she wouldn't admit it as they made it to the familiar looking dojo at the top of the mountain. It looked like her home back when she was younger, and her mother.. Azula paused and decided to focus on a lady, around Mi Lao's age, or just a little under, walking up to them. She had her dark brown hair tied back into a long braid that reached down to her lower back. But one thing that stood out is her left eye was a darker brown then her light brown right eye. She was wearing traditional fire-nation clothes that suited her perfectly.

"Princess Azula, I am Nola." She bent down, and bowed before looking up at Mi-Lao with a small smile, her eyes switching back onto Azula, "I'm sure you'd like a bath and to get cleaned up, right? I'll show you around with Mi Lao." Nola explained, and Azula nodded- studying the lady infront of her.
Mi Lao stopped helping her as she climbed after two or three declinations. Once over the top, he opened the gates for the ladies and closed behind them. he gave them a tour around the complex, and it was at it looked: plain, practical and serene, but with a strong military tradition that defined the Fire Nation's architecture.

Ok, ladies, i'll let you go and get comfortable. I'll prepare Lady Azula's chambers
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Azula was happy that the inside of the dojo was plain and looked nothing like the place she grew up in. As Mi Lao finished up showing them around- Nola nodded. "Well then, how about we bathe? Then a nice haircut and cleaning." Nola said and Azula nodded, "Quickly. I'd like to get all this underground musk off of me as soon as I can." Azula crosses arms as Nola took them away from Mi Lao and brought them to the hot spring where they bathed, and then got her hair cut- Azula feeling prions once her hair was cut, smirking as she stared at hersel in the mirror. "This is perfect."
Finally, the place started to look alive! They started their activities and Mi Lao prepared the actions the others would take: first off the bath, then the rooms, and finally closing the perimeter. It was not meant to be a jail, but he didn't want Azula going out with her mind in the state it was right now (although she seemed focused on basic hygiene for now).

In any case, Mi Lao prepared the place for them. He liked Nola, but he didn't know if she and Azula would like each other. If they didn't get along, for the safety of their purposes Mi Lao would have to send Nola away. Dangerously, Mi Lao realized how much the thought hurted him: he had been in the making of this project (the reeducation of prince Azula) for about 3 years, and now he couldn't imagine his life without her. He tried to think it as just that.
Nola noticed the look on the princess's face and felt her insides twist, she had seen what Azula could do and it made it a little uneasy. Though she was here to change that she still couldn't erase the memories of Princess Azula fighting with her brother and just how twisted the girl was. Nola composed herself and looked over at Azula, smiling brightly- which wasn't fake, Nola liked to believe there was good in everyone. "You look beautiful Princess."

Azula had become worse at reading people, which she assumed was from being kept up in the dungeon all alone. But it bugged her how she couldn't tell if Nola was happy or nervous or forcing some sort of emotion. "I feel light," Azula replied before she got up. "Let's go meet with Mi Lao, this place interests me," Azula said and Nola nodded, both of them changing- Nola into her normal clothes and Azula out of the disgusting robe she wore in the dungeon into a traditional fire nation dress. Soon Nola guided her around the dojo, trying to find Mi Lao.