The Sound of Silence

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@~Dark Disney~
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[spacer]One of the few things that the city and the country had in common was the music. Music hits the sky around the same time the sunset bleeds away to dusk. There was just something about it, how the bustling traffic and voices of citylife vanish and out come those who cannot simply portray such emotions with mere words. It was gorgeous. Shinefield's favorite time of day. It was during nights like this he made it his quest to find a new local artist. Artist's schedules aren't particularly known for being consistent (including himself), so there were always new faces every night.
[spacer]Shinefield's usual path was through the city park from his house to the lively streets. By this time, the entire lot was usually as crowded as the graveyard on the side of Heartland. But to his surprise, there was a fellow musician--judging by the guitar case, anyway. Taking easy strides, he approached the girl curiously.
[spacer]"You know the music's that way," he teased, nodding to South end of the city, where the faint chords of a guitar solo echoed between the neighborhood. Shinefield dreamed of eventually getting a house in one of the Southside neighborhoods because of the giant music festivals they hold, but first, he wanted a band to play and go there with. The past few years of him moving here to Heartland, Louisiana were not incredibly eventful ones. Band members came and went. People had come and gone. Hardly a soul stayed, which was not at all what he envisioned for himself ten years ago.
[spacer]So here he was, now. He had his Olive Stratocaster with him safely in its case (primarily made of peeling stickers from his youth) at his side and his phone in his back pocket; hair like he just woke up (he did), clothes retired punk rock, and a fourteen-year-old dream in his heart. Life couldn't be grander.[/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]
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The cool air hit her skin as sabine walked outside her apartment in the southside of Heartland in Louisiana. She lived here for about 3 years now, moving from Belfast Ireland to live in US and try her way away from her family. I mean she had absolutely no money problems, her family was rich back home so she wanted for nothing here and only worked to actually try to make her own money and way. She still took money from them from time to time. However here she was in the US green card in her safe and entire open book before her. She was pretty good with her guitar, better with photography, and had a pretty decent voice.

Making her way away from the musicians who had come out, she mad her way to a quieter part of the park, one with good acoustics and sound. She set her guitar case down and jumped when she heard someone speak. She smirked and looked at him as she bent and did her case. "Aye Lad that it is,but the music also goes wherever I take it. And I choose to be here. Not one with the crowd, besides I live south side and I won't ever get noticed in a crowd full of artists.Music is Art and Art is about standing out and making yourself known to those who didn't even know they were looking till they find you" she told him. As she pulled her J45 Gibson. Old and worn, chips on the edges and a name carved in the back. She smiled as she stood and looked at the guitar case in his hands. "Think you can keep up?" she asked.

Sabine was a outgoing daring female. She could care less what anyone thought of her. She often wore ripped jeans, tight shirts mostly black, boots, a beanie to cover head and a leather jacket, you could call her look emo or goth, but she didn't conform to one stereotype. She was an anomaly in herself. Grabbing her pick that looked well used, she slipped the strap over her head. She tuned her guitar up a small bit and smiled as she tapped her foot gently as she started to play.

[Spoili](All rights reserved for this song are definitely not mine Set it All Free Scarlett Johansson On sing)

"I followed my heart into the fire
Got burned, got broken down by desire
I tried, I tried but the smoke in my eyes
Left me blurry, blurry and blind
I picked all the pieces up off the ground
I've burned all my fingers but that's gone now
Got the glue in my hands I'm stickin' to the plan
Stickin' to the plan that says "I can"
Do anything at all
I can do anything at all
This is my kiss goodbye
You can stand alone and watch me fly
'Cause nothing's keeping me down gonna let it all up
Come on and say right now, right now, right now
This is my big hello
'Cause I'm giving, never letting go
I can finally see, it's not just a dream
When you set it all free, all free, all free
You set it all free
I was a girl caught under your thumb
But my star's gonna shine brighter than your sun
And I will reach so high,
Shoot so far
Gonna hit, gonna hit, hit every target
Make it count this time
I will make it count this time
This is my kiss goodbye
You can stand alone and watch me fly
'Cause nothing's keeping me down
I'm gonna let it all out
Come on and say right now, right now, right now
This is my big hello
'Cause I'm here and never letting go
I can finally see,
It's not just a dream
When you set it all free, all free, all free
You set it all free
You set it all free
You set it all free
This is my kiss goodbye
You can stand alone and watch me fly
'Cause nothing's keeping me down
I'm gonna let it all out
Come on and say right now, right now, right now
This is my big "hello"
'Cause I'm here and never letting go
I can finally see,
It's not just a dream
When you set it all free, all free, all free
You set it all free
You set it all free
You set it all free
You set it all free
You set it all free"[/spoili]

Her voice was strong as she sang it echoed out her guitar reverberating as she smiled at him. " Not to bad" Sabine said as her fingers slid to cover her guitar strings and stop the noise from continuing. She pushed the guitar behind her and held out her hand. " Sabine Cavanaugh Formerly a resident of Belfast, Ireland and 3 year resident of southern Heartland the Artist district." she said. "You?" She asked him as her hand slipped out of his. Her blue crystal eyes had a small bit of laughter to them.
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[spacer]He had been just about to respond when she'd started to sing. Her voice was enough to shut Shinefield up through the whole song. It wasn't until the last chord rang out did he speak up, matching her smirk from before. "Shinefield, former Hoosier, and owner of a little house up North'f here for two planetary orbits around the sun. Been here for longer, an apartment right in the middle of it all for a standing three years before the house. Nice to meet you." He eyed Sabine's guitar almost as much he did her. Wrong night to choose to be lazy with appearances. He ran a hand through his hair, suddenly a bit self-conscious. "That was a wicked cover you just did there."
[spacer]Just hearing the girl's song made his fingers at his side twitch--they wanted to play, too, feel the texture and width of each guitar string. But his electronical tune couldn't be heard well out here with nothing to plug into. "You teach yourself?" he wanted to know as he set his case down beside him and leaned his side against a nearby tree. Her eyes were a dream, sparkling and light in contrast to her dark wardrobe choices. It didn't surprise him she'd be the type to ditch the crowd. Not to mention her voice.
[spacer] "Music is art and art is about standing out and making yourself known to those who didn't even know they were looking 'till they find you." For the first time in years did somebody say something that'd make him really think. Shinefield's always been drawn to that, the crowds. People like him, who wanted to hear the same things he did. It didn't cross him that maybe there'd be another way to putting your name out there.
[spacer]He wanted to hear more. "And who do you play for?"[/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]
She bowed at the waste with a small smirk. "Thank you, I am working on my own songs just haven't gotten any done." she said." For now I do covers and people seem to quite enjoy them." She said and swung her guitar around. She lightly played with the strings. Her blue eyes watched him closely and smiled at his question. " Self taught I am just a fast learner." She sat at the edge of the alcove and looked at him.

"Who do I play for, the world, the trees, a empty room, anyone or thing that will listen be it alive or a inanimate object, even stone listens. I sometimes play for crowds. You just have to know where the best acoustics are and use nature's natural barriers to echo your sound waves into the world." She said. "well that is if and when someone decides to listen. Other wise I just enjoy my time singing to the empty courtyard. Because I know someday my Talents will land me somewhere who knows maybe it won't be how I think. So I keep my opinions open. Were all destined for something bigger than ourselves, and time will bring us there." She said. She softly winked at him. Standing she played a soft melody. "What about you who do you play for? How did you learn?" she asked him. Her hands playing softly as she listened to him. Her lips curled into a gentle smile.

"Well Shinefield can you sing?" She asked him and held out her hand to him. Pulling him lightly the step up she winked and changed the tune. "They will come just follow my lead another cover you might actually know it." She said. "Justin Timberlake sings it." She said. "Trust me I have originals, I would Sing them,but they aren't ready." She said softly. She wanted to test him see if he had pipes to go along with looks. He hopefully could play, but could he sing be absolute real test. She started the melody and started the song. "Just join when you know the Lyrics."She said.

"You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged, oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
The darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small
Show me a smile then
Don't be unhappy
Can't remember when
I last saw you laughing.

This world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
'Cause I will always be there
And I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
I see your true colors
Shining through (true colors)
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful (they're beautiful)
Like a rainbow
Oh oh oh oh oh like a rainbow
Ooh can't remember when
I last saw you laughing
Ooh oh oh oh
This world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
'Cause I will always be there
And I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid (don't be afraid)
To let them show your true colors
True colors are beautiful (you're beautiful, oh)
Like a rainbow
Oh oh oh oh oh like a rainbow
Mmm mmm"

She put her hand on the strings as she looked at him, she was breathless. Her blues eyes turned when she heard Clapping and saw some people had gathered,but it hadn't been all her. He helped,"Told you they will come." She winked as she looked at him."You Pick the next song I can follow." she said " Name it, and I can make it work." She said. Her eyes gleamed and they watched him. Sabine was having fun she loved meeting new people to compliment her music. Watching him closely as her breath hung the air waiting for him to tell her the song. She normally choose all her own songs and continued, but she figure she let him have a go. If not she would pick something and go on as she normally would.

(Song True Colors Justin Timberlake)
[spacer]Chuckling nervously, he replied, "I wish I could say the same. About being a fast learner, I mean. Believe it or not, music wasn't my forte. I had to work hard to play this guitar. Ma would hit me over the head with a wooden spoon if I so much hit an unpleasant note. She taught me. More like pounded it into my head 'till I got it right."
[spacer]He went quiet and that laugh disappeared when Sabine'd asked him to sing. Justin Timberlake wasn't really his style, but for her, perhaps he could spare her an eyeroll. An annoyingly light pink he could feel his cheeks were turning. He met her at the first chorus, softly at first, singing with her to the very end. "And I see your true colors, shining through. I see your true colors, and that's why I love you." Shinefield's voice was well modulated, it seemed like the one thing he could control in his life sometimes. He was so caught up in Sabine's music that he didn't notice the crowd at first. Once he did, he seemed to sing a little louder, a little more certain, with a confidence he hadn't felt in a long, long time.
[spacer]Singing alone and bonding with your guitar is great. But singing with somebody else is even greater. Shinefield stepped down and kicked open the latches to his guitar case sitting near, taking out his Stratocaster he normally would've saved for the people of Southside. He prefers to play without a pick, but without an amplifier, the situation calls for it. "I don't know if you'll know it, but that's okay. It's one of my favorites," he says honestly, mostly to Sabine instead of the people watching. After all, tonight, that's who he's playing for.
[spacer]"Let's stop the car and unfasten our selt-belts," Shinefield began, his fingers moving along the fretboard to find the right chords--to feel the right chords. He hasn't had to look down to find a fret since he was sixteen. "And step outside into the freezing cold. Winter wonder, watch as the snow falls and covers everything." The man broke into the second verse with ease, like he's played this song many times before. He had, but this was the first time in dedication to someone else. "Lady love, you're beautiful and all I could desire, but I wish you would make up your mind. See, I'm not one for pop songs or sweet little sing-alongs, but if it's what it takes to make you mine, I will write them."
Let's stop the car
And unfasten our seat-belts
And step outside
Into the freezing cold
Winter wonder
Oh, oh, I wonder
Watch as the snow falls
And covers everything

Lady love
You're beautiful
And all I could desire
But I wish you would make up your mind
See, I'm not one for pop songs
Or sweet little sing-alongs
But if it's what it takes
To make you mine
I'lI will write them
She said
"I've got something to say."

Let's stop the car
And unfasten our seat-belts
And step outside
Into the freezing cold
Winter wonder
Oh, oh, I wonder
Watch as the snow falls
And covers everything

Stop the car
And unfasten our seat-belts
And slip into each other's arms
And we can recite all the clichés
While the world stops
When we're together

Just say what's on your mind
"I think I love you"
You don't know what love is
"I know that it's great
And it's different
It's when you give
And give of yourself
Until your tank is on empty
Just to be with the one you love."
And you bleed on the inside
At the thought of losing them
Or at least that's how I feel
That's how I feel

So let's stop the car
And unfasten our seat-belts
And step outside
Into the freezing cold
Winter wonder
Oh, oh, I wonder
Watch, and watch, and watch

So let's stop the car
And unfasten our seat-belts
And step outside
Into the freezing cold
Winter wonder
Oh, oh, I wonder
Watch as the snow falls
And covers everything

Stop the car
And unfasten our seat-belts
And step outside
Into the freezing cold
Winter wonder
Oh, oh, I wonder
Watch as the snow falls
And covers everything

Stop the car
And unfasten our seat-belts
And step outside
Into the freezing cold
Seal our words
With your lips against my lips
From now until forever
Mike Mains and the Branches, "Stop the Car"[/spoili][spacer]A few people tossed some change and Washingtons into Sabine's and Shinefield's open guitar cases, but he knew he was going to give every penny to her after.[/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]
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A smile lit her lips as he chose. She didn't know it, but she follow him and figure it out. She followed along her hands ran along the strings and she followed joining him in singing. She smiled as she moved around the Alcove a bit. She chose a few different songs Under pressure by David Bowie and Queen, Try everything by Shakira, You Haven't seen the last of me Cher, and Paint it Black By Versaemerge, also whatever he chose to play they switched songs on and off. When she finished they had gathered a crowd and they cheered. The crowd disappears after dropping money into each case. She smiled and jumped down looking up at him.

"Thank you, that was fun I haven't found anyone who can sing like you can. Your voice goes well with mine." She said. Sabine looked over when someone cleared their throat. "Excuse me how long you two been playing together " the male asked. "Oh we just met."She said as she closed her guitar case after taking the money out and sliding it under shirt into her bra. It was the safest place to put money. "Wow you guys are awesome." the male said. "Thank you." She said. "If you two decide to ever work together again. Give me a call." the man said. He handed her the card. Sabine nods and thanked him she crumpled it up and rolled her eyes. "No way I am doing that." she said and tossed the card in the trash.

She looked up, " I mean call him, I am not a sell out. I can't trust anyone I don't contact myself first." She said. " Most are just ass holes. I may not be from here,but you can't fool me." She said. "However this was actually, a lot of fun. She dug through her bag and pulled out a white piece of paper. " Call me sometime. Unless you want to grab a drink tonight." she said as she shouldered her guitar case. Sabine liked him, he was nice and she really enjoyed the time up in the alcove singing with him.
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[spacer]With his lack of an amplifier, Shinefield ended up not playing much with the acoustics drowning out his sound, but he didn't mind. During these times, he'd just get up there and sing with Sabine. (He won't admit it, but his personal favorite had been Shakira's "Try Everything". That's not very punk rock of him. Especially if he'd confess he'd only watched the movie 'cause he likes bunnies.) The chemistry was unlike he'd ever experienced. Even in all his old and broken-up previous bands (there'd been a lot), nothing was like this. With anyone else, he'd've wanted to lead the most, but it felt nice to follow someone else for a change.
[spacer]He was about to call the stranger off when Sabine spoke first. She seemed like she handled it well, better than what he would do (with his fist). Once the git had taken off, Shinefield started, voice a bit raspy from singing, "We're going to play together again, right?" He took the paper and folded it before placing it into his case with his guitar. In exchange, he took her hand, placed a wad of bills and change inside--the earned money from tonight. He doesn't know how long they've been playing, a few hours at most. The night was still young. He agreed to a drink.
[spacer]"Keep the money. Playing with a gal as talented as you was payment enough. Where's your usual place?" Between making deliveries, steering clear of the po-po, and rocking out, Shinefield didn't really have the time to actually sit down and have a nice night out with pretty girls. No places came to mind besides the general store and a gay bar in Northside he was dragged to by a friend one time. He didn't know anywhere to go, really. The music festival area in the Southern part of Heartland was where he drew the line.
[spacer]He picked up his case and looked around the park. The people had parted, though, they weren't the ones he was really paying attention to, anyway. "Despite living here for so long, I often feel lost," he explained softly. "How come you decided to live here? Louisiana, I mean. It isn't known for being one of the most exciting states."[/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]
Sabine looked at him with a small smile as he handed a wad of cash to her. She slowly took it and frowned. She hadn't earned this all by herself he had helped. " Yes of course we will play again sometime. I am always out when the sun starts to set. Best time to catch people." she said. "Just don't follow the crowd and you will find me. I am always somewhere the music isn't." she said and looked at the cash. She slipped it back in his hands. "Keep it you can buy me a drink. I didn't do all the work this evening." She said "My usual place? Hmm no usual place,but I do this hole in the wall pub. I like to go to Irish haven." She said and winked at him.

She waited for him to follow her as she walked along and smiled at his question. "The hustle and bustle of the French Quarter. When I go there and well where better to play music in small podunk towns. I am just a Irish Lass with a dream of being something more than the lower class girl in America with Rich Irish parents back home. I want my name carved in stone to step from the shadows into the light." She said. "But for now I enjoy the simple life dabble in photography, and painting and Bartend at O'Reilly's pub a few nights a week. Also lets me play there for some extra cash. Tourists come for that Authentic Irish music. I can give it to them, sometimes give them some covers from Flogging Molly, but its a job for now." She said.

"What about you? What's your life inspiration. Where do you want your music to take you?" She asked as she walked along with him taking twists and turns. She smiled." Well eventually you will get everything you want, your good." She said. "Ahh here we are, O'Reilly's Pub and eatery the finest of Ireland found right here in Louisiana." Sabine said. She opened the door for him and walked in. She waved to the bartender and smiled. "Hey mac send me 2 hard ciders and whatever appetizer." She said. The bartender nods to the guy next to her and spoke in Gaelic. She looked at shinefield and replied easily with a shrug, she continued in Gaelic explaining it. The man nods. " As long as you know what your doing Lass." He told her switching to english.

"I do, thank you." Sabine said. Her head turned to Shinefield. "Gaelic He is from Dublin we met here and he gave me a job." She explained."He was Just asking how me met and if I felt safe. Acts like a older brother." Sabine explained so he didn't feel lost or uncomfortable.