The SS Peregrine- a Sci Fi Survival RP

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Many years in the future, humanity has established inter-stellar travel for both public and private sectors. Artificial Intelligence has been perfected and is now part of everyday life, with AIs living alongside humans. No other intelligent life currently exists within our galaxy; the few species we found were either long-dead or went extinct soon after discovery. That being said, as humanity expanded, sub-species emerged. New traits evolved, and while the basic structure of the human body and genetics remains there is far more variety than before.

You are a member of a prestigious crew working for a somewhat controversial private company, Armstrong Enterprise, which specializes in recreating biomes found on various planets and moons. The founder is said to be one of the biggest tycoons within the Milky Way galaxy. A man obsessed with exploration and collection, he has built a massive network of employees who build and maintain his biomes. His company has been responsible for discovering, cataloging, and collecting many species of flora and fauna alike, but he always hungers for more; to him, enough is never enough. He has reached nearly every corner of our galaxy, and has a well organized system of crews who explore, document, and collect species from the remaining systems that harbor life. Now, he has his eyes set on our closest neighbor, Andromeda. That's where you come in.

Within the highest ranks of the organization there are crews composed of leading experts, combatants, and strategists. These crews man the first vessels sent to systems which harbor life. The crew of the SS Peregrine has been assembled as one of the first to make the jump from the Milky Way to Andromeda. But during the hyperspace jump, the system suffered a massive failure.

The SS Peregrine fell out of the jump in an unknown system. The system which made long-distance travel went down, and life support was failing. Through pure luck, the system that SS Peregrine found themselves in harbors life on an earth-like planet. The crew scrambled to gather data on this new planet, learning all they could to ensure that it could, in fact, keep them alive. Though the calculations were not certain enough to meet standard requirements, time was of the essence, and a nearly unanimous decision was made to head down to this new world, leaving only a few robots to take care of the SS Peregrine in the absence of the human crew. Unfortunately, the fall out of their hyperspace jump was only the beginning of the crew's problems.

To get to the planet, the SS Peregrine had to navigate an asteroid belt, and while preparations were being made for the humans and many AIs to depart via the landing and emergency vessels, the ship took a massive hit. Despite everyone's best efforts to keep the ship alive, the had only minutes to evacuate.

You are some of the lucky few who made it to a departing vessel in time. In the chaos, you and the others within your vessel could see no other escapees, and though you landed safely thanks to the piloting of the Lieutenant Commander, you are now stranded on a completely unknown world with minimal supplies. Though the radio system seems to function, upon reaching out to the SS Peregrine you and your new team were met with silence.

The team must now band together and find a way to live within this new landscape and seek out other survivors- if there are any.

A bit of basic info:

-Ideally there will be 5-10 characters in total
-There may be an opportunity for new characters later in the roleplay. If that occurs, new characters will first be open to current players. If there is still room after the current players have made their decisions it will then be opened to new players.
- proficiency should be elementary, intermediate, or adept
- Please plan to post at least once per week. If something comes up just let me know in the OOC or via PM; I completely understand that things can come up irl and I will always support putting work/ school/ family/ personal health first.

House Rules:

- This RP will be PG13.
-If you have a character who really wants to use profanities that are typically not allowed in PG13 media, talk to me first. I'm willing to be a little more lenient so long as derogatory words are not used.
- Romantic subplots are alright, with some caveats:
-Please do not engage in anything between a mature member and an underaged member.
-Anything beyond PG13 actions should fade to black

Character information:
-Comment or send me a PM when you are ready to create your character(s). There will be an album in the Characters section of Iwaku where all of the characters will be located. I will then be sure to add you to the album so that you can create and post your character(s).
-Players can have human or AI characters.
-humans should make up at least 2/3 of the party. After all, all of the humans were ready to evacuate the SS Peregrine whereas not all of the AIs had planned on doing so.
-There can be more than one character of the types listed (eg multiple security officers)
- You are welcome to make your characters highly specialized in their career field.
-The SS Peregrine has standard uniforms, which are required for humans and optional for AI. Please keep this in mind when writing about your character's clothing. Crew members are permitted to wear civilian clothing while not at their stations, provided that they have their base uniform underneath. If a uniform type the your character(s) wear is not listed here let me know and I will get an image. I am open to discussing uniform ideas.
-Base Uniform, Unisex, to be worn under all clothing:


Character Types:
-security officer
-Medical Doctors/ AI Engineers (the equivalent of an MD, they work on AIs)
- An MD does not necessarily have to be human, nor does an AI Engineer have to be an AI
-biologist/chemist/ other researcher
-any other profession that would be useful to the crew back on the SS Peregrine.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to send a PM if you have any questions.
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~character roster~

Commander Altair Shepherd

Lieutenant Commander Rion Ward

April Alcott, MD
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Should be able to get to this this weekend or tomorrow if I get off work on time. :D
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