The Stargate Chronicles (Discussion Thread)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci fi
  • The Stargate Chronicles:
    It was only a few months ago when you and a small group of friends found an artifact half buried while you were camping. You pulled it out of the ground and were shocked to see that it was a perfect circle about twenty feet tall. Along with it there were also these... Gauntlets which you could wear, and for some reason had essentially LCD screens. Believing it was the discovery of a lifetime, you got one of your trucks and towed it back to someones house.

    One of you had the smart idea of trying to figure out just what this thing was before you called any news agencies. Going based on the fact that the Gauntlets had a type of LCD screen, you somehow managed to wire up some power to start charging the Gauntlets and the Stargate. At first it seemed like nothing was happening so you all decided to leave it overnight. What was the harm after all?

    When you woke up in the morning and checked on the items, you found that they were all powered at least to a point. The Gauntlets were active and could be interacted with- Although there were only seven symbols present on the screens as well as a icon that looks similar to a battery which currently is displaying 0/11.

    Through messing around you were able to figure out a small bit of how the items work. You are able to press four of the symbols and provided they were a correct code a large blue light would fill the Stargate and the Gauntlets power said 1/11. Curious, someone started up Facetime and threw a phone through the light. Once it passed through, the video began to output what looked to be the inside of a pyramid like you would have seen in National Geographic.

    Equipping dust masks and the like you traveled through to retrieve the phone and realized that you were somewhere in Egypt thanks to your phone's GPS. On this side was another of these Stargates, although this one wasn't buried like the only you found originally. After returning back home all of you tried to fathom what had happened when someone brought up the idea: "What if we enter five symbols instead of four?"

    After trying different combinations for several hours you finally found a five digit code that worked. The battery level on the Gauntlets said 11/11. You duct taped one of your phones to a very long stick and began to Facetime while sticking it through the Stargate. What you saw on the otherside absolutely shocked you. A fully red area which you identified as Mars after noticing Rover tracks off in the distance.

    One of you theorized that 4 Codes and 1 Power is necessary to go to other Stargates on the same planet. 5 Codes and 11 Power is necessary to go to other Stargates in the same Solar System. 6 Codes and presumably 111 power allows you to travel to other solar systems, although that can not be confirmed for the time being.

    You all have found something which could completely change the course of human history and so far no one other than this group of friends knows of it. Although the occasional disagreement may come up the general consensus is to use the Stargate to explore and find objects to use, reverse engineer or sell. If the Government were to hear of this discovery immediately, they would most likely militarize it or go as far as to destroy the entire thing, so as far as you're concerned you're in the right.

    How will you expand the Stargate Project? Who will you hire to assist you later on as NPC's? How will you lead humanity? All of this and more is for you to decide in: The Stargate Chronicles!​

  • Hey Guys!

    So this is actually a concept I had come up with for my tabletop group, however it doesn't fit their style unfortunately. This game is going to be more of a tactical basebuilder rpg where every decision you make matters.

    You'll find more symbols to download into the gauntlets on other planets, can find weapons and equipment and can even set up colonies later on! Need more power to get further out? Find some Naquadah reactors somewhere! (Something Stargate fans might have noticed is the 4/5/6 coded Stargate passwords. This is so that it's not ENTIRELY open world at the start and allows me to curate at least a few posts in the beginning until we get into the swing of things. 6 codes allows the Stargate to dial out up to 40 LY away, while the full 7 allows you to dial anywhere in the Galaxy. 8 codes still allows you to transport to other Galaxies in this Galactic Cluster and the 9th code allows you to transfer to other Galactic Clusters.)

    I decided to go with this approach rather than a straight SG1 styled roleplay, because I like the concept of setting up the entire program from scratch rather than just reporting back to the military brass. It also gives you guys more of a sandbox to do whatever because every single non-enemy NPC working alongside the Stargate Project will be handpicked by your characters allowing you to custom tailor your group.

    Another thing I think will make this a bit more interesting is that the general plot layout means you guys are starting out roughly middle class, maybe higher middle class at most. So throughout the progression of the game, we'll get to see how your characters react suddenly coming into lots of money if that's what you guys start to pursue.

    I'm open to suggestions on how to modify the game if anyone has any, this is just an interest check to see if anyone actually wants to play.

    As far as gameplay structure goes: I will not have a character. I'll be all the NPC's and send challenges your way. If I can figure out a way to use dice on Iwaku, I may implement that for any potential combat or skill challenges.
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I'm so pumped for this!

Name: Dr. Lincoln 'Honest Abe' Murphy.

Age: 47.

Gender: Male.

HP: 10.

Physical Appearance:
Short & graying brown hair, handlebar mustache, thick gold-framed glasses. Hazel eyes.

Pudgy. 5'0" tall. A fan of khakis and Irish derbies.

Occupation: Geologist / Professor.

Personality: Kooky, witty, sarcastic, warm, brilliant. An embodiment of the 'eccentric professor,' Dr. Murphy combines his love of rocks with his capability to rock. He's always wearing an Irish Derby, carrying a book of sudoku puzzles, and making obscure science fiction references--- while attempting to make subtle puns towards his younger students and friends. He's well aware of the divide between generations!

He fails at telling regular jokes. ( Doesn't have a funny bone in his body. ) But oh, he'll laugh at his own expense.

But he has his other flaws: like his capacity to freeze during periods of high stress, or his perpetual doubt. And he's mostly afraid of guns.

The worst flaw he has? He just can't lie. It irks him, hence the nickname.


He was born in Indiana in 1970, and he grew up watching Buck Rogers in the 25th Century and various science fiction shows. Because of the incredible landscapes he saw as a child, Murphy went to college to pursue Geology.

He famously got the nickname "Honest Abe" from a professor during his first presentation. Linc loves telling the story.

Eventually, he got his doctorate in Geology, and then went on to get one in education. He took a job teaching Geology after years of being in the field and publishing.


Geology +3

Computers +2

Math +2

Code Breaking +1

How did you come into the friend group? Most likely as a sort of father figure to the others, or through another character going to his university and becoming his student.

Amateur Scientist: 1x Knife for self defense (1d4), 1x Book of dangerous plants, 1x Flint and Steel, 2x First Aid Supplies (1d6), 1x Ancient Language Translation Book, 2 weeks rations.
  • Love
Reactions: austbot
I'm so pumped for this!

Name: Dr. Lincoln 'Honest Abe' Murphy.

Oh I absolutely love this! I'm looking forward to see how 'Honest Abe' will start reacting once they get onto other planets and the such. It's funny, he's kind of like an Anti-Rush from Universe and I absolutely adore it. I can't wait to see how this goes once we get a few more players.
  • Thank You
Reactions: maxie-poo
Name: Bernadette Lance
Age: 23
Gender: Female
HP: 10
Physical Appearance:
Occupation: Private Security

Personality: Calm, cool and collected, Bernadette attempts to keep this facade up at all time, though it cracks to show her true excitable self whenever she discovers a weapon or piece of tech she previously didn't know about.
While normally fairly antisocial Bern is happy to chat with any of her friends about whatever may be on their mind.
Her worst trait is by far her refusal to show fear at any time, while she does feel fear, she will never back down from dangerous situations, which has led to numerous injuries.

History: Bern was lucky enough to have a very stable family and her parents were quite loving, however they were also thrill seekers, something she did her best to imitate.

While she could not attend most of her parent's trips she instead spent her time scifi and war movies, becoming a fan of unique looking weapons and alien tech (not that she has ever found any).
Eventually she became a licensed security professional, though most of her jobs don't even allow the use of a gun.

Gun Training
First Aid
How did you come into the friend group?: Likely either by breaking up a fight, or offering to fix something broken of theirs and getting dragged into a conversation.

Military Junkie: 1x Pistol (1d6), 2x Full Magazines (10 bullets each), 1x Combat Knife (1d6), 2 weeks rations, 1x Military grade flash light, 1x Kevlar vest (2 additional hp).
Name: Bernadette Lance

Awesome! You're in, I'm excited to see the interactions between Bern and Honest Abe. Just two more and we'll be ready to go!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mahou-Shoujo
Name: Jones (Langley - hides last name due to thought of mother)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

HP: 10

Physical Appearance:

Occupation: Detention Officer/Resource Officer

Personality: Waits to hear multiple opinions before chiming in, very impulsive in situations that he can't understand or wrap his head around and his emotional background. Lots of times he holds back his thoughts in situations from the fear of judgement. Quick thinking in dangerous situations due to my time as a detention officer in a local county jail. Because of his shy personality he freezes up with just a simple conversation with women. Because of his frustrations with women he tends to lash out in anger because of his internal feud with himself.

History: He was born on November 20, 1993. Throughout his childhood he lived in poverty. His mother hopped around from guy to guy who were either drunks or abusive men and they tend to lash out against his brothers and sisters.

In 2003, his brothers and sisters were murders by his mother who then committed suicide be gunshot wounds to the skull. Days after the incident he was taken in by Agent Rosk. Rosk taught him basic combat and survival skills to live out in the world.

In 2011, he started working as a detention officer at a local jail hoping he can help others in situations to stay away from what haunts him in his past.

First Aid +3
Protecting Others +2 (Potentially soaking damage for nearby allies)
Decision Making +2 (Can roll to gain idea of what to do next.)
Martial Arts +1
Intimidation +1
Gun Training +1

How did you come into the friend group?
At the school that Dr. Murphy taught at i helped the school out as a resource officer.

Military Junkie: 1x Pistol (1d6), 2x Full Magazines (10 bullets each), 1x Combat Knife (1d6), 2 weeks rations, 1x Military grade flash light, 1x Kevlar vest (2 additional hp).
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Name: Jones (Langley - hides last name due to thought of mother)

Protecting Others +2 (Potentially soaking damage for nearby allies)
Decision Making +2 (Can roll to gain idea of what to do next.)

You're in. This is the best character that you've managed to make in any game we've done together and I'm proud of you. Those two skills will work and I'll make sure to balance for them. Way to go Cody. I'm looking forward to starting the game once we get one last person.
Sorry I'm late!

Name: Oliander "Olly" Kane

Age: 25

Gender: Male

HP: 10

Physical Appearance: He's a tall, lean looking guy, like a swimmer. He's got jet black hair (with a streak of pink, a rarity in his occupation) and light green eyes, and his features are narrow, almost severe, except his constantly smirking mouth. He tends to wear long sleeved shirts and jeans. He always keeps himself cleanly shaven.

Occupation: Nurse/Child Life Specialist

Personality: He's caring and loyal, two traits that led him to his job as a nurse, specifically a child life specialist. He's always had a passion for working with children, too. He tries his best to be everyone's friend, even with those he doesn't like that much, and he's a diplomat, always looking for a peaceful way to solve things. When he was younger he suffered from depression, so he never puts people down for being sad, even for no reason. He goes out of his way to make people feel better, specifically because he believes it's the right thing to do. With his friends, he's a lot more cynical, sometimes even pessimistic, but he makes sure to never let the kids see that. He's also gullible and easily trusting to a fault. He believes the best in people (usually). Has never had a real boyfriend but would like one.

History: He lived a relatively normal life, both parents and one brother, until around 14, when his depression began to spiral out of control. He attempted suicide at the age of 15, and was sent to a psychiatric ward for a week. A year after that, he tried again, failed, and was sent to the ward again. Ever since, he's been on a mix of medicine to keep himself up. While in the psych ward, he became fascinated with the workings of the hospital and began pursuing a job in the health field. Nowadays he works at the hospital, in the ward, this time as a child life specialist.

Skills: First Aid +3
Charisma/Negotiation +2
Biology +2
Computers +1
Self Defence +1
Reflexes +1

How he came into the friend group: He just sorta stumbled into it. He met the Professor at least when he took his class, more out of curiosity then passion, but took a liking to the Professor.

Amateur Scientist: 1x Knife for self defense (1d4), 1x Book of dangerous plants, 1x Flint and Steel, 2x First Aid Supplies (1d6), 1x Ancient Language Translation Book, 2 weeks rations.
Sorry I'm late!

Name: Oliander "Olly" Kane

I absolutely adore Olly. Great, now that you're here we can begin. I'll be setting up the starting post in just a few minutes. Hope that you'll have fun!
So where we want to keep the Stargate?

Personally, I think the professor's house would make the most sense, because he's a professor, after all.
So where we want to keep the Stargate?

Personally, I think the professor's house would make the most sense, because he's a professor, after all.

That's what I thought made the most sense myself, but I also didn't want to force it onto Maxie, in case he'd rather have it somewhere else.