The Stillness Lodge House

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Reanimator Buns

Just some gal who's a necromancer
Original poster
Fantasy Romance, Scifi
~ Stillness ~
~ Forest of Forever-Winter ~


The northern kingdom of List is in a tizzy. A king assassinated, an army of the damned, and a plague hardly curable. What could it take to save this kingdom from collapsing? Perhaps a great hero. Perhaps a party of great heros. But even for the majority of adventurers, there is only so much you can do. Hunting a rabid wolf doesn't even compare to hunting a rogue sorcerer. But with danger and death ever present, the average everyday folk still need to live their lives. Living every moment in waking fear will get you nowhere.

As far north as you can go, there is an isolated village. Stillness. Stillness, lying right in the middle of the Forest of Forever-Winter is covered in snow, save a few weeks in the summer months. It is a small town, but has great value. It sits right next to a river, leading down to Horace, the economic hub of List. The village was established as an outpost for loggers. Ever since, they have continued this tradition. However, the harsh winter conditions prevent logging all year long. Many people who look to make their living with the logging money take leave half-way through the autumn. Stillness's population dwindles, and diminishes. Very few people stay, but those who do have set up permanent businesses to help them get by. The most famous business is the Stillness Lodge House. During the Spring and Summer, the Lodge House is a bustling and uproarious establishment, housing and feeding hundreds upon hundreds of loggers of all ages. During the Fall and Winter, however, the Lodge House provides a place for weary travelers who seek refuge from the cold. The proprietress is always happy to take in anyone who just wants warm fire, fresh sheets, and fresh coffee. Bards and performers stay a day or two. Adventurers bring life to the quiet inn with their stories of conquest and bravado.

This story is not of the grand heroes who slay the abhorrent monster. This simple story is of those who provide one small, but beloved service. This is the story of those who give leave to rest, here in the quiet town of Stillness

Perhaps not the most interesting of premises, but one that I would love to take part in. I want to focus on the small folk in a high fantasy DnD-esque setting. Adventurer's and the ilk are welcome, and expected, however do know that there will not be too much in the way of action. This RP will mostly focus on character relations with each other, and the environment. If you're interested, I'd love to hear from you.​
Spuds! A fantasy version of a romantic slice-of-life? I'm interested.
Hey Scarlet, nice to see you again. yeah, I've been looking for a slice of life for a while, but none of them have been open, and everything else is too story heavy for what I want right now.
Yeah. I've been wanting more light-hearted easy stuff recently, if that makes sense. Like I just don't feel like dealing with intense fights and villains in group rps right now. I've had ideas for things that would have those elements but just haven't felt like doing them yet. But doing something like this in a fantasy setting seems fitting for what I'm interested in right now.
Exactly! I liked this idea because it allows for some of that intensity to some degree, while still taking off the edge. Well, I suppose all we need to do now is just wait until more interest is generated
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That's an amazing premise. I'd love to see where you want to go with it.
Glad to have you on board. I think I'll wait a day or two, see if anyone else bites, and then I might just make a sign-ups. That usually spurs more interest
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I too love the premise. I haven't done a slice of life RP before, so I'm not sure what to expect. I'll look out for the signup sheet for more details.
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I am interested and will be working on a CS after I'm done with school stuff (๑• . •๑)