The Things That Go Bump in the Night

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I've had this thought for a while now. No concrete world/characters as of yet but the general plot I'm looking at is: Character A and Character B have taken it upon themselves to become vigilantes.

Now, that's a really broad plot that can be taken in a lot of directions. I do have a general theme/mood that I like writing for which I'd like to incorporate in this RP (well, bits of it anyway).

Stuff that I likee:
- low tech. swords and sandals.
- low-key magic. palm readings and inexplicable miracles (like rain in a drought, sudden wind making your escape against pirates, etc) over fireballs shot from hands and raining lightning bolts on your enemies.
- things that make sense. somewhat. the reason why I don't like modern vigilantes is because I think you'd be caught far too quickly. and I want this RP to be going on for longer than that. at the same time, if the world's economics don't make too much sense, well, I'm not an economics major and the main story won't be about that.
- at the same time, I want worldbuilding. I want a relatively fleshed out world with folk-heroes and politicians and innkeeps alike. a detailed backdrop which won't really be touched beyond being a world that our characters live in.
- the idea that while revenge is good, you will lose something.
- character death.
- morally grey. we are vigilantes; the authorities WILL be after us.
- unstable relationships. long days on the road, low rations, a lame horse, the stress of being both the hunter and the hunted—eventually someone's going to snap.
- a mentor and an apprentice.
- doubling? playing multiple characters.
- the freedom to make up NPCs and plot directions. 50/50, just be reasonable (no "Character A flies 50 feet in the air before unleashing a fire tornado that incinerates the entire village" kinda posts).
- you can play whatever kinda character you want. so can I. just as long as they are human. I like platonic, MxM, MxF, FxF, like literally anything. As long as it makes sense and takes time—no love at first sight. I don't care for fade to blacks but I'll do them.
- shared histories. characters that start off knowing each other.
- hidden backgrounds. plot twists.
- limited time. I've had this thought of a reanimated corpse seeking their revenge. They'll need to find their assailant before their body rots away.
- body-horror? I don't know if that's the right word for it. I don't think that it is. Really into inner/outer conflict between appearances and body issues and gender roles and gender identities. forced change. lost experiences.
- the idea that revenge isn't satisfying.
- breaking society's rules doesn't come without consequences. sometimes, it's worth facing those consequences.
- gore. torture. revenge isn't pretty and you may come to regret it (or at least, get pissed off about how much it's affecting you).
- flawed characters and relationships that shouldn't be emulated IRL. power imbalance. when you hate someone one minute and you're fine with them the next.
- addiction. to whatever.
- the need to be hidden.
- monsters among us. getting in too deep over your head. that person you killed? well, you aren't the only one wanting revenge now—only difference being that they're stronger, richer, faster, more powerful than you.

Just general stuff that I think I'd like to write about. If you want to discuss anything, PM meee. I probably missed some things too. Not all of this required, I'm sure you have things you want to write about as well. As long as we can keep a 50/50 balance between ur ideas and mine we're gucci (or less/more, depending on what we want). just to give a general idea of stuff I like :)).

Just so you know though... I respond slowly. OOC may be quicker but IC, I'll try for once per week. You don't have to tell if you ditch. I'll consider your interest gone when our thread gets locked LOL (so I don't care when you respond, just do it before the thread dies). If you do ditch though, I may reuse our world (but not your character) for another go. Don't want to keep on making new ones over and over again.
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