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Starlight Keeper
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  1. 1-3 posts per day
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  1. Intermediate
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I really like modern roleplays, especially hings involving romance and family. I also love fantasy, especially anything involving magic, mythical creatures, or gods and goddesses. Fandoms are nice, if I can play an OC. Since history is one of my passions, I like doing historical roleplays, mostly renaissance, 1800's, early 1900's, ancient civilizations, and anything wild west-like or based on pioneers. I do like Sci-Fi, mostly dystopian with some sort of rebellion or strict customs, something like that. I also like roleplays that take place in space if they have a good explanation of the universe that it takes place in. I'm not a big fan of horror or mystery, unless the horror is a sub-element to something else.
  • Family. We all have one, whether they be biological or surrogate. Family is important. Family is built upon the ideas of love, understanding, and respect. Near, far, it doesn't matter because family matters.

    The town of Roselake, Virginia is no exception. Filled with families, young and old, it is a safe place to raise children, get married, and live happily ever after. The town is about two hours away from the capital of Richmond. Although it is considered a "small town", it covers a wide range of space due to its fields for tobacco and soybeans, among other exports. It is a farming town, though not everyone is a farmer or lives on a farm.

    In fact, the town is split into seven distinct areas: the farming district, the suburbs, the trailer parks, the apartment complexes, the shopping district, the school district, and the business district. While each area has their own use, they all have houses as well.

    Welcome to Roselake, by the way.
  • Roselake is built in a circle and the districts are divided by "rings". Nobody knows why the town was built this way, but it often makes it easier to navigate for newcomers and tourists alike.

    The first, of course, is the farming district, which is also considered the "outer ring". The farming district surrounds Roselake and is the farthest from the town center. As you would expect, this is where the farmers and their families live. The main county roads for the farms are dirt roads and the majority of people live on East 236 County Road and West 559 County Road. Of course, there are people that live here that aren't farmers as well.

    The "second ring" is the suburbs. This is where the majority of Roselake's population lives. While it circles around Roselake, there are only two suburbs: Perseverance Falls and Hedley Hills. Hedley Hills is the "Beverly Hills" of Roselake and where the upper class citizens lives. Most of the houses here are very modern and very large. Perseverance Falls is the "ordinary" suburbs.
    The "third ring" is the shopping districts. It circles around the entirety of Roselake and is home to all of the shops and restaurants in the town. While many of these business are privately owned, there are some more common businesses, including a Target, a GameStop, a Barnes & Noble, a McDonald's, a Taco Bell, a Sonic, and a Pizza Hut. Most of the privately owned businesses have a second floor, which the owner lives in or rents out. This does not include the grocery store {Sunnydale}.

    After the first three rings, the city is divided into fourths. Most refer to this inner area as the "pie".
    To the east is the trailer parks, which there are two of: Farthington and Amity Dale. Farthington is the noticeably nicer of the two and also the more expensive one. Amity Dale is considered the "trailer trash" of Roselake and is where the lower class lives.

    To the west of the pie is the school district. Roselake has four schools, all in close proximity to each other. The first school is Avalon Preschool for children ages three to five. The second school is Roselake Elementary and Middle School for the grades of kindergarten to eighth. The third school is Hamilton High School for the grades of ninth to twelfth grade. And finally, Washington Community College for college students, obviously. Very few people live here and those that do are usually students at Washington.

    To the north of the pie is the apartment complexes. As with most places in Roselake, there are two of them: Eden Cove and Red Fox Heights. Eden Cove is cheap living for poorer families and college students whereas Red Fox Heights is more expensive, but usually has more space per apartment and nicer utilities.

    The south of the pie is the business district. Almost no one lives here except for the mayor and his family and some firefighters. This is where the official buildings are located {the police station, the fire station, the hospital, and the town hall}. The business district is also where the two hotels are and where most of the insurance places and doctors' offices are. Some other attractions in the business district are the dance studio {Roselake Pointe}, the park, and the pet shelter.
  • Grade Charts
    || 2-5 /\ Preschool ||
    ||5 - 6 /\ Kindergarten {Elementary School}||
    ||6 - 7 /\ 1st Grade {Elementary School}||
    ||7 - 8 /\ 2nd Grade {Elementary School}||
    ||8 - 9 /\ 3rd Grade {Elementary School}||
    ||9- 10 /\ 4th Grade {Elementary School}||
    ||10 - 11 /\ 5th Grade {Elementary School}||
    ||11 - 12 /\ 6th Grade {Middle School}||
    ||12 - 13 /\ 7th Grade {Middle School}||
    ||13 - 14 /\ 8th Grade {Middle School}||
    ||14 - 15 /\ 9th Grade {High School}||
    ||15 - 16 /\ 10th Grade {High School}||
    ||16 - 17 /\ 11th Grade {High School}||
    ||17 - 18 /\ 12th Grade {High School}||
    ||18-26 /\ University Up to Sixth Year {Enough to Earn a Masters}||

    Parent to Child Ratio
    If the Child is This Old -- The Parent is At Least This Old
    ||20 -- 35||
    ||19 -- 34||
    ||18 -- 33||
    ||17 -- 32||
    ||16 -- 31||
    ||15 -- 30||
    ||14 -- 29||
    ||13 -- 28||
    ||12 -- 27||
    ||11 -- 26||
    ||10 -- 25||
    ||9 -- 24||
    ||8 -- 23||
    ||7 -- 22||
    ||6 -- 21||
    ||5 -- 20||
    ||4 -- 19||
    ||3 -- 18||
    ||2 -- 17||
    ||1 -- 16||
    ||Younger Than 1 -- 15||
  • Character Sheet
    {Realistic Image}
    ❃ Name ❃
    『 Answer Here | First Middle Last 』
    ❃ Nickname{s} ❃
    『 Answer Here | Optional 』
    ❃ Age & Birthdate ❃
    『 Answer Here | Any Age | Month Day Only 』
    ❃ Gender & Sexuality ❃
    『 Answer Here | Male or Female {Transgender is Accepted} | Any Sexuality is Fine 』
    ❃ Health Ailments ❃
    『 Answer Here | Optional 』
    ❃ Address ❃
    『 Answer Here | Part of Roselake They Live In | Link To Picture of House 』
    ❃ Grade ❃
    『 Answer Here | See Grade Chart 』
    ❃ Occupation ❃
    『 Answer Here | Can Realistically Be Anything 』
    ❃ Physical Appearance ❃
    『 Answer Here | Height • Weight • Hair and Eye Color • Piercings • Markings 』
    ❃ Personality ❃
    『 Answer Here | Include at Least Five Traits 』
    ❃ Likes ❃
    『 Answer Here | Five Minimum 』
    ❃ Dislikes ❃
    『 Answer Here | Three Minimum 』
    ❃ Family ❃
    『 Answer Here 』
    ❃ Significant Other ❃
    『 Answer Here | Include Name and Status {Crush, Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Fiancee, Spouse} 』
    ❃ Relationships ❃
    『 Answer Here | Friends, Enemies, Rivals, Exes 』
    ❃ Pets ❃
    『 Answer Here | Optional 』
    ❃ Other ❃
    『 Answer Here | Languages Spoken • Face Claim • Theme Song • Etcetera 』
    ❃ Open Family Members ❃
    『 Answer Here 』

    ~ No godmodding, etc... Every character should have their weaknesses as well as their strengths.
    ~ If you have an issue with drug and alcohol usage, social issues, different orientations, or anything of that sort, feel free to leave now. On that note, steamy stuff has to fade to black and go to PM. I don't want none of that. I don't care if it's mentioned, just don't go beyond that. Please respect other people's boundaries as well.
    ~ This is just a typical slice-of-life family RP. It's meant to be fun. That being said, try to join existing families or only try to fill in the empty spaces.
    ~ Every character has an important role, so don't worry about your character not being important.
    ~ Please be literate.
    ~ Romance is encouraged, but it should not be the focal point for all relationships.
    ~ Originality is very much appreciated. Tell me your character's favorite color in your CS.
    ~ Do not physically maim another person's character without their permission.
    ~ You cannot be your own love interest, spouse, or anything of that sort. That kind of ruins the point of roleplaying.
    ~You can have as many characters as you want. Just make sure you can keep up with them.
    ~ Please note that I reserve the right to reject any character I feel is not up to standard.
Okay so I added my two families, and I have one woman open for a new husband with kids and one man open for a new husband and adopted children. :D
@Mundane Monster The Molina Family need a father and adopted children, if you want to have Chavez with Francisco?
Decided to make only one family! But I am open to make more children and spouses for those who need some, just hit me up! :)

The Durands need a Husband/Father and two children. Also, Lottie needs an ex who is also Clarissa's father.


And anyone else.
@Mundane Monster The Molina Family need a father and adopted children, if you want to have Chavez with Francisco?
That'd be awesome! How long do you think they should be together?

Decided to make only one family! But I am open to make more children and spouses for those who need some, just hit me up! :)

The Durands need a Husband/Father and two children. Also, Lottie needs an ex who is also Clarissa's father.


And anyone else.

Francisco could have been Lottie's ex and Clarissa's father, as I'm making him a recent divorcee.
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@Mundane Monster A year or two? They could maybe each have their own adopted children they brought into the family?
Umm I will try to get my female up tomorrow.
@Mundane Monster A year or two? They could maybe each have their own adopted children they brought into the family?
Okay, cool a year sounds fair! I'll add the kids tomorrow. :

Yes! That'd be great
Awesome! So did you have an partivular reason why they broke up? Also since my he and Felilla's guy are together now for a year, how long had he and Lottie been together?
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I'm gonna finIsh my females tomorrow
@Minamoto Lightning I'm going to make a husband for Irina, is it cool if they already have one child?

@Mundane Monster I'll also make a new husband for Samantha. He's going to have three children from a previous marriage. How newly married are they gonna be?

@~Happily.Ever.After~ I'm gonna make Icelyn's wife and maybe two or three kids {gotta love big families}.

@Violet Depending on their ages, Paige or May might be good with either Merrit {35 with a 15 yo daughter and a 4 yo son} or Max {38 with a 10 yo daughter}. Depending on sexuality {and age}, they could also be good with Holly {40 with a 16 yo and a 15 yo old}

@~Dark Disney~ @Princess Poisoned Rose @Who For the time being, I pausing any new families from being created until the already made ones are fulfilled {unless an agreement has been made prior with someone else. If so, please just let me know.}

Also, Dark, the boy I mentioned will actually be a 16 yo in the Iliev family.
@Felilla That sounds good. And the couple may already have one child together. Irina will also be taking her hubby's last name. Oh and will this child be from a previous marriage or legitimately Irina's first child?
@Minamoto Lightning Their last name is Osborne and that's up to you, I don't have preference.
@Felilla I suppose they can be Mother and Child. I'll leave the rest up to you since he (or she) will be your character.
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@MaryGold I can make a husband and a child for Charlotte if you want :3

@Minamoto Lightning I can make an SO for Emma and one of Diana's other teenage daughters.
Felilla said:
@Mundane Monster I'll also make a new husband for Samantha. He's going to have three children from a previous marriage. How newly married are they gonna be?

Awesome!! :D And hmm maybe only married a few months? Is it okay if the husband moves in with Samantha? I kinda wanted her to have a goat farm, but if not that's cools. ^_^
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Okay so I finally got around to catching things up and currently
Paige is 28 and has a 2 year old daughter Amelia
Parker is 25 and no kids
May is 20 and has a 4 months old daughter
Honestly whoever needs someone I'll make them plus step - children and adoptive children. Just let me know guys.
Awesome! So did you have an partivular reason why they broke up? Also since my he and Felilla's guy are together now for a year, how long had he and Lottie been together?
I didn't have an exact reason in mind yet, but I am open for suggestions. I thought they could have been together for three or four years before splitting.

@MaryGold I can make a husband and a child for Charlotte if you want :3
Yes, please~! :D I would love that

@Felilla Can I make a husband and child for the Sato clan and a teen daughter for the Sharps?
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