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Where should the Travel Writers Club go first?

  • The Zoo! ANIMALS YAY

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • An Amusement Park! ROLLERCOASTERS YAY

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • The Park SWINGS! YAY

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Mundane Monster

The most uninspiring of monsters
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Animal based, Scifi, Modern, Horror, Comedy, Slice of life.
Red Poppy High School is truly the best school. The classes are fun and engaging. The cafeteria offers a wide variety of food (even American cuisine!). The uniforms look fashionable and classy all at once and the campus is big but no so big that you can get lost! The only real problem is the school's policy on clubs. All students no matter what the circumstances were supposed to join a club and man was that a pain in the ass for people who don't want to do anything after school except for sleep, eat and generally not waste two hours doing club stuff.

But regardless, you have to join a club and every month the school holds a club fair so that transfer students or students who lost interest in their first clubs, can join others. The clubs are numerous ranging from the baseball club to the tea ceremony club, but you aren't interested in those are you? Well at least not any more for some of you. But what are you gonna do? If you don't join a club, you'll be in deep shit with your parents and the faculty.

So it's the third club fair of the month and you're wandering through the campus staring at all the clubs around you. Which one will you join? Will the club members be nice? Why the hell where clubs mandatory in the first place? Wh--And suddenly you see it. Or maybe it sees you. Or whatever. There's someone--in a beat up Tanuki costume standing a few paces ahead of you. It's clutching a stack of papers and it's glassy eyes seem to be staring at nothing...Until it notices you. All of sudden it seems to perk up and it begins to lumber towards you. You're not quite sure but it seems to be mumbling something.

"...my club."


"...n my club."

"Come again, I didn't hear--"

"JOIN MY CLUB!!!" The tanuki person shrieks before running at you full speed, screaming for you to join the club all the while.

Maybe you punch it. Maybe you put it in a full Nelson. Maybe you get the fuck out of there. Either way, the day ends the same, with you maybe reluctantly entering room 7-C with a club application in hand, because sometime between the tanuki chasing you or being fended off, you end up with a club information for the Travel Writers Club.

I don't want to join a club. You don't want to join a club. But we have to, so let's make it fun and write about the many places we go.
Please join the Travel Writers Club

Upon entering the room you find...[To be continued in the IC! AHAHAA SEE WHAT I DID? I cliff hangered you! Now you have to join!]

A note from me, your wonderful GM:
As you can see, this is a pretty silly rp. Think Daily Life of High School Boys and Nichijou combined. Doesn't that sound fun?
There are only a few rules:
- Basic Iwaku Rules

- Don't Godmodd etc

- All appearances should be anime.

- Don't type in Weeaboo Garbage Language. (EX: Eh? Nani? What did you just say to me? Baka! I'll korosu you! Aho!) The rp is set in Japan, so obviously if it were an actual anime, the spoken language would be Japanese, so please don't. Just don't. -_- That being said, if a character is speaking in English or another language (or attempting) put those words in a different font. Placing honorifics on names is not included in this and feel free to use them!

- Cursing is allowed and encouraged but don't fucking do it like fucking this cause that's fucking annoying as fucking hell.

- At least five sentences per post.

- Finally, there are no super powers and please don't bring in any weapons. (Using something that's already in the environment, like a stick or a stray cat as a weapon is fine, just no swords or guns).

(Obviously these aren't all the staff, but these are the ones you'll see the most. Feel free to make more.)

Principal Goda Hitoshi - A nice guy, kind of indecisive. He's fond of terrible dad jokes and he can often be seen being lectured by Mr. Higuchi for feeding stray cats around the school. He can be kind of...I don't want to say stupid...But stupid.

Higuchi Daisuke the School Counselor
A bit of an asshole, he has a tendency to look at you for a moment and 'suggest' what career path you should go in. (Ryou-san, you always look super mean, so maybe you should be a gangster instead of going to university!) Despite this, he likes to lecture people on their wrong doings, especially the Principal when he witnesses him making the stray cat problem around the campus worse by feeding said pests.

Arakawa Junko the School Nurse She used to be a doctor but lost her license for some reason, but then got certified to be a nurse. She misses her duties as a doctor and tries to make injuries bigger than what they are. (Oh no, one of Principal Goda's many cats scratched you? Look like we're gonna need to amputate that limb!)

Back in the 90's the principal couldn't decide on a uniform, so he delegated the task to the teachers and chaos soon ran rampant as the teachers split into two factions, both wanting a certain look for the school. One group wanted a more sophisticated classy look and the other wanted a casual laid back look. So instead of making a decision the principal decided that both uniforms were fine. Shoes aren't apart of the uniform, so whatever the students wants is fine, as long as they aren't barefoot. Accessories are also allowed.

Cause people always be getting confused.
These arent required to be used, its just for fun if you want to use them.
San [Universal usage between most people]
Sama [More respectful version of san.]
Kun [Commonly used for male children/teenagers or male friends.]
Chan [Commonly used for female children/teenagers or female friends.]

Character Sheet
[Last Name First Name]
Age: (15-18)
Year: [Year 1 (Age 15-16) Year 2 (16-17) Year 3 (17-18)]
Typical Uniform: (Choose from above. You can mix and match)

Personality: [List at least six. You can go into detail if you want]
Likes: [At least 3]
Dislikes: [At least 3]
Quirks: (Maybe you only chew a certain type of gum, or maybe you collect lead pencils. What makes you, you?)

Brief Bio: [At least five sentences]
Club History: (Where you in any other clubs? Why did you leave?)
Family: (Name - Relation - Age - Occupation)

Episode One
The Tanuki
(You know how I said your character met someone in a tanuki costume and it chased you or you kicked it or whatever? Put your version of what happened. At least five sentences.)

President: Hatanabe Mitsuko
Vice President: Kondo Emiri
Oshiro Raizo
Minabuchi Tadao
Nakamura Tomoki
Motori Momoe

The Rundown
This is a casual fun slice of life role play that consist of a group of students who engage in various shenanigans and fill their daily lives with fun! The roleplay is supposed to mimic the format of a light hearted anime.
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Vice President? Could I snag that one?^^
I would but I am not the biggest anime picture fan. Thank you though for the invite. maybe another rp dear.:bananaman:
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Reactions: Mundane Monster
Hm. Let me sit on this. I'm definitely interested though.
Not a fan of honorifics being required, personally, so not this time. Sorry.
  • Useful
Reactions: Wolfsbane706
I am in for sure on this since its going to be a small rp
  • Love
Reactions: Mundane Monster
I'm interested o u o

CS coming soon....
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Might give this a shot. Consider me interested for the time being.
M'into it !! ♥︎


Age: 16
Year: 2
Gender: Female

Typical Uniform:
Blue vest, casual uniform shirt, red bow, blue/red plaid skirt, black knee high stockings and yellow sneakers.

Imaginative Eccentric Inquisitive Fun-Loving Energetic Persistent Uninhibited Adventurous

Pop Music
Dancing (not very well)
Singing (also not very well)

Desserts with Nuts
English Class
The smell of cut grass

She's been wearing the same shoes everyday since she was twelve. They're so worn that she has to use duct tape on the bottoms of them.

If she sees an animal, she will "communicate with it" (aka she will bark at it if its a dog and if it's a cat she'll meow.)

She's a messy eater to the point that she just looks like a wild animal devouring it's kill.

She puts cheese on just about everything.

She likes to nickname people. (Not even like shortened versions of their name. It's usually based on looks.)

Brief Bio: [At least five sentences]
Mitsuko was born to two perfectly normal parents who loved their daughter but also really loved their mutual jobs. They were travel writers who had been traveling all over the world for a long time, writing about everything they saw but they briefly came back to Japan to have a child. Then they stayed put in Japan for five years until they began to miss their lives as travel writers and they resolved to return to their careers and bring Mitsuko along for the ride. They lived like this for about two years until they had a parenting scare where they nearly lost Mitsuko (she ran off into a crowded area hosting a parade), and so they decided to return to Japan...To place their daughter in the care of her Aunt Chiyo, so they could continue their lives as free range travel writers.

So Mitsuko was raised by her single Aunt, who had the tendency to serial date the weirdest guys. One of those dates ended with her getting knocked up and blessed the Aunt and niece with two beautiful but devious little boys. Although Mitsuko likes her aunt (and her cousins on occasion) she wishes that her parents would quit sending post cards every month and come home for once. However until they do so, Mitsuko has resolved to become a travel writer herself so that she can feel kind of close to them, and make some friends along the way.

Club History:
Soccer Club - "I first joined because being apart of a team seemed like a fun thing to do, but they want you to like train every day! EVERY. DAY. Even on weekends and on summer break!"

Band - "...I wasn't really good at any of the instruments so they gave me the triangle to play but that got boring after awhile."

Drama Club - "The president of that club and I got into a disagreement over the fact that she's the most unoriginal dry piece of toast in the world."

Fujimoto Chiyo - Paternal Aunt and Guardian - 32 - Freeloader
Watanabe Renjiro - Father - 40 - Travel Writer
Watanabe Yuki - Mother - 38 - Travel Writer
Fujimoto Akihito and Akira - Little Cousins - 6 - Professional Pests
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Kondo, Emiri
Age: 17
Year: Year Three
Gender: Female
Typical Uniform: Typically all casual with knee high socks and red flats

Likes: Reading||Writing||Tea||Chocoloate||Shrimp||Home-made Bento boxes||Cats||Painting/Drawing||Purple||Gold||Studying
Dislikes: Anger||Samoln||Make-Up||Abuse||Loud Noises||Malls||Failing
Quirks: "Let's see I have a habit of doodling on my hands. I twirl my hair when I am concentrating. I babble when I am nervous. Almost all my class notes have some kind of doodle or drawing on them."

Brief Bio: [At least five sentences]
Emiri was born to very caring and loving parents. She grew up a relatively normal life except moving around Japan a lot when she was younger. Her father was in demand and so her and her mother moved with him a lot. Her mother was from Italy and when she was 18 she decided that she wanted to move to Japan and study there. So Emiri knows both Italian and Japanese. Her mother is very supportive of her interests and talents and her father encourages her writing and painting/drawing.
Club History: Tea Ceremony Club- After a while, it just got too boring for Emiri that was year one

Family: (Name - Relation - Age - Occupation)
Kondo, Takashi-Father-37-Head Artist for a famous Manga series
Kondo, Kimberly-Mother-36-Stay at Home Mom

Episode One
The Tanuki
Walking through the rather crowded fair for the clubs Emiri took note of all the clubs, the same as she did last year and the year before that. However, the blond knew that this year was going to be different and better than all her previous years at this school. She was waved at by a friend she had made in the Tea Ceremony club and she waved back with a smile.

Emiri's blue eyes scanned over to the Art Club who were waving their 'artistic' flyers in anyone who would pay attention to them face(please understand what I mean here). She pulled at her hair trying to figure out what she would do this year. Nothing was pulling in her interest. She was tough to please and she was just wondering through when she could hear a strangely faint voice.

...my club....

Emiri scanned around her and came up short not finding the owner of the voice anywhere within her vicinity. She chatted with a few stalls not really taking any of their information with her.

...n my club.

She snapped around trying to find the source again but she was apparently blind. Emiri shrugged carrying on with her search in the fair. She turned sharply and unintentionally locked eyes with a Tanuki trying to push their club on people. It was then she heard the voice she had been searching for earlier, "JOIN MY CLUB!" It shouted and ran at her. In a panic, Emiri turned around and booked it out of there her hand slipped on a piece of paper and she grabbed it before turning into a room slamming the door behind her. Panting she lifted the hand holding the paper to her chest to try to calm down. Her eyes looked up and she was in a room with a few other people she looked down at the paper in her hands.

I don't want to join a club. You don't want to join a club. But we have to, so let's make it fun and write about the many places we go.
Please join the Travel Writers Club in room 7-C

Her eyes looked upwards to the sign in the classroom, 7-C, great she was already in the room for the Travel Writers Club and it was just her luck. She smiled at them and took a pen from her side bag and quickly filled it out. Writing seemed like fun especially since they would be writing about places they have been, maybe she could put her own spin on things and get creative with it.
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Reactions: Banana-senpai
It's been so long asdfshgdhf

I'm so triggered by this, let me take a breather first-

Anyway!! I'm ssooooooo glad you invited me. I'm joining!! I'll let my Kansai Boy in soon. I mean, this is set in Tokyo, right?
I knew I forgot to include something! Yes it is set in Tokyo. :D Thanks for reminding me! And thanks for joining! :D
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Reactions: Banana-senpai

Oshiro, Raizo

Age: 17

Year: Year 3

Gender: Male

Typical Uniform: Blue Vest, White shirt, Black pants, Black jacket (similar to the one in the picture), black shoes and a black belt.


Playing his guitar|Being adored by the women around him|Solitude|Smoking|Exercising

Cowardly people|Tea|Cats|Cheap Food|Halloween

He smokes a cigarette once or twice a day depending on how stressed out he is. He doesn't smoke around the school or with friends and tries to keep this a secret to the others outside of his family, who knows about his bad habit. While his father is fine with it, his mother and sister are not.

He also chews a strong flavor gum in order to hide his cigarette breath from others in the school.

He also tends to be more nicer to girls than guys.

Brief Bio:

Raizo was a ordinary kid who had good grades and had wonderful friends growing up in school. Heck, he even had a beautiful girlfriend in middle school that he cared about. But when a certain accident involving him and his family happened, he became a different person and became distant to everyone. He stopped hanging out with his friends in school and hanged out with some gangs out in the street. since joining the street gang, he got into fights and started to smoke. It wasn't long before his girlfriend noticed his new behavior and broke up with him, realizing the man she loved was gone.

Saddened by this, he fell into depression and lost all interest in life. With the help of his family over the year, he was able to get over his depression and turned over a new leaf. He started to become more confident in himself and become more handsome than usual. While he did continue to smoke, he started to become more popular with the ladies around school and took that advantage to get what he wanted. At his first year in high school, he joined the guitar and on his second year, the chess club to avoid getting in trouble with the school for not joining a club. While he did enjoy his time there, there have been issues within the club and left both clubs. Now at his third year and not in a club, Raizo intends on finishing this year with a bang and hoping to leave an impact on the school for quite awhile.

Club History:

Guitar Club: The first club Raizo joined in his first year in Red Poppy High School. He took this class in order to serenade the girls and because he liked the instrument so much. At the end of the first year, he had a heated debate between the other members that forced him to leave the club.

Chess Club: Raizo was in the chess club in his second year. He was very talented at the game so much that none of the other members could beat him. He later became bored of it and left after his second year was over.


Oshiro Keiko: Mother, 39 - Manager
Oshiro Noboru: Father, 40 - Salesman
Oshiro Chiyako: Sister, 16 - Student (Year 2)

Episode One
The Tanuki

Ugh, why do I have to join another club?

The question popped into the mind of a third year student, who was popular with the ladies around school. The fair was filled with all kinds of students who weren't in a club and those who were looking to find another club or join their first club for the first year students. Raizo wasn't interested in joining another club as he didn't see any club that would be worth joining. The two clubs he did join just ended in either in boredom or out of spite.

"Hey Raizo." One of the girl yelled out from a group of girls, who were swooning over him. Raizo was always popular with most of the girls here in this school. Perhaps his bad boy personality and his charming looks had something to do with the attraction of the other girls. Raizo looked at the group and gave a slow wave with a smile that would kill. And the girls immediately fangirl shortly after. Yelling and screaming to each other before one of the facility noticed and told them to stop.

Taking a look around, he was fairly disappointed that there hasn't been any new clubs for quite some time. "Nothing but the same clubs from two years ago." he sighed as there hasn't been a new club in a few years. "Perhaps i'll join a club with the most women then." with a smirk on his face he started to walk around the area until he heard a voice.

...my club

Raizo heard the faint, yet shy voice call out of nowhere. Was the voice talking to Raizo or someone else. Must've been my imagination. He shook his head and continued on before he heard the voice again.

...n my club.

The same voice appeared louder than usual, but still a bit shy, almost sounding a bit aggressive. He looked around the area to notice a strange person in a tanuki suit looking at him. Is that person talking to me? His question would soon be answered by the sudden outburst of the tanuki wearing person.

"JOIN MY CLUB!!!" The tanuki yelled at full force as it charged towards Raizo, looking to find someone to join its club. In fact, what club was the tanuki wearing person trying to start up? Reizo had no idea since he never paid attention to anything but the schoolgirls in here. The tanuki charged towards Reizo, only for its face to meet face to face with Reizo's shoes.

"Ow..." The tanuki cried as it fell to the floor. Reizo, being annoyed by the tanuki at this point, wanted to yell at the person in the costume, but instead, tried to remain calm and try to help crazy person.

"You know, if you want to invite people to your club, you should approach them normally instead of charging at them like a dog with rabies." He spoke out to the tanuki person. The tanuki apologized for its bad behavior and gave him a paper.

"Sorry for that. Maybe i'll see you there." The tanuki person said as it left the area, looking for more students in the club fair to join its club. Reizo took a look at the paper and read it.

I don't want to join a club. You don't want to join a club. But we have to, so let's make it fun and write about the many places we go.
Please join the Travel Writers Club

Travel Writers Club? He stared at the name for some time. While the idea of writing about the places they travel sounds a bit boring, it was the only club that he wouldn't mind joining. I mean, he needed to be in a club anyways and none of the others seem to grab his interest outside of the chess club two years ago. Perhaps it was worth a shot to check it out. the person seemed rather humble about it too.

Guess i'll check it out for myself then.

(I'll also have his sister come in in certain parts of the RP to talk with him from time to time and maybe even meet the gang at some point too, if that's alright with you.)
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Minabuchi, Tadao


Age: 17
Year: Year 2
Gender: Male

Typical Uniform: Casual school uniform comprised of black pants, a teal jacket, sneakers, and a black undershirt.

Friendly X easygoing X pro-active X versatile X open-minded X unconventional
Likes: comic books > ancient weaponry > kung-fu films
Dislikes: diet sodas > mayonnaise > vegetable smoothies

Quirks: Likes to draw scenes of combat with stick figures as protagonists. He uses almost anything from pencil and paper, to mustard and bread as his mediums.

Brief Bio:
Tadao grew up in the neighborhood around Red Poppy High School. He'd studied at the nearest elementary schools, as well as the closest middle school. The youngest of two, Tadao had been the baby of his household for as long as he could remember. His parents and elder brother were always watching over him to make sure he stayed out of trouble. An avid lover of of sword combat, Tadao became a kendo practitioner at the age of 7. Kendo was very important to Tadao for many years, but he'd eventually grown bored of it. It got repetitive, and he wanted something more exciting to spend his time on. Now into his second year of high school, Tadao was curious what awaited him as a club-less student.

Club History:

Kendo club -- Compelled by his love for armed combat, Tadao joined the Kendo club. He'd practice day in and day out, but eventually decided to drop his membership. It got boring after a while, and he wanted something more interesting to spend his high school years on.

Family: (Name - Relation - Age - Occupation)

Minabuchi, Sasha - Mother - 45 - Registered nurse
Minabuchi, Ray - Brother - 25 - College student that works at a fast food restaurant part time
Minabuchi, Reo - Father - 50 - General manager at a small corporation

Episode One
The Tanuki
Tadao was casually strolling through the club fair, watching as a vast array of club leaders tried to convince students to join their clubs. Much to his chagrin, there wasn't a club that had managed to spark his interest so far. He could always try to get back into the kendo club, but there wasn't much there when it came to excitement anyway. It wasn't until a weird tanuki outfit caught his eye that things started to perk up. It wasn't very common to see someone walking around in such a strange costume; at least around this time of year.​

Tadao decided to take the initiative and walk up to the strange individual. Checking out what it was they were trying to accomplish wouldn't hurt, right?​

"Neat costume, Tanuki! What club are you representing?"
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