The Traveling School ✈ -OOC & Sign Ups-

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Madam Cheesecake


A program exists in which only occurs during the breaks of the school year where kids and teenagers (10+) alike sign up to experience educational vacations of their wildest dreams or worst nightmares. All in which are ran by a group of five volunteers that either have completed their university degrees or are in the process of doing so. The plan is for a group of kids to attend this journey to become disciplined and cultured, preparing them for their future. Either by teaching them important lessons, placing a rules and rewards programs, or simply trying to bring them hope in a better tomorrow. Some of the kids are struggling delinquents in which need to find their path, forced to come by their parents due to acting out or poor grades. Other kids might be those who are in constant search of knowledge as well as new horizons, or an experience they can brag to their friends about. Then there are the few rich kids who for some reason rather spend their money here than going to these places alone with their own allowances.

None of the students know where they are going each year until they are there. Of course the parents are informed, however are not allowed to share that information with their children. To the point of signing an obligated waiver in order to prevent so. This means that the students may go anywhere from an awesome foreign country where they get to stay in a hotel and party, end up living in a haunted village, or just pick up garbage at the side of the road for the whole time they are there. Of course sometimes the staff on the trip get away with their own little fun, one year they plan for the children and themselves to go on a cross country field trip on a bus to stop by famous amusement parks. You know, true culture and life lessons come from screaming your brains out and vomiting the nachos you shouldn't have eaten so soon before getting on. Yeah.

Sometimes their trips are fully educational while others only dashes here and there. What can they say? They have a normal teaching job (or other jobs/classes) as well during the school year and they want an awesome 'real vacation' too if they can have it.

The program has been running for almost three years now and has been a great success. While they have mostly those who have attended the previous years, newcomers have been allowed in as they have increased the size of students available from ten slots the first two years, to now fifteen starting this summer. They only started out with three adults as well, so it has been quite the improvement. Due to the program being more underground however they plan at keeping this ratio or maybe adding in another five student slots in the future. It keeps things sane for the few that are there as well as allows students to make friends.
So, are you signed up for this amazing opportunity? Or will you let it pass you by due the potential of every location?

  • Teachers are 18+ of any race, gender, orientation,etc. Given that they are mostly prodigies, they are welcome to be young and old, but they MUST be an adult. Give me a brief description of your student to post up here so everyone can get a quick overview. This can be done before or after you post your app.

    All teachers have some form of relationship. It should be noted that these teachers are from their from early to their mid 20's as they are mostly a group of prodigies. This makes it easier to connect with the students.

    Chef - [Name] - [Username][/hr]

    Teacher 1 - Skylar D. Weber - Sir Cheesecake

    This teacher is the one most likely to put his foot down and be rather strict. While not totally uptight he is usually the one that settles disciplining the students. It should be noted however that he isn't the sort of teacher to be out to get the students deliberately (which one may not believe), he wants to assure that the experience goes well. He's also a bit of an old man in a young body.

    Teacher 2 - [Pending] - Lackluster[/hr]

    !PENDING! A super sweet female, I mean really the students just tend to love her. She often has to get protected from Skylar to not be manipulated by the student's whom press their will on her. It's hard for her to say no so she can be a pretty big pushover. She isn't necessarily a shy girl but she is rather reserved. Don't let it fool you on how smart she is as regardless of these factors as she can talk your ears off on any subject. She has a lot of fun facts, and is keen on language arts.

    Teacher 3 - Asa Brooks Gray - Nougat

    This teacher came in on the second year when the 'school' lost necessary funding. His dad stepped with all his riches to help pay for wherever the school goes as there is a relatively low fee for these students to get in (if any depending on their situation). He is friends with the other teachers but tends to also hold it over them as though he has greater authority due to his father. He doesn't teach either, he just sort of hangs out. When it comes to teaching, art is his strength out of all the subjects. Even going through art school.

    Teacher 4 - [Name] - [Username][/hr]

  • Students can be 10 -18 of any race, gender, orientation,etc. Up to 21yo in extreme cases for kids who have yet to complete high school, although there will be far more focus on study. Give me a brief description of your student to post up here so everyone can get a quick overview. This can be done before or after you post your app. Some Young FCs may help if you're struggling to find younger face claims.

    Student - Felix Wong - Nougat

    This male is a bit of a delinquent, he does however usually like going on these trips. He gets along with people but also likes to cause a bit of trouble (interrupting class, wandering off, etc.) Admittedly he is rather handsome, and he tends to be rather playful. He's pretty good at sports too, not a jock though so he isn't the best or anything. He's more so alright with being active, though can also be incredibly lazy if he is bored (if he isn't being mischievous that is). Something between he and teacher 1 has been slowly mixing up as he is always messing with him. Very not so serious, unless it's something he cares strongly for.

    Student - [Name] - [Username] [/hr]
    This 13 year old tends to be part of Felix's posse. He is one of the more wealthy kids but he doesn't flash it around or mention it. It isn't an idea he likes to be loved for his money rather than who he is. He's in that awkward stage of puberty where he is realizing everything and gets embarrassed easily. He looks to his group of friends for help and tends to sit next to Felix when he can. Almost as if he was a big brother to him really. He's a little bit clingy and scared.

    Student - (Name) -


    Student - (Name)


    Student - (Name)


  • [image]
    Relationships: (Your relationships with others, not whether you are dating anyone)

  • [dash=white]
    1. Be in your assigned rooms before nightfall.
    2. There are no mixed gender rooms unless parents of young siblings bring in a note and ask for their children to share a room.
    3. All medication must be given to the staff to prevent any accidents. A prescription must also accompany this medication. Any medical issues should be noted on the entry form, including allergies.
    5. You may go off on your own in the designated areas so long as you have a way to contact a teacher and are with a partner. If the class is "in session" you may not wander off. Stay with the teacher(s).
    6. Items deemed threatening or inappropriate may be taken away for a period of time. This also includes items that are not allowed due to location.
    7. You can wear whatever you want and say whatever you want so long as it does not harm the rights of others and is not provocative. i.e. don't show your undergarments, even if they're really cute or have your favorite cartoon character on them.
    8. Respect your teachers and fellow students.
    * In this RP I will have the similar locations of the world and made up locations, take this as an alternate universe to our own world so I am not expected to have 100% accuracy. *

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Skye has dark brown hair due to the lack of going outside for the most part. While he does attend these trips, he otherwise doesn't often get out as he'd like. Being on a scholarship for his university sort of prevents a social life. His few freckles on his face are more obvious evidence he at least sometimes does, mostly just on breaks. Although he prefers to dress more formally, he is stuck in regular clothes of your average man. He doesn't have the money to afford nice clothes, or nice food. Although he does try to maintain a slim figure through a cheap, healthy meal plan of mostly rice, beans, and eggs through most of the year.

He also has dark blue eyes, and slight eye bags due to some late nights and always early mornings.


Being in charge of so many kids makes him feel a need to be extra responsible for them. Even though the other teachers take care of the group just fine without that help, and it's completely unnecessary. Although he would call them rather lenient. He isn't the sort of man to put up with nonsense in an inappropriate time. You learn in class. How else are you going to make it in life? I supposed you could boil it down to protectiveness. He tries to remain composed and precise. Admittedly, he feels rather nurturing towards others, hoping for the best to help them in their goals. The whole reason he wanted this was to help people where they may be lost, or just need somewhere they know they can belong. Being a perfectionist however, means that if things don't go his way he may get flustered and frustrated. Anything out of place will irk him until it's fixed, losing his composure when things don't go his way. This is part of why he feels the need to often take the lead on teaching in depth. Not that others are wrong, but he just wants things to go right. It's much less anxiety on the brain.

Being still in schooling himself, although soon to graduate, he technically isn't the best person to take the lead teaching wise. However he really has a hard time letting others take control, unless they're best to take the lead. On his time away he returns to slightly less stress on this, as he feels less pressure. In addition, his loved ones have pointed out how obnoxious it can be, and he really wants to change. He also is surprisingly a very emotional person, although he tries to keep a straight face. Small things make him cry but he just can't help it. It's just too darn much on his heart. In addition, Skye has the habits frequently alike to an old man.

When it comes to personal relationships with the kids, Skylar has a hard time connecting deeply with most of them. He knows to treat them with discipline, but doesn't always get it right when actually forming a relationship based on more than protecting someone and meeting their needs-it's never casual. While he does have his own understanding of how he worked at those ages, he still fails to see how different personality types have different wants. That doesn't mean he doesn't care if someone is hurt, he does, he has tried pep talks, he wants to help. He is sympathetic to those who are of misfortune. He just isn't good at being someone the students rely on. Not always saying the right thing, despite at least trying-perhaps passing judgments too quickly sometimes. His goal is to become someone who shows they care more openly, not just the person who seems so demanding. Without of course, sacrificing authority.


Given the poor area he grew up in, he was home schooled online in order to ease the worries of his mother. With this privilege he managed to make his way through the system at a faster pace than most kids. Often getting things done weeks ahead at a time, he was never satisfied seeing another piece of homework to do later when he could just do it now. This relied on less of his intellect, but rather his perfectionism. It genuinely bothered him. And with whole days to complete tasks, there was always plenty of time. Given that was all he really had to do in life, of course he spent most of his days doing it.

After heading into University at young age, he decided he was bored with life. Up to that point all he knew was school, and it seemed like that's all there ever would be. It was great knowing so much, it was, I mean he was doing great for himself. However, he wanted to put it more into practice. Not just be alone doing the same things with himself. He kept this mindset until he met two special people before graduating for his first degree, driving him to feel a passion to complete his schooling.

In his first go on the advanced program at the university he met the Chef and Teacher 2. Their schools had brought them together to meet up-three young (mostly) prodigies in the same room could do some real good-, and from that day forward they were in contact. Eventually they became friends and started up this amazing idea to give kids the chances to learn and experience life, using all their knowledge. They would make a program to give them the chance to visit places and learn new things while on break, being productive instead of staying at home eating chips. It would open up opportunities to people who wouldn't usually have them, however some still have to have rich kids. Rich kids were kind of essential in the beginning to get donations from their parents.They didn't have enough to pay for it all on a loan alone and didn't want to be in debt all their lives. The government didn't really help.

It was actually due to their financial situation that teacher 3's father stepped in and paid it all of. The money was useful, but now they had to deal with that family having an actual say in the trio's program. It didn't seem fair, but they still kept their passion. He is still rather bitter though. He also has gone back to university, hoping to add another paper saying he has the ability to do something. He also honestly only occasionally gets to substitute with his former degree, thus his main job is working at a chain store.

Mother: Skylar is definitely a "Mama's Boy" when you really boil it down. They often speak on the phone when he is away and isn't needed around. As far as he's concerned, they will always be together. When the day comes the separate households for good he will grieve. He's overprotective of her, so while he wants to know she is safe, he has had serious problems with any guy romantically interested in her. Even if they're only small flaws. She was all he had growing up and as childish as it seems letting go is simply too difficult to just happen overnight. He doesn't mean to potentially keep her from happiness, he just doesn't want her to ever be hurt, or for some guy to ruin their relationship.

Father: Skye feels no want to have a relationship with him even if he came around or even knew who he was.

Grandparents: Deceased when he was young. He wasn't close enough to cry when they died, but he never really knew how much they cared. Sometimes he wishes he would have known them better. The past is in the past though. They're only stories from his mother.​

Chef: [TBD]

Teacher 2: [TBD]

Asa Brooks Gray: Skye admittedly feels rather frustrated about him stepping in, but they hang out. He doesn't like him as much as the others, but they get along fine. It isn't to say he doesn't like him, he just feels agitated by his lack of effort. Uncertain of his motives, or reasons for being there, but he's sure deep down there must be something more.

Teacher 4: [TBD]​
Felix Wong: [TBD]


His mom was always there, having an eye on him-working at the store he now does. She wasn't a bad mom, she did what she could to place an importance on learning. She herself never graduating high school due to her pregnancy, didn't want Skye to be the failure she felt she was. He would later on go on to encourage her to get a degree after much convincing. Now they both live together again, in an apartment midway to their jobs and Skye's university. It is in a healthfully much safer area.

His father is unknown. He isn't resentful or curious, feeling as though his mom was always the best parent he could ask for.

He suffers from anxiety issues, triggered by stress.[/hr]​





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If anyone is interested in claiming a position in this RP and wants a younger person, here is a list of child actors if you are struggling to find faces. Some Young FCs


"I'm a lover, not a fighter! … That sounded believable, right?"
Felix wong

.general information.

18. He was held back in a few classes because he missed some important exams or standardized tests or something? The school said he had to make up for credits, so he still has a year to go.

Male. Don't call him otherwise.

He's pretty good looking. He's the first who'll mention it, often to the chagrin of his buddies. Honestly, he'd say that his face was his best feature.

His eyes are a dark brown, just a shade off from black. They sometimes have this sparkle to them, as though he's done something wrong and is just waiting for the second someone realises, for his own amusement.

He doesn't have much marks to speak of---maybe the occasional scratch that shows up when he's been screwing around, but those usually disappear quickly enough. He hasn't broken any bones in his face (something that really should be kept track of with his friends, honestly). Really, with genetics and general luck, he's been fairly well off.

His smile is one that comes easily and takes a while to go away, one that is bright and cheerful, and could almost make his more easy-going teachers forgive him for all his faults. Yet sometimes even he can look serious briefly, like a cloud passing over the sun, before he's back to his usual expressions. He is quite good at an unamused expression, however, and that also shows up quite a bit.

Throughout the years, most gifts he's gotten were clothes, since most of his hobbies are troublesome for which to buy gifts, though there was one time his friends bought him a skateboard (They went out together the next day and lost it, so after that they just gave a few bucks). There's also the fact that his older sister often has him go shopping with her, since he "would probably only buy t-shirts and be done with it otherwise." As such, he has a surprisingly large selection of clothing for someone who often goes around in his school uniform.

.what else?.

Felix is the kind of guy who is up for trying anything. Really, what's the fun in life if you don't experience new things? That's a big reason why he likes this whole travelling thing. It's not as though he can afford to do all this travelling stuff on his own. New places, new stuff to do. He loves it. Though, he's the sort of person who will do things to excess until he just gets bored of it, which is always troublesome. If he's bored, then he's just done. School is generally just too repetitive, too boring, so he's not one to really try his hardest at it. He's not even one to try his best going to it.

Felix is quite a bright and outgoing guy, though. The sort who is just always screwing around and just seems out of his element when he's stuck in a classroom. It's just not the sort of place he can be in, sitting in one place and just writing notes. He just gets distracted. Really, it's not that much his fault that his grades are poor. He can't pay attention, and he just doesn't understand it. People trying to force him to sit and listen don't help any.

He's generally a fairly friendly person, smiling and acting like he's just best friends with whoever happens to be close to him at the time. Yet he does have a limit, and his grudges can go on for a surprisingly long time too. Luckily he's a nice guy, and generally all that happens is that he just leaves everything for a while. It's very adult of him.

However, the most childish aspect of his personality is his tendency to screw around with people whom he considers to be too proper for their own good. Sometimes people just need to loosen up, and he can help with that, really! Plus, it's just fun to bother people, honestly. He does tend to take a liking to certain people and stick around them far more than that person would like.

Felix is pretty stubborn. In particular, he is extremely against the idea of apologizing, even if he's done something wrong. Just realize that he's sorry from his actions and carry on, please. Trying to admit how wrong he is is a very difficult thing for him to do and he tries to do it as little as possible.

He's a difficult person to get angry. He tries to keep a positive mindset! Life is great, people should be happier. But he does get angry. For example, he has a fairly low tolerance for people who think he's a bad guy just because he doesn't like school. It isn't as though he's running around breaking laws or anything! When he leaves school, he might go to the mall, or he might go biking or something. It isn't as though he's running around tagging buildings and stealing cars. He can cook, he does his chores, he rarely fights people. He's a good guy! In any case, when he's angry at people not much happens. He's quiet, he avoids the person. If they keep trying to get his attention he might yell at them, but he's not going to punch them or anything unless they touch him first. He just needs to be alone when he's angry.

On the other hand, when he's frustrated, like when he's been trying to do some math questions for the past hour and just isn't getting it, he might break some things. Probably his things because he's trying to be respectful of people's things. He's trying not to do that though, because it's kind of hard having to replace his alarm clock three times a month.

But all in all, he's a carefree person, and he really isn't eager to change any time soon.

It was a blindingly bright day, the day he was born. August, the height of summer, when the heat of the air showed up in distorted waves. Jinyoung, his mother, was never a fan of the heat, and she was almost serious when she told Kavan, her husband, to change the whether for her.

In any case, that was the day Felix was born. There really isn't much need to go into more detail than that (It was a natural birth, Kavan was terribly squeamish and tried to excuse himself to play patty cake with his daughter).

Felix loved the summer. Not just for his birthday, but it was also his longest break from school. He didn't do anything but screw around all day, just as he liked it. That was before high school though, when his school was quite a bit smaller and he couldn't plausibly leave without someone recognizing him as a student. Even if he did leave, people seem to question 12 year olds walking around alone during school hours. So he actually tried back then, because doing work seemed more entertaining than sitting around doing nothing. He was a surprisingly okay student if he tried. Though, even back then, he had a tendency to just get up and leave when he got frustrated enough with his work.

He didn't have a preference for a season anymore. He just stopped trying in high school, and then any day could be a vacation if he so wished. He had a tendency to just leave with his friends and not go back to school. Their school was in the middle of nowhere, so there wasn't much they could do, but they made do. Eventually, one of them got a car, and it made things much easier.

Though, he spent quite a lot of time alone. His friends were a bit more responsible as students than he was. They had plans for whatever they were going to do after high school, and generally they required at least the bare minimum effort. Felix had no plans. He'd never been one for thinking of his future. At most, a few days ahead. He always figured that he could just face the obstacles as he reached them. This, he figured, was much better than planning years ahead before having to scrap it all and start over because of one little bump in the road. So he put in no effort. But really! That year when he ended up just missing most of his exams, he was sick for them, really! He has no idea why no one would believe him.

In any case, he's a bit behind on his classes. His parents are very angry at him. His sister told him he was an idiot(But she bought take out later so it was okay). It really is troublesome to have a child who seems to have absolutely no ambition.

At some point during his high school career, it was suggested by his guidance counsellor for him to sign up for a new program. It seemed fairly interesting, actually, even if the man was clearly stressing how it might "help him find something he enjoys to do" and "motivate him to do better in school." He'd never really been much further than the next city over. So, Felix signed up, and then he told his parents that he was going to go on educational trips. They couldn't really argue with that, he was actually trying to do something educational!

So far, it hasn't done much in changing his opinion of education, and his grades still suck, but he's enjoying it. The other people are generally pretty cool, and it's nice to have a change of scenery sometimes. Maybe eventually he might start paying attention to the educational part of the trips.

Lovely Family
MomJinyoung Wong → His mother, Jinyoung, is probably the quietest of the bunch. Not to say that she isn't very loud if she wants to be(if she's angry at you, oh man, that's some scary stuff). But when she's not mad, she's a very lovely person. She was always there to take care of her kids when they were sick, she tried to go to any sort of event they participated in, she helped them with homework. She drilled manners into their heads, to always be respectful to teachers and strangers and the like, and honestly Felix would be such a terrible person without her. As far as mothers go, she has to be one of the best.

DadKavan Wong → If there was anyone who could vaguely empathize with Felix about his issues with school, it would probably be his father. And even then, not really. His dad never failed any classes, though he came pretty close. But, despite the fact that Kavan(as well as Jinyoung, for that matter) did not go to university of college, they're always telling Felix that he has to. Which really isn't fair, honestly. Anyway! His father is loud. He makes friends with everyone he meets(though Felix's mother has said that she found him a bit obnoxious when she first met him). But, with all the focus he puts on people, he can be a bit absent minded about everything else. He used to just forget to pick up his kids from school sometimes. He tries, though. He's often busy, but he tries to spend time with his family, immediately jumping to make plans when everyone in the house is free. Really, a great person.

Dungeon GoblinAlex Wong → Alex currently lives in the basement of their house. She has the entire floor to herself, and so she can and will stay there all day without ever coming up. Once Felix called her a dungeon goblin and she punched him even though she refuses to call him anything but Fefe. As a fashion student, her basement has some body forms with half finished clothing, which gets kind of creepy when Felix is wandering around in the dark, honestly. They don't really talk too much, though. The occasional passing conversation, maybe. The time when she and Felix really talk a ton is when he's on the trips. He likes to put his phone on speaker, which she finds rather annoying. Her solution is to sometimes call him, calling him FeFe in a loud voice and trying to figure out what would embarrass him(very little, as it is). But she's a good sister. She buys him clothes(because when he chooses his own clothing the results are dismal), and when she has time she'll go play some basketball or Mario Kart or something with him. They're pretty evenly matched in the basketball part, but she's beating Felix in Mario Kart, 87-73.

His family is really nice people. He feels bad for screwing up because of that, sometimes.

The Staff
SlavedriverSkylar Weber → He's a slavedriver, but Skylar is a pretty good looking guy, so it's okay. He does not mind getting in trouble with a good looking person. Felix derives great enjoyment from bugging this teacher. Getting into trouble isn't something he worries much about, because he probably would even if he wasn't trying. Besides, of all the teachers, Felix really thinks that this one in particular could stand to loosen up a bit! Have fun, quit worrying so much. Really, Felix is just trying to do him a favour. Skylar should hang out with him a bit more, maybe Felix'll rub off on him, and he'll relax a little. They're on break, they're out travelling, he should be able to enjoy himself more, you know? But also he's just really fun to annoy.

"Bestower of Knowledge"Asa Brooks-Gray → During the second year of the program, when Mr.Gray first appeared, it took Felix a few days to realize that he was a teacher, and not just some random dude tagging along for the fun of it. This had to do with the fact that a) Felix skipped a couple of classes and was not listening whatsoever at the beginning of the trip, and b) Mr.Gray took a while until he was willing to do a lesson. But you know what, he's pretty okay. He taught Felix the incredibly important skill of catching Skittles in his mouth. That's an important skill. Sometimes he asks Felix to go get coffee for him, but he gives Felix extra money to get something for himself, so he isn't complaining.

He is a person who takes up space, when he can. When all his friends crowd into the only car there is among them, he casually throws his legs over their laps and makes himself comfortable for a long ride. He sleeps diagonally, facedown his pillows and blankets tossed every which way. When he sees someone he knows (or even someone he doesn't know, but would like to know), he casually tosses an arm around their shoulders while greeting them, because that's how he does things. He likes to make his presence known, and the best way, evidently, is to invade people's space if they don't seem to mind too much.

He's the kind of guy who really likes touching other people, as mentioned. He doesn't particularly like if people suddenly touch him, though. He's a hypocrite. Sue him.

Music is great, he loves music. He listens to music a lot because it helps him ignore other distractions. Unfortunately he tends to misplace his headphones and sometimes he just plays the music anyway. Enjoy his weird amalgamation of everything from Bach to Slipknot.

He volunteers at the local animal shelter, because animals are great. He wants a dog but he probably can't because he can't take care of something properly, which sucks. The animals are really cute and telling his parents that he's been playing with cats all evening is better than saying he's been screwing around downtown with his friends.[/hr][/hr]
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"I haven't died yet and I haven't killed anyone. I'm as good a role model as any."


He is 26 years old. He tried very hard to finish his education in a timely manner (that is, he tried to finish faster than he was told he'd be able to). He has a BA in art and can officially teach, but back in his teens it was not fun. Now he's 26 and the last thing he wants to do is more work.

He is male, if the many uses of "he" had not tipped you off.

Wait for it.

He does not seem like much of a teacher. At least here. He has to make his own lesson plan and it's kind of annoying. He did not choose this job, so he puts less effort into it than he probably would otherwise. There are other teachers and he would like to sleep. Out of all the teachers in the program, he probably teaches the least lessons. On the other hand, his lessons are pretty easy. He really enjoys bringing up topics and just discussing it, so his classes tend to die off naturally. If he has to keep them with him for whatever reason he'll have them draw the place they went to or something. Or maybe they'll all take a nap. He'll figure it out.

Far from being nice, he seems rather irritable on these trips. He is not a morning person, he is not a midday person, he is not a night person, and he is not a people person. Let him drink his coffee in silence. Don't bother him unless your arm was cut off in a freak chainsaw accident. He might be more inclined to talk if it's a kid who he can't just let wander around alone, even in the hotel, but if it's a 17 year old who wants to know where the nearest vending machine is, then they can figure that one out themselves. He's not a map.

On the plus side, he's one of the teachers who'd be very unlikely to get angry at minor transgressions. Certainly, he might keep a closer eye on you for a bit, to make sure you don't try anything again, but he'd just tell you not to break the rules, really. On the other hand, if you do anything that could actually hurt you or others, you're going on house arrest. He also does not appreciate when students are a nuisance to locals or others. Bug him all you'd like. He'd be annoyed, but he probably wouldn't punish you. But be respectful to other people who had gone through the trouble to bring you here and accommodate you.

Really though, the point when he actually is something like a helpful presence is when you need his help. Perhaps he'd be better suited as a student help room supervisor. Or a guidance counselor. He does want to help students get what they want in life. He'd look at things they like and try to come up with jobs from that if they needed that. Or help figure out universities. Or anything really he is fairly good at research and he'll try his best. He can't help without knowing what he has to do (but he doesn't give off the impression of someone willing to listen).

Now, let's move on. Asa may not have a life, but he has a personality outside of teaching. He's always been a fairly quiet person. He wasn't too good at holding long conversations. There was nothing to do with shyness. He's not very good at speaking for long periods of time, but he'd easily start a conversation if need be. As he'd grown up, as well, he just seemed to become very disinterested in most things, which has really enhanced his quiet, I-do-not-want-to-be-here vibe.

However, whether or not he's warmed up to you, you could always talk to him if you really so desperately need someone to listen to you. He's a very good listener. He's probably not going to say anything to comfort you, but he won't laugh in your face either. Just say whatever to him. He'll stay and listen. He tries to be nice to people who seem like they need it.

Asa has a good eye for detail. He's quiet, and he likes to draw the things around him. Noticing things just comes with those. He pays more attention than he seems to show, but that is really just for things he can physically feel. He is terribly dense when it comes to noticing things like "feelings." He knows as much as he can tell by the face. And certainly, an eye for detail means nothing when he's just not paying attention whatsoever (he walks into things quite often).

When he was younger, most of the things he liked to create were fairly mystical. It was as though he saw an entire little fantasy world that he was trying to recreate. He's more of a realism guy now, but he is still quite imaginative, and he has a bit of a tendency to overthink things. When he reads a mystery novel, he scours the book for every possibly important detail so he can answer all the questions himself. When someone says something odd, it would probably stick in his mind all day. It's really quite troublesome.

He is a perfectionist by nature, similar to the rest of his family. Back in school, that had gone into all his work. He overloaded on everything and was never satisfied by any of his work. There is always someone better than him at something, and he always makes stupid mistakes. It's really quite frustrating. He's no prodigy, but he's surely not reached the limit of his abilities. He could do better if he worked harder. Nowadays it's gone in a strange way. He has to consider other people when he makes lessons, and it's rather troublesome. He does not want people to stress too much, because it's not an enjoyable thing. So it seems that he's just decided, if he doesn't do it then he cannot fail. It's fine generally, because he's a substitute whose lesson plan will be written for him. Here, his lessons tend to be, "Let's just have a discussion all class," which is always enjoyable, but it's not really the best way to teach. Really, he enjoys art and culture and teaching it could be fun, but it's so nerve wracking. Also, he doesn't want to be teaching at this time, so there is that.

Asa does appear to be quite lazy at times. Really though, this should be his vacation time and he's being forced to work because his father made an investment. It's not fun. He wants to sleep. As such, one of his favourite arguments seems to have become, "My father paid for this so you can't argue with me." Honestly, he's annoying but the reason for that is that he wants to sleep.


"I don't want to." - Asa Brooks Gray, on most things people ask him to do.

He was born late in the spring, when the large garden in his home was bursting with flowers. Such a perfect time, really. Neither too cold nor too hot, with such beautiful colours everywhere. He was a huge fan of the season.

The oldest child of a rather wealthy family, he'd always been able to get almost anything he wanted. The coolest toys, the newest technology, he could get what he wanted so long as he behaved himself (Such as by drawing on paper instead of the walls. His hand turkeys were lovely, but didn't match the decor). Sure, as the eldest, he was expected to keep his siblings out of trouble and not punch them even though Asa was the one who was hit first. But it was okay, besides that.

In school, he always worked hard. He felt that it was what was expected of him. He was a smart boy, and generally, things came quite easily to him, so it worked out fine, in the beginning. Grades were always high, he rarely studied for anything. It was very stress free.

The real problem was, come high school, he realized he did not really know what he wanted to do. There were things he enjoyed, of course, like visual arts, or world culture or history. There were also those things highly recommended by his parents, like law or science or things like that. His genius solution (mind you, he was smart but that means nothing) was to just do everything. Really, it's not that hard when you put your mind to it. He took a few courses online, he took summer school from the end of eighth grade up to the end of the eleventh, and he never had any spares. He was really taking classes more often than not, which kind of sucked. He tried to fit part time jobs and volunteer work in there too, and somehow he did manage to do that. There was very little free time during his school career.

The closest to free time, as in a time where he didn't have to take notes, any instructions he was probably going to twist in a way he liked, and he really enjoyed, was his various art classes. He took quite a few, even though that meant having to decide whether he really needed to take AP Calculus when he hated mathematics and everything about it.

It was fun. His art teacher was a decent enough man, despite having once told Asa to maybe try to branch out to different subject matter once, resulting in every project after that being floral themed. He had good humour so it was okay when Asa handed in yet another sculpture about "the beauty of nature" or whatever it was he was saying it represented that time. Out of all his classes, visual arts was definitely the one he enjoyed the most, and he decided to continue with it.

He went off to some art college in a small town by the coast. It was a fairly nice place, quite different from the sprawling city in which he grew up. His college, which sat right next to the ocean, was beautiful. But he didn't plan to spend that much time there, no, because he obviously hated enjoying himself. No, he decided he was going to finish his schooling as quickly as possible. He still wasn't too sure what, exactly, he planned to do, but he planned to do it before he was old and gray. His course load was always filled to the max, he did whatever he could to just be done with everything.

Not that he never enjoyed himself. At the very least, he made some friends. It was a great story. One day he walked into a coffeeshop which he frequented on days when he had classes at a nearby university, and there was a man sitting at the corner table Asa usually sat at, looking distraught as he quietly muttered things to himself.

Generally, people were circling around him, and Asa would have been no different. However, he somehow managed to catch the eye of said man, who seemed to perk up at the sight of him. "Dude! Hey, dude, hey, c'mere. You were in my business class! I saw you. Are you any good at that stuff? I'm definitely gonna fail that test, man."

Asa had just sat down and was drinking his coffee, and it took him a second to actually process everything that had been said at once. He decided to just shrug, which the other male technically took as a good thing. Somehow, through a great communication system of the man talking for five minutes, with either the reply of a shrug or short sentences Asa could fit between the guy's breaks to actually breathe, there was the arrangement to go to the library and try to study for that business test. It was weird.

In any case, he ended up becoming something like friends with that guy, as well as his sister (fraternal twins, she was far less hysterical), and acquaintances with their friends. They were all very loud people, and he generally contented himself to just sitting quietly and listening.

Asa finished his bachelor's as quickly as he could. So the real question was how he ended up being a teacher. It was kind of something he did on a whim. In their increasingly large group of people, who either just wanted to hang out or were just dismally terrible at a course, which Asa generally had some understanding in, he was usually just running around talking people through things. Once or twice someone would mention he was a good teacher.

And why not? He could deal with being in school a bit longer. He had no other plans anyway. So he went to teacher's college. Then when he finished that, he finally said his farewells and headed back to the city. He bought a small apartment for himself and went about trying to make a living.

The whole thing about the school came quite soon after that. Honestly, he was pretty annoyed. He was finally having days where he could just sit in bed and watch people walking down below from his window. He was a substitute with a second job where he only ever had night shifts. He basically had weekends and any day where he hadn't gotten a call to himself. He was really enjoying that, and being told that he was to work during holidays and take away some of his precious time of doing nothing was a bit annoying to him. Still, because it was his father who called and told him he had to do it, he was unfortunately lacking in any choice.

So that is the story of how he ended up joining the rest of those teachers. He decided very quickly that he was just going to do what he wanted anyway. He's a great role model for the kids

Family -
Mother - Camille Brooks-Gray - Lovely woman. Loves to meet new people, often goes out and volunteers for charitable events. When lecturing her children, she prefers the method of quiet guilt-tripping (She was quite good at it). She's a private doctor, and if she spent more time with Asa, he would not get away with the entire, "never sleep and only eat things that can be microwaved or put in boiling water and be ready to eat in three minutes" thing. Luckily she does not live with him and he is an adult who will not be guilted into anything.

Father - Adrien Brooks-Gray - He cuts an imposing figure, with his tall stature and his cold blue eyes. Not to mention how his quietness can very suddenly change into yells. Not to be rude, but Asa really preferred his mother. His siblings probably did as well(not that Adrien was never happy, of course. Once Asa heard him singing along to some old songs. He isn't sure if he imagined it or not). Adrien Brooks-Gray, when he knew what he wanted, was immovably stubborn. Of course, he knew when to own up to mistakes, it was what made him a good businessman. But he was quite confident in his decisions, and for good reason. He was a very intelligent and logical man. His decisions were often well thought-out. He is fair to most people, giving them all chances, but honestly Asa is not seeing that fairness come through for him. He's the managing partner of a fairly large law firm.

Brother - Cyril Brooks-Gray - He's such a brat (Asa tends to say that about his siblings). Asa is three years Cyril's senior, which in no way means he can beat him in a fight. Cyril is a very big fan of athletics. He does rugby between all of his law school things. He is most certainly going to work in their father's firm(Adrien was no fan of hand-outs, but nepotism? No problem). He's quite good at making friends, having this somewhat endearing air of sheepishness around people he's just met. By the time they get to know him, it's too late, really. He and Asa butt heads a bit as children. Speaking of children, he himself has a little daughter and a fiancée that Asa personally thinks is far too good for him. His daughter has a habit of latching onto Asa's leg and refusing to let go of him. She's kinda cute, though.

Sister - Bora Brooks-Gray - Brat #2, seven years younger than Asa. She's currently in her first year of university(having spent a year travelling), for chemical engineering. She's a loud and cheerful girl, who very much enjoys annoying her oldest brother because it's just so easy. She is one of those people who is actually capable of having fun while doing well in school???? Asa does not get that. But besides that, they're pretty close. Once there was a someone who climbed into the house through Asa's window instead of hers and Asa kept that secret. He calls her often to check up on things, she calls him sometimes when she actually needs him for something, and sometimes sends him some stupid pictures. It's a good relationship they have.

- Friends -
Thing #1 - Arda Yilmaz - Asa is not good at talking to new people. However, shockingly, he has not one, but two (2) friends. The friendship occurred because of two reasons: 1) Asa was enrolled in the art school but took some courses at the nearby college, just like Arda, and 2) Asa was good at teaching concepts and was actually willing to, since helping Arda let him review his own work. Of course, that was years ago, and Arda is a much more capable man nowadays. He's quite an excitable person, and one of the pluses of being friends is that Asa can just sit down and listen to him talk for an hour. He's a jeweler, and makes things for his and his sister's boutique. Asa brings along some souvenirs whenever he visits, along with little pieces of art he's giving them to sell.

Thing #2 - Zeynep Yilmaz - Arda's older fraternal twin. Unlike her brother, she had no troubles with all the school things. She and Asa became friends during Asa and Arda's many study breaks, which Asa would spend just hanging out and watching tv together (She really liked this one Turkish drama. Asa didn't understand a word, but it was very suspenseful, he liked it). Currently, she deals with most of the financial issue of the business, as well as making clothes. Whenever Asa visits, she makes sure to feed him a lot, since she knows he's an idiot who doesn't eat or sleep. They argue a bit, but goodnaturedly. They never really get angry at each other.

- The Travelling School -
Colleague - Skylar Weber - He's a capable teacher. Asa hangs out with Skylar just as much as he hangs out with the other teachers, which isn't really too much, honestly. He probably annoys Skylar, what with all his "I'm not going to do anything today besides lie in bed and you can't do anything about that."

- He believes strongly in the three C's: Coffee, Candy, and Cigarettes. He usually takes his coffee black, and he usually likes sour, hard candy. Usually, he can be found with a cup of coffee in his hand, and he always has some candy somewhere on him, as well as a pack of cigarettes. Boy oh boy does he like those little cancer sticks, whittling away at his life. If you can't find him, he's probably outside with a cigarette. Or in his room with one if he can.

- If you haven't realized yet, he's not very healthy. He doesn't have regular meals. At home, he has a cupboard full of instant noodles. Besides that, he has ice cream, microwaveable meals, and bottles of water. He has some salad dressing and lettuce too, since that's easy to make and he can pretend to be healthy. On rare occasions he might have some fruits, but he also always puts salt on things like oranges and strawberries and watermelon which isn't the healthiest thing to do. He can't cook whatsoever, so don't make him try.

- You can expect him to sometimes ignore people with the excuse of "I was listening to music." Don't trust him. He only listens to music when he's alone, in case there's been some freak chainsaw accident. His headphones aren't even plugged in.

- He can do visual arts, but honestly, any other kind of art is lost on him.

- He almost never sleeps. He stays up late all the time, and he often wakes up at five in the morning(the birds get annoying at around 4:30, he can only take so much). While with the school, he tries to make use of his lack of sleep. Instead of just laying in bed thinking about whatever pops up in his head at night, he just goes around, makes sure no kids or kidnapped or sneaking out. He has a pretty good idea of who sneaks out now, sometimes he just sits down and plays solitaire while waiting for them. This does not mean that he will not be grumpy in the morning and only speak in vague grunts. That's his own fun.

- Don't call him old. He's not even 30. It's rude.

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Due to leaving (or altogether deleting) social media for a time due to personal reasons, this RP will not be able to be made. My apologies to any potential prospective RPers. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach me through @SirBorealis #4610 on Discord or through messaging (today only.) Have a nice day and thank you for your interest.
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