The Undying Hunt - Creation Station & Sign Ups

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
11/25/22 // a small announcement:

outside of those i've spoken to and given extensions, i'm going to hesitantly classify the undying hunt as "closed" since the opening post is up and brainstorming/plotting is underway! i'm going to prefix the roleplay with by invitation only, however, with the caveat that anyone can join in on the narrative with us-- but our 'marked' ones are currently full! if you'd like to join in, post a skelly sheet here, and we'll storm to see where we can fit ya in.


the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster

#darkurbanfantasy #supernatural #adventure #playerdrivennarrative #plspost

MuliMiriam Libre


This page will be our "headquarters" until the final cast is chosen and the Discord server goes live. There's going to be more than your average amount of player agency within this rp, as well as opportunities to add your own lore to the world. So above all, make sure you decide on a character that you really want to play.

I don't have a due date for character sheets, so feel free to take your time, ask questions, and brainstorm if you need/want to. When it feels right to do so, I'll make an announcement a few days before I close sign ups. Ideally, I'd like to have a full cast of the 9 Marked, but if needed, I can fill a few spots with npcs. This rp isn't first come first serve either, and character sheets can be denied if I feel as though they don't jive with the vibe I'm goin for and edits aren't willing to be made.

Building your character sheet will be a two part process-- so we're on the same page in regard to powers, spells, lore, and the like before we move on to actually writing.

Please note that there are also race-specific questions for the "full" sheet that can be found here.


01. If you have an idea for a race that you really want to play and it's not listed on the lore page, lemme know and we'll brainstorm to see if it fits!

02. Characters should be a bit powerful, but definitely not world-shatteringly so. Do try to include creative weaknesses and drawbacks, not only in regard to powersets, but them as characters as well.

03. Code is not mandatory, however, if you are using code, please make sure its mobile friendly.

04. The Creation Station is a way for me to check out both your character and you as a player, as we discuss and brainstorm and plot with each other.

Character Requisites:

01. Must be a resident of Pirn (ideally for at least 5+ years, but a min of 2).

02. All characters, whether a Marked One or Side, must be an Unveiled in some capacity.

03. Must have a legitimate reason to want to protect Pirn, even if its as simple as Pirn being their home.

Posting Expectations:

01. At minimum, I would like to see 2 paragraphs per post and an action/reaction that someone else can respond to. This doesn't have to be extreme— it's just so that the narrative continues its forward momentum in some way shape or form in every post. Obviously there will be exceptions to this, but lets not all be wallflowers and lone wolves.

02. There will be 1 GM Post per month, with opportunities to collab with me via npcs and other players sprinkled throughout. Ideally, I'd like to see at least 1 post every 2 weeks at minimum, but I get that life happens. Don't stress, we're here to vibe. Just let us know what to do in your absence. If needed, I will poof characters elsewhere to continue the narrative.

03. When posting in-character, please try and limit your use of images— portraits of your character(s) only, and try not to have them larger than 250x250px. Likewise, I'll only post images in-character to set up a new scene.

04. I have old lady eyes, if you haven't picked up on it by now, and I'm limiting the amount of text colors you can use in-character to 1 (somewhat-muted) color. For those of you playing a Marked character and a side-character, Marked Ones should be colored, and Sides bolded or italicized or maybe like a very subtle change in saturation from your default text color or whatever else you want. i just don't want to be blinded. Likewise, please no textured backgrounds without a very dark overlay on top of it.

Skelly Sheet

character snippet: 1-2 paragraph audit of your character. please include their name, race, physical appearance, first-glance personality traits, occupation, and what motivates and fears them.

Born and raised in Pirn, Oregon, Miri Rozel has never left it's protective circles, and feels as though she has no reason to. As a librarian, she has all she could ever want in the hauntingly beautiful three-floored library just south of downtown, and that's where she spends most of her days, catering to both human and unveiled clientele. She enjoys spreading knowledge, and will gladly flow into random, educational tangents, given the opportunity to. The surprisingly easy tempered witch belongs to the Rozel family, a small but powerful line of witches who can trace their ancestry to the founding of Pirn, though they claim to not be related to the Pirn. Although she believes it to be unfounded, as its marked historical on the national registry and protected by generations of magical enchantments and charms, her greatest fear is the Hall of Knowledge being burned or torn down.

--racial specific questions--
(can be found here)

writing prompt: please choose from one of the three prompts and write through the eyes of your character. have fun with this! use this as a guide to feel your character out and see if you jive with them! ~200-300 words is fine.

01. your character encounters a spirit, looking lost and (scared or angry); how does your character react? do they try and help or do they simply pass them by?

02. an assassin has been sent after your character. they're aware of this (or not) and how he's about to leap from the shadows. what ensues?

03. your character must (create, perform, or halt) a ritual. how do they do it?

feel free to choose between what's in the parenthesis-- i want yall to have as much fun with this as you can ((:

try and include your characters power set so both you and i can get a feel for em

After your Skelly Sheet has been posted and I've given the green light, go ahead and fill out the full sheet below.

Full Sheet

nickname (optional)
titles/alias (optional)
dob & age / perceived age, if applicable

physical appearance: picture(s) + a general written description of their: hair, eyes, height, build, body modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc.), scars, and a sentence or two on their general fashion/accessories.)

personality traits: at least a couple positive, negative, and neutral traits


occupation and any relating lore:

--copypasta edited/updated racial specific questions here--

--to be pm'd--

background: 2-3+ paragraphs about your character; please tell me who they are, where they come from, what they've been through in their lives thus far. are they in pirn for a specific reason (trying to unlock the power of the ley lines? looking for the ancient grimoires said to be buried in the mine? sensed something was about to happen?) or were they simply born in pirn, amidst the powerful energy that saturates the area?

secrets: please send me a known lie about your character, an unknown truth, and a rumor, (unfounded or otherwise.)

reason why they'd protect pirn // while Marked Ones weren't necessarily given a choice in the matter, i'd like you to come up with a reason and/or justification behind them at minimum, wanting to help save pirn from impending doom.

That's it for now, folks!

Like I mentioned in the Interest Check, I'm working on compiling an npc repository, common 'monsters' compendium, as well as a basic map to get the feel and scale of Pirn, where our story will {majorly} take place.

If you have any questions, feel free to pop 'em in here. c:

Last edited:
name Yuuji Rurikawa
nickname (optional)
titles/alias (optional)
dob & age / perceived age, if applicable; 14 as perceived, 40+ actual

physical appearance: picture(s) + a general written description of their: hair, eyes, height, build, body modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc.), scars, and a sentence or two on their general fashion/accessories.)
Yuuji may appear like a cute girl to some, due to his slight resemblance to Yuki. Many people have confused the two, which they sometimes use to pull pranks. Yuuji has amber-colored eyes, described by Kaoru as "the color of honey", and shoulder-length green hair in a layered lob style.

He wears a black crop top with a red choker and stripe, black jeans with white cuffs, paired with black lace-up combat boots and white laces, and a black and red cat-eared hat with a heart on it.

His left eye has a tear running down out of it, and is a plus instead of a regular pupil, which he usually covers up with an eyepatch before going out. He can also be seen wearing various other outfits, such as when he stole Kaoru's jacket and slept in it the whole afternoon.
Here is a picture!

personality traits: at least a couple positive, negative, and neutral traits
- alert
- caring
- neutral
- artful
- anxious
- cautious (overly)
drives: Caution, fear
fears: Spiders.

hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading

occupation and any relating lore: Librarian, also, he's a spirit/cat hybrid

--copypasta edited/updated racial specific questions here--

name Kaoru Sakisaka
nickname (optional)
titles/alias (optional)
dob & age / perceived age, if applicable; 14 as perceived, 40+ actual

physical appearance: picture(s) + a general written description of their: hair, eyes, height, build, body modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc.), scars, and a sentence or two on their general fashion/accessories.)
He has fluffy pink hair that oddly seems to change color frequently from a light pink to a dark pink, and it falls over his eyes at times. His main dream was to become a prince when he was alive, and even remembers it still as a supernatural. He wears a dark blue jacket and jeans. Appearance pic!
personality traits: at least a couple positive, negative, and neutral traits
drives: Fear, others in trouble
fears: People

hobbies: Swimming, reading, drawing

occupation and any relating lore: None, also, he's a spirit/fish hybrid, and has selective mutism and social anxiety.

--copypasta edited/updated racial specific questions here--

Not quite sure if I did it right, so just tell me! Thanks
  • Love
Reactions: MiharuAya
name Yuuji Rurikawa
nickname (optional)
titles/alias (optional)
dob & age / perceived age, if applicable; 14 as perceived, 40+ actual

physical appearance: picture(s) + a general written description of their: hair, eyes, height, build, body modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc.), scars, and a sentence or two on their general fashion/accessories.)
Yuuji may appear like a cute girl to some, due to his slight resemblance to Yuki. Many people have confused the two, which they sometimes use to pull pranks. Yuuji has amber-colored eyes, described by Kaoru as "the color of honey", and shoulder-length green hair in a layered lob style.

He wears a black crop top with a red choker and stripe, black jeans with white cuffs, paired with black lace-up combat boots and white laces, and a black and red cat-eared hat with a heart on it.

His left eye has a tear running down out of it, and is a plus instead of a regular pupil, which he usually covers up with an eyepatch before going out. He can also be seen wearing various other outfits, such as when he stole Kaoru's jacket and slept in it the whole afternoon.
Here is a picture!

personality traits: at least a couple positive, negative, and neutral traits
- alert
- caring
- neutral
- artful
- anxious
- cautious (overly)
drives: Caution, fear
fears: Spiders.

hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading

occupation and any relating lore: Librarian, also, he's a spirit/cat hybrid

--copypasta edited/updated racial specific questions here--

name Kaoru Sakisaka
nickname (optional)
titles/alias (optional)
dob & age / perceived age, if applicable; 14 as perceived, 40+ actual

physical appearance: picture(s) + a general written description of their: hair, eyes, height, build, body modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc.), scars, and a sentence or two on their general fashion/accessories.)
He has fluffy pink hair that oddly seems to change color frequently from a light pink to a dark pink, and it falls over his eyes at times. His main dream was to become a prince when he was alive, and even remembers it still as a supernatural. He wears a dark blue jacket and jeans. Appearance pic!
personality traits: at least a couple positive, negative, and neutral traits
drives: Fear, others in trouble
fears: People

hobbies: Swimming, reading, drawing

occupation and any relating lore: None, also, he's a spirit/fish hybrid, and has selective mutism and social anxiety.

--copypasta edited/updated racial specific questions here--

Not quite sure if I did it right, so just tell me! Thanks

Apologies for not making it more clear— you'll want to start with the "Skelly Sheet" first, and then once we hash out those details, you can revisit this sheet and edit it for a final submission.
  • Useful
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Can npc's we make be Unveiled, too? I see guides are open to creating npc's as their charge, I assume they could be a watcher.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: rissa
Can npc's we make be Unveiled, too? I see guides are open to creating npc's as their charge, I assume they could be a watcher.
yep! they gotta be ((:
all characters, marked ones or npcs, must be an unveiled of some kind!
  • According to Plan
Reactions: marcy
How common/rare is it for a human to be born to two shifters? When do shifters usually find out whether they're shifters? Very soon, because they mature more slowly than humans - if they do? You've written they come of age at 40, but I'm not sure if that's because their physical/mental development is slowed down accordingly to the number of years they tend to live or just because of cultural reasons (ie. because that's when they usually discover/attain their animal blessing).
How common/rare is it for a human to be born to two shifters? When do shifters usually find out whether they're shifters? Very soon, because they mature more slowly than humans - if they do? You've written they come of age at 40, but I'm not sure if that's because their physical/mental development is slowed down accordingly to the number of years they tend to live or just because of cultural reasons (ie. because that's when they usually discover/attain their animal blessing).

How common/rare is it for a human to be born to two shifters?
It's impossible, actually! At least, prolly in the way you're thinking. At minimum, a direct descendant of two Unveiled creatures will always, at minimum, but a 'natural' Watcher, a mortal whose eyes are keenly attuned to the Veil.

When do shifters usually find out whether they're shifters?
Very quickly, even if they're not a curious child who attempts the shift early, because the animal nature is inside them.

You've written they come of age at 40, but I'm not sure if that's because their physical/mental development is slowed down accordingly to the number of years they tend to live or just because of cultural reasons (ie. because that's when they usually discover/attain their animal blessing).
Cultural reasons, as you've described! 40's around they age they can attain their Animal Blessing and thus its seen similarly as a coming of age tradition. Older shifters would tack on that it's not until you receive your Animal Blessing that you're truly "one" with your token animal.
  • Like
Reactions: SilverPaw
Are vampires/dhampir or other susceptible to silver? Say a family of witches are looking to defend themselves against a vampire, would silver weapons make any sort of difference? On that note, perhaps a guide with mastery of their healing/trigger and can invoke blessings? Slight resistances against subtleties and compulsion for non-watchers/hybrids.

Considering a witch who's legacy dates back centuries, a holy order of warriors and (some) guides dedicated to defending witches and Unveiled alike from being hunted by vampires, similar to the shifters creed established by Viktor and inspired by the Order of Witchers. So just looking out for any edge one might have over fighting say, a rogue vampire.
Last edited:
name Yuuji Rurikawa
nickname (optional)
titles/alias (optional)
dob & age / perceived age, if applicable; 14 as perceived, 40+ actual

physical appearance: picture(s) + a general written description of their: hair, eyes, height, build, body modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc.), scars, and a sentence or two on their general fashion/accessories.)
Yuuji may appear like a cute girl to some, due to his slight resemblance to Yuki. Many people have confused the two, which they sometimes use to pull pranks. Yuuji has amber-colored eyes, described by Kaoru as "the color of honey", and shoulder-length green hair in a layered lob style.

He wears a black crop top with a red choker and stripe, black jeans with white cuffs, paired with black lace-up combat boots and white laces, and a black and red cat-eared hat with a heart on it.

His left eye has a tear running down out of it, and is a plus instead of a regular pupil, which he usually covers up with an eyepatch before going out. He can also be seen wearing various other outfits, such as when he stole Kaoru's jacket and slept in it the whole afternoon.
Here is a picture!

personality traits: at least a couple positive, negative, and neutral traits
- alert
- caring
- neutral
- artful
- anxious
- cautious (overly)
drives: Caution, fear
fears: Spiders.

hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading

occupation and any relating lore: Librarian, also, he's a spirit/cat hybrid

--copypasta edited/updated racial specific questions here--

name Kaoru Sakisaka
nickname (optional)
titles/alias (optional)
dob & age / perceived age, if applicable; 14 as perceived, 40+ actual

physical appearance: picture(s) + a general written description of their: hair, eyes, height, build, body modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc.), scars, and a sentence or two on their general fashion/accessories.)
He has fluffy pink hair that oddly seems to change color frequently from a light pink to a dark pink, and it falls over his eyes at times. His main dream was to become a prince when he was alive, and even remembers it still as a supernatural. He wears a dark blue jacket and jeans. Appearance pic!
personality traits: at least a couple positive, negative, and neutral traits
drives: Fear, others in trouble
fears: People

hobbies: Swimming, reading, drawing

occupation and any relating lore: None, also, he's a spirit/fish hybrid, and has selective mutism and social anxiety.

--copypasta edited/updated racial specific questions here--

Not quite sure if I did it right, so just tell me! Thanks

Apologies for not making it more clear— you'll want to start with the "Skelly Sheet" first, and then once we hash out those details, you can revisit this sheet and edit it for a final submission.
Alright, HERE WE GO-
Note so I don't have to keep scrolling up: character snippet: 1-2 paragraph audit of your character. please include their name, race, physical appearance, first-glance personality traits, occupation, and what motivates and fears them.
After moving to Pirn four years ago, Yuuji Rurikawa picked up a job in the southern library. He can usually be found reading a book with one hand whilst organizing the books with his other hand. As a spirit/cat hybrid, he seems slightly transparent, with shoulder-length green hair partially tied up in a ponytail, a black and red hat with cat ears, and a black crop top with a red stripe paired with black ripped jeans, fishnets underneath. His right eye is always tearing up. He rarely talks to people, but seems serious at first meet, but it eventually softens down into pure chaos in a human..spirit? His worst fear is spiders, usually the one to scream first when he sees a spider, running away from it immediately no matter what he was doing to begin with. In his cat form, he looks mostly like a neko, with white cat ears and a tail. He has three piercings on his right ear with hoop earrings in them, and glasses. His nails look slightly sharper than the average human's.

Being someone who has lived (and died) in Pirn, for his entire life (even after death), Kaoru Sakisaka has always worked in the town's ice cream shop. He is a spirit/fish hybrid. He has soft pink fluffy hair and has two fish earrings on his ears. On his stomach, usually covered up by the white shirt and blue jacket he wears, he has a tattoo that looks like a fish coming out of the water. With his jacket, he wears blue jeans and sneakers, partially transparent and has a fish tail on his back.
In his fish form, he's basically a mermaid/man? dunno- but uh, his motivation is mostly other people, and he's too protective of others, even though Yuuji is too protective of him. His worst fear is drowning, since that is how he died, even though he can't technically drown anymore.

This good? If not, I can change it.
Are vampires/dhampir or other susceptible to silver? Say a family of witches are looking to defend themselves against a vampire, would silver weapons make any sort of difference? On that note, perhaps a guide with mastery of their healing/trigger and can invoke blessings? Slight resistances against subtleties and compulsion for non-watchers/hybrids.

Considering a witch who's legacy dates back centuries, a holy order of warriors and (some) guides dedicated to defending witches and Unveiled alike from being hunted by vampires, similar to the shifters creed established by Viktor and inspired by the Order of Witchers. So just looking out for any edge one might have over fighting say, a rogue vampire.
Silver has no effect on vampires— wood, sunlight, and nerium are the three "natural" weaknesses to vampires. Most magic affects them as well.

There have been countless orders of warriors and witches throughout the ages, some attended by guides, but with their innate pacfistity their hands are always slightly tied.

I've thought about it though, and I really like your suggestion of Guides being able to invoke Blessings— I'ma keep it limited to IC Growth, however, and Marked Ones only. I like the idea of them gaining these Ancient Blessings, thought to have left the world of man thousands of years ago.

Apologies for the late response, as I mentioned before the end of the week/weekend are always busy for me!
  • Thank You
Reactions: marcy
name Yuuji Rurikawa
nickname (optional)
titles/alias (optional)
dob & age / perceived age, if applicable; 14 as perceived, 40+ actual

physical appearance: picture(s) + a general written description of their: hair, eyes, height, build, body modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc.), scars, and a sentence or two on their general fashion/accessories.)
Yuuji may appear like a cute girl to some, due to his slight resemblance to Yuki. Many people have confused the two, which they sometimes use to pull pranks. Yuuji has amber-colored eyes, described by Kaoru as "the color of honey", and shoulder-length green hair in a layered lob style.

He wears a black crop top with a red choker and stripe, black jeans with white cuffs, paired with black lace-up combat boots and white laces, and a black and red cat-eared hat with a heart on it.

His left eye has a tear running down out of it, and is a plus instead of a regular pupil, which he usually covers up with an eyepatch before going out. He can also be seen wearing various other outfits, such as when he stole Kaoru's jacket and slept in it the whole afternoon.
Here is a picture!

personality traits: at least a couple positive, negative, and neutral traits
- alert
- caring
- neutral
- artful
- anxious
- cautious (overly)
drives: Caution, fear
fears: Spiders.

hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading

occupation and any relating lore: Librarian, also, he's a spirit/cat hybrid

--copypasta edited/updated racial specific questions here--

name Kaoru Sakisaka
nickname (optional)
titles/alias (optional)
dob & age / perceived age, if applicable; 14 as perceived, 40+ actual

physical appearance: picture(s) + a general written description of their: hair, eyes, height, build, body modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc.), scars, and a sentence or two on their general fashion/accessories.)
He has fluffy pink hair that oddly seems to change color frequently from a light pink to a dark pink, and it falls over his eyes at times. His main dream was to become a prince when he was alive, and even remembers it still as a supernatural. He wears a dark blue jacket and jeans. Appearance pic!
personality traits: at least a couple positive, negative, and neutral traits
drives: Fear, others in trouble
fears: People

hobbies: Swimming, reading, drawing

occupation and any relating lore: None, also, he's a spirit/fish hybrid, and has selective mutism and social anxiety.

--copypasta edited/updated racial specific questions here--

Not quite sure if I did it right, so just tell me! Thanks

Apologies for not making it more clear— you'll want to start with the "Skelly Sheet" first, and then once we hash out those details, you can revisit this sheet and edit it for a final submission.
Alright, HERE WE GO-
Note so I don't have to keep scrolling up: character snippet: 1-2 paragraph audit of your character. please include their name, race, physical appearance, first-glance personality traits, occupation, and what motivates and fears them.
After moving to Pirn four years ago, Yuuji Rurikawa picked up a job in the southern library. He can usually be found reading a book with one hand whilst organizing the books with his other hand. As a spirit/cat hybrid, he seems slightly transparent, with shoulder-length green hair partially tied up in a ponytail, a black and red hat with cat ears, and a black crop top with a red stripe paired with black ripped jeans, fishnets underneath. His right eye is always tearing up. He rarely talks to people, but seems serious at first meet, but it eventually softens down into pure chaos in a human..spirit? His worst fear is spiders, usually the one to scream first when he sees a spider, running away from it immediately no matter what he was doing to begin with. In his cat form, he looks mostly like a neko, with white cat ears and a tail. He has three piercings on his right ear with hoop earrings in them, and glasses. His nails look slightly sharper than the average human's.

Being someone who has lived (and died) in Pirn, for his entire life (even after death), Kaoru Sakisaka has always worked in the town's ice cream shop. He is a spirit/fish hybrid. He has soft pink fluffy hair and has two fish earrings on his ears. On his stomach, usually covered up by the white shirt and blue jacket he wears, he has a tattoo that looks like a fish coming out of the water. With his jacket, he wears blue jeans and sneakers, partially transparent and has a fish tail on his back.
In his fish form, he's basically a mermaid/man? dunno- but uh, his motivation is mostly other people, and he's too protective of others, even though Yuuji is too protective of him. His worst fear is drowning, since that is how he died, even though he can't technically drown anymore.

This good? If not, I can change it.
A good start, but I still need you to finish the rest of the Skelly Sheet— the racial specific questions and your choice of writing prompts.

Spirits are difficult to place in this verse, as they're intangible beings and swiftly (most of the time) transported beyond the Veil. Have you read the playable races section? Shifters are perhaps the closest race to what your character's builds are.
Just read through the lore, and oh man I have so many ideas! I don't know how I'm ever going to decide on a character 😂 But I think I've narrowed it down between a Guide, Witch, or Vampire. Though I was wondering if I decided to go with a guide or witch, I think I would want to pair with a PC witch or guide, respectfully. Would it be too early to put out feelers for that?
  • According to Plan
Reactions: rissa
Just read through the lore, and oh man I have so many ideas! I don't know how I'm ever going to decide on a character 😂 But I think I've narrowed it down between a Guide, Witch, or Vampire. Though I was wondering if I decided to go with a guide or witch, I think I would want to pair with a PC witch or guide, respectfully. Would it be too early to put out feelers for that?
I'd love that actually! Ideally, Guides and Witches/Watchers will be paired with fellow PC's, but I have a few npcs that can be whipped up if that doesn't come to fruition!
  • Love
Reactions: MiharuAya
Just read through the lore, and oh man I have so many ideas! I don't know how I'm ever going to decide on a character 😂 But I think I've narrowed it down between a Guide, Witch, or Vampire. Though I was wondering if I decided to go with a guide or witch, I think I would want to pair with a PC witch or guide, respectfully. Would it be too early to put out feelers for that?
I'd love that actually! Ideally, Guides and Witches/Watchers will be paired with fellow PC's, but I have a few npcs that can be whipped up if that doesn't come to fruition!
That's perfect! Now to go back to ruminating on which character to make 😂 Though, if you need an extra guide/witch to pair with someone instead of an npc, just let me know *cough cough* lol
  • Haha
Reactions: rissa
Heir to an ancient order, Daniel Morin has roots tied to Pirn for generations, tracing back to the founding families that his esoteric lineage is honor-bound to, ready to lay down their lives even to the present day. A full fledged Keeper of the Flame, or Keeper; blade wielding witches renowned for both their physical prowess as fighters and their deadly aptitude for magic, having enacted sacred vows to protect their fellow sorcerers among any righteous Unveiled dwelling within Pirn's rustling mountain and lush valleys. He's stayed true to the cause, albeit is often susceptible to shameless bouts of ambitious dreams beyond an ancient lineage and a sleepy city cradled in the mountainside, his rebellious nature a side-effect of Pirn's tranquility; a young heart that burns to shine on its own, not shimmer beside others accomplishments and aspirations. Daniel can be relentless in such a pursuit, and is quick to be dismissive of anyone that doesn't align with or opposes his ideals, possibly coming off as self-centered rather than self-driven. His biggest fear is one that drives him everyday, to die as he lived; as a Keeper, not a free spirit living on his own terms.

The floorboards creaked beneath Daniel as he stepped into the decrepit room, illuminated only by the afternoon sun that pierced the open windows; dust could be seen falling by truckloads as one peered into the suns beaming rays, falling gently onto torn curtains and cushions strewn around the empty space. Daniel sneered, turning up his nose at the unkempt sight before him, the room was a dead end. So where did that trail of black gunk lead? The muck was thick as honey and started at the front door, leading through the abandoned house straight into the empty room. There was nothing but the--

"Window!" The thought whipped him sharp across the face like a wet rag, his first instinct was to cast Quen, motioning his left hand to gesture the accordant sign. With his right hand, Daniel failed to draw his sword before the perpetrator at hand could strike him unexpectedly from behind. Quen's protective shield flashed, absorbing the hit as an instant shockwave blasted Daniel and his foe in opposite directions. The Keeper groaned and scrambled to find his footing, unsheathing his blade in one swift motion of the right hand as his left assumed a dormant sign.

Daniel locked eyes with his assailant, attempting to deduce their thoughts and actions.
"Are we running in circles all day, or what? Let's get this over with already!" He declared ruthlessly, poised for battle and growing impatient with the assassin's devious tricks. The Keeper bellowed a war cry, charging the assailant head on, the sounds of their tempered steel clashing rang relentlessly as they deflected one critical blow from another. The assassin's cunning, nimble repertoire seemed to be outclassed by Daniel's caliber for single combat in broad daylight; the measly curvature of their short dagger no match for Daniel's blade of sorcery. He disarmed his assailant in one premeditated counter blow, kicking them backwards and casting Aard with his free hand. In one swift motion he sent the assassin careening through the aged, decrepit wall adjacent to the Keeper, dust and debris dispersing into the hallway.

To reiterate, the use of signs is inspired by witchers, from the video game series and other respected media. (toss a coin to your witcher, anyone...?) with a more modern and noble twist. For the sake of transparency I attached a table of signs and their effects below. The spells are meant to grow in strength over time with potential for additional effects, they each have properties unique from one another that I have yet to flesh out, this is just the base frame. I have an idea for an active power but it isn't concrete and I figured better to know what your first impressions are of the whole concept before moving forward.

Aarda telekinetic wave that can knock back or stun an opponent. This sign can also be used to destroy obstacles, for example crumbling walls or stacks of barrels.
Yrdena magical trap placed on the ground, which will immobilize opponents or dispel illusions and compulsions.
Ignia gush of flames that wounds opponents. It can also be used to detonate flammable gases emitted by some bombs.
Quena protective shield that absorbs or mitigates all damage from an attack and knocks back lesser foes. lasts for thirty seconds or until the caster is attacked.
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character snippet: 1-2 paragraph audit of your character. please include their name, race, physical appearance, first-glance personality traits, occupation, and what motivates and fears them. If I misspell pirn for prin please excuse my crap typing.

Alexander, born outside of Pirn though moved in while very young has grew up as an oddity, The child of two witches he lacked any real power, even as a first born. His parents both elementally inclined, one flame, one the winds had several children after him, all of whom developed at a far more 'normal' pace. That was until one summer evening when a summer storm rolled over Prin and Alexander was late home. When he arrived he was untouched by the storm, Despite the roiling thunder and torrential rain. It was then, at the age of 12 he manifested his inherent tallent. One that would set him apart from not just his siblings but his entire family. He was not like his parents, of wind or fire. But of the storm. A raw, natural, fury flooded his veins and blazed about him.

He grew to be tall, well built and kind faced. Wearing his hair long he presents a kind, warm appearance and personality. Most often found in his coffee shop, Witches Brew, or if its later he can be found tending to the bar in the underground bar/club that sits beneath the Witches Brew, Often referred to as Bumps In The Night. Content with his rather placid life Alexander's main drive is to see his coffee shop come bar/club do well and hopefully set it up for future generations. Though he always has some concern for what the future holds, his biggest worry is losing the shop, He has put too much time in to it for losing it to be recoverable.

Writing prompt: Ritual!
Alexander clambered down from the ladder and looked across the roof of the bar one last time. The area was split in to three separate 'floors' the first, and uppermost was the bar with a collection of tables, chairs, benches and similar things as well as a large open plan bar that he tended to stand behind, down a set of stairs was the dance floor and club area. Down again from there, through a 'staff only' door was an area he'd set aside for private patrons and similar. It was useful to have a place to put people who were just a little too obvious or drunk. looking down at the huge tome he had set open on one of the tables he ran his fingers across the page. It was monday morning, just after the breakfast rush and the shop upstairs was closed to let Alexander finish his work down here. He'd been slowly putting together the huge magic circle on the roof for the past two months. The latest in anti-bar fight tools he'd gotten. The crossbow under the bar was good for most cases, but when the fight between the two shifter groups had gotten out of hand he'd decided to install this ritual circle.

In the style he typified there was no chalk or ash lines, rather the entire thing was made with electric blue LED strips. He could pulse individual parts of it to produce specific effects. Stepping behind the bar he put his hand on the small metal dome that connected to it and focused, using his active power to light the whole thing up. The entire bar area was bathed in a bright blue light and the air filled with the crackle and hum of static. Anyone caught within the circle would be lifted up off the ground by a magnetic levitation and given a rather nasty shock. Twisting the dome this way and that he cycled through the various runes and lines he'd wired up. lighting up only specific areas of the bar, producing just the shock, or just the levitation effect. He smiled and released the magic. This was why he loved technology. You could set up a ritual circle over the course of months, with equipment you could order online, or pick up from the local hardware store, rather than finding just the right shade of paint, or the correct type of tree to turn to charcoal. And the circles didn't burn out when activated. He just had to replace the strips of LED's when they overloaded. He'd gauged it at about one strip a month, unless he needed to use it often. He put the ladder and tools away before changing in to his typical 'faux witch' outfit that he wore in the coffee shop and went up to re-open and make ready for the lunch rush. He'd gotten a fresh batch of fish and was planning to make sushi, The feline shifters loved the stuff and it was easy to make.

what is your character's active power?
Capacitance: Alexander can manipulate electrical current within both himself, and other things/creatures. This manifests in several ways, but there are a few key ones, The first is the ability to activate and power electrical devices, if they have some kind of 'brain' (chip or similar) he can imput commands at a distance, Though he needs line of sight. The second is the ability to 'taze' a living creature he has line of sight to. The creature feels as if they have touched an electrical generator, with hair standing on end, fingertips tingling. Then suffer an aggressive electrical shock, As if they had been shot with a police taser, This is not lethal, and very unlikely to cause any significant damage beyond causing a creature to collapse for a second or so. The third and final common use is to generate and store electricity within himself as well as discharge it, This can be used to charge electrical devices, or to shock a creature with a touch (this is far higher voltage and amperage than the 'taser'). It also renders him immune to electricity as he simply stores it.

Using this power for anything other than control of objects produces a faint smell of ozone, increasing with the more electricity is used. The electricity discharged from Alexander is not controlled in any way, so will attempt to ground itself via the path of least resistance, meaning that an object that has been grounded, or protected against electrical surges will be immune to attempts to overload it, though still subject to control. He cannot activate objects that are turned off or powered down (though in sleep/standby mode he can wake them up remotely) Alexander tends to rest his fingers on his glasses when using the power, a habit he has developed from working at his coffee shop.

how many spells does your character know? what are they?
Almost all of alexander's spells are modifications of his family spells. Conversions of flame and wind spells to lightning.

Flash Shielding:
A personal defencive spell, capable of being cast almost instantly though only lasting a few seconds (a single post) This spell throws up a disk of lightning that can be used to deflect metallic weapons and absorb energy attacks. Wooden weapons burn away, however it is a directional shield meaning Alexander must be aware of the attack to even use this spell. It is advised you do not punch the shield. To cast the spell Alexander needs to only raise his hand and speak the two word invocation. A shortened, and more destructive version of his mothers flame-shield. The spells range is Alexanders arms length

Thunder Roar:
A modified version of his fathers 'whispering wind' spell, originally used to send messages across a long distance, Alexander has compressed this spell. Capable of enhancing his voice to a volume comparable to thunder itself. Though only usable for four words, most creatures in close proximity to it when it is cast only hear the first due to the immense volume at which the words are projected. Casting this spell requires Alexander to place his hand on his throat and take a second or two to fill his lungs with air. While not a 'needed' component Alexander does ensure that he has a throat-soother on hand whenever he casts this spell and rarely casts it more than once or twice in a day. The sound originating from Alexander drops off with distance.
((For player/DM note, A thunderclap is in the same range as standing next to a jet engine during take off. or someone firing a shotgun with the barrel next to your ear.))

Lightning Step:
A movement spell, a combination of his fathers 'wind walk' and his mothers 'flame teleport' Alexander erupts in to a sizzling, crackling bolt of lightning and moves in a straight line towards a location before reforming in to his physical form, This does not allow for flight and does not allow him to pass through solid objects, Though a organic creature that is 'rammed' in to would still suffer some damage. To cast this spell Alexander needs a small ring of copper wire, line of sight to his target location (or creature), and a few moments to mentally plan his route. If someone, or something is interposed between Alexander and his target location, it will suffer damage as if struck by a bolt of lighting and Alexander will appear before them.

(Currently 'studied' spell)
Herald Of The Storm:
Somewhere between a ritual and a spell, A modification of his fathers 'Hurricane caller' and his mothers 'Firestorm' spells this spell grants Alexander the ability to call down actual lightning upon his target. Falling from the sky with all the fury and noise that is associated with such a devastating natural event. Casting the spell takes ten minutes of careful meditation and the use of several unusual objects as focus aids. Alexander tends to carry them with him in a small bag when he travels. A small chunk of Fulgurite, a lump of Haematite and a strip of magnesium. The Magnesium is consumed during the casting of the spell. At completion of the casting, Alexander is granted a number of bolts that he may call for the next 24 hours. His current range is between one and four. This will likely grow with experience and power. Any unused bolts are lost after 24 hours. Calling the lightning after the spell is cast is as simple as observing the target and using the command "fulgur ruinam"

The spell is influenced by several factors, ranging from location to weather. The closer the weather is to an actual storm, the more devastating the bolt becomes. with it rivaling natural lightning if used during an actual storm and possibly exceeding it if Alexander manages to cast it while more extreme weather is about (hurricanes ect), while on a warm, sunny day the bolt would be damaging, but not as devastating as it could be (Most veiled would die, but for an Unveiled it'd just be a really bad day, but you'd survive.) If the creature is indoors, underground or similar, the bolt simply does not hit them as it impacts the ground first, if they have a 'soft' roof (trees or similar) then they would only suffer a portion of the bolt as it would be bled off in to other objects. If the creature is wearing full metal armor, then that will conduct the bolt rather than the body, resulting in the armor being super-heated, but no damage from the lightning.
Any creature that can 'see' magic can 'see' the spell after it is cast, in the form of a flickering nimbus of lightning about Alexander.
(For the Dm, Upon casting this spell, I will use the roll function to roll a D4 and that'll be his number of bolts. His growth in this spell is up to you. if he gets a bigger dice, or simply a numerical bonus to the dice.)

like shifters and vampires, witches have an affinity for one of the three inherent abilities: casting and creating spells, brewing potions, or performing rituals. which is your character more attuned to?

Alexander is a Witch best defined as 'jack of all trades master of none', though other witches would call him 'out of touch' due to his inability to perform the older and more powerful arts. He sees himself as a more modern witch, often calling himself a Warlock as a distinction. Unable to learn spells from his family as all those before him did he was forced to master the arts of magic creation, making him shockingly proficient with his spells, but he struggles with the creative level required to develop his own spells, often modifying or mimicking others with his own magic creating 'bastard' versions of others magic. In equal measure his dedication to his coffee shop and bar has required him to become proficient in not only mixing alcoholic drinks, but also potions. Yet he lacks the attunement with nature needed to produce the most advanced potions, rather he relies up on technology and his own knowledge of the methods to make 'hybrid' potions. An energy potion that also functions as a hangover cure and a full meal? not an issue, A potion to enhance a shifters natural skill and allow them to shift with less discomfort? He wouldn't know where to start. the core parts of rituals come easy, The methodical, mechanical planning and organization that is required to design them and work out the circle and required parts. Once again it is in the practical aspect he fails. His inability to connect with nature and the 'other' mean that it is the casting of rituals that he struggles with "Why do I need eye of toad? that just seems pointless and messy." is a common comment. The counterpoint to this is his use of technology and modern equipment to produce either 'repeatable' rituals, via the use of LED lights or laser projections to create a circle that can be turned on and off on demand, Or his prefered solution 'spontaneous' rituals. Normally the circles would have to be painted, or marked on to a surface. With modern Laser cutting Alexander has shrunk several of the most simple ritual circles down to postcard sized disks of wood or plastics allowing him to produce ritual like effects without needing to perform the entire ritual. This is however limited to the most simple rituals, such as reinforcing a structure or producing a spiritual barrier. His Personal favorite is a ritual that protects from the weather, Just snap the disk and you have twenty four hours of immunity to all common weather, no more getting to the interview soaking wet and looking like you just walked through a wind tunnel.

I feel like I over-wrote on some sections. Oh well, I hope its a fun read, I enjoyed writing it.
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Heir to an ancient order, Daniel Morin has roots tied to Pirn for generations, tracing back to the founding families that his esoteric lineage is honor-bound to, ready to lay down their lives even to the present day. A full fledged Keeper of the Flame, or Keeper; blade wielding witches renowned for both their physical prowess as fighters and their deadly aptitude for magic, having enacted sacred vows to protect their fellow sorcerers, amongst any righteous Unveiled dwelling within Pirn's rustling mountain and lush valleys. He's stayed true to the cause, albeit is often susceptible to shameless bouts of ambitious dreams beyond an ancient lineage and a sleepy city cradled in the mountainside, his rebellious nature a side-effect of Pirn's tranquility; a young heart that burns to shine on its own, not shimmer beside others accomplishments and aspirations. Daniel can be relentless in such a pursuit, and is quick to be dismissive of anyone that doesn't align with or opposes his ideals, possibly coming off as self-centered rather than self-driven. His biggest fear is one that drives him everyday, to die as he lived; as a Keeper, not a free spirit living on his own terms.

The floorboards creaked beneath Daniel as he stepped into the decrepit room, illuminated only by the afternoon sun that pierced the open windows; dust could be seen falling by truckloads as one peered into the suns beaming rays, falling gently onto torn curtains and cushions strewn around the empty space. Daniel sneered, turning up his nose at the unkempt sight before him, the room was a dead end. So where did that trail of black gunk lead? The muck was thick as honey and started at the front door, leading through the abandoned house straight into the empty room. There was nothing but the--

"Window!" The thought whipped him sharp across the face like a wet rag, his first instinct was to cast Quen, motioning his left hand to gesture the accordant sign. With his right hand, Daniel failed to draw his sword before the perpetrator at hand could strike him unexpectedly from behind. Quen's protective shield flashed, absorbing the hit as an instant shockwave blasted Daniel and his foe in opposite directions. The Keeper groaned and scrambled to find his footing, unsheathing his blade in one swift motion of the right hand as his left assumed a dormant sign.

Daniel locked eyes with his assailant, attempting to deduce their thoughts and actions. "Are we running in circles all day, or what? Let's get this over with already!" He declared ruthlessly, poised for battle and growing impatient with the assassin's devious tricks. The Keeper bellowed a war cry, charging the assailant head on, the sounds of their tempered steel clashing against each other ringing as they deflected one critical blow from another. The assassin's cunning, nimble repertoire seemed to be outclassed by Daniel's caliber for single combat in broad daylight; the measly curvature of their short dagger no match for Daniel's blade of sorcery. He disarmed his assailant in one premeditated counter blow, kicking them backwards and in one swift motion casting Aard with his free hand, sending the assassin careening through the aged, decrepit wall adjacent to Daniel, dust and debris dispersing into the hallway.

To reiterate, the use of signs is inspired by witchers, from the video game series and other respected media. (toss a coin to your witcher, anyone...?) with a more modern and noble twist. For the sake of transparency I attached a table of signs and their effects below. The spells are meant to grow in strength over time with potential for additional effects, they each have properties unique from one another that I have yet to flesh out, this is just the base frame. I have an idea for an active power but it isn't concrete and I figured better to know what your first impressions are of the whole concept before moving forward.

Aarda telekinetic wave that can knock back or stun an opponent. This sign can also be used to destroy obstacles, for example crumbling walls or stacks of barrels.
Yrdena magical trap placed on the ground, which will immobilize opponents or dispel illusions and compulsions.
Ignia gush of flames that wounds opponents. It can also be used to detonate flammable gases emitted by some bombs.
Quena protective shield that absorbs or mitigates all damage from an attack and knocks back lesser foes. lasts for thirty seconds or until the caster is attacked.
yessssssssss!! i loved your prompt sm, hit me wit the racial specific questions before i shoot ya off to finish the full sheet
(also expect me in your dms once daniel is fully accepted to flesh out the order so i can add it to da lore page!)

character snippet: 1-2 paragraph audit of your character. please include their name, race, physical appearance, first-glance personality traits, occupation, and what motivates and fears them. If I misspell pirn for prin please excuse my crap typing.

Alexander, born outside of Pirn though moved in while very young has grew up as an oddity, The child of two witches he lacked any real power, even as a first born. His parents both elementally inclined, one flame, one the winds had several children after him, all of whom developed at a far more 'normal' pace. That was until one summer evening when a summer storm rolled over Prin and Alexander was late home. When he arrived he was untouched by the storm, Despite the roiling thunder and torrential rain. It was then, at the age of 12 he manifested his inherent tallent. One that would set him apart from not just his siblings but his entire family. He was not like his parents, of wind or fire. But of the storm. A raw, natural, fury flooded his veins and blazed about him.

He grew to be tall, well built and kind faced. Wearing his hair long he presents a kind, warm appearance and personality. Most often found in his coffee shop, Witches Brew, or if its later he can be found tending to the bar in the underground bar/club that sits beneath the Witches Brew, Often referred to as Bumps In The Night. Content with his rather placid life Alexander's main drive is to see his coffee shop come bar/club do well and hopefully set it up for future generations. Though he always has some concern for what the future holds, his biggest worry is losing the shop, He has put too much time in to it for losing it to be recoverable.

Writing prompt: Ritual!
Alexander clambered down from the ladder and looked across the roof of the bar one last time. The area was split in to three separate 'floors' the first, and uppermost was the bar with a collection of tables, chairs, benches and similar things as well as a large open plan bar that he tended to stand behind, down a set of stairs was the dance floor and club area. Down again from there, through a 'staff only' door was an area he'd set aside for private patrons and similar. It was useful to have a place to put people who were just a little too obvious or drunk. looking down at the huge tome he had set open on one of the tables he ran his fingers across the page. It was monday morning, just after the breakfast rush and the shop upstairs was closed to let Alexander finish his work down here. He'd been slowly putting together the huge magic circle on the roof for the past two months. The latest in anti-bar fight tools he'd gotten. The crossbow under the bar was good for most cases, but when the fight between the two shifter groups had gotten out of hand he'd decided to install this ritual circle.

In the style he typified there was no chalk or ash lines, rather the entire thing was made with electric blue LED strips. He could pulse individual parts of it to produce specific effects. Stepping behind the bar he put his hand on the small metal dome that connected to it and focused, using his active power to light the whole thing up. The entire bar area was bathed in a bright blue light and the air filled with the crackle and hum of static. Anyone caught within the circle would be lifted up off the ground by a magnetic levitation and given a rather nasty shock. Twisting the dome this way and that he cycled through the various runes and lines he'd wired up. lighting up only specific areas of the bar, producing just the shock, or just the levitation effect. He smiled and released the magic. This was why he loved technology. You could set up a ritual circle over the course of months, with equipment you could order online, or pick up from the local hardware store, rather than finding just the right shade of paint, or the correct type of tree to turn to charcoal. And the circles didn't burn out when activated. He just had to replace the strips of LED's when they overloaded. He'd gauged it at about one strip a month, unless he needed to use it often. He put the ladder and tools away before changing in to his typical 'faux witch' outfit that he wore in the coffee shop and went up to re-open and make ready for the lunch rush. He'd gotten a fresh batch of fish and was planning to make sushi, The feline shifters loved the stuff and it was easy to make.

what is your character's active power?
Capacitance: Alexander can manipulate electrical current within both himself, and other things/creatures. This manifests in several ways, but there are a few key ones, The first is the ability to activate and power electrical devices, if they have some kind of 'brain' (chip or similar) he can imput commands at a distance, Though he needs line of sight. The second is the ability to 'taze' a living creature he has line of sight to. The creature feels as if they have touched an electrical generator, with hair standing on end, fingertips tingling. Then suffer an aggressive electrical shock, As if they had been shot with a police taser, This is not lethal, and very unlikely to cause any significant damage beyond causing a creature to collapse for a second or so. The third and final common use is to generate and store electricity within himself as well as discharge it, This can be used to charge electrical devices, or to shock a creature with a touch (this is far higher voltage and amperage than the 'taser'). It also renders him immune to electricity as he simply stores it.

Using this power for anything other than control of objects produces a faint smell of ozone, increasing with the more electricity is used. The electricity discharged from Alexander is not controlled in any way, so will attempt to ground itself via the path of least resistance, meaning that an object that has been grounded, or protected against electrical surges will be immune to attempts to overload it, though still subject to control. He cannot activate objects that are turned off or powered down (though in sleep/standby mode he can wake them up remotely) Alexander tends to rest his fingers on his glasses when using the power, a habit he has developed from working at his coffee shop.

how many spells does your character know? what are they?
Almost all of alexander's spells are modifications of his family spells. Conversions of flame and wind spells to lightning.

Flash Shielding:
A personal defencive spell, capable of being cast almost instantly though only lasting a few seconds (a single post) This spell throws up a disk of lightning that can be used to deflect metallic weapons and absorb energy attacks. Wooden weapons burn away, however it is a directional shield meaning Alexander must be aware of the attack to even use this spell. It is advised you do not punch the shield. To cast the spell Alexander needs to only raise his hand and speak the two word invocation. A shortened, and more destructive version of his mothers flame-shield. The spells range is Alexanders arms length

Thunder Roar:
A modified version of his fathers 'whispering wind' spell, originally used to send messages across a long distance, Alexander has compressed this spell. Capable of enhancing his voice to a volume comparable to thunder itself. Though only usable for four words, most creatures in close proximity to it when it is cast only hear the first due to the immense volume at which the words are projected. Casting this spell requires Alexander to place his hand on his throat and take a second or two to fill his lungs with air. While not a 'needed' component Alexander does ensure that he has a throat-soother on hand whenever he casts this spell and rarely casts it more than once or twice in a day. The sound originating from Alexander drops off with distance.
((For player/DM note, A thunderclap is in the same range as standing next to a jet engine during take off. or someone firing a shotgun with the barrel next to your ear.))

Lightning Step:
A movement spell, a combination of his fathers 'wind walk' and his mothers 'flame teleport' Alexander erupts in to a sizzling, crackling bolt of lightning and moves in a straight line towards a location before reforming in to his physical form, This does not allow for flight and does not allow him to pass through solid objects, Though a organic creature that is 'rammed' in to would still suffer some damage. To cast this spell Alexander needs a small ring of copper wire, line of sight to his target location (or creature), and a few moments to mentally plan his route. If someone, or something is interposed between Alexander and his target location, it will suffer damage as if struck by a bolt of lighting and Alexander will appear before them.

(Currently 'studied' spell)
Herald Of The Storm:
Somewhere between a ritual and a spell, A modification of his fathers 'Hurricane caller' and his mothers 'Firestorm' spells this spell grants Alexander the ability to call down actual lightning upon his target. Falling from the sky with all the fury and noise that is associated with such a devastating natural event. Casting the spell takes ten minutes of careful meditation and the use of several unusual objects as focus aids. Alexander tends to carry them with him in a small bag when he travels. A small chunk of Fulgurite, a lump of Haematite and a strip of magnesium. The Magnesium is consumed during the casting of the spell. At completion of the casting, Alexander is granted a number of bolts that he may call for the next 24 hours. His current range is between one and four. This will likely grow with experience and power. Any unused bolts are lost after 24 hours. Calling the lightning after the spell is cast is as simple as observing the target and using the command "fulgur ruinam"

The spell is influenced by several factors, ranging from location to weather. The closer the weather is to an actual storm, the more devastating the bolt becomes. with it rivaling natural lightning if used during an actual storm and possibly exceeding it if Alexander manages to cast it while more extreme weather is about (hurricanes ect), while on a warm, sunny day the bolt would be damaging, but not as devastating as it could be (Most veiled would die, but for an Unveiled it'd just be a really bad day, but you'd survive.) If the creature is indoors, underground or similar, the bolt simply does not hit them as it impacts the ground first, if they have a 'soft' roof (trees or similar) then they would only suffer a portion of the bolt as it would be bled off in to other objects. If the creature is wearing full metal armor, then that will conduct the bolt rather than the body, resulting in the armor being super-heated, but no damage from the lightning.
Any creature that can 'see' magic can 'see' the spell after it is cast, in the form of a flickering nimbus of lightning about Alexander.
(For the Dm, Upon casting this spell, I will use the roll function to roll a D4 and that'll be his number of bolts. His growth in this spell is up to you. if he gets a bigger dice, or simply a numerical bonus to the dice.)

like shifters and vampires, witches have an affinity for one of the three inherent abilities: casting and creating spells, brewing potions, or performing rituals. which is your character more attuned to?

Alexander is a Witch best defined as 'jack of all trades master of none', though other witches would call him 'out of touch' due to his inability to perform the older and more powerful arts. He sees himself as a more modern witch, often calling himself a Warlock as a distinction. Unable to learn spells from his family as all those before him did he was forced to master the arts of magic creation, making him shockingly proficient with his spells, but he struggles with the creative level required to develop his own spells, often modifying or mimicking others with his own magic creating 'bastard' versions of others magic. In equal measure his dedication to his coffee shop and bar has required him to become proficient in not only mixing alcoholic drinks, but also potions. Yet he lacks the attunement with nature needed to produce the most advanced potions, rather he relies up on technology and his own knowledge of the methods to make 'hybrid' potions. An energy potion that also functions as a hangover cure and a full meal? not an issue, A potion to enhance a shifters natural skill and allow them to shift with less discomfort? He wouldn't know where to start. the core parts of rituals come easy, The methodical, mechanical planning and organization that is required to design them and work out the circle and required parts. Once again it is in the practical aspect he fails. His inability to connect with nature and the 'other' mean that it is the casting of rituals that he struggles with "Why do I need eye of toad? that just seems pointless and messy." is a common comment. The counterpoint to this is his use of technology and modern equipment to produce either 'repeatable' rituals, via the use of LED lights or laser projections to create a circle that can be turned on and off on demand, Or his prefered solution 'spontaneous' rituals. Normally the circles would have to be painted, or marked on to a surface. With modern Laser cutting Alexander has shrunk several of the most simple ritual circles down to postcard sized disks of wood or plastics allowing him to produce ritual like effects without needing to perform the entire ritual. This is however limited to the most simple rituals, such as reinforcing a structure or producing a spiritual barrier. His Personal favorite is a ritual that protects from the weather, Just snap the disk and you have twenty four hours of immunity to all common weather, no more getting to the interview soaking wet and looking like you just walked through a wind tunnel.

I feel like I over-wrote on some sections. Oh well, I hope its a fun read, I enjoyed writing it.

oh boy that was a fun ride! while powerful, i like the balance you brought to each of your spells and i like the vibe he gives off. feel free to start your full sheet!
  • Thank You
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name Yuuji Rurikawa
nickname (optional)
titles/alias (optional)
dob & age / perceived age, if applicable; 14 as perceived, 40+ actual

physical appearance: picture(s) + a general written description of their: hair, eyes, height, build, body modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc.), scars, and a sentence or two on their general fashion/accessories.)
Yuuji may appear like a cute girl to some, due to his slight resemblance to Yuki. Many people have confused the two, which they sometimes use to pull pranks. Yuuji has amber-colored eyes, described by Kaoru as "the color of honey", and shoulder-length green hair in a layered lob style.

He wears a black crop top with a red choker and stripe, black jeans with white cuffs, paired with black lace-up combat boots and white laces, and a black and red cat-eared hat with a heart on it.

His left eye has a tear running down out of it, and is a plus instead of a regular pupil, which he usually covers up with an eyepatch before going out. He can also be seen wearing various other outfits, such as when he stole Kaoru's jacket and slept in it the whole afternoon.
Here is a picture!

personality traits: at least a couple positive, negative, and neutral traits
- alert
- caring
- neutral
- artful
- anxious
- cautious (overly)
drives: Caution, fear
fears: Spiders.

hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading

occupation and any relating lore: Librarian, also, he's a spirit/cat hybrid

--copypasta edited/updated racial specific questions here--

name Kaoru Sakisaka
nickname (optional)
titles/alias (optional)
dob & age / perceived age, if applicable; 14 as perceived, 40+ actual

physical appearance: picture(s) + a general written description of their: hair, eyes, height, build, body modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc.), scars, and a sentence or two on their general fashion/accessories.)
He has fluffy pink hair that oddly seems to change color frequently from a light pink to a dark pink, and it falls over his eyes at times. His main dream was to become a prince when he was alive, and even remembers it still as a supernatural. He wears a dark blue jacket and jeans. Appearance pic!
personality traits: at least a couple positive, negative, and neutral traits
drives: Fear, others in trouble
fears: People

hobbies: Swimming, reading, drawing

occupation and any relating lore: None, also, he's a spirit/fish hybrid, and has selective mutism and social anxiety.

--copypasta edited/updated racial specific questions here--

Not quite sure if I did it right, so just tell me! Thanks

Apologies for not making it more clear— you'll want to start with the "Skelly Sheet" first, and then once we hash out those details, you can revisit this sheet and edit it for a final submission.
Alright, HERE WE GO-
Note so I don't have to keep scrolling up: character snippet: 1-2 paragraph audit of your character. please include their name, race, physical appearance, first-glance personality traits, occupation, and what motivates and fears them.
After moving to Pirn four years ago, Yuuji Rurikawa picked up a job in the southern library. He can usually be found reading a book with one hand whilst organizing the books with his other hand. As a spirit/cat hybrid, he seems slightly transparent, with shoulder-length green hair partially tied up in a ponytail, a black and red hat with cat ears, and a black crop top with a red stripe paired with black ripped jeans, fishnets underneath. His right eye is always tearing up. He rarely talks to people, but seems serious at first meet, but it eventually softens down into pure chaos in a human..spirit? His worst fear is spiders, usually the one to scream first when he sees a spider, running away from it immediately no matter what he was doing to begin with. In his cat form, he looks mostly like a neko, with white cat ears and a tail. He has three piercings on his right ear with hoop earrings in them, and glasses. His nails look slightly sharper than the average human's.

Being someone who has lived (and died) in Pirn, for his entire life (even after death), Kaoru Sakisaka has always worked in the town's ice cream shop. He is a spirit/fish hybrid. He has soft pink fluffy hair and has two fish earrings on his ears. On his stomach, usually covered up by the white shirt and blue jacket he wears, he has a tattoo that looks like a fish coming out of the water. With his jacket, he wears blue jeans and sneakers, partially transparent and has a fish tail on his back.
In his fish form, he's basically a mermaid/man? dunno- but uh, his motivation is mostly other people, and he's too protective of others, even though Yuuji is too protective of him. His worst fear is drowning, since that is how he died, even though he can't technically drown anymore.

This good? If not, I can change it.
A good start, but I still need you to finish the rest of the Skelly Sheet— the racial specific questions and your choice of writing prompts.

Spirits are difficult to place in this verse, as they're intangible beings and swiftly (most of the time) transported beyond the Veil. Have you read the playable races section? Shifters are perhaps the closest race to what your character's builds are.
oh, whoopsies. Sorry about that. (I think I got confused there for a sec, especially because it was late when I typed that out, ehe.. My AU-version of them isn't really like the regular spirit so I keep forgetting)
Yuuji (Cat Hybrid)
Like Kaoru, he never knew his parents, but his mother was the one to give him this ability.

Gains a set of cat ears and a tail, nails become noticeably sharper, instead of fairly sharp.

If he focuses, he can usually walk on walls/ceilings, but he hasn't managed to master this ability yet, accidentally involuntary falling off when he gets comfortable.

Kaoru (Fish Hybrid)
He never knew his parents, either, but his father gave him the ability.

He has a fish tail on his back, and when he goes into water, it changes into a mermaid-type thing. His hands also get webs on them. If he focuses, he doesn't transform.

He has mastered this ability fairly well, but sometimes he forgets and accidentally transforms in the water.

Writing Prompt (gonna do them both together)
"your character must (create, perform, or halt) a ritual. how do they do it?"
Yuuji froze, hearing the sound of boots clicking through the halls. Motioning to Kaoru, the two hid behind a pillar, glancing behind it to see who was coming into the room. It was a man, in a black cloak. The cloak had gold accents and some kind of... rune on them. The man clapped his hands, the large room amplifying the sound. A shifting noise was heard, as other people in cloaks seemingly melted out of the shadows, standing in a row in front of the first man.
The difference between these people, however, was the cloak. These people lacked the gold runes that the first man had.
A small boy ran up, kneeling down before the man and presenting him with a piece of gold chalk, which was quickly taken by the man.
Yuuji's eyes widened. He knew that boy. He was the boy who played in the streets every Sunday. They passed him every day when they were walking around.

"Thank you." the man said. He had a deeper voice, but still fairly soft. He took off his cloak, his back to them. "I, Johann Name, say we will begin." he said, raising his arms as he began drawing something on the floor.
I finally got around to filling out the Prompts for my character as well. It took much longer than expected, and I completely blew the 300 word mark out of the water. I tried condensing and cutting things as best as I could, but now I've ended at around 800 and I figure I should probably submit everything, before I end up waiting two weeks or something.

  • In a time long, long past, in Glyn Cuch, a young king called Pwyll met the king of the Otherworld called Annwn, Arawn and became fast friends with him. From this friendship, Pwyll gained a blessing he was made Head of the Otherworld, earnt the title Pwyll Pen Annwn and his family would become a long standing line of dutiful Watchers. Seren Rhiannon o Annwn belongs to this long line of Watchers. Originally, she was born in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Her family immediately introduced her to the Unveiled world, knowing well that she would inevitably be part of it. However, Seren often took issue with the overly strict and tradition driven ideals her family lived by and, at the first chance she got, left the country to the USA, eventually landing in Pirn as she had felt drawn to it for some inexplicable reason. There she has lived for about four years now as the ever reliable forest ranger and occasional handywoman.

    Seren is a short, but stoutly built woman with pale skin and chestnut brown, shoulder-length hair that is typically kept in a tight bun at the back of her head, her eyes share the same chestnut brown colouration as her hair. She is very obviously a rebellious kind of person and looks the part as well. Her appearance can best be summarised as never having grown out of the "It's not a phase, Mom!"-Phase, typically dressed in black, wearing leather jackets or vests, bracelets and chokers, sometimes spiked, and t-shirts featuring rock and metal indie bands nobody else has ever heard of make up the brunt of her usual wardrobe. She has a tattoo covering her entire right forearm that depicts a scene from Welsh folklore, Arawn and Malt y Nos rushing over a field in a Wild Hunt. On each ear she wears three ear rings, and she has two lip piercings on the lower right side of her lip.
    • Seren comes from a long line of Watchers, spanning countless generations that traces its roots back to the Welsh mythical hero Pwyll, who had befriended the fairy king of the Welsh Otherworld Arawn. It was Arawn who blessed Pwyll's family line to become Watchers, and the blessing continues on to this very day. Traditionally, the "o Annwn" family is spread all over Wales, watching and standing guard through its fields. Seren, having left her ancestral home, is an outlier and only one of few of her family who have ever left.
    • Empathy for Nature
      A power lovingly referred to by her family as "Calon y Goedwig", Welsh for "Heart of the Forest". It allows her and any who belong to her family to essentially converse with wildlife. She cannot actually speak the language of animals or plants, but there is some natural empathic link between her, and plants and animals that allows them to convey messages to one another. Some part of this ability also seems to make animals much more friendly toward Seren than they would likely normally be. This empathic link isn't created by an active or conscious effort by Seren, it simply exists and keeps her in constant communication with nature.

      The arguably most powerful ability granted by this empathic link is that Seren, and the rest of her family, are also to some slight degree connected to the natural powers, for lack of a better term, the will of the world itself. To an outside observer, the effects of this ability are that Seren is extraordinarily lucky, that she is in the right place at the right time at all times. In reality, she is listening and acting on the impulses she gets from this ability. Normally, this connection would manifest as nothing more than background noise in the back of her head, however Seren can actively focus on it, give in to the influence and by doing so she could very easily do things that normally need a lot of focus with closed eyes. Seren's control over this ability is also still lacking, meaning that it can often fail her, especially if something is preventing her from really focusing on it.

      Seren often feels exhausted and agitated when she spends prolonged time in environments where nature isn't as plentiful such as the centre of cities and can be quite irritable when kept away from the wild for a while. Her natural empathic link to nature can also backfire severely, since it is a passive ability that she has no control over she can easily be overwhelmed if something were to, for example, cause nature to be in distress. And though she essentially has the will of the world telling her what to do, she still has to react to it accordingly and because she is physically only human, that means that this is sometimes simply impossible to do. For example, just because she can know exactly where to be and what to do to evade a bullet, does not mean that she can actually do it.

      Seren's goal regarding her power is to gain more control over it. Some of her ancestors were supposedly able to draw on the power of nature itself to give them superhuman capabilities, which allowed her ancient ancestor Pwyll to overpower the fairy lord Hafgan, the rival of Arawn. Another powerful capability some of the elders in her family possess is an ability that is essentially borderline mind reading. The natural empathic link between them and nature allows them to even ascertain the basic emotions and most immediate shallow thoughts of other humans and, with some focus, Unveiled. Thes abilities yet escape Seren and she trains to somehow gain access to them.
    • Seren's ability to naturally communicate with the wildlife can allow her to make friends with local animals and use them to her benefit. Dangerous animals could be used for protection, whilst smaller, faster, or flying critters can be employed for things such as reconnaissance or delivering messages. Thanks to how versatile animals can be, Seren herself is also incredibly versatile in the application of her ability.

      In combat, Seren is certainly no slouch, even if she is strictly speaking only human. Though she is not as physically strong as Shifters, Vampires or Hybrids, she is really difficult to hit, since the world around her is essentially telling her what to do at any given moment. Though it isn't impossible to do, and a much faster and stronger opponent would likely be able to overwhelm her, she should be able to hold her own against most creatures at least for a short while.

      Beyond this, Seren is a trained forest ranger, meaning she is well versed in the use of firearms and is a very capable tracker. Combined with her connection to nature she has basically encyclopaedic knowledge about flora and fauna, and is second to none as a tracker, not only being able to rely on her own skills, but also having nature actively help in tracking down whomever she may be hunting. Beyond that, she has also been trained in sword fighting and riding, as per her family's tradition. She does also own several swords that she can use, but doesn't necessarily carry them with her at all times.
  • Encounter with a lost Spirit
    Seren had been following a group of strangely upset mice for the better part of an hour by now, slowly making her way through the forests surrounding Pirn. One mouse had found its way up Seren's leg and onto her shoulder, from where it was doing its best to point her in the right direction, while its friends stayed on the ground, walking ahead of it and Seren. The three critters in front of Seren were clearly disturbed by something and in a little bit of panic, Seren didn't quite know what they wanted of her, but she did know that they needed help with something, that much they had managed to make clear to her.

    It was only another ten minutes or so when they finally came into a small clearing with a small creek flowing almost directly through the centre, loose stones and logs were in various states of being overgrown by moss, and the late afternoon sun pierced through the canopies in thick, bright strands of light into the clearing, if it was any more picturesque, Seren would have believed that it came right from a drawing in a fairy tale book. The only thing that betrayed this wonderful image was what looked like a lost puppy, a white-brown border collie, with its size it was probably seven to nine months old, as far as Seren could see.

    Slowly, Seren approached it, trying to get as close as possible without scaring it away, if she gave it a start now, it could bolt off into the forest and might be gone for good. Though, as she approached, the real source of the problem came into view. In a small depression in the ground, no two meters away from the puppy, tied to a heavy log, lay a perfect copy of the dog she saw when she entered the clearing. Not moving, not anymore.

    Seren let out a heavy sigh, her eyes focusing back onto what she now believed to be a spirit, a ghost. Her grandmother had told her, many times, how she would sometimes be led to or run into lost spirits and helped them move on. It would seem that this would now be her first.

    "Hey!" She called out, in the most friendly and melodic tone she could muster at the moment. Immediately the puppy spun around, excited, though it died down when it saw Seren proper. She focused on the puppy alone, to try and communicate with it.

    "My name is Seren, what's yours?"

    "Sunny", Seren got back a single word, and with it came feelings of pride, happiness, and excitement.

    "What happened, Sunny? Why are you out here all alone?" Seren asked back. She desperately hoped that there was a good reason that someone would leave a puppy out in the forest to die.

    "Well, my friend he got in an argument with his friend and they were both shouting at each other. Sometimes when they do, he likes to go out with me afterwards!" Sunny proclaimed proudly, "but this time, I think, she wanted to go out with me. So she put me in the back of their car. I thought we were going to the park! But, we got out here, I like the forest though and we walked a while until we got here. That was weird, usually my friend, he likes to talk to me when he and his friend argue, but she was really quiet. She brought me here, tied me to that fallen tree and told me to stay. So now I wait here for my friend."

    "I see..." In the meantime, Seren had moved to the body lying in the depression, there was a tag, like she hoped and luckily, there was an address on it as well, "Okay, Sunny, listen, I'm going to go get your friend. You just hang tight here, yeah?"

    Seren then bolted off, back to her car she had parked at the edge of the forest, and to the address. When she got there, a young boy, not older than twenty, opened the door. Seren made sure the boy knew who Sunny was, and quickly after she had him in the passenger's seat of her car, driving back out to the forest. She led him back to the clearing, where, just as instructed, Sunny was still waiting. Her entire body lit up with energy and happiness when she saw Seren, with her friend in two, and the spirit rushed over to the both of them.

    Seren's throat clogged at the scene in front of her. Sunny being filled with confusion and disappointment as her friend ran straight past her, and him falling into hysteric sadness at seeing Sunny's body tied to a log.

    "I'm sorry..." Seren managed to press out, speaking to Sunny, "I don't think that you can be around for him anymore. But you meant a lot to him, see?"
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
  • Love
Reactions: Huntress and rissa
I finally got around to filling out the Prompts for my character as well. It took much longer than expected, and I completely blew the 300 word mark out of the water. I tried condensing and cutting things as best as I could, but now I've ended at around 800 and I figure I should probably submit everything, before I end up waiting two weeks or something.

  • In a time long, long past, in Glyn Cuch, a young king called Pwyll met the king of the Otherworld called Annwn, Arawn and became fast friends with him. From this friendship, Pwyll gained a blessing he was made Head of the Otherworld, earnt the title Pwyll Pen Annwn and his family would become a long standing line of dutiful Watchers. Seren Rhiannon o Annwn belongs to this long line of Watchers. Originally, she was born in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Her family immediately introduced her to the Unveiled world, knowing well that she would inevitably be part of it. However, Seren often took issue with the overly strict and tradition driven ideals her family lived by and, at the first chance she got, left the country to the USA, eventually landing in Pirn as she had felt drawn to it for some inexplicable reason. There she has lived for about four years now as the ever reliable forest ranger and occasional handywoman.

    Seren is a short, but stoutly built woman with pale skin and chestnut brown, shoulder-length hair that is typically kept in a tight bun at the back of her head, her eyes share the same chestnut brown colouration as her hair. She is very obviously a rebellious kind of person and looks the part as well. Her appearance can best be summarised as never having grown out of the "It's not a phase, Mom!"-Phase, typically dressed in black, wearing leather jackets or vests, bracelets and chokers, sometimes spiked, and t-shirts featuring rock and metal indie bands nobody else has ever heard of make up the brunt of her usual wardrobe. She has a tattoo covering her entire right forearm that depicts a scene from Welsh folklore, Arawn and Malt y Nos rushing over a field in a Wild Hunt. On each ear she wears three ear rings, and she has two lip piercings on the lower right side of her lip.
    • Seren comes from a long line of Watchers, spanning countless generations that traces its roots back to the Welsh mythical hero Pwyll, who had befriended the fairy king of the Welsh Otherworld Arawn. It was Arawn who blessed Pwyll's family line to become Watchers, and the blessing continues on to this very day. Traditionally, the "o Annwn" family is spread all over Wales, watching and standing guard through its fields. Seren, having left her ancestral home, is an outlier and only one of few of her family who have ever left.
    • Empathy for Nature
      A power lovingly referred to by her family as "Calon y Goedwig", Welsh for "Heart of the Forest". It allows her and any who belong to her family to essentially converse with wildlife. She cannot actually speak the language of animals or plants, but there is some natural empathic link between her, and plants and animals that allows them to convey messages to one another. Some part of this ability also seems to make animals much more friendly toward Seren than they would likely normally be. This empathic link isn't created by an active or conscious effort by Seren, it simply exists and keeps her in constant communication with nature.

      The arguably most powerful ability granted by this empathic link is that Seren, and the rest of her family, are also to some slight degree connected to the natural powers, for lack of a better term, the will of the world itself. To an outside observer, the effects of this ability are that Seren is extraordinarily lucky, that she is in the right place at the right time at all times. In reality, she is listening and acting on the impulses she gets from this ability. Normally, this connection would manifest as nothing more than background noise in the back of her head, however Seren can actively focus on it, give in to the influence and by doing so she could very easily do things that normally need a lot of focus with closed eyes. Seren's control over this ability is also still lacking, meaning that it can often fail her, especially if something is preventing her from really focusing on it.

      Seren often feels exhausted and agitated when she spends prolonged time in environments where nature isn't as plentiful such as the centre of cities and can be quite irritable when kept away from the wild for a while. Her natural empathic link to nature can also backfire severely, since it is a passive ability that she has no control over she can easily be overwhelmed if something were to, for example, cause nature to be in distress. And though she essentially has the will of the world telling her what to do, she still has to react to it accordingly and because she is physically only human, that means that this is sometimes simply impossible to do. For example, just because she can know exactly where to be and what to do to evade a bullet, does not mean that she can actually do it.

      Seren's goal regarding her power is to gain more control over it. Some of her ancestors were supposedly able to draw on the power of nature itself to give them superhuman capabilities, which allowed her ancient ancestor Pwyll to overpower the fairy lord Hafgan, the rival of Arawn. Another powerful capability some of the elders in her family possess is an ability that is essentially borderline mind reading. The natural empathic link between them and nature allows them to even ascertain the basic emotions and most immediate shallow thoughts of other humans and, with some focus, Unveiled. Thes abilities yet escape Seren and she trains to somehow gain access to them.
    • Seren's ability to naturally communicate with the wildlife can allow her to make friends with local animals and use them to her benefit. Dangerous animals could be used for protection, whilst smaller, faster, or flying critters can be employed for things such as reconnaissance or delivering messages. Thanks to how versatile animals can be, Seren herself is also incredibly versatile in the application of her ability.

      In combat, Seren is certainly no slouch, even if she is strictly speaking only human. Though she is not as physically strong as Shifters, Vampires or Hybrids, she is really difficult to hit, since the world around her is essentially telling her what to do at any given moment. Though it isn't impossible to do, and a much faster and stronger opponent would likely be able to overwhelm her, she should be able to hold her own against most creatures at least for a short while.

      Beyond this, Seren is a trained forest ranger, meaning she is well versed in the use of firearms and is a very capable tracker. Combined with her connection to nature she has basically encyclopaedic knowledge about flora and fauna, and is second to none as a tracker, not only being able to rely on her own skills, but also having nature actively help in tracking down whomever she may be hunting. Beyond that, she has also been trained in sword fighting and riding, as per her family's tradition. She does also own several swords that she can use, but doesn't necessarily carry them with her at all times.
  • Encounter with a lost Spirit
    Seren had been following a group of strangely upset mice for the better part of an hour by now, slowly making her way through the forests surrounding Pirn. One mouse had found its way up Seren's leg and onto her shoulder, from where it was doing its best to point her in the right direction, while its friends stayed on the ground, walking ahead of it and Seren. The three critters in front of Seren were clearly disturbed by something and in a little bit of panic, Seren didn't quite know what they wanted of her, but she did know that they needed help with something, that much they had managed to make clear to her.

    It was only another ten minutes or so when they finally came into a small clearing with a small creek flowing almost directly through the centre, loose stones and logs were in various states of being overgrown by moss, and the late afternoon sun pierced through the canopies in thick, bright strands of light into the clearing, if it was any more picturesque, Seren would have believed that it came right from a drawing in a fairy tale book. The only thing that betrayed this wonderful image was what looked like a lost puppy, a white-brown border collie, with its size it was probably seven to nine months old, as far as Seren could see.

    Slowly, Seren approached it, trying to get as close as possible without scaring it away, if she gave it a start now, it could bolt off into the forest and might be gone for good. Though, as she approached, the real source of the problem came into view. In a small depression in the ground, no two meters away from the puppy, tied to a heavy log, lay a perfect copy of the dog she saw when she entered the clearing. Not moving, not anymore.

    Seren let out a heavy sigh, her eyes focusing back onto what she now believed to be a spirit, a ghost. Her grandmother had told her, many times, how she would sometimes be led to or run into lost spirits and helped them move on. It would seem that this would now be her first.

    "Hey!" She called out, in the most friendly and melodic tone she could muster at the moment. Immediately the puppy spun around, excited, though it died down when it saw Seren proper. She focused on the puppy alone, to try and communicate with it.

    "My name is Seren, what's yours?"

    "Sunny", Seren got back a single word, and with it came feelings of pride, happiness, and excitement.

    "What happened, Sunny? Why are you out here all alone?" Seren asked back. She desperately hoped that there was a good reason that someone would leave a puppy out in the forest to die.

    "Well, my friend he got in an argument with his friend and they were both shouting at each other. Sometimes when they do, he likes to go out with me afterwards!" Sunny proclaimed proudly, "but this time, I think, she wanted to go out with me. So she put me in the back of their car. I thought we were going to the park! But, we got out here, I like the forest though and we walked a while until we got here. That was weird, usually my friend, he likes to talk to me when he and his friend argue, but she was really quiet. She brought me here, tied me to that fallen tree and told me to stay. So now I wait here for my friend."

    "I see..." In the meantime, Seren had moved to the body lying in the depression, there was a tag, like she hoped and luckily, there was an address on it as well, "Okay, Sunny, listen, I'm going to go get your friend. You just hang tight here, yeah?"

    Seren then bolted off, back to her car she had parked at the edge of the forest, and to the address. When she got there, a young boy, not older than twenty, opened the door. Seren made sure the boy knew who Sunny was, and quickly after she had him in the passenger's seat of her car, driving back out to the forest. She led him back to the clearing, where, just as instructed, Sunny was still waiting. Her entire body lit up with energy and happiness when she saw Seren, with her friend in two, and the spirit rushed over to the both of them.

    Seren's throat clogged at the scene in front of her. Sunny being filled with confusion and disappointment as her friend ran straight past her, and him falling into hysteric sadness at seeing Sunny's body tied to a log.

    "I'm sorry..." Seren managed to press out, speaking to Sunny, "I don't think that you can be around for him anymore. But you meant a lot to him, see?"

i love <3

hit me wit dat full sheet!!