The Vampires are Dying! Shiz-Greenie

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Follow the Strange Trails
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Advanced
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Supernatural, Horror

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An old (and now somewhat edited) character sheet. ^_^

Name: Lea Kytes

Age: 18

Species: Vampire


Lea is around 5'5 and weighs around 115 lbs. She's quite lean but strong due to her race. Her eyes are an icy blue, often twinkling with mischief, although when she is hungry they get flecked with red. Her teeth are sharp and so are her nails. She tends to wear a tight black muscle shirt with a leather vest over it. She wears dusty black flare jeans with a black leather belt around her waist. She also wears dark brown ankle length combat boots.

She has four piercings in each ear, three on the bottom, where she wears medium size hoops, and one on the top, a garnet stud. She sports a black and purple rose tattoo on her neck.

Personality: Lea is a strong spirited individual. When she believes in something or she's given her word, she'll try her best to get it done. She is mischievous and can be seen as annoying, but all she really wants are a few laughs. She can be rather oblivious to propriety, or simply doesn't care about it much. She tends to get lonely and likes to be around others. She can undermine her enemy, which more often than not lead to situations.

Powers/Abilities: She is obviously quite strong and fast; she likes to act almost catlike. She has a strong sense of smell, hearing and sight. She learned to fight from childhood, and though she prefers to keep to the shadows and use projectiles, if it gets down to it she will fight dirty depending on how strong an enemy is. A fight is a fight, after all, and she has to be the winner! Scratching, pulling hair, attacking the enemy when they're weaponless, she's totally fine with that sort of thing.

Weaknesses: Holy water is detrimental to her and will burn her skin. She's not weak to sunlight though she doesn't like it much. A stake will kill her, then again a stake will kill anyone. >.>"

We shall find out in le RP :bsmile:

Family: Her brother Sven

Extra: She likes to eat normal human food.​
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stealing ur layout

Name: Seymour Barlow

Age: Old

Species: Vampire



Once a broad shouldered Adonis of a man... of a vampire, Seymour Barlow has been afflicted by the chronic ails of laziness and gluttony, all of which have managed to win out over an enhanced metabolism. The Seymour of today is out-of-shape and almost constantly out of breath, heavy set and paunchy.

Still, however, likes to maintain some veneer of vampire grace, and will often try and fit himself into suits and tuxedos that haven't fit in... a long time. Reverts to tracksuits and pajamas in private, however!

Personality: Abrasive, cocky, and endlessly entitled, Seymour hasn't perhaps come to terms with the fact that his people are being immunised against and marginalised, and that he perhaps wasn't the greatest exemplar of their kind to begin with. Forever attempting to assume the role of gentleman and smooth operator, his penchant for pettiness, crude humor and overall shady creep-status almost always come to the fore.

Powers/Abilities: Retains the strength and speed of the typical vampire, with the caveat that he'll probably bust his hip if he attempts to use it.

Weaknesses: Holy water, stakes, sensitive to sunlight.

Seymour has been around for a long, long time, and has experienced a varied, eclectic past. Including but not limited to:

- He's a veteran, don't you know!
- Formerly affiliated with the mafia, the triads, the yakuza, the Irish, the Cartels, those weird dudes that sell weed on the corner, that one guy with really good drugs who thinks he can commune with demons, those part-time crooks that still think burning CDs is a viable crime, etcetcetc. A bunch of them probably want to kill him.
- Used to own an ice cream truck! People thought it made him look creepy!
- Adult movies.
- Bad commercials.
- etc.

Family: Seymour is very, very alone.
  • Nice Execution!
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