【The Variable Project: Psyche】

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【The Variable Project: Psyche】


In the year 2100, scientists discovered a latent ability within humans, which allowed man to control objects with their minds, speak telepathically, and even fly. They deemed this ability "Psychokinesis" and began research on it immediately. Plenty of volunteers applied for testing, and scientists quickly made ground in uncovering the secrets of their newfound discovery. It was found that latency for the ability could be demonstrated as early as five years old. After coming to a decision on what the best use for this ability could be, it was decided that the most practical use would be for combat. Only a select few were "blessed" with Psychokinesis, and government armies began using them as trump cards for war. The ethical grounds of such actions went unmentioned for a great deal of time.

Repeated use of Psychokinesis is not without drawbacks, however. Each use cuts down an individual's life span by an undetermined amount, and excess use at one time can potentially kill someone. Repeated use has been found to also cause brain deterioration. Because of these side effects, a drug was produced, known as Psyche, that maintains brain activities during Psychokinesis usage.

Those found capable of Psychokinesis were dubbed "Constants".



The base form of a variable

In the year 2127, scientists managed to create specialized weapons specifically for use by Constants, the name given both to those capable of Psychokinesis, using technologically advanced equipment. The creation of these weapons, and their use by those deemed Constants, became known as the top secret Variable Project. In the beginning, they only had one type, the short range physical, but they quickly developed new ones, including long-range and mental type variables.

All variables require a user to "sync" with them before they can be used.

「Variable Types」

Short-Range Physical

Short-range physical variables require constant contact in order to be used. Stronger than most long-range physical type variables, these often take the shape of common weaponry, such as swords and maces, although their shape can vary widely due to the infinitely flexible nature of variables. They also make for more effective shields than those employed by long-range physical variables.

Long-Range Physical

Long-range physical variables are capable of multiplying and are often used as projectiles in combat. The main body of the variable is the only one capable of multiplying, and others disappear after being put under too much stress. The less dispersed a long-range physical variable is, the greater the power of its shots. While often weaker than short-range physical variables, the range compensates for this.

Short-Range Mental

Short-range mental variables are implanted as a chip inside the user, and thus cannot be freely transformed. Instead of being used directly as a combat tool, mental variables often enhance the user's sensory perceptions, but also possess the ability to enhance memory, processing speed, and knowledge banks. Mental type variables are those most often preferred for recon and espionage missions.

Long-Range Mental

Similar to their short-range counterparts, the only real difference is their range. These are preferred over short range in cases where it's best for the user to keep more distance between themselves and their target(s).

Short-Range Spacial

Short-range spacial variables, and their long-range counterparts, were banned upon discovery for being excessively dangerous. Early spacial variables consisted of anti-matter, and while slower and less flexible than physical variables, are capable of essentially "eating" other types. More recent spacial variables include gaseous and liquid variants. Most spacial variables are used almost exclusively as shields due to their low combat value.

Long-Range Spacial

Deemed the most dangerous variable type known to man, the long-range spacial type variable is capable of covering a very large area and causing massive amounts of damage. While more efficient in controlling the battlefield than their short-range counterparts, long-range spacial types often leave the user vulnerable to attack. Combatants should be wary of fighting long-range spacial types in close quarters.

Small Scale

Small scale variables are those with a smaller range of flexibility than those deemed large scale. All early variables are small scale, although the effects of being Corrupted seem capable of influencing the scale of variables.

Large Scale

Discovered only recently, large scale variables have a high flexibility rating and are capable of covering an immensely larger area than small scale variables are capable of. When combined with certain variable types, large scale variables can be used to devastating results.


Recently, scientists have been looking into imbuing variables with affinities, enabling users additional affects. Very few Constants have proven able to use affinity-imbued variables. The drawback to affinity-based variables is that, while they grant a strength over affinity-based variables weak to ones own, they also give the variable a weakness (i.e. an ice-based variable will be weak to a fire-based variable, but strong against a water-type variable). Variables can only be imbued with naturally occurring affinities (so you can't have an affinity for something man made).

「General Variables & Custom Variables」

General Variables

General variables are usable by any constant and yield no negative effects when synced with. The drawback to this availability is that they're inferior to custom variables, and much more susceptible to breaking.

Custom Variables

Custom variables are created to match an individual's unique Psychokinesis readings, and is only usable by him or her without the negative drawback of becoming Corrupted. Much stronger than their general counterparts, custom variables are nigh impossible to break with anything other than a tougher variable.

「Corrupted Constants」

Corruption is caused by trying to sync with a custom variable that does not match up with one's unique Psychokinesis readings, or by excessive use of Psychokinesis beyond what one's body is capable of handling. Corrupted Constants enter a deranged state, slowly loosing their grip on reality, until they become nothing more than mindless killing machines. Most often, corruption results in a quick death.

If one enters corruption through excessive use of Psychokinesis, they tend to live longer than those who sync with an incompatible variable, and often manage to maintain a small shred of their sanity, but their lifespans are drastically shortened, and they're often dealt with swiftly.

Corrupt Constants can be discerned through horns that sprout forth from their heads.


Cortice, an S-Ranked Corrupted Constant

「Anti-Psychokinesis Equipment」

Shortly after the discovery of Psychokinesis and the development of variables, governments began working on anti-psychokinesis weaponry as a way to counteract and discourage the illegal use of variables, as a means of keeping Constants in check. Such equipment sends out a signal that disrupts the use of Psychokinesis in individuals, rendering them unable to use their powers or their variables.

Anti-Psychokinesis equipment comes in numerous forms, most popularly guns and area of effect grenades. Some variants have a sword shape that sever the sync between a variable and its user upon contact. Anti-armor was also developed, to protect against variables.

There are also Anti-Psychokinesis fields which generate a continuous interference area. Many famous places such as the White House and Buckingham Palace have these in place.

One important note about Anti-Psychokinesis equipment is that it has no impact on spacial variables, though it can prevent users from using them by disrupting the Psychokinesis signals.

「Psyche System」

Named after the drug of the same name, the Psyche System was created in 2198 and implemented in 2204. With the widespread use of Psychokinesis by civilians, the system was implemented as a control measure for preventing abuse. Individuals that demonstrate an ability to use Psychokinesis are given two choices — be chipped, or take a pill that refutes the ability to use Psychokinesis. The Psyche system reads the intentions of someone using Psychokinesis and determines if the action is permissible or not. If so, the system allows it. If not, the system sends a disruptive signal to the chip that prevents its use. After a certain number of infractions, the ability to use Psychokinesis is taken away. The morality of the chip system is upheld through choice and its basis on the greater good for the majority.

「International Variable Organization (IVO)」

In 2142, the International Variable Organization, a top secret group, was created. The group was run collectively by the heads of each country, and outlined laws, regulations, and policies regarding the use of Constants in warfare. It's essentially the United Nations for Constants. The group also acted as a center for planning should any Constant go rogue. If any of them do, the heads meet and discuss a method to best eliminate them before they become too great a threat.

「Timeline of Events」

Scientists discover Psychokinesis; begin research.

Great strides in Psychokinesis made; usage discussion begins.

Military uses decided upon; research continues.

First variable weapon created; initiation of Variable Project.

Creation of long-range variables; mental variables created.

Spacial type variables created, tested, and banned.

International Variable Organization founded.

United Kingdom breaks IVO regulations with unwarranted attack on Ireland.
Anti-Psychokinesis equipment created to counteract rogue Constants.

Cortice, an S-Ranked Corrupted Constant, launches several attacks. US, Russian, France, and Chinese Constants subdue Cortice.
The Variable Project exposed to the public.

Variable Project reform initiated.

Psychokinesis use becomes widespread.

Psyche system development begins.

Psyche system implemented and laws regarding Psychokinesis use devised.
First Psychokinesis school founded.

First International Variable Tournament held.

Psychokinesis terrorism begins.

First Psychokinesis War.

Variable reform and times of peace begin.

Psychokinesis terrorism resumes; Psyche system destroyed.

Chaos ensues and countries fall apart; factions form.

Second Psychokinesis War.

「Roleplay Premise」

The premise for this particular incarnation of The Variable Project (there's been several) will be on an academy that trains people capable of using Psychokinesis. The year is late-2206, so Psychokinesis is already very common at this point. The roleplay will start off pretty slice of life, focusing more on character interactions, and eventually shift more into the combative side of things, during which our characters will actually use their unique variables to battle. Students are divided up based on what type of variable they have compatibility with, and the activities they'll partake in will changed based on where they're placed. There will also be tests, as well as a tournament or two. As you may notice, 2206 is a year before the first International Variable Tournament. Yes, I plan on including that in this roleplay.

So, if you're into coming up with complex ways to use an open-ended ability, mixed with combat and slice of life, TVP: Psyche might be for you!​
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I haven't done school slice of life thing in forever, so I'll at least put down interest. And hey, fun times with psychic powers is also potentially pretty neat.
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I haven't done school slice of life thing in forever, so I'll at least put down interest. And hey, fun times with psychic powers is also potentially pretty neat.
Oh, they are. Especially once we get into team combat and other such shenanigans. Potential for a lot of different strategies.
I have no clue what sort of stuff I'd go with, though. Spacial stuff including antimatter does have some possibly interesting applications, though. Ridiculously destructive, but interesting.
I'll toss my interest in this, provided it doesn't implode into inactivity within half a month.
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I have no clue what sort of stuff I'd go with, though. Spacial stuff including antimatter does have some possibly interesting applications, though. Ridiculously destructive, but interesting.
I'll mention now that ones as powerful as antimatter would probably not be playable (at least, not immediately, anyway).

I'll toss my interest in this, provided it doesn't implode into inactivity within half a month.
He knows of my track record. B^) But nah, so long as this can garner the interest, I'll try to keep it going (with a few kicks and the occasional beating if necessary).
I'll mention now that ones as powerful as antimatter would probably not be playable (at least, not immediately, anyway).

It's fair. I mean, if we're dumb kids anyway, we probably wouldn't know how to use something like that. And you know powerful often equates to dangerous, so if you fuck it up...yeah, not pretty. I'm still not sure what I'd do.

How do short-range physical Variables even work? Is it like a melee weapon that's also a psi-amp and lets you use telekinesis on things, or is it more like you channel that through the weapon to amplify force of blows and the like?
It's fair. I mean, if we're dumb kids anyway, we probably wouldn't know how to use something like that. And you know powerful often equates to dangerous, so if you fuck it up...yeah, not pretty. I'm still not sure what I'd do.

How do short-range physical Variables even work? Is it like a melee weapon that's also a psi-amp and lets you use telekinesis on things, or is it more like you channel that through the weapon to amplify force of blows and the like?
Very dangerous.

And short ranged variables are pretty much capable of transforming into most anything the user wants it to, it just doesn't have the range of the long range variants (needless to say, ahao). You like giant fucking axes? It can be a giant fucking axe. Telekinesis isn't directly connected to the variable itself, it just comes along with being able to use Psychokinesis at all. Mental variables are capable of strengthening ones telekinetic abilities though.
I see. So it's the standard sort of split: fighter, mage, and WMD.
That's essentially what it boils down to, only a little more complex. Some people can be two "classes" based on compatibility results. Plus, it's possible that two people with the same type of variable will use them very, very differently. All dependent on the individual.
What has been talked about has been talked about. Let's do this.
@Pravitas 3 people's enough for a RP. Gimme dat CS and let's get started before all the steam dissipates. ;3
I guess the GM is chopped liver in this count. D^':

But yes, I'll start work on a OoC complete with a CS after work, which starts in two hours. I'm guessing you already have something in mind as far as your powers go, with that enthusiasm.
The only idea I have so far is super-dumb.
May as well hit me now then.

Also, I have Monday and Tuesday off, so I'll be aiming to have an IC up on either of those. Depends how tired work leaves me. Night shift is killer.
I'm interested, got a character idea in my head already! Definitely looking forward to getting started lol.
Here, the most important question of all: how are power levels gonna work out at the start? Will we be punching through air vents? Through big pillars? Through buildings? Through city blocks?
I'm interested, got a character idea in my head already! Definitely looking forward to getting started lol.
Sweet! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! OoC should be up sometime Sunday morning.

Here, the most important question of all: how are power levels gonna work out at the start? Will we be punching through air vents? Through big pillars? Through buildings? Through city blocks?
I'd have to say it depends on where your character starts (I.e. what grade level, what division, etc) as well as what variables he or she is compatible with. I wanna say try to avoid anything strong enough to clear city blocks though. This is an academy to teach these people how to use their powers. Punching things to hell because you can't control it well (hence why you might be here) is perfectly acceptable, but try not to have the school hall under constant reconstruction. :'^D
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ALSO, I am taking suggestions for other possible focus of this roleplay. I have the slice of life and combat stuffs down (TOURNAMENT ARC), but I've never really GM'd a school setting to any advanced degree, so anyone with experience in that that wouldn't mind giving me some insight into what we can do with it would be greatly appreciated.

I don't know how much of a focus there is on actual class time (though I do plan on including lessons on various things). At the same time, we don't want to get stuck on too many menial interactions, as I've had problems with in the past. My idea right now is to start off with the headmaster introducing the students to a new semester, and having the characters divied up. How do placement tests at the beginning sound?
In regards to tournament arcs, I'd recommend having them be collabed or something. Cause 1v1 duels will take a longgggg time otherwise. Keeping everyone in the same grade's a good idea though, in order to actually not split the party. Placement tests are alright too, but it's always nice to put some sort of tweeeeest in the placement tests as well.

No need to RP out class time unless there's something that players can actively get involved in. It would be a good idea to keep people aware of certain dates though. Like, "right now, ICly, you have your midterms coming in two days" or something like that.
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