The Variable Project: VECTOR

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Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. EST
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
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  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Modern Fantasy, Fantasy, Psychological, Action, Steampunk

The Basics​

GM: fol·ly·cle
Posting Expectations: Two or more paragraphs; proper grammar and punctuation.
Posting Speed: One to two posts per week.
Genres: Action, Futuristic, Sci-Fi, Superpowers
Players: Four to six.

The Variable Project: VECTOR is a roleplay that takes place in the Variable Project universe, following a small, specialized group, recently recruited by a top secret organization known as VECTOR, as they undertake several missions to take down what few Corrupted Constants remain around the world. What Variables and Constants are will be explained below.


Psychokinesis (henceforth referred to as PK) is an ability that humans evolved to possess around the year 2100. The father of first human to demonstrate an ability to use PK would become the director of the then called Psychokinesis Project. The ability had manifested itself at the age of 12, and granted the young girl the ability to levitate, speak telepathically, and use telekinesis. Scientists closely monitored the girl's condition. Realizing the danger involved with such an ability, work was quickly started to develop a means of controlling this power.

A specialized chip was designed and implanted at the upper tip of the girl's spine, just where it connected to the brain. This allowed the scientists to disrupt the signals in the part of her brains that showed activity during PK use, thus allowing them to stop her if she went out of control. Unfortunately, the girl died shortly thereafter, proving unable to deal with the stress PK placed on her brain. A pill, named Psyche, was developed to offset the effects of PK usage, which included a shortened lifespan and extreme migraines.

Further noting the combat capabilities of such a skill, and noticing a slow increase in the number of individuals capable of PK, the government began hoarding orphans to use as military super weapons. Thus, research into making weapons compatible with their newfound powers began. It wasn't long before they found a highly malleable metal that reacted extremely well to Psychokinetic abilities. Harvesting this metal, they fashioned it into a small sphere for easier portability.

During the year 2127, the first Variable was created. From that point on, those capable of using PK were deemed Constants, and the Psychokinesis Project was renamed the Variable Project. In the decade that followed, several new types of variables would be created, each of them reacting differently to an individual's unique brainwave patterns. Those would be the long-range physical type, the short and long-range mental types, and the most dangerous of all, the spatial type.

In the year 2142, the International Variable Organization (IVO) was created. Best thought of as a top secret UN that focuses exclusively on variable laws between countries, it was their way of maintaining a peace. They enjoyed it for a time, until a Russian Constant went rogue and headed towards the US. The US sent out a Constant of its own in retaliation, but the rogue Russian destroyed the chip that regulated the Constant's PK usage and convincing her to run away with her. In the year that followed, the two made various enemies and allies in their quest to expose the corruption of the Variable Project to the world. It was during this time that Anti-Psychokinetic equipment came into development, as a means of combating rogue Constants.

In the year 2147, everything came to light when an S-rank Corrupted Constant by the name of Cortice launched an attack on the US. With enough combined power with her variables to level a major city in a matter of minutes, there was no hiding this from the world. It was only thanks to the combined efforts of the US, Russia, France, and China Constants that they were able to subdue the out of control Corrupted. The directors of the Variable Project as it was known around the world were forced to give the public answers. In 2148, the Variable Project underwent reform.

That's the history up until the start of this roleplay. Set during the year 2151, a top secret group known only as VECTOR has been established to deal with what Corrupted Constants have managed to escape and still roam the world. To speak of the technological advancements mankind has seen in other areas, due to global warming, most of what has been being looked into, namely flying cars and the like, have had their research either delayed or forsaken altogether, in efforts to maintain what little stability the planet has left. As such, you can expect that most things in the roleplay work just as they do in the present day.


Constants are those capable of using Psychokinesis. Among their abilities include levitation, telepathy, and telekinesis, as well as compatibility with Variables. As of the start of this roleplay, only 0.0005% of the living population has demonstrated an ability to use PK. As a safeguard, those gifted (or cursed) with this ability are segregated from the general population, and are housed on the same island as the International Variable Organization summit, with the promise that a solution that will enable them to safely live among others will swiftly be found.

Excessive use of PK has displayed a number of side effects. For one, it shortens one lifespans. Another side effect is near unbearable migraines. The Psyche drug counteracts both of these. If one exceeds the limits of what they're mind has proven capable of, or if they use it for a continuous, prolonged period of time, individuals begin to lose their mind and enter a deranged state, at which point they are deemed Corrupted. Corrupted individuals have enhanced PK abilities, stronger than those of their sane counterparts, but they very often don't live longer than a few years at best. They're swiftly dealt with, though a few have managed to escape, some of them with variables no less...

There is currently no way to salvage someone that has become Corrupted.



A physical Variable's base form.​

Variables are crafted into spheres from a special metal that is highly malleable and very reactive to Psychokinetic abilities. Currently the strongest substance known to man, nothing has proven capable of breaking a variable other than another variable. Variables require a user to "sync" with them before they can be used, which means they must be touched, and the user must pass their PK energy through it to have their particular energies accepted by the metal. Only variables compatible with one's particular brainwaves may safely be synced with. If one attempts to sync with an incompatible type, corruption is the likely result.

Variables come in three varieties thus far: physical, mental, and spatial. Furthermore, each of these three exist in both short-range and long-range variants.

Physical variables are those commonly seen in the sphere form. Due to the highly malleable nature of the metal, those with PK abilities can easily transform it into whatever shape they so desire. This shape can be maintained for hardness, and used to cut things (think a sword). Short-range physical type variables require constant contact with the user to be used. If the user drops or otherwise loses contact, the variable will revert back to sphere form and require the user to sync with it again.

Long-range types do not require additional syncs after the initial one. Likewise, they do not require constant contact. Capable of being controlled from a distance, the base sphere is capable of dividing into several smaller ones, which are capable of being fired off much like bullets. They're also as freely transformable as their short-range counterparts, able to take up whatever shape the user so desires. Despite being made of the same material, long-range physical types are less durable than short-range types, so it's ill-advised to use them for close range combat.​

Mental type variables are inserted at the upper tip of the spine. Often taking a chip form, mental types enhance the abilities of the user, and sometimes provide additional effects, based upon one's brainwaves. For instance, one may gain the ability to absorb kinetic energy to weaken blows the body takes, or the ability to tell if someone is lying by reading brain activity. Short-range types often deal with enhancing something internal to the user, while long-range types often have to do with something external to the user. These types are preferred in matters of espionage.​

Considered the most dangerous type of all, as well as having been outright banned from production, spatial types grant users control over various subjects, and the form they take varies by user. In the S-rank Cortice, her spatial type took the shape of a large myriad of small spheres that circled around her body in a tight formation. They had developed a sort of anti-matter like quality, consuming anything that touched them without prejudice. As one can imagine, even approaching the Corrupted Constant was a daunting task. Other spatial types may offer increased control over such things as water, or give one the ability to manipulate gravity. In these cases, they'll take more of a chip form, much like mental types.​


As mentioned several times before, your role in the story is as a newly recruited member of VECTOR, a top secret organization that claims to be tasked with eliminating what few Corrupted Constants are still on the loose. Your character will, obviously, be capable of using PK, and they'll have already undergone training with variables and the like before the roleplay's start, at which point you'll be considered graduates ready for their first mission. This roleplay will follow a mission based format, with the story developing the further along the characters get. As things progress, the characters will be left to question what and who they're really fighting against, and the morality surrounding what they're doing, all whilst engaging in kick-ass battles that will hopefully prove to be both interesting and entertaining.

If you have any questions, do feel free to ask, preferably in this thread so that others can see the answer.

Character Image Here (Preferably anime/drawing)

Character Quote Here

Last, first.​

Self-explanatory, yes? Just make sure you're 18+. Vector can't accept anyone younger.​

Also self-explanatory.​

Bullet form (with good detail) or two or more paragraphs.​

As above, bullet form with + and -, or two or more paragraphs.​

Variable Efficiency and Control Test (VECT) Results:
Simply put, this is what variable types your brainwaves have proved compatible with. List the range, followed by the type. Max of 2.​

You've been attending the same "academy" as your fellow groupies for the past year prior to your graduation. Surely you already have an opinion about each of them.​

Anything trivial you might feel the need to include. A character theme, some silly facts about them. Anything of that sort goes here.​

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"Either a mission kills me or my PK does. Care to take bets?"


Dyatlov, Yevgeny "Gene" Vasilievich.






Growing up as the oldest son in a working-class Russian family, Gene's life was fairly normal despite facing ongoing financial struggles. At the age of 16, he first began to show signs of developing psychokinesis. The manifestations were minor at first, such that he could choose to ignore them or at least hide them from other people even if they were not completely under his control. Gradually, however, his abilities began to flare more intensely when Gene attempted to use them and caused him increasing pain with every outburst. The medical care his parents were able to get him seemed to have no effect on stopping Gene's attacks. Fearful and desperate, his family agreed to allow representatives of the Variable Project to examine Gene when they approached them in the hospital.

After he was administered a dose of Psyche, Gene's migraines abated and his psychokinetic powers appeared to diminish to more manageable levels. His family was given a limited supply of Psyche to use in case of future attacks and the Variable Project said they would be monitoring him for future follow-up. Gene's life briefly returned to normal, but in time his PK once again started to flare, now accompanied by unbearable pain and irrepressible psychokinetic phenomena. The Psyche from the Variable Project was helpful in managing these symptoms at first, but soon it was exhausted as the attacks continued to steadily escalate. VECTOR personnel came to observe Gene as his PK flared uncontrollably and warned the family that his powers would eventual kill him and that the Psyche would ultimately prove useless in countering his decline. The only remaining option, according to them, would require Gene to sync with a Variable that could control and focus his PK. In the end, he would need to join the Variable Project in order to protect others from being harmed by his abilities and to ensure his Variable implant was safely integrated into his body.

Gene awoke after the most intense attack he had ever experienced to find that a small chip had been inserted at the base of his skull. He could no longer sense his powers welling up to overtake his mind, but instead of feeling overjoyed he was perplexed by the dismayed expressions of his parents and siblings. They told him that people from the Variable Project had been able to save him, but in exchange he would have to leave his home and family behind and enter their custody. No one was sure for how long Gene would have to go away, and the members of VECTOR only stated that he would need to complete rigorous training in order to learn how to control his PK. While he did not wish to leave his family behind and distrusted VECTOR, Gene decided it was for the best as he had no doubt his powers now made him dangerous to his loved ones.

Gene was taken to a secret site run by VECTOR and soon began to suspect he was right to distrust the project. The testing they ran on him initially seemed reasonable, but later on he was pushed more and more aggressively to experiment with his powers and to use the Variable offensively. It was determined his evolving abilities could have "strategic applications", and other Constants were introduced for him to train with or, as it soon became clear from the exercises, against. Gene was reluctant to willfully use his PK to harm someone else despite the combative nature of some of the other trainee. Gene soon nurtured a deep-seated grudge against his handlers and felt that they had lied about the nature of the program. Gene continued to play along with the training in the hope that he could one day be free of the program. As his PK mastery blossomed, however, he only became more alienated from his previous life and the idea of returning to his family. In his mind, being a Constant meant he would life out the rest of his short life as a freak or else have his powers removed. Gene only grew more conflicted as his PK became inseparable from his current identity, as his life with VECTOR increasingly revolved around the extent to which his Variable could be used for their goals.

Mourning the life he had lost, Gene threw himself into his training. He grew increasingly ruthless to other trainees and lost all qualms about hurting people with his PK. His supervisors eventual concluded that he was almost ready for field work but thought it best that he sync with a physical type Variable to improve his ability to defend himself. Additional training in short-range combat with his new Variable turned out to be a powerful outlet for his inner turmoil, and Gene quickly excelled at adapting to this new facet of his powers by mastering it to lethal effect. He discovered that if he gave himself over completely to trying to kill a target, he could achieve a sense of serenity in accepting his own eventual death by seeing a life end right in front of him. Embracing his Variable as an instrument of salvation allowed him to fully master all aspects of his PK and Gene was reborn as a deadly weapon who would live out the rest of his days according to the whims of VECTOR.


+Does not question orders or objectives related to missions. This is not out of a sense of loyalty to VECTOR, but rather his view that he only exists to be a weapon. Gene will unerringly stick to the plan and believes in completing missions at any cost.

+Gene is resigned to his fate of dying as a tool for VECTOR and never having a normal life again. While this means he lacks a normal sense of self-preservation or concern for his own wellbeing, he is fiercely protective of the Constants he has gotten to know. They are a kind of surrogate family to him and he acutely sympathizes with their suffering.

+Habitually distrustful of the non-Constant members of VECTOR. In his mind, even the ones that mean well are incapable of understanding how the program irrevocably changes the lives of the Constants it exploits. This extends to similar types of people outside of VECTOR who knowingly or indifferently endanger the vulnerable.

-Gene can be overly eager to strike out at people marked as his targets. Particularly in the case of Corrupted Constants, he will not hesitate to go for the kill. He believes this is an act of mercy because he hopes that he would be put out of misery this same way. Furthermore, his tendency to seek his own death in targets is reflected even more in other Constants.

-While his wholehearted acceptance of death is an asset in his opinion, Gene can be generally self-destructive in his ordinary habits and makes little effort to protect his health even when it is clearly reasonable. The chief example of this is alcohol abuse, although typically he is unable to indulge in this way while doing VECTOR's bidding.

-Gene still harbors memories of his life before VECTOR. Even though he accepts he can never regain the life he once had, he is at times haunted by the thought of his family not knowing what became of him. Gene has internalized these feelings as guilt for abandoning the only people who ever loved him and knows that they would be horrified by the killer that he has become.

Variable Efficiency and Control Test (VECT) Results:

Short-range physical


Long-range mental

- The abilities bestowed by Gene's mental Variable amplify his powers to psychokinetically project dissonant frequencies into his surroundings. This produces a disruption in electromagnetic signals (termed "psychochaff") that scrambles their output and causes malfunction in electronic systems. In this way he can block communication via electronic or digital means or disable various devices throughout a 30-50 ft radius.

- This psychochaff can be focused toward another human being to alter electrical signals in the brain. The biological effects of this ability cause confusion and disorientation by impeding higher thought processes. Using this power over a wide area can affect multiple people, but it is weakened compared to the effects on a single target or applied similarly to electronics. Additionally, other Constants can employ psychokinetic defenses to resist the psychochaff.

- Gene can amplify psychochaff by simultaneously channeling his PK through both his long-range mental and short-range physical variables. The range and effectiveness of his mental variable are roughly doubled by combining it with his weapon in this way.


Gene generally has a favorable view of the other Constants at VECTOR. He feels that it is important that they share a sense of comradery due to their unique shared experience. That being said, he has little patience with those that deliberately cross him and doesn't spare any bluntness in dealing harshly with his perceived enemies or rivals.



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"Either a mission kills me or my PK does. Care to take bets?"


Dyatlov, Yevgeny "Gene" Vasilievich.






Growing up as the oldest son in a working-class Russian family, Gene's life was fairly normal despite facing ongoing financial struggles. At the age of 16, he first began to show signs of developing psychokinesis. The manifestations were minor at first, such that he could choose to ignore them or at least hide them from other people even if they were not completely under his control. Gradually, however, his abilities began to flare more intensely when Gene attempted to use them and caused him increasing pain with every outburst. The medical care his parents were able to get him seemed to have no effect on stopping Gene's attacks. Fearful and desperate, his family agreed to allow representatives of the Variable Project to examine Gene when they approached them in the hospital.

After he was administered a dose of Psyche, Gene's migraines abated and his psychokinetic powers appeared to diminish to more manageable levels. His family was given a limited supply of Psyche to use in case of future attacks and the Variable Project said they would be monitoring him for future follow-up. Gene's life briefly returned to normal, but in time his PK once again started to flare, now accompanied by unbearable pain and irrepressible psychokinetic phenomena. The Psyche from the Variable Project was helpful in managing these symptoms at first, but soon it was exhausted as the attacks continued to steadily escalate. VECTOR personnel came to observe Gene as his PK flared uncontrollably and warned the family that his powers would eventual kill him and that the Psyche would ultimately prove useless in countering his decline. The only remaining option, according to them, would require Gene to sync with a Variable that could control and focus his PK. In the end, he would need to join the Variable Project in order to protect others from being harmed by his abilities and to ensure his Variable implant was safely integrated into his body.

Gene awoke after the most intense attack he had ever experienced to find that a small chip had been inserted at the base of his skull. He could no longer sense his powers welling up to overtake his mind, but instead of feeling overjoyed he was perplexed by the dismayed expressions of his parents and siblings. They told him that people from the Variable Project had been able to save him, but in exchange he would have to leave his home and family behind and enter their custody. No one was sure for how long Gene would have to go away, and the members of VECTOR gave no definitive answers as to when he would be allowed to see his family again. While he did not wish to leave his family behind and distrusted VECTOR, Gene decided it was for the best as he had no doubt his powers now made him dangerous to his loved ones.

Gene was taken to a secret site run by VECTOR and soon began to suspect he was right to distrust the project. The testing they ran on him initially seemed reasonable, but later on he was pushed more and more aggressively to experiment with his powers and to use the Variable offensively. It was determined his evolving abilities could have "strategic applications", and other Constants were introduced for him to train with or, as it soon became clear from the exercises, against. Gene was reluctant to willfully use his PK to harm someone else despite the combative nature of some of the other trainees. He tried to defy the demands of the researchers, but they quickly dropped all pretense that he had any choice in the matter and coldly implied he could be forced to comply if necessary. Gene relented but nurtured a deep-seated grudge against his handlers and lashed out at them whenever given a chance. His punishment was swift and merciless, and the only reason Gene continued to play along with the training was the hope that he could one day escape or that VECTOR would be satisfied enough to let him see his family. As time went on however, the reality set in that neither of those things would ever happen.

Mourning the life he had lost, Gene threw himself into his training. While he no longer attempted to futilely attack VECTOR personnel, he grew increasingly ruthless to other trainees and lost all qualms about hurting people with his PK. His supervisors eventual concluded that he was almost ready for field work but thought it best that he sync with a physical type Variable to improve his ability to defend himself. Additional training in short-range combat with his new Variable turned out to be a powerful outlet for his inner turmoil, and Gene quickly excelled at adapting to this new facet of his powers by mastering it to lethal effect. He discovered that if he gave himself over completely to trying to kill a target, he could achieve a sense of serenity in accepting his own eventual death by seeing a life end right in front of him. Embracing his Variable as an instrument of salvation allowed him to fully master all aspects of his PK and Gene was reborn as a deadly weapon who would live out the rest of his days according to the whims of VECTOR.


+Does not question orders or objectives related to missions. This is not out of a sense of loyalty to VECTOR, but rather his view that he only exists to be a weapon. Gene will unerringly stick to the plan and believes in completing missions at any cost.

+Gene is resigned to his fate of dying as a tool for VECTOR and never having a life of freedom again. While this means he lacks a normal sense of self-preservation or concern for his own wellbeing, he is fiercely protective of the Constants he has gotten to know. They are a kind of surrogate family to him and he acutely sympathizes with their suffering.

+Habitually distrustful of the non-Constant members of VECTOR. In his mind, even the ones that mean well are complicit in a system that destroys lives and exploits innocent people. This extends to similar types of people outside of VECTOR who knowingly or indifferently endanger the vulnerable.

-Gene can be overly eager to strike out at people marked as his targets. Particularly in the case of Corrupted Constants, he will not hesitate to go for the kill. He believes this is an act of mercy because he hopes that he would be put out of misery this same way. Furthermore, his tendency to seek his own death in targets is reflected even more in other Constants.

-While his wholehearted acceptance of death is an asset in his opinion, Gene can be generally self-destructive in his ordinary habits and makes little effort to protect his health even when it is clearly reasonable. The chief example of this is alcohol abuse, although typically he is unable to indulge in this way while doing VECTOR's bidding.

-Gene still harbors memories of his life before VECTOR. Even though he accepts he can never regain the life he once had, he is at times haunted by the thought of his family not knowing what became of him. Gene has internalized these feelings as guilt for abandoning the only people who ever loved him and knows that they would be horrified by the killer that he has become.

Variable Efficiency and Control Test (VECT) Results:

Short-range physical


Long-range mental

- The abilities bestowed by Gene's mental Variable amplify his powers to psychokinetically project dissonant frequencies into his surroundings. This produces a disruption in electromagnetic signals (termed "psychochaff") that scrambles their output and causes malfunction in electronic systems. In this way he can block communication via electronic or digital means or disable various devices throughout a 30-50 ft radius.

- This psychochaff can be focused toward another human being to alter electrical signals in the brain. The biological effects of this ability cause confusion and disorientation by impeding higher thought processes. Using this power over a wide area can affect multiple people, but it is weakened compared to the effects on a single target or applied similarly to electronics. Additionally, other Constants can employ psychokinetic defenses to resist the psychochaff.

- Gene can amplify psychochaff by simultaneously channeling his PK through both his long-range mental and short-range physical variables. The range and effectiveness of his mental variable are roughly doubled by combining it with his weapon in this way.


Gene generally has a favorable view of the other Constants at VECTOR. He feels that it is important that they share a sense of comradery due to their unique shared experience. That being said, he has little patience with those that deliberately cross him and doesn't spare any bluntness in dealing harshly with his perceived enemies or rivals.



I love, love, love him! Most everything checks out, and you seemed to pick a mental type ability that's actually possible within the lore right off the bat (which believe you me, is actually a surprising feat). Only thing I want to point out is that VECTOR is completely voluntary. After the Variable Project Reform, the government is no longer allowed to forcibly keep individuals, particularly for combat us. This applies to VECTOR, even though they're a secret agency unseen by the public eye. No doubt he can still be distrustful and feel disdain towards the workers that put themselves out there as assholes (every workplace has 'em), but he'd be permitted to leave VECTOR should he so choose — on the condition that his psychokinetic abilities be taken away (which, at this point on the timeline, is possible). Might just wanna work in a way for him to be more willing to go through it all while at the same time possessing the knowledge that he can leave at any time, in exchange for losing his powers forever.

Outside of that, everything checks out! Gene seems a very interesting character, and I look forward to making him suffer. I MEAN, WHAT?!
1. Can I join?
2. Can I use a Mordecai 2.0 or do I need to create a new Mordecai?
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Wryneck
1. Can I join?
2. Can I use a Mordecai 2.0 or do I need to create a new Mordecai?
1. Yes.
2. I'm not sure OG Mordecai would be mentally sound enough for them to approve him. As long as 2.0 is more capable of sanity, should be fine, aha.
I never did post Mord 2.0 did I?

Full Name:
Mordecai Richard Allens
"Nice ta meetcha"

Code Name:
"So is this my superhero name or something?"


"That's what I was born as."

6' 7"

198 lbs



"Who's that handsome bastard? That's me!"


Mordecai was not born a fighter. In fact, he was a premature baby born a couple weeks early. Although the doctors gave him only a year to live, his parents refused to give up. They nursed him and raised him with patience and love, and Mordecai survived thanks to his parents' perseverance. When Mordecai was old enough, his parents encouraged him to try a variety of sports in order to train and build up his physical health.

Mordecai's psychic abilities first appeared several weeks before his sixth birthday when he unintentionally levitate several plastic toys while playing. His concerned parents took him to medical professionals but were quickly comforted in knowing that their son's physical health was not endangered by his developing abilities. All the same, through some family friends with connections to Vector, Mordecai was put under surveillance to monitor his growth.

Although he was a weak baby, Mordecai's body was much healthier by the time he entered middle school and he became a star athlete in his high school's sports team. He especially excelled in basketball, football, and judo.

After high school, Mordecai went on to study mechanical engineering but dropped out after an altercation involving him, another student, a baseless accusation, and his powers. Shortly after the incident, Vector got in touch with the young man and recruited him into the project.


Two words to describe Mordecai: laid back. Three words to describe Mordecai: irresponsibly laid back. Mordecai rarely gets worked up about anything, not if he had won a lottery, lost his favorite jacket, or was in imminent danger of death. Despite this, he values others greatly, especially his team members, and though he may not be very emotional, he can definitely sympathize for others.

Mordecai is usually an optimistic individual with a streak of cynicism. He always keeps a positive outlook on life and its events but is known to be wary of how much he trusts others. Because of this, his decisions usually fall on the side caution and he can be vexed by the naivety of others.

Towards authority, Mordecai is more trusting. He is by no means a blind follower but he keeps his doubts to himself. If there is truly something wrong, Mordecai will attempt fixing the problem "the proper way", only rebelling if there is no options left. Regardless, he is always more likely to obey orders coming from the higher-ups no matter how much he might dislike it.

Because of his childhood, Mordecai knows what it is like to be weak and will do everything in his power to protect those who were like him. The safety of the civilians is possibly the only reason he would ever rebel a direct order.

When facing a challenge, Mordecai is a very flexible individual, quickly adapting to solve whatever he is faced with without any trouble. This also means that he will usually be more willing to compromise as long as it did not go against a direct order.

"The most important thing to do if you're going to live is learning how to say 'oh well'."

VECT Results:
Short Physical/Mental

Variable Type:
Short Physical: Air
Short Mental: None


Like his personality, Mordecai's variable takes form in some kind of flexible, reaching weapon. The most common form he uses is a cats o' nine tails though the tails are much longer, usually extending up to 20 feet long. Each whip is controlled by Mordecai who is able to move them independently from one another. By doing so, Mordecai is able to effectively create an adapting defense with several of the whips surrounding him while the rest lash out towards his enemies from different angles.

Using his Variable's affinity of air, Mordecai often harnesses the air for offensive and defensive purposes. Defensively, Mordecai is able create winds at high enough speeds to either mess with the trajectory of a projectile or harass his opponents. Offensively, when attacking with several whips, Mordecai can create loud bursts of sound with one whip as a distraction to pull his opponent's attention while the other whips try to find an opening. If close enough, the sound could potentially be disorienting or even deafening.​
I never did post Mord 2.0 did I?

Full Name:
Mordecai Richard Allens
"Nice ta meetcha"

Code Name:
"So is this my superhero name or something?"


"That's what I was born as."

6' 7"

198 lbs



"Who's that handsome bastard? That's me!"


Mordecai was not born a fighter. In fact, he was a premature baby born a couple weeks early. Although the doctors gave him only a year to live, his parents refused to give up. They nursed him and raised him with patience and love, and Mordecai survived thanks to his parents' perseverance. When Mordecai was old enough, his parents encouraged him to try a variety of sports in order to train and build up his physical health.

Mordecai's psychic abilities first appeared several weeks before his sixth birthday when he unintentionally levitate several plastic toys while playing. His concerned parents took him to medical professionals but were quickly comforted in knowing that their son's physical health was not endangered by his developing abilities. All the same, through some family friends with connections to Vector, Mordecai was put under surveillance to monitor his growth.

Although he was a weak baby, Mordecai's body was much healthier by the time he entered middle school and he became a star athlete in his high school's sports team. He especially excelled in basketball, football, and judo.

After high school, Mordecai went on to study mechanical engineering but dropped out after an altercation involving him, another student, a baseless accusation, and his powers. Shortly after the incident, Vector got in touch with the young man and recruited him into the project.


Two words to describe Mordecai: laid back. Three words to describe Mordecai: irresponsibly laid back. Mordecai rarely gets worked up about anything, not if he had won a lottery, lost his favorite jacket, or was in imminent danger of death. Despite this, he values others greatly, especially his team members, and though he may not be very emotional, he can definitely sympathize for others.

Mordecai is usually an optimistic individual with a streak of cynicism. He always keeps a positive outlook on life and its events but is known to be wary of how much he trusts others. Because of this, his decisions usually fall on the side caution and he can be vexed by the naivety of others.

Towards authority, Mordecai is more trusting. He is by no means a blind follower but he keeps his doubts to himself. If there is truly something wrong, Mordecai will attempt fixing the problem "the proper way", only rebelling if there is no options left. Regardless, he is always more likely to obey orders coming from the higher-ups no matter how much he might dislike it.

Because of his childhood, Mordecai knows what it is like to be weak and will do everything in his power to protect those who were like him. The safety of the civilians is possibly the only reason he would ever rebel a direct order.

When facing a challenge, Mordecai is a very flexible individual, quickly adapting to solve whatever he is faced with without any trouble. This also means that he will usually be more willing to compromise as long as it did not go against a direct order.

"The most important thing to do if you're going to live is learning how to say 'oh well'."

VECT Results:
Short Physical/Mental

Variable Type:
Short Physical: Air
Short Mental: None


Like his personality, Mordecai's variable takes form in some kind of flexible, reaching weapon. The most common form he uses is a cats o' nine tails though the tails are much longer, usually extending up to 20 feet long. Each whip is controlled by Mordecai who is able to move them independently from one another. By doing so, Mordecai is able to effectively create an adapting defense with several of the whips surrounding him while the rest lash out towards his enemies from different angles.

Using his Variable's affinity of air, Mordecai often harnesses the air for offensive and defensive purposes. Defensively, Mordecai is able create winds at high enough speeds to either mess with the trajectory of a projectile or harass his opponents. Offensively, when attacking with several whips, Mordecai can create loud bursts of sound with one whip as a distraction to pull his opponent's attention while the other whips try to find an opening. If close enough, the sound could potentially be disorienting or even deafening.​
Looks good for the most part. Adapt him to the sheet provided, minus the air affinity (those will be introduced later), and you should be good. What does his mental type do?

Allens, Mordecai Richard.



Mordecai was not born a fighter. In fact, he was a premature baby born a couple weeks early. Although the doctors gave him only a year to live, his parents refused to give up. They nursed him and raised him with patience and love, and Mordecai survived thanks to his parents' perseverance. When Mordecai was old enough, his parents encouraged him to try a variety of sports in order to train and build up his physical health.

Mordecai's psychic abilities first appeared several weeks before his sixth birthday when he unintentionally levitate several plastic toys while playing. His concerned parents took him to medical professionals but were quickly comforted in knowing that their son's physical health was not endangered by his developing abilities. All the same, through some family friends with connections to Vector, Mordecai was put under surveillance to monitor his growth.

Although he was a weak baby, Mordecai's body was much healthier by the time he entered middle school and he became a star athlete in his high school's sports team. He especially excelled in basketball, football, and judo.

After high school, Mordecai went on to study mechanical engineering but dropped out after an altercation involving him, another student, a baseless accusation, and his powers. Shortly after the incident, Vector got in touch with the young man and recruited him into the project.

Two words to describe Mordecai: laid back. Three words to describe Mordecai: irresponsibly laid back. Mordecai rarely gets worked up about anything, not if he had won a lottery, lost his favorite jacket, or was in imminent danger of death. Despite this, he values others greatly, especially his team members, and though he may not be very emotional, he can definitely sympathize for others.

Mordecai is usually an optimistic individual with a streak of cynicism. He always keeps a positive outlook on life and its events but is known to be wary of how much he trusts others. Because of this, his decisions usually fall on the side caution and he can be vexed by the naivety of others.

Towards authority, Mordecai is more trusting. He is by no means a blind follower but he keeps his doubts to himself. If there is truly something wrong, Mordecai will attempt fixing the problem "the proper way", only rebelling if there is no options left. Regardless, he is always more likely to obey orders coming from the higher-ups no matter how much he might dislike it.

Because of his childhood, Mordecai knows what it is like to be weak and will do everything in his power to protect those who were like him. The safety of the civilians is possibly the only reason he would ever rebel a direct order.

When facing a challenge, Mordecai is a very flexible individual, quickly adapting to solve whatever he is faced with without any trouble. This also means that he will usually be more willing to compromise as long as it did not go against a direct order.

Variable Efficiency and Control Test (VECT) Results:
Short, Physical
Like his personality, Mordecai's variable takes form in some kind of flexible reaching weapon. The most common form he uses is a cats o' nine tails though the tails are much longer, usually extending up to 20 feet long. Each whip is controlled by Mordecai who is able to move them independently from one another. By doing so, Mordecai is able to effectively create an adapting defense with several of the whips surrounding him while the rest lash out towards his enemies from different angles.

Short, Mental
Using his mental variable, Mordecai is not only able to regulate the chemical balance in his own brain but also in the brains of people in close proximity. This allows Mordecai to emotionally keep himself in control as well as emotionally affect groups of people in ways such as calm down, become frightened, angered, tired, or encouraged. This ability is most effective to individuals in a 3 feet radius from Mordecai with the effects of the power growing weaker as the distance increases.
His mental variable also allows Mordecai to employ a sort of mental shield, keeping opponents from manipulating his senses and thoughts.

Due to his personality, Mordecai never really had any enemies at VECTOR. Even those who were displeased with his inability to take a situation as seriously as they would like were always more annoyed than anything else. Other than that, others mostly see Mordecai as just another cool classmate who is always down to hang out.
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To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.​
Andrade, Raul​



Born amid the wealth and riches of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Raul Andrade was a close, if measured, acquaintance of privilege. The latest son of a line of government officials and media personalities alike, his father was a Coronel of the state police, a position he gained entirely through nepotism, like his own father before him. The boons of name and blood had dulled his father's pride, and ensured that he knew the idea of 'merit' only as a fleeting shadow. Raul Andrade would come to know the influence of nepotism differently, only in the sense that it made him an outsider, an observer.

And as an observer, Raul was endlessly studious, and even prodigious. Inserted into the state military police, he demonstrated an aptitude for civil service and enforcement alike. He became a vaunted member of the BOPE, a world-class exponent of urban warfare.

Born PK-capable, yet never formally initiated into the world of constants and variables, Raul was nonetheless approached for his talent as an operative.​

Raul is deliberation incarnate. Every thought carefully weighted, and every word measured, delivered at half-speed with perfect enunciation. He operates within his own pace, thorough and cunning in equal measure, preferring deft solutions over explosive measures. His choice of tempo lends itself towards what appears to be a general dispassion and disconnect, although Raul is, more accurately, simply adept at framing the darkest happenings in pragmatic contexts, accepting that matters of the near past are significant only as frameworks for what comes next.

Endlessly courteous, Raul is cordial if not particularly emotive, and rather forgiving in his interactions with colleagues and comrades.​

Variable Efficiency and Control Test (VECT) Results:
Short-Range, Physical. Long-Range, Physical.​

-to be determined-.​

"Oh, oh, how exciting!"
Name :
Gwynt, Oliver​

Age :

Sex :

Biography :
Before joining VECTOR, Oliver Gwynt, known only as "Ollie" to his former associates, lived in a ruined neighbourhood of old Glasgow, which was destroyed by a corrupted constant as the record will recall, several years prior to our estimate of his age. He seemed to have been living with a rather troublesome group who have, if nothing else, done a proper job preparing an agent for us. While his telekinetic abilities are sub-par for our standards in terms of raw power, he has demonstrated a fine control and speed when manipulating smaller objects, which we attribute to his membership of the aforementioned troublesome group.

[For the sake of clarity, the following considers what Mr Gwynt has told us as fact]

Mr Gwynt, then only Oliver, doesn't seem to have a clear recollection of where he was before he was adopted into this group. From what we understand, this group had some dealings somewhat more lethal than purse snatching. Oliver has explained in length several of the jobs he was assigned to carry out, which appears to be the only time he would leave the group's shelter. Up until he turned 15, he had been working as asked of him, but he had "cleaned house," so to speak, at that point. We discovered their base of operations on that day, assuming the sightings were referring to a low-rated corrupt. However, we instead found the young boy and the corpses of his "employers," so to speak, as well as his fellow "employees," riddled with knives during the night, in their sleep. He hasn't been very open about why he has chose to do such a thing, but he has been quite cooperative with us all the same.

We had him monitored in an academy that could help foster some skill for our cause. After he came of age, he trained at VECTOR's own academy, just up until recently.

Personality :
While he has shown that he has the skills to be useful for VECTOR, Oliver isn't the most agreeable person. While he doesn't seem to mean ill, he has a tendency to annoy some with a rather blatant disregard of others' feelings at times. He doesn't appear to understand why some of the things he says would cause someone offense, or at the very least bother them. While at times he can be conscious of these things, his rather happy-go-lucky manner isn't particularly fitting for certain topics of conversation at VECTOR's academy.

Unfortunately, his anti-social behaviour doesn't extend to a complete lack of empathy, which would have probably been quite a bit more convenient. Nonetheless, he doesn't appear to have a problem with what the job entails, which is not quite surprising, considering his work in the aforementioned group.​

Variable Efficiency and Control Test (VECT) Results :

Long-Range Physical

Long-Range Mental: Blink
With Blink, Oliver is able to change other people's perception of the passing of time, either making their perception of time slow, or fast, for one second once every ten seconds.​

Relationships :

Other :
His neck, ankles, wrists, and back have some deep scarring that can be clearly identified when inspected closely for but a moment.
Character Theme
Battle Theme

"Ahah, it always pains me to make Niobe do such violent things."

  • Name:
    Aurelian, Lucius



  • Biography:
    Born into a family with a history of military service he grew up with a stern, demanding father and quiet, concerning mother. As a child Lucius was quiet, which worried his family as he often seems lost in thought, and is constantly reading books that none of them could understand very well. Lucius shuffled through this childhood like a daydream, doing trivial and usually incomprehensible things such as counting grains of sand, much to the dismay of his parents.

    In a few years as he reached middle school, Lucius was entered into a prestigious, strict private school, his parents had made an efforts to create a presentable child. To their surprise, Lucius handled it well. Despite seemingly being spaced out in all classes his academic abilities are top notch, and his creation of a controversial yet popular school club that centered on using some bizzare methods to study academics has won him a fair share of recognition. He entered high school a year earlier as it was clear that nature has bestowed upon him phenomenal abilities in comprehension and logical faculties, his soft-spoken nature was overlooked in comparison to his brilliance. This of course, all fell apart when his psychokinesis abilities revealed themselves. After being seen by officials from the Variable Project, he was given amounts of Psyche, and was informed that his powers were weak at the current time. Although if the power continues to grow, he'll need to make a choice between losing that power or losing his life as his knows it.

    This understandably dragged Lucius through a dilemma between the choices, as his Psyche slowly ran out he dealt with the problem the way he dealt with any problem, the unconventional way, the risky way. Lucius began to tackle something that was deemed impossible to do for someone of his caliber, reverse engineer and then synthesize his own version of Psyche. He rationed out his remaining supply, made underground deals through his father with those who were once in contact with PK users in the military, and gathered dangerous materials from isolating common chemicals or off of street deals. After suffering through numerous months pain and failures Lucius understood that he was arrogant to think he could recreate what the Variable Project created, he began using a combination of Psyche from the black market, the portion originally given to him, and some failed version of synthesized Psyche. While it is unknown what repercussions this had, it did suppress his migraines as well as other signs of his PK.

    Lucius went on to finish his education, continuing to fulfill the promising path he once led, majoring in both math and philosophy. One of his thesis published shortly after his graduation earned him a chair of mathematics at a local university at age 22, where he quickly became a popular profession due to his youth and passionate teaching methods. Life was peaceful until a week before the reveal of the Varial Project to the public, where a low grade recently corrupted Constant attacked the class he was leading during a field research session. As the only PK-able individual onsite Lucius defended civilians and made an effort to apprehend the corrupted until trained Constants arrived, soon he was naturally approached by VECTOR.

    After a long term of consideration, Lucius decided to join VECTOR, he didn't want to give up his PK just to be a part of society, as he believed there must be a way for the world to handle PK effectively. But his training in VECTOR wasn't all smooth sailing, his abuse of improperly made Psyche had weakened his naturally PK, making him lack in power. Lucius made up for this by completely destroying his custom variable on the third day of training. Faculty at first was in disbelief, as variables are difficult to destroy, even with other variables, considering Lucius haven't fought or even met another user, he can't possibly do such as thing with his weaken PK. It turns out that it was never destroyed, but divided into pieces so small that brain waves can no longer effect it anymore, thus making it into a pile of dust that no one could ever put back together again. This likely saved him from being expelled from VECTOR all together, as despite his weakened PK, his natural ability in geometry and spatial comprehension allowed Lucius to divide and manipulate his variable to an almost unrivaled level of precision. After going through variables like coffee filters, and a long probation before being allowed another custom variable, he had managed to hone this ability to perfection, developing his unique method of combat.


    Lucius can be described as quite unconventional, while his former personal life was a cookie cutter image of a responsible adult who can file taxes, cook, and fix garage doors, he always seems to be in some sort of daydream or lost in thought.

    In VECTOR he is a well educated and well mannered young man with a calm but approachable demeanor. He has a good sense of humor, ability to socialize with others, and his background in teaching made him quite comfortable with hearing out other people's problems and providing support if he can.

    Although he has a tendency to be a bit eccentric when it comes to that support, sometimes standing on furniture or quoting old timey literature, and his stubbornness is hopeless, as there is almost no way short of threatening his life that can convince him to change his mind on something he's already decided.

    This goes with his attitude towards VECTOR authority as well, as he does have a tendency to disobey orders but only when he if confident that his version of the order provides greater benefit to the situation, and never hesitates to provide logical debate and reasoning after he has acted out on them.

    He is never disrespectful to VECTOR's faculty, as he recognizes and praises their desire to further PK research and pursue of peace, and regularly writes algorithms or statistical reports for them. With other constants he attempts to be supportive as well, but will often back off as he understands how many might have suffered due to their powers. Although overall he has a streak of optimism, believing that one day he can return to his former life, perhaps even teaching courses related to PK and variables.

  • Variable Efficiency and Control Test (VECT) Results:

    Long Range Physical - Dust's Abscission

    The user pushes the division abilities of their variable to the extremely, creating variable particles that are about the same size as dust. Any living thing unfortunate enough to breath it in can susceptible to be torn apart from the inside out or suffocated if the user chooses to condense and reform the variable inside of a body. Although it is an effective method of terminating or apprehending targets, it is hard to use in the midst of chaos as it requires intense concentration to manipulate such a large amount of variable pieces. It's an extremely helpful supportive skill as well, as it can seal critical wounds and hold bones in place during emergencies.

    Short Range Mental - Autosuggestion
    Triggers the placebo effect in one's self or another person, this can provide a number of different effects including improving logical thinking ability, calm intense emotions, heightened awareness and senses, dulls pain. Requires small amounts of direct body contact. This is primarily used by Lucius to enter a state of intense concentration needed to use his long range physical variable. It can also be used as a persuasion tool, causing a person to be more confidence in their decisions. Autosuggestion can never cause a person to do something against their will or morals. Although it is rare, some individuals who have experienced truama or possessing an addictive personality can get addicted to the feeling that is induced by this.

  • Relationships:

    Lucius named his variable "Niobe", as he has destroyed 14 different types of variables before it, referencing the mythological story Niobe came from. He seems to have some sort of emotional attachment to it.

    He is thoroughly pragmatic with his variable, using it as a cupholder, coat hanger, step ladder, scaled recreation of Michelangelo's statues, shoving it under a wobbly table…...and even using it as a hoverboard to travel, he honed his control of his variable to the extreme to compensate for the lack of power and speed.

    Character Theme
    Combat Theme
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