The World We Thought We Knew [Sci Fi Survival RP]

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In the year 30XX Humans have terra formed Mars into a place that can sustain life and in turn have created an embassy to represent our solar system. Mars has become a gathering for species of all kinds, living in peace on what little land there is on this mostly water planet. Things continued this way until mysterious land masses appeared and giant creatures came forth, destroying everything in their path. While some were able to escape to Earth many were trapped on Mars, struggling to survive until they can create their own way of escaping the planet.

You are survivor on this deserted planet along with a handful of others. You may not be from the same walks or life of even the same species but if you ever hope to escape this hostile world teamwork is key; however a few accidents here and there are fine as long as no one can trace it back to you. Will you be able to find a way off of Mars or will the beasts get to you first?


If you have any questions or are interested in joining please comment below!
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Interested in seeing more :)
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i'll join as long as it's not filled with snobs that require 3 pars plus and all that crap i write as the mood or and conditions are met.
Also sometimes i don't know what to put but always willing to edit or del a post till i have something.
i'll join as long as it's not filled with snobs that require 3 pars plus and all that crap i write as the mood or and conditions are met.
Also sometimes i don't know what to put but always willing to edit or del a post till i have something.

I hate those people too! Not everything requires a novel you know.
This is just supposed to be a relaxed RP since i'm new so I wanted to test the waters a bit. I don't plan on it staying that way forever though if some people would get upset by that.
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...I feel like that's a bit harsh. Some people just prefer longer forms of writing-- it doesn't necessarily make them "snobs." It's just a difference of preference. :c
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...I feel like that's a bit harsh. Some people just prefer longer forms of writing-- it doesn't necessarily make them "snobs." It's just a difference of preference. :c
I'm not saying one shouldn't be creative to a point but not everyone knows each other's char so there's not always a lot to say an people do bump into each other and jazz that's how some bonds start. It's also the rpers job to work and play their part in making more for the rp not expect others to pull out the magic bunny. I've had to work some grueling text like posts so no i don't feel bad at all when they start bitching about one para not being enough.
...I feel like that's a bit harsh. Some people just prefer longer forms of writing-- it doesn't necessarily make them "snobs." It's just a difference of preference. :c

Sorry it wasn't intended to be rude, I just always thought that a 3+ paragraph minimum(as someone who normally can write 5 paragraphs no sweat) is a bit harsh since your limiting what people can join simply because they can't write that much, though I understand having a paragraph minimum because any less than that is never quality from my experience.

Anywho, I think four people is enough to start the RP if your guys are ok with that. I'll go ahead and make an actual thread!
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Anywho, I think four people is enough to start the RP if your guys are ok with that. I'll go ahead and make an actual thread!

Just to be clear what do you mean by start. I'm interested in seeing some more stuff in an OC/signup thread, which I assumed would happen if you thought there was enough interest but that's not a solid commitment from me to join an RP. Sorry if that comes across overly blunt, I just don't want to muddy the waters by mistake.
Just to be clear what do you mean by start. I'm interested in seeing some more stuff in an OC/signup thread, which I assumed would happen if you thought there was enough interest but that's not a solid commitment from me to join an RP. Sorry if that comes across overly blunt, I just don't want to muddy the waters by mistake.

Ack sorry, start was a bad term to use. I meant to create a signup thread.
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