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name: Derek Hikarino
age: 19
gender: male
Sign: (Your Zodiac sign and make sure it's available) cancer

Tattoos: zodiac sign on bicep
Height: avg
Natural Markings:
Hair Color: black
Eye color: green
Usual Style: (optional but recommended)

Abilities: (associated with your sign) to control water(since cancer is a crab)
Personality: friendly and childish
Likes: food, the sea(+life), and video games
Dislikes: endangerment of friends
Hobbies: gaming, cooking, swimming
Talents: gaming, cooking, swimming and tricks with water
Fears:oil in water
Bio: Derek never really knew about his history. All he knows is that he was born with a gift but does not know it at first.
Pets: hermit crabs and a great white shark
Relationships: unknown
I'm sorry :/ but there isnt much here...
Nova Marie Welsh

"I'm not a Princess, I don't need saving. I'm a Queen, I've got this shit handled"
[stabs=bcenter|2000x500]{slide=Basics | center}

Name:Nova Marie Welsh
Nicknames: N, Ariel

Birthday: March 24, 1998

Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Sign: Aries

{/slide} {slide=Apperance | center}



Height:5 feet 6 inches
Weight:127 lbs
Hair Color:Red
Eye color:Hazel
Ethnicity: 25% German, 25% Irish, 50% Maltese

Usual Style:



{slide=About | center}

Aries: Powers gifted to her by her given sign
Fire Manipulation: The ability to spawn, shape and manipulate fire.
Strength Manipulation: The ability to give herself or others more or less strength.

Athena: Powers gifted to her by Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War
Knowledge Manipulation: The ability to control and bend knowledge.
Accelerated Probability: The ability to predict the outcomes of and what choices one could make
Tactical Analysis: The ability to have skilled strategics and apply them for several objectives.

Adventurous: She loves to go travel and explore.
Genius: A bookworm at heart Nova loves to learn, she can tell you so many random facts you'd wish you'd never asked her a thing
Friendly: Nova is a fun loving and spunky girl, not one to exclude anyone she loves to make new friends
Dependable: If you need something done, Nova will go above and beyond to make you smile.
Charming: She's a very flirty girl, her smile is dazzling and she can really make you feel like you're the only person she sees.
Independent: She's very keen on being self sufficient. She believes its better not to rely on others and to make yourself happy.
Picky: Nova tends to be very direct and will not settle for anything less than what she wants, usually perfection
Stubborn: Nova is VERY set in her ways and believes 99% of the time that she's right.
Impatient: Nova is not a very patient person, she's likes things right away and waiting for things will usually turn her off
Passionate: As a lover and a friend, Nova gives her all in anything she does.
Jealous: She loves being the center of attention and will pout if she's not given attention.

Animals, Make-up, Thunderstorms and Rainy Days, Netflix, Fluffy blankets, Sweatpants, Books, Shoes, Exploring,Traveling,Airplanes, Naps, and Food.
Ignorance, Apples, Being Interrupted, Dirty Laundry, Disorganization, Cold Weather, and Liars.
Reading, Napping, Photography, Spending time with her friends, dog, and family
Photography, Speaking Italian and German, Organization.
Failure, Public Speaking, Spiders
Nova was the first miracle child of her newly married parents. Her parents were unsure if they could conceive a child due to their ages and tried for many years. Low and behold, they were successful and their precious baby was due to be born in early March. However, even as an unborn infant, Nova was stubborn. Maybe it was her destiny to be an Aries and make her parents wait. But regardless, on a full Moon with Mars insight, Nova Marie was born.
Growing into a toddler she was an impressive infant, easily catching on to new things. She loved to explore and learn things, usually resulting in her getting into some kind of trouble. But her parents could never stay mad at her, she was their one and only princess. Nova was content with her single child status, so when her mother announced that she was expecting it was quite obvious that Nova was less then thrilled. However when her baby brother did arrive, Nova thought her was pretty cool.
The two of them were inseparable and Nova loved being a big sister. She would teach Liam all types of ways to get in trouble and was always willing to help him with homework. Life was pretty average for awhile. Until again, mom announced that she was expecting.. but this time they were adopting. Penelope was a 5 month old cooing monster when she arrived from Libya. The darker skin child hardly resembled anyone in the Welsh family but none the less she was loved.
When Nova reached high school she was a pretty big nerd. Her glasses were too big for her face and she had no idea that shoes made a big difference in your outfit. No matter her appearance, that didn't change the fact that she was a stellar student. She was quickly employed as an after school tutor where she did manage to attract the attention of an older boy. Tyler Harrison, the first boy to make Nova feel like a princess. The two had an instant connection and by the end of her freshman year, Nova had a boyfriend that her family adored. Her best friend since the first grade, Hannah, helped Nova improve and enhance her look, learning to love her pale skin and red hair. High school was more than a book learning experience.
During Nova's senior year, Tyler was away at college. Their relationship was suffering from a lack of attention to Nova, as Tyler had a new frat and new friends. They ended up breaking up after her graduation and Nova was crushed. She finished her high school career as head of her class and yearbook editor. She decided to attend the University of Washington with her best friend and pursue a career in Law. While in college she discovered a new side of her that included drinking, partying, and an attraction to girls. In her first semester she met Marissa who introduced her to the ways of loving girls.

{slide=Relationships | center}

Family: Edward Welsh|52|Father

Katrina (Worthington) Welsh|49|Mother
Liam Welsh|12|Brother (Biological)
Penelope Welsh|8|Sister (Adopted)

Pets: Louie|4 Months|Boston Terrier
Relationships:(feel free to PM me)

Friends: Hannah Vinegrass|19|Childhood Bestfriend
Significant Other:X
Exes: Tyler Harrison|20|Highschool Crush and Boyfriend

Marissa Bommel|18|College love interest
What do you mean by bending knowledge? thats... kind of unreasonable?
im not good at this ok
thats okay... but maybe add some room for character developement? if you cant take the time for a decent CS i doubt youll have the time for this Roleplay :/ there is literally nothing there
@Death I meant it as like she can make you beileve the sky is purple instead of blue. But she can only do this with facts and only for brief seconds. I can get rid of it if its too much.
Done with both of my characters. One Zodiac and one human. If you need any other Zodiacs taken or another human, I can fit in another.
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@Death I meant it as like she can make you beileve the sky is purple instead of blue. But she can only do this with facts and only for brief seconds. I can get rid of it if its too much.
so you meant persuasion? and it isnt too much due to the fact that your patron God is aries, however the wording was very odd haha.. You may keep it. just dont overuse it lol XD
@Death ok haha I apologize for the confusion! I don't plan on using it much, maybe just as a distraction.


Name: Annette Jaqueline Kaylock
Nicknames: Jackie (prefers), Anne (hates)
Age: 24
Birthday: June 15th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac: Libra
Telekinesis- She can lift and move anything under 30 pounds, though she is practicing on being able to lift more. She isn't that great at manipulating fine work, such as stringing a needle.
Air Manipulation- Can move the air around her with ease. Can technically steal the air out of someone's lungs, but she hates hurting people, so she would never.
Intuition- While she can't outright tell if someone is lying, she can gain a sense if someone is either lying or telling the truth. Those who are more experienced at lying are harder to read.

Hair: Her hair is a bright blonde that is often kept down. Her hair has a natural wave to it, though she sometimes straightens it.
Eyes: A dark, dull brown. Some people have likened them to chocolate candies.
Skin: Being partially Latina, Jackie appears to be Caucasian, but has a natural tanned complexion to her.
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 117 lbs
Piercings: Single lobe
Tattoos: None
Style: x

Traits: Hardworking, Caring, Faithful, Loyal, Loving, Jealous, Intelligent, Bitter, Easily Angered, Quiet, Shy
Sociability: Introvert
Likes: Jewelry, Crafting, Being Warm, Cute things, Sweets
Dislikes: Unfaithfulness, Bitter foods, Alcohol, Disparity
Fears: Never having true love, not being able to protect those she cares for

Biological Family:
Mateo|Baby Brother|Alive
Significant Other: NA
Friends: TBD
Enemies: TBD
Pets: She has a Doberman Pinscher named Francis.

Favorite Food: Chilaquiles and Pepsi; also chocolate cake
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Song: LA Devotee- Panic! At the Disco
Favorite Animal: Doberman Pinscher
Birth Stone: Alexandrite


Name: Anderius Max Brown
Nicknames: Andre, Max, Baymax
Age: 24
Birthday: January 5th
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hair: Dark brown with bleached tips
Eyes: Muddy green
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 159 lbs
Piercings: Lobe piercings
Tattoos: Just some random ones along his arms.
Style: x

Traits: Optimistic, Loud, Funny, Caring, Eccentric, Musical, Dependable, Overbearing, Overprotective, Naive
Sociability: Optimist
Likes: Flute, Band, Music, Jethro Tull, Cinnamon, Ice Cream, Spicy food, History
Dislikes: Women's Choir, Pop Music, Math, Overly sweet things, Meat
Fears: Acrophobia, has a basic fear of spiders


Biological Family:
Trissa|Older Sister|Alive
Kenzie|Younger Sister|Alive
Significant Other: NA
Friends: TBD
Enemies: TBD
Pets: none

Favorite Food: Fries dipped in Chocolate Shake
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Song: Aqualung- Jethro Tull
Favorite Animal: Parakeets
Birth Stone: Garnet
accepted.. Love the detail.
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name: Derek Mizuno
nickname: water boy(he hates it) and howler(not common)
birthday-July 2
age: 19
gender: male
Sign: (Your Zodiac sign and make sure it's available) cancer

Tattoos: zodiac sign on bicep and wolf on neck
Piercings: rose earrings
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 129 Lbs
Natural Markings: zodiac symbol on back
Hair Color: short aqua fade
Eye color: bright green
Usual Style: (optional but recommended)he usually wears wolf shirts or Nintendo shirts. always wears blue skinny jeans

Abilities: (associated with your sign) to control water(not good at controlling it at first.), a clever tactician, cunning, and
Personality: friendly and childish while shy and quiet at new people; never been in a fight
Likes: food, the sea(+life), DOGS, video games
Dislikes: refried beans, black oil
Hobbies: gaming, cooking, swimming
Talents: howling, gaming, cooking, swimming and tricks with water
Fears: black oil and hurting people
Bio: Derek never really knew about his history. All he knows is that he was born with a gift but does not know it at first. he hasn't met anyone in the rp yet. he is expected to be all about water since his zodiac is a crab but he gets offended
Pets: german shepard and alaskan husky
Relationships: unknown
Others: favorite food-chocolate cake
favorite color-magenta
favorite song-no by Meghan Trainor
favorite animals-wolves
he isn't usually the energetic one
I should be trying to decide on my character in an hour when I get home


  • Name
    Nanook Province

    Nanu, Non, Nan, Nook





    Lead Guitarist and Singer in Moonlight Scream

  • 21ee7df054522855646f09cbd52da825.jpg

    Right Shoulder
    Right Arm
    Left arm

    Left Ear-Industrial bar, 1 mm gauge and a cartilage piercing
    Right Ear- 1mm gauge and two cartilage piercings


    160 pounds

    Natural Markings
    Nick on her right ear, freckles on her abdomen, cheeks, thighs, and shoulders.

    Hair Color
    Dark Brown, upper back length

    Eye color

    Usual Style

  • Abilities
    Light Manipulation-Leo comes from the sun, thus Nanu can affect the light, though creating it is something
    she hasn't mastered yet. She mostly manipulated the available light and seems to thrive in it.

    Lightning Manipulation-As Nanu is connected with the god of the skies she can completely crush opponents
    with self generated lightning. She can be seen most often using it in the form of a lightning whip
    or simply javelin bolts.

    Weather Manipulation-Nanu isn't as adept with weather manipulation and it tends to vary depending
    on her mood. She will often make it storm around her enemies, which helps generate energy for her
    to use, or an AOE attack.



    Cats, Cuddles, Stormy Weather, Rain, Snow, MMA, Reading, Singing, Playing the Guitar,
    Drums, Heavy Rock, Pop Rock, Electronic, Hot Food, Pasta, Hot Chocolate, Katsuburger


  • Other​

My appologies to everyone but i cannot do this RP I would nominate either Life or Icequeen to take up the mantel as i will not have any time whatsoever to GM. I am sorry but youre more than welcome to pick it up

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