Think You Can Survive the Wild West?

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Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
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  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
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Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
  6. No Preferences
Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Mecha, Furry, Anthro, Horror, Historical, everything really.
[fieldbox="Wild West Plot, orange, solid"]
Who doesn't love a good old-fashioned western? But this one has a twist. In the year 2031 a group of scientists created a machine that, in hope, could look into the past in order to record accurate historical documents. After a few test runs, it seemed to work fine so a group of volunteers was brought in to test it out for possible new ways of teaching historical event. One of the scientists joined the team of volunteers, but something went terribly wrong and instead of viewing the past, they were sucked into it—back to 1865.

And that's where we begin: 1865

We all know the "American Wild West" has been a fictional exploit for films and books but that wild, crude era is exactly where this will take place. Nothing will be "historically accurate" but rather a game based on those crazy tales.

There will be six time travelers, including one of the scientists, and they can be any kind of person. They were promised a $200 cash pay for the experiment. In 1865 they will encounter "Cowboys and Indians", outlaws, salons, etc. These role can also be played.

[fieldbox="Roles, gold, solid"]

(Not all roles need to be pulled to start the RP)

Volunteer 1 (Claimed by @MST3K 4ever)
Volunteer 2 (Claimed by @Explodinator)
Volunteer 3
Volunteer 4
Volunteer 5

-1865 (Lead Roles)-
Notorious Outlaw (Claimed by @Crono)
Outlaw Lacky/Partner in Crime (Claimed by @~Dark Disney~)
Bounty Hunter (Claimed by @MST3K 4ever)
Bounty Hunter Apprentice
Bartender/Owner (Claimed by @Explodinator)
Saloon Girl (working off a debt for the Bartender/Owner)
Indian Chief
Indian Chief's Sibling
Exiled Indian Warrior

-1865 (Other Roles)-
Saloon Girls
Native Americans
Whatever role you want!

Any takers? :3
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Interesting. I'm in! How many roles/spots are you looking to fill?
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Interesting. I'm in! How many roles/spots are you looking to fill?
Awesome! And I'm thinking 7 and more. :3 But it depends on what other players prefer.
I want in
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I get the feeling I'll be involved with a lot of your rps down the line, @YuriLucien

Alright, I'm game. Count me in!
I'm back from a long hiatus and this looks like a fun way to get back into it. Count me interested :)
I'm calling one of the volunteers, and if we have to double up on characters I'll also consider the Bounty Hunter.
I want an outlaw
@ Glad to hear it! It'll be fun to have you in this rp a well! :3

@CaptKiwi Welcome back from your hiatus! :3 Glad to have you join us!

@MST3K 4ever You got it! And yes, you can double up. :3

@~Dark Disney~ Sounds great! Would you like the "Outlaw Most Wanted", his "Partner in Crime" or one of your role? :3
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@ Glad to hear it! It'll be fun to have you in this rp a well! :3

@CaptKiwi Welcome back from your hiatus! :3 Glad to have you join us!

@MST3K 4ever You got it! And yes, you can double up. :3

@~Dark Disney~ Sounds great! Would you like the "Outlaw Most Wanted", his "Partner in Crime" or one of your role? :3
well I want a female, so maybe his partner
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Ahh. Finally something catches my interest! I will take the Notorious outlaw.
Ahh. Finally something catches my interest! I will take the Notorious outlaw.
Very cool! :3 The role is all yours!

Alrighty, I have updated the claims and will create the OOC tomorrow. <3
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