Those Left Awake: A Supernatural Post-Apocalyptic RP

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How do humans harness daemon power?

  • Partnering (Only 1 per Character)

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Reanimator Buns

Just some gal who's a necromancer
Original poster
Fantasy Romance, Scifi
"About 10 years ago, in the year 2042 70% of the entire Earth's population suddenly fell asleep. All at once, all at the same time. It caused the collapse of many countries and civilizations, as a state of emergency was called worldwide. Or it would have been if communication wasn't so stifled. Doctors and professionals were difficult to find, but those who had managed to stay awake took to studying this phenomenon. They couldn't find a cause, nor a cure, but they did discover several facts about those who were asleep. They showed no reaction to stimuli, no matter how significant. They showed a slowed rate of metabolism far beyond human capability to the point that they no longer needed to eat. They remained in a state of REM constantly, with brain waves attributed to dreaming.

That last bit was the important part. There are many theories as to why the Daemon suddenly appeared, but the most widely accepted is because of those Dreamers. Demons, Fae, Yokai, Urban Legends, what ever you call them doesn't matter. Each and every one of them was originally spawned from humans trying to process what they saw and how they felt. They represent our fears and our anxieties as well as our hopes and our aspirations. Before then, there has never been such a high concentration of people dreaming all at once. It would seem that with all those Dreamers all conjuring up these incarnations of their thoughts and emotions, they began to take form.

Its a crackpot theory in the best of circumstances, but you can't really call these the best of circumstances now can you? There are some benevolent forces, of course. We have the Qilin, or the Guardian Angel, or hell even Ole Saint Nick could still be making the rounds on Christmas Eve. But for each of those we have a dozen wendigo, banshee, or vampire. We're under attack. To make matters worse, others are still falling asleep, some even born with their eyes shut without a sound coming from them, and those who have been dreaming all this time have barely aged. Maybe they haven't at all. Adding on to it, the daemons who roam the world... It's only a matter of time before everyone succumbs. So there are three choices: Be eaten alive by the Baba Yaga, pray that your last dream is a pleasant one... Or help us find what's causing this and put an end to it."

Those Left Awake is a roleplay inspired by SMT. Characters will be a part of an Organization called Daybreak which is formed mostly of Humans. As this RP actually takes place about 30 years into the future, humans will have access to technology that is somewhat beyond our own, but has not advanced much further beyond that. Of course they also have access to typical weaponry that is found with guns and many forms of less sophisticated technology, but that won't always be useful especially against certain foes. A werewolf would need silver for example, and a poltergeist doesn't care about your physical weaponry whatsoever. That is why Humanity will have to have help from somewhere. They will need the to borrow the power from the Daemons, though whether this looks like taming/convincing, absorbing, or any other sort of variation is still up in the air right now. I'll have a poll to help decide on this as well.

As for where in the world this RP will take place in, that is still up in the air as well. I am open to suggestions

The RP will likely take the form of new recruits all going on missions that either help the colony survive or provide insight into the disaster in hopes of reversing its effect. Do note, the world is dangerous and while I don't necessarily plan to kill off characters, doing something dumb could easily result in that.

Do note that we will be using Discord for OoC

I'll be working on a lore thread detailing the state of the world before the Slumber as well

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!
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I may have an interest in this. However, with the three ways to get the power, could all three be allowed but, only one to a single player?

Makes them a little more unique and you can operate under all the concepts, I'm pondering either Deal or merge in my two potentials.
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That's an option I suppose. Specify how each is attained and what bonuses they would provide.
Alright lets see, this is just me spinning off the top of my head, and I know just a little about SMT or rather your standalone, I'll list them by means of obtainment, advantage and cons, but to me the following;
  • Taming/Befriending - I call these Tamers
Should be limited to more "beast type" demons, things that would qualify as monsters or otherwise lacking "sentience" or "reasoning" past the most basic of levels, such as befriending a Chimera or Hellhound. A bit like pokemon catching, these Daemons should have very high physical abilities or primal power that acts in conjunction with the tamer. Tamers should not be limited to one "pet" I feel, but some limits should be imposed.

Pros would be readily available, high physical power, raw numbers and limited high end magical affinity.

Cons would be one has to have the means to actually befriend or tame a daemon, a wild one at that which is barely more than an animal, these beings would likely need something in the matter of physical care, and having more beasts past a point is like being a crazy cat lady, you lose control or influence of what goes on given the lack of care or attention.
  • Absorbing - I call these Daemi-Humans, Eaters, Second Borne or Joiners (just make up a name yourself)
These are humans that basically via ritualistic, cannibalistic, dark ritual or other corruption, that absorb the essence or physical being of a Daemon and meld it to themselves. This can be by the means listed in title. Eating the flesh, injecting the blood, soul melding or genetic manipulation, or forcing a direct pact.

Pros would be having the ability to call upon demonic powers and strength at command and without binding or needing agreement, you would basically be a moderate range Daemon and can only get stronger.

Cons would be that you can no longer be considered human, least not in full, you become corrupted in essence, physical and spiritual and blur the line between demon and man, there could also be physical impacts or over time you lose more of your "humanity" also some of the absorbers could not be by choice but by the machinations of another or parasitic daemons that lost the battle of will and were absorbed by the host. They also have features that make them distinct, such as red eyes or other features not common to humans.
  • Partnering - I call these Pact Makers or Diviners
Unlike the Tamers, Pact Makers communicate to the most high of Daemons, the classical Demon or high end creature such as Dragons, Tengu, Devils, etc. All of these Daemons have will, stratagem, command of Magic or/and are skilled weapon masters without human weakness. These unions are born of diplomacy and Vows, exchange of resources or binding pact. The human offers something for a Companion, one that is with them always or is summoned as needed.

Pros to this would be a powerful ally, wisdom and the possible inner knowledge of Daemon kind. Unlike the tamer with physically powerful creations, the Partner is more refined, has strategy and commands powerful magics or unworldly influence.

Cons would be you are making a deal with a literal devil and only one. The more powerful the greater the price. And a Pact doesn't mean slavery, a Daemon has its own will, motives and conditions and can refuse your commands if they fall outside of the agreement. That is why seeking out a Daemon that you can have accord with is a must. The prices for this power can be from finding it a host (lets say a biological puppet?), your soul, blood sacrifice, or some other set of conditions or combination there of.

So this could be seen as having a physical partner around or like a "Stand".

Least those are my takes @Reanimator Spuds
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Oh looking back at what I wrote that absolutely could be seen that way lol. What I really meant was "I could specify..." but I appreciate the input and my just use at least parts of this
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Welp, that's fine, I just wasted a few minutes lol, I viewed that as a question, but as long as some of it is useful to you that is good.
I like most of it tbh and will use a lot of your don't mind so it's not a waste at all.
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