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Reanimator Buns

Just some gal who's a necromancer
Original poster
Fantasy Romance, Scifi
"In the year 2042 on October 21st at precisely 5:27 PM GMT, 70% of the entire Earth's population suddenly fell asleep. All at once, all at the same time. It caused the collapse of many countries and civilizations, as a state of emergency was called worldwide. Or it would have been if communication wasn't so stifled. Doctors and professionals were difficult to find, but those who had managed to stay awake took to studying this phenomenon. They couldn't find a cause, nor a cure, but they did discover several facts about those who were asleep. They showed no reaction to stimuli, no matter how significant. They showed a slower rate of metabolism far beyond human capability to the point that they no longer needed to eat. They remained in a state of REM constantly, with brain waves attributed to dreaming.

That last bit was the important part. There are many theories as to why the Daemon suddenly appeared, but the most widely accepted is because of those Dreamers. Demons, Fae, Yokai, Urban Legends, whatever you call them doesn't matter. Each and every one of them was originally spawned from humans trying to process what they saw and how they felt. They represent our fears and our anxieties as well as our hopes and our aspirations. Before then, there has never been such a high concentration of people dreaming all at once. It would seem that with all those Dreamers all conjuring up these incarnations of their thoughts and emotions, they began to take form.

Its a crackpot theory in the best of circumstances, but you can't really call these the best of circumstances now can you? There are some benevolent forces, of course. We have the Qilin, or the Guardian Angel, or hell even Ole Saint Nick could still be making the rounds on Christmas Eve. But for each of those we have a dozen wendigo, banshee, or vampire. We're under attack. To make matters worse, others are still falling asleep, some even born with their eyes shut without a sound coming from them, and those who have been dreaming all this time have barely aged. Maybe they haven't at all. Adding on to it, the daemons who roam the world... It's only a matter of time before everyone succumbs. So there are three choices: Be eaten alive by the Baba Yaga, pray that your last dream is a pleasant one... Or help us find what's causing this and put an end to it."

  • The world before what has collectively been referred to as "Slumber" was in a unique state. Growing concerns with energy demands, outcry from conservationists, and the impending threat of rising sea levels and dangerous storms had forced scientists and engineers to take drastic measures in those fields. Politics were focused greatly on these attempts to develop new technologies, but with the need for energy and amenities being so great, there was an underlying concern of war breaking out between superpowers. With the threat of war and the fear of losing power, many countries initiated a state of emergencies. Compounded with the anxieties of their people, dissent was building. Whether they fell from the inside or outside, it was only a matter of time. But no one ever imagined it would happen like this.
  • Many settlements have popped up as people band together in order to survive the after the collapse of civilization as was previously known. But many fall victim to illness, starvation, dehydration, or even infighting. But those are the lucky ones all things considered. Truth be told, that is often a far more desirable fate then being preyed upon or toyed with by the Daemons that mean harm.

    However, though somewhat rare, a few settlements do manage gain momentum and plant their feet firmly in place, standing strong against the face of adversity. At times this is through the help of a benevolent Daemon that wishes to protect humanity, or simply is a boon through its existence. That isn't of course to understate the sheer will and adaptability that humans possess. There are plenty where through resilience and resistance they managed to pull through. That was how Daybreak started. Lukas Goodwin, a prodigy engineer, founded the organization after restoring an old power plant. He has spent his years constructing mechanical marvels, though they are for function over form. With his engineering expertise, he has trained others, and they have expanded their sphere of influence outward in hopes of reaching other civilizations. He has come in to contact with many of them, and is now working towards securing a shipyard in hopes of being able to travel across the world to keep people alive and hopefully get to the bottom of this whole mystery.

    Lukas and his crew have spent time studying the forms and biology of many demons in hopes of learning how to use these powers for themselves. The simplest and least dangerous way is simply to tame them. Though typically this only seems to work well for daemons with a lower intelligence or more animalistic tendencies. Some more powerful Daemons have also lended their abilities for one reason or another, typically for their own ulterior motive. But the most intriguing is the actual merging of daemonic abilities. With their research, certain traits and abilities of Daemon can be obtained by humans. A sort of forced evolution in a way.
  • The word Daemon actually originates from Latin. While phonetically similar to demon, Daemon encompasses all things supernatural. There are many types of Daemon in the world. Some similar to wildlife acting no different than a plant or animal would, others forming societies all of their own such as the elf, or gnome. And other more cunning and scheming who's whole existence is to cause pain an suffering.

This is the minimum requirements. Feel free to add whatever you'd like on top of this

(Image of their Appearance: Anime Prefered)


Personality (Briefly describe how they act)

History (How did they find Daybreak and why did they take the front lines?)

Weapon of Choice

  • Tamers are humans who capture daemons with more animalistic tendencies. They have the added benefit of not endangering their humanity or their soul (typically) with absorbing daemonic energy or dealings with more powerful. If you are a tamer, you can make use of multiple Daemon, but no more than 4 total, as too many Daemons could end up being problematic, especially if they are more dangerous.

    If your Character is a Tamer, detail what their Daemon is and it's abilities. You won't start with more than 1
  • Through some sort of dealing you have made a connection with one Daemon and one Daemon alone. Much like a Tamer, you have a partner to assist you in combat, but that partner is under no obligation to help you other than whatever you can offer it to assist you. They can provide you with a portion of their power and are more intelligent than a tamer's daemon, making them capable of perform far more complex actions.

    If you are a Vassal, specify what your Daemon patron is and what abilities they provide. Also specify what their deal is. Keep what you are capable of at the time reasonable for the start. You will be able to draw out greater power with a deeper bond. (Note that even an Angelic Daemon could have a deal such as: You must be Chaste, You must not hoard possessions, etc).
  • Through one means or another, you have adopted Daemon biology. Perhaps you were bitten by a werewolf, or maybe you had a chimera tail grafted to yourself. Regardless, you are no longer human. Not entirely anyway. You can gain more power by absorbing the abilities of similar Daemon, but this does come at a cost as the daemon blood inside you brings new instincts that may not have been there previously.

    If you are a Demi detail what Daemon you've taken your abilities from and what those abilities are. Also detail how your affected by your daemonic corruption. (Note that you will only be able to absorb abilities that are similar in nature i.e. A vampire may be able to absorb a reaper's abilities, or a more beastial type may be able to absorb a beastial ability, but not combined)

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Caught my attention. I already have a scientist set-up for a similar story all ready to go; of course, with a few minor changes. He'll be one of Goodwin's former students.

Is it possible to have a Vassal that eventually turned a charrie into a Demi? Kinda was thinking on my guy having a civil understanding with a daemon, but after a while the daemon was tired of waiting on him to make due to what he owed it, so it chose to take his payment from him. Now, the Vassal remains with my charrie because it decided to utilize its new Demi for whatever it can claim of him. Don't know if that would be allowed... but trying to build an interesting backstory for my baby. Let me know!
@Phi Chisym Glad you're interested!

As for your question, just for clarity, were you wanting you Character to currently be a Vassal and shift to a Demi later on?
I'm interested, but I'll wait to see if we get a couple more till I make a sheet.
Yes. It would of be something that happens within the first half of the story, possibly; which may/may not cause issues for him in his position.
Alright. I could see that being done, my only concern is an over complication of systems at play for it. I think you'd be able to cause a similar effect though simply by specifying the rules of the deal.

Say you made a deal with say a Vampire. They will help you for trading your blood for their help. At first its controlled, like you give them blood bags, but on a long excursion you can't provide it that way and they decide to drink from the tap, so to say. You may end up becoming a vampire, so you may have a lose of humanity, but the biggest difference between you and a Demi would be demis actively seek out more daemons to merge with themselves.
HA! That's pretty much the extent of what I was considering for a vampire demi. But I was also thinking of possibly a deal with a kelpie, rather than running a vampire. Regardless, wanted to make sure it was an okay concept before going through with it.
I'll likely make a CS myself soon in order to create a completed example at least
  • Thank You
Reactions: Phi Chisym
Ohi, I'll try to have a sheet done by Monday


Simonova Veronika (Vera) Zakharovna


Age: 32 | Weight: | Height: 5'5" | Hair Color: white | Eye Color: Blue, alternate Red.

~ Point of Origin ~

Kamchatka Peninsula - Russian Defense Station Big Diomede Island

~ Personality ~

Guided by duty and native to the freezing cold of Siberia, Vera is a somewhat educated and disciplined. She has came to have a more depressing personality that more and more sees the people around her as little more than trouble, but she is driven by ambition, hate and duty. To reverse the Deep Slumber, to purge the worst of the Daemons, to restore the world, to have a measure of revenge for what she had became, for the fires that still burn her skin. For these reasons does Vera march forward, for these reasons does she allow herself to be studied, for these reasons does she fight. Somewhere however at times, the signs of a woman long lost shows and even a hint of kindness.

She is at least knowledgeable and something of an Early threat detector that tries to hide her disfigurements for the sake of others. Her little quirks are signs that she is not yet so far gone. Or maybe she is and that being is not so far removed from humanity afterall.

~ History ~

Born in the Kamchatka Orblast, Vera had little to do other than study, live and survive in the harsh cold of an area that had more days of Winter than not. Things were fairly typical, the only thing of special note was her enlistment into the Russian Army and a scholarship for study in Vladivostok. Upon completion she was rotated to a MiG-31 Base and listening outpost that kept a close ear on American forces in Alaska, while likely seen as a silly posting by most, seasonally there was an icebridge that linked the two across the Bering Strait and the Diomede islands were contested grounds, watching the oil rich regions and minor Naval Bases for both nations.

As a fresh recruit with a great understanding of English, Vera was based upon the Island, things were rather calm, minus turning back the occasional explorer, or Inuit native. That was until the Slumber. Just one day all of a sudden almost everyone at the Outpost fell asleep with a few who did not, Vera Included. Radio communications would grow sporadic, and all at once largely cease and the occasional patrols out of the Pacific Airbases ceased. Fearing that tensions which had grown in recent years had increased, the base went on high alert and Vera was pushed into infantry Service while what few officers were still awake tried to figure what in the hell had gone on.

A few days later, a being like a human, but monstrous in some features had suddenly appeared on the Island, in the midst of the scattered forces, much like a devil from legend did this being just study them, smirking as it did so, with blazing red eyes, he, or rather it, studied them. As if sizing up a challenge, in the days prior all manner of beasts had shown upon the island, or emerged from the depths, to be dispatched by HMG fire or simply ignored as dumb animals. This however, this was different. Speaking in a tongue none could understand, it began an assault upon the Russian Forces, picking the areas the sleepers were hidden, picking the weak and blasting those with firearms as it happily welcomed challenges or chose the weaker soldiers for use as hostages, a truly malevolent foe.

In an act of desperation, Vera pushed through its fire and claws and buried a knife into its chest. For whatever reason, a simple blade, a decorative Military Academy dagger with silver inlays and blessed by a Military Priest, had done what gunfire had not, plunging deep into the Infernal as the Junior Lieutenant laid on deaths door, the blood of this Daemon mixing into her own, a feeling of overwhelming pain and burning had entered her body as burn marks spread. In her last moments of consciousness she seen a ship on the horizon, one taking great care to stay in the shallows.

A few hours later she was forcefully awaken, the Ship had came from the American Coast Guard, the commander in a gesture of good will had decided to remove American forces from the Smaller of the Islands and then to see if the Russians were alive. In spite of her serious injuries, Vera was the only translator that could do more than basic exchanges, kept awake with painkillers and stim shots, she played the roll of third wheel in negotiations. Ultimately it was decided running to Queen Victoria Island in Canada, or to a shallow port in Alaska was the best course of Action. While Russia was close, the hostile landscape of Siberia and scattered Radio reports made it all in all a longer journey.

During the trek, Vera would go through some...changes, frightening the crew and her former comrades in arms, sprouting two additional arms, covered in burns, and pure white hair, curiously and usefully to the Captain, her eyes would glow red when a strong threat was near, allowing them to chart the ship in safety. Making it to Anchorage, they found a situation in even more chaos, and some were starting to blame Vera for the mess. But the Captain with some hard effort kept Vera safe from harm, as the shipsmen attempted to get a Railcar up and running, or at least the large ferry ships so they could bring the slumbering to warmer waters. All in all this operation took some months and was met with success and disaster, till the cutter itself had to be beached, supplies of ready oil no longer on hand. The World had went to hell and for the time being there was no more Russia, America, Canada, Germany, China, there was none of the nations left, only a few survivors and masses of people in Comas.

But Vera had started to change, and managed to kill another one of the humanoid demons, adding to her deformities as she purposely allowed the blood to pool into her, she was obsessed with returning home, at solving what caused this, of finding the source. Four Long years then she wander deeper into America, an assortment of arms upon her, for four long years did she fight, kill and live, fruitlessly, till a signal came, one that was doing its best to be heard on any and all radios. A group called Daybreak headed by a scientist that was search for answers and trying to gather the scatter enclaves. For better or worse she followed this signal and found the one known as Lukas with his crew, allowing herself to be studied as the possible foundation of a new weapon or a new in progress evolution of man, she just bared it, her smiles or grim look hidden behind and armored mask.

It had been 10 years, 10 long years since the start of it all, and she has became tired or wants to return home, to end this problem at the source.. wherever that source was. Many call her Vera, but White Rakshasa has became something of a title that the combat teams of Daybreak call her.

~Weapon of Choice ~

Firearms, lots of firearms for her multiple arms. Can use four at once in most cases. Not shy of fighting with blades or hand to hand.

~ Demi - Infernal Class~

Infernals are humanoid shaped figures, at times akin to the Devils of Legend, or the multiarmed beings such as the Rakshasa. Daemons who have high reasoning abilities but exist seemingly purely to devil humanity and to seek out the glory of a strong fight. A couple more types have been seen as close to the Infernal, but the "upgrades" she has gained from them has not been apparent.

So far in terms of capabilities, Vera has greatly enhanced physical capabilities of humans and can single handedly comfortably man large scale weapons and has dexterous control of her limbs. She has a Regenerative capability that has kicked in to deal with serious wounds from after her transformation. Theoretically she should have the ability to use fire magic, but for as yet unknown reasons does not have that capability. She typically wears a cloak around others for their comfort rather than her own. She also has an uncanny ability in which her eyes will turn red against threats she can sense or perceive. Normally fairly useful, though some pact daemons she keeps the view of threat around. In some situations it can lead others to believe her eyes are red naturally.
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~ Johnathan Creed ~
Age: 20 | Weight: 168 lbs | Height: 5'11" | Hair Color: Ashy Brown | Eye Color: Brown

~ Point of Origin ~

~ Personality ~
Johnathan has spent the last 10 years on his own. During this time, he has left with only the knowledge that he didn't have much else to work with. Since he was alone for so long, he's begun to be comforted by the silence of the woods. When something unknown enters the equation, he's quick to pull out his rifle and stare whatever it is in the face. In order to keep himself occupied, he's spent lots of time researching the Daemons nearby. Mostly through observations and by watching. He is cautious and anxious and unaccustomed to social interaction from his time sequestered away in the woods. He also has a bad habit of smoking. Something he picked up one winter because it helped him feel warm.

~ History ~
Johnathan grew up not far off from Mesa Verge National Park. His father wasn't the kind of person to place much stock into the government and was only a stones throw away from being a Doomsday Prepper. It turned out to be a boon for poor Johnny boy though. When the Slumber hit, he was the only person in his family of 4 to stay awake. His Mom was asleep in bed, his dad on the couch, and his 9 month old sister lying on her back in her crib. It was just him and the family mutt, Caboose. Unfortunately for John, his family was a decent while away from town. He didn't know where everyone was. He tried calling in for help, but most of the people he knew called, and being 10 years old, he was worried.

He called the police, and managed to contact someone there. They weren't a police officer, but they were someone else looking for some answers. Needless to say, John was happy to have met someone. He was hesitant to let them know where he was, but he needed help so he asked for someone to pick him up. Sure enough they did. It was about an hour before anyone made it to him, but soon a police car stopped by and took him back to the city. The next 7 years were with him and the man who found him. It was a name that was forgettable, and after everything that was about to happen, who can blame him for not remembering. He didn't come home one night. After that, he lived alone with Caboose.

Caboose and him were still together, but the poor mutt was getting old. However, at night everyone was hearing ominous noises, but no one thought anything of it. That was until one night, there was a murder. Everyone was on edge. They had seen things at night, been hearing things. They new that there were monsters, as in real monsters, wandering the woods. But they had never moved this close to the settlement, nor did they seem actively harmful. In some way, they were like wildlife. Someone or something was with them. Then the proverbial witch-hunt began. Everyone was a suspect, and with no one to properly keep the piece, it was only a matter of time.

Another night, another murder. People were on edge. Eventually, people began staying indoors. One night, Johnathan was awoken by the sounds of something wet. Caboose wasn't with him... He walked into the room... There he saw Caboose over a body. There was a strong smell of iron. He didn't make a sound... Yet suddenly, Caboose looked at him. His face... Looked human...

John ran. He ran and ran and didn't turn back. He never wondered what happened to that place. But eventually he was near a river, flowing with a torrent from the melting snow from the mountain peaks. In his fear and frenzy, he fell in, knocking his head on a rock. He woke up later, staring into the face of a massive serpent, about his size. It had horns like a deer, and scales that looked like the rainbow caused from the sun shining through the mist. John backed away in fear... But the snake seemed harmless, almost friendly. It looked over the river and further down the waters. It was calling him to follow. John wondered what was happening, and against his better judgement he followed. The river ended in a lake where a boat was nearby. People were on it. That was where John met Daybreak, who had been making their way to his settlement after making contact about a month ago.

The settlement was empty when they returned.

~Weapon of Choice ~
A simple bolt action hunting rifle is his go to weapon of choice but he does hold a hatchet that he keeps sharpened and by his side.

~ Daemons ~
A large serpent with horns. It is quick and strong, capable of restraining and strangling larger monsters. In addition to its strong stature, it is quick in the water and capable of spraying a torrent of water from it's mouth, as it is said to be a guardian of flowing water as well as a harbinger of storms. However, while it is a guardian for people and has bonded with John, it is fiercely protects bodies of water from harm. Should it see a body of water mistreated, it may attempt to strike, and it takes a strong amount of effort to stop it from destroying what it causing it.
Well haven't rp'd in quite a while but I this seems like the perfect one to come back to :)
Glad to hear it! I'll likely make a discord for us
us to chat soon.
The creativity with your story is super rad! Very intrigued and although I haven't done a group RP yet on this site (I tend to do 1x1) I'd be willing to give this a try. For someone that is a noob when it comes to group RPs though, what are your expectations and how do posting sessions usually go down, just so I'm aware before I commit to making a character sheet.

Thanks for the info! Hope to see this bloom into something. Your banner was well-done too by the way, it was how I found this in the first place.
@Megasis first of all thank you! Glad I was able to catch your attention.

As for posting in group RPs it is noticeably much slower than a typical 1x1 from my experience. Typically I hope for at least one post a week from my players.

Usually a round of posting will involve one big post that moves us forward in the story every week or two. Each player would post, interacting with the world or other characters.

Frequently though we may make Collab posts where multiple players all work on the same post (usually in something like Google Docs) this is typically used for fights or moments where a quickness of action is needed. Otherwise, reply when you want to reply and it makes sense to do so.

I'm not sure how much you typically write for a post though, so keep in mind most of my RPs typically average 2-3 paragraphs per post on the smaller side.

Also if you had any ideas on something that would make your character "special" (like chosen one status or something) maybe bring it up to me. I'm open to the idea, but in a group setting it can feel bad is someone is more special than another (or so I believe)

Let me know if you have any other questions though!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Megasis
Perfect! That all makes a lot of sense to me. Just figured that would be good information to share as well for others that might not be as familiar. Just a couple more questions actually if you don't mind?

For posting length, when you say 2-3 paragraphs on the smaller side, are you saying that is what you prefer? Or that is your bare minimum? Just curious. It makes sense that if this is a group setting, posts that get super long would have the potential to overshadow and cause some issues since it is interaction with more than one character. Just wanted to check though! Before this RP starts and I embarrass myself 😅

Also, do you prefer character sheets to be posted here as well when they are finished? Or is that going to come into play later with a different thread?

Thanks again for being willing to answer my questions!
More what I'd prefer, though so long as there is something to reply to, length isn't really a concern of mine though. Like obviously if you and another character are in a simple conversation you may not need a whole lot of fluff, but a simple 1 liner can be difficult to come up with a meaningful reply sometimes.

Perhaps I should give an example of what posts in my Rp are typically like.

This is the In Character for the last RP I ran. There you can see how post length typically was and the way it fluctuated from time to time.

I'm not going to make fun of you or anyone, so if you want to give it a shot, I'll be happy to be there and willing to give tips and explain my own process, but I understand if it's a bit much for you right now.

As for CSs feel free to post them here when they're done. If I have any comments or questions regarding them when finished I'll message you (and you can do the same if you have questions for me)
Do we go ahead and post our CS here, or are you planning on creating another thread for that?
No that's this thread post them here