To Save The Realms; A D&D Adventure (5e) OOC/Signups

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I've already done all the talkie stuff with Pride to get my character sheet and info done.

Ransom is a Rogue, and a winged Tiefling. Poor guy doesn't know how to fly-but that isn't his flaw!

He tends to be filterless when giving his honest opinion. He is essentially severely sheltered with very limited experience in 'normal life'.
He often comes off as passive, easily led and lacking opinions and preferences of his own.

And he has the cutest little Puffin you've ever seen! (not a flaw)
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Welcome! Glad to have you aboard the RP! I'm the lore and mechanics guy so far and can help if you have any questions! As for me I'm playing a redeemed drow paladin of Eilistraee (basically drow Jesus but she dances naked in moonlight) so it will be fun to see how our character's interact!
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Hi my name is Wolfsin. I used to rp on Iwaku a lot and even ran a rp centered around my own DND world here before. I am returning along with my girlfriend and we are eager to roleplay with you guys, and have some fun. I have been roleplaying a long time and run many worlds both in DND Tabletop, as well as multiple forums and a very long running successful RP company in FF14. Looking forward to this!

Name: Soren Ravensong
Soren in Iwaku DND.jpg
Age: 29
Gender: Male (Straight)

Creature: Polar Bear. His name is Warden!
DND Warden the Bear.jpg

Race/Sub-Race: Shifter (Wildhunt)- Soren appears as a larger dark haired human, but in his tribe there were totems to spirits. These spirits allowed him to take on aspects of a few creatures. Wolf, Beat, Raven, Mountain Goat. The Race of shifter does not directly relate to these but this is the flavor text to go with my racial choice. Yay Viking inspirations!

Alignment: Neutral Good

Class: Ranger
Level 3 Archetype: [Hoping for Monster Slayer Archetype] However if the story takes him another way I will not be opposed or upset.

Beginning Stats:
HP: 12 | AC: 15

Str: 16
Dex: 17 +1* 18
Con: 14
Wis: 14 +2* 16
Int: 13
Cha: 12

Beginning Skills:
Athletics: 5
Stealth: 6
Perception: 4
Animal Handling: 4
Survival: 4
Persuasion: 3

Leather Armor
Wooden Staff
Longbow [Quiver 20 Arrows]
Company Tabard

[Explorers Pack]

10 Gp | 6 SP | 23 Cp

Formed out of the more inhabitable lands between Lurkwood and Icewind Dale, a company of like minded warriors was born. Order of the Ravensong. The company was founded by Jyurandr Ravensong; a long since veteran to wars of the south that branched ever north. He and his two wives Haila and Camille went on to offer up a place to those that had skills for raiding and pillaging, and offered to put them to better use. Of course the lands they were in were none to kind to begin with and that proved a very difficult selling point for fame seekers and those just looking to line their pocket with 'easy' work. Fighting trolls and Gnoll or kobold cults, to dragons and dark entities didn't appeal to the general populace.

So it was that the Order of the Ravensong lost more and more members, but in doing so it also retained those that were most loyal to the ideals set forward. Then soon enough Jyurandr had a child with Haila. Their son was named Soren and immediately from the time he was just a young boy, Soren was taught to obey the laws of the wild. He would hunt with his father, and with his mothers they would teach him of the stars, of plants, and all that nature had to offer. Most importantly they spoke of Balinor the Hunter. Teaching Soren of the spirits and the guides that blessed every battle and every hunt that their clan went on.

As Soren grew up, the Order began getting new members, there were barbarian tribes northwest of their encampment and many of the nobles and locals were desperate to see them either dealt with or subdued in some way. The rumor of The Order spread and with each new battle, Jyurandr had more and more warriors to ready for battle. This forced him to allow Soren into the ranks with them, if only so that he could still have time to train his son.

With the new warriors however, came a dissonance. There were plenty that didn't believe that their methods should be limited. They had barbaric skills, they had power and there was no reason they should move south and take their strength against anyone in their path. They wanted to raid, pillage, and plunder; and when Jyurandr refused to budge on his ideals, none of them were too happy. This sparked the fires of rebellion, and for the first time Soren was forced to watch his father kill a comrade in cold blood. Jyurandr was forced to defend his position and once he had, the whispers finally stopped.

It wasn't the end of this however, for one day while on a mission a group of the newer raiders tried to sneak off and take spoils from a nearby hovel. Jyurandr learned of this and immediately went to confront them, Assuming his command; Soren and his fathers second in command along with some of their most loyal warriors went to stop the rebel group, but they were waiting and ready. Jyurandr who always sought to believe in the best of people; even those born to war and strife; was no prepared and whilst trying to reason with the leader of this insurrection, a careful shot from a crossbow crippled the leader of the Order and when he fell to his knees he pushed Soren behind him even as the rebel group emerged from their hiding spots and slaughtered those most loyal to Jyurandr. The Leader of them making a point of going for Jyurandr himself.

He would not go down easily, fighting off two to three of them at a time, and even the leader of the insurrection. His second stood beside Soren and Jyurandr and fought more fiercely that any of the greatest bears they revered. But the longer the battle went on the clearer it became that this fight was lost. So, slaying his foe, Jyurandr forced himself to his feet and grabbed his son by the back of his hair to touch his forehead to his. "Live son. The Order lives with you." Before Soren could protect, Jyurandr's second swept in and pulled him away, understanding his leader's words completely. He left with him his Longbow and with Soren thrown over his shoulder, the man ran. The sound of arrows piercing shitty armor could be heard. Once, Twice.. then the pull of a string; the snap of a bow.. Jyurandr was killed.

Soren and the Second in command ran back to their encampment and immediately they called for those still loyal to the cause to follow. This man was now their leader, just as he'd been Jyurandr's closest friend. Soren would never forget the wailing of his mothers cry as they learned of what happened. The curses from Camille were nearly witch like in their nature. But they packed what they could, and the survivors stole into the night to find their new home.

Time passed, The new leader of the Order was not so ambitious as Soren's father and so the Order faltered. Most of his time was spent training Soren now how to use any weapon he picked up. But he didn't let him go back into battle. Instead naming him Quartermaster; the one responsible for arming and relaying notices and information. It was an easy job but Soren knew that it was meant to be this way because the new leader did not want to see him in danger.

No matter how the new leader tried however he would never shake Soren's resolve to rejoin the fight, to get stronger, and to kill those that remained of the group that killed his father. Camille.. felt the same.

One day as Soren was training on his own, camille approached him and told him to turn to her. She looked into his gray blue eyes and slowly breathed against his forehead as she chanted. "Son of Jyurandr, Son of Beasts. I can feel the rage which wells in you like a storm. You are of Haila, but you are also of my blood. Go to the mountain and seek your answers. The path is marred in blood but it is yours to carve out." Camille said no more, releasing him and pointing to the misty mountains, part of the Spine.

Soren could not deny her words. He couldn't shake the feeling of destiny that pulled at him and guided him towards those mountains, and so he went. A days travel without word, before the chilling mist tortured his tired bones. His heart was pounding and then in the mists he saw what he'd come for, at first it was a man. It was his father walking like a ghost through the mist, but as he followed it became clear that it was no man that he followed, but a wolf. A proud grey wolf, and as they entered the glade he was joined by others. Each baring a mark on them that was so familiar. His Father had the mark, and so did most of his loyal warriors who had died that day. And as Soren came to the pond at the center of that meadow and looked at his reflection; he realized that he also had it.

"Father! Is this what you meant. The Order lives with me?!" Soren was desperate, looking for any sign; but as all of their eyes turned to him, they vanished and instead there was a bear twice his size that looked at him from the other side of the pond. Meeting Soren's eyes as if they knew everything about him. Soren remained quiet but his mind spoke for him. Decadent whispers filling the air before he could think to stop them. His want for vengeance; and to fight for the order. His anger at how they'd become so reluctant. It wasn't until he felt blood dripping from the marks he'd seen on his face, that Soren realized that the Bear ahead of him was exactly the same.

Soren spoke again, but this time it was in duality with the bear. His vow to kill them. To see that his father, his clan had peace finally. With that vow and as the last of his blood fell into the pond the marks on his body seared through the flesh, alight in a greenish blue glow. Sigils and runes in the shape of an animal, a bear at that time; surged to life. When Soren returned to the encampment he would never be the same.

The leader could tell he was different. Soren could see that they too had the markings, his of a Raven. The man was not excited by Soren's awakening but instead cursed Camille for defying Jyurandr's wishes. Despite his reluctance, Soren would no longer be simply the quartermaster, he demanded to go back on the field and the leader could no longer deny him with all that he knew. So it was that Soren began again, and with the power of his clan, of the Wild Hunt on his side; Balinor's blessed warror fought like a beast and became known within the Order of the Ravensong as the Son of the Maw.

Soren grew up fast after this, the battles he participated in weren't exceptional but he was learning fast. Studying different creatures well before going to a new land. He often did so while resting under a very large tree, falling asleep there with a set of books rest beside him, while his spear was always tightly clasped in hand... but this time Soren did not awaken to the sounds in the forest he knew. No this time he would awaken surrounded by several others that he'd never seen before, and again that pull of destiny was too strong to ignore.

Final Notes:
Soren has a bear like tattoo on his upper back that runs into his side and right arm.
-More to come as I think of it-
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Glad to have you Wolfsin! Our current party so far: My paladin, wizard, two rogues, and now your ranger. I look forward to RPing with you and the stories we'll make.

For the next person to join, I would like to request another frontliner/tank if the next person to join who reads this message is willing... I can't tank for an entire party on my own 😅.
Awesome! Welcome to the team @Wolfsin Glad to have you here =)

@EldridSmith No worries! I'll provide a tank/frontliner if no others show up. Promise I won't leave you hanging to take the brunt of the bullies!
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Nice to meet you friend! Seems like a fun party to me so far, Sadly I doubt your request will be met though. Considering if I'm right the next person to join will be my RL Girlfriend who is also excited about this rp [Just busy atm.] Either way this is going to be a fun one. I think i can help in frontline too if all goes well. Even if im not super tanky I will have some heavy specialization going on with the spear where I can. Thinking I will take the Tunnel Fighter Fighting style, which will give me the best options for using reach with polearms.

PS The Gf is looking at going Bard, Please look forward to it =D
I'm planning to make a fighter or a barbarian so your not alone :)
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No worries Wolfsin, A bard will be a welcome addition to the group =)
And there you go Eldrid! Andy stepping up to help be a meat shield.
I love it when everything starts coming together! *rubs hands together and cackles*

oops, did I say that out loud? D:
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I've got some time so I'm going to throw something super quick together for my character and post it. It won't be finished but it'll at least give you all an idea of what I'm doing :)
Well bards are good at healing buffs and utility so their help will certainly be appreciated! Another charisma character to cover deception and intimation will be appreciated since I specialized in persuasion since my goal is to redeem those who have fallen to the path of evil and can potentially be redeemed! (Hoping to pick up an expertise in persuasion for my character later as well)
Oh thank you soooo much! I'm super grateful to have another person to help save the squishies! Mind if I talk to you about your idea? I've got a cool concepts I wanna pitch since you're thinking of front lining. @Andy

Glares silently and plots around Pride's plots
Lol yeah that's fine @EldridSmith I'll hear what your plans are and we can see if it'd be something I'm interested in :)
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Ok here's what I've got done so far :) all that's left is all the specific details that still need to be added plus his background but overall this is my character.
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My pc? or maybe D&D beyond? decided it ain't happy and keeps tossing an error so I'll take a look when I wake up <3
Hey if anyone is interested, I did my Background and Bio. Still need to think of more for the final notes but please let me know what you think of the rest. ^^
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Hey if anyone is interested, I did my Background and Bio. Still need to think of more for the final notes but please let me know what you think of the rest. ^^
Love it! =D
@PrideAscending I know that you couldn't get it to work last night but I just wanted to ask if you were able to get the link to my character working today :) again I know it's just the basic shell so far and I'm still working on everything else but I at least wanted to get something up.
@Andy I keep getting a

"Whoops! We rolled a 1 on our Authentication check. We're heading into town to visit the blacksmith for repairs.

Try again after a Short Rest."

error :/
@Andy I keep getting a

"Whoops! We rolled a 1 on our Authentication check. We're heading into town to visit the blacksmith for repairs.

Try again after a Short Rest."

error :/
I do too.
I just tried it myself and I got the same thing. I'm at work rn so I'll take a look when I get home and see what I can do to fix it.