To Save The Realms; A D&D Adventure (5e) OOC/Signups

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Hi! Count me in! I'm still tossing a few race ideas around but I want to go bard for sure and would like the Arctic Wolf as my animal. (Wolfsin also mentioned I should point out I am the girlfriend he's been talking about.)
I just realized we don't have any humans, half elves, or halflings so far. I'm so used to games where there are a ton of those 😂 .
Not entirely a bad thing Eldrid :P

Also welcome to the group Rheiya!
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Once Andy has his sheet fixed, and Rheiya has hers assembled I think we're about ready to start.

Remember your flaws and story hooks! I'm looking for those xD
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I'm home now and will work on that shortly. My flaw is already added to my sheet :) just gotta add the story hooks/background stuff I have in mind

Alright here's a new link let's see if this works. If someone could please try it for me and let me know if it works please. Otherwise I'll just post a PDF version of it and if any major updates happen as the story goes on I'll just update that one instead.

Alright here's a new link let's see if this works. If someone could please try it for me and let me know if it works please. Otherwise I'll just post a PDF version of it and if any major updates happen as the story goes on I'll just update that one instead.
You need an account to do it, but yeah I can access it.
Hm..alright I'll just post the PDF then makes it easier. Especially in case no one else has an account.


Background: Gregor's life was pretty normal by most standards. He and his twin brother Reshkal were born in one of the mountain strongholds of the dwarves. His father was a soldier, their mother was a smith. Both boys were inseparable since birth. They did everything together from playing pranks, to working in the smithy with their mom, to training to become the best soldiers they could under the tutelage of their father. As they grew older the brothers bond only got stronger and stronger and both had dreams and goals of working their way to the top of ranks in the dwarvish army. Most would say that their life was on the perfect track and before long the two brothers would be generals..however it was not to be.

One day while the two brothers were on a routine patrol of the outskirts of the mountain they were ambushed by a troll..while the two brothers were capable soldiers..there was only so much the both of them could do on their own. A fierce battle ensued..neither the brothers nor the troll backing down, they matched each other blow for blow and wound for wound..until it finally happened. Gregor took a hard hit and lost his shield and was defensless against the Trolls next attack..which sent him falling from the cliffs to the rocky outcrops below..and his brother Reshkal to fight on his own. The fall didn't kill Gregor..but it did knock him unconscious and he was unable to return to fight by his brother's side.

How long Gregor had laid at the bottom of the cliffs he didn't know..but when he finally woke up it was dark..and he was battered and bloody and weak from the fall..but only one thing burned in his mind..finding his brother. That fire alone was the thing that drove him back up the cliff side to where the fight had been..upon reaching it though he didn't find any sign of the troll or his brother only the blood that had been left behind from the fight earlier. Having no other option he began the long trek back up the mountain to his home to pray that his brother was there waiting for him.

And waiting his brother was..but not in the way he would have hoped. His brother had died fighting the troll..a second scouting party had been sent down to search for the brothers when they had not returned on time...and by the time they had arrived on scene his brother had been killed fighting the troll on his own..and the troll was gone. After his brother's death Gregor left the army and the mountain village to go off on his own. Now..he travels from town to town offering his talents in return for money..which he normally spends on a drink. While stlil friendly..Gregor is slow to truly open up and accept anyone he comes across. Add to that his inability to turn down a drink when one is available and he has become quite the secluded individual.


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Alright here's a new link let's see if this works. If someone could please try it for me and let me know if it works please. Otherwise I'll just post a PDF version of it and if any major updates happen as the story goes on I'll just update that one instead.
I'm the only one who really NEEDS to see it, so I got an account and saved the page, thanks <3
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I added Gregor's appearance and his background. Hope you all like it.
Awesome! =) Make sure to shoot me a few plot hooks and your chosen flaw.
@Wolfsin If you could update your languages known on your sheet that'd be awesome <3 xoxo
Otherwise pending Rheiya's completed sheet we can get started sooner rather than later. Whoo!
@PrideAscending my chosen flaw is the flaw listed on his official CS. As far as plot hooks I'll have to talk to you about those since at the moment I don't have much for ideas XD
Herp Derp, ignore me. My brain doesn't work too well oof!
@PrideAscending My character sheet should be updated with all necessary information now. Let me know if anything needs changed!
@Wolfsin Looks good to me =) Thank you!
Looking forward to it :)
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I might find it a bit hard to follow in the beginning but I am sure I'll get the hang of it. Its exciting to be able to play in a game of D&D, albeit over a forum but I'm sure that it'll be great regardless
Also, should I send my character information here? I noticed that others were and wondered if I should.
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