Tower of Eternity - Death Unchained

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Risen again.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy and SciFi are the two genres I most enjoy. I absolutely adore Dark Fantasy/Dark SciFi, and I quite enjoy RPs with at least a facet of comedy in them too.

In ancient times the great evil Belial sought to dominate all life. The demon summoned all the forces of hell as well as corrupting much of humanity. In response, the archangels were dispatched to Earth to rally those that stood against Belial. A huge and bloody war ensued, leading to a climactic battle outside Belial's dark fortress. The battle turned against Belial when the divine power of the archangels banished his demon servants, and the remaining humans were overrun and scattered to the winds. Belial himself was banished to the underworld, bound in chains that would bind him for centuries.

Or so the story was told, millenia ago. The originals were lost to time, only recently rediscovered amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls. About the most many people could draw on would be the names - Gabriel, Lucifer et al. have found themselves interwoven with the religious texts of the eras that followed.

And so, humanity endured. All thoughts of supernatural existences and angels and demons reduced to worship, or creatures of myth to be scoffed at and dismissed. Technology developed, the world continued turning. Until yesterday. A massive global EMP surge brought the modern world to a screeching halt. Global communications blacked out, news outlets went dark...such an event was unprecedented, and caused widespread panic.

And then, the following day, people awoke to find the pulse over, and news of a featureless obsidian tower jutting hundreds of feet into the air on the outskirts of Philadelphia. No markings, no sign of had seemingly appeared overnight. The world was stunned. Was it aliens? An elaborate prank? A government project? Confusion reigned supreme.

And yet none were as confused as you. After all, you woke up safe and sound today, but nothing can erase the traumatic memory of your death the previous day, nor the agony that followed. You do not know what happened, but surely this tower cannot be a coincidence...right?

In Tower of Eternity, you will take on the role of one of the Deathless, a group of humans who find that death is no longer so permanent as it once was. You will grapple with your new relationship with mortality, your place in this world and this link with this mysterious tower. Will you follow your destiny, or stand in its path? Though you yourself do not know it, the future of the world will eventually hang in the balance.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Sounds intriguing O.O
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Oooooohhh... a Dark Tower...? Ummmm yes. Gunslingin' Fo'sho. The Boo Girlie likey^^
Actually... Boo does have some questions:

What is required:
~writing level?
~post frequency?
~face claim art style?
~max. number of RPers?
~Can we play multi charries?
~Is there dice/stats use?

Thanks ya~^^!!
Actually... Boo does have some questions:

What is required:
~writing level?
~post frequency?
~face claim art style?
~max. number of RPers?
~Can we play multi charries?
~Is there dice/stats use?

Thanks ya~^^!!
Would be looking for probably intermediate-adept. Basically, if you can write coherently and make a believable character who can respond to the world around them and develop in the face of their experiences, I'll be happy.

Post frequency I'd be looking at a minimum of one post per week, about two paragraphs or so. If you're interacting with someone, you could use a google doc to put together a joint post, or you could do multiple smaller posts. That would be the minimum I'd expect, and obviously more than that would be great!

In terms of fc art style I'm fairly flexible - just bear in mind this is a modern setting.

Max number isn't really something I put a definite number on - I was hoping for around 8 characters. Should we be falling short of RPers to reach that number then I would absolutely consider allowing multiple characters.

I have no intention of using dice or stats in this RP - I have used them before and in some situations they have their place - but it adds a large workload on for me as the GM. Any sort of conflict resolution will be based on people not godmodding, and if I do see people doing it then the hand of GM may come down to slap them on the wrist a couple of times, and eventually may deliver an almighty blow of smiting.

Character death may happen in this RP, but given you play as a Deathless, that ain't such a big deal compared to others.
Would be looking for probably intermediate-adept. Basically, if you can write coherently and make a believable character who can respond to the world around them and develop in the face of their experiences, I'll be happy.

Post frequency I'd be looking at a minimum of one post per week, about two paragraphs or so. If you're interacting with someone, you could use a google doc to put together a joint post, or you could do multiple smaller posts. That would be the minimum I'd expect, and obviously more than that would be great!

In terms of fc art style I'm fairly flexible - just bear in mind this is a modern setting.

Max number isn't really something I put a definite number on - I was hoping for around 8 characters. Should we be falling short of RPers to reach that number then I would absolutely consider allowing multiple characters.

I have no intention of using dice or stats in this RP - I have used them before and in some situations they have their place - but it adds a large workload on for me as the GM. Any sort of conflict resolution will be based on people not godmodding, and if I do see people doing it then the hand of GM may come down to slap them on the wrist a couple of times, and eventually may deliver an almighty blow of smiting.

Character death may happen in this RP, but given you play as a Deathless, that ain't such a big deal compared to others.

K awsomes^^ Thanks for answers. And just to clarify then:

~when we start IC-ly we have just woken up and trying to figure out what the actual effs just happened to us??o,O??
Pretty much, though you'll have some help in that regard too
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
I'm not entirely sure yet if I'll be able to manage another RP with a weekly post speed..... but goshdarnit I am interested in this.
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If you feel up to it, it'd be great to have you!
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Just a heads up, @The_J and @Eru will be assisting me in GMing this
*Teehees* I just thought... I could always use a certain character called Sean Tucker here.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Reactions: Joan and Eru
I won't be able to manage any more rps right now, especially ones with weekly posting speeds, but I just wanted to pop in and say I'm interested, just unable to commit as of now. I do hope, however, that when I find the time, I can hop in. ^_^