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Bit of an awkward thing for me to branch into.. I'm quite shy about it actually. (Note: I will update this frequently if I receive backlash/criticism about either my request or my rp style.)

I'd prefer a malexmale sort of scenario but I'm not opposed to a female character. However there does not have to be any sort of paring; I just want some kind of relationship built in the rp. Friendship, father/son, father/daughter, crazy uncle/nephew or niece.. You get the picture.

Most of my mechs are based off Transformers however I will completely crush continuity to bring certain characters into an rp. I like to throw them into scenes they'd never be in to see what happens.

As for plots, I do like extensive networks of characters. I do not make the entire plot but many subplots that knit together into a larger picture. I really like the survival sort of genera, a rough existence sort of scene. I also enjoy action and adventure, with some fight scenes of course. I try very hard to keep my mechs not entirely over powered.

This could be mechxmech or mechxhuman, I really don't know what I prefer because I've yet to experiment.

My charries often come in pairs however I'm flexible with that. If you want a singular character that is fine with me.

A few character examples(Right now i'm only in a mech rp mood.):

As for other characters I will play "canon" ones but again i tend to distort plots in an AU sort of way. That can be discussed.(Side note that if you know nothing about the Transformers' raw lore, backstories, etc that will not affect the rp. I'm quite good at weaving that in.)

I generally like to be a dominate voice in rp, however I will want to check extensively your personal boundaries to make sure I dont cross any. I will ask like 100 times to make absolutely certain.

There will be plot of some kind to this and it could blossom into an extensive story. If that happens I will add a great deal of NPC characters. I have a LOT of experience directing many characters at once and keeping the dialogue straight.

Post length tends to depends on if you take my charries as a pair, or individual. I average either one medium-large paragraph plus dialogue, two or three small paragraphs plus dialogue, or two larger paragraphs. However the length also depends on my partner's post length. Apparently this is kind of short?

Any other questions I'd prefer a private message as this makes me somewhat embarrassed to talk about ^^' Sorry for the awkward post structure.

Plot idea: Windcatcher- A young bot traveling alone separated from his mentor, desperately in need of a guiding hand. Awkward, shy, and wary, but overly trusting, the little bot will attach himself to anyone that offers some stability in a war-torn life. But not everyone wants to see the young bot have a peaceful life..
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Updated with a small plot nugget. Can be changed/expanded on
Still interested, though i've found a partner. ^^
Still looking for another rp. Posted a new thread.
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