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What Group Roleplay would you like to see done?

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Forever Bound to Him
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
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  7. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Romance , Heated , Modern , Historical , Fantasy , Fandom , Flexible to any kinds


Hi There , Darling Writer's!

Hello , Hello! So , at the end of last year I had compiled and written many... Many Idea's. I do plan to do each of these this year and have put much love into each and every one of them , with the help of some of my favorite Iwaku Bestie's! I plan to leave the general plot for each in spoilers for you all to read up on and tell me what you think! I will also set up a poll with the idea's to see the rankings and which one's I should ponder doing and the order to keep them in! I am open to answering any of your questions and I'm always open to idea's and hearing your thoughts on what we should do! I am also open to having CO-GM's for any to work with. I promise I don't bite! Well... I bite a little but , never in the bad way , Darling's. Now , read away and I can't wait to hear what you all think!

OOC ~ Sorry About my Coding! For some reason it hates me today and wants to keep making multiple boxes.. >.< Plots are in the final boxes and I will have someone fix them as soon as I can!
Welcome , Citizen _______ to your second chance. Humanity has fallen into pollution and corruption. In every direction you will see within your cities their failures and the paths they are taking. Is this the world humanity sought to have? With all that your kind fought for , you have let yourselves fall to such a low state. Let me help you recall what the world once was.

Before you all brought down upon it. Your world lies on the edge of enviromental collapse. Is this what you truly wanted to happen to your world?

Nearly fifty years ago , humanity was at its prime and learning to truly exist in an era of peace.
Technology had reached an utterly new high and had developed into something that the world could believe in truly. Diseases that had killed off great numbers of your people along the known lines of Cancer and Leukimia , cures were found in new technology. Crimes rates decreased , Political corruption had drawn to an end. Yet , your kind still found a way to bring despair and corruption back into play. You used the technology that was truly built for good to crush what good could be found in it. You used it for the wrong cause and in that alone , Failure was found in the actions taken by mankind. You decided to allow technology and the good people to become corrupted. In years passing , it only became worse and then with the wars your kind raged , your enviroment became unbearable to live in to the point where survival was not easy to believe in. The future was dimming and falling into a wasteland of darkness.

Your only hope , lies nearly a million years in the past and in it alone , will you find a chance. That is , if you are chosen to go forth and meet your new future. Not all can be sent to this second chance. Most of the population must remain and only those selected will be offered the chance to start again.

Now , some can be offered a chance through the Lottery. The Lottery , is a chance where you can place your name electronically into the System and every month , 35 names will be chosen at random selection from the database by name and speciality. It is then , those individuals will be offered the chance to enter the new world if so wanted. If you deny the slot , it will instantly be eliminated and not offered to another. The final way to be offered a chance to this new world is to be recruited. The division that runs ________ are a military based system. Commander ______ runs the new land in which they actively seek people who would help better the growing civilization. Doctors , Nurses , Specialist's , Gardeners , Cooks , Soliders , Survialist's and so on. They are what the community needs in order to thrive.

  • Founders Academy was created a little over a decade ago for the outcasts of society. It was a branch that was devised by an older friend to Charles Xavier. The people that just never quiet fit anywhere else either because they where born different (mutants), they made poor choices, or they just had a personality that no one else seemed to be able to tolerate. These people where welcomed at Founders and given a second chance and some might even say something like a family. The founder of Founders was an eccentric older woman with a kind heart and a free spirit named Felicity Felix. She had always been a bit of a free spirit preferring to blaze her own path in life rather than confirm to society's narrow minded views. Indeed from an early age she decided she was going to give the narrow minded bigots of the world the metaphorical bird and live her life exactly as she pleased.
  • For years Felicity spent her life traveling the world. She loved to visit other cultures and was a great fan of the thrill of adventure. During her travels she met Charles Xavier and began what would be something of a life long acquaintance (if not outright friendship). It was through her connection to Xavier that she decided on her life's greatest adventure. You see she had always admired the work Xavier did with his school and when she finally decided to settle down she decided that she would follow his lead and open a school of her own.
  • Now despite taking her inspiration from Xavier's School Felicity knew right from the start her school would be different. Felicity decided her school would be more about training then academia. So she set up her school to be more about "real world experience" and enjoyment than pesky things like academics or standardized tests. While students could take academic courses if they so wished they where entirely voluntary and treated like elective courses. Felicity also built her school in a secluded wilderness near the US – Canadian border and brought much of the surrounding forest herself. The campus was quiet large with extra buildings built in later years to accommodate the student body's unfortunate tendency to cause massive amounts of property damage if not properly supervised and/or amused.
  • After she had her campus built and her curriculum planned out all that was left for Felicity to do was hire a staff and start searching for students . Now Felicity was a creative thinker and instead of going through an agency or dealing with all those boring interviews she decided to simply put out a few personal ads on such sites as craigslist or the like and see what she came up with. As with most things in Felicity's life leaving things to chance worked out fabulously for the woman. You see Felicity was not only a free spirit but also a mutant, one born with Luck. So Felicity had learned from an early age that things just seemed to fall into place for her as long as she put a minimal amount of effort into them. Besides she had always found that thinking outside the box and going the unexpected route typically resulted in a far more entertaining outcome anyway.
  • Sure enough her off the wall approach worked and she managed to find herself some truly interesting individuals to work for her. She later used the same approach to hire all new staff members and scout for students. Her philosophy always being if they where meant to be at Founders they would find their way. Surprisingly enough this was true and whether they came through personal ads, social media, word of mouth, or just plain luck people began arriving to her school and Felicity welcomed them all with open arms.
  • Over the years the school gathered something of a reputation to it as well. Due to Felicity's somewhat carefree approach to schooling and focus on "real world" and "hands on" experience the school became something of a madhouse. The students were given few rules and so had the tendency to run rampant if not watched carefully, something that Felicity and a fair number of the faculty had a distressing habit of encouraging. Not only that but explosions, strange weather patterns, and just all around super-powered chaos tended to abound whenever those children with less than perfect control of their abilities were allowed to "practice" throughout the campus. While several buildings were usually in a near constant state of repair the school was oddly enough an explosive success. Whether this was due to the curriculum working or just Felicity's luck no one was ever quiet sure.
  • Unfortunately as with all good things eventually some things had to come to end. Eventually old age caught up to the free-spirited Felicity and she passed on to her next great adventure leaving most of the school in mourning . She went out with a bang with mostly well intentioned fireworks and a lot of drunken eulogies, but as the saying goes the show must go on. With Felicity out of the picture it was now up to her staff to keep the school from self destructing and carry on her legacy. Which was a good deal easier said than done. Luckily they did have a glimmer of hope in the form of a letter. You see Felicity had a relative that she had designated as the next Headmaster and she had arranged for a letter to be sent to the new Headmaster in the event of her death. The staff could only hope that this strange relative would have Felicty's gift with the students and they would be able to keep the school running. Until then they would simply be thankfully for their many stashes of booze and the fact that the school contractors probably made as much money as Oprah on a bad day and the school lawyer was gifted at talking people out of lawsuits.
  • With that said welcome to Founders Academy where our motto is "Grab a beer and try not to kill anybody" "Don't worry your just as sane as we are."
  • Recently Felicity's great niece has been seen on the campus talking to the Deputy Headmistress about Felicity's dying request. After much talking the great niece has decided that she does not feel qualified to take on the responsibility of running the school. This has left the Deputy Headmistress in something of a difficult situation but she is nothing if not a resourceful person and so she has decided that who better to help her run the school than the faculty? People who dedicate themselves to teaching the ungrateful brats that make up the student body and have years of practice maintaining a reasonable amount of control over said student body.
Still Working on Antagonist Idea's and Drive.

Donated Idea from my friend , Kiva! ^^
The power of Europe is divided between two great empires. To the south, encompassing parts of Africa and up through Italy and France is the Atlantean Empire. A land ruled from the island kingdom of Atlantis, this power has outlasted all those who wished to overthrow it. In the cold north from Greenland and Iceland down through England, Scotland and Ireland, is the vast Brittania Empire. This power came into control late, uniting the cultures of the Norsemen and the Celts. Slowly, both Empires have set their sights on the independent countries between them.

During the reign of the dower Empress Victoria, it happened. Atlantis sank beneath the waves. No one knows what really happened. Rumor has it, a civil war between the king and his brother and the resulting conflict caused a secret weapon to explode and sink the island. The sudden vacuum has caused turmoil in the lands as Brittania and the various small countries try to swallow up the lands of Atlantis, and the loyal people of Atlantis wait for the day their kingdom will rise again.

There were a few survivors of the sinking. Among them were the infant prince and princess. Whisked away to the Americas, which is torn between the sudden loss of Atlantis. The northern coast is loyal to Brittania, and the southern coast is loyal to Atlantis. The prince was saved by people loyal to Atlantis and brought to the south of the Americas and raised him with the knowledge that he will someday travel to Atlantis, raise it from the waves and retake control. Without knowing his twin sister is still alive, they raise him on stories of how cruelly his family was killed.

The little princess is adopted by a family loyal to Brittania and raised in the north of the Americas. Without the knowledge of what she really is, her only clue is a ring that her family has tried hard to keep from her. Like her twin brother, she has the power to raise Altlantis.

Twenty years after the fall of Atlantis and the lands are still in on the brink of war. The few surviving nobility of Atlantis sank their claws into the surrounding land, unwilling to let it go. Brittania has slowly taken control while the various country-states have as well. Each year, Atlantis shrinks as their military forces dwindle. Their only hope lies in the twins and should one of them raise Atlantis.

And so, the race begins. Which royal member will reach Atlantis first? What will they do once they raise Atlantis from the waves? Are they strong enough to hold on to Atlantis once it's raised, or will another steal that glory? The other powers involved want to control the destiny of Atlantis, be it raised up and steal the power, or destroy those with the power to raise it.

So, who are you? Are you a loyal Atlantean who wishes to see your chosen royalty on the throne? Are you a spy from Brittania who wishes to steal the power of Atlantis for your empress, or yourself? Are you from one of the smaller countries that lie between Atlantis and Brittania, and need that power to finally wrestle yourself from the cloud of oppression that threatens from both north and south? Or are you acting on your own, and want to just steal that power for yourself?


Their father was a famed pirate, and at times hired mercenary. Their mother was his Mistress. She was the wife of a Sargent, who while he was away fighting in the war, she came to find pirates in the near by tavern. Needless to say, one particular had a charismatic way about him, that drew women towards him. But alas , his interest clearly that night was focused on the auburn haired beauty that seemed to stop the tavern when she walked in with her mere presence. To many she was taboo, as the Sargent was ruthless in making people disappear. But of course , this was only a challenge for him. At first , she as reluctant to pursue the man. But , as the months grew, she started to find that she enjoyed his careful life, his way of the seas, and his charisma. Her husband finding out beat her greatly, this only causing the pirate to come and murder the man. Taking him while he slept that very night with Alessandra's beaten body wound beneath his arms as tears flooded her cheeks.

As the years went on they traveled the seas, making their names know to other pirating crews. They were a crew to be reckoned with. Looting, pillaging and gaining holds of lands that only people dreamt off. Their wealth grew. But as their wealth grew, Alessandra started to realize the one thing she wanted most, hadn't come to light as of yet. Children. Her husband had always lavished her with anything that she wanted, given in to her every whim. She was his goddess. It was a struggle for him at first to understand what his wife wanted. This would mean a hinder in their lavish lifestyle. But in the end he gave in. Even though he didn't hang his hat fully, he took a few years off of his pirating business. Him and his wife settled in to a small house that over looked a cliff. As the years went on, they had five children and they were all but the light and joy of their world.

The year was now 1742, their father had returned out to the sea for several months. The day had started out as it always did. Each one of them going out to perform their daily routines, but then when they returned it was then that their lives were turned upside down. The room they walked into was painted red that night.They found their mother brutally raped and murdered, with a note pinned to a wall with a cutlet......

" You dared to claim all the sea's as that of your own and with it all the loot and freedom we men cling brutally to. For that we will claim all ye love and destroy it... Blood for Blood.. Yer one true love now has joined the filth of the world and her blood paints the ground crimson.. Beware as ye and your family be next and not even Davey Jones will prevent us from finding you.."

It was then that they decided that without telling their father, they would go out and avenge the death of their mother , followed by those loyal to them and some in more than one way... The children set off at one another's sides to all four corners of the earth in order to settle the score with the pirates that killed their mother... As the other Captain's sent forth their finest to clean the sea's of their so called Blood Enemy.. What will fate unfold? Will blood turn against Blood? Will forbidden love and passions arise?

That story is to be unfolded down upon the Sea..

More Ideas's to be Posted!
Soul Eater: Reborn
House of Night/Vampire Academy Plot: Darkness Breaking
Stardust: The Fallen One's
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Reactions: Pyralithia
Pirate RP's never fail to entertain, that much is certain.
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Reactions: Shayla
X-Men ~ New Generation... Hands Down. No question about it.



They always have of spark of fun to them and I do adore them.^^

So can't detect the excitement here... :D Find me more peeps and I'll make this baby happen.^^
I was hoping you didn't notice the excitement XD.

And The Tag Master is on it lol.
  • Love
Reactions: Shayla
I was hoping you didn't notice the excitement XD.

And The Tag Master is on it lol.
It was beyond subtle... I was lucky to happen upon it. :D

And Tag away , beloved!
where my x-pirates at
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Reactions: Shayla
Love to see the interest! If you all know of any who would be interested in these kinds of RP's , Please tag away!^^
Pirate and house of night rp

Boo chooses pirates fo'sho!!

...and no idea what Stardust is about but Fallen Ones sounds pretty cooooools ;D​
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Reactions: Shayla

*deposits potato* X-Men...I am usually frosty to canon RPs, even with OC inserts, but X-Men's one that could work for me....

*deposits potato* X-Men...I am usually frosty to canon RPs, even with OC inserts, but X-Men's one that could work for me....
You better join >.>
I am not much of a fan of X-Men, so out of all of them, I am more interested in the pirates than anything.
I am not much of a fan of X-Men, so out of all of them, I am more interested in the pirates than anything.
**Regrets Tagging you >.>** Nah jk XD
Looks like I've got some love in this universe xD
Looks like I've got some love in this universe xD
*Waves* Heyoooooooooo!~ *Nahele tumbles you* (It's just a tackle hug, I hug you in such a strong manner that I tackle you xD)
I'd love to but I think I have all the rps I can handle at the moment. Thank you for the tag though!!! *i'll be keeping an eye on this thread* :)
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Reactions: Justin
Looks like I've got some love in this universe xD
If you didn't know you had love, than I must be doing something wrong XD
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