Try the heart string.

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He might have decked him but Bal had a much more satisfying idea. As the drunk's foot began to be broken, the sounds had Issac's throat close up. Even as stomach churning as the probable annihilation of his foot was, he should not persisted. The man got what he deserved, for sure. No one needs to get harassed by drunk oafs. His hand was then taken and the whimpering faded into the back of his brain.

As Bal stops, Issac forces himself to not run into her. They were unintentionally, intimately close for about a half of a heartbeat. Momentum finally allowed him to pull back. Gazing down at her, he wondered what she was thinking.

"Are you going to be able to make it home without sending someone else to the hospital? Also, what the hell are those shoes made out of?" he said chuckling.
Balastinee couldn't help but crack a smile and giggle, she was quite relieved. Issac was, wonderfully caring and funny to boot. It was like, he knew what bother her but at the same time not so much that he could read her mind, which was a good thing most likely.

"Hey, the more I send to the hospital the more Mr. Fields makes.." she smiled but instantly she lost the smiled with the second questions answer, "And it's not the shoes, it's my legs.. they can put substantial pressure on anything they kick, cause.... I'm a cyborg." She avoided his gaze again. She knew he was accepting of her, at least a little bit... but still, it was a habbit. She wasn't wanting to see anything she disliked on his face.

She twirled on her feet and continued the walk towards her home, this was starting to get a little uncomfortable for her. Yes, she liked his company, but since he didn't know her very well and she didn't know him very well.. well it left things.. a little awkward. She sighed again, when was she going to stop being the shy girl, that really was outgoing. She didn't know, but it didn't matter. She was herself and nothing would change that... hopefully.

She didn't even make sure Issac was following, she just walked, and hummed the same song as before. No emotions attached, just.. notes to a song. It was rather.. lonely to say the least. Her hands were behind her back, wrapped in eachother as she walked the pace Issac had set before. She now seemed empty minded and wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing, or where she was going. She was lost in another world, another time, as she walked closer and closer to a busy streets crosswalk. She was thinking about the accident, what had happened, at least what she remembered. She was walking across a busy street, she had the green light, but the mustang, red she thought, was speeding and ignored the stop light. It had ran her over completely, wheels and all, first slamming into her body and making her colapse as thousands of bones and muscles broke, and shattered. She then remembered being in a gerny and whispering something like 'i want to live.'

Insidently Balastinee said "I want to live," out loud, in the current time. Though she wasn't conscious of it. She was completely in the dark about what was going on around her, or the fact that she was about to cross the cross walk when it was saying no crossing.
The name was unfamiliar but they would probably meet soon enough. Her answer to the question had Issac feeling that he should have already known it. A problem now is that he might get severely pummeled if there came a moment when she was angered at him. It frightened him to think of what she could do. At least her circumstances had some advantages against drunken trouble.

Of course, these particular thoughts had clouded the fact that Bal had went ahead of him. His train of thoughts wasn't derailed until she started talking out loud. However, it did not sound like she was speaking to him or anyone else. She "wanted to live"? Was that a hint of a flashback? Bal was showing signs of post traumatic stress disorder, and she was now in the road. Not a good sign, at all. Her body then started to light up. It as a little weird to see.

"Get out of the road!" he yelled pulling her out onto the worn sidewalk.

The black sedan sounded its horn and went by recklessly. Issac flashed them the bird, as the tail lights shrunk into the dark.

"What are you doing?" Issac exclaimed frantically.

He wasn't sure if she snapped out of it, but a gaze was looking down at her with almost horrified, blue eyes. The grip of their embrace was as tight as possible. What happened had turned an already Caucasian man to almost snow. Breaths were quick and short. A brush with death was the opposite of what they needed right now.
Balastinee was shocked into the present when she was jerked backwards and a horn blared. Issac yelled at her then. She looked up at him, eyes wide. What had she done? She looked around, she didn't remember how she got here. She shook her head, Wake up woman! You almost got yourself killed AGAIN! She looked up at Issac again. He looked so... scared, though she didn't know who it was for. Him or her.

Her eye's watered but she fought them back and layed her head over his racing heart. She whispered repetatively, "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." She hugged him close she was being such a child, but she couldn't help it. She'd been an idiot, let herself get lost in thoughts, if Issac hadn't been there, she could have really died this time. There would have been no helping her if she'd be hit. She was shaking at the thought.

Putting Issac in danger was the last straw for her. She pushed away from him and looked into his eyes with sincerity. "I'm... to dangerous to be around... I'm sorry.. you shouldn't have been put in that position..." She looked the the side at the ground and put her right hand in the crevice of her left arm at her elbow. "Are you sure you want to get close to someone ... like me..."
Her emotions were so unpredictable. Moment to moment seemed like a constant spin of some game show wheel. Coupled with her apologies/self-abusive words, Issac was getting irritated at this point. His own expression changed from fear to almost anger. Bal needed was indeed dangerous, but he felt the need to pull her out of the gutter. Almost picking her up with momentum, his hands trembled in their sudden grasp of her arms.

"Look at me." he grunted, with his eyes trying to pierce through her sadness.

"If I didn't want to be close, I might not even have got your coat. It's doesn't matter what position I was put in. Good and bad things happen regardless of where anyone is. You don't have to be sorry for something that was never intentional. Now, I need you to pull yourself together and calm down." he said, trailing his voice off.

Issac's grip moved from her forearms and wrapped around her back. The hug turned into a squeeze, as he drew his body to hers. He looked off into the distance, after laying a kiss on Bal's head.

"I am here with you."
Her heart pounded as she looked at him and he yelled at her as if he were her closest friend. Her tears started falling again. The anger he was showing her was shaking her, not to mention his sudden grasp on her. She listened to every word he said, absorbed them. She looked straight in his eyes with her teary ones as he told her what she never expected to hear.

She breathed, really hard and wiped away her tears. This wasn't happening, this was all a dream, this couldn't be happening. Those were only some of the things she thought until he pulled her into a hug, her hands on his chest clutched at his jacket. She took another shuddering breath as he placed a kiss on her head. Her eyes widened and she looked up at him as best she could. Then she heard it, the phrase, the words that made her melt right into his arms. Memories of her past, people she loved, people she lost, people who loved her and hurt her. She realized.. this was a completely different feel than any of those times.

She continued to shake as her mind raced, how was she supposed to react this, she layed her ear on his chest, and listened to his heart. It was, somewhat comforting, and she remembered to breath. She laughed, not a really big laugh, just, a cute little laugh. "I... wow.. this is... well.. I am... being way to emotional. I really am not normally like this. I don't know what got into me." She pressed herself a little closer to him, not really paying atention to what she was doing. Clutching tighter at his jacket she looked up at him, tears still streaming, "Really, I promise.. I'm not normally like this." she give another, choked up laugh. She was trying to pull herself together, slowly if at all.
Whether or not she was this emotional didn't really strike as something that mattered. Though, he did feel a little white-knight like. It was rather weird. Maybe it was just the jacket tugging. Adrenaline began to slow its course and his body slowly calmed. He wanted to ask if she was okay but it might be a little too premature.

Issac's hand rubs up and down her back, in a circular motion. Tears were absorbed into his shirt and the dampness touched through to his unsuspecting chest. It warranted a little shiver. Their bodies were so close and warming that he thought they might just meld together. A flicker of red shined onto the street, putting a spotlight onto the pavement. It was the queue of the moment.

"Shall we be going? I don't think a car will be passing this time." he said, teasingly.
Balastinee smiled up at him. A small giggle escaping her lips. She sniffled and wiped the tears away again, this time they stayed away. She only stepped back a little bit, not really breaking the hug, but not really staying in it either. " Are you sure, I might just have some magnetic attraction between me and cars." she joked a little, tucking her hair behind her ear again.

She stood there a little awkward, she wasn't sure ... exactly what to do. So she just looked into his eyes as she clutched his jacket still, her eyes were alive again. Not empty as they had been. Lost, yet again, she wanted to say somthing, but she didn't know what to say. She thought for a little bit, searching in his eyes as if she'd find the answer there. Then she thought of something that should have struck her before.

She shifted a little and chuckled again. "I am so sorry, you've saved me, and you probably don't even know my name! Though I do know yours. Let me introduce myself. My name is Balastinee Rhodes." she smiled up at him, knowing that this was a little late.
Her words did not take, at first. The joke was worth a smile, but there were other things that had his attention. Issac was trying to figure why they were staring. He not used to being clutched this much. It brought a certain redness to his chilled cheeks. The proximity was starting take a toll on him. Wouldn't movie actors have had their telling first kiss? There wasn't even a certainty that a desire to do so was present. It was the stare. Taking him down into a place that felt like schoolyard crushing.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Rhodes." he muttered finally.

His hand rolled over her arm and help onto the clutching on the jacket. A smile painted itself on his face. Feeling their body warmth, Issac chuckled and patted Bal kindly.
Balastinee blushed lightly as she felt his hand over hers. She saw his smile and looked back down at their hands nervousness rushing over her. The patting on the head almost did her in, though it made her feel a little more childish, she almost didn't care. In fact she was trying to ignore that feeling right now.

She looked back up at Issac, looking composed now and she let herself give a small smiled, "You know... you can just call me Bala or Bal, since I call you Issac. I would think it's only fair, yes? Plus.. I don't like the formalness of 'Ms. Rhodes'. I makes me sound stuck up."

She shifted on her feet and relized she still had her hand on his chest, she didn't know if it was making him uncomfortable, though.. she didn't really want to move it. She sighed internally and slowly moved her hand off his chest, a small smile still on her face.
Issac responded with a breathy chuckle. Looking down, her hand left it's spot on his chest. A feeling of emptiness taken over, as he could still imagine her pressing palm on it's previous place. His brain screamed that Bal's hand was wanted back. Of course, if he said it out loud, she would probably think him crazy.

"Fair enough, Bala." he hesitated

His finger tips rested on her abdomen, and then moved so Issac's hand could take hold of her side. Blinking, he debated again whether a kiss would be too much. Unfortunately, the sneaky rain decided for him. The rain drops came down like a divine artillery. He was soaked with a few seconds.

Balastinee, was shocked, so shocked by his touch, that she forgot to breath for a moment. In that same moment, excitement thrilled through her stomach, through her whole body, and she had to resist the urge to shiver. Her thoughts going a mile a minute as she felt his closeness, the rush of his breath on her skin sending chills down her spine. Rain water falling on her skin, her hair soggy and almost black instantly and her dress sticking to her skin. Her breath came faster as her lips quivered, her body leaning in closer to him, she didn't know what this feeling was, what this need was, but she wanted to find out.

She let her body do what it wanted, she tilted her head up, rain falling on her face. Getting on her toes, a hand replaced its self on his chest as the other softly held him gently at the nape of his neck, pulling down slightly. Just so, that their lips would feather light, but as she held it there she pressed a little more into him, the kiss getting ever so deeper. Bala's heart was pounding in her head, or was that Issac's? She couldn't tell, her thought's were muddled, and she liked it.

When she broke off the kiss, her face was obviously flushed, and they were both drenched. Soaked so through was her dress that if she had realized how bad it was she would have been glad that she had her jacket. Knowing that white and water don't normally mix. That wasn't what was on her mind though. She was staring up at Issac's cerulean eye's with her own gold-flecked amber ones. She was speachless and embarassed. How could she have done that, they barely knew eachother and she'd already kissed him. She blushed even more, but refused to look away, she wanted to know how he'd react. Plus, her hands were still where she'd placed them, and apparently, her body didn't want to move them. She stood there in wait for what would happen next.
What was this? It happened rather quickly. He couldn't stop it. He refused to stop it. Her gentle touch cascaded good feelings over him and it so wonderful when their lips touched. Issac could have sworn he stopped breathing. Pressing his lips into hers, as she did the same, the rain just kept purposely pouring.

Just like that Bal pulled away, leaving him a confused, surprised, and mentally dismantled mess. She was red and so was he. They just stared at one another, and waited for something to happen. With his free hand, Issac placed his fedora over the redness on his cheeks. No words were coming out but he thinks they knew what was going on in eachother's heads. That kiss had seriously affected this quick connection. It them seemed to have hurled it into somewhere between crush and relationship. He wasn't sure if either of those things were plausible in such a short time.

Issac had to see if this was for real. He wanted another tiny taste of his new friend. Moving his fedora up enough to reveal some of his face, he leaned in again. Her hands seem to still be in their place, so his bottom lip began to softly rub and flick upon Bal's top lip. Teasingly, he squeezed her side. Pulling away, Issac realized they had some place to go and it was starting to get cold. Huffing, he grabbed her hand and led her in the general direction of where they were walking.

"W-We should really get you home, Bala." he declared.
Balastinee's heart practically stopped when he leaned down again, teasing both her lip and her sides. She couldn't stop the shiver or the tiny moan that she let out softly. Her body trying to pull its self closer to him, but he ended the sweet second kiss so quickly and backed away she felt the need for more. She was surprised at herself. She never knew she would behave like this with anyone. At least until she got to know them better. The only thing was, she felt like she'd known him for like.. forever.

She realised that she had been standing in the rain for a really long time with him and almost started to worry. Was she already to wet? Would she be okay? At least.. the doctor said that water couldn't hurt her unless directly put under the special skin, but could she risk it. She'd have to, she wanted to. She wanted as much time as she could with Issac. She let him lead her on, smiling at his strong hand in her's. She squeezed lightly as she walked with ease, catching up to him to walk side by side. She fixed their hand hold so it would be more comfortable.

She walked steadily, no more accidents seemed to happen as they walked closer and closer to her home. She was getting nervous. Should she invite him in? It was raining. She couldn't let him get sick because of her, but what if her rejected the offer? How would she pass anything off as normal when nothing that happened this night had been normal? She stopped herself from sighing, what did it matter, what happens happens. It can't be helped. If worst came to worst, she would just hand him an unbrella with few words said between them. She was completely silent as she walked with Issac, well.. not completely. She was humming a cute song and bouncing her head a little bit, but she was paying close attention to what she was doing. Stopping and going when she had to, a small smile on her face the whole way.
Little by little, the entrance seeped into his view. They sploshed and splashed through small puddles, making a wet trail to the lighted doorway. The lightbulb was a golden incandescent that gave enough shine that he could see how wet they really were. Droplets ran down both of their coats and they were just standing there now. Hidden from light, he shook and tried a little extra water off.

Issac's relief was felt in his exhaled breath. Letting go of Bal's hand, he stood up straight and waited for something to happen. He looked over to her, half-expecting a wave and quick slip inside. Though, Bal didn't seem like that cold of a woman. She could do anything, and damn him if didn't let her.

"Do we knock or do you have a key?" he asked, very unsure of his next move.
Bala was sad that he had let go of her hand, but kept a smile on her face. She was about to answer him when someone opened the door. The lady at the door looked about 30 and had a soft smile on her face, though it also looked kind of shocked. Bala instantly started to blush more looking at the woman with pleading eyes. The woman chuckled and grabbed both of their arms and dragged them into the foyer.

When the older woman spoke, it was clear and sweet like water, "go ahead and take off your jackets here and hang them on the hooks, there are two showers so you can both take one. You young man may borrow Mr. Fields clothing. I am Mrs. Fields by the way, one of Bala's adoptive parents. I'm actually glad Bala has finally brought someone home. Is he a knew friend?"

Bala blushed even more, "Y..Yeah, well I've known him for a while, but he didn't really know me till today I think." She looked up at Issac, "is that right Issac?" She asked this as she slipped off her coat, turning to hang it up. Her coat really had soaked through, cause her dress was wet too, and it was quite see through. She still hadn't noticed and Mrs. Fields had turned around to see if she could find something really quick.
Issac decided it was best to start silently and just nod politely to the kind woman. Putting his coat on the hanger, he noticed the now see through dress. Walking around her, he pervertedly took in all of her female form and saved it in his head forever. She was quite the inviting young woman, in the manner of outside beauty. Intelligently, he turned away and acted as if he didn't even notice. Trying to find something to do, and not look in Bal's direction again, he begins to take off his shoes.

"What a nice home you have, Mrs. Fields. How do you keep it so clean?" he said trying to make conversation.