Two RPs Enter, One RP Leaves

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Welcome to the Interestdome, where I pitch two RP prompts and the most popular gets posted!

For starters, I've been around sites like these enough to know low post/message counts can be off-putting when someone is making content. I'd like to attempt to assuage some of those concerns. For the past ten to eleven years, I've been spending my free time on sites such as this, honing my craft. As such, some of my RP methods may be a little unorthodox. This is because after so many years, you get an idea of what works, what doesn't, and what keeps players engaged.

But enough of that. Let's get to it! If either of these catch your interest, feel free to toss your hat in.

I – Valkyries: Occult Warfare
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Horror
Rating: Mature/Adult for: Blood/gore, scenes of visceral violence, sexual themes, culturally/socially sensitive material
Max Players: 7
Plot-based Roles: Yes

Since the dawn of the Fourth Aeon of Earth, there has been a delicate Balance between the Known World and the Secret World. For as long as can be remembered by those entrusted with the Eldritch Truth, the Balance has been maintained by secret societies, occult organizations, and shadowed cabals across the world. Standing as the bastion between blissful ignorance and maddening insight, these organizations – called Vigils – must act as judge, jury, and executioner when the Balance is threatened. Most Vigils dedicate themselves to the safeguarding of mankind, swearing themselves to archaic and arcane oaths and creeds to slay the beast and burn the witch wherever they may be found, but few realize that the Balance must be maintained on both sides for the greater good of all. Such is the burden of the Valkyries.

Founded out of the necessity to quell both mortal and supernatural threats to the Balance, the Valkyries draw their ranks from all sides of the Secret and Known World. When a Templar Chapter grows overzealous in their slaying of monsters, it is the Valkyries that sweep down on wings of wrath and fury. You are to be a Valkyrie, one of the empowered, skilled, and dedicated occult specialists entrusted with the keeping of the Eldritch Truth.

II – Into the Blightlands
Genre: Wuxia High Fantasy
Rating: Mature/Adult for: Blood/gore, scenes of visceral violence, sexual themes, culturally/socially sensitive material
Max Players: 7
Plot-based Roles: Yes

Generations ago, the gods were slain by mortals – a feat thought impossible by all under the sun and moon. Sorcery from the darkest corners of creation broke the Divine Cycle, and the world perished. What was once lush became desolation and decay. Freed from the Night Prison, daemonic spirits flooded the world on a tide of blood and madness. The corruption of the Shayol turned the land sick; rivers ran crimson and all that was green and good withered. Few remember the world before teh Blighting, but they seek to preserve the knowledge and memory of a batter world for those to follow, to give them hope. Something the Blightlands are always quick to take.

One such beacon of hope, the Thangka, has been lost. What is considered the last remaining relic of the gods, the final sliver of infinity and divinity left in a scourged and forsaken land, was stolen away from the great Temple-City of Gungmen. For the first time in many centuries, the Seven Barons set aside their old feuds and grudges as they seek to return the Divine Tapestry to its rightful place.
Both of these sound intriguing, but I think I'm leaning toward Into the Blightlands.

Either way, I hope one takes off for you. c:
Blightlands, for being more Fantasy than Urban.

Perhaps I could help with terminology.
Occult Warfare sounds wonderful. It reminds me of Bloodborne, actually, but tweaked enough not to feel samey.
Occult Warfare sounds wonderful. It reminds me of Bloodborne, actually, but tweaked enough not to feel samey.
Interesting that you thought of Bloodborne. Its more along the lines of Secret World and Dresden Files.
Blightlands does sound quite interesting, leaves room for interesting character development between the barons
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