Two Times, One Sword (Closed)

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"I'm not sure." replied Yori. He lifted the package so that Jiro could read the name. It seemed ridiculous to ask if Jiro recognized it, hoping instead Jiro would add insight to the matter. Jiro shrugged. It wasn't like the name would be unique. However, he could shake off his feeling surrounding it. Was it intuition?

He opened the package again and started to shuffle though the parts. Although they were simple replacement parts, they still didn't belong to this time. It was possible the his sister fed Gin advances in technology, but so quickly? It would make sense if the parts came from a factory. Making such parts by hand was impractical, especially if parts had to come in bulk. It explained Gin's mass produced army. Assembly line production was supposed to be in a later era.

"A whole lot more of these parts were in the supply line we raided, parts that will never reach Gin's hands. Melted into slag." Yori still didn't seem too happy, though. "If only we knew where these parts were made. Liberate and burn those workshops to the ground. Watch as Gin's golems break apart, piece by piece..."

"Let's focus on the now." urged Jiro.
Yori nodded. "You should get changed into some new clothes and get some sleep. I'll keep studying these parts." Perhaps he could find more clues, or jury-rig something to use in a fight. The raid had come at a heavy price. Jiro's white robe was stained red with the blood of innocents. To not use everything they got from the raid would dishonor them even further.
"You need sleep too." said Jiro.
"We'll take shifts." Yori said. He was about to say he wouldn't be able to sleep anyway, but it wasn't like Jiro was going to sleep easy either. Last time he had to be knocked out.
"I'll take first shift then." said Jiro.
"The parts..."
"Go to sleep." insisted Jiro.
Yori nodded and lied down facing away from Jiro. Jiro briefly cleaned their simple camp. He could see a pillar of black smoke continue to billow far in the distance. Barrels of oil were in the supply line? The smoke was a clear message to Gin they were close.
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"WHAT DO MEAN IT WAS DESTROYED!" Gin roared, and stood up from his throne.

"The transport was raided and burned. The body's of the slaves were found cut to ribbons." a gold golem reported.

"YANG!" Gin called.

"Yes my lord!" the golem stepped into the room.

"Sweep the forest, burn it down if you have to, find the insects who did this!"

"Right away my lord." Yang took his leave.

"Neza! Katsume! Waru! Mei! All of you be ready for war." he growled.

"YES MY LORD!" All said saluting him.


"Yori we have to go, wake up. We poked the hornets nest and the swarm is coming for us right now." Jiro shook him awake. He quickly changed into some new clothes, grabbed his sword, and made sure Yori was ready.

The sound of heavy trudging again the forest floor echoed off the trees, the soldiers weren't upon them yet. Yori woke in a haze, his systems quickly getting him past the grogginess of sleep. "All systems nominal." it reported. "Alright lets sneak around to the compound, we can't afford a battle out here." Yori spoke quietly.

Jiro nodded and the two made their way out. They moved through the forest as best they could, though they were halted by thick patrols making sneaking no longer possible. "We need to find where the forces are the most spars, break the line." Jiro spoke. They kept moving until they found a group of four: Two Gold Golems, and two Iron. "We strike here Yori, but we need be smart about this. As little noise as possible, but enough force to take them out quickly. What do you think?"
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Yori looked blankly at Jiro. Although it seemed like his systems were fine, he couldn't get himself to think of a solution.

"Are you alright?" implored Jiro. "Usually you're the one making the plans."
"The last plan I suggested -"
"Worked." finished Jiro. "We must act upon whatever opportunity presents itself. You reminded me of that. Focus. Here's my plan."

Once Jiro had relayed his plan to Yori, Yori found himself back in the proper mindset. He wasn't alone in making decisions in order to end Gin's reign of terror. He pointed out flaws in Jiro's plan, but they were quickly addressed. The plan needed a distraction; otherwise it was more possible the golems would escape. In planning to destroy golems, Yori felt himself belong to the side of righteousness again. There was no moral ambiguity like with the raid. Such actions were rare in the future - they were often as grey as the sun-dying and polluted sky of future earth. As planned, Yori was handed possession of the Aqwuis Stone. In the brief contact Jiro and Yori had in touching the stone at the same time, Jiro imparted his knowledge of how to generate water from it.

A jet of hot water suddenly shot out at the group of the four golems, creating a thick mist. Eventually jets from above hit and knocked the gold golems down, and pushed back the iron golems into the ground. At the same time the ground suddenly caved from underneath them. While they were scrambling to get back up on the sloped earth while they couldn't see through the mist, they realized that they were also sinking in swirling mud, made by the water. Before they could call out for help, a torrent of flame lit up through the mists, engulfing the four golems. As they were melting, a dome covered them like a furnace. Jiro and Yori ran through the mist before it dissipated.
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The samurai would route accordingly so they could keep using this tactic sparingly and to small groups. Finally they broke through to the gates of the stronghold, an air of maliciousness fill the atmosphere. The smell of hot metal, oil, and stale blood all mixed together in the hot night air. The forest line broke into cliff and steep drop off fell into what looked like a pit of black smoke.


Jiro took a good look around, scouting to see any guards, and saw only a few. "We're in luck, the alert dew most of the outside guards into the forest. If we're fast enough we can get inside. On my mark, and stay low." Jiro waited a few more seconds then dashed for the first doorway. He waited for a guard to pass then ran for the main gate. He quickly stopped just around the corner "Damn two guards on the gate...." he whispered. "We need another way in...." he went back along the wall, looking for any opening he could. Eventually he spotted cracked window one floor up.

The two samurai made their way up, Jiro making footholds in the stone wall of building. The window lead to a dark store room. "Alright I think we can relax a bit here. Where should he go from here, it's most likely that Gin will be at the top, though I can't be certain."
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Yori drank some crisp, cool water, fresh from the Aqwuis Stone, and passed the stone for Jiro to do the same. The water was so clean. Yori had almost forgotten how much his body had gotten used to this time.

We have a gauntlet ahead of us." affirmed Yori, reading between Jiro's lines. The fact that Gin was at the top meant that he expected any intruders to face whatever remained in the fortress. They were lucky that most of the army was outside looking for raiders, but with any mission, it required much more skill to be a success. "Do you hear that?"

Jiro shook his head, and Yori placed his ear on the ground. His metal hand stretched out, feeling the subtle vibrations. He placed a finger on his lips and placed the box of parts he had looted on a shelf closest to the door, then hid with Jiro under a tarp. The door opened. There was a hesitance in the shadow the golem that had entered, but it soon left.

Yori breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
"What was that about?" said Jiro.
"The golem forge is underneath us." said Yori.
"You heard it?" Jiro said in astonishment.
"As well as the approaching golem." Yori replied casually.
"What about the parts?"
"I wanted them to be taken. Tracking device is in it." The same one that they had tagged Alexandria with.
"How could you know it would be taken?"
"A guess. Taking a re-inventory seemed likely since we made their parts incredibly sparse."
"So, that's where we're heading."
Yori nodded solemnly.
"You think there's other golems left to be activated there, to close in on us from behind while we make it to the top?"
"As well as the Mr. Himura written on the box." said Yori grimly. "He cannot be allowed to escape. Whatever his role, he's as guilty as Gin is."
"I know how much you want to destroy the forge and execute justice, but we must choose our battles wisely."
"You're right." said Yori. "I admit that both really appeal to me, but it's more than that. Suppose we kill Gin, but Mr. Himura escapes. What would stop him from rebuilding golems when we're gone, with warriors like Gin and his generals?"
"Nothing." Jiro admitted. "The cycle of suffering would continue. Is there really no end to the shadow of Gin's outstretched hand?"
"There is another reason why the forge is important. It's the best place for an uncontrolled fire to spread."
"The fortress, a funeral pyre. A light to vanquish the shadow."
"Our mission must be a complete one, no loose ends. It will be a true gauntlet."
"It will be an honor."
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The two sneaked through the fortress halls, taking every opportunity to head further down. The heat got to the point where the two were sweating buckets... the forage. Peering around the corner, through the heat and haze, they saw brass golems running around and repairing different golem units. "We need to move through here, the tracker is showing the parts behind that lavafall." Yori pointed.

"Very well." Jiro drew his blade and ran into the room, and started cutting left and right. The medical golems went into a panic with no one left to defend them. "Come on Yori!" he called.

*BEEP!* *BEEP!* Himura's tablet went off. He was back down in his workshop fiddling with Hotaru. He picked up his tablet and nearly dropped it. He sealed the entryway to his workshop with a large iron door. "Hotaru defend your father!" he ordered.

The remains of general jerked to life "Yes father..." she stood up and walked in front of the door, waiting for the coming samurai. "Protect. Protect. Protect." her shell kept repeating.

Himura hid in a box, and sent Gin a warming message.


"I will send a party down to-"

"Enough! You've failed me and now the fight is here! No more going after them, all of you take position. I have to arm myself properly." he smirked behind his mask, and left the throne room. All the generals split of, the final chapter was coming.
Yori signaled for Jiro to stand back from the metal door. It was highly reinforced, which was odd. Doors weren't supposed to be like this in the past. Then Yori's eyes widened. He knew this door.

"This doesn't belong here." Yori muttered. A subtler method of using his powers like a oxyacetylene torch would take too long, and the target would escape. He turned to Jiro. "Once it's down, kill whatever's on the other side." Yori clenched both of his fists and fire rotated around them. At the same time, Yori shifted to a sideways stance, his legs whirring, the gears overheating. Jiro could see how much energy he was putting into the attack, but couldn't understand why. All this for a door?

With a fierce battle cry, Yori extended both of his arms and unleashed a torrent of fire onto the door exactly at the spot where main locking mechanism was on the other side. A moment after, Yori activated his rocket boosters and side kicked the door. The door crashed open. In his path now was Hotaru, yet not Hotaru. Her eyes were empty, devoid of emotion. There wasn't a hint of shock on her face. Casually, she grabbed Yori's leg of his forward kick, and swung him around, hurling him to crash violently against a wall, knocking the wind out of him.

"Protect." The attention was now on Jiro. Yori looked up but couldn't stand. He had expended a lot of energy to make sure the door was taken down cleanly.
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"Yori!" Jiro drew his sword. This was one of Gins generals so why did she look so aweful?

"Protect!" Hotaru yelled and came at Jiro with blazing punch. The flame was huge and uncontroable. The samurai dodged out of the, flames licking at him. Bits of the wall were singed and smoldering. "Protect!" She yelled again and shot a huge ball of flame at the samurai. *Boom!* It exploded in a hot burst, parts of the workshop were now burning. "Protect!" She charged up for another fire ball.

"Enough!" Jiro pulled out the Aquis Stone and a large torrent of water shot out. It tore through Hotaru and hit the wall behind her.

The golem fell to her knees "Yori.... help me...." she looked tonhim in a moment of clarity.
Yori slowly stood up against the wall he had been thrown to as the battle raged. As the water from the Aqwuis Stone crashed down on the golem, Yori heard her voice. Without thinking he ran towards her.

"Jiro, stop!" he yelled, running between the path of the torrent and Hotaru. He didn't know what he was doing. He thought about the women in his past life, those dead because he had failed to save them, of Alexandria. As soon as he was close enough, the golem's eyes glazed over, again as a zombie, charging another ball of fire. Yori outstretched his hand and met her fire with his. Mist enveloped them as the combined fire grew. The golem's fire didn't feel the same as it once was - passionless.

"Come on," said Yori. "This isn't who you are."
Yori pressed on, gradually exerting more force. "Fight it!"
Sparks came into her eyes again. The fire she was pushing out to combat Yori's was still growing weaker, but it felt more energetic, jubilant, free. On her lips she formed the words, 'thank you'. She suddenly gave out, and before Yori could hold back, the force of Yori's blast blew up the metal body. Yori stumbled over the husk and saw that the stone inside was still glowing. Yori cupped it gently in his hand, fed it flickers of flame, to prevent the stone from fading away. He didn't know why he had done what he did. She wasn't Alexandria. He remembered their last fight in the skies. At last the stone's glow faded, becoming inert. He pocketed it as the mist cleared.
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Jiro didn't understand what was going on, but slowly he realized that this fight was turning into the same one he had with Alexandria. *Boom!* The workshop was coming down fast "Yori we have to go!" He said before running out of the room, Yori in toe.

When they made it out then found themselves in a long stretch of hallway, with a few doors on each wall. No one seemed to be around "Let's rest here for a moment." Jiro said leaning against a wall. He looked at Yori "Are you okay? I don't mean just physically either."
"Let's press on." Yori replied.
"Not until you tell me what's going on."
His shoulders slumped. "I let the perp escape."
"That's not it."
"You calling me a liar?"
"No, but it's not the whole story. Please, talk to me. I'm your friend. It hurts me to see you like this."
"Like what?" Yori raised his hand to his face, touched the tear flowing from his human eye.
Jiro placed a hand on Yori's shoulder. "You told me to stop. Why?"
"She called to me, to help her."
"What?" Jiro said in astonishment.
"A last ditch effort, maybe, to trick me into creating an opening that would allow her to kill us both. Yelling stop, for example."
"But you don't believe that."
"I want to. It's the only way it makes sense."
"That doesn't explain why you intervened."
"Mr. Himura turned her into a mindless machine. I had to free her."
"You saw a parallel between it and Alexandria?"
"Yes, but in your words, it's not the whole story. Ayako, Rin, Hisae, Alex. I saw all those faces, faces of women I failed to save."
"There was more to your relationship with her."
Yori covered his face with his hands. "It's absurd. She worked for Gin. We were enemies."
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"Yes but you also had a huge battle with her, so I think you had a rivalry-" *CLANG!* there was a sound coming from the door in front of them. Jiro placed his hand on his sword and opened the door.

"If you're going to finish me get it over with!" Himura was standing in a corner of the medical room, a scalpel in his shaking hand.

"Yori it's Himura we've got him cornered."

Yori entered the room, vengeance blazing in his eyes. Yet... looking at the man something was telling him he knew him. Was a benefactor of Paxcorp? An employee maybe? Whatever he was he needed to answer for his crimes, but this feeling of familiarity wouldn't leave.

"I'll guard the door. Do what you will." Jiro closed the door.

"Well aren't you a clunky design?" Himura said shakily.
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"And what about your design, Mr. Himura?" responded Yori. "You take people and mutilate them, build golems for a madman."
Himura looked and gestured at Yori's sword. "Might as well get on with it, if all we're going to do is have a pissing match."
"Tell me why."
"I really don't see the point."
"I know you're from the future." It was an admission by the tone that Yori had said it, to show he didn't know much.
"I won't reveal anything that you don't already know." maintained Himura.
"This is about closure. For Alexandria, for the golem you threw --"
"Her name was Hotaru."
"And I care about each of my creations, you clunky tin can." Himura continued. "So if you're going to right some kind of time rift that my leaving opened them do it now." he looked Yori dead in the eye, though his eyes were full of fear. The samurai went to grip the man by the collar, but Himura quickly brought the scalpel to within inches of his neck. "Or maybe I shouldn't give you the satisfaction, you Paxcorp lapdog." his voice trembled.

Yori backed off a little "How do you... how do you where I come from?" he squinted.

"Oh please Paxton always liked the hostile military look for his lackeys. I over saw the entire project you came out of, the worst years of my career. Taking children from vats and turning them into something twisted. Judging by your gear outfit, or whats left, you somewhere between vat 101 to 105. Johns personal collection..." Himura started to relax sensing that his words where getting through the cyborg.

Yori was taken back by the detail this man spoke, and just then "File found Haru Himura. Missing persons report. Leader and chief R&D officer at Paxcorp. Foremost authority in the fields of cybernetics and robotics." His system altered him. Yori took a few steps back "You're Haru Himura? THE Haru Himura?"

"Has your system finally caught up with whats going on?"

"Yes Mr. Himura. My name is Yori, and I was in charge of your case file when you went missing." Yori shifted to be a little more formal.

"Case file?"

"Yes, sometime ago I escaped Paxcorp and joined the Kami 5 police force. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you sooner."

"So you left Paxton?" he put the scalpel down. "So you can be trust then?... So you and the boy were the one's in the forest?"

"Yes sir, we were out of food and running low on moral." Yori shrugged.

"Well good for you, Gin was not happy with that, the entire place is on lock down... but clearly not well enough." Gin smirked. He sat down "So Yori how do you plan on getting back to the future?"

"The Goddess Amaterasu has promised me safe passage back to the future once we save the past."

"Alright... Well I want to go back as well, I miss working plumbing and a proper lab. I miss my family... and I hate what I'm doing here."

"Yes I can imagine." Yori nodded.

"Can you?" Himura got really intense. "The amount of people I've mutilated over the years. Hotaru alone switched bodies more times then I can count. Then there were the failed experiments like the knight you took out. Every time I close my eyes I see their faces Yori, screaming in pain, so no I don't think you can imagine what I have been doing here." there was a long pause between them. "If you promise me the same safe passage then I will give you all of Gin's secrets."

"Now now father, Lord Gin wouldn't want that." a voice came from no where. A black void opened up behind Himura, dead bony fingers wrapping around the mans mouth. Waru slowly appearing behind him. "So You're the one Naza calls brother. We are looking forward to crushing you soon." he smiled, his eye turning to a toothy grin. He pulled Himura into the void and vanished.

"YORI GET OUT HERE!" Jiro called. Outside the corridor was swarming with brass golems, weak, but swarming.
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Yori ran towards Jiro, jumping over a falling beam from the ceiling. He had wanted to ensure that the destruction of the workshop was complete, but now he had to trust that he'd be back to ensure that nothing like Neza would happen again. It was his failure in not destroying the body of Ayako that allowed Gin to make the one known as Neza, a valuable general in his army.

Jiro and Yori were now in a sea of gold. The movements of the golems as individuals no longer mattered. It was like cutting tidal waves. It was like the trial that they had faced though the Aqwuis Stone activated by Amaterasu's tears. Yori flames melted the golems as his sword cut through them like butter, but it wasn't as though their bodies evaporated. Jiro was now fighting and moving bodies at the same time, pushing walls of golem bodies by moving whatever residual minerals, whatever 'earth' there was in their components. They were pushing for inches.

While he had been building up walls to cover their flanks, Yori noticed Jiro was also assembling something in a separate pile. They didn't talk, because they didn't have the luxury, and Yori took a guess, changing to a one-handed style of fighting so that he could smelt the metal with a jet of flame. It was taking shape. It was a wedge.

"RA!" Jiro yelled, hurtling the makeshift giant wedge though an opening in the enclosing gold golem formation, breaking through walls. Jiro and Yori ran close behind as the front side of the wedge sharply drove into the sea, while the shape of the wedge itself split that opening further apart. They ran through the darkness from the opening that they had made.

After Jiro and Yori dug through the earth, Yori now heating the wedge to ensure that it cut neatly, while Jiro moved the wedge and the disheveled earth around it to pile up behind them to barricade their pursuers. They soon broke into another corridor. The gold golems were continuing to claw though the earth that was pushed behind the two samurai. There were wooden stairs up to the floor above them. These were unlike the stone stairs the two had descended to get to the workshop.

They ran up the stairs only to see a door just as out of place. It was also wooden, with spiral carvings etched into the front, and a menacing eye in the center, with an intricate overlay of beads, hemp, and feathers. If one looked closely enough to the door, there were finer etchings, of faces, warped in terror.
The golems were at there backs, clawing up the staircase. "We need to move!" Jiro shouted and kicked the door open. He pulled Yori in and slammed it shut "There that should keep them out." he turned to see Yori a bit put off.

"Jiro where are we?" he muttered.
Before them was a floor of the fortress that smelled of smoke, and a thick layer of ash hung in the air. Everything had a gray tint to it, was a fire damaged floor? Had the fires from the below reached up here?

"You shouldn't be here." a voice came for their left.

Jiro turned to see a small child covered in ash, but as Jiro approached the boy ran. "Wait... this place feels like the academy.... but much more sinister.

"You are fools to have followed me here! To my own domain!" It was Waru's voice. "Now I can show you how weak you truly are!" everything went silent for a moment.

"Come on we have to move!" Jiro didn't waste time in following the voice. However something was quick to catching him. "Ahhhh..." an ashen woman popped out of the wall and grabbed Jiro, pulling him close to her. "Fool... Fool..." she ripped a piece of pointed wood straight out of her own body and brought it to Jiro's neck, he pushing his sword with as much leverage as he could. "Yori help!" he called out.

"Fool..." a woman came from the fool and grabbed Yori's feet. "No.... stay...." she said.

Yori struggled as the woman from the ground crawled up his leg. In dead weight, she was becoming heavier. It wasn't simply because of her dead weight, but something else. The image of Hotaru crawled into his mind, the overwhelming feeling of loss draining him. There was another presence inside, however, fighting against the darkness, a strength not his own.

He super-heated his metal parts with the fire stirring within him. The woman around him shrieked as what remained of her flesh started to burn and melt into an ooze. Once she let go of him, Yori clasped his sword and in an upward stroke cut her head from her shoulders and ran to help Jiro. The wooden stake was inches from Jiro's neck.

"BROTHER!" Yori yelled. Yoko's voice and his own were one in that instant. A long thin spear of fire burst from the tip of his extended finger. It entered the head of the ashen woman which caused it to explode. There had been no time for Yori to use his sensors to make such a perfect shot. It was Yoko's resoluteness that didn't waver, while he had almost been dragged down into hell for his guilt.
More ashen figures started to claw from the ground. Jiro got away from the wall as fast as possible, so that he and Yori were standing back to back.

"Was that my sister?" said Jiro.
Yori nodded. "We are very lucky to have her by our side."
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"Interesting... you have a guardian to? You and your sister are very much a like... I hate that." Waru's voice echoed.

The monsters circled them, coming at them two at time. "AAAHHHH!" they screamed slashing at the two.


"Yori we have to move!" Jiro said cutting down one of monsters.

"Go where!" he replied slicing one in half.

"Where indeed! This is my domain!" Waru laughed.

"Yori I can feel Waru's power we have to down that big hall." Yoko pointed to a hallway a few feet away.

"Jiro the hallway! We have to end this!" Yori called out.

"On it!" Jiro stabbed his sword into the wooden floor "Rokkuu~ēbu!" A burst of sharp rocks rocket up through the floor and surrounded the two samurai. He turned his sword and the pointed rocks shot out and pushed the monsters against the wall. "Yori burst, burn them all!"

"You wretches leave my monsters alone!" Waru shouted.
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Balls of fire shot from Yori's hands, colliding with the monsters pinned by the rocks. The monsters burst from the inside, screaming in agony. The sound resonated in the ears of the two warriors. They ran down the hallway, away from the light of Yori's burning fire.

"I will enjoy making you scream." Waru's voice shook, bubbling from a mixture of hatred and perverse joy.
"No matter what he says," Yoko said, "He can't be allowed to break our focus."
"I know who you are, guardian." Waru chuckled. "Do you remember the day when my Master visited you?"
"He will try to use our fears against us."
"Oh how you shamelessly squealed like a piggy in front of your brother, skewered by my Master's sword."

"Which way?" said Yori. The hallway diverged into multiple paths. Walls themselves seemed to warp, wobbly like liquid.
"I..." Yoko stammered. "I don't know." The darkness of his domain crept over her. She was like a candle. She had been snuffed out that day. What made today any different?
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"Yori which way!" Jiro called as the sound on monsters came from the hall behind them.

Yori was looking at each of the paths "Yoko?"

"I don't...." her eyes darted around the room.

"Choose wisely guardian otherwise you're friends will be joining you in the after life!" Waru cackled.

Yori could sense his partners dread "Yoko calm down. You are a member of then Ieyoshi family, you can do this. Don't let Waru's tricks distract you."

"You're... You're right." she took a deep breath in and exhaled. "I can feel his power form down there, that's the way to go." she pointed to the fourth path. The two samurai were quick to run down it only to be met with a dark room and the door shutting behind them.

Waru's laugh echoed in their ears "Idiots! Idiots! IDIOTS! AHAHAHAHA! Now you die! I'll let my pet devour, she hasn't eaten in a while. Oh and take solace guardian, there was no right way." he chuckled.

In the darkness they could hear a growl, and slowly seven blue lights came to life all around them. Each revealed more of the monster before them. A large fox monster was looming over them, sword in it's teeth, and the tips of it's a blaze with blue fire. "TIME TO EAT!" Waru laughed once more before going quiet.

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